------------------------------- "RUS-DX" # 1289 Sunday / 12 May 2024 ------------------------- Russia - broadcasting, radio communications, television, internet, high tech. QSL world. World DX news. ----------------------------------------- Time: UTC --------------------------------- Editor: Anatoly Klepov --------------------------------- QTH: Moscow, Russia --------------------------------- E-mail: rusdx@yandex.ru Web site: http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdx Blog (QSL & photo): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------------------- The first issue was published in January 1991. ------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX" as source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, but here is only a machine translation. Machine translation: http://translate.google.ru & https://translate.yandex.ru/ & https://www.bing.com/translator ----------------------------------------------------------------- =================== EDITOR'S NEWS =================== Nowadays. 2024 ----------------------------- Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer DX sites. DX newsletters are closed, some forever, and some gradually go to different groups and mailings, where, of course, the speed of information dissemination is instantaneous. And it becomes easier to think about radio and other aspects of our lives in different chats. This is a phenomenon of our time. This is a trend not only in Russia, but throughout the world. New interesting authors have appeared on the Internet who set up their own groups and chats on VKontakte, Telegram, Dzen.ru and other online communities. We don't know many of them because some of the groups are simply closed for reading until you join the group. I'd love for readers to talk about groups, or groups of their friends, that discuss topics around radio and television. I'm waiting for your messages. Write also about yourself and your pages on the Internet. - Vladimir Kovalenko from Tomsk in the VKontakte group "Radio Reception" reported - Maybe someone will be interested in my memories: https://vk.com/id48077615 When I was a child, we had a radio like this. There are no photographs of itself, although the radio itself is most likely alive. I'll have to ask my mom. I tried to turn on the radio, I even hooked up the antenna, but I heard nothing and did not understand anything at all. The dial bore the enticing names of world capitals, which apparently meant that by tuning to these markers, one could hear broadcasts from those cities, but I heard nothing at all. Perhaps one of the lamps had broken, but at the time I didn't understand anything about it. At the age of 12, I became interested in Formula 1 auto racing and drew information almost exclusively from the newspaper "Soviet Sport" until I discovered in the "England" magazines from the school English classroom the schedule of broadcasts of the Russian BBC service from London with the program " Sports mosaic". I figured that since my favorite driver Nigel Mansell and most of the racing teams are British, then the BBC would obviously talk about them on their sports page. And on February 27, 1990, they bought me a Meridian-235 radio receiver. When I turned it on, it was some kind of magic. The airwaves were full of various radio stations in various languages. At that moment, I didn't understand anything at all about radio waves or radio broadcasting, but after turning the knob, I realized that everything was not just like that. Systems thinking required us to sort everything out. And I started keeping notes about what I took and when. My main target was the BBC Sports Mosaic. If in the magazine "England" it was written about the ranges of 25 and 31 meters, I did not understand at first that on the receiver scale it is not just where the corresponding inscription is (25 m or 31 m), but the entire red stripe ending with the name of the range . I looked where its name was written and didn't find it, but I found a lot of other things and I was just blown away. China, Kazakhstan, Korea, America, India, Canada... It was a powerful culture shock. I was in 10th grade. Every day I turned on the receiver, turned the knob and made some amazing discoveries. I still remember the feeling when I went to bed, turned off the light, turned on the receiver and turned the tuning knob. All these interference whistles, like in spy films, created such an unforgettable atmosphere! On that Sunday in 1990, when the clocks were changed to winter time in the fall, in the evening I discovered a program in which - lo and behold! - talked about when and at what frequencies certain radio stations can be received. It turns out I'm not the only crazy one! If there are others too! This is a whole hobby with its own traditions and rules! By ear I perceived this as "Diex", and then I learned that this is the English abbreviation DX, which in amateur radio code means a certain long distance. That is, diexists, as they (we) were called, are amateurs of radio reception over long distances. That's how I became a diexist, that is, a lover of long-range radio reception. Events developed quickly, and in the fall and early winter of 1990 I understood the rules of the game: you can correspond with radio stations, and if you send them a so-called reception report with details of the received transmission (date, time, frequency of reception, its quality and details of the program itself in as proof that you really received this particular radio station), then in return you can receive a so-called QSL card. QSL in amateur radio code means "reception confirmation". That is, when radio amateurs communicated in Morse code (voice transmission requires somewhat more complex equipment, which did not appear immediately), they used codes to shorten words instead of the most commonly used words and expressions. Here's the QSL from there. That is, one could ask: please confirm that we heard each other. Another will answer: QSL. This means the connection has been confirmed. And they exchanged personal cards with their call signs. Since fans of long-distance reception of broadcast stations had a one-way connection, the radio station sent a card as confirmation of its reception. It mattered more then, because if it was Radio Japan, it was broadcasting from Japan, and receiving it over a long distance required a certain skill. In the winter of 1990, while in 11th grade, I began writing letters and receiving responses. The first was from Sweden, the second from France, the third from Japan. The envelopes contained radio station schedules printed on nice, smooth paper. And most importantly - its smell! It was something incredible. I brought these letters to school and demonstrated the smell of the booklets. Although, of course, my classmates were not impressed by this and did not understand it at all, I am sure of it. Somewhere these letters are in the archive, but I have not scanned them. But my first QSL cards have been scanned. I have not yet distributed my archives so that I can quickly find the information I need, so now I won't say when, but by the spring of 11th grade I had a Soviet professional broadcast receiver "Ishim" with a HF range of up to 18 MHz. In the USSR there was such a system that there were no bands above 12 MHz in household receivers, and bourgeois stations at frequencies below 12 MHz were simply jammed. And "Ishim" was intended for use in radio centers, clubs, etc. establishments to receive the "needed" radio stations and then relay them to the cable network or radio airwaves. Household receivers had ranges of 49-25 m, and Ishim had frequencies higher and lower. The main thing is below! These are the "tropics", that is, the so-called tropical bands allocated for broadcasting in the tropical countries of Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. In the spring of 1991, Ghana passed very well in the "tropics" at a frequency of 3366 kHz. That's when my early bird mode came to light. I woke up very early and could not fall asleep. And then I just started getting up at 5 am and doing something. In turn, right after school I really wanted to sleep so badly. That's what I started doing: after school I went to bed and did my homework at five in the morning. Cool, right? I received a card from Ghana for this frequency in 1995. In general, after school I entered the radio engineering department of TIASUR. Not without adventures, but thanks to my friend Mark and his parents, Irina Eduardovna and Samuil Yakovlevich. Wonderful people. Thanks to them! But the first course was not easy for me. Or, more precisely, it didn't work out at all. At school I was such a smart guy, well-read, literate, I won competitions in mathematics, chemistry, and English. Everything came easy, and I was not used to working. And here it was necessary to work, for which I was not ready. As a result, in the 2nd semester I was unable to complete coursework on computer science and the basics of circuit theory. This is how it is now, I don't see a problem at all. I would take it and figure it out. But then I couldn't. I just didn't know how to work, because until now everything came by itself. The second time after admission (that's a different story), life kicked me and told me that I actually needed to spin. By September 1992, it became clear that my coursework in VT and OCT would not materialize, and the dean's office advised me to transfer to the correspondence faculty in order not to drop out. Usually in universities, each faculty has a correspondence department, but in TIASUR there was a separate department for all correspondence specialties. They accepted me there without any problems in September, and in October I was offered to work for a month as a replacement on duty at a local television repeater in the regional center of Kozhevnikovo, where I lived. I worked for a month, then I was hired for a permanent job. And that's how I spent the entire dashing nineties at the radio relay station, as it was officially called, receiving a stable salary and learning in practice what I learned in theory, and in theory confirming what I learned in practice. In turn, throughout the nineties, working at the station and going to sessions twice a year, I continued to listen to the radio and not just listen, but improve by leaps and bounds. I successively bought several Ishim-003 receivers from different places with an electronic digital scale that showed the exact tuning frequency of the receiver. This was a huge breakthrough in my hobby, because accurate knowledge of the frequency in it is very critical. This is its own specificity. I can talk about it endlessly. I can simply boast confirmations from some very extraordinary radio stations. Malta, Egypt. UAE, Singapore, Libya, Namibia... In general, I received and confirmed many stations and countries, but the confirmation of local stations in Russia and Kazakhstan was especially chic. What about Africa? Benin, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Gabon, Lesotho, Mali (still broadcasting, and I listen to them before work on 5995 kHz), Madagascar. Apparently, this is where my story about radio in my life takes a break until next May 7th. There are also a lot of interesting things after the nineties. You could write a whole book there. I even collect material. It will be called "How to become a boss." In the meantime, let's relax with some good music. I have already shared this song, but I will do it many more times, because it would be one of the ten songs that I would take with me to a desert island. And if I had to choose very harshly - only one - she would win. - P.S. The page also contains a photo of the author himself and QSL cards received from many stations and the song. ============================== FROM KAMCHATKA TO THE BALTIKA ============================== Altaiskiy kray. ------------------ - Frequency plans: - television of the Altai Territory https://vk.com/page-199537691_54418635 - radio stations of the Altai Territory (city) https://vk.com/page-199537691_54784762 - radio stations of the Altai Territory (districts) https://vk.com/page-199537691_54784763 Information is being updated. (https://vk.com/teleradio22) - A new digital studio of the Vesti FM radio station has opened in Barnaul. Video in Russian - 1:22 https://vk.com/teleradio22?w=wall-76916936_82581 https://vk.com/teleradio22?z=video-76916936_456255221%2F42ed5c183a1298d5a5%2Fpl_post_-76916936_82581 The event was timed to coincide with Radio Day. The first guest of the updated studio was the head of the Altai Ministry of Digital Development, Evgeny Zryumov. The studio was equipped with modern digital equipment, and the interior was designed in the recognizable style of the radio station. Regional broadcasting of Vesti FM on frequency 101.5 began in Barnaul in 2013, later it appeared in Biysk and Rubtsovsk. The station's editor-in-chief is Tatyana Bondarenko, and the information for broadcast is prepared by journalists from the Altai State Television and Radio Broadcasting Service. Priorities are given to political and economic topics. Also on the waves of Vesti FM, news of culture, tourism and sports are covered, live broadcasts of the most important events in the region are carried out, and expert assessments are given. (https://vk.com/teleradio22) Ivanovskaya oblast. ---------------------------- Radio Dacha joined the broadcasting network. In Shuya, Ivanovo region, you can listen to Radio Dacha on the frequency 92.8 FM. Population coverage - 66.2 thousand people. Regional partner of Radio Dacha - Media-Partner LLC, General Director - Kropotov A.Yu. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12386.htm) Kaliningradskaya oblast. ------------------------------------- The city of Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, joined the Love Radio broadcasting network. Broadcast frequency - 88.1 FM, population coverage - 34.1 thousand people. Regional partner - Telecommunications and Information Agency LLC, General Director - Malevanny V.V. Love Radio is one of the flagship brands of the Krutoy Media radio holding. Love Radio is excellent modern music from leading Russian and world performers, the most current information and the main news from the world of show business, unique music programs and interactive shows on the air. About 3 million Russian residents tune in to the Love Radio frequency every day, and 8.3 million people weekly*. The regional broadcasting network of Love Radio includes 217 transmitters located in Russia and neighboring countries. The broadcast frequency in Moscow is 106.6 FM. * Mediascope, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people), July - December 2023, Daily Reach, Weekly Reach, radio stations among the population 12 years and older. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12382.htm_ - Russia / Kaliningrad May 5, 2024 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3602 Work is being done to make the 4+4 "Quadrat" antennas working again. Most likely this is the 275° system. 54°54'6.56″N 21°42'27.06″E. 2 other 4+4 antennas exist there. Marco (2024-04-30) (https://mediumwave.info/2024/05/) Krasnoyarskiy kray. ---------------------------- License. Dorozhnoe radio / Dorozhnoe radio-Krasnoyarsk persons L033-00114-77/00064726 --Yeniseisk 101.9 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Republic of Crimea. --------------------------- License. L033-00114-77/01061896 02/16/2024 08/01/2024 02/16/2034 LLC "TRK "MEDIAPROFILE" Radio Monte-Carlo (168) +Yalta 98.1 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Tyva Republic. --------------------- Kyzyl, 101.9 - Autoradio 102.5 - Comedy Radio / Golos Asii 103.4 - Mayak 103.8 - Russkoe radio 104.4 - Radio Zvezda 104.8 - Radio Vera 105.5 - Radio Russii 105.9 - Retro FM 106.4 - Europe Plus 107.5 - Vesti FM (Nikita Graduntsov, Kyzyl, Russia / https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_54347) Stavropolskiy kray. ------------------------------- Radio Dacha joined the broadcasting network. In Izobilny, Stavropol Territory, the radio station began broadcasting at a frequency of 98.2 FM. Population coverage - 67.2 thousand people. Regional partner of "Radio Dacha" - Partner of MKU "EDDSS-112" IMOSK (Municipal government institution "Unified Duty Dispatch Service of Rescue-112" of the Izobilnensky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory). (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/12386.htm) Tverskaya oblast. ------------------------- - Now Radio Gordost is on all Tver receivers on the frequency 104.3 FM! (https://t.me/radiogordost) - License. L033-00114-77/00059895 05/25/2015 06/21/2010 06/21/2025 LLC TRK "INTEGRAL" +Autoradio (165); +Udomel wave (3) Udomlya 91.5 - 0.1 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) ============ DIGEST. NEWS. ============ * Date: May 7. ------------------ - May 7th has gone down in the history of world science and technology as the birthday of radio communications. 128 years ago - May 7 - (April 25, old style) 1895 at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society at St. Petersburg University A.S. Popov demonstrated the possibility of transmitting and receiving a sequence of short and long signals (telegraph code) using electromagnetic waves. And although the distance achieved during the experiments in the garden of the Mine Officer Class was small - only 64 meters, this event radically influenced the subsequent development of science and technology. On this day the era of telecommunications began. - On May 7, students of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) celebrated Radio Day with the traditional dumping of old equipment from the dorm windows as part of the "Technical Progress" campaign. Old televisions and computers were thrown from the ninth floor of hostel No. 6 on Lytkina, 8. This year, TUSUR, when organizing the traditional Radio BOOM festival, did not plan a procession through the city streets and a street concert. This decision was made for security reasons. TUSUR students started the tradition of breaking old televisions to commemorate the victory of technological progress and in honor of Radio Day celebrations in 1988. Tomsk.ru (https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__88982/) - Run for luck: TUSUR students threw old equipment from the 9th floor. Video - 0:43 https://vk.com/id48077615?z=video48077615_456240083%2F104d09329f765bd772%2Fpl_wall_48077615 (Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk / https://vk.com/id48077615) - The procession of students of the radio department of UrFU will be held online. This was reported on the institute's social networks. Students of the radio department of UrFU will celebrate their main holiday on May 7 - Radio Day. However, there will be no large-scale procession this year - it will be held in an online format: the procession will take place in 2GIS cards. This was reported by the IRIT-RTF public page on VKontakte. At the same time, the washing of the monument to radio inventor Alexander Popov was not canceled. It will take place from 11:00 to 12:00. Students will also enjoy the finals of CS 2 and Dota 2 tournaments, the Radio Day festival, a concert and a party. It should be noted that last year, students of the radio department were also left without a procession - the university did not receive permission to hold the event. (https://uralsky-rabochiy.rf/news/item/53501) - St. Petersburg residents will celebrate Radio Day with a ceremony at the monument to radio inventor A.S. Popov. May 7 at 15:00 at the monument to A.S. A flower-laying ceremony will take place for Popov on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, dedicated to Radio Day and the 165th anniversary of the birth of the inventor of radio. Representatives of St. Petersburg universities, specialized enterprises, organizations and museums, radio amateurs and city residents are invited to participate. Details - https://etu.ru/ru/universitet/novosti-i-obyavleniya/peterburzhcy-otmetyat-den-radio-ceremoniej-u-pamyatnika- izobretatelyu-radio-a-s-popovu (https://etu.ru/) - Radio Day was celebrated at the Ryazan Radio Engineering University. Radio Day was celebrated at RSRTU. This was reported in the university's VKontakte group. On Tuesday, May 7, at RSRTU, as part of the celebration of Radio Day and the upcoming Victory Day, an academic council was held, at which a ceremonial award ceremony took place. Details in Russian + photo - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__88980/ (OnAir.ru) - Collage. May 7. Radio day. Information from the VKontakte group Broadcasting |V| LPR and DPR + own observations. Russkoe radio. https://vk.com/rusradio?w=wall-8862419_2180893 Radio Pi FM. https://vk.com/pifmradio?w=wall-23006618_14027 Retro FM. https://vk.com/retrofm?w=wall-19928749_207388 Moscow FM. https://vk.com/92fm?w=wall-49673019_176302 Taxi FM. https://vk.com/taxifm?w=wall-27725722_23393 Nashe radio. https://vk.com/nashe?w=wall-28866484_2866311 Radio Dacha. https://vk.com/radiodacha?w=wall-18591998_329050 Hit FM. https://vk.com/hitfm?w=wall-32277420_268196 Radio Dodnykh Dorog. https://vk.com/radiord?w=wall-143202128_37952 VKontakte group "Television and Radio". https://vk.com/public180684859?w=wall-180684859_54334 VKontakte group "Radioroom. Pages of the history of Powerful Radio." https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall- 158109176_3611 VKontakte group "Pro Radio". https://vk.com/pro.radio?w=wall-51940928_71543 & https://vk.com/pro.radio?w=wall- 51940928_71550 VKontakte group "Listen to the radio". https://vk.com/club206578745?w=wall-206578745_8756 VKontakte group "Site RA1OHX. Radio amateurs HF and VHF." https://vk.com/ra1ohx?w=wall-188633381_76693 VKontakte group "TUBE TVs". https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_11940 VKontakte group "TV and Radio in Moscow and the region." https://vk.com/tvradiomsk?w=wall-194965312_10561 VKontakte group "PRO TV". https://vk.com/protelevizor?w=wall-44776848_26385 VKontakte group "Television and Radio of the Altai Territory". https://vk.com/teleradio22?w=wall-199537691_1167 VKontakte group "TV and Radio in St. Petersburg and the region" https://vk.com/tvradio47?w=wall-67314840_5304 VKontakte group "Television and radio in Bashkortostan" https://vk.com/bashfmtv?w=wall-23672167_1294 VKontakte group "Radio and television in Volgograd and the region" https://vk.com/volgograd_fmtv?w=wall- 67247495_6719 VKontakte group "Radio and TV in Voronezh" https://vk.com/fmtv36?w=wall-24158102_7264 VKontakte group "Radio and TV Krasnodar Territory / Adygea" https://vk.com/tvfm23?w=wall-206132844_1863 VKontakte group "TV and radio in the Kursk region" https://vk.com/radio.tv_46?w=wall-110042272_3518 VKontakte group "Radio and TV in Penza and the region" https://vk.com/penzaradiotv?w=wall-48482341_1198 VKontakte group "Radio and TV in Tambov" https://vk.com/fmtv68?w=wall-109367953_4973 VKontakte group "Television and radio in Ulyanovsk and the region" https://vk.com/tvfm73?w=wall-17219610_12029 VKontakte group "Television and radio in the Saratov region" https://vk.com/radiosaratov?w=wall-28526072_27221 VKontakte group "Television and radio in the Samara region" https://vk.com/samara_fmtv?w=wall-18663493_50367 VKontakte group "Television and radio in the Sverdlovsk region" https://vk.com/wall-20890825_31062 VKontakte group "Radio and television in the Stavropol Territory" https://vk.com/public204049665?w=wall- 204049665_1487 VKontakte group "Television and radio in the Chelyabinsk region" https://vk.com/chelradiotv?w=wall- 18520524_43537 - On May 7, at VDNKh, the Russian Media Group, together with the Russian Society "Knowledge", will organize a large-scale celebration in honor of Radio Day as part of the international exhibition and forum "Russia". From 12 am to 9 pm, the exhibition space will be completely transformed into a radio platform, where master classes from radio presenters, performances by stars and prize drawings will be held. Listeners are accustomed to the voices of the presenters, they tune in with pleasure to their favorite wave, but sometimes they don't even imagine what's going on on the other side of the microphone, how this magical world of radio is created. Details in Russian - https://rmg.ru/news/russkaya-mediagruppa-priglashaet-na-grandioznyj-prazdnik:-den-radio-na- vdnh (https://rmg.ru/) - On Tuesday, May 7, Samara will host a lecture dedicated to the legendary All-Union Radio announcer Yuri Levitan. Lecture hall "Levitan. Voice of Victory" will begin at 16:30 at the Eldar Ryazanov Museum at 120 Frunze Street. On Radio Day, historian and senior researcher at the museum Vyacheslav Verbovoy will talk about the main voice of the Soviet Union. - The name of Yuri Levitan is shrouded in many legends. It is still unknown in which city the famous announcer read out reports from the Sovinformburo information department. There is an opinion that in Kuibyshev, noted the organizers of the event. Details in Russian - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__88961/ (OnAir.ru) - Postcard for the 50th anniversary of the invention of radio. 1945 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86167 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) - In new regions, Radio Day is celebrated in their own way. 129 years ago, Russian physicist Alexander Popov presented the first device for wireless signal transmission in St. Petersburg. The invention made society informational and became a salvation for people during the war and blockade. It now occupies a special place in the lives of Lugansk and Donetsk residents. Video in Russian - 5:01 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-24371598_1047780 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?z=video-24371598_456298304%2F7c7176de397af7ba4c%2Fpl_post_- 24371598_1047780 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - May 7, the Day of Radio and Workers of All Communications Industries - a special report by Andrey Kuznetsov, a journalist from the Lugansk 24 TV channel. Video in Russian - 0:29 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-82643692_229188 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?z=video-82643692_456286655%2F47c00fcb3507284c95%2Fpl_post_- 82643692_229188 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - Special report. Day of radio and workers of all communications sectors (Lugansk 24, 05/07/2024). Video in Russian - 16:02 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-134632126_48332 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?z=video-134632126_456242979%2F290cff7f885362cfe5%2Fpl_wall_-134632126 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) - World. Friendship. Radio - Documentary (2024). Video in Russian - 29:03 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86262 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245503%2F3853fd591ab4741fcc%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 The film by Gleb Andreev, dedicated to Radio Day, tells about the workers of the collective radio station (RM3A) of MSTU. N.E. Bauman and amateur radio. Video, editing, sound: Alexey Vakhtin. Authors of the idea: Mikhail Rodin, Alexander Semenov. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Date: May 9. ------------------ - Day of military glory of Russia. May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Victory Day is a national holiday in the Russian Federation, held annually on May 9. Victory Day was first established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1945. - Collage and congratulations. Victory Day. Information from the VKontakte group Broadcasting |V| LPR and DPR + own observations. Radio "Republic of Donbass" https://vk.com/radio_respublica?w=wall-104474834_28817 First Republican TV Channel https://vk.com/1respublikanskiy?w=wall-75166498_98928 Radio Shanson https://vk.com/radioshansonfm?w=wall-29892348_256199 Dorozhnoe radio https://vk.com/dorognoe?w=wall-23372133_122060 TV channel Russia 1 https://vk.com/russiatv?w=wall-24371598_1049215 TV channel Moscow 24 https://vk.com/m24?w=wall-35068738_4099925 Retro FM https://vk.com/retrofm?w=wall-19928749_207484 Russkoe radio https://vk.com/rusradio?w=wall-8862419_2181774 Radio Hit FM https://vk.com/hitfm?w=wall-32277420_268268 Dad's radio 107.6 FM Donetsk https://vk.com/public126273901?w=wall-126273901_5931 Radio "Capital Donbass" https://vk.com/radio100lica?w=wall-161545704_26449 Autoradio https://vk.com/avtoradio?w=wall-383476_781144 Radio DFM https://vk.com/dfm?w=wall-89493_2469036 Europe Plus https://vk.com/europaplus?w=wall-19043_3939837 Radio Humor FM https://vk.com/veseloeradio?w=wall-35540891_2047215 Love Radio https://vk.com/loveradio?w=wall-17309915_1149224 Radio Moscow FM https://vk.com/92fm?w=wall-49673019_176420 Radio PI FM https://vk.com/pifmradio?w=wall-23006618_14040 Nashe radio https://vk.com/nashe?from=search&w=wall-28866484_2866610 VKontakte group "Old television (1991-2010)" https://vk.com/ort_club?w=wall-40006490_193781 VKontakte group "Telekarta" https://vk.com/tvtelekarta?w=wall-41536241_75586 VKontakte group "TV and radio broadcasting |V| LPR and DPR" https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall- 134632126_48397 VKontakte group "For! Radio" https://vk.com/zaradioru?w=wall-216597448_1221 VKontakte group "On the radio wave" https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86240 VKontakte group "Radioroom. Pages of the history of Powerful Radio" https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall- 158109176_3614 VKontakte group "TV and Radio in St. Petersburg and the region" https://vk.com/tvradio47?w=wall-67314840_5312 VKontakte group "Television and radio in the Chelyabinsk region" https://vk.com/chelradiotv?w=wall- 18520524_43546 VKontakte group "Zhara FM" https://vk.com/zharatv?w=wall-128234813_188038 VKontakte group "Radio and television in the Stavropol Territory" https://vk.com/public204049665?w=wall- 204049665_1489 VKontakte group "Radio and TV in Mordovia and Saransk" https://vk.com/radioitvvmordovii?w=wall-174056299_1235 VKontakte group "Radio and TV in Penza and the region" https://vk.com/penzaradiotv?w=wall-48482341_1202 VKontakte group "TV and radio in the Kursk region" https://vk.com/radio.tv_46?w=wall-110042272_3523 VKontakte group "Radio and TV Krasnodar Territory / Adygea" https://vk.com/tvfm23?w=wall-206132844_1866 * Date: May 11. World Migratory Bird Day. ---------------------------------------------- Established in 1993. Celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world. Traditions: thematic conferences, educational lectures, seminars, hearings, flash mobs, promotions, bird festivals; excursions to bird sanctuaries, documentary programs about endangered species of migratory birds. Photo from the Internet. Mug "Antenna, birds", 320 ml. (Ruslan Slavutskiy, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia). Collage. https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/blog-post_10.html * Russian radio and communications in numbers. ---------------------------------------------- - 11 radio holdings and 41 federal radio stations operate in Russia - more than 50 million people - daily audience of radio stations - more than 30 thousand people work in the field of radio broadcasting - the government allocated more than 20.5 million rubles for 50 radio projects over the past year - about 260 million subscribers use mobile communications - about 175 million subscribers use mobile Internet - in 2023, several low-orbit communication satellites were launched and a satellite connection at LTE speed was established (PRO_FM / Telegram) * Collage. Bulletin "RUS-DX # 1288 (English version). ----------------------------------------- Internet page - Escuchando La Radio. You can see it here - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/collage-of-bulletin-rus-dx-1288-english.html * Radio Panorama program. -------------------------------------- In Russian. Moscow. World Radio Network. 05/11/2024 The "Radio Panorama" program is for fans of long-distance radio reception. Author and presenter Vadim Alekseev, Russia. Publishing a sound file on a page - https://wrn.world/program/30cef3cb-3197-4eef-b04d-18ccb089f75b/ (https://wrn.world/) * How to repair electronics for free in Russia in 2024. -------------------------------------------------- -- Repairing appliances can be expensive, especially if you use unofficial service centers or try to fix the appliance yourself. Free electronics repair in Russia in 2024 is still possible, but requires some effort and knowledge. It is important to choose reliable devices, contact only official service centers and interact with them competently. In this article we will look at how to repair equipment for free in Russia in 2024: from warranty to self-repair. Details in Russian - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/review/108551-kak-besplatno-pochinit-elektroniku-v-rossii/?frommail=2 (https://mail.ru/) * Dictionary of accents for radio and television workers. ------------------------------------------ Cover photo - https://vk.com/staroeradio?z=photo715034475_457239485%2Fwall131025745_30654 On the desk of the editor or director is a dictionary for radio and television workers. This is the one I have in my home library. 67 year of publication. (Slava Kirik / https://vk.com/staroeradio) * "The History of the Rescued Archive". ------------------------------------------ Video - https://smotrim.ru/audio/2758760 The program is a guest of the sound engineer, collector and restorer of rare recordings of domestic and foreign music of the past, Artem Anokhin ("Old Radio"). Works by Alexei Mazhukov, Mikael Tariverdiev, Vyacheslav Meshcherin and other masters of Russian light music of bygone times. Radio Russia journalist Alexey Pevchev wrote an article and recorded an audio broadcast with Artem Anokhin - my co-author of the Old Radio project! Report in vintage style. There are many coils, critically many. There has been no space on the shelves for a long time, and they lie everywhere: on the floor, on the sofa, on tables and tape recorders, some crawl out into the hallway and onto the balcony. They will not run away; they are well looked after by their owner Artem Anokhin, a reel doctor and rescuer. These hundreds (or thousands?) of reels contain extremely rare recordings. From the voices of birds and the musical design of forgotten films to unknown recordings of Tariverdiev and Magomayev. From demos of rare arrangements by Meshcherin to melodies performed by completely forgotten light music orchestras from the times of the USSR. Actually, for this, for my fourth program "Easy People", dedicated to this collection, I come to Artem. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/staroeradio?w=wall131025745_30648 (Yuri Metelkin / https://vk.com/staroeradio) * Book on the Internet. R. M. Malinin. 1977. Handbook of amateur radio designer. --------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86003 The reference book contains recommendations on the selection of circuits, design, installation and adjustment of radios, televisions, tape recorders and amateur HF and VHF transmitters. Provides reference data on vacuum semiconductor devices, integrated circuits and other radio components used by radio amateurs in their designs. The reference book is intended for radio amateurs who are quite familiar with the basics of electrical engineering and radio electronics, have experience in installing equipment using ready-made diagrams and descriptions, and are starting independent creative design work. The brochure is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs interested in rationalization. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * How to remove a virus from an Android phone: all methods. -------------------------------------------------- -------- Android viruses have been around for a long time. Most of them are trying to gain access to confidential data. The user can lose not only photos and personal data, but also money from bank and mobile accounts. We'll tell you how to remove a virus from an Android phone. Details in Russian - https://hi-tech.mail.ru/review/109525-kak-udalit-virus-s-telefona- android/?frommail=1#anchor171499543250254778 (https://mail.ru/) * Book on the Internet. V. G. Bartenev. 2008. Russia is the birthplace of radio. Historical essays. -------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86185 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Krasnodar Regional Radio and Television Transmission Center. ------------------------------------------ Antenna system "Big Dawn" of the Kuban radio center. Photo - https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3608 (https://vk.com/public158109176) * An interesting question was hidden in the news offered. ------------------------------------------------ A subscriber asks how to listen to interesting long-distance broadcasts, what ranges... In a word, where to start. I'll try to write about this topic. In a simple way, so that everyone can understand. For the majority of the population, the radio ends in the FM range. It is considered the most popular and is present in all car radios and simple gadgets. Many people don't even realize that there is any other radio in principle. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3610 (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/public158109176) * Broadcasting technologies. ------------------------------------------------ In Russian. Create your own radio! Radio Broadcasting Technologies https://www.radiostation.ru/index.html (Internet) * Omsk radio: from Kolchak's first tower to Hvorostovsky's studio recordings. -------------------------------------------------- -- The history of the origins of Omsk radio is inextricably linked with famous buildings - architectural monuments, where high-rise radio station structures were located. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86187 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Documentary film "Sverdlovsk Speaks" (2008). --------------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 44:00 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86195 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245487%2F6899882f3f5da3a078%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 The film is dedicated to the rear life and work during the Great Patriotic War of the famous announcer Yuri Levitan, who is still called "the voice of the USSR." (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * How Popov's radio receiver worked. -------------------------------------------------- -- Alexander Stepanovich Popov is a Russian physicist and electrical engineer, one of the inventors of radio and the creator of the first radio receiver in Russia. He demonstrated his invention - a wireless communication system - in 1895 at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society. Popov's radio receiver consisted of a glass tube with metal filings, an electromagnetic relay, a battery and a bell. The device could receive electromagnetic signals from a distance. Later, the scientist developed a device that records the level of radio interference throughout the day, and called it a lightning detector. Details in Russian - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86197 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Office-museum of radio inventor A. S. Popov in Kronstadt. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Video in Russian - 1:16 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_11943 https://vk.com/retrotvussr?z=video-177507201_456239292%2Ffc0fe985848cda6249%2Fpl_wall_-177507201 Review of Popov's first radio installation. For the digitized video fragment of "Soyuzkinozhurnal No. 10" (1940), we express our deep gratitude to the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD). (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * "Novoe Radio" - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. -------------------------------------- In just a year, Novoe Radio launched broadcasting in 29 new cities. Today, the national network, stretching from the Far East to the very western borders of the country, includes 203 transmitter installation points. The radio station demonstrated a particularly energetic expansion last April - "Novoe Radio" sounded in Alchevsk, Berdyansk, Kaliningrad, Kurgan, Makeevka, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk and Energodar. Details in Russian - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__88981/ (OnAir.ru) * Film - Call signs PIHH. Gorky television 1975 -------------------------------------------------- -------- Video in Russian - 22:12 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86202 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456245495%2F978f3ae367383d1c1f%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 Scriptwriter - Yuri Bespalov Director - Alexander Sokurov Cameraman - Vyacheslav Aladin A documentary film about the first domestic shortwave radio amateur from Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Fyodor Alekseevich Lbov, a veteran of Soviet radio, an honorary member of the Amateur Radio Society named after. A.S.Popova. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Radio center No. 1. Sorry, we didn't save it. -------------------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 10:15 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86238 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=868sEV8xAes "Object No. 15" was, in fact, a radio signal transmitter over thousands of kilometers, to almost anywhere in the world. During wartime, the radio center broadcast messages from the front, read in the famous voice of Yuri Levitan. During the Battle of Stalingrad, the radio center transmitted reports in Russian and German. The broadcast was heard in Europe, North Africa, and in the evening in the USA. After the war, the station broadcast radio broadcasts of the first and third allied programs. For 60 years, the center has been broadcasting Radio Russia programs to the Far East. Until 1975, the object was classified. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. K.I. Kukk. 2020. Communication technology of the Great Patriotic War. ------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86242 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * 1977 In the control room of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk television station "Orbita". -------------------------------------------------- ------- Photo. https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_11948 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * Lugansk People's Republic. Lugansk. ---------------------------------------------- Radio TV tower. 9th May! Happy Victory Day! Video from Lugansk 24 - 0:18 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?w=wall-82643692_229574 https://vk.com/teleradioldnr?z=video-82643692_456286781%2F4b98dfe44889211ee9%2Fpl_post_- 82643692_229574 (https://vk.com/teleradioldnr) * The Saratov TV tower was illuminated in honor of the May 9 holiday. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- https://vk.com/radiosaratov?w=wall-28526072_27223 Thanks to the tg channel for the photo https://t.me/opensaratov (Dmitry Tsuprikov, Moscow / https://vk.com/radiosaratov) * Radio and love ----------------------- Every hobby has, let's say, a dark side. Radio amateurs have such a shadow side - radio pirates and radio hooligans. We once wrote about them, and now let's turn to amateur radio in general. This is a powerful current that has always been intertwined with the history of the country and the history of technology. Let's see how and why it was structured and evolved, what it has come to at the moment and what future is visible. To begin with, we turned to the Internet, where a surprise awaited us. Details in Russian - https://dzen.ru/a/Zjk3Ishftgg9n6Ec (https://dzen.ru/hij) * * There is an interactive exhibition at the Yandex Museum: you can decompose the ocean into numbers, be an embryo and more. ------------------------------------------------- Video in Russian. https://vk.com/contentreview?w=wall-63122402_9548 (https://vk.com/contentreview) * On Victory Day, the St. Petersburg TV tower will be transformed. --------------------------------------------- On May 9, RTRS will turn on a festive architectural and artistic lighting scenario on the St. Petersburg TV tower. In honor of the anniversary of the Victory, the light panel of the TV tower on Aptekarsky Island will be decorated with symbolic fireworks and an image of the St. George ribbon. Testing of new architectural and artistic lighting equipment is being completed at the St. Petersburg TV tower. The equipment is raised to the highest part - the antenna part. The final stage of installing new lighting is one of the most difficult: the installation of lamps can be carried out when the transmitting television and radio equipment on the tower is completely turned off, that is, during short periods of scheduled maintenance work. Details in Russian + photo - https://vk.com/rtrs_info?w=wall-26819787_42042 (https://vk.com/rtrs_info) * Radio amateurs. Who are they and what are they capable of? --------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 26:02 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86305 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UImB7TULSyQ May 7 went down in the history of science and technology as the Birthday of Radio. This holiday is celebrated by everyone who works in the communications sector: on television, at radio stations, at the post office, in companies providing telephone and mobile communications. In addition, this is a significant day for radio amateurs. These enthusiasts can get in direct contact with any inhabitant of the globe and even with astronauts. And they do this from places where no one has set foot before. The Yamal-Media team met one of these radio travelers. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Book on the Internet. A.P. Semyan. 2006. Radio stations and transceivers. 500 schemes for radio amateurs. ------------------------------------------------------------- In Russian. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86308 The book presents circuit designs for radio stations and transceivers, i.e. The designs of devices that allow organizing radio communication at a distance are described. Many of the given descriptions contain a drawing of a printed circuit board, which makes it much easier for a radio amateur to repeat the design he likes. The schemes are arranged in order "from simple to complex". The brief description given is quite enough for you to independently manufacture the design you like. Copyrights for the circuits discussed in the book belong to the corresponding developers and publishers, as references are made in the text. In these primary sources you can find a detailed description of the devices discussed in the book. The book is designed for both beginners and "advanced" radio amateurs who are interested in practical radio electronics. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * 1968 Leningrad. association of electronic instrument making "Svetlana". production of transistors. --------------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 2:20 https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3617 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGUMw11AueI (https://vk.com/public158109176) * 1964 The city of Koryazhma, Arkhangelskaya oblast. -------------------------------------------------- ------- Dispatcher control panel at the Kotlas pulp and paper mill. Photo - https://vk.com/retrotvussr?w=wall-177507201_11972 (https://vk.com/retrotvussr) * "We're talking today" about the formation of regional radio broadcasting. -------------------------------------------------- Video in Russian - 42.03 https://vk.com/staroeradio?w=wall131025745_30670 https://stavropolye.tv/radio/194799 On the eve of Radio Day, "We're talking today" about the formation of regional radio broadcasting. When did the history of regional radio broadcasting begin? What programs were released? How have radio broadcasting technologies changed? We remembered the legends of radio broadcasting, whose names are written in golden letters in history, and whose voice recordings are carefully stored in the music library. We talked about this and more with Svetlana Svetlova, the audio librarian of the Stavropol Territory State Television and Radio Broadcasting Service. All the most interesting things on our broadcast! (Yuri Metelkin, Moscow, Russia / https://vk.com/staroeradio) ================= HISTORICAL WALK ================= Let's talk about radio? Forum about long-distance radio reception and receiving equipment. [https://dxforum.ru/] Section Radio I language. [https://dxforum.ru/viewtopic.php?p=5155#p5155] - In Samara in the early 90s, a multilingual commercial radio station, Radio 7 from Samara, operated on the domestic VHF band (OIRT) and medium waves (the frequency was like 1206 kHz). I googled this name - only the Moscow musical "Radio 7 on Seven Hills" comes up. Apparently now mention of it can only be found in old DX bulletins. I decided to restore "historical justice" and present here the confirmation letter that they once sent me: Radio 7 from Samara [https://imgur.com/JiNp6e1]. I re-read the letter and was a little confused by the name "Jewish language". There is a suspicion that these were programs in Yiddish. (Vyacheslav, Samara) - Some information is available on the Internet: The first local Tatar radio program "Idelkeem-ilkeem" appeared in the region in July 1989. In 1992, Radio 7 began operating, broadcasting in seven languages. Soon, this radio broadcast broadcasts in 12 languages... In addition to Tatar, the languages of "Native" are Russian, Chuvash, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, German and Hebrew. Link to source - [https://www.tatar-inform.ru/news/15-let-tatarskomu-radioveschaniyu-v-samarskoy-oblasti] - Radio Samara has been broadcasting weekly radio broadcasts in Polish for 4 years. Today, a Polish editorial office exists on Radio 7 from Samara. Link to source - [https://indem.ru/ceprs/Minorities/Samara/Samara09.htm] - It has been 10 years since the day when programs from the unique multinational radio station "Radio-7 from Samara" began broadcasting. Until now, Radio-7 from Samara is the only regional station in Russia broadcasting in 11 languages. In June 1992, broadcasts in their native language were heard by representatives of 7 peoples of the Volga region: Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Jews, Poles, Germans. Since that time, 4 more new editions have appeared on Radio 7 from Samara - Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian and Belarusian. The radio station broadcasts in the VHF range. Every day journalists receive dozens of letters from their listeners. Andrey Bondarenko Link to source - [https://www.ng.ru/regions/2002-06-10/6_news.html] (Sergey, Jelgava, Latvia) ============================================ WEB RADIO AND TELEVISION IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ============================================= Lipetskaya oblast. -------------------------- Radio station Lipetsk-FM conquers new platforms. She connected to the Industrial Radio Player [https://radioplayer.ru/]. Now the radio station is available on computers, smartphones, tablets and smart TVs through the website radioplayer.ru or a mobile application for Android and iOS. Industrial radio player is the first official aggregator for listening to radio in Russia. It brought online federal and regional radio stations with broadcast licenses. Also, owners of cars with the CarPlay function now have a safe way to listen to radio stations while driving. The system automatically launches the RadioPlayer app from your smartphone, which can be controlled on the car's integrated display. The Lipetsk-FM radio station is present in smart speakers. You can listen to the broadcast in the VK radio and Odnoklassniki applications. lipetsktime.ru (https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__88947/) The Republic of Buryatia. Ulan-Ude. --------------------------- Barguzin FM Ulan-Ude 104.6 FM WEB: http://baikal.media/barguzinfm (https://top-radio.ru/web) ============================ USSR TV shows of the 60s, 70s, 80s. ============================ The program "Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!" -------------------------------------------------- ----------- The GDR television program was broadcast once a week from 1964 to 1990. With the assistance of the Olympic Committee of the GDR. The permanent presenter was the famous German track and field athlete Gerhard Adolf (stage name ADI). He competed for the Berlin Army Club and took prizes in the 20 km race walking. Details in Russian + photo: https://tv-80.ru/zarubezhnye/delay-s-nami/ (https://tv-80.ru/) ============================= RADIO BROADCASTS OF THE USSR. ============================== "By countries and continents." ----------------------------------------- In the 70-80s of the last century, the First Program of the All-Union Radio broadcast the program "Across Countries and Continents" every Sunday. Of course, in terms of audience size it was inferior to the then popular television "Film Travelers Club", but it had a stable circle of its loyal fans and quite numerous listeners. A memorable musical intro, interesting essays about the lives of people in the most remote corners of the planet, and exceptionally high qualifications of the presenters served as the key to the success of the program. Listen in Russian - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3wgw/38rxLcxGB (http://clubcccp.ucoz.ru/index/radioperedachi_sssr/0-204) ========================= RADIO ENGINEERING. STORY. ========================= - Portable radio receiver "Meridian-235" -------------------------------------------------- ----- Since mid-1983, it was produced by the Kiev plant "Radiopribor". The radio receiver is designed to receive radio stations in the LW, MW, SW and VHF bands. It has a magnetic antenna for the LW, MW bands, a telescopic whip antenna in the SW and VHF bands, a fixed tuning to one of three stations and an automatic frequency control in the VHF band, tone control for HF and LF, jacks for an external antenna, tape recorder and headphones. The carrying handle is retractable. Basic data: Ranges: LW, MW, SW-1 5.8...7.3 MHz, SW-2 9.5...9.8 MHz, SW-3 11.7...12.1 MHz, VHF 65.8...73 MHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian235.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Portable radio receiver "Meridian-246" -------------------------------------------------- -------- Since 1987, it has been produced by the Kiev plant "Radiopribor". Designed to receive radio stations in the LW, MW, SW and VHF bands. It has a built-in magnetic antenna for reception in the LW, MW bands, and in the SW and VHF bands - telescopic, AFC in the VHF band, tone control for HF and LF, sockets for connecting an external antenna, a tape recorder for recording programs, and headphones. The transfer handle is retractable. Ranges: LW - 150...280 kHz, MW - 525...1605 kHz, SW-1 - 5.8...7.3 MHz, SW-2 - 9.5...9.8 MHz, SW-3 - 11.7...12.1 MHz and VHF - 65.8...73 MHz. Details in Russian + photo: https://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/index1/radiopriem/rp_pp/rp_pp2/meridian246.html (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/) - Radio receiver "Partizan". ---------------------------------------- The battery-powered radio receiver "Partizan" has been produced since 1946 at the Minsk Radio Plant named after Molotov. Initially, the receiver was intended to be presented as a souvenir in addition to the Order of the Patriotic War, which, since 1946, was awarded first to foreigners who assisted Red Army soldiers in escaping from captivity, then to Soviet soldiers, underground fighters and partisans who participated in military operations in the territories temporarily captured by the Germans. The production of the radio began in September 1946 and by the end of the year 5266 copies were produced. The receiver was produced until 1950, but the total number of radio receivers produced is unknown. The Partizan radio receiver is designed to operate in the following ranges: long waves 150...430 kHz, medium waves 500...1500 kHz, and short waves 6...20 MHz; IF - 460 kHz. The receiver is powered by a 3 V incandescent battery and a 120 V anode battery. There is temporary scale illumination and a one-stage attenuation of high frequencies. Details in Russian + photo - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86252 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) ============================ RADIO FACTORIES OF THE USSR. ============================ Moscow Telegraph Plant (formerly Morse Plant). -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- It was formed on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council dated April 16, 1918 of the 1st State Electrical Engineering Plant (board and plant in Moscow, Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 35) on the basis of those evacuated from Petrograd in March 1918. The Electrical Engineering Plant of the Military Engineering Department and the Moscow Telephone Plant (founded by the former Petrograd Armature and Electrical Joint Stock Company in the second half of 1917). On March 19, 1919, on the basis of a resolution of the Supreme Economic Council, the plant was nationalized and became part of the then organized Elektrotrest. March 1, 1920 By decree of the Central Board of the Trust, management of the plant (along with others) was entrusted to the Electrosvyaz section, which in turn was part of the Electrical Industry Department of the Supreme Economic Council. In August 1920, the plant became part of the "Electrocommunications" section under the name "Moscow Telegraph and Telephone Plant "MORSE" (also known as the "First State Electrotechnical Plant"). On March 9, 1922, the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council decided to create the Electrical Trust of Low Current Plants as an All-Russian State Association and approved its Charter. The trust also includes the Moscow Telegraph and Telephone Plant MORSE. In August 1922, the plant was renamed (some other plants of the trust were also renamed at the same time) into the Moscow Electromechanical Plant "Moselektrik". (https://www.radionic.ru/node/211) ========= QSL World ========= AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia AM = Alexander Myadel, Minsk, Belarus / SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS EK = Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" HB = Hansjörg Biener, Germany KB = Konstantin Barsenkov, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" VV = Victor Varzin, Leningradskaya oblast, Kommunar, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" Australia ---------------- Reach Beyond E-mail: hcjbjapan.office2[at]gmail.com 4 May 2024 / 11.00-11.30 UTC / 15460 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/reach-beyond.html (AK) Bulgaria ------------- Meet the new BNR QSL cards for 2024! Published 04/05/24 https://bnr.bg/ru/post/101972849 (HB) Canada / Germany --------------------------- eQSL Radio City E-mail: citymorecars[at]yahoo.ca 27 April 2024 / 08.05-09.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/radio-city.html (AK) Czech --------- E-QSL Radio Prague International english service (via WRMI), 04/18/2024, 9955 kHz, 3 days, web-form: https://english.radio.cz/reception-report https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-radio-prague-international.html (AM) Germany ------------- * eQSL Radio Sylvia. E-mail: info[at]radiosylvia.de www.radiosylvia.de 06/04/2024 / 16:00-16:30 UTC / 6070 kHz. The picture on the confirmation does not change for several months. (AK) - eQSL Musicallee E-mail: qslmusikallee[at]gmail.com 4 May 2024 / 08.15-09.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/musikallee.html (AK) - Jake-FM E-mail: qsl[at]jake-fm.de 4 May 2024 / 09.00-09.40 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Chanel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/jake-fm.html (AK) * E-QSL Gary Gordon Radio (via Channel 292), 04/06/2024, 9670 khz, 12 days, e-mail: info@garygordon.net https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-gary-gordon-radio-via-channel.html (AM) * Jake-FM / via Channel 292 (D) e-QSL: 9670 kHz / 13.00-14.00 UTC / Apr.28-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/11/radio-jake-fm.html (KB) - Musikallee / via Channel 292 (D) e-QSL: 9670 kHz / 08.00-09.00 UTC / May.4-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2022/03/musikallee.html (KB) Hungary ------------ E-QSL Danko Radio (Hungary), 04/12/2024, 1251 kHz, 6 days, e-mail: kovacs.ivan @ mtva.hu https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-danko-radio-1251-khz.html (AM) Japan / Guam ------------------------ Japan DX Report (Wavescan) e-QSL: 12060 kHz / 15.51-15.56 UTC / May.05-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/05/05/jdsx.html (EK) Mongolia ---------------- * Voice of Mongolia (Japanese Sce) e-QSL: 12015 kHz / 13.00-13.30 UTC / May.09-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/05/09/vom.html e-QSL: internet / 10.30-11.00 UTC / May.10-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/05/10/vom.html (EK) * Voice of Mongolia / Japanese Sce (MNG) e-QSL: 12085 kHz / 10.30-11.00 UTC / Apr.27-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2020/11/voice-of-mongolia.html (KB) Netherlands ------------------ E-QSL Radio Joey (Netherlands), 04/13/2024, 6258 khz, 8 days, e-mail: radiojoey@hotmail.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-radio-joey-6258-khz.html (AM) Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) ---------------------- E-QSL Radio Vesti FM (via Grigoriopol), 04/12/2024, 1413 kHz, 1 day, e-mail: prtc @ idknet.com https://ew1mb.blogspot.com/2024/05/qsl-from-radio-vesti-fm-via-grigoriopol.html (AM) Romania / Germany ------------------------------ eQSL Radio Carpathia E-mail: radiocarpathia[at[gmail.com WEB: https://radiocarpathia.org 18 April 2024 / 10.00-11.00 UTC / 9670 kHz (via Channel 292) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/radio-carpathia.html (AK) Taiwan ------------ Radio Taiwan Int'l/Russian Sce (TWN) QSL-card: 9490 kHz / 11.00-11.58 UTC / Apr.3-2024 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2023/05/rti.html (KB) USA / Germany ------------------------ eQSL Texas Radio Shortwave The report is delivered only to texasradiosw[at]gmail.com And the answer comes from the address texasradioshortwave[at]protonmail.com E-mail: texasradioshortwave[at]protonmail.com 5 May 2024 / 10.00-11.40 UTC / 9670 kHz Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/texas-radio-shortwave_7.html (AK) - eQSL Pop Shop Radio E-mail: popshopperadio[at]gmail.com 8 May 2024 / 1600-1700 UTC / 9670 kHz (via Channel 292 in Rohrbach Waal in Germany) Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/pop-shop-radio.html (AK) USA / Vatican / UK --------------------------- Follow The Bible Ministries eQSL: 9585 kHz / 18.30-19.00 UTC / Apr.21-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/04/21/ftbm_va.html eQSL: 9410 kHz / 20.00-20.30 UTC / Apr.21-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/04/21/ftbm_wf.html (EK) USA / France ------------------- Pan American Broadcasting email: 9690 kHz / 20.00-20.15,20.30-20.59 UTC / Apr.21-2024 https://myqsl.github.io/2024/04/21/pabc.html (EK) Vietnam ------------- * eQSL "Voice of Vietnam". E-mail: golosvietnama[at]gmail.com May 1, 2024 / 16.30-16.57 UTC / Russian / 11885 kHz "Dear Anatoly Klepov! We are sincerely grateful to you for the report on the reception dated May 1, 2024. Unfortunately, postal communication between Vietnam and Russia has not been restored. We will send you an electronic QSL card. Hope for your understanding! Best wishes, Russian edition of Radio "Voice of Vietnam" Picture: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/05/blog-post_9.html (AK) * Voice of Vietnam (Spanish) QSL: 11885 kHz / 21.00-21.27 UTC / Mar.16-2024 The envelope contained a card and stickers. https://myqsl.github.io/2024/03/16/vov_sp.html (EK) QSL mail. --------------- eQSL Bible Voice. eQSL came from the Voice of the Bible - broadcast in Russian (I waited a little over a month, I sent the report in English). MAIL (mail[at]bvbroadcasting.org): To: Victor Varzin Subject: reception report; Dear Victor, Thank you so much for your report. It is correct and we have attached a QSL for you. Please note that this program is now being aired at the same time on 7520 kHz, instead of 7540 kHz. Blessings, Heather (VV) Dan's digital archive of QSL Cards. ----------------------------------------------- https://swling.com/blog/2024/05/dans-digital-archive-of-qsl-cards/ Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Greenall, who writes: Hi Thomas In addition to digitizing many of my old SW and BCB audio files, I have begun setting up some of my QSL galleries on the internet archive in order to help preserve radio history. I am sending along a few links that perhaps [...] (https://vk.com/dxing?w=wall-3271973_8114) ============ WORLD NEWS ============ * Memories of the silent facts of the history of Russian-language broadcasting. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Great Britain. The official date of the start of BBC broadcasting in Russian is March 24, 1946, it is indicated on the website, and earlier - in booklets sent by the station. It also mentioned the station's first one-day broadcast on June 23, 1941, with a program repeated several times during the day, in which Prime Minister Winston Churchill's speech on June 22 in the British Parliament about the German attack on the Soviet Union was read out in Russian translation. Further on the BBC website https://web.archive.org/web/20160617212738/http://www.bbc.com/russian/institutional/2011/02/000000_g_rs_history it is indicated (quote): "Since then, the leadership of the External Service (as the BBC World Service was then called) began to increasingly argue about the advisability of regular broadcasting in Russian. Opponents argued that in the USSR they were not interested in news from Great Britain and that few people there there are shortwave receivers. In addition, after broadcasting a translation of Churchill's speech, Soviet diplomats accredited in London "gently" made it clear that Moscow did not see the point in broadcasts of this kind. As a result, regular broadcasting of the British Broadcasting Corporation in Russian began only five years later. " However, in reality, regular broadcasting of the Russian Service began not five years later, but on October 7, 1942, but did not last long - until May 26, 1943 and was resumed on March 24, 1946. This information is given in one of the reference books published by the broadcasting corporation itself ("BBC Handbook", 1956; p. 252). This little-known period of broadcasting was recalled in the 70s by Anatoly Maksimovich Goldberg (1910-1982), who worked from 1941 on the English and then on the Russian service of the BBC (fluent in several European and Asian languages, in Russian and English led regular columns), and named the reasons for its short duration approximately the same as those indicated in the above quote. The daily volume of this first broadcast is not indicated in the directory; it was probably minimal - only news, and the daily volume in 1946 was 1 hour 15 minutes, reaching 4 hours 30 minutes in 1974. In the 1960s and 70s, news and analysis programs were popular at the station due to their objectivity and pop music programs on Fridays, which aired since 1963 and for some reason changed hosts for the first 12 years every 4 years (Tony Cash, Barry Holland, Paul March). Sam Jones, who has been host since 1975, was remembered in the newsletter a year ago. (Vladimir, Rybinsk, Yaroslavlskaya oblast, Russia). * Pridnestrovie (Transnistria). ---------------------- Photo. Pridnestrovskiy Radio and Television Center. Antenna field. 2009 year. https://vk.com/public158109176?w=wall-158109176_3616 (https://vk.com/public158109176) * Kyrgyzstan. ------------------ May 9 14.22 UTC Kyrgyz transmitter with weak modulation operates on 4895 kHz instead of 5130 kHz. 18.13 UTC again operating on 5130 kHz (Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk, Russia / Radio reception - Telegram) * QST Magazine - December, 2023 -------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86107 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * QST Magazine - May 2024. ------------------------------- Digital Edition. https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_85994 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * CQ Amateur Radio Magazine - October 2023. --------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86222 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * QST Magazine - November 2023. ------------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86271 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * QST Magazine - April, 2024. ------------------------------------- https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_86236 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * The Official AM Stereo Web Site is a free resource for AM Stereo radio broadcasters and listeners. -------------------------------------------------- --- http://www.amstereo.org/ (Evgenij / Radio reception - Telegram) * Rules of the SWL Contest 2024 June, July, August 2024 -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Interesting context coming this summer https://icomjapan.blogspot.com/2024/01/rules-of-swl-contest-2024-june-july.html?m=1 (Shakhrat Rakhmatullaev / Radio reception - Telegram) * HFCC A24 Update 05/07/2024 ----------------------------------------- http://www.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip (https://vk.com/dxing) * Baltics. Historical materials. --------------------------------------------- Radio Riga International / Radio Latvia International. Radio Vilnius. Radio Tallinn / Radio Estonia. https://web.archive.org/web/20160403024234/http://latvianhistory.com/2015/10/28/international-radio-broadcasting- from-baltic-states-broadcasting-the-voice-of-independence/ (AlexM / https://dxforum.ru/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=495&start=90) * Joakim Weckström opened his radio station, RealMix Radio, at the age of 16. ------------------------------------------ Not many 16-year-olds have their own radio station, but Kaarina's Joakim Weckström has done just that. In March, he launched a shortwave radio station called RealMix Radio. Weckström became interested in radio many years ago. "In 2019, I decided to find out what could be heard on my grandfather's old radio. I was listening to foreign AM stations and wondered why I could hear foreign stations on a regular radio," says Weckström. Details in Russian - https://muromdx.ru/articles/radio-broadcasting/joakim-vekstrjom-otkryl-svoyu-radiostantsiyu- realmix-radio-v-16-let (https://muromdx.ru/) 73!