------------------------------- "RUS-DX" # 1297 Sunday / 7 July 2024 ------------------------- Russia - broadcasting, radio communications, television, internet, high tech. QSL world. World DX news. ----------------------------------------- Time: UTC --------------------------------- Editor: Anatoly Klepov --------------------------------- QTH: Moscow, Russia --------------------------------- E-mail: rusdx@yandex.ru Web site: http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdx Blog (QSL & photo): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------------------- The first issue was published in January 1991. ------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX" as source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, but here is only a machine translation. Machine translation: http://translate.google.ru & https://translate.yandex.ru/ & https://www.bing.com/translator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ============== EDITOR'S NEWS ============== - I am always glad to receive your letters, comments and observations. Thank you! For the 30th anniversary of the publication, within 7 months, a lot of varied material about radio and DX hobbies was published. Much was left unsaid or, for various reasons, was not reflected in print, so write to the editor with your questions and your stories from the world of radio and hobbies. Also write about your page or blog on the Internet. I wonder what programs and what radio stations you like to listen to on the air. What do you read about radio on the Internet? Write about your publications - it's interesting. - In the meantime, two new topics from the World Wide Web - the Internet. August 15, 1924 - 100 years ago the first issue of the Radio Amateur magazine was published. What they wrote about radio in that distant time. Magazine "Radio Amateur" No. 1 / 1924. ----------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/I44NoD-wgXjCVA https://docs.yandex.ru/docs/view?url=ya-disk- public%3A%2F%2F0KNF82xJ4ZvhVpt4ZASAebAd2Be4PDdg6T23w3lW5Te1SnX25kI9P21lnwDpm6p3q%2FJ6bpm RyOJonT3VoXnDag%3D%3D&name=rl1 924_01.pdf&nosw=1 As a child, I often listened to many different programs and radio plays on the radio. Now, of course, it's a different time, and the Internet and television have replaced radio, but I remember that time with nostalgia, when there were many interesting radio programs. Below is an article about radio today. Radio in the USSR: what it was like and what we lost. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- A radio host with 30 years of experience tells the story. Favorite radio programs and magical voices that all Soviet people knew. Funny incidents and ridiculous slips on air. "Punctures" of radio presenters, because of which popular programs were closed. What is heard on the waves of numerous radio stations today? Are there any "new Levitans" among the presenters? Have you, dear reader, ever tried to listen to what modern radio presenters are broadcasting? I'm not talking about the news, I'm talking about the meaningless chirping that DJs use to fill the space between songs, supposedly to keep us from getting bored. If not, try listening at least once. The author of the article is journalist Alexey Khotyanovsky. The article was specially written for publication on the Zen channel "IN LIFE AND IN CINEMA." I have always been interested: by what criteria are presenters selected to work on the radio today? Probably something like this: A young girl comes to the casting and they say to her: "Can you give us some nonsense for three minutes?" - "Can!" - the applicant joyfully answers and gives it away. And she is approved. Nobody pays attention to the content of the text, not to mention the correct pronunciation and basic literacy. So we get all these "go" instead of "go" on the air, not to mention the incorrect accents all the time and obscure slang. I don't want to be grumpy in any way, but having worked at a variety of radio stations for 30 years and produced a huge number of talk programs, I hope I have the right to talk about what kind of radio we have lost. And to do this, let's go back in time. Let us leave aside the question of chronology in the invention of radio. Who was first - Popov, Marconi or Tesla - it is simply incorrect to pose the question this way. Let's talk about that radio that many have seen and remember with a slight sense of nostalgia. Details in Russian - https://dzen.ru/a/ZmSfYENswXWnbxIp?sid=281284865549715984 (https://dzen.ru/onestory) ============================== FROM KAMCHATKA TO THE BALTIKA ============================== Belgorodskaya oblast. -------------------------------- On July 5, Radio Russii began broadcasting in Volokonovka on 96.5 MHz. (https://vk.com/radio.tv_31) Volgogradskaya oblast. --------------------------------- Radio Gordost. Our radio station is constantly expanding its broadcasting geography. Now Radio Gordost is available in all receivers in Volzhsky and Volgograd at frequency 106.4 FM. Source: https://vk.com/radio_gordost (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Zaporozhskaya oblast. ------------------------------- Radio broadcast of Zaporozhye region: Melitopol: 88.4 MHz - Radio Mayak (plan) 92.3 MHz - Radio Russii 93.7 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 94.1 MHz - Europe Plus (silent) 94.5 MHz - DFM (plan) 95.1 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio 95.5 MHz - Novoe radio (plan) 96.1 MHz - Hit FM 97.1 MHz - Retro FM (plan) 97.5 MHz - Autoradio 98.1 MHz - Love Radio 98.5 MHz - Radio Zvezda 99.4 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 101.1 MHz - Radio Vera 103.2 MHz - Za!Radio 103.7 MHz - Radio 333 (local broadcast) 104.1 MHz - Radio Pika 105.6 MHz - Radio Crimea 107.2 MHz - For! Radio 107.7 MHz - Russkoe radio Plans (without frequencies yet) - "YUG Molodoy", "Svobodniy Berdyansk", "Yuzhny Prostor". Berdyansk: 89.5 MHz - Autoradio 90.9 MHz - Radio Crimea 91.4 MHz - Novoe radio (plan) 93.5 MHz - Radio Zvezda (local cut-ins) 94.0 MHz - Radio Mayak (plan) 95.5 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio (local cut-ins) 96.9 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 97.5 MHz - Hit FM (plan) 97.9 MHz - Humor FM (plan) 98.0 MHz - Radio Pika 98.7 MHz - Russkoe Radio 99.1 MHz - Radio Russii 99.5 MHz - Love Radio 101.0 MHz - Mayak 101.5 MHz - Europe Plus 103.4 MHz - Radio 7 (local cut-ins) 103.8 MHz - Vesti FM 104.4 MHz - Za! Radio 105.0 MHz - Retro FM (occasional local playlist) 106.0 MHz - Svobodniy Berdyansk 107.9 MHz - DFM (plan) The plan (without frequencies yet) is "Yug Molodoy". Primorsk: 89.0 MHz - carrier 102.3 MHz - Vesti FM Inzovka (Primorsky district,) 87.8 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Kolarovka (Primorsky district) 92.1 MHz - Radio Russia (plan) Kamysh-Zarya 100.0 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 102.3 MHz - Za!Radio 106.6 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Vasilyevka 100.0 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 100.4 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Chernigovka 88.7 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 100.6 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Tokmok: 89.6 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 91.9 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 95.1 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio 98.5 MHz - Radio Zvezda 101.9 MHz - NRJ (plan) 103.7 MHz - Za!Radio (plan) 105.1 MHz - Za!Radio Dneprorudnoye: 87.5 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 94.8 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 100.6 MHz - Za!Radio 103.1 MHz - Radio 333 Energodar: 88.2 MHz - Novoe radio (plan) 89.0 MHz - ZFM (plan) 89.7 MHz - NRJ (plan) 90.3 MHz - Hit FM (plan) 90.4 MHz - Autoradio / Radio Energodar 92.1 MHz - Radio Life 93.5 MHz - Autoradio (plan) 96.6 MHz - Radio Zvezda 97.0 MHz - Za!Radio 98.4 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio 99.1 MHz - Vesti FM (broadcasting from Velikaya Belozerka) 99.6 MHz - Radio Russii 100.1 MHz - Humor FM (plan) 100.7 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 101.6 MHz - Russkoe Radio (plan) 102.5 MHz - Radio 333 / Radio Energodar 103.0 MHz - Love Radio 103.5 MHz - DFM (plan) 104.0 MHz - Retro FM (plan) 104.7 MHz - Za!Radio (plan) 105.5 MHz - Europe Plus (plan) 106.8 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 107.5 MHz - Love Radio (plan) (Plans - "Svobodny Berdyansk", "Young South") Broadcasting from unknown source: 102.0 MHz - Vesti FM 106.6 MHz - Vesti FM (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - Russian Orthodox radio "Vera" was launched in Melitopol. On July 1, a radio station for Orthodox Christians was launched in Melitopol. Radio "Vera" broadcasts on a frequency of 101.1 MHz in the VHF range. Source: https://za-inform.ru/zaporozhskaya-oblast/v-melitopole-zapustili-russkoe-pravoslavnoe-radio-vera/ (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Ivanovskaya oblast. ----------------------------- Ivanovo is the new broadcasting city of Rodny Dorog Radio The city of Ivanovo is located in the center of the Ivanovo region, 290 km northeast of the Russian capital Moscow and 100 km from the cities of Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. Listen to Rodnye Dorog Radio in the city of Ivanovo and nearby settlements at frequency 91.8 FM A complete list of cities where Rodny Dorog Radio broadcasts can be found on the website www.RadioRD.ru Details in Russian: https://vk.com/radiord (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. ---------------------------------------------- - The RTRS branch "RTPC of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic" in collaboration with the radio holding company "GPM Radio" began broadcasting radio channels in Nalchik on July 1, 2024. The broadcast is carried out in the FM range at the following frequencies: "Detskoe Radio" - 95.0 MHz, "Like FM" - 98.2 MHz. The broadcasting area includes the city of Nalchik and surrounding areas. "Detskoe Radio" is a channel for children and their parents. The radio station produces educational programs for children and educational programs for parents. Broadcast since 2007. "Like FM" is a Russian music radio station. Foreign and Russian music is played on air. The radio station is aimed at a youth audience. Broadcast since 2015. (https://nalchik.rtrs.ru/tv/radioveshchanie/filial-rtrs-rtpts-kabardino-balkarskoy-respubliki-nachal-translyatsiyu- radiokanalov-detskoe-radio-i-/) - The federal network Like FM was replenished by the resort Nalchik. In the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the radio station began broadcasting on July 1. The city is located next to the Greater Caucasus Range between the coasts of the Caspian and Black Seas. To the unique natural attractions, a refreshing musical fresh has now been added - all the most fashionable, bright and relevant on the Like FM airwaves at 98.2 FM. Details in Russian - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/37713 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/) Krasnodarskiy kray. ----------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/00651142 05/18/2023 04/01/2025 05/18/2033 LLC "RADIO SEVEN" Radio Chocolate (168) Anapa (Chemburka) 93.3 - 0.1 Gelendzhik 97.2 - 0.0 +Tuapse (Kadosh) 99.6 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00651147 05/18/2023 04/01/2025 05/18/2033 LLC "RADIO SEVEN" +Like FM (168) Gelendzhik 89.9 - 0.03 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00064233 08/14/2020 01.12.2020 08/14/2030 LLC "RADIO SEVEN" +Like FM (168) Anapa (Chemburka) 93.7 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - In Anapa today the radio station Relax FM began broadcasting on 94.5 FM. (https://vk.com/tvfm23) Kurskaya oblast. ------------------------ In Kursk, Radio Gordost began broadcasting on 105.8 FM RDS no (https://vk.com/radio.tv_46) LPR ----- - Radio Mayak in Lugansk now broadcasts on a new frequency - 89.5 MHz. There is no broadcasting on 102.9 MHz. Source: https://forum.vcfm.ru/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1889&start=645#p180554 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - L033-00114-77/00657458 06/16/2023 06/16/2023 06/16/2033 State Unitary Enterprise LPR "LUGAN MEDIA" Rokot FM (168) + Lugansk 101.8 - 1 Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F00657458 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Moskovskaya oblast. ------------------------------ - License. L033-00114-77/00066364 02/25/2019 05/01/2019 02/25/2029 LLC "NOVOE RADIO" Russkoe Radio (168) +Volokolamsk (Timonino) 88.0 - 0.03 Wedge (Yamuga) 102.3 - 0.01 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - RADIO PI FM in Mozhaisk is moving to a new frequency: from July 9 it will be available on 101.6 FM. Now "Pi FM" is heard on 101.5 FM. Transmitter power is 100 W in mono sound mode, pilot tone and RDS are absent. (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - On July 1, Radio Chanson in Serpukhov moved from the frequency 101.5 FM to 100.7 FM. The power of the transmitting equipment is 100 W, broadcasting in stereo and without RDS. Until February 2021, Radio MAXIMUM, Radio Vanya (now on 92.3 FM) and First Popular were broadcast on this frequency. At the time of publication of the material, Radio Chanson and the Krutoy Media holding had not yet reported on this event. (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) Novgorodskaya oblast. --------------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01215526 05/24/2024 10/01/2024 05/24/2034 LLC "RUSSIAN RADIO-VELIKY NOVGOROD" Radio station HIT-FM (161); Russian field (7) +Veliky Novgorod 88.1 - 0.49 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Orenburgskaya oblast. -------------------------------- Radio Iskatel began broadcasting in Buzuluk (Orenburg region) on 106.8 MHz, replacing Autoradio. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Olovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- - Marusya began broadcasting in Orel. 92.5 MHz. Source: https://vk.com/radiomarusyafm (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - Radio Otkrytie. Starting July 7, we are broadcasting in Orel on a new frequency - 107.4! In the meantime, listen to us on the website Discoveryfm.ru (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Silver rain is leaving the city. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Penzenskaya oblast. ------------------------------ - License. L033-00114-77/01272867 State Autonomous Institution "MEDIAHOLDING "EXPRESS" Radio 101.8 https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%252F01272867 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - Radio Gordost began broadcasting in Penza on 98.0 MHz. (https://vk.com/penzaradiotv) Republic of Bashkortostan. ------------------------------------- Our radio station is expanding its broadcasting geography. Now Radio Gordost is on all Ufa receivers at 88.7 FM (https://vk.com/radio_gordost) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). ------------------------------------ License. L033-00114-77/01092798 03/19/2024 06/28/2024 03/19/2034 LLC "SLIVKIN AND CO" +Dorozhnoe radio (151 hours 29 minutes); Highway (16 hours 31 minutes) +Tommot 102.5 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Rostovskaya oblast. ------------------------------ In Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region, Malina FM began broadcasting on 104.2 MHz (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114-77%2F00065072) . Previously, Radio Iskatel was broadcast on this frequency. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Ryazanskaya oblast. ---------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/00067203 09.10.2019 01.12.2019 09.10.2029 LLC "SEVENTH WAVE" +Like FM (168) Kasimov 104.9 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - In Kasimov, Like FM appeared on the frequency 104.9 FM. On July 1, the radio station began broadcasting in the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region. Details - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/37708 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/) - Radio record. Ryazan sets a record! Catch 107.2 FM and get charged with the drive of the legendary radio station! The most powerful dance hits. Exclusive broadcasts with top DJs. Current news from the world of music. Drawings for tickets to the hottest parties. Turn on Record - be on the same wavelength with millions! Source: https://vk.com/recordryazan (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - The broadcast of Like FM has begun in Shilovo (Ryazan region) on 91.0 MHz, rebroadcasting the Ryazan airwaves. RDS present. The broadcast is probably being carried out in test mode. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Sakhalinskaya oblast. ------------------------------ - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Monte Carlo 102.9 MHz on the air from 07/01/2024. Press release from ASTV holding. https://vk.com/wall-40123810_57472 (https://vk.com/tv_fm) - Radio Monte Carlo was launched (https://t.me/astv_ru/54780) today in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on 102.9 MHz instead of ROCK FM. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Stavropolskiy kray. ------------------------------ - License. L033-00114-77/00063165 11/12/2015 09/01/2017 11/12/2025 LLC "YUG-CT" +Marusya FM (145); +Marusya FM Stavropol (23) Stavropol 95.0 - 0.25 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - On July 1, Marusya FM began broadcasting in Stavropol instead of Svoe FM on 95.0 MHz. The replacement took place at 11:45. Last song on air: Adam - Zhurek Media, the beginning of the hour, and jingles Svoe FM Stavropol. Source: https://vk.com/public204049665?w=wall-204049665_1558 https://vk.com/public204049665?w=wall-144294334_26062 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Tambovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- Radio Gordost - 107.9 FM on air June 30, 2024 from 20:30. (https://vk.com/fmtv68) Tulskaya oblast. ------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/00106400 08/02/2018 01.11.2018 08/02/2028 LLC "DELTA" +Radio Chanson (168) Efremov (319 km) 96.2 - 0.05 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - On July 3, the city of Efremov, Tula region, joined the Radio Chanson broadcasting network. Broadcast frequency - 96.2 FM, population coverage - 49.5 thousand people. Regional partner - LLC "Delta", General Director - Voronov I.M. Radio Chanson has been broadcasting since August 15, 2000. Over the years, the radio station has gained enormous popularity among Muscovites, residents of Russia and neighboring countries. "Radio Chanson" is confidently among the ten most popular radio stations in Russia in all major indicators. More than 4.9 million people tune into the Radio Chanson frequency every day, and more than 13.1 million people weekly. The market share by audience of Radio Chanson is 3.9%*. The regional broadcasting network of Radio Chanson has 160 transmitters located in Russian cities and neighboring countries (Armenia, Transnistria). *Mediascope, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people), July - December 2023, Daily Reach, Weekly Reach, AQH Share radio stations among the population 12 years and older. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12712.htm) Khersonskaya oblast. ------------------------------ Radio broadcast of the Kherson region: Kherson 95.3 MHz - Radio Tavria Skadovsk 90.5 MHz - Radio Pika 100.1 MHz - Radio Tavria 102.9 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 103.3 MHz - Vesti FM 104.1 MHz - Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda 105.6 MHz - Radio Russii 106.6 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Verkhniy Rogachik 91.5 MHz - Radio Russii 92.1 MHz - Radio Zhizn 95.9 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 101.2 MHz - Radio Tavria Genichesk 93.0 MHz - Mayak (plan) 93.5 MHz - Radio Pika 94.1 MHz - Europe+ 94.5 MHz - Russkoe radio 95.1 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio 95.5 MHz - Novoe radio 96.1 MHz - Hit FM (plan) 97.1 MHz - Radio 7 (plan) 97.5 MHz - Autoradio 98.1 MHz - Love Radio 98.5 MHz - Radio Zvezda 100.1 MHz - Kazak FM 101.7 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 103.5 MHz - Radio Tavria 104.9 MHz - Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda 106.6 MHz - Vesti FM Novaya Kakhovka 90.9 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio (plan) 92.2 MHz - Radio Zhizn 105.5 MHz - Radio Tavria Novotroitskoe 100.6 MHz - Radio Tavria 102.3 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 102.8 MHz - Mayak (plan - Radio Russii) Nizhnie Serogozy 88.0 MHz - Radio Tavria 101.2 MHz - Radio Russii Kakhovka 90.7 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio (plan) 103.7 MHz - Radio Russii 104.8 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 105.6 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Vasilyevka 105.5 MHz - Radio Tavria Bekhtery 98.3 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 100.1 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) 106.8 MHz - Vesti FM Malye Kopani 100.3 MHz - Vesti FM 103.3 MHz - Radio Tavria (plan - Radio Russii) Lazurnoe 102.3 MHz - Radio Russii 105.5 MHz - Radio Tavria Chaplynka 95.3 MHz - Radio Tavria Velikaya Lepetykha 106.1 MHz - Vesti FM Rubanovka 88.0 MHz - Radio Tavria 101.2 MHz - Kazak FM Alyoshki 89.0 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) 105.9 MHz - Vesti FM Petrovka 102.3 MHz - Radio Tavria Chulakovka 103.3 MHz - Vesti FM Brilevka 97.4 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) Novogrigoryevka 100.9 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Chelyabinskaya oblast. ------------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/01226480 06/04/2024 01.10.2025 06/04/2034 MBUK "TsKS" +Russkaya Volna (168) +Nyazepetrovsk 100.1 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - On July 1, Intervolna was turned on in Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region) at 97.0 MHz. The sound is quiet. (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) New licenses (06/28/2024) -------------------------------------- - Re-issuance of a license in connection with the assignment of a license to another person. Radio 101.8 (168) (Penza) (L033-00114-77/01272867) - https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01272867 152-smk from 06.28.2024 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - Re-issuance of a license in connection with the assignment of a license to another person. Auto Blues (10); Autoradio (158) (Samara region: Syzran 103.8, Ulyanovsk region: Dimitrovgrad 89.4) (L033-00114-77/01272862) - https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01272862 152-smk from 06.28.2024 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Radio Gordost: music, news, events. -------------------------------------------------- - The photo [https://vk.com/radio_gordost?w=wall-222950544_9088] shows six beautiful Russian cities. Can you guess what unites them? On July 1, we launched broadcasting in each of them: - Bryansk 89.3 FM - Kursk 105.8 FM - Naberezhnye Chelny 87.9 FM - Penza 98.0 FM - Smolensk 90.5 FM - Tambov 107.9 FM Source: https://vk.com/radio_gordost (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) ============ DIGEST. NEWS. ============ * Same abbreviations, different meanings. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Collage. DX bolt. SWL = Short wave listener. SWL = Sale Working Load. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/dx.html * Date: July 4th. A day of rest from the holidays. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Collage. This is an unofficial holiday that appeared in the mid-90s in the UK. The professionals decided to give themselves a day off and get away from their daily holiday work. On this day, according to the plan, you had to lie in front of the TV or read books, you could devote yourself to cooking or walking. In the early 2000s, thanks to the Internet, North America learned about the Day of Rest from Holidays. They liked the idea there. More than 20 years later, the flesh mob has gained popularity in many countries around the world. Day of rest from holidays is celebrated from July 3 to July 5. The collage "Benefits Supervisor Sleeping" features a painting by Lucian Freud, painted in 1995, and a Panasonic Viera TV. Intelligence. Lucian Michael Freud was a British artist of German-Jewish origin who specialized in portraiture and nudes; master of psychological portrait. He was one of the highest paid contemporary artists. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya ovlast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/blog-post.html * Collage. Bulletin "RUS-DX # 1296 (English version). ----------------------------------------- Internet page - Escuchando La Radio. You can see it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/rus-dx-1296-english-version.html * Date of. June 29. --------------------- This day is significant for another event. On June 29, 1949, the first television broadcast in the USSR of the football match "CDKA" (Moscow) and "Dynamo" (Minsk) took place. ...It started raining early in the morning. True football fans did not pay attention to the vagaries of the weather - a fairly decent audience gathered for an ordinary game. But some people could watch the meeting without leaving home. On that day, television gave a gift to Moscow fans, organizing a live television broadcast of a football match for the first time in the USSR. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12743 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * Date of. July 2. -------------------- At the beginning of July, the television of our Republic celebrates several holidays at once. On July 2, 1958, Voroshilovgrad Regional Television began broadcasting. And in 2014, the main channel of our Republic, "Lugansk 24," was created and in early July its programs, despite the lack of electricity in the city, appeared on the Internet, telling the world about the events in Donbass. Details - https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-134632126_49359 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) * Day in history: Radio Posad. ------------------------------------------ 30 June. On this day exactly 18 years ago, the only local radio station in Sergiev Posad, Radio Posad (90.6 FM), went on the air. The broadcast features the best domestic and foreign music of the past and present, interactive programs, news and much more. "Radio Posad" is one of the main advertising platforms in the city. Radio station website: https://posadfm.ru/ (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Date of. 30 June. --------------------- On this day, exactly 10 years ago, June 30, 2014, MAXIMUM radio began broadcasting on the frequency 99.2 FM in Volgograd. During the period of broadcasting, MAXIMUM radio in Volgograd changed several owners from the media group "New Wave" and "People's Media Group" to the media holding "Fresh Wind", but nevertheless, the radio remained tightly in the Volgograd FM range and continues to delight its listeners with high-quality rock music! (https://vk.com/volgograd_fmtv) * Day in history: Echo of Moscow on VHF 73.82 -------------------------------------------------- -------------- July 1. On this day exactly 10 years ago, the information radio "Echo of Moscow" stopped broadcasting on VHF frequency 73.82. Operations at 91.2 FM continued until the evening of March 1, 2022. (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: "Stolitsa". ---------------------------------------- July 1. On this day exactly 27 years ago, the Moscow cable channel "Stolitsa" went on air for the first time. It appeared on the site of City Cable Television (GKT), which had been broadcasting since November 1995. Initially, "TV Center-Capital," as this TV channel was called in 1997, worked on terrestrial channel 5 and was one of seven broadcasters from the so-called "social package" of TV channels required for Moscow and Zelenograd. The main principle of programming policy was the home, family, citywide nature of broadcasting. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11207 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: DFM. ------------------------------- July 1. On this day exactly 24 years ago, the dance radio station Dynamite FM, now known as DFM, appeared on the Moscow frequency 101.2 FM. It replaced Radio 101, which closed on May 10, 2000. After some time, on June 15, the first test starts began. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11208 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: Russia 24 --------------------------------------- July 1. On this day exactly 18 years ago, the federal state news channel Vesti (now Rossiya 24) started broadcasting. The management of VGTRK had intentions to launch an information channel for several years, starting in the early 2000s. Work in this direction began in 2003, when the former head of information programs for NTV, TV-6 and TVS, Grigory Krichevsky, moved to VGTRK. On May 13, 2006, at a meeting in Sochi on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of VGTRK, Oleg Dobrodeev officially announced to Russian President Vladimir Putin his intention to launch an information channel. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11209 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: Life Sound. ---------------------------------------- 3 July. On this day exactly 8 years ago, "Russian News Service" (107.0 FM in Moscow) was renamed "Life Sound". This name was not legally fixed - the radio station was registered as the Russian News Service media. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11238 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * A day in history. -------------------------- 4th of July. On this day exactly 29 years ago, the Serebryany dozhd radio station began operating on the Moscow frequency 100.1 FM. This radio employs more than 40 presenters and produces about 30 original programs, in addition to morning and evening talk shows. Over the years, Vladimir Solovyov, Alexander Gordon, Leonid Volodarsky, Nikolai Svanidze, Georgy Cherdantsev, Ksenia Sobchak, Viktor Nabutov and others collaborated with Silver Rain. Well-known specialists conduct their own programs: psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, journalist and translator Andrei Gavrilov, film critic Anton Dolin and others. News is published at the beginning of every hour from 7 am to 11 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 10 pm on weekends. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11248 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Broadcast News #4_2024. ---------------------------------- In Russian. Editor: Valery Sheptukhin, Lipetsk. https://qst.su/archives/30531 (https://qst.su/) * Radio Panorama program. -------------------------------------- In Russian. Moscow. World Radio Network. 07/06/2024 The "Radio Panorama" program is for fans of long-distance radio reception. Author and presenter Vadim Alekseev. Publishing a sound file on a page - https://wrn.world/program/30cef3cb-3197-4eef-b04d-18ccb089f75b/ (https://wrn.world/) * Today, June 25, the heart of Vladislav Sergienko, the author of the Sound Empire (SE) project and many other important and useful products for radio broadcasting, stopped. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Hundreds of CIS broadcasters have opted for a very well-thought-out automation system. Vlad has always been focused on the pain of regional broadcasters and created for us the best solution for retransmission and a budget solution for automating our own broadcasting. Vlad was a great person, colleague and friend - albeit from a distance. The story of 22 years of communication ended tragically today ((My heart is heavy... (Anton Rossamakhin, Khanty-Mansiysk / https://vk.com/pro.radio?w=wall-51940928_71703) * Book on the Internet. M. S. Sominsky. 1955. Semiconductors and their applications. ------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87685 The book outlines the basic properties of semiconductors, the structure and operation of semiconductor diodes, triodes, photoresistors, photocells, thermal resistances and examples of their applications. The book is intended for trained radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Leningrad, 1968. ------------------------------------ Association of electronic instrument making "Svetlana". Production of transistors. Video in Russian - 2:20 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87674 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245519%2F9f1f95bb27698998bd%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Amateur radio. Transmitter. ---------------------------------------- Video. GU81M. Hamradio https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FP69owiLGJc (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * The evolution of the radio station logos Radio Dynamite / Dynamite FM / DFM. -------------------------------------------------- ------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_56289 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * The evolution of the logos of the Stolitsa TV channel. -------------------------------------------------- ------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_56288 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * The evolution of the logos of the Vesti TV channel / Russia-24. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_56281 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * 1985 Kemerovo. Hardware video recording of the regional television center. ------------------------------------- Photo. https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12757 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * The Russian public organization ROCIT presented a local analogue of YouTube called "Platform". --------------------------------------------- Let us note that ROCIT is an organization that (according to its publicly stated goals) "is engaged in creating a friendly Internet environment and popularizing Internet technologies," where the chairman of the board is deputy Anton Gorelkin (deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications) , and among the board members is the well-known managing partner of the Ashmanov and Partners company, Igor Ashmanov. As the Russian newspaper Vedomosti writes, from the ROCIT presentation it follows that the Platform interface is "as similar as possible to YouTube." The newspaper notes that the Platform will limit content "with anti-Russian rhetoric" and violating Russian legislation, and authors will have the opportunity to translate content from other platforms, in particular from YouTube. Details in Russian - https://obob.tv/socialnye-seti/a-teper-na-mesto-youtube-v-rf-probuetsya-pla/ (https://obob.tv/) * Partisans on the air. ------------------------------ June 29 - Dedicated to the Day of Partisans and Underground Workers. Do you know about such a Holiday? Some will smile embarrassedly, and most will simply wave their hand, so what do they say to me? What kind of underground fighters and partisans are there in the modern World? And yet they exist! Who and where Yes, everyone who has a smartphone in their pocket!))) It's a whole miniature radio station with a built-in antenna and an encrypted communication channel. Plus, there are a bunch of programs specially tailored for transmitting any information: VK, OK, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram... Geolocation system Photo-video camera, voice recorder When connecting to the network, the data instantly scatters on the World Wide Web of the Internet. And there both friends and enemies can see them. How do you like this arrangement? Think about it in your spare time, if you still have the opportunity... Details in Russian - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87700 (Evgeniy Pashanin, https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. B. A. Levandovsky. 1957. Portable VHF radio station. -------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87719 The brochure describes a battery-powered portable VHF transceiver radio station operating in the 38-40 MHz range. A detailed description of homemade components and parts is provided, as well as methods for setting up the station. The brochure is intended for radio amateurs of average qualification. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * The first radio bully. -------------------------------- Curious incidents at the dawn of amateur radio. Video - 0:58 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87716 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245575%2F32d4ba27739bd2287a%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Club-museum of collectors and artisans of Russia. Museum of Television and Radio Engineering. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Friends, we bring to your attention a fascinating story from the private museum of television and radio engineering in the city of Barnaul. For the provided story, we express our deep gratitude to Alexander Mikhelson (project "Negotiation", "Amic"), Konstantin Filatov - head of the "Club-Museum of Collectors and Craftsmen of Russia" and, of course, collector Andrei Minkin. More interesting information about the work of the museum can be found in the Telegram channel of the Club- Museum of Collectors and Craftsmen Video in Russian - 14:11 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12787 Video in Russian - 35:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV3loApkKn4 Source: https://t.me/museums_collections_crafts (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * When did Russia switch to daylight saving time for the first time? -------------------------------------------------- Summer time in Russia was first introduced on July 1, 1917 by decree of the Provisional Government. From 1918 to 1921 it was introduced without any order, while the year-round shift of an hour forward was maintained until 1922. After 1924, the country used zone time, without switching to daylight saving time. In 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev abolished the annual clock change and daylight saving time remained permanent in Russia. Source - https://vk.com/russian_center (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) * Demolition of the tower on Gorskaya and the building of the Mir television station in Novosibirsk has begun. -------------------------------------------------- -- - The construction company acquired a plot of more than 14,000 m² with a television tower on the left bank of the city. Previously, the 10th Novosibirsk TV channel broadcast here until 2021, and RECORD Novosibirsk radio until October 5, 2023. (Pavel Ovchinnikov, Novosibirsk, Russia / https://vk.com/nsoradio) - Leninsky district | Novosibirsk June 28 The building of the Mir TV station on Gorskaya began to be demolished in Novosibirsk A land plot with an area of 14,000 m² on the left bank of Novosibirsk was purchased by the Dom-Stroy company. The new owner of this territory is engaged in the construction of luxury housing. It is unknown whether high-rise buildings will be built here: legally the site is not intended for these purposes. Photo - https://vk.com/my_leninsky?w=wall-185895299_196925 (https://vk.com/my_leninsky) - Many noticed that last week workers began to dismantle the television and radio tower on Gorskaya. Today (June 1) it was finally dismantled. What is currently known: The new owner bought the plot from the television people. Currently, the creation of a CRT is being discussed in this area (including the territory on the site of the old barracks). At the session of the Council of Deputies they promised to make the process as transparent as possible, and necessarily with public discussions, and also to include in the CRT the construction of a new school building. Photo - https://vk.com/my_leninsky?w=wall-185895299_197115 (https://vk.com/my_leninsky) - After digging through countless deposits of photographs, we managed to find this photo of the TV tower on Gorskaya, taken from the roof of another legendary Tower - just 25 days before its demolition. And the second photo is at least 60 years old - the Gorsky microdistrict is not even "in the project" yet. This unique photo is from the family archive of Pavel Miroshnikov, a famous Novosibirsk photographer and cameraman who worked from 1998 to 2021. worked at the TV station "Mir". During Soviet times, Radio Station No. 3 was located here, where "enemy voices" were jammed until this program was curtailed at the state level in 1987. And on August 1, 1991, the TV station "Mir" began broadcasting from here on the 10th meter channel - one of the first private television companies in Novosibirsk. Before this, there was already "Canal-Siberia", which broadcast on Saturday evenings from February 1990 to the beginning of 1992, and the NTN Television Company, which was already producing the "View from Novosibirsk" program, was preparing for its television debut. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/nsoradio?w=wall-24605836_14249 (https://vk.com/nsoradio) * The information channel "25 Region" began broadcasting in Primorye. ------------------------------------------------- In Russian. The new unique information channel "25th Region" has begun its official broadcasting to the entire Primorsky Territory! You can now view the most interesting and important news that is happening nearby on button 25. The uniqueness of the new information resource lies in local news. Residents of Ussuriysk will be able to learn about what happened in their city, and residents of Nakhodka will see their own events. Watch online broadcast: https://vk.com/region25online?w=wall-218447886_130 https://vk.com/region25online?w=wall-218447886_130&z=video- 218447886_456239034%2F8ec2f0d78259deb968%2Fpl_post_-218447886_130 (https://tele-satinfo.ru/) * The Moscow Industrial Media Forum will take place on August 26-28 in Moscow. -------------------------------------------------- -------- The event will bring together several industry events on one platform - the international NAT Congress, the pay television conference, the Golden Ray non-terrestrial television award ceremony and the award ceremony named after. Vladimir Zvorykin, exhibition of broadcasting technologies and technical conference NATEXPO. (https://www.cableman.ru/news) * On its 15th birthday, Vladivostok FM radio not only accepts, but also gives gifts. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- In a festive way, happy children carry forsythia seedlings to the "Radio Alley", which appeared in Pokrovsky Park. But they still had to pause for a minute to connect directly to their listeners. Details in Russian - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__89431/ (OnAir.ru) * The first 5G communication session from space took place in Russia. -------------------------------------------------- - Fifth generation space communications are getting closer. Soon it will appear on domestic trains and planes. Russian space startup Bureau 1440 reported the successful completion of the country's first 5G communication session from space to Earth. The experiment was carried out as part of the Rassvet-2 program, company representatives specify. The 5G NTN protocol was used to conduct the session. The on-board relay complex (BRTC) of the satellite exchanged information with the user terminal on Earth (dish). The experiment was completed successfully thanks to the use of its own stack and optimization of standard 5G protocol signals. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87723 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. A. X. Sinelnikov. 1969. Transformerless transistor low frequency amplifiers. -------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87738 The book outlines issues related to the operation and design of transformerless transistor low-frequency amplifiers. Describes the practical design of a high-quality thermally stabilized transistor transformerless amplifier with an output power of up to 3 W. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * A center for studying space satellite signals is being opened in Russia. -------------------------------------------------- ---- At the initiative of Roscosmos, the country's first satellite signal research center will begin operating on the basis of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT) in Novosibirsk. The center will receive signals from spacecraft and also create artificial intelligence systems to analyze the received data. SGUGiT was chosen by Roscosmos to create the center because it trains specialists in specialized areas in the field of collection, storage, analysis, processing and application of spatial data, TASS reports. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-v-rossii-otkryvaut-centr-issledovaniya-signalov-kosmicheskih (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * In the Belgorod region, since the beginning of the year, 30 cell phone towers have been installed in rural settlements. -------------------------------------------------- ---- They were placed in 10 municipalities of the region. By the end of the year, it is planned to install another 46 towers in the Valuysky, Shebekinsky, Grayvoronsky urban districts and the Belgorod region. Details in Russian - https://belgorodtv.ru/?p=336943 (https://vk.com/radio.tv_31) * The evolution of the Serebryany dozhd radio station logos. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_56390 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * Four GPM stations under the control of "Fresh Wind" in Kazan. ------------------------------------------------ From July 1, the package of the media holding "Fresh Wind. Kazan" included 4 more radio stations. Now the branch in our city is ready to provide advertisers with opportunities to promote their products and goods on 13 radio channels with the widest range of target audiences. Avtoradio, ENERGY, Humor FM and Detskoe Radio came under the control of Fresh Wind in Kazan. The stations are part of GPM Radio, one of the largest media holdings in the country, and represent different genres of music and are aimed at different target audiences. (https://sv-veter.ru/) * Book on the Internet. S. N. Sokolov. 1970. Problems for radio amateurs. --------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87762 Problems are proposed in some areas of radio electronics. The book contains a large number of calculation formulas and examples, which allows it to be used as a kind of reference book. All problems are provided with answers. The book is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Mediascope announced the ratings of TV channels in the first half of 2024. ------------------------------------------ The data was calculated based on the audience "all residents of Russia over four years of age," and not on the target audiences of the channels. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-mediascope-obnarodoval-reiting-telekanalov-v-pervom-polugodi (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * In Russia, the mast of another CB radio station was destroyed, farewell video. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Video - 04:07 https://dzen.ru/video/watch/6685d8507b018800afadb96d?rid=55584858.1104.1720113775010.61156 (https://dzen.ru/poleznoe) * RTRS facility in Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region), freshly painted tower. ----------------------------------------- Photo - https://vk.com/chelradiotv?w=wall-18520524_43797 (Vladimir Dyachkov, Chelyabinsk, Russia / https://vk.com/chelradiotv) * TV towers will be illuminated on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. -------------------------------------------------- ------ On July 8, on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, television towers in several Russian cities will turn on festive architectural and artistic lighting. The Cable Guy was informed about this by the RTRS press service. For example, the Ostankino TV Tower will show a video on its media façade in support of traditional family values, "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity." In Veliky Novgorod, Omsk, Tambov, along with congratulations, the holiday logo, images of hearts and parents with children will appear on the towers. Daisies will bloom on the light panel of RTRS facilities in Voronezh, Grozny, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yaroslavl and other cities. In Chelyabinsk, on a high-rise building, the running line "Family, love, fidelity" will be displayed, in Kyzyl - "Family is great happiness." In Nalchik, Tver, Saratov, the lighting scenario will be complemented by the tricolor, flying clouds, dynamic overflows and fireworks. The media facade of the Bryansk TV tower will display the Murom holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, who lived at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. This married couple is revered as the patrons of family and marriage. Festive light shows will also begin at dusk on the towers in Blagoveshchensk, Bratsk, Magas, Orenburg, Rostov-on- Don, Simferopol, Sochi, Tula, Ulan-Ude, Cherkessk and other cities. (https://www.cableman.ru/content/telebashni-vklyuchat-podsvetku-v-den-semi-lyubvi-i-vernosti) * Book on the Internet. S. D. Klementyev. 1951. Radio controlled models. ------------------------------------------------------ In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87813 The brochure is intended for radio amateurs interested in the technique of controlling machines and mechanisms at a distance via Radio. It describes homemade telecontrol equipment, characterized by its small size, low cost, simplicity of design and reliable operation. The described homemade equipment was manufactured and tested on existing models controlled by Radio. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * A selection of the most important industry news according to Telesputnik from July 1 to July 5, 2024 in the format of an express review. ------------------------------------------------------ Video in Russian - 6:26 https://vk.com/telesputnik?w=wall-46499225_12162 https://vk.com/telesputnik?z=video-46499225_456240068%2F4552f471613340a35e%2Fpl_wall_-46499225 In today's episode: - Against the backdrop of the departure of Western film companies, Russians now began to highly value domestic films; - Mediascope company published the rating of TV channels in the first half of 2024; - In Russia there are now more than 100 million Internet users aged 12+, who spend an average of 4.5 hours a day online; - The prosecutor's office demands that the director of the St. Petersburg school get laptops from the warehouse; - China will allocate about $13 million to Kazakhstan for the development of the space industry. (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * Part of the exhibition at the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda Museum-Reserve. ---------------------------------------- Photo. https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12827 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) =================================== TV shows from the USSR in the 60s, 70s, 80s. =================================== Program "Za rubezhom" ("Abroad"0. ----------------------------------- The broadcast of a series of educational programs called "Abroad" began on Soviet television in 1967. This project was primarily carried out by the creative association "Ekran". Each release is based on a separate film dedicated to one state. Details in Russian + photo: https://tv-80.ru/informacionnye/za-rubezhom/ (https://tv-80.ru/) ======================== RADIO ENGINEERING. STORY. ======================== - Portable radio receiver "Mercury RP-211". -------------------------------------------------- ----- Since 1993, the Ufa Switching Equipment Plant has been producing. The receiver is designed to receive radio stations in the following bands: LW, MW, SW (4 sub-bands 25, 31, 42 and 49 m) and VHF. Switching ranges and adjusting frequency are electronic. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/merkuriy_rp211.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Portable radio receiver "Mercury RP-212". ---------------------------------------------- Since 1996, the Ufa Switching Equipment Plant has been producing. The radio receiver is designed to receive radio stations in the following bands: LW, MW, SW (5 sub-bands 16, 19, 25, 31 and 41 m) and VHF 65.8...74 MHz. Range switching and tuning are electronic. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/merkuriy_rp212.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Here is a second-class tube-semiconductor TV "Temp 209M". -------------------------------------------------- - Video - 1:09 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12753 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?z=video-177507201_456239306%2F140d2bc9ee596d7b55%2Fpl_wall_-177507201 The production of this TV began in 1971 at the Moscow Radio Plant. For the provided video material we express our gratitude to Oleg Staroseltsev, the creator of the RetroTechnology forum. (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) - Le Transistor di fabbricazione Sovietica --------------------------------------------------------- di Gianni Pastorino Radiorama numero 128, AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Torino, Italy https://www.air-radio.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Radiorama_128.pdf Pages 76 - 78 (http://www.air-radio.it/) - Battery radio receiver "Zarya". ----------------------------------------------- Since 1955, Irkutsk plant No. 394 NKEP has been producing. The model is a modernization of the Tula radio receiver and is also designed to operate in the long and medium wave ranges. The radio receiver is made using two radio tubes using a direct amplification circuit, with HF feedback. Sensitivity from external antenna ~ 40 mV. Details in Russian + photo: https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87795 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) ============================ RADIO FACTORIES OF THE USSR. ============================ Sarapul plant named after. Ordzhonikidze. -------------------------------------------------- -------- Founded in September 1941 on the basis of the evacuated Moscow plant No. 203 NKEP, from 1941 - Plant No. 203 named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze NKEP, from August 1948 - Plant named after. G.K. Ordzhonikidze, from February 1962 - Sarapul Radio Plant named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze, JSC "Sarapul Radio Plant - Holding" (https://www.radionic.ru/node/211) ======== QSL World ======== AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia AM = Alexander Myadel, Minsk, Belarus / SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS KB = Konstantin Barsenkov, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland TB = T.L.Breyel, Malaysia / https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/ Bulgaria. -------------- QSL Bulgarian National Radio Horizont (Bulgaria), 04/12/2024, 576 kHz, 55 days, e-mail: reception.report @ bnr.bg https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/07/qsl-from-bulgarian-national-radio.html (AM) Canada / Germany. --------------------------- Pop Shop Radio / via Channel 292 (D) e-QSL: 9670 kHz / 16.00-17.00 UTC / Jul.3-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2020/09/pop-shop-radio.html (KB) Canada / Uzbekistan. --------------------------- E-QSL Bible Voice russian service (via Uzbekistan), 06/01/2024, 7520 kHz, 2 days, e-mail: mail @ bvbroadcasting.org https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/07/qsl-from-bible-voice-russian-service.html (AM) Eswatini. --------------- Trans World Radio - Africa (ESW) e-QSL: 15105 kHz / 15.32-16.04 UTC / Jun.20-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/03/twr-africa.html (KB) Finland. ---------------- RealMix Radio (FIN) e-QSL: 6195 kHz / 19.38-20.00 UTC / Jun.23-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2024/07/realmix-radio.html The transmitter operated with a power of 15 watts. A 24-hour test is scheduled for this weekend with 100 watts of power at 6195 kHz. Starts July 6 (Sat) at 21.00 UTC. SSTV broadcast schedule: ~09:45; ~17:45; ~20:45 UTC. In March of this year, 16-year-old Joakim Weckström founded his own licensed radio station in Raasepori, Finland. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556704123570 https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/turku/art-2000010376240.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0Jt- U0NzwmlnNdzYzoc4qAISgVHxB3e6nkrH2S6dNgzw4w_v79YbWRqP0_aem_UkQu8MxQSn Di8MMDScaFUA (KB) Germany. ------------- E-QSL card from Radio Just Right. Program was transmitted on 04. 07. 2024 in English on 6070 kHz via Channel 292. (PS) You can watch it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/radio-just-right_5.html Madagascar. ------------------ QSL MWV New Life Station russian service (Madagascar), 02/15/2024, 9845 khz, 116 days, e-mail: mwvradio @ gmail.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/07/qsl-from-mwv-new-life-station-russian.html (AM) Netherlands. ------------------ E-QSL Radio Delta International (Netherlands), 06/22/2024, 12030 kHz, 2 days, e-mail: info @ radiodelta.am https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/07/qsl-from-radio-delta-international.html (AM) Türkiye. ----------- Received 2 TRT Voice of Turkiye QSL cards. 04/04/2014 / 13:00-13:54 UTC / 11965 kHz / Russian 04/08/2024 / 12.30-13.24 UTC / 17620 kHz / English Pictures of cards for April, published earlier. (AK) USA / Germany. ------------------------- * e-QSL Imaginary Stations. E-mail: imaginarystations[at]gmail.com June 2 Free Radio Skybird June 9 WORD June 23 WMMR June 30 COOL Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/imaginary-stations.html (AK) * KRBR / Imaginary Stations / via Shortwave Gold (D) e-QSL: 6160 kHz / 20.00-21.00 UTC / Jun.16-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2024/07/krbr-imaginary-stations.html (KB) QSL news. -------------------- - Radio Taiwan International, transmitting from Tamshui, was logged on 13 May 2024. - Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler, Turkiye, was logged on 15 April 2024. An English language broadcast was monitored from 17.00 till 17.30 UTC. Reception on shortwave frequency of 11.660 kHz rated a SINPO of 55555. - Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler, Turkiye, was logged on 12 May 2024. An English language broadcast was monitored from 17.00 till 17.24 UTC. Reception on shortwave frequency of 11.660 kHz rated a SINPO of 55555. Reception report was emailed on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 11 June 2024. (TB) QSL in publications. ----------------------------- Radiorama numero 128, AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Torino, Italy https://www.air-radio.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Radiorama_128.pdf 11 - 12 pages - LE NOSTRE CONFERME - Q S L 24 - 28 pages - e-QSL a cura di Bruno Pecolatto (http://www.air-radio.it/) Results of the Pirate Hunt 2024 DX competition. ----------------------------------------- - In Russian. https://muromdx.ru/dx-news/itogi-dx-konkursa-pirate-hunt-2024 (https://muromdx.ru/) - Pirate Hunt 2024 diploma. https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/pirate-hunt-2024-diploma.html (AK) ============ WORLD NEWS ============ * France - Russia. -------------------------- Radio "Voice of Orthodoxy". Missionary broadcasting of the "Voice of Orthodoxy" from France in Russian on short waves was carried out from 1979 to 2012 through transmitting radio stations in different countries (Gabon, Portugal, Lebanon, Germany, Kazakhstan, Armenia) [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_Orthodoxy_(radio)] Quote from an article on Wikipedia: "After this, it was possible to listen to the "Voices of Orthodoxy" program only on the waves of the St. Petersburg radio station "Grad Petrov" (73.1 MHz + Internet broadcast)." Indeed, the broadcasting of Radio "Voice of Orthodoxy" continues at the present time on its essentially subsidiary radio station "Grad Petrov", which it created earlier in St. Petersburg [site https://www.grad-petrov.ru/about/ stream http://www .grad-petrov.ru:8093/mp3-40 ] . Broadcasting schedule of "Voices of Orthodoxy" on the waves of Radio "Grad Petrov" (UTC time): Sat. 19.30 - 20.00 Sun. 06.00 - 06.30 and 23.00 - 23.30 (repeat) Tue., Wed., Thu. 06.30 - 07.00 and 23.30 - 24.00 (repeat) In Paris, the missionary society of the same name "Voice of Orthodoxy", founded in 1979, continues its activities. His website is https://www.voix-orthodoxie.eu/ Unfortunately, on this site and the site of Radio "Grad Petrov" there is no clear information about whether the recording of "Voices of Orthodoxy" programs continues in the Paris studio or whether these programs are being prepared in the studio of Radio "Grad Petrov" in St. Petersburg. The radio station was headed for many years as chairman (editor) by Protopresbyter Boris Alekseevich Bobrinsky or Father Boris (1925-2020). In the first letter received from the station at the beginning of 1991, I was thanked for my "wonderful letter" and greeted on behalf of Father Boris, who asked me to tell you that my letter brought him and all the staff of the "Voice of Orthodoxy" great joy. QSL was not sent to my report, because (quote) "unfortunately, we are not part of the QSL card system." But they sent a parcel - two books, one of them an Orthodox calendar-month- words. The letter described the broadcasting history of the station and indicated the release of the first program in August 1981 (not in 1979), and "they began broadcasting regularly in October 1981, 15 minutes a week" (quote). The next letter came in 1993 from St. Petersburg from the Orthodox mission of St. Anastasia, where there was then a representative office of the "Voice of Orthodoxy" in Russia, which gradually "grew" into the new radio station "Grad Petrov", which began broadcasting on November 18, 2000. The above sites talk about the jamming of the "Voice of Orthodoxy" in the Soviet Union before 1988, along with other "enemy voices", but the author of this article has never heard on the air the jamming of religious radio stations in Soviet times, including the "Voice of Orthodoxy". (Vladimir, Rybinsk, Yaroslavskaya ovlast, Russia) * Armenia. -------------- Photo. HF transmitter "Condor" / RV-1081 (Preservation). Noratus. Republic of Armenia. May 2024. https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3663 (https://vk.com/public158109176) * Belarus. -------------- Radio Chanson and radio station Pobeda will begin VHF broadcasting in Belarus. The Radio Chanson license was received in March 2024 and, under its terms, the new station plans to begin broadcasting on September 1, 2024. Radio station Pobeda plans to start broadcasting on May 1, 2024. (Broadcast News #4_2024. Editor: Valery Sheptukhin, Lipetsk.) * Alan Roe's "Music Programmes on Shortwave" F-24 (Version 3.0). ------------------------------------------------------ http://www.bdxc.org.uk/music.pdf https://swling.com/blog/resources/alan-roes-guide-to-music-on-shortwave/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * QST Magazine - July 2024. ------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87697 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Asian DX Review - Volume 42 - No. 597 - July 2024 ------------------------------------ https://idxcidxpedition.blogspot.com/ Challenges before the QSL hunters these days by Pradip C. Kundu ~ VU3IOP Mandarmoni DXpedition IV by Dr. Supratik Sanatani ~ VU2IFB DX LOGGINGS by Babul Gupta ~ VU3ZBG DX NEWS by Alokesh Gupta ~ VU3BSE QSL REVIEW by Pradip Chandra Kundu ~ VU3IOP FOCUS ON INDIA by Jose Jacob ~ VU2JOS 30th Anniversary of WRMI, Radio Miami International, Florida, USA by Jose Jacob ~ VU2JOS (Babul Gupta, India) * Slovakia. -------------- As reported by the Russian edition of the Slovak foreign broadcasting Radio Slovakia International (RSI), with reference to the state news agency of the Slovak Republic TASR (Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky), on June 30 this year. Slovak President Peter Pellegrini signed the new Law on Slovak Television and Slovak Radio. This means that this law comes into force on July 1, 2024. Moreover, the president had previously stated that he would sign this law only if it did not contradict the Constitution. Thus, Peter Pellegrini considered that the said law adopted by the Slovak Parliament does not contradict the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. According to the new law, public (state) Slovak television and radio Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska - RTVS now has a new name - Slovenská televízia a rozhlas - STVR. According to the Ministry of Culture of Slovakia, which proposed the renaming, the old name did not reflect Slovak statehood. Instead of the adjective "Slovak", denoting the state- forming nation, the name Slovakia is used in the new name. Details in Russian - https://obob.tv/veshhateli-i-kanaly/veshhatelnoe-potryasenie-v-slovakii-rtvs-z/ (https://obob.tv/) * BC-DX 1584, 2 July 2024 ---------------------------------------- Editor: Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany http://topnews.wwdxc.de http://www.wwdxc.de/ (Michael Bethge (WWDXC), Germany) * China has launched radio broadcasts for the safety of shipping lanes in the Arctic. -------------------------------------------------- - A radio station in northern China began broadcasting information about the current situation on Arctic waterways to ensure the safety of navigation, Xinhua reported on Tuesday. It is noted that the radio station, located in the city of Tianjin in northern China, began broadcasting on Monday. The station, using satellite data, transmits information on ice thickness and weather forecasts in the Bering Strait, Dmitry Laptev Strait, Vilkitsky Strait, and the Kara Gate Strait. Radio broadcasting will be conducted every year from July 1 to October 31 for single-sideband radiotelephones. The agency notes that the launch of radio broadcasts will help fill the gap in information about maritime safety on Arctic shipping routes, thereby ensuring safe navigation for Chinese ships. 1prime.ru (https://tele-satinfo.ru/) * HFCC A24 Update 01.07.2024 --------------------------------------------- http://www.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip (https://vk.com/dxing) * EiBi A24 Update 29.06.2024 ---------------------------------------- http://eibispace.de/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * WRMI A24 Update 01.07.2024 --------------------------------- https://vk.com/dxing?w=wall-3271973_8206 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pcIEX8kisrOPqlXHDAq6gympKUgDj0SIb96qce2kGGQ/edit?pli=1&gid=0#g id=0 (https://vk.com/dxing) * Radiorama numero 128 --------------------------------------------- AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto Torino, Italy https://www.air-radio.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Radiorama_128.pdf (http://www.air-radio.it/) * QST Magazine - December 2021 ------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87790 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * All of these can be heard in parts of Russia, and the 9670 at 1700 UTC is usually surprisingly good in Western Russia even though it is aimed at South Asia. 6070 often bounces into parts of Siberia although not always at the world's most comfortable local hour... 1. From the Isle of Music, July 13 2024 On July 13, 2024, we will feature music from the winning album in the Tradicional Variado category ("Danzoneando: En vivo desde Matanzas" by Orquesta Failde) of Cubadisco 2024 Times & Frequencies are: 1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia 1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond) 2300-2400 UTC 3955 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond) All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany 2. Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, July 20, 2024 On July 20, 2024, we will feature various multiethnic music that blends musical styles from different cultures Times & Frequencies (note new schedule) are: 1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia 1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond) 2300-2400 UTC 3955 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond) All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany For both programs, even if you are listening on a remote websdr rather than a radio, we will still acknowledge reception reports with an eQSL IF: 1. The entire program is listened to and reported 2. which web SDR is clearly specified (that will be mentioned on the eQSL) Shorter reports will be acknowledged with a brief note of thanks. 73!