------------------------------- "RUS-DX" # 1291 Sunday / 26 May 2024 ------------------------- Russia - broadcasting, radio communications, television, internet, high tech. QSL world. World DX news. ----------------------------------------- Time: UTC --------------------------------- Editor: Anatoly Klepov --------------------------------- QTH: Moscow, Russia --------------------------------- E-mail: rusdx@yandex.ru Web site: http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdx Blog (QSL & photo): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------------------- The first issue was published in January 1991. ------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX" as source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, but here is only a machine translation. Machine translation: http://translate.google.ru & https://translate.yandex.ru/ & https://www.bing.com/translator ----------------------------------------------------------------- =================== EDITOR'S NEWS =================== The beginning of the 70s of the last century. ------------------------------------------------- Due to the limitation of postal contacts with radio stations in foreign countries, I paid more attention to broadcasting in the USSR. I was pleased to receive QSL cards from Moscow Radio, although it was a little difficult, since the programs were intended for foreign listeners. But still, I received confirmation of the reception of Moscow Radio programs from the English, French, German and Italian broadcasting offices. One of the QSL cards of that time is https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/radio-moscow-qsl-1973.html. There was a woman working in the Italian language broadcasting department who answered letters and questions from listeners in Italy. I still remember her because she communicated with me tactfully. In those days, there were a lot of questions from long-distance reception enthusiasts from the south of Europe. And it so happened that many of the questions related to the topic of radio. By coincidence, I found myself in that place at that time. I, the letters editor, organized a meeting with one of the editors of the Italian editorial office with a proposal to compose several programs based on letters from radio listeners about radio broadcasting in the USSR. At that time I was studying at a vocational school (vocational school) and getting on the radio was simply a miracle for me. At that time, for letters to the radio station, I began to use the Moscow typewriter, and this helped me in composing programs, since the text had to be typed on a typewriter. My parents encouraged me in my hobby and, at my request, bought a typewriter, which I saw in a thrift store. The cost of a new machine was prohibitive, but in a consignment store it was much lower. By the way, I started typing the first issues of this newsletter that you are reading on this typewriter. I compiled two programs about radio in the USSR, but then they suggested that I interview radio amateurs in a radio club and record it on tape, since there were questions on the topic of amateur radio. I found the Moscow Amateur Radio Club, which was located in the basement at that time on Leninsky Prospekt. This is now a separate building in the north-west of Moscow. Something incomprehensible to me was going on at the club. The small room had its own radio spirit, not the one I listened to from radios, but some special one. I saw radio amateurs looking for confirmation cards that had their call signs on a large table where mail was spilling out of bags. This, of course, probably alienated me from amateur radio, since I was used to mail arriving at the mailbox in the house. But there were many radio amateurs in Moscow, and finding the cards that were sent to you was a task with many unknowns. It was a minus that I did not become a radio amateur. The second disadvantage is that you had to have a receiver with amateur wave bands, which could only be purchased through private advertisements. Such receivers were not sold in stores. But let's get back to the topic. Unfortunately, I did not have a tape recorder to record the interview, since it was only a dream for me at that time to have a tape recorder. The cost of an ordinary tape recorder was enormous. Thus ended my collaboration on the issue of compiling radio programs for radio amateurs. But despite this, a month later I unexpectedly received a money order in the mail indicating that this was a fee for programs that were aired. In general, when compiling programs, I did not think that there would be any payment, since it was interesting for me - to create a program that would be listened to abroad. The amount was big for me. But I still managed to write a number of letters to radio stations and radio clubs with the return address of Moscow Radio on envelopes marked "Avia" that were sold everywhere. Of course, I did this unofficially, as they say, at my own peril and risk. No one would have allowed me to write this on behalf of the radio editors if I had asked for it. But I had an adventurous spirit. And it turned out that all the letters reached the recipients, since the return address on the envelope helped, where I wrote - Moscow Radio, Italian edition, program for radio amateurs indicating my name and surname. A month later, the letters editor called me and said that a number of letters and packages had arrived in my name and she unofficially handed them all to me near the Radio House on Pyatnitskaya Street, building 25. The building has retained its appearance to this day. It was a holiday for me, as I held in my hands QSL cards and letters from foreign radio stations and packages of DX materials from radio clubs that I wrote to. This was an opportunity that I took advantage of, although simple letters with a home address still did not reach radio stations and were lost somewhere along the way. Only many years later did I find out where my letters were lost, when, by chance, I again began to work as an electrician at the Moscow International Post Office. After my military service, three months were expiring when I had to start working so that my continuous work experience would not be interrupted. I was not satisfied with the place of work at many enterprises, and I found an advertisement for work in the Customs Service on the square of three train stations. It was easy for me to get there using one type of transport, so I ended up here. I approached the building and saw a piece of an advertisement at the entrance to the arch about a set of electricians, where it was written that you need to go inside the arch, which I did and saw in front of me the shining glass building of the International Post Office, which was not visible from the square. This is what it looked like on a 1963 postage stamp - "International Post Office in Moscow" - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/1963.html. So, thanks to a piece of advertisement, instead of the Customs Service, I found myself in the world of letters. Although much in our world happens for reasons that are unclear to us, as if someone is directing us to do something that we do not know about. So my passion for radio continued with studying the path of my letters to radio stations in foreign countries. But that's a completely different story. ============================== FROM KAMCHATKA TO THE BALTIKA ============================== Altaiskiy kray. ----------------------- On April 1, the RTRS branch "Altaisky KRTPTs" together with Like-Radio LLC began broadcasting radio "Gordost" in Barnaul at a frequency of 87.9 MHz. Previously, the radio station "Radio Kniga" broadcast on this frequency. The antenna is located on the Barnaul telemast at an altitude of 144 m. The transmitter power is 1 kW. The radio station's broadcast coverage is 769.7 thousand people. The production and technical department of the Altai KRTPC developed working documentation for the placement of equipment of Like-Radio LLC at the RTRS communication facility in Barnaul for the purpose of inserting advertising into the air of the radio wave station "Gordost". The Barnaul workshop carried out work on placing and connecting equipment in the technical building of the RTRS communication facility. (https://altai.rtrs.ru/tv/radioveshchanie/rtrs-nachal-translyatsiyu-radio-gordost-v-barnaule/) Amurskaya oblast. -------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00062965 03/10/2015 01.12.2015 03/10/2025 LLC "RADIO-SHIMANOVSK" Amurskaya Volna (10); +Radio Vanya (158) Shimanovsk 102.7 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Voronezhskaya oblast. ------------------------------- - On April 19, the RTRS branch "Voronezh ORTPTS" began broadcasting the radio station "Like FM" in Voronezh. Broadcast frequency - 88.8 MHz. Transmitter power - 1 kW (https://voronezh.rtrs.ru/tv/radioveshchanie/rtrs-nachal-fm-translyatsiyu-layk-fm-v-voronezhe/) - On May 1, 2024, the RTRS branch "Voronezh ORTPTS" began broadcasting the radio station "Gordost" in Voronezh. Broadcast frequency - 96.8 MHz. Transmitter power - 1 kW. (https://voronezh.rtrs.ru/tv/radioveshchanie/rtrs-nachal-fm-translyatsiyu-gordost-v-voronezhe/) - Voronezh MHz Radio station. 73.55 Radio Blagovestie 88.3 Marusya FM 88.8 Like FM 95.9 Radio Russii 96.3 Vesti FM 96.8 Gordost 97.7 Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" 98.1 Russian Hit 98.5 Novoe radio 99.5 Detskoe FM 99.9 Radio channel MIR 100.3 Europe Plus 100.7 Nashe radio (Radio Gubernia) 101.1 Radio NRJ (Energy) 101.6 Radio 7 on 7 Hills 102.3 Dorozhnoe radio 103.8 Radio Udarnaya Volna; RADIO LOVE 104.3 Di FM (D FM) 104.8 Russkoe radio 105.3 Retro FM 105.7 Mayak 106.8 Melodiya-Voronezh (https://voronezh.rtrs.ru/) Donetsk People's Republic -------------------------------------------- - Update of information about radio broadcasting in Mariupol (05/21/2024): - 88.0 MHz - Mayak PS: MAYAK FM RT: RADIO MAYAK FM MARIUPOL 88.0MHz PTY:News PI:1BBA - 89.1 MHz - Novoe radio RDS PS: HOBOE RT: HOBOE RADIO MARIUPOL 89.1 REKLAMA 8--800--222-22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7739 - 90.4 MHz - Radio Russii: PS: RADIORUS RT: RADIO OF RUSSIAN MARIUPOL 90.4MHz PTY:News PI: 1EA8 - 91.1 MHz - Europe Plus PS: EUROPA RT: EUROPA PLUS MARIUPOL 91.1 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7760 - 93.8 MHz - Radio 7 PS: RADIO 7 RT: RADIO 7 MARIUPOL 93.8 FM REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7077 - 94.3 MHz - Dorozhnoe radio PS: DOPO*HOE RT: DOPO*HOE RADIO MARIUPOL 94.3 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7827 - 96.0 MHz - DFM PS: DFM RT: DFM MARIUPOL 96.0 FM REKLAMA 8--800--222-22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7709 - 96.4 MHz - Vesti FM (plan) - 97.6 MHz - Radio Chanson PS: SHANSON RT: RADIO SHANSON MARIUPOL 97.6 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY: VARIED PI: 7707 - 100.8 MHz - Radio Russii (plan) - 101.3 MHz - Russkoe radio PS: PYCCKOE RT: PYCCKOE RADIO MARIUPOL 101.3 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7071 - 101.7 MHz - Autoradio PS: *AUTO* RT: AVTORADIO MARIUPOL 101.7 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY: Varied PI: 7261 - 102.1 MHz - Mayak (plan) - 102.8 MHz - Humor FM PS: HUMOR FM RT: HUMOR FM MARIUPOL 102.8FM REKLAMA 8--800--222-22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7205 - 103.4 MHz - Breez PS: BRIZ RT: RADIO BRIZ MARIUPOL 103.4MHz PTY: Information PI: 1E00 - 103.6 MHz - Breez (plan) - 104.0 MHz - Love Radio PS: LOVE RT: LOVE RADIO MARIUPOL 104.0 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 77C1 - 104.6 MHz - Radio KP PS: KOMSOMOL PRAVDA RT: RADIO KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA MARIUPOL 104.6MHz PTY: Information PI: F1F1 - 105.3 MHz - Retro FM PS: RETRO FM RT: RETRO FM MARIUPOL 105.3 REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY:Pop Music PI: 7704 - 105.8 MHz - Detskoe radio PS: DETSKOE RT: DETSKOE RADIO MARIUPOL 105.8FM REKLAMA 8--800--222-22--57 PTY: Children Programs PI: 7235 - 106.5 MHz - Hit FM RDS PS: HIT-FM RT: HIT-FM MARIUPOL 106.5FM REKLAMA 8--800--222--22--57 PTY: POP_M PI: 7000 - 106.9 MHz - Vesti FM PS: VESTI_FM RT: RADIO VESTI FM MARIUPOL 106.9MHz PTY:News PI: 1E3C - 107.3 MHz - Radio Zvezda PS: ZVEZDA RT: RADIO ZVEZDA MARIUPOL 107.3 REKLAMA 8-800-222-22-57 PTY: Info PI: 7730 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - License. L033-00114-77/01103016 03/25/2024 05/01/2025 03/25/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" Donetsk-FM (3); +Radio Chanson (165) +Donetsk 101.2 - 0.49 +Mariupol 97.6 - 1 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - License. L033-00114-77/01117094 04/05/2024 05/01/2025 04/05/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" +Donetsk-FM (3); Humor FM (165) +Donetsk 88.2 - 0.49 +Mariupol 102.8 - 1 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - License. L033-00114-77/00649439 05/03/2023 04/01/2025 05/03/2033 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" Donetsk-FM (3); Europe Plus (165) +Donetsk 89.5 - 0.49 Mariupol 91.1 - 1 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - License. L033-00114-77/01018785 01/16/2024 04/01/2025 01/16/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" Autoradio (165); Donetsk-FM (3) +Donetsk 103.1 - 0.49 Mariupol 101.7 - 1 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Ivanovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- License. Radio Rodnykh Dorog persons L033-00114-77/01103019 +Ivanovo 91.8 - 0.49 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Irkutskaya oblast. ---------------------------- License. Udachnoye Radio persons L033-00114-77/00066908 --Baikalsk 102.3 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Kaluzhskaya oblast. ---------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00657459 06/16/2023 01.12.2023 06/16/2033 LLC "LRK" Radio Record (168) +Kirov 105.6 - 0.03 Lyudinovo 101.0 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Krasnodarskiy kray. --------------------------- - It will appear in Tuapse on 95.8 MHz and in Goryachy Klyuch on 89.9 (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for- broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114-77%2F01117095) " Marusya FM", instead of "Radio Jazz". (#RADIOGOVOR / Telegram) - In Anapa, on 89.0 MHz (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114- 77%2F00063530) Radio "Gordost" is planned. (#RADIOGOVOR / Telegram) - In Temryuk (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114- 77%2F00067958) (https://rkn.gov.ru/ activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114- 77%2F00067958) "Radio Rus" will begin broadcasting on 93.1 MHz. (#RADIOGOVOR / Telegram) - In Vyselki, after a long silence of "Dorozhnoe Radio", "DFM" will appear (https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for- broadcasters/teleradio/?id=%D0%9B033-00114-77%2F00013668) at 89.0 MHz (#RADIOGOVOR / Telegram) - License. L033-00114-77/01117095 04/05/2024 03/01/2025 04/05/2034 LLC "RADIO SEVEN" Marusya FM (168) +Goryachiy Klyuch 89.9 - 0.05 +Tuapse 95.8 - 0.05 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00622043 10/21/2022 01.11.2022 10/21/2032 LLC "FORUM" Dorozhnoe radio (168) +Primorsko-Akhtarsk 105.2 - 0.1 Tikhoretsk (Parkovy) 98.6 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00013668 03/30/2022 01.11.2011 03/25/2034 LLC "FORUM" Di FM (D FM) (168) Belorechensk 88.2 - 0.1 +Vyselki 89.0 - 0.1 Slavyansk-on-Kuban (Trudobelikovsky) 89.5 - 0.1 Tikhoretsk (Parkovy) 88.4 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00063530 03/10/2017 06/01/2017 03/10/2027 LLC "STROYTRANSSERVIS" +Radio "Gordost" (168) Anapa (Bald Mountain) 89.0 - 0.05 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - License. L033-00114-77/00067958 11/30/2012 09/21/2009 09/21/2025 LLC "RADIONAVIGATOR - KUBAN" Radio Rus (168) Slavyansk-on-Kuban 90.8 - 0.1 +Temryuk 93.1 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - At noon on May 23, instead of Radio Jazz, Marusya FM began broadcasting in Goryachy Klyuch at 89.9 FM. (https://vk.com/tvfm23) - On May 24, Marusya FM started operating in Tuapse on 95.8 MHz. (https://vk.com/tvfm23) Lugansk People's Republic --------------------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/00649454 05/03/2023 04/01/2025 05/03/2033 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" +Lugansk-FM (3); New radio (165) +Rovenki 104.3 - 0.49 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - On 92.6 MHz in Belovodsk (LPR), instead of "Svoya Volna", "Radio Russii" broadcasts. Source: https://forum.vcfm.ru/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1889&start=630#p179460 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Pskovskaya oblast. --------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00152146 04/26/2022 01.10.2022 04/26/2032 LLC "MEDIA INVEST VELIKIE LUKI" +Radio Chocolate (168) Velikiye Luki 93.5 - 0.25 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Bashkortostan. ------------------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/00668109 08/03/2023 04/01/2023 08/03/2033 LLC "SPUTNIK-YUG" Radio "Region" (168) Davlekanovo 99.1 - 0.1 +Chishmy (Irek) 93.3 - 0.05 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Buryatia. ------------------------------ - Barguzin FM persons L033-00114-77/00067145 removed all 20 frequencies except Ulan-Ude (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - Format "Barguzin FM" - light music (Easy listening); Basically, they sound covers of famous hits in the jazz and lounge style. Recently, the founder of the radio station, Sergei Burdikov, gave an interview to the local publication Infpol: https://www.infpol.ru/262195-sergey-burdikov-rasskazal-o-sozdanii-stantsii-barguzin-fm-v-ulan-ude/ (https://vk.com/tv_fm) Komi Republic. -------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01126688 04/16/2024 06/01/2024 04/16/2034 LLC "DACHA RK" +Traffic radio (165); Komi FM (3) +Usinsk 100.4 - 0.3 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Samara Region. ----------------------------- Change of licensees to 105.9 in Syzran (Humor FM) was: Radio Avenue LLC became: LLC First Regional Radio https://rkn.gov.ru/activity/mass-media/for-broadcasters/teleradio/?id=Л033-00114-77%2F01202669 (https://vk.com/samara_fmtv) Sverdlovskaya oblast. ------------------------------- - License. L033-00114-77/01179020 04/27/2024 04/27/2024 04/27/2034 LLC "ORBITA-SERVICE" Dorozhnoe radio (168) +Nevyansk 94.0 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - In Kachkanar, on May 24, they turned on the Jam FM radio on 97.7 MHz, the transmitter power is 250 watts. RDS present: "JAM FM_97.7 FM_KACHKANAR_REKLAMA_8-958-137-00-37" (Vladimir Dyachkov, Chelyabinsk / https://vk.com/ekbradiotv) Stavropolskiy kray. ------------------------------ - License. L033-00114-77/00066698 09/16/2019 05/31/2020 09/16/2029 MKU KMO "CENTER FOR YOUTH PROJECTS" +Krasnogvardeiskoye (4); +Radio-Dacha (164) Krasnogvardeiskoe 101.3 - 0.3 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - On Novoe Radio and Radio Mir in the Stavropol Territory, changes have occurred in the RDS text. Radio Mir Stavropol - 98.7 MHz. PS: "MIR" RT: "RADIO MIR STAVROPOL 98.7FM REKLAMA 8-800-222-22-57" PTY: "Pop Music" PI: 3199 Nevinnomyssk - 97.8 MHz. PS: "MIR" RT: "RADIO MIR NEVINNOMYSSK 97.8FM REKLAMA 8 800 222 22 57" PTY: "Pop Music" PI: 3199 Novoe Radio Stavropol - 107.5 MHz. PS: "HOBOE" RT: "HOBOE RADIO STAVROPOL 107.5 FM REKLAMA 8-800-222-22-57" PTY: "Pop Music" PI: 3173 Nevinnomyssk - 94.6 MHz. PS: "HOBOE" RT: "HOBOE RADIO NEVINNOMYSSK 94.6 REKLAMA 8 800 222 22 57" PTY: "Pop Music" PI: 3173 (https://vk.com/public204049665) Khersonskaya oblast. ----------------------- - 2 federal radio stations have been launched in Genichesk! The broadcast of two all-Russian radio stations has started in the Genichesk Municipal District: Love radio on 94.1 FM and Europe+ on 98.1 FM. The broadcast was launched by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kherson region together with Radio Alliance LLC. Source: https://vk.com/mindigital_kherson (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - License. L033-00114-77/01179018 04/27/2024 05/01/2025 04/27/2034 LLC "RADIOALLIANCE" +NATIONAL RADIO STATION "ZVEZDA-FM" (165); Kherson-FM (3) +Genichesk 98.5 - 0.3 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) Licenses terminated. -------------------------------------- Taishet (Irkutskaya oblast) 103.6 (Ilim Radio) (at the request of the licensee) Livny (Orlovskaya oblast) 90.8 (Otkritie) (at the request of the licensee) Mtsensk (Orlovskaya oblast) 102.0 (Opening) (at the request of the licensee) Volsk (Saratovskaya oblast) 96.2 (Hit FM) (at the request of the licensee) (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Internet broadcasting. --------------------------- - Chelyabinskaya oblast. Radio Continental. Chelyabinsk 100.4 FM. WEB: https://radiocon.ru/ (https://top-radio.ru/web) - Time travel with Radio Soviet Stage. https://www.radiobells.com/retro/sovetestrada/ Radio Sovetskaya Estrada is a unique radio station that takes listeners back to the times of the Soviet stage of the 1960-1980s. The best Soviet songs, music from films and cartoons, hits of rock and pop music of those years are heard on air. The radio station was created for connoisseurs of Soviet-era music and those nostalgic for it. The radio station has won a large audience and the love of retro music listeners. The radio format is a continuous music stream without presenters or advertising. All music is selected by DJs in accordance with the concept of the station - only the best Soviet hits of different genres and directions. - Golos Nadezhdy (Voice of Hope). Tula. On air 24 hours a day. https://golosn.ru/ Page sections - About us. Blog. Listen. Schedule. Bible lessons. Contacts. Donate. (handbook "Radio broadcasting in Russian." Editor-compiler Alexander Berezkin, St. Petersburg, Russia) ============= DIGEST. NEWS. ============== * The date is May 21. Polar Explorer's Day. ---------------------------------------------- Polar Explorer's Day is a professional holiday established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2013 in recognition of the merits of polar explorers. Celebrated on May 21st. History of the holiday. The polar explorers landed on the ice on May 21, 1937. It was on this day that the ANT-6 aircraft, piloted by pilot Mikhail Vodopyanov, landed near the North Pole during the high-latitude expedition "North". At the landing site, scientists organized the first drifting station "North Pole" (SP-1) In the collage: Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Rear Admiral Ivan Papanin, radio operator Ernst Krenkel, oceanologist Pyotr Shirshov and geophysicist-meteorologist Evgeny Fedorov. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/blog-post_22.html * Date: May 29. --------------------- A professional holiday for military personnel and civilian personnel of the automobile troops of the Russian Federation, as well as all those military personnel and those liable for military service who, as part of their service, have or have had to drive certain vehicles. This date is celebrated in Russia annually on May 29. The collage contains footage from the 1941 film "Hearts of Four": actors Valentina Serova and Evgeny Samoilov, as well as a radio dial in an experimental car. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). The collage can be viewed here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/blog-post_25.html * Day in history ----------------------- - Exactly 16 years ago, on May 19, 2008, the Good Songs radio station began broadcasting. The Russian Media Group project specialized in original songs (chanson, bard song, urban romance, pop lyrics). Among the stars whose songs were heard on the radio are Grigory Leps, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Vladimir Vysotsky. The broadcast was supplemented by such programs as "Wide Evening", "Night Taxi", "Smile Kindly" and others. The advertising campaign was held under the slogan "Chanson without prison." Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10738 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - Exactly 11 years ago, on May 19, 2013, the launch of "Public Television of Russia" (OTR) took place on the 9th button of the first digital television multiplex (RTRS-1). The OTR channel's broadcasting is based primarily on live broadcasting and other forms of active interaction with the audience. Significant attention is paid to covering the life of the regions on air. Main formats: news, analytical discussions, educational entertainment, high-quality feature films, documentaries and animations, educational programs. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10741 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - Exactly 10 years ago, on May 19, 2014, the Podmoskovye TV channel changed its name to 360° Podmoskovye (now 360). Along with the name, the TV channel changed its format from regional to infotainment. The broadcast network includes information and entertainment programs of its own production, films, TV series, and documentaries. The picture format has been transferred from the original 4:3 SD to 16:9 HD. The channel's work involved the Robinson R44 television helicopter - the only one in Russia. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10747 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) - On May 19, 2014 (exactly 10 years ago) - at 14:00 Moscow time, the Podmoskovye TV channel was officially renamed "360° Podmoskovye". Also on this day of rebranding, the channel began broadcasting in 16:9 HD format Video - https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_54750 (https://vk.com/public180684859) - Exactly 6 years ago, on May 23, 2018, the youth radio station "Zhara FM" (100.5 FM) went on air for the first time. It replaced "Best FM", a project of Multimedia Holding. "Zhara" airs "only music that is actually relevant, not imposed by producers, labels and connections." Radio focuses on top charts and streaming, shaping the music broadcast in accordance with the real choice of the audience. The listener literally becomes a music editor by simply adding his favorite tracks in Yandex Music, VK Music, Apple Music. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10793 (https://vk.com/tvradiomsk) * What to do if the phone does not turn on. ---------------------------------------------------- Modern smartphones are quite reliable and can work for a long time without rebooting. But sometimes it happens that for some reason the phone does not turn on. In some cases, the problem can be solved on your own. In some cases, you will have to take it to a service center. Details in Russian - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/review/109952-ne-vklyuchaetsya-telefon/?frommail=2 (https://mail.ru/) * Film "Radio Popova" -------------------------------- Video in Russian - 52:51 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86612 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245516%2Fb43aacb6ee48923cb6%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. A. V. Kunevich. 2004. Transformers for household and office equipment. A reference book. -------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86617 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. I. I. Spizhevsky. 1953. A Radio Amateur Reader. ----------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86650 The reader contains selections from magazine articles, books and brochures on electrical engineering and radio engineering, which provide information necessary for beginning radio amateurs. The book is a manual for radio clubs and radio amateurs, which contains literary materials in relation to the programs of radio clubs for the study and construction of detector and tube radio receivers. It contains descriptions of a number of popular amateur radio receivers, selected articles on methods of designing, setting up and testing receivers, on making homemade power supplies, as well as descriptions of educational and visual aids. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Documentary film "Poniatov's VCR / First in the World." -------------------------------------------------- - Video in Russian - 12:56 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86667 Alexander Matveevich Ponyatov (1892 - 1980) - electrical engineer who introduced a number of innovations in the field of magnetic sound and video recording, television and radio broadcasting. Under his leadership, the Ampex company, which he created in 1944, released the first commercial video recorder. Details - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86667 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * A unique radio station from the Second World War was found in the Volgograd region. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ The radio station was discovered during excavations near the village of Kletskaya. And it immediately became clear: the find was truly unique. There are no analogues to it in any Russian museum. Moreover, the radio station came with a surprise - there was a letter inside it. Details in Russian + photo: https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86673 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Russian Railways will purchase 16,000 devices on the Aurora OS for conductors. ----------------------------------------------- Russian Railways will transfer employees' work devices to the Aurora operating system; the transition will take place in two stages. The company purchased the first batch - 7,000 domestic devices - at the end of 2023; by the end of 2024, another 9,000 gadgets will be purchased. These devices will be used by conductors who are directly involved in checking tickets, passenger documents, registering them when boarding the train, or tracking information about orders placed by passengers during the trip. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-rzhd-zakupit-dlya-provodnikov-16-000-ustroistv-na-os-avrora (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * TV channel "360" has changed its logo and broadcast design. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Information from the official website: "We changed the logo two years ago, but we fell in love with it so much that we decided to simply modify it, making it more digital. Now, after the numbers 360 with an orbit, there are .ru with pixels living at the end of the letters. It was the pixel that became the key format element of our rebranding. And 360.ru is also the new address of our new website. And the new style takes us from the familiar television world to the digital world with its recognizable details: games, coding, markers and geotags." https://360.ru/news/obschestvo/my-davno-perestali-byt-prosto-telekanalom-360ru-provel-rebrending/ (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) * Infection route: why old TP-Link routers crash en masse in the Russian Federation. ------------------------------------------------ The profile telegram channel "TelecomDog" reported that subscribers of wireline operators are experiencing problems with the operation of home Wi-Fi routers of older models. Among them were TP-Link TL-WR840N (v4, v5), Archer C20 (v4), TL-WR741ND. What are the roots of the problem and whether it can be solved, Telesputnik found out. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-marshrut-zarazheniya-pochemu-v-rf-massovo-visnut-starye-rout (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * Book on the Internet. S. G. Bunin, L. P. Yaylenko 1984 Handbook of Shortwave Radio Amateurs. ------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86682 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. G. Z. Aizenberg 1985 Short-wave antennas. ---------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86721 Issues of theory and calculation, the main design and electrical parameters of antennas used for radio communications and broadcasting are covered. Information is presented on power lines, methods for tuning and matching antennas with the supply feeder line, and methods for synthesizing matching transformers. Theoretical issues are considered and practical data are presented on new versions of common-mode band antennas, log- periodic antennas, antennas with a circular radiation pattern, etc. Materials on symmetrical and asymmetrical vibrators, traveling wave antennas, rhombic antennas, etc. have been significantly expanded. Translated into electronic form by Dmitry Stikhin - RK9ABJ. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * The number of applications in the RuStore store has crossed the 40 thousand mark. -------------------------------------------------- More than 10 thousand developers have registered in the RuStore catalog; applications and games from more than 40 countries are currently represented there. The head of RuStore, Dmitry Pankrushev, told a Telesputnik correspondent about this on the sidelines of the CIPR conference. Most developers represent Russia, China, Singapore, as well as CIS countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and others. These include both large game studios, which are gradually increasing their presence by hosting dozens of applications, and small teams, as well as indie developers. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-chislo-prilozhenii-v-magazine-rustore-pereshagnulo-otmetku-v (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * Sitronics Group will deploy satellite communications in rural areas. ------------------------------------------------- The refusal of cellular operators to develop outside large populated areas creates problems for the use of agricultural drones. Therefore, Sitronics Group (a structure of AFK Sistema) aimed to provide satellite communications in rural areas. Sergei Tkachenko, vice president for information technology at Sistema JSFC, told Telesputnik about this on the sidelines of the IX conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia". The demand for communications and data transfer in agriculture will only increase, as this implies the opportunity to use new technologies. A service is already needed, for example, so that an autopilot installed on a tractor can operate in the field with an error of 2.5 meters, or even better - 0.5 meters. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@telesputnik-sitronics-group-razvernet-sputnikovuu-svyaz-na-sele (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * Internet access via Bureau 1440 satellites will appear on planes and trains. ------------------------------------------------ During the CIPR-2024 conference, Bureau 1440 announced cooperation in the field of satellite technology with Aeroflot and Russian Railways. The companies will jointly work on the issues of integrating user terminals into vehicles to organize broadband data transmission based on a low-orbit satellite constellation, the message explains. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/@-46499225-dostup-v-internet-cherez-sputniki-buro-1440-poyavitsya-v-sam (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * The first radio station in Ugra broadcasts in three languages. --------------------------------------- The oldest radio station in the district, Ugoria, celebrated its 92nd anniversary this year. The uniqueness of the media is that the radio station covers the entire Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and broadcasts in three languages - Russian, Khanty and Mansi. "For 92 years, every day, 17 specialists from Ugoria radio have been preparing for listeners to go on air - announcers, presenters, editors, correspondents, sound engineers and sound engineers," noted Ugoria on their professional holiday - Radio Day. Details in Russian - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__89076/ (OnAir.ru) * Russian radio and television have replaced imported software by 90%. -------------------------------------------------- -------- The level of import substitution in software used by Russian radio and television channels has reached 90%. This was stated at the MediaSib forum by Alexander Shirokikh, General Director of the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters. "In the programming part, if we talk about the television and radio broadcasting industry, we are probably 90% substitutable. There are [necessary] Russian products. Moreover, some products were sold on world markets even before the start of the SVO," Shirokikh said. He added that the situation is worse in hardware. "Here, import substitution is much more complicated. "It is clear that quite a lot of complex equipment - cameras, lenses, optics - cannot simply be taken and replaced from scratch," noted the general director of the association. According to him, in Russia in April, to solve this problem, a scientific and technical festival of young specialists in the field of television and radio broadcasting, telecommunications and information technology "First Step" was held, one of the founders of which was TASS. The objective of the event is to select students from technical universities who will develop hardware and software solutions for the needs of the industry. tass.ru (OnAir.ru) * Book on the Internet. A. S. Kozlovsky. 1955. Installation of antennas on crash vehicles. ------------------------------------------------ In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86746 The brochure describes methods for installing radio and television antennas on various roofs and gives advice on attaching antenna posts and guy wires, as well as waterproofing the places where support devices are attached to the roof and fastenings. The brochure is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs and antenna installers. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * This week the lights on the Saratov TV tower will be turned on twice. -------------------------------------------------- --- The lights will be turned on for the first time tomorrow. It will be open from 21:00 to 23:00. This is due to the opening of the Eighth Moscow International Festival "Young Talents of the Fatherland". Then the lights will be turned on on Saturday, from 21:00 to 23:00. This is in conjunction with International Missing Children's Day. The media facade of the TV tower will display the logo of the LisaAlert search and rescue team and the inscription: "Only you can help her." Photo: Version-Saratov news agency https://vk.com/radiosaratov?w=wall-28526072_27272 (https://vk.com/radiosaratov) * A selection of the most important industry news according to Telesputnik from May 20 to May 24, 2024 in the format of an express review. -------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 6:26 https://vk.com/telesputnik?z=video-46499225_456240044%2F99e719d3ffc29a2df4%2Fpl_wall_-46499225 https://vk.com/telesputnik?w=wall-46499225_11989 In today's episode: - In Russia, old TP-Link routers are freezing en masse; - Channel One is suing over a song by the group "Gorky Park" that was played live; - YouTube is close to full cooperation with the Russian authorities; - Employees of the Orion Telecom provider complained to the authorities about the company's harassment; - Krasnoyarsk Channel Eight filed a lawsuit against the Orion group of companies. (https://vk.com/telesputnik) * Operators have developed technical specifications for transferring TV broadcasting to the frequency band below 694 MHz. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Thus, it is proposed to clear the 694-790 MHz range, which is currently occupied by digital TV, for 5G mobile communications. According to experts, its conversion to frequencies below 694 MHz will take up to three years and require over 10 billion rubles. Now the operators are waiting for the issue to be agreed upon by the broadcasters. Details in Russian - https://www.cableman.ru/content/operatory-razrabotali-tekhzadanie-po-perevodu-tv-veshchaniya- v-polosu-chastot-nizhe-694 (https://vk.com/cablemanru) * A new study has proven that the Internet is disappearing. A quarter of all web pages released 10 years ago become inaccessible. --------------------------------------------- There is a saying circulating online: "Everything that goes on the Internet stays on it forever." Journalists from The Independent newspaper, citing a study published by the analytical company Pew Research Center, dispelled the myth of the "immortality" of the global network. Experts found that 38% of web pages that existed in 2013 are now lost. Relatively new pages are also disappearing-8% of web pages that existed in 2023 will no longer be accessible in the first half of 2024. What else have analysts found out about the disappearance of the Internet? Details in Russian - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/news/110284-novoe-issledovanie-dokazalo-chto-internet- ischezaet/?frommail=1 (https://mail.ru/) * At a meeting on Wednesday, the Cabinet of Ministers of South Ossetia allocated funds to the state unitary enterprise (SUE) Republican Television and Radio Networks. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance Dzambolat Tadtaev made a corresponding proposal. "It is proposed to allocate 1 million 41 thousand rubles from the government's reserve fund to provide financial assistance to the State Unitary Enterprise Republican Television and Radio Networks for the purchase and repair of satellite equipment that broadcasts digital television," Tadtaev said. He added that the order was prepared in connection with the appeal of the Chairman of the Committee of Communications and Mass Communications on behalf of Konstantin Dzhussoev. The Cabinet of Ministers unanimously approved the issue of allocating funds to the state unitary enterprise. cominf.org (https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18407) * In Abakan, a plot with an "Orbita" antenna was sold. -------------------------------------------------- - A plot of land with an area of about two hectares, on which the abandoned Orbita satellite dish is located (in the area of the Abakan-Bely Yar highway), was sold for 21 million rubles. The administration planned to receive 28 million 368 thousand rubles from the sale, as shansonline.ru previously reported. The first auction, held in February 2023, did not attract buyers. Now, according to the ctv7.ru TV channel, the site has been purchased by a local entrepreneur. This complex (a non-residential building, an aggregate building, an underground warehouse, low-voltage networks, a land plot and an ancient mound) was transferred to the municipal property of Abakan from federal property by order of the MTU of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva. "The property stood unused for about 20 years, the previous owners had no ideas for its operation or preservation, so in August 2022 it was transferred to municipal ownership," the press service of the mayor's office explained in November 2022. Thanks to this dish, more than half a century ago, residents of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory could watch central television. With the transition to digital broadcasting, the need for it disappeared. The city administration previously expressed wishes that the site be used for tourism, the construction of recreation centers, swimming pools and sports facilities. What will happen in this territory in the future is still unknown. They promise to present the project to the public closer to summer. abnews.ru (https://tele-satinfo.ru/index.php?id=18408) * Book on the Internet. A. N. Evseev. 1994. Electronic devices for the home. --------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86775 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * On the assembly line of the Aleksandrovsky Radio Plant there is a Record 330 TV. --------------------------------------- Photo - https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_12242 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) =================================== TV shows from the USSR in the 60s, 70s, 80s. ==================================== Program "Children's Hour". ---------------------------------- Representatives of the modern generation (and not only) may get the impression that Soviet television was pure propaganda, that only carefully verified, ideologically consistent programs were available to the television viewer of that time. Well, partly it was like this: for example, Western films on our television screens were indeed rare. It was even rarer to hear foreign music, and live broadcasts were out of the question. At the same time, there were many wonderful programs for children and youth - smart, kind, educational, made, as they say, with soul, some of which still exist. Details in Russian + photo: https://tv-80.ru/detskie/detskiy-chas/ (https://tv-80.ru/) ====================== RADIO ENGINEERING. STORY. ======================== - Portable AM/FM radio receivers "Meridian RP-252" and "Meridian RP-253" have been produced by Kiev JSC named after S.P. Korolev since the beginning of 1993. Portable semiconductor radio receivers of the 2nd complexity group ''Meridian RP-252'' and "Meridian RP-253'' are assembled according to a common electrical circuit, have the same design and design and differ only in different VHF bands. Any receiver receives radio broadcasting stations on magnetic and a telescopic antenna in the wave ranges: LW, MW, SW-1 (31 m), SW-2 (19 m) and VHF. In the first model this is the range 65...75 MHz, in the second 88...108 MHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp252_3.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - The radio receiver "Meridian RP-303" has been produced by the Kiev plant "Radiopribor" since 1993. The radio receiver ''Meridian RP-303'' is designed for receiving programs from broadcasting stations in the HF range (2 subbands) and VHF. The radio receiver is made on three microcircuits and has a separate IF path. A retractable telescopic antenna is used for reception. In the VHF band, a BSHN device is used, ensuring the absence of noise in the intervals between stations, and the AFC device ensures stability of tuning. In the SW-1, SW-2 ranges, reception stability is ensured by AGC. The model has a low battery indicator. Ranges: SW-1 9.5...9.8, SW-2 11.7...12.1 MHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian_rp303.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) ================== RADIO FACTORIES OF THE USSR. =================== Moscow Electromechanical Plant No. 1 -------------------------------------------------- --------- Founded in 1866 as a sugar factory, from 1917 - the Moskozh factory, from 1935 - the Moscow Boat Motor Plant, Training and Course Plant No. 1, from 1939 - the Moscow Instrumental and Prosthetic Plant named after. Semashko, from 1943 - Plant No. 143 NKB, from 1946 - Moscow Instrumental and Prosthetic Plant named after. Semashko, since 1947 - Moscow prosthetic mechanical plant, since 1951 - Moscow Electromechanical Plant No. 1, since 1992 - State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Electromechanical Plant No. 1", bankrupt in 1999. Plant products in Russian - https://www.radionic.ru/taxonomy/term/205 (https://www.radionic.ru/node/211) ======= QSL World ======== AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia AM = Alexander Myadel, Minsk, Belarus / SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS AMi = Alexander Miatlikov / "deneb-radio-dx" АSh = Alexander Shchepochkin, Tula, Russia MG = Michele Gasparri, Italy / https://www.facebook.com/groups/1080049528677701 PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland France / Germany ----------------------------- eQSL Atlantic 2000 international. E-mail: atlantic2000international[at]gmail.com 17 May 2024 / 19.00-20.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/atlantic-2000-international.html (AK) Ireland -------------- E-QSL Radio Cuckoo (Ireland), 05/03/2024, 6296 kHz, 1 day, e-mail: radiocuckoo@yahoo.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-radio-cuckoo-6296-khz.html (AM) Italy / Vatican ------------------------ E-QSL Italradio (via Vatican), 02/13/2024, 6035 kHz, 78 days, e-mail: web2012 @ italradio.org https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-italradio-via-vatican-6035-khz.html (AM) Japan ---------- eQSL Wavescan / Adventist World Radio Japan Short Wave Club (JSWC) E-mail: jswcqsl[at]live.jp 5-May-2024 at 1550-1556 UTC on 12060 kHz Transmitted from: KSDA Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/japan-short-wave-club-jswc.html (AK) New Zealand ------------------------ E-QSL Radio New Zealand Pacific (New Zealand), 04/27/2024, 13690 kHz, 16 days, web-form: https://www.radionz.co.nz/international/qsl/ https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-radio-new-zealand-pacific.html (AM) Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) / Russia --------------------------------- QSL 091/24 VESTI FM Ascolto del 11 Maggio 2024 Dalle 20:00 alle 20:30 UTC Frequenza 1413 kHz AM SINPO 55344 SWL I/141050/MC Ricevitore Icom IC-R6 Antenna MLA-30 Loc. Ricezione JN63uh Rapporto inviato con dati e file audio a prtc[at]idknet.com Ricevuta via e-mail dopo poche ore. (MG) Romania / Germany ------------------------------ E-QSL card from Romanian station - Radio Carpathia. Program was on transmitted on 19. 05. 2024 on 9670 kHz via Channel 292. (PS) Picture. You can watch it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/radio-carpathia_73.html USA / Germany ----------------------- E-QSL KSOL (via Shortwave Radio Gold), 04/14/2024, 6160 kHz, 13 days, e-mail: imaginarystations @ gmail.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-ksol-via-shortwave-radio-gold.html (AM) - E-QSL The Shortwave Garage Sale (via Shortwave Gold Radio), 04/28/2024, 6160 kHz, 1 day, e-mail: imaginarystations @ gmail.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-shortwave-garage-salevia.html (AM) Vatican ------------ Vatican Radio confirmed the report (written in English) eQSL in pdf form 38 days after sending to qsl.request[at]spc.va (AMi) QSL mail ---------------- Received an e-mail from Radio Dadanga. You know my position, I don't like e-QSL, but I came, I'm sharing it with you and my hobby colleagues. Radio Dabanga. 04/28/2024 15550 kHz 16.05-16.57 UTC. (ASh) View picture - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/radio-dadanga.html ============ WORLD NEWS ============ * Armenia. --------------- - Noratus. Photo. Antenna system "Kvadrat". Used for on-air operation at a frequency of 1350 kHz. Photo - https://vk.com/public158109176?z=photo-158109176_457240357%2Falbum-158109176_00%2Frev (https://vk.com/public158109176) - Noratus. Video - 4:44 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3626 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3626&z=video- 158109176_456239511%2Fcc51caeb4b71a5c527%2Fpl_post_-158109176_3626 Video material. The transmitter was operating on a different frequency, so the duty personnel needed time to readjust. The footage is, in a sense, unique. Although for Radio Centers this is quite an ordinary situation. What happens in the video: The exciter is set to the required frequency. The counters are set according to the adjustment table (the capacitance of the loop capacitors, the position of the anode line contactor and the capacitance of the coupling capacitors change). And the toggle switches control the output loop system and the matching device. Achieve maximum power and maximum values of the VCS and antenna feeder VCS. The guys tried to carry out the restructuring as quickly as possible and acted clearly. Obviously, they know their transmitter well. (https://vk.com/public158109176) - Noratus. Video - 1:10 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3629 https://vk.com/public158109176?z=video-158109176_456239513%2F2ae851b80960567336%2Fpl_wall_- 158109176 The video shows a dual-circuit cooling system for a shortwave transmitter. A similar option is used on medium-wave transmission equipment. The first circuit uses distilled water, the second circuit uses regular tap water. There are two circuits in heat exchangers - long elongated pipes. The cooling system is efficient, but labor/resource-intensive - heat exchangers must be periodically disassembled and cleaned, and there is a high water consumption. After the collapse of the USSR, at many radio centers the dual- circuit cooling system was modernized: heat exchangers and the outer ring were eliminated. Air cooling units with fans were installed. A powerful air stream blows through the radiators with water coming from the transmitter. In Noratus, the cooling system is represented by a classic design - without modernization (https://vk.com/public158109176) - Noratus. May 2024. Photo. Control panel for transmitters RV-601 (1377 kHz) and RV-602 (1314 kHz. Preserved) https://vk.com/public158109176?z=photo-158109176_457240358%2Falbum-158109176_00%2Frev (https://vk.com/public158109176) * South Korea. --------------------- Igor Kolke reports on his page on the Internet - Today (May 22) I was visiting the Russian editorial office of KBS WORLD RADIO in Seoul. I met and spent a pleasant day in the cozy company of editorial staff: Valery Nikolaevich, Nastya, Anya, Masha, Sasha and Inna. In one of the following posts I will try to tell you more about the visit. In the meantime, I'm sharing photos of the long-awaited meeting. https://vk.com/radioko?w=wall-161080476_1132 (https://vk.com/radioko) * HFCC A24 Update 22.05.2024 ------------------------------------------- http://www.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip (https://vk.com/dxing) * FRS Newsletter. ---------------------- Dear FRS Friend, We have published a message on our website frsholland.nl. It regards our latest FRS Newsletter and dates about the upcoming 4th edition of our Summer Splash. From now on future editions of our Newsletters can be downloaded from our website. Make sure to put the Summer Splash dates in your agenda! Have a good continuation of your Pentecost weekend. 73s, the FRS team (FRSHolland) * WRMI A24 Update 20.05.2024 ---------------------------------------------- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pcIEX8kisrOPqlXHDAq6gympKUgDj0SIb96qce2kGGQ/edit#gid=0 (https://vk.com/dxing) * QST Magazine - February, 2024 ------------------------------------------ https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86756 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * I use the programs on my smartphone: HF Radio Broadcasting and Skywave schedules. -------------------------------------------------- ------------- There you can choose your listening region and what to listen to now. You can also listen through the built-in web-sdr. Wave schedules are regularly updated. (andory, Moscow, Russia / https://www.radioscanner.ru/forum/topic47603-67.html) * Description of Skywave Schedules ---------------------------------------------- Shortwave and CB schedules to help you listen to stations from all over the world. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen to a real radio station on the other side of the world? with Skywave Schedules you can use KiwiSDR receivers online. Connect to hundreds of remote radios from the KiwiSDR network using built-in radio schedules, or check if a remote radio station is on the air while you try to receive it with your own radio. Details - https://apkpure-net.turbopages.org/apkpure.net/s/ru/skywave-schedules/swbcdx.cap.shortwavelist (https://www.radioscanner.ru/forum/topic47603-67.html) 73!