------------------------------- "RUS-DX" # 1293 Sunday / 9 June 2024 ------------------------- Russia - broadcasting, radio communications, television, internet, high tech. QSL world. World DX news. ----------------------------------------- Time: UTC --------------------------------- Editor: Anatoly Klepov --------------------------------- QTH: Moscow, Russia --------------------------------- E-mail: rusdx@yandex.ru Web site: http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdx Blog (QSL & photo): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------------------- The first issue was published in January 1991. ------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX" as source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, but here is only a machine translation. Machine translation: http://translate.google.ru & https://translate.yandex.ru/ & https://www.bing.com/translator ----------------------------------------------------------------- =================== EDITOR'S NEWS =================== Late 70s and early 80s of the last century. ------------------------------------------------- Briefly about working at the International Post Office, although a lot could be written here. The international post office at that time was located on Three Stations Square (Komsomolskaya Square), so many of the employees who worked here were from Moscow and the region, since it was convenient to get to work by train, and the metro was nearby. Somewhere in the second half of the 80s, the International Post Office moved to Warsaw Highway, and many employees left their jobs due to the inconvenience of transfers in transport to get to their place of work. But let's go back to the 70s. After the army, I accidentally got a job at the International Post Office, although at that time there were "Wanted for Work" notices everywhere. Probably the first thing that attracted me was that I was immediately upgraded to an electrician qualification level from 3rd to 4th. By the way, here in 6 years I reached the highest 6th category of my profession. The salary at that time, as now, at the post office was considered small, but thanks to combining the profession, I became a mechanic, plus there were additional payments for various items. I was gladly hired due to my educational and professional qualifications. Many came without any skills in their profession at all. There was a time then that people were hired at the request of relatives or friends among the bosses. This is still practiced today. Mostly women worked at the post office, who were busy sorting parcels, letters and other postal-related professions. The men here are employed as technicians repairing equipment, which includes me. Of course, there were also bosses - men. I did not try to ask questions about how letters were processed, since on duty I visited all the offices and workshops for processing correspondence. Being an electrician meant being everywhere, since there were electrical appliances everywhere. I saw how the entire process of processing letters took place and realized where all my letters that I sent to foreign radio stations had disappeared. what happened to them at that time and how they disappeared into the depths of the mail. This is now happening the other way around - Western countries are using sanctions to completely eliminate postal communications with Russia - they are banning everything that is possible before the imposition of sanctions for those who want to be friends and improve relations with Russia. Every radio amateur in our country felt this. But let's go back to the 70s. At first, I served the department for receiving letters from abroad and repaired equipment that helped in sorting letters. It was the third floor of the building. On the second floor there was a department for receiving correspondence around the country. There was also a first floor and a basement, not counting the attic and the roof of the building, which I had to visit because I had to change the lamps in the spotlights that illuminated the post office area. The only rooms where I did not have access was a special department where letters (both sent and received) were checked - this is where all my mail disappeared. Although one day I ended up in this "closed zone". They ordered a device from Europe that could read letters without opening the envelopes, and it was necessary to lay a sheet of metal on the floor for it. This was based on the technology of the device. I remember how with difficulty several people (among them I was) lifted a thick metal sheet to the third floor, and we were given access to the first room of the closed post office area. Here we were told what kind of device would be installed here, since we were wondering why metal was needed on the floor, and the interlocutor was friendly and willing to talk. I also served in the department where they studied the contents of books and brochures that came from abroad. Employees sat at tables and studied the contents. Books for radio amateurs always contain numbers - time, frequencies, names of radio stations, which was not encouraged at that time and of course reference books would not have been able to reach the recipient. Only correspondence from people's democracies was not subject to such total scrutiny and therefore it was a loophole into the world of radio that was used at that time. I sent letters to capitalist countries and received replies back through my friends in the GDR and Bulgaria. Of course it was a long detour, but it worked. There was also the way of sending letters to radio stations of foreign countries through their embassies in people's democracies. It took a long time, but it worked just as well. And only with perestroika in the USSR were all postal barriers removed, and mail began to flow from all countries of the world and extensive correspondence with the whole world began. I remember my time working at the International Post Office with nostalgia for the time when everything was different, but life at that time was also beautiful and difficult, as it is now, but from all situations you should always extract your best moments in the DX hobby. ============================== FROM KAMCHATKA TO THE BALTIKA ============================== Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. ---------------------------------------------- In Russian. Broadcast frequencies https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77/00058283 (Internet) Arhangelskaya oblast. --------------------------------- "Radio Russkiy Hit" sounds in Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk Since May, "Radio Russkiy Hit" has been heard on 89.6 FM in Arkhangelsk. You can also listen to the radio station on the same frequency in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. The total population coverage is 536.3 thousand people. The license for radio broadcasting belongs to the Krutoy Media holding. "Radio Russkiy Hit" is an actively developing radio station of the Krutoy Media holding. Every day on the air of "Radio Russkiy Hit" you hear the best from the world of Russian music - hot new releases and time-tested musical hits performed by the brightest stars. The radio station's transmitters are installed in 23 cities of Russia. In Moscow, "Radio Russkiy Hit" sounds at a frequency of 99.6 FM. Over 968.9 thousand people tune into the radio station's frequency in Moscow every week, and 313.5 thousand people daily*. *Mediascope, Radio Index - Moscow, December 2023 - February 2024, Daily Reach, Weekly Reach, radio stations among the population 12 years and older. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12576.htm) Vladimirskaya oblast. ---------------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01131660 04/22/2024 01.12.2024 04/22/2034 LLC "VLADIMIR MEDIA" Radio Monte-Carlo (168) +Vladimir 88.4 - 0.45 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Far East. ----------------------- May circular with frequencies from the International Telecommunication Union: • 90.0 and 100.1 MHz - Chita (Like FM and Detskoe Radio, respectively), broadcast point - TV and radio tower on Kurnatovsky, 90; coordination with China and Mongolia is required); • 92.4 MHz - Chuguevka village, Primorsky Territory, coordinates - Chuguevka district administration building (44°9'29"N 133°51'37"E), new frequency; • 101.7 and 102.7 MHz - Vladivostok (VBC and Lemma), modification; coordination with China has not yet been carried out; The broadcast point remains unchanged - the KRTPTS tower; • 103.9 MHz - Nakhodka (Novoe Radio), coordinates - MTS PJSC tower near building 6 on Astafiev Street (42°47'54"N 132°54'22"E); new broadcast location, so coordination with China is required; • 105.6 and 107.1 MHz - Irkutsk (Chanson and Avtoradio, respectively), broadcast point - television and radio center of the former holding AS Baikal TV; modification. The above frequencies are included in the category "proposed for approval" (Part A). Source - https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/terrestrial/brific/BRIFIC/SpecialSection/GE84/GE84_338.pdf (https://vk.com/tv_fm) Donetskaya oblast. ---------------------------- In Mariupol, radio stations Mayak and Vesti FM changed frequencies. "Vesti FM" now broadcasts on 96.4 MHz, and "Mayak" on 102.1 MHz. (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Zaporozhskaya oblast. ------------------------------- - L033-00114-77/01179017 04/27/2024 05/01/2025 04/27/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" +Europe Plus (165); Zaporozhye-FM (3) + Berdyansk 101.5 - 0.3 Melitopol 94.1 - 0.5 Energodar 105.5 - 0.1 Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01179017 There is broadcasting in Berdyansk and Melitopol. (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - L033-00114-77/01112732 04/01/2024 05/01/2025 04/01/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" +Autoradio (165); +Zaporozhye-FM (3) +Berdyansk 89.5 - 0.3 +Melitopol 97.5 - 0.5 Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01112732 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. --------------------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00064005 08/23/2019 09/01/2023 08/23/2029 LLC "RADIO NETWORK" +Iskatel (164); Revansh FM (4) +Nalchik 91.7 - 0.49 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Krasnodarskiy kray. ----------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/01103018 03/25/2024 03/25/2024 03/25/2034 LLC "ORION SOUTH" +Retro FM (Retro FM) (166 hours 57 minutes); Retro FM - Pavlovskaya (1 h 3 min) +Pavlovskaya 92.2 - 0.25 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - Radio Chistaya Volna (89.8 FM) was turned on in Tuapse: https://vk.com/wall-214526746_12 (https://vk.com/tvfm23) Lipetskaya oblast. -------------------------- License. Humor FM persons L033-00114-77/00152704 +Elets 107.7 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Moscow. ----------- - Radio Russii will soon sound in Moscow on 101.5 FM. The Moscow FM frequency 101.5 MHz was added to the license of the Radio Russii radio channel (L033-00114- 77/00058283 dated April 12, 2012). At the same time, the VHF frequency of 66.44 MHz remained. The declared power of the transmitting equipment is 5 kW. Broadcasting hours are daily from 5:00 to 1:00. Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77/00058283 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - License. Radio Russii persons L033-00114-77/00058283 +Moscow 101.5 - 5 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Moskovskaya oblast & Stavropolskiy kray. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ New broadcasting territories of Radio Dacha. Radio Dacha continues to expand its regional broadcasting network. In Volokolamsk, Moscow region, you can listen to Radio Dacha on the frequency 87.6 FM. Population coverage - 21.6 thousand people. Regional partner of Radio Dacha - LLC Novoe Radio, General Director Zhukov D.G. In the village of Krasnogvardeisky, Stavropol Territory, the radio station began broadcasting at a frequency of 101.3 FM. Population coverage - 16.155 thousand people. Regional partner of "Radio Dacha" is MKU KMO "Center for Youth Projects", acting. O. Director Podoprygolov T.S. In the working village of Serebryanye Prudy, Moscow Region, broadcasting began on the frequency 93.5 FM. Population coverage - 23.6 thousand people. Regional partner of Radio Dacha is TechInvest LLC, General Director Subbotin E.P. "Radio Dacha" is one of the leading radio stations of the Krutoy Media holding. "Radio Dacha" is one of the six most rated music radio stations in Russia in terms of all main indicators: daily audience volume, weekly audience volume and share of listener audience. The station's weekly reach is more than 14.8 million radio listeners. 5.6 million - choose the station every day. The audience share of Radio Dacha listeners is 4.8%. The regional broadcasting network of Radio Dacha includes 270 transmitters located in Russian cities and neighboring countries. Official website of Radio Dacha: radiodacha.ru *Mediascope, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people), July - December 2023, Daily Reach, Weekly Reach, AQH Share radio stations among the population 12 years and older. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12566.htm) Penzemskaya oblast. ----------------------------- ENERGY continues to expand its regional broadcasting network - on the first day of summer, a progressive radio station appeared in Kuznetsk, Penza region (population - 78.3 thousand people). From Rihanna's "Umbrella" to Justin Timberlake's "Selfish", only the best music is now playing for the city's residents on 93.5 FM. The transmitter power is 1 kW. Details in Russian - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/37101 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/) Permskiy kray. ---------------------- On June 3, the RTRS branch "Perm KRTPTs" began FM broadcasting of the radio station "Gorgost" in Perm at a frequency of 105.6 MHz. Radio "Gordost" is positioned as a music and information radio station in the patriotic segment. The broadcast is carried out from the main television tower of Perm - RTPS Krupskaya. The 1 kW transmitter covers with a signal more than 1 million 400 thousand residents of Perm, Kungursky, Dobryansky, Ilyinsky, Chusovsky and Nytvensky districts. (https://perm.rtrs.ru/tv/radioveshchanie/rtrs-nachal-translyatsiyu-radiostantsii-gordost-v-fm-diapazone-v-permi-/) Republic of Crimea. -------------------------- License. Novoe radio persons L033-00114-77/01126689 +Yalta 91.8 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Bashkortostan. ------------------------------------- On June 7, L radio began broadcasting in the city of Belebey at a frequency of 96.8 MHz. Please write in the comments about the quality of the broadcast. (Vladimir Dyachkov, ChelyabinskRussia / https://vk.com/bashfmtv) Republic of Tatarstan. ------------------------------- The Like FM federal network has been replenished with a new millionaire city - Kazan. In the capital of Tatarstan, where over 1.3 million people live, the trend setter brand appeared on May 31. The transmitter power is 4 kW, which ensures reliable signal reception not only in the metropolis, but also in nearby settlements. The launch coincided with the rebranding of the radio station, and summer in Kazan will now be as fresh as possible with Like FM! On the frequency 107.3 FM, residents will find real musical freshness - all the most fashionable, bright, and current. Listeners will be the first to learn about new releases, meet young performers, and even influence the airwaves by voting for tracks on the site. The slogan of Like FM is "Listen to what you like." Details in Russian - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/37105 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/) Rostovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- - In Donetsk, Rostov region, a test broadcast of Marusya FM on 93.8 MHz began (#RADIO TALK / Telegram) - License. FM-on-Don persons L033-00114-77/00648812 +Proletarsk 93.2 - 0.25 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Ryazanskaya oblast. --------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00058944 07/28/2014 12/28/2010 12/28/2025 MEDIA PROJECT LLC Radio MEDIA PROJECT (25); Radio Russkiy Hit (101) Mikhailov 103.8 - 0.03 +Ryazhsk 96.3 - 0.03 Skopin 105.5 - 0.03 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Sakhalinskaya oblast. ------------------------------ License. L033-00114-77/00060917 11/11/2013 07/01/2014 11/11/2025 LLC "TV COMPANY "ECHO SAKHALIN" +Radio Monte-Carlo (168) Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 102.9 - 1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Stavropolskiy kray. ------------------------------- - On June 5, in Krasnogvardeisky, at a frequency of 101.3 MHz, test broadcasting of Radio Dacha began instead of Svoe FM. Broadcasting will officially begin soon. (https://vk.com/public204049665) - License. L033-00114-77/00763762 11/14/2023 08/01/2025 11/14/2033 LLC "KMV TELECOM" Radio Monte-Carlo (168) +Mineral Waters 94.6 - 0.5 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00067134 11/13/2020 03/01/2021 11/13/2030 RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION "GEORGE DIOCESE OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH (MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE)" Radio Vera (168) Aleksandrovskoe 101.9 - 0.1 Arzgir 103.8 - 0.1 Blagodarny 101.2 - 0.1 Budennovsk 101.7 - 0.25 +Galyugaevskaya 89.8 - 0.01 +Kurskaya 100.0 - 0.01 +Russkoe 99.7 - 0.01 Neftekumsk 100.4 - 0.1 +Zelenokumsk 100.0 - 0.01 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Tverskaya oblast. -------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/00062944 03/10/2015 04/01/2015 03/10/2025 LLC "MEGATON-TV" +Di FM (D FM) (166); +Radio GAMMA (2) Konakovo 98.2 - 0.1 Nelidovo 100.8 - 0.1 Ostashkov 106.4 - 0.1 Rzhev 105.8 - 0.25 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - In the Tver region, on the former frequencies of Europe plus, it is planned (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for- broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114-77%2F00062944) DFM: Konakovo 98.2 Nelidovo 100.8 Ostashkov 106.4 Rzhev 105.8. (#RADIO TALK / Telegram) Khabarovskiy kray. -------------------------- The launch of Detskoe Radio took place in Khabarovsk, a major cultural and business center of the Russian Far East, where more than 615.5 thousand people currently live. From June 1, the broadcast is available on 99.1 FM. Details in Russian - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/37096 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/) Khersonskaya oblast. ----------------------------- - Radio Russia. Persons L033-00114-77/00058283 Aleshki 89.0 - 0.25 Verkhnii Rogachik 95.9 - 0.1 Nizhnie Serogozy 101.2 - 0.5 Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F00058283 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - A new frequency of 90.7 MHz was added to the license of Dorozhnoe Radio in the Kherson region. Broadcasting will be carried out in the city of Kakhovka. Transmitter power - 250 W (under license). L033-00114-77/01018811 01/16/2024 04/01/2025 01/16/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" Dorozhnoe radio (160); Kherson-FM (8) Kherson region Genichesk 95.1 - 0.3 + Kakhovka 90.7 - 0.25 Source: https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01018811 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Yaroslavskaya oblast. ------------------------------- Yaroslavl is a new broadcasting city for Rodny Dorog Radio Yaroslavl is the third most populous city in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. It is a large industrial center and transport hub, from which railway lines and roads diverge in the direction of Moscow, Vologda, Rybinsk, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Kirov. Yaroslavl also has a river port and an airport. The population of Yaroslavl is over 570,000 people. Radio Rodnykh Dorog is the largest independent radio network in the country. The broadcast features the best music from the 60s to the present day and current information about the situation in the country and the world from the National News Service. Listen to Rodnye Dorog Radio in Yaroslavl and nearby settlements at frequency 93.0 FM Source - https://vk.com/radiord (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Internet broadcasting. --------------------------- We are pleased to announce the start of broadcasting of the Internet radio station "Radio Malina"! This radio station was created by the administration team of the "Radio and TV" community The brightest, unforgettable hits of the 90s, 00s, 10s and new items of our days are waiting for you on our wavelength. And all this is in Russian! Our website on the Internet: radiomalina.webnode.ru Our VK group: vk.com/radiomalinafm Radio station stream: http://s0.radioheart.ru:8000/m_ethern Happy listening! (https://vk.com/radio_i_tv) ============ DIGEST. NEWS. ============ * Date - June 8. International Oceans Day. -------------------------------------------------- --------- UN Memorial Day, celebrated annually on June 8th. It was established by the UN General Assembly on February 12, 2009 (resolution No. A/RES/63/111). The purpose of the holiday is to draw humanity's attention to the problems of the oceans of planet Earth. Ernest Miller Hemingway (Eng. Ernest Miller Hemingway: July 21, 1899, Oak Park, Illinois, USA - July 2, 1961, Ketchum, Idaho, USA) - American writer, war correspondent, winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize in Literature. "Zenith Trans-Oceanic" in the cabin of the boat "Pilar". Ernest Hemingway owned a 38-foot (12-meter) fishing boat, the Pilar. She was purchased in April 1934 from Wheeler Shipbuilding in Brooklyn, New York for $7,495. "Pilar" was the nickname of Hemingway's second wife, Pauline, and also the name of a female guerrilla leader in his 1940 novel about the Spanish Civil War, For Whom the Bell Tolls. Trans-Oceanic L600 Ch=6L40 black Radio Zenith Radio Corp.; www.radiomuseum.org https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/zenith_trans_oceanic_l600.html (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/blog-post.html * Date - June 10. Ballpoint pen birthday. -------------------------------------------------- --------- In 1888, American inventor John Loud received a patent for a ball-point design: through a rod, ink flowed onto a miniature ball, which, as it rotated, "wound" the paste, leaving marks on the paper. Half a century later, the brothers Laszlo József and Gyorgier (Georgy) Biro created the first writing sample. On June 10, 1943, American businessman Milton Reynolds received a patent for the devices and began supplying them to customers. In the collage are forms of hardware magazines of the USSR Radio Sports Federation. AM FM Radio Pen QP-6. Quasar Pen; Commerce Township (MI). Country: USA. Manufacturer / Brand: Quasar Pen; Commerce Township (Michigan). Year: 2004. The basic principle. Superheterodyne (regular). Wave range AM-FM. Broadcast (BC) and FM or UHF. Power type and voltage. Dry batteries / LR44: 2 x 1.5 Volts. Speaker. For headphones only! Material. Plastic (no Bakelite or Catalina). Form. The design of a radio or novelty/gadget - a fancy or unusual shape. The Quasar QP-6 was a ballpoint pen combined with an AM/FM radio. Made in China. Description based on materials from Radiomuseum.org (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/blog-post_7.html * Date: June 12. -------------------------- June 12 is a national holiday - Russia Day. RTRS TV towers will include a festive scenario of architectural and artistic lighting. Details in Russian - https://moscow.rtrs.ru/press/announcements/v-den-rossii-telebashni-rtrs-okrasyatsya-v-tsveta- trikolora/ (https://moscow.rtrs.ru/) * Day in history: DFM in Kolomna. --------------------------------------------- Exactly 2 years ago, on June 1, 2022, on the frequency 93.4 FM in Kolomna, "Marusya FM" was replaced by DFM. Transmitter power 100 W. "Marusya FM" returned to the airwaves in Kolomna on July 5 of the same year on the new frequency 98.2 FM (instead of "Hit FM"). (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * A day in history. ------------------------- Exactly 32 years ago, on June 2, 1992, in Pyatigorsk, on a frequency of 73.40 MHz, and on a frequency of 100.9 MHz, the city's first local radio station, "Radio Province," began broadcasting, which is still on the air. Online broadcasting: http://s0.radioheart.ru:8000/RH72522 Now broadcasting on 73.40 MHz has been stopped. WEB: https://radio-province.rf/radio-province/ (https://vk.com/public204049665) * Day in history: TV-3 celebrates its anniversary. ----------------------------------------- On this day, June 6, exactly 30 years ago, the Russian federal television channel TV-3, part of Gazprom-Media Holding and specializing in series, feature films and pseudo-documentary films of a mystical nature, went on air. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10929 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * * Day in History: Radio 7 na semi kholmakh. -------------------------------------- On this day, June 7, exactly 32 years ago, Radio 7 na semi kholmakh sounded for the first time. The format of this radio station is Soft AC - light popular music by foreign performers from the 1960s to the present. It is aimed at a wide range of listeners. Since 2006 it has been part of the European Media Group. Initially, Radio 7 Moscow appeared in Moscow on 73.4 VHF (on June 7, 1992, test broadcasting was carried out, and a month later it became regular). In May 1993, FM frequency 104.7 was added. At the same time, the broadcast on VHF and FM was different. For example, FM broadcasts of that time broadcast news in English. On weekdays from 06:00 to 10:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00 there was a full overview of events at the beginning of the hour, and short episodes were published at every 30 minutes of the hour. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10942 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: Daryal-TV -> Che! -------------------------------------------- On this day, June 7, exactly 25 years ago, the broadcast of the Daryal TV channel (now "Che!") began on 23 TVCs. The process of obtaining a license for Daryal TV in 1998 was accompanied by a scandal. In August, Channel 24's term was ending, so in May 1998, a tender was announced for the vacant frequency in Moscow and the region. Among the applicants were the television companies ATV, VID, MIR, television companies of the Federation Council and the Ministry of Defense. The competition was canceled without explanation, and FSTR license No. 2781 was "retroactively" received by the TV Daryal company. This scandal led to the fact that television and radio frequencies in large cities of Russia and the centers of its constituent entities began to be distributed exclusively through competitive tenders. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10945 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: "Sport FM". ------------------------------------------------- On this day, June 7, exactly 18 years ago, "Radio Sport," best known as "Sport FM," started broadcasting on the frequency 93.2 FM. This was the third attempt to create a sports radio station in Russia. Before this, from 1998 to 1999, one could hear "Radio Sport Moscow" on the frequency 103.4 FM (a project of the Moscow Government), and from 2000 to 2005, "Sport FM" on 90.8 FM (Gazprom-Media). The founder of Radio Sport was the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Vasily Kichedzhi, a businessman affiliated with the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10946 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Day in history: "Taxi FM". --------------------------------------------- On this day, June 7, exactly 13 years ago, the radio station "Taxi FM" appeared on the frequency 96.4 FM. The broadcast was opened by Mikhail Boyarsky's song "Green-Eyed Taxi". The original format of "Taxi FM" was Soft AC - the best foreign and domestic music of different genres and different years, calm melodic hits. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10951 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * Collage. Bulletin "RUS-DX # 1292 (English version). ----------------------------------------- Internet page - Escuchando La Radio. You can see it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/rus-dx-1292-english-version.html * Magazine "Radio" # 6 / 2024 -------------------------------------- In Russian. Broadcasting news. The section is led by V. Sheptukhin (R5GF), Lipetsk, Russia https://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2024/06/12.pdf (http://www.radio.ru/) * Radio Panorama program. -------------------------------------- In Russian. Moscow. World Radio Network. 06/08/2024 The "Radio Panorama" program is for fans of long-distance radio reception. Author and presenter Vadim Alekseev. Publishing a sound file on a page - https://wrn.world/program/30cef3cb-3197-4eef-b04d-18ccb089f75b/ (https://wrn.world/) * Book on the Internet. V.K. Labutin. 1955. Radiomaster's book. ------------------------------------------------ In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87014 The book is compiled in the form of a training and reference manual for radio repair shop technicians and contains fundamental information on the installation, repair, adjustment and testing of broadcast receivers and amplification devices. It also contains the most important information on mathematics, drawing, electrical and radio engineering calculations, electrical materials, plumbing and the organization of radio repair shops. Theoretical information is presented in it in close connection with practice. The book is intended for radio masters, including rural ones, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. F. I. Tarasov. 1955. Simple battery radios. --------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87031 The brochure describes homemade battery-powered tube radios. Receivers (single-lamp and two-lamp) are assembled according to the simplest circuits from parts, most of which can be easily manufactured by the radio amateur himself. The brochure is intended for beginner radio amateurs living in rural areas. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Computers of the USSR 1980 - 1992. --------------------------------------------- Details in Russian + photo - https://dzen.ru/a/Zlx6Ao-PWHrYNM35 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Telephone sets 1947 - 1992. -------------------------------------------- Details in Russian + photo - https://dzen.ru/a/ZiUZJsuxWlcCHbDX (https://dzen.ru/shema_tehnik) * Three-program receivers and set-top boxes. -------------------------------------------- Details in Russian + photo - https://dzen.ru/a/ZaYtr6eBXWULBHNM (https://dzen.ru/shema_tehnik) * Radio magazines 2023. ------------------------------- In Russian. Photo + can be downloaded - https://dzen.ru/a/ZaYtr6eBXWULBHNM (https://dzen.ru/shema_tehnik) * Sevastopol residents are offered to restore wired radio to inform about air raid warnings. --------------------------------------------- An announcement has appeared on the website of the Russian Broadcasting and Warning Networks in which residents of Sevastopol are urged to restore or install a radio point in their apartments in order to receive alerts about emergencies in the region. Details in Russian - https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18416 (https://tele-satinfo.ru/) * Book on the Internet. I. V. Mikhailov, A. I. Proposhin. 1973. Capacitors. ---------------------------------------------------- In Russain. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87062 The brochure contains reference information about the most common types of capacitors in amateur radio practice. Designs are described and recommendations are given for the use of capacitors in radio devices. The brochure is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Experimental television program for November 1938. --------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12414 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * Lightning struck the Ostankino Tower twice. ------------------------------------------ Photo. https://vk.com/club33779617?w=wall-33779617_7300 (https://vk.com/club33779617) * Book on the Internet. F. I. Tarasov. 1956. Low frequency amateur radio amplifier circuits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87078 The brochure contains diagrams and brief descriptions of various low-frequency amplifiers built by radio amateurs and published in Radio magazine for the period from 1948 to 1956. The book, which is a translation from English, discusses two systems radio telecontrol models (two-channel with amplitude modulation and eight-channel with pulse-amplitude modulation) and their complete circuits are given. A description is also given of two models of ships controlled by radio using these systems. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Residents of Odessa again had to listen to Russian songs on the radio. -------------------------------------------------- - "Strana.ua": Russian songs were played on radio stations in Odessa. In Odessa, radio stations were hacked and Russian songs were broadcast, writes the Ukrainian publication Strana.ua. A video recorded in one of the cars in Ukraine has appeared on the Internet. The song of the Russian group "Lube" "Come on for us..." is heard in the frame. It is noteworthy that the continuation contained the words "for Kherson" and "for Donbass". Earlier it was reported that the parade on Red Square in Moscow in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War was shown on cable channels in the Odessa region. It was assumed that the satellite television was hacked by hackers. news.ru (https://tele-satinfo.ru/) * The evolution of the logos of the LenTV 24 (LOT) TV channel. ---------------------------------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_55391 On June 6, Len TV 24 (formerly Leningrad Regional Television Company) turns 30 years old (https://vk.com/public180684859) * The evolution of TV-3 channel logos. ---------------------------------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_55382&z=photo-180684859_457285243%2Falbum- 180684859_00%2Frev On June 6, the Russian film and mystical TV channel TV-3 turns 30 years old (https://vk.com/public180684859) * Book on the Internet. B. A. Levandovsky. 1952. Scales and vernier devices. ------------------------------------------------------ In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87101 The brochure contains a description of various types of scales and vernier devices for radio receivers and measuring equipment, provides calculations of the elements of the scale and vernier, and discusses the issues of their choice depending on the design and external design of the receiver. A description of a homemade scale and vernier for an amateur radio receiver is also given. The brochure describes the layout and design of a battery-powered rural radio station using finger lamps, with the expectation that it can be independently manufactured by radio amateurs. Instructions are given for setting up and adjusting the mobile receiver and information related to working with the mobile in practical conditions of its operation is provided. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * The general director said that "Serebryany Dozhd" was bought by a "fan." -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The new owner of the radio, which has been operating for 30 years, was Vladimir Orlovsky's Mediaindustry company. The general director of Silver Rain, Alexander Dubrovin, called him a "fan" who saw potential in the concept of this radio The radio station "Serebryany Dozhd" came into the possession of Vladimir Orlovsky's Mediaindustriya LLC, Kommersant reports, citing data from SPARK-Interfax. Previously, the media belonged to Radio Station Serebryany Dozhd LLC: 70% of this structure was controlled by the general director of the radio station Alexander Dubrovin, 20% by Syrian businessman Jamil Asfari, 10% by the LLC itself. Details in Russian - https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/06/06/2024/6660fe1c9a79472e1a70a007 (https://www.rbc.ru/) * The evolution of the Radio 7 logos on seven hills. ---------------------------------------- https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_55438 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * The evolution of the logos of the TV channel Daryal TV / DTV-VIASAT / DTV-VIASET / DTV / Peretz. ---------------------------------------- On June 7, the former entertainment TV channel "Peretz" (earlier names - Daryal-TV and DTV) turns 25 years old https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_55435 (https://vk.com/public180684859) * History page. -------------------------------- On June 5, 1931, the Magadan radio station began its work. Currently, one of the attractions of Magadan is the TV tower on Komsomolskaya Square. The Magadan Regional Radio and Television Transmission Center as an enterprise was formed on October 1, 1976 as part of the Magadan Production and Technical Communications Directorate on the basis of Order of the USSR Ministry of Communications No. 316 of July 19, 1976 by separating from the Magadan Radio Center the following objects: the Orbita station, the VHF workshop, and the television repeater in the village Snow Valley. Details in Russian + photo - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87148 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Several photographs from the personal archive of Sofia Sergeevna - she is also a "grandmother-television master". -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12444 Video - 0:49 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12444&z=video- 177507201_456239299%2Fcaf49f0515f09d45ac%2Fpl_post_-177507201_12444 She has a personal channel on YouTube (sofia_telemaster). At the time we met Sofia Sergeevna, she had several dozen subscribers. Now - more than 90 thousand!!! It's great that the public is showing interest in an extraordinary woman. For those who do not yet know about her, let us remind you that the "grandmother-television master" lives in Perm. She has a higher medical education, as well as a radio engineering education - she completed courses for television technicians, worked at an instrument-making plant - she was engaged in the repair of measuring instruments. Sofya Sergeevna has been interested in electrical engineering since childhood. In my youth, when I worked as a doctor, I did not forget about radio engineering - I repaired televisions for employees and friends. Since her retirement, Sofya Sergeevna continues to do this to this day. She gives useful tips on repairing modern household appliances, talks about interesting facts about her life, and conducts various physical experiments. We wish Sofya Sergeevna good health and new visitors to her channel. https://www.youtube.com/@sofia_telemaster (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * Book on the Internet. G. A. Snitserev. 1949. Graphical calculation of a short-wave coil. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87166 The brochure outlines a simple graphical method for calculating coil inductance for circuits operating in the short- wave range. The brochure contains diagrams with descriptions of a number of tube radios, ranging from a simple single-tube radio to an all-wave radio. In addition, diagrams and descriptions of individual low-frequency amplifiers of various powers and two rectifiers are provided. Descriptions contain detailed circuit details, winding data for coils and transformers. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) =================================== TV shows from the USSR in the 60s, 70s, 80s. ==================================== Program "DIPP" (Children's video channel) -------------------------------------------------- ------ "Children's Video Channel" was created in 1989 on Soviet television. The project was handled by the corresponding main editorial office of the programs. Under him, the program DIPP (abbreviation - Children's Information and Publicistic Program) existed and functioned. Famous TV presenters G. Galustyan, S. Krylov, S. Romankova read letters from TV fans and answered their questions. Details + photo: https://tv-80.ru/detskie/detskiy-videokanal/ (https://tv-80.ru/) ====================== RADIO ENGINEERING. STORY. ======================== - The portable radio receiver ''Meridian RP-310'' has been produced since 1992 by the Berezhansky Mikron plant named after. Queen. The broadcast receiver ''Meridian RP-310'' is designed for reception in the following bands: LW and VHF-FM. It is equipped with an AGC system, BSN, an indicator for setting and monitoring power, and a socket for a miniature telephone. Powered by three A-316 elements. Details + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp310.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - The portable radio receiver "Meridian RP-314" has been produced since the first quarter of 1992 by the Berezhansky Mikron plant named after. Queen. The receiver is assembled on the K174XA10 multifunctional microcircuit and is designed for reception in the ranges: LW and MW. It has an AGC system, an indicator for setting and monitoring power, and a socket for a miniature telephone. Powered by 3 elements of type A-316. Details + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp314.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) =========================== RADIO FACTORIES OF THE USSR. =========================== Novgorod plant "Kvant". -------------------------------------- Founded in 1958. Since 1958 - Novgorod Television Plant, PA "Kvant", State Unitary Enterprise "PO "Kvant", since 2003 - State Unitary Enterprise "Television Plant "Sadko" Plant products in Russian - https://www.radionic.ru/taxonomy/term/234 (https://www.radionic.ru/node/211) ========= QSL World ========= AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia AM = Alexander Myadel, Minsk, Belarus / SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS AY = Alexander Yurin, Pskovskaya oblast, Russia KB = Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" Australia --------------- eQSL HCJB (Reach Beyond). E-mail: hcjbjapan.office2[at]gmail.com 1 June 2024 / 11.00-11.30 UTC / 15460 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/hcjb-reach-beyond.html (AK) Brazil ------------- Received 2 QSL cards from Radio Brasil Central for reports dated 06/19/2022 and 06/22/2022. Both times the reception was made (quite successfully) on the frequency 11815 kHz at 02:30-03:30 UTC. The reports in Portuguese were sent along with a postcard from the city of Pskov by regular letter to the radio station in the summer of 2022. The response letter was sent on 03/01/2024 and received on 06/08/2024; the envelope was torn on 3 sides and tied with a regular rubber band. Additionally included 4 postcards from Radio Brasil Central and a small letter in Portuguese/English/Russian. (AY) You can view the QSL card here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/radio-brasil-central.html Canada / Germany --------------------------- eQSL Pop Shop Radio. E-mail: popshopperadio[at]gmail.com 2 June 2024 / 19.25-20.00 UTC / 6160 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/pop-shop-radio.html (AK) Finland ----------------- Radio Piko (FIN) e-QSL: 9770 kHz USB / 16.12-16.57 UTC / Jun.2-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2024/06/radio-piko.html (KB) France / Germany ----------------------------- e-QSL Atlantic 2000 international. E-mail: atlantic2000international[at]gmail.com 8 June 2024 / 08.00-09.00 UTC / 9670 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/atlantic-2000-international.html (AK) Germany -------------- eQSL Steelguitar. E-mail: qslsteelguitar[at]gmail.com 3 June 2024 / 19.00-20.00 UTC / 3955 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/steelguitar.html (AK) Madagascar / UK ------------------------------------- E-QSL BBC French service (via Madagascar), 05/19/2024, 25900 kHz, 1 minutes, web-form: https://eqsl.tools.bbc.co.uk/ https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/06/qsl-from-bbc-french-service-via.html (AM) Netherlands ------------------ * E-QSL Radio Delta International (Netherlands), 05/19/2024, 6170 khz, 2 days, web-form: https://radiodelta.am/reports/ https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/06/qsl-from-radio-delta-international-6170.html (AM) - E-QSL FRS Holland (Netherlands), 05/03/2024, 6275 khz, 15 days, e-mail: frs @ frsholland.nl https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/06/qsl-from-frs-holland-6275-khz.html (AM) * Radio Delta International (NL) e-QSL: 6170 kHz / 21.45-22.00 UTC / May.19-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2021/04/radio-delta-international.html (KB) Russia / Germany --------------------------- Voice of the Andes/HCJB (D) QSL-cards: 11700 kHz / 15.30-16.00 UTC / Apr.20/27-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2020/01/hcjb-voice-of-andes.html (KB) USA / Germany ----------------------- - eQSL Imaginary Stations. E-mail: imaginarystations[at]gmail.com This is your official May 2024 verification of the following shortwave transmissions from Imaginary Stations: 5 May 2024 Test Cards 2000-2100 UTC 3975 kHz 12 May 2024 WMMR 2000-2100 UTC 3975 kHz 19 May 2024 Skybird Radio Int 2017-2100 UTC 3975 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/imaginary-stations.html (AK) - eQSL Texas Radio Shortwave. E-mail: texasradioshortwave[at]protonmail.com 1 June 2024 / 19.00-20.00 UTC / 3955 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/06/texas-radio-shortwave.html (AK) ============ WORLD NEWS ============ * Broadcast News #3_2024 --------------------------------- In Russian. International broadcasting. https://qst.su/archives/30505 Editor: Valery Sheptukhin, Lipetsk, Russia (https://qst.su/) * Republic of Armenia. --------------- - Noratus. May 2024. Photo. Truss antenna used to operate at 1395 kHz. https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3640 https://vk.com/public158109176?z=photo-158109176_457240364%2Falbum-158109176_00%2Frev (https://vk.com/public158109176) - Noratus. May 2024. Photo. ART3 antenna used for broadcasting at 864 kHz. https://vk.com/public158109176?z=photo-158109176_457240365%2Falbum-158109176_00%2Frev (https://vk.com/public158109176) - Noratus. May 2024. Video. In the video: a medium-wave transmitter of the "Tide" type carries out an evening session at a frequency of 1350 kHz. On-air operation of this transmitter begins at a frequency of 864 kHz, then the frequency and antenna change (1350 kHz, "Square") Video - 0:30 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3644 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3644&z=video- 158109176_456239520%2F5f2644dc28e2d8c5dd%2Fpl_post_-158109176_3644 (https://vk.com/public158109176) * Monitoring. ---------------- VHF/FM DX. After many attempts, finally on the 3rd and 4th June was heard, apparently only through the "tropospheric" passage. On June 3 at 05.50 UTC advertising and messages in the Azer language on 87.5 MHz Radio Space, on 90.7 from Syria choral military songs, and on 90.85 MHz at 06.00 UTC news in Russian on the "Police Wave". On June 4th there are many transmitters from Belarus, for example on 68.7 Radio Stalitsa, and on 66.2 and 68.5 Radio Culture - all around 10.35 UTC (frequencies are approximate). (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria) * QST Magazine - June, 2024 ------------------------------------ https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87012 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * SAQ celebrates 100 years on Alexanderson Day 2024. ------------------------------------------- News from Alexander SAQ Grimeton Grimeton Friendship Association. SAQ celebrates 100 years on Alexanderson Day, June 30th, 2024. Almost a hundred years ago, on December 1st, 1924, the long wave transmitter at Grimeton Radio Station, with the call sign SAQ, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station in Riverhead and with the replying transmitter station in Rocky Point, both on Long Island, NY, USA. While all the other transmitting and receiving stations in the RCA network since long are gone, SAQ has been preserved as a World Heritage Site and, amazingly, SAQ is still operational. The design and manufacturing of such a robust a reliable radio transmitter was a monumental achievement by the Swedish-born inventor Ernst F.W. Alexanderson. Thank you Ernst! The Alexander Association welcomes all visitors to the Alexanderson Day, Sunday, June 30th, 2024, 09:30-16:00. Together with the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, we will offer many activities, for the whole family, during the day. The unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924, with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for two transmissions over the antenna on VLF 17.2 kHz CW. https://alexander.n.se/en/ More details - www.alexander.n.se * DX Fanzine No. 129 - June 2024 --------------------------------------------- Editor: Antonello Napolitano, Italy http://www.dxfanzine.org http://www.dxfanzine.com/ * HFCC A24 Update 31.05.2024 -------------------------------------- http://www.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip (https://vk.com/dxing) * EiBi A24 Update 01.06.2024 ---------------------------------------- http://eibispace.de/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * Japan. ------------- Since February, some commercial radio broadcasters have begun trial suspensions of radio stations that broadcast on medium wave (AM), with a real possibility that the pause will extend to a permanent nationwide shutdown as broadcasters seek to cut costs. Thirteen of Japan's 47 commercial operators turned off their transmitters to see what effect the temporary suspension of AM broadcasts would have. AM launched in 1925, ushering Japan into the broadcast era, but may not survive long enough to celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. "The radio was the center of the home and was enjoyed by the whole family," said Tadanobu Okabe, curator of the Japan Radio Museum in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture. In central Japan, there is a museum with an extensive collection of radios and documents, covering mainly the "golden era" of Japanese radio from the 1930s to the 1950s. The exhibition is organized taking into account the chronological sequence of the history of radio broadcasting in Japan, starting five years after the world's first radio broadcast in the United States. Details in Russian - https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18425 (https://tele-satinfo.ru/) * Egypt. ---------- In Egypt, statistics have emerged regarding how passionate the population is about studying the Holy Quran, and these statistics are very interesting. According to the head of the Egyptian radio station Quran Radio, Mohamed Nour, 60 million Egyptians listen to Quranic radio every day - about 60% of the population, IslamNews reports with reference to Iqna. Quranic Radio was founded with the aim of preventing distortions in the understanding of the holy Quran and providing believers with access to the correct recitation of the Quran by eminent reciters and its proper interpretation. Since its inception, Radio Quran has become very popular due to its mission and has attracted a wide audience of listeners. islamnews.ru (OnAir.ru) * QST Magazine - January, 2024 ------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_87154 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * A mysterious radio signal is repeated in space every hour: it defies explanation. -------------------------------------------------- ----- The source of the bizarre signal has not been revealed, and it itself cannot be explained by the current laws of physics. There are many strange radio signals in the Universe, but a recently discovered one stands out among all previously known ones. It repeats itself every hour, going through three different states. Although experts have some idea about its origin, the strange radio signal cannot be explained by the current understanding of physics, writes New Atlas. The signal first appeared in data collected by the ASKAP radio telescope in Australia. This device is designed to observe a large swath of the sky in search of short-term impulses. Officially designated ASKAP J1935+2148, the signal repeats every 53.8 minutes. Details - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/news/110814-zagadochnyj-radiosignal-povtoryaetsya-v-kosmose-kazhdyj-chas-ne- poddaetsya-obyasneniyu/?frommail=1 (Internet) 73!