------------------------------- "RUS-DX" # 1295 Sunday / 23 June 2024 ------------------------- Russia - broadcasting, radio communications, television, internet, high tech. QSL world. World DX news. ----------------------------------------- Time: UTC --------------------------------- Editor: Anatoly Klepov --------------------------------- QTH: Moscow, Russia --------------------------------- E-mail: rusdx@yandex.ru Web site: http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdx Blog (QSL & photo): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------------------- The first issue was published in January 1991. ------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX" as source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, but here is only a machine translation. Machine translation: http://translate.google.ru & https://translate.yandex.ru/ & https://www.bing.com/translator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ============== EDITOR'S NEWS ============== Igor Kolke from Russia on the Russian Service of KBS World Radio. -------------------------------------------------- --------------- June 14, 2024. The program "Korea and I" on the Russian Service of KBS World Radio. Inna Kim talks in the radio station studio with a radio listener from Russia. The topic is about the first acquaintance with the Russian service and traveling around South Korea. Program in Russian plus photos - https://world.kbs.co.kr/service/contents_view.htm?lang=r&menu_cate=people&id=&board_seq=451636 (https://world.kbs.co.kr/service/index.htm?lang=r) Let's go back to the mid-60s. --------------------------------- In the mid-60s, a telephone was installed in the apartment. It was a telephone set "TA-60" was produced by the Riga State Electrotechnical Plant "VEF". Designed to operate in a PBX with a supply voltage of 60 V. Equipped with a disk dialer with alphanumeric display and a mechanical bell. In those days, you had to stand in line and wait for the telephone line to be installed. And the telephone set was not sold in stores - it was installed by a master with a PBX. The most popular number was 100 - telephone time. You dial a number and the other end tells you the time. But from the very beginning, something went wrong and if you don't hang up on the phone, then the voices of different people appear who also didn't return the phone to the phone. In general, a community of people was formed. Only recently did I learn that this was observed in many telephone network subscribers. I read an article about this on radioscanner.ru, which I present to readers of the newsletter. - "Telephone broadcast" is the prototype of voice chat in the USSR. The introduction of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol in 1988 is believed to have marked the beginning of the global chat revolution and predetermined the current dominance of instant messengers. Everything is so, if you don't know that several years earlier in the USSR there was a phenomenon that later received the name "Leningrad Telephone Broadcast". Behind the Iron Curtain in the northern capital of the Soviet state, despite tight control from everyone and everything, something arose that would later be called anonymous voice chat in real time. This seems like a tube story, but there are dozens of evidence of how Leningraders, by dialing certain telephone numbers, began to communicate in the format of a group telephone voice chat (conference call) with complete strangers. This opportunity appeared thanks to the use of decade-step automatic telephone exchanges (ATS-DSh) in the USSR. This was not a specially designed feature, but a plant error. Not a feature, but a bug so to speak. The effect of the broadcast was that if you call some unconnected numbers, you will not receive a hang-up or busy signal, but a connection. Who is the connection with? With someone who will also call the same number at this time. Researchers note that the first mentions of Leningrad broadcast date back to 1981-82. This phenomenon became widespread by the mid-eighties of the 20th century and lasted until the mid-90s. If we touch on the technical aspects of the occurrence of this phenomenon, then we cannot do without strong drinks. In the late 70s, communications engineers discovered that with a certain position of the step finder of the switching unit of decade-step telephone exchanges, several people at once can call a certain number, and they will hear each other. Further, the testimony of witnesses diverges, and the schemes and explanations seem confusing, to put it mildly. Some experts claimed that the bug arose due to an error in the wiring of the ATSK and ATS-54 industrial panels, or due to a message in intra-station or inter-station cables due to a violation of symmetry (the coupling is stuck, misaligned, etc.), etc. Another hypothesis was that the appearance of the above-described bugs on the ATS-DS was quite predictable. In all textbooks they write that the DSHI is a 10x10 decade-step finder, i.e. 3-section (a, b - conversational sections, c - check for employment) 10-decade, in each decade there are 10 steps. But there are 11 steps. The 11th step is an emergency setting of the finder to the "busy" signal; in normal mode, it skips the 11th step and returns to its original state. So, the 11th step is a blunt parallel line of wires a, b, on which the busy beeps hang. Since all engines are connected in parallel, the signals there are weak. In normal mode, if there are no free lines in the step field, the engine completes the search by returning to its original state, and the subscriber hears a busy signal. But if the engine, during the switching "lifting" - "rotation", for some reason goes to step 11, then the subscriber receives a busy signal. If several engines get to the 11th step, then subscribers connected to these engines can talk. There are many reasons. ATS-DSh is generally an iron-clad logic, but sometimes it gives interesting glitches. They said that in practice there were not such tricks. The magic numbers for the broadcast were explained by troubles in the search stages I, II, III-GI. As former employees of Leningrad communication centers say, the phenomenon that arose was an unpleasant moment for them. By and large, it was some kind of technical problem that lasted for quite a long time. It is believed that illegal Soviet entrepreneurs, black marketeers, as they were called then, were the first to use the Leningrad airwaves. They realized that this was an ideal method of conspiracy. You call from a payphone to an unknown number to someone you don't know and have an anonymous conversation with a business partner. With the growing popularity of Leningrad broadcast, they had to abandon this method. For a long time, the bug at Leningrad communication centers went unnoticed, which made it possible for a large number of city residents to communicate over the air. At the peak of its popularity, this anonymous voice chat united tens of thousands of young people. Anonymous and free communication caused unprecedented enthusiasm among young people and a nervous tic among the management of telephone exchanges and KGB officers. "Word of mouth" is the best advertising. Secret numbers were passed on by word of mouth, which after some time evolved into a kind of club of interests. Despite the fact that, as is known, there was no sex in the Soviet Union, many participants in the Leningrad broadcast admitted that for them it served as a kind of dating chat. Listening to the sounding voices, the young people made arrangements to meet new acquaintances. By the way, the participants with ringing and loud voices were in the lead, as they were the ones who managed to break through the sounding roar of voices. "On-air people" are people who could not exist without a telephone. Since many citizens in the USSR did not have their own telephones, it was inconvenient to call from work, so young people often used pay phones. This thing, as some may remember, required a two-kopeck coin. There were a lot of calls from the machines and there simply weren't enough two-kopeck coins; we had to exchange them all the time. And for convenience, the "on-air people" came up with a reusable coin: a hole was drilled in a two-kopeck coin, a fishing line was attached, and it became such an irredeemable ruble - you rang it, took it out, rang it again, and so on at least a thousand times. Thanks to the popularity of the "telephone broadcast" in Leningrad, in the mid-80s the phenomenon was noticed by workers in both the social and technical spheres. Articles about the "broadcast" appeared in the press, and a documentary film was made. Komsomol workers from the sector of amateur associations under the Leningrad city committee of the Komsomol treated the "ether" users favorably and promised assistance. But for workers of the city telephone network, "telephone broadcast" was an extremely undesirable phenomenon: numerous and long-term connections of "ether" users created an excessive load for which the telephone network was not designed. As a result, ordinary telephone subscribers had problems dialing. Telephone operators began to fight the "parasitic load". The identified "airtime" numbers were blocked, but the community found new ones, and the use of "telephone airwaves" continued. However, by the end of the 90s the phenomenon gradually died out. The main reasons for this are the gradual transition of city telephone exchanges to new technologies, which excluded the technical possibility of "telephone broadcasting", and changes in post-Soviet society, accompanied by the emergence of new entertainment and forms of communication What now, you ask? Surprisingly, a number of communities are still alive. Despite the whole zoo of all kinds of instant messengers, there are still people alive who prefer the warm, lamp-like aura of forums and chats. (Posted by: Angstrom 6.2 Copyright Dmitry Smirkin https://www.radioscanner.ru/info/article586/) ============================== FROM KAMCHATKA TO THE BALTIKA ============================== Nashe Radio has started broadcasting in 7 more Russian cities. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Residents of 2 settlements in the Kemerovo region can hear the radio station not only via the Internet, but also on FM frequencies. Thus, the airwaves in Leninsk-Kuznetsky (Kemerovskaya oblast) available on 92.4 FM, in Kiselevsk (Kemerovskaya oblast) - on 107.8 FM. Residents of the cities of Bologoe (Tverskaya oblast) and Torzhok (Tverskaya oblast), can access Nashe Radio on frequencies 106.8 FM and 103.4 FM, respectively. In Norilsk (Krasnoyarskiy kray), the radio station can be caught on the wave 91.1 FM, in Naryan-Mar (Nenetskiy Avtonomny okrug) - on 104.4 FM, in Serov (Sverdlovskaya oblast) - on 87.5 FM. Let us remind you that from July 9, Nashe Radio will continue broadcasting in Moscow on a new frequency - 101.8 FM. (www.nashe.ru) Altaiskiy kray. ----------------------- - Barnaul is the new broadcasting city of Radio Iskatel. You can listen to the radio station in Barnaul on the frequency 92.9 FM Details in Russsian - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__89303/ (OnAir.ru) - We talk about Radio Chemal 103.6 FM The radio has been broadcasting since January 2009 on the frequency 103.6 FM from the editorial office of the Chemalsky Vestnik newspaper in the villages of Chemal and Elekmonar. Popular music of various genres and programs aimed at local residents are broadcast around the clock. Recordings kindly provided by Denis Grinin Especially the trashy third record. We recommend)) Online: (https://vk.com/teleradio22) Vladimirskaya oblast. -------------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00656672 09/01/2023 06/13/2033 LLC "VLADAMEDIA" +Humor FM (168) +Kolchugino 99.1 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Volgogradskaya oblast. -------------------------------- License. DFM persons L033-00114-77/00063253 +Uryupinsk (Gorsky) 88.4 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) DPR ------- License. L033-00114-77/00735080 10/10/2023 10/10/2023 10/10/2033 OOO "OTMA" Radio Vera (168) +Donetsk 102.6 - 0.49 Makeevka 102.6 - 0.49 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Ivanovskaya oblast. ------------------------------ License. L033-00114-77/00738404 10/18/2023 01.10.2024 10/18/2033 LLC "PALASOV" Di FM (D FM) (168) +Kineshma 95.2 - 0.1 Shuya 98.6 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Kaluzhskaya oblast. ---------------------------- On June 20, Radio Record officially sounded in Kirov, Kaluga region on 105.6 FM. Source: Alexander Vishnevsky, Lyudinovo, Kaluzhskaya oblast, Russia. (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Krasnodarskiy kray. ------------------------------ - In the village of Brinkovskaya, Primorsko-Akhtarsky district, Radio Vera began broadcasting on 96.8 MHz. (https://vk.com/tvfm23) - Autoradio was turned on again on 68.15 MHz in Krasnodar. There is a federal broadcast without local inserts and advertising. Let us remind you that the constant broadcasting of Autoradio on VHF has long ceased, but this frequency may be turned on periodically. P.S.: the broadcast now coincides with 103.2 FM. (https://vk.com/tvfm23) Moscow and Moskovskaya oblast. ------------------------------------------ - Nashe Radio will continue broadcasting in Moscow on a new frequency from July 9. The music radio station will be available to listeners on the neighboring frequency 101.8 FM instead of the previous 101.7 FM. "I will say briefly - we are moving on! Nashe Radio will continue broadcasting on a new frequency. The format remains unchanged - as before, we will delight our listeners with our favorite shows and the best music. Don't forget to tune in on July 9th to 101.8 FM!" - said the radio station's program director Igor Pankov. The move to a new frequency will be an event in the history of Russian radio; it is caused by the need to optimize the radio frequency range and will not in any way affect the sound quality and format of Nashe Radio. The best domestic music, current news, the morning show "Lifts" with iconic guests, the popular "Show of the Day" and evening "10 Points" with traditionally interesting interlocutors will continue to delight listeners of the radio station. (https://www.nashe.ru/news/nashe-radio-pereezzhaet-na-novuyu-volnu) - Frequency changes in Serpukhov, Mozhaisk and Shatura. In connection with the transition of Nashe Radio broadcasting in Moscow to 101.8 FM scheduled for July 9 and the planned launch of Radio Russia on 101.5 FM, changes were made to licenses L033-00114-77/00063188 (radio channels "Public Radio Station - Serpukhov (ORS - Serpukhov)" and "Radio Chanson"), L033-00114-77/00106372 (radio channel "FIRST INTERNATIONAL RADIO PI FM") and L033-00114-77/01249632 (radio channel "Comedy Radio"). In Serpukhov, "Radio Chanson" and "ORS - Serpukhov" will move from the frequency 101.5 FM to 100.7 FM, "Pi FM" in Mozhaisk - from 101.5 to 101.6 FM. In Shatura, Comedy Radio broadcasting was transferred from 101.5 to 101.6 FM back in November 2023, but this was documented only today. Sources: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F00063188 https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F00106372 https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01249632 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - "Radio Russii" on 101.5 FM launches on July 9 (?) Presumably, from July 9, Radio Russii in Moscow will sound on the frequency 101.5 FM. This will happen simultaneously with the move of "Nashe Radio" to 101.8 FM. The fate of the previous frequency 66.44 VHF remains unknown. Radio Russii programs will be available daily from 5:00 am to 1:00 am. VGTRK has not yet commented. This assumption is based on past experience, when in 2016 they launched "Radio Kniga" on 105.0 FM simultaneously with the move of Capital FM to the frequency 105.3. (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - License. Pi FM persons L033-00114-77/00106372 Mozhaisk +101.6 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. Radio Chanson / ORS-Serpukhov lits L033-00114-77/00063188 Serpukhov +100.7 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Orlovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- - Marusya FM began broadcasting in the city of Mtsensk, Oryol region on 100.7 MHz. Source: https://vk.com/wall-144294334_25971 (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) - Television and Radio in the Oryol Region. https://vk.com/pages?hash=76f1f2c6d3f614be66&oid=-87728310&p=Group_menu_v.2._0 (https://vk.com/club87728310) Penzenskaya oblast. --------------------------- - License. Comedy Radio persons L033-00114-77/01249632 +Penza 102.8 - 1 Shatura (Goryanovskaya) +101.6 - 1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - "Radio Dacha" resumed broadcasting in the city of Nikolsk. 106.1 MHz. (https://vk.com/penzaradiotv) Komi Republic. --------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01215525 06/01/2024 05/24/2034 LLC "METRO" +Europe Plus (161); Metro (7) +Ukhta 102.9 - 0.5 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Crimea. ------------------------- License. DFM persons L033-00114-77/00063253 +Feodosia 97.9 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Mordovia. -------------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/01179015 04/27/2024 06/01/2024 04/27/2034 LLC "MKM" MK Media (168) +Ruzaevka 93.8 - 0.2 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/01029088 01/22/2024 06/01/2024 01/22/2029 LLC "LYUBIMOE RADIO" Russkoe Radio (168) +Kovylkino 101.6 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/radioitvvmordovii) Rostovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- License. Hit FM persons L033-00114-77/00063942 +Salsk 101.9 - 0.25 +Volsk 96.2 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Saratovskaya oblast. ------------------------------ License. Hit FM persons L033-00114-77/00063942 +Volsk 96.2 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Tulskaya oblast. -------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01215522 05/24/2024 05/24/2024 05/24/2029 LLC "IVIS" +Autoradio (168) +Aleksin 95.3 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Udmurt Republic. ------------------------ License. L033-00114-77/00056869 05/07/2013 01.12.2015 05/07/2025 LLC "MG "NOVOE VREMEYA" Europe Plus (168) +Kizner 104.7 - 0.25 Kiyasovo 92.5 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Yaroslavskaya oblast. ------------------------------ A 1-kilowatt transmitter now helps residents of the Tutaevsky district hear the voice of Radio Russii. Its coverage area is over two thousand square kilometers... Almost 70 thousand people will now be aware of events. Even from the most remote point of the Tutaevsky district. - We are in the village of Ostashevo, let's listen to our colleagues. So, we are looking for station 94.4 fm. Details and source: https://vesti-yaroslavl.ru/novosti/item/83664-radio-rossii-yaroslavl-prodolzhaet-rasshiryat- geografiyu-veshchaniya (#RADIO TALK - Telegram) Utility radio. ------------------------- On dxinfocentre.com there is outdated data on Novosibirsk-meteo at 6693 kHz. Now they have 10-minute exits at 05 and 35 minutes. (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan / Radio reception - Telegram) ============ DIGEST. NEWS. ============ * 1941 ------------ On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. At 3:30 am, enemy aircraft carried out raids on major cities in Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic states. At 4 am, the Wehrmacht attacked the USSR along the entire western border. At about 9 o'clock, Stalin instructs Molotov to prepare an appeal to the people. At 12:15 pm it sounded on all Soviet radios... Video in Russian : 4:08 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12572 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?z=video-177507201_456239304%2F97914c35951ff474ae%2Fpl_wall_-177507201 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * TV towers will turn on AHP on the day of remembrance and mourning. -------------------------------------------------- ------ On June 22, RTRS will turn on the architectural and artistic lighting of the TV towers on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On the media facade of the Ostankino TV tower, against a red background of a dynamic image of the Eternal Flame, the video "June 22, 1941 - a day of memory and sorrow" will be broadcast. In Blagoveshchensk, Bryansk, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" will be written on the edges of the towers. Stylized as a red flag and the inscription "Eternal memory to the heroes!" will appear on the surface of a television tower in Omsk. In the AHP scenario, the Simferopol towers are counting down peacetime before the start of the Great Patriotic War and bombs falling on peaceful cities. An excerpt from Robert Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem": "Remember! In centuries, in years - remember! - will shine on the Novosibirsk TV tower. Thematic lighting of RTRS high-rise buildings in Bratsk, Grozny, Nizhny Novgorod, Saransk, Saratov, Tambov, Tver and other cities uses images of the tricolor, St. George's ribbon, scarlet carnations, and the Motherland monument. Towers in Voronezh, Kazan, Kyzyl, Maikop, Nalchik, Novgorod, Penza, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Sochi, Tula, Ulan-Ude, Cherkessk will also be painted in the colors of the Eternal Flame and candles. (https://vk.com/rtrs_info) * "In the absence of radio communication" Date - June 21. Sun Bunnies Day. ---------------------------------- On this day the Sun is at its maximum height from the Earth. Sunrise on June 21 usually occurs earlier, at 3:36, and sunset at 21:16 Moscow time. It is believed that unusual and mystical things can happen on this day. The day is associated with the summer solstice. Since the Sun is at its highest on this day, we can assume that on June 21 you can see more sunbeams and simply enjoy this simple phenomenon. In the collage there is a Tarot card and a signal mirror "ZSAM". Heliograph for sending signals. The signal mirror or, as it is called in specialized literature, a heliograph, which literally means "writing with the sun," explains its purpose. There are many types of signal mirrors, which are presented in great variety in catalogs on tourism websites. It is calculated that the brightness of the signal light at a sun angle of 90 degrees is almost 7,000,000 candles. A signal mirror flash on a cloudless sunny day is detected from an aircraft flying at an altitude of 1-2 km, at a distance of 20-25 km, and in some cases up to 60 km. The signal mirror can give a signal not only during the day, but also at night during the full moon and even in foggy haze. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/blog-post_18.html * Date - June 23. Balalaika Day. ---------------------------------- The emergence of Balalaika Day can be considered solely the merit of the folk musicians themselves. The holiday is not officially established, but this does not prevent the music community from celebrating it annually with performances and concerts. The idea of the holiday came from the president of the Russian Club of Populist Musicians, Dmitry Belinsky. The historical basis for choosing the date was the first documentary mention of the balalaika in the document "Memory from the Streletsky Prikaz to the Little Russian Prikaz," which dates back to June 23, 1688. Collage. Description - souvenir Balalaika radio (retrotexnika.ru). Dnepropetrovsk residents were very good at souvenir products. This example is worthy of attention. The souvenir radio "Russian Souvenir" or more simply Balalaika is a radio receiver made of plastic in the form of a miniature balalaika, which operated on medium waves in the range 525 - 1605 kHz. Powered by a "Crown" type element. Dimensions: 31 cm x 18.5 cm x 5 cm. This souvenir radio cost 20 rubles. 80 kopeek. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/blog-post_22.html * June 10 in radio history. ------------------------------------- Exactly 10 years ago on this day, the information radio station "Nashe Podmoskovje" (Our Moscow Region) (now "Radio 1") was launched on the Moscow frequency 68.84 VHF. There she remained on air until December 31, 2018. Today, Radio 1 news is presented on the waves of Radio Pride (105.0 FM). Exactly 24 years ago, the dance radio "Station-2000" moved from the frequency 106.8 FM to 107.0 FM. Next year, 2001, it will close as a result of its purchase by the Russian Media Group. Station logos - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11055 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: "Radio 1" - the main radio of the USSR. -------------------------------------------------- On this day (on the night of June 20-21, 2010), exactly 14 years ago, at frequency 68.3 VHF, Radio-1, the first national state radio station of the USSR, completed its work. Until 1991, it was called the First Program of the All- Union Radio. "Radio-1" had the most powerful radio network in the world, present in the DV, SV, HF and VHF bands, as well as on the first channel of wire broadcasting. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_11120 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Collage. Bulletin "RUS-DX # 1294 (English version). ----------------------------------------- Internet page - Escuchando La Radio. You can see it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/rus-dx-1294.html * Radio Panorama program. -------------------------------------- In Russian. Moscow. World Radio Network. 06/22/2024 The "Radio Panorama" program is for fans of long-distance radio reception. Author and presenter Vadim Alekseev. Publishing a sound file on a page - https://wrn.world/program/30cef3cb-3197-4eef-b04d-18ccb089f75b/ (https://wrn.world/) * Book on the Internet. G. S. Gendin. 1973. Modernization of radio broadcasting equipment. ----------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87309 The book examines a complex of issues related to the modernization of obsolete radio equipment, which makes it possible to significantly extend its service life. General and specific considerations are given about the feasibility and practical ways of such modernization for a number of real radios, tape recorders, and televisions of domestic production. The book is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs and specialists working in the field of application of radio electronics in the national economy. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Listen to USSR radio plays for free. ---------------------------------------- This playlist contains the best Soviet radio plays that you can listen to forever, learning and discovering new and exciting worlds of books and plays each time. There are radio plays of various authors, eras and genres. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5djA5JUpJ_JumVwLqNBPZAg4tIVW4dLM (Mail.ru) * In Kurilsk (Sakhalinskaya oblast) the Orbita space radio communication system was dismantled. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- In Kurilsk, the Orbita space radio communication system, created on the basis of artificial Earth satellites of the Molniya series, was dismantled to transmit television programs and provide communications to the eastern regions of the USSR. This was reported by the press service of the Kuril urban district administration. Ground stations were equipped with parabolic antennas, thanks to which it was possible to transmit signals at low frequencies. Then the improved Orbita-2 stations were introduced, they operated at higher frequencies and provided modern communication capabilities. "Speaking about the station in the city of Kurilsk, it is worth noting that the construction of such an important facility began in 1978, and already on November 1, 1979, residents of the island of Iturup, turning on their televisions, could see broadcasts," the message noted. Until 1984, there was only one program on the air; it began broadcasting at ten o'clock in the morning and ended at eleven o'clock in the evening. Television developed and other programs appeared. The radio stations "Mayak" and "Radio Russii" went on air, and with the help of a large antenna, mobile communications were also carried out since 2005. The Orbita system became an example of advanced satellite communications of the time, providing access to information and entertainment on Iturup. mk-sakhalin.ru (https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18438) - Orbit was dismantled in Kurilsk. https://astv.ru/news/society/2024-06-15-v-kuril-ske-demontirovali-orbitu (https://vk.com/tv_fm) * Volgograd residents are complaining en masse about the failure of the TV signal. -------------------------------------------------- - Residents of the Volgograd region contacted the editors of V102.RU with complaints about the disgusting work of federal digital television. According to them, in the south of the city and in nearby settlements, interruptions in broadcasting began two days ago. - In the Krasnoarmeysky district, the picture on the TV has been frozen for at least three days. Yes, this happens from time to time, but yesterday and today - something generally lasting and unlimited - hung and pixelated for hours, - said a reader of the news agency. Residents of one of the SNT stations in the Svetloyarsk district also complained about problems with broadcasting their favorite talk shows, news and TV series. - In the area of the village of Chervlenoe, problems with TV broadcasting have been observed since the evening of June 14. Either there is no signal, or half the channels do not work. If only I had such a problem, then all the neighbors in our garden community had such a problem," the Volgograd resident complained. The hotline of the Volgograd Regional Radio and Television Transmission Center confirmed the problem, explaining that some third-party interference was detected on the tower located on Mamayev Kurgan. The operator found it difficult to answer what this specifically means, as well as to voice the time frame for restoring correct signal transmission. The specialist only added that work has been underway since June 14. v102.ru (https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18436) * Book on the Internet. Yu. I. Baranov. 1973. Transistor-based measuring instruments. ------------------------------------------ In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87337 The book provides descriptions of various measuring instruments made on semiconductor elements and having increased accuracy. Detailed descriptions of the circuit diagrams and designs of a frequency meter, capacitance meter, electronic voltmeter, signal generator, pulse generator and power supply are given. The book is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Batteries, accumulators and batteries 1916 - 1992 -------------------------------------------------- -- Details in Russian + photo - https://dzen.ru/a/ZN86OTXF0DBIZnun (https://dzen.ru/shema_tehnik) * In Cheboksary, one of the dominant features of the city - a 142-meter radio mast - was demolished. -------------------------------------------------- ------ In the photo: the now demolished radio mast in Cheboksary, located at st. Z. Yakovleva, 33. In the capital of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, one of the city's dominant landmarks, the 142-meter city radio mast, was recently demolished. When the radio tower was dismantled, they were afraid that it might fall on nearby buildings. This was reported in the television news release "Vesti-Chuvashia" of the Chuvash branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company VGTRK [https://chgtrk.ru/novosti/obshchestvo/v-cheboksarah-snesli-142-metrovuyu- radiomachtu/]. The radio tower, 142 and a half meters high, built on one of the highest points in the city of Cheboksary, was erected in 1960. All equipment from the radio antenna was removed quite a long time ago, and according to Vesti-Chuvashia, it was no longer in use. 4 years ago, after the next inspection of the mast, defects were identified, the elimination of which, taking into account the general condition of the object, was considered inappropriate. Details in Russian - https://obob.tv/radioveshhanie/v-cheboksarakh-snesli-odnu-iz-dominant-g/ (https://obob.tv/) * Book on the Internet. A. N. Shipovsky. 1952. High quality low frequency amplifiers. -------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87354 The book is intended for a trained radio amateur familiar with the operation of low-frequency amplifiers. It provides modern low-frequency amplifier circuits designed for high-quality sound reproduction, and provides instructions on choosing the circuit of such an amplifier, its calculation and design. The book contains a description of simple and unidirectional receiving television antennas, feeder lines, baluns and matching devices. The simplest formulas and graphs for calculating television receiving antennas and design drawings are given. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. G. S. Gendin. 1975. Excursion to the radio factory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87409 This book is a story about a modern radio factory that produces televisions and radios. After reading it, the reader will, as it were, go on a tour of the plant, visit its workshops and laboratories, see how workers and engineers work, what they do, what their work consists of. This book is intended for all schoolchildren who are faced with the question: who to be? (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. D. A. Konashinsky. 1949. Electric filters. ------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87433 The book outlines the principles of operation of the simplest electrical filters of low and high frequencies, bandpass and stop filters. A basic calculation of these filters is given. The last part of the book outlines the principles of operation and the simplest calculation of bandpass filters with tuning circuits. The book is intended for trained radio amateurs. The brochure describes devices for setting up and testing radio receivers, awarded with prizes and diplomas at the 7th All-Union Correspondence Radio Exhibition. The first part of the brochure is devoted to descriptions of various signal generators. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Volgograd TV and radio tower. ----------------------------------------- Photo - https://vk.com/volgograd_fmtv?w=wall-67247495_6742 https://sun9- 14.userapi.com/impf/SY1SNJpDD6507QMgsTAazMhwbxK94CB7vztXEA/_84lgiabIJ8.jpg?quality=95&as=32x18,48x 27,72x40,108x61,160x90,240x135,360x202,480x 270,540x303,640x359,720x404,1080x607,1280x719&sign= 2d046985b1971d599594351629fd5807&from=bu&u=2wA6ORCw3OL6NSKiZ8NYdLcu6Aqn47SkElsO6NiP4gY&cs= 807x453 (https://vk.com/volgograd_fmtv) * History of logos of 20 Russian TV channels. ------------------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 12:56 https://vk.com/public204049665?w=wall-204049665_1543 https://vk.com/public204049665?z=video-204049665_456239200%2F14aeee114ff8c32a5d%2Fpl_wall_-204049665 (https://vk.com/public204049665) * Why are antennas needed and how do they work - Just about the complex stuff. -------------------------------------------------- --- Today we are entering into the territory of radio amateurs. It often happens that everyone who tinkers with electronics is called a radio amateur. But still, based on the lexicon, a radio amateur is someone who plays around with radio waves, transmits or receives something through receivers and transmitters. So, today we will play a little with antennas, find out how antennas receive and transmit signals, what types they are. What kind of antennas are these - directional, non-directional? Why are some antennas long and others short? Some with a plate, others with pins? We will look at all this today, and believe me, it is very interesting. Details in Russian - https://pikabu.ru/story/zachem_nuzhnyi_antennyi_i_kak_oni_rabotayut__prosto_o_slozhnom_11514231 (https://pikabu.ru/) * Book on the Internet. V. Ya. Soloviev. 1975. Oscilloscope measurements. ------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87476 Practical methods of using a cathode-ray oscilloscope to measure the parameters of various electrical signals and the characteristics of components and elements of radio circuits are described. The book outlines the main issues of oscillographic measurement techniques. Methods for measuring the frequency of harmonic oscillations, measuring phase shifts are described in detail, and diagrams of new auxiliary units are given. The book is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * A selection of the most important industry news according to Telesputnik from June 17 to June 21, 2024 in the format of an express review. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Video in Russian : 6:37 https://telesputnik.ru/materials/hipe/video/telesputnik-ekspress-onlayn-kinoteatr-okko-raskruchivaet-youtube https://vk.com/telesputnik?w=wall-46499225_12108 https://vk.com/telesputnik?z=video-46499225_456240062%2F12f09154fef5a2f27c%2Fpl_wall_-46499225 In today's episode: - "Okko Sport" publishes reviews of football matches on YouTube amid discussions about blocking video hosting; - Experts named the required age for self-registration on social networks; - "Supertel" owes the company "Makro Group" almost 27 million rubles; - An organization with a dubious reputation announced a tender for the purchase of an Apple laptop; - The head of the FAS pointed out the inflated prices for Russian software. (https://telesputnik.ru/) =================================== TV shows from the USSR in the 60s, 70s, 80s. =================================== TV show "Before and After Midnight". -------------------------------------------------- - The year of airing was 1987 (March 7), the year of closing was 1991. The author of the program and its permanent presenter Vladimir Molchanov, in some sections Vladimir was helped by co-hosts. Details in Russian + photo: https://tv-80.ru/informacionnye/do-i-posle-polunochi/ (https://tv-80.ru/) ====================== RADIO ENGINEERING. STORY. ======================== - Radio receiver "Meridian RP-403". -------------------------------------------------- - Prepared for production since 1990 by the Kiev plant "Radiopribor". The model is designed for reception in the SW range (2 subbands) and VHF. It is made on three microcircuits and has a separate IF path. In the VHF band there is a BShN and AFC. In the SW-1, SW-2 bands the AGC system operates. In the model There is a low battery indicator. Ranges: KV-1 9.45...9.8 MHz, KV-2 11.5...12.1 MHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp403.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Radio receivers "Meridian RP-408" and "Meridian RP-308". -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Since 1984 and 1990, it was produced by the Kiev Production Association named after S.P. Korolev. ''Meridian RP- 408'' (until 1986 ''Meridian-408'') was created on the basis of the ''Selga-410'' model. ''Meridian RP-408'' is a small- sized, dual-band SW and DV superheterodyne, assembled on a microcircuit, a field-effect transistor, several resistors, capacitors, circuits and common radio units. Ranges: LW - 148...285 kHz, MW - 525...1607 kHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp308_408.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Detector radio receiver "RADIO". -------------------------------------------------- Since 1930, it has been produced by the Moscow Hardware Plant "RADIO". The radio receiver is assembled according to a single-circuit circuit, with switchable taps and a plug-in detector. Wave range 300...1800 m. 8 photos of the receiver - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87314 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) - Detector radio receiver ''Siberia''. -------------------------------------------------- ------ Since 1948, Tomsk plant No. 625 has been producing. The radio receiver is designed to receive local and powerful long-distance radio broadcasting stations in the range from 300 to 2000 meters. The adjustment is made by a rheostat-type device. The receiver has a volume control knob of the same rheostatic type, which operated on the principle of decreasing or increasing the turns of the circuit from which the signal was taken to the detector. This control is useful when receiving local and high-power radio stations. Details in Russian + photo - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87358 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) =========================== RADIO FACTORIES OF THE USSR. =========================== Riga Radio Plant named after. Popova. --------------------------------------------- Founded in 1926. From 1926 - the private company "Photo-Radio-Central", from 1933 - the radio production company "A.Apsitis&F.Zhukovskis", from 1940 - the Riga plant "Radiotekhnika", in 1941-1944 - the plant "Telefunken Geratewerk Riga", from 1944 - Riga plant "Radiotekhnika", since 1951 - Riga plant "Radiotekhnika" named after. A. Popova, from 1971 - in the Radiotehnika Production Association, from 1993 - Radiotehnika RRR JSC, from 1998 - VEF Radiotehnika RRR JSC. Plant products in Russian - https://www.radionic.ru/taxonomy/term/165 (https://www.radionic.ru/node/211) ======= QSL World ======== AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia AM = Alexander Myadel, Minsk, Belarus / SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS DZ = Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Kirovskaya oblast, Russia / Radio reception & DXWORLDWIDE - Telegram KB = Konstantin Barsenkov, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" VL = Vasily Lazarev, Samarskaya oblast, Russia DPRK --------- Voice of Korea. Email to all listeners who wrote admission reports. E-mail: vok[at]star-co.net.kp "Hello! We have received your acceptance report. Thank you. We will be glad to receive further reports..." (DZ) Finland. ----------------- Received e-qsl from Radio PIKO Finland for reception 05.26.24 / 18.00-18.30 UTC / 5880 kHz Rx ---KiwiSDR ---- Norway. (VL) France / Germany ----------------------------- Received e-qsl from Radio Atlantic2000 International for reception 06/08/24 / 9670 kHz / 08.00-08.30 UTC (VL) India. ---------- Akashvani QSL card. 08-02-24 / 9735 kHz (Bengaluru) / 13.30 UTC Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/akashvani.html (AK) Japan. ------------ QSL NHK Radio Japan Russian service (via United Arab Emirates), 04/12/2024, 13650 kHz, web-form: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/contact/ https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/06/qsl-from-nhk-radio-japan-russian.html (AM) Madagascar. ------------------ QSL card. MWV - Madagascar World Voice. April 2, 2024 / 18.00-19.00 UTC / 9885 kHz Another paper QSL received. Waiting period 3 months. The report was sent by mail to knlsradio[at]gmail.com and knlsradio[at]gmail.com, but the response came from Russia from St. Petersburg. As a bonus we sent a small pennant with the station logo (DZ) Thailand. -------------- E-QSL Radio Liberty pushtu service (via Thailand), 02/15/2024, 9355 kHz, 87 days, e-mail: manager_thailand @ tha.ibb.gov, station name and language are incorrect https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/06/qsl-from-radio-liberty-pushtu-service.html (AM) USA --------- KNLS Alaska / Russian Sce (USA) 3 QSL cards: 9705; 9570; 9550 kHz / 09.00; 11.00; 15.00 UTC/Dec.25-2023 The envelope was sent on June 5 from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Received June 17, 2024. Two cards from the QSL KNLS collection, the third "hand made". From a letter from Konstantin Chernushenko: "...The US Postal Service still does not deliver correspondence to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, which is why we have to send cards with someone who is flying to Russia. The third card is just a postcard from Alaska; sometimes we "turn" ordinary postcards into cards and send them to listeners. A long time ago, Mike Osborne (who was the head of the English department) told me that he did this sometimes and the students were very happy with such cards, so I sometimes do it too. But it depends on the availability of postcards from Alaska; they are brought to us from there periodically..." Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/10/madagascar-world-voice-knls.html (KB) USA / Germany ------------------------ Uncle Bill's Melting Pot / via Channel 292 (D) e-QSL: 9670 kHz / 17.00-18.00 UTC / Jun.15-2024 Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/from-isle-of-music.html (KB) ============ WORLD NEWS ============ * USA. North Carolina - Newport. ------------------------------------------ Some clarifications and additions to the message in bulletin No. 1068 dated June 16, 2024. The Russian language segment program Spoken Word of God has been broadcast on FBN Radio since January (probably the 1st) 2005 according to the station's schedule for January of that year. FBN Radio itself began broadcasting on December 12, 1988 on the FM station WOTJ in Morehead City, from October 1999 to August 1, 2012 it was broadcast around the clock on the HF station WTJC installed there from a 50 kW transmitter, and since December 2004 it has been available in Europe via Hotbird satellite. The airing time of the Russian-language segment remains unchanged in the schedule, but actually depends on the duration of the previous English-language segment. Both segments are of variable length, since each day one chapter from the Bible is read sequentially, and reading different chapters can take from 2.5 to 11 minutes. The Spoken Word of God program does not contain music tracks and after it ends, without a pause or announcement, another musical program begins. (Vladimir, Rybinsk, Yaroslavskaya oblast, Russia) * Armenia. ------------- Noratus. May 2024. Nautel transmitter. Evening session on 1395 kHz. Imported semiconductor transmitter. Block design. Photo - https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3656 (https://vk.com/public158109176) * Republic of Abkhazia. ----------------------------- Lights and aspirations of the TV tower: the history of the Sukhumi relay station. For the first time, a television signal from Abkhazia hit the Soviet KVN television on May 1, 1959. The Sukhumi television and radio broadcasting station was built and put into operation in the same year and celebrates its 65th anniversary in 2024. We are sure that each of you has seen the sparkling top of the TV tower, but not everyone knows how the picture gets onto our screens. We tried to figure it out. Details in Russian + photo - https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-134632126_49081 Source: https://sputnik-abkhazia.ru/20240501/ogni-i-chayaniya-telebashni-istoriya-sukhumskoy-retranslyatsionnoy- stantsii-1050938666.html (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) * DPRK -------- A special issue of the "Mailbox" section dedicated to the 61st anniversary of the formation of the Russian service "Voice of Korea". Broadcasts in Russian from Pyongyang began broadcasting on June 15, 1963. Video - 3:00 https://vk.com/radioko?w=wall-161080476_1149 https://vk.com/radioko?z=video-161080476_456239097%2F4ba52873fcce8ff9b9%2Fpl_wall_-161080476 (https://vk.com/radioko) * What is the Universe screaming about? A strange radio signal comes from space once an hour. -------------------------------------------------- --------- The universe is permeated with electromagnetic waves, and among this chaos, from time to time there are radio signals that puzzle scientists. Another such signal was recorded by Australian researchers. It repeats itself every hour, and although scientists have theories about its origin, they cannot explain it from the standpoint of modern physics. "It's intriguing that he has three different conditions." Astronomers explore all available information that comes to Earth from all directions of the Universe. They register the largest number of interesting events in the radio range of electromagnetic waves. Details in Russian - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/news/111052-o-chyom-krichit-vselennaya-iz-kosmosa-raz/ (Mail.ru) * Frank's take on WebSDRs and the SWL Contest that encourages use of them. --------------------------------- Hi, I am Frank SWL F14368, organizer of the SWL Contest 2024. I have written an article [about the use of WebSDRs]. Maybe you like to share on your nice website for SWL? https://icomjapan.blogspot.com/2023/12/listen-world-for-free-on-your-computer.html My contest is open to listeners who use a Kiwi or a WEB SDR. Not many contest accept this. Thank you very much. Best regards 73 de Frank SWL F-14368 / FØDUW (https://swling.com/blog/2024/06/franks-take-on-websdrs-and-the-swl-contest-that-encourages-use-of-them/) * EiBi A24 Update 14.06.2024 ----------------------------------------- http://eibispace.de/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * HFCC A24 Update 17.06.2024 ----------------------------------------- http://www.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip (https://vk.com/dxing) * QST Magazine - September 2022. -------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87444 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * BC-DX 1583, 22 June 2024 -------------------------------------- Editor: Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany http://topnews.wwdxc.de http://www.wwdxc.de/ * Taiwan. ------------- Radio Taiwan International is in negotiations with the Bulgarian repeater Space Line to change the frequency of the half-hour broadcast from 17:00 - 17:30 UTC. The results of the negotiations will be known on Monday. Information from the radio station's "Mailbox". (Viktor Varzin, Leningradskaya oblast, Kommunar, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") * Club Spotlight: International Radio Club of America. -------------------------------------------- The International Radio Club of America is a group of two hundred plus radio hobbyists in the United States, Canada and overseas. Members of the IRCA tune the AM broadcast band (540 to 1700 kHz) in search of distant radio signals. Membership in the IRCA is open to anyone interested in this fascinating hobby. The primary advantage of IRCA membership is being able to receive DX Monitor, the club's official Email (.pdf and .txt) news bulletin. DX Monitor is published 35 times a year. A year's worth of DX Monitor amounts to several hundred pages of valuable and interesting information on medium wave radio stations and DX listening. A typical issue of DX Monitor has three main features: "DX Roundup", "DX Forum" and "DX Worldwide". In "DX Roundup", members report their latest receptions of US and Canadian stations. In "DX Forum", members discuss their recent DXing activities, receiving equipment, radio stations and other topics of general interest. In "DX Worldwide", members report their most recent receptions of foreign medium wave stations. Surprisingly, a great number of countries, in all continents except Antarctica, can be heard on medium wave in North America. IRCA even has a Tropical Band column for those members that have an interest in that band. Several other features appear in DX Monitor every month or two. "Broadcasting Information" lists the latest call letter, frequency, power, format and network changes for US and Canadian stations, as well as information on new and proposed stations. "The IRCA Technical Column" keeps you posted on new receiving equipment, construction projects, receiver modifications and the use of receiving accessories. Some of the material in A DXers Technical Guide originally appeared in that column. "Verification Signers" list recent verifications (QSLs) received by club members. "DX Worldwide II" highlights foreign stations and includes a wealth of information on schedules, slogans and new stations. Other items appear when submitted by members, who are encouraged to share their knowledge within DX Monitor. The club issues achievement awards to those who have verified certain numbers of stations, states and provinces, or countries. A special Courtesy Programs Committee arranges special late-night DX programs with cooperating radio stations, enabling DXers to hear stations they might not be able to hear otherwise. IRCA members are entitled to discounts on club publications, a list of which can be obtained from: DXM.EiC@gmail.com. IRCA members include some of the friendliest and most interesting people you would ever want to meet. Club members regularly hold local and regional get-togethers, details of which are announced ahead of time in DX Monitor. The club holds an annual convention attended by members from all over North America. The IRCA has a democratic form of government with President, Secretary-Treasurer and Board of Directors elected every two years. All club officers, editors and committee members serve on a volunteer basis. Membership dues are used to pay for clerical upkeep of our membership list ($5.00 to join, $0.00 thereafter). If you would like a sample copy of DX Monitor, and more information on the club, Email DXM.EiC@gmail.com. We would enjoy having you become a member of IRCA, the world's finest medium wave DX club. (WRTH - Club Spotlight program) - I received a copy of the DX Monitor newsletter by email promptly, within a few hours. (editor) 73!