---------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 957 Дата: 1 / май / 2022 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [Московское время = UTC + 3 часа] Выходит, по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Первый номер вышел в январе 1994 года. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Бюллетень в Интернете и подписка на рассылку: http://rusdx.narod.ru Рассылка (бесплатно): http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus Blog (QSL и Фото): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь: Россия + страны бывшего СССР и дальнего зарубежья. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. ----------------------------------------- Информация друзей бюллетеня + Интернет. ------------------------------------------------------------- РОССИЯ ======== Волгоградская область. -------------------------------- Comedy Radio - яркое, дерзкое, хайповое - давно уже стало одним из самых знаменитых и любимых радио у миллионов россиян. Настоящий источник позитива, вдохновения и хорошего настроения теперь появится и в Волгограде на 107.2 FM... С 1 мая к числу поклонников юмористического разговорного формата присоединятся и жители Волгограда, где сегодня проживает свыше миллиона человек... Подробно - https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/25241 (https://www.gpmradio.ru/press#news) Кировская область. ----------------------- С 22 апреля в Кирове на частоте 88,7 МГц начала вещание радиостанция "Юмор FM Киров". "В Кирове умеют шутить и ценить шутки! Не зря наша сборная становилась чемпионами КВН", - сообщил управляющий радиостанции Артем Буров. По его словам, радиостанция будет поддерживать выступления стендап-комиков, организовывать весёлые кинопремьеры. "У нас большие планы на лето: готовим несколько больших акций, но это пока секрет", - цитирует Бурова информационный портал Newsler.ru (https://www.newsler.ru/). В основе формата вещания "Юмор FM" - качественный юмор. Шутки от Николая Фоменко, анекдоты от Игоря Маменко, фрагменты выступлений команд КВН за последние годы, шоу BIG Standup и "Уральские пельмени". (PRO_FM - Телеграм) Красноярский край. --------------------------- 1 мая ГК "Выбери Радио" и "Radio Record" запускают вещание в городе на частоте 100.3 FM. "Radio Record" - первая танцевальная радиостанция России, вещающая с 1995 года. Основу формата составляет западная клубная музыка, эксклюзивные ремиксы и качественные российские танцевальные треки. Аудитория радиостанции - современные молодые люди 18 - 40 лет, наиболее активные потребители товаров, услуг и технологий. Источник: https://vk.com/vyberiradio (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Липецкая область. -------------------------- 26 апреля филиал РТРС "Липецкий ОРТПЦ" начал FM-трансляцию радиостанции "Радио России" в Паленке Становлянского района Липецкой области на частоте 92,6 МГц. Передатчик мощностью 0,1 кВт охватывает сигналом 20 тысяч человек. Высота подвеса антенны - 72 м. Запуск радиостанции "Радио России" в современном FM-формате - часть масштабного проекта по модернизации радиосети ВГТРК в регионе. (https://moscow.rtrs.ru/press/news/rtrs-nachal-fm-translyatsiyu-radio-rossii-v-palenke/) Пензенская область. ----------------------------- "Авторадио" в Сердобске в эфире на 93.3 FM. Источник: https://vk.com/penzaradiotv (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Пермский край. --------------------- Радио Соль FM. Нас становится больше!!! Больше городов, больше слушателей... Только что произошло включение передатчика в режим постоянной работы в эфире в г.Чернушка Пермского края на частоте 96.0 FM Источник: https://vk.com/solfm (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Санкт-Петербург и Ленинградская область. -------------------------------- * Град Петров остаётся только в Санкт-Петербурге и Выборге. В Кингисеппе и Тихвине вещание официально завершается. Напомним, что станция начала своё развитие с открытием новой частоты в Выборге и планировало открытие в Кингисеппе. Сейчас Град Петров сворачивает частотный план и вещание в Тихвине, с которого и началось развитие после Санкт-Петербурга. Некоммерческий фонд "Радио Санкт-Петербургской митрополии "Град Петров" 199034, г. Санкт-Петербург, наб. Лейтенанта Шмидта, д. 39 13.04.2022 Л030-00114-77/00061565 (№ 159245), 13.10.2017 - 13.10.2023 Услуги связи для целей эфирного вещания О внесении изменений в реестр лицензий в области связи в связи с изменением перечня выполняемых работ, оказываемых услуг, составляющих лицензируемый вид деятельности (исключение частотных присвоений: Кингисепп 105,6 МГц; Тихвин 101,3 МГц) (https://vk.com/tvradio47) * Европа Плюс начнёт вещание в Сосновом Бору на новой частоте. Информацию подтвердили в компании "Медиа Телеком". Радиостанция переедет с 95,3 МГц на 97,9 МГц. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Медиа Телеком" 187110, Ленинградская обл., Киришский р-н, г. Кириши, ул. Декабристов Бестужевых, д. 4, литер Д 12.04.2022 Л030-00114-77/00077656 (№ 183332), 14.06.2017 - 14.06.2027 Услуги связи для целей эфирного вещания О внесении изменений в реестр лицензий в области связи в связи с изменением перечня выполняемых работ, оказываемых услуг, составляющих лицензируемый вид деятельности (добавление частотного присвоения: Сосновый Бор (п.у.п. - Ломоносовский р-н, Кандикюля) 97,9 МГц) (https://vk.com/tvradio47) Тюменская область. ------------------------------ 28 апреля в городе Тюмень началась трансляция радиостанции "Маруся ФМ". Частота вещания 90,4 МГц. Ранее на этой частоте осуществляла вещание радиостанция "Monte Carlo". Потенциальная аудитория составляет свыше 800 тысяч человек. Напомним, "Маруся ФМ" начала свое вещание в Белгородской области в октябре 2016 года. Сейчас радиостанция имеет более 40 пунктов вещания, охватывая порядка 10 миллионов потенциальных слушателей. (PRO_FM - Телеграм) Калейдоскоп новостей ================== * Программа "Радиопанорама". -------------------------------------- Москва. Всемирная радиосеть. 30.04.2022 Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. - Цифровое эфирное радиовещание: доклад Вадима Алексеева для форума "Цифровая трансформация и устойчивое развитие" - Специальная передача SM Radio Dessau - Дополнительные трансляции VORW - "Репортёры без границ" против давления на вещателей в Гвинее-Бисау Публикация - публикацию деталей программы и звукового файла на странице. Публикация и подготовка звукового файла - Владимир Емельянов, Самара. (https://vk.com/dxing) * 27 апреля 2022 г. состоялось заседание Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию. ------------------------------------------- В результате проведения конкурсов на получение права осуществлять наземное эфирное вещание с использованием конкретных радиочастот (далее - Конкурс) победителями признаны: 1. ООО "ПроектМедиа" - г. Оренбург, Оренбургская область, 88,9 МГц, 1 кВт, концепция вещания "свободная"; 2. ООО "ГПМ Радио" - г. Оренбург, Оренбургская область, 89,7 МГц, 1 кВт, концепция вещания "свободная"; 3. ООО "Корделия-медиа" - г. Благовещенск, Амурская область, 92,1 МГц, 1 кВт, концепция вещания "свободная". В связи с отказом от участия единственного участника Конкурса на радиоканал частотой 94,3 МГц, 1 кВт, г. Благовещенск, Амурская область, концепция вещания "свободная", решением Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию, данный Конкурс считается несостоявшимся. В связи с тем, что заявок на участие в Конкурсах на радиоканал частотой 96,6 МГц, 1 кВт и на радиоканал частотой 97,0 МГц, 1 кВт - г. Салават, г. Стерлитамак, (пункт установки передатчика - Наумовка), Республика Башкортостан, время вещания - "ежедневно, круглосуточно", концепция вещания - "свободная", не поступило, по решению Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию, данные Конкурсы считаются несостоявшимися. https://rkn.gov.ru/docs/Soobshhenie_o_rezul6tatakh_k_04.22_ot_27.04.2022.docx (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) - Оренбург: 88,9 МГц - "Наше радио", 89,7 МГц - "Comedy radio". Благовещенск, Амурская область: 92,1 МГц - "Радио ИСКАТЕЛЬ". (PRO_FM - Телеграм) * 3 МГц. Самодельный радиопередатчик радиохулигана. Выход в эфир, небольшой сеанс связи. 23.04.2022. ---------------------------------- Видео - 10:24 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242944%2Ff041d228bdeea44790%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Блог Pirate hunter. Broadcast shortwave pirate radio Log. ----------------------------------------------- https://piratehunterlog.blogspot.com/ Обо мне/about me Меня зовут Сергей, увлекаюсь радио с конца 90-х Имею официальный радиолюбительский позывной 1-й категории! Но больше привлекает охота за пиратскими вещательными радиостанциями и другими DX! Активно начал слушать пиратов в начале апреля этого 22 года! Место приёма Ростовская область, Россия Аппаратура приёма: SDR AFEDRI, ICOM PCR1000 Антенна: HF Vertical mono band (Сергей / SIGNAL Broadcast DX-ing, MW, SW, LW, UKW, FM - Telegram канал) * Студия светлого радио "Вера" начала свою работу в Ставрополе. ------------------------------------------------ 20 апреля 2022 года, после Литургии Преждеосвященных Даров, митрополит Ставропольский и Невинномысский Кирилл совершил освящение студии радио "Вера Ставрополь", которая находится в храмовом комплексе Владимирского собора города Ставрополя. "Сегодня мы освятили студию радио "Вера" в городе Ставрополе. Здесь будут записываться различные богословские, патриотические, исторические радиопередачи. Мы надеемся, что к нам в студию будут приезжать гости, которые с любовью и радостью будут делиться своими знаниями и добрыми мыслями" - сказал архипастырь... Подробно - https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__82940/ (OnAir.ru) * Генеральный директор ГПМ Радио о трендах маркетинга 2022. ---------------------------------------- 21 апреля в Москве состоялась конференция "Маркетинг 2022: новые вызовы и возможности", объединившая на одной площадке собственников бизнеса, генеральных директоров, коммерческих директоров и директоров по маркетингу ведущих компаний и холдингов. Встреча была посвящена оптимальным маркетинговым решениям для российского бизнеса во время кризиса и неопределенности. Об изменениях и трендах в радиоиндустрии в условиях новой реальности рассказал генеральный директор ГПМ Радио Вадим Терещук... Подробно - https://vk.com/@vokrugradio-generalnyi-direktor-gpm-radio-o-trendah-marketinga-2022 (https://vk.com/public210995174) * Моя берлога. -------------------- Мой личный маленький уголок на балконе, отдушина в этом примитивном, меркантильном мире... Видео - 0:21 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242953%2Fb5f7c1ae07417c31c8%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * "Газпром-Медиа Холдинг" запустит аудиостриминговую платформу "АудиоКлуб". ---------------------------- Генеральный директор "Газпром-Медиа Холдинга" Александр Жаров анонсировал запуск аудиосервиса "АудиоКлуб" в ходе выступления на открытии всероссийской просветительской акции "Поделись своим Знанием. Новые горизонты". На новой платформе в том числе будут представлены аудиоресурсы холдинга, включая радиостанции "ГПМ Радио". Александр Жаров, генеральный директор "Газпром-Медиа Холдинга": - Мы хотим, чтобы "АудиоКлуб" стал естественным выбором для слушателей аудиоконтента, и планируем увеличивать аудиторию стриминга, вовлекая тех интернет-пользователей, которые еще не нашли удобный для себя сервис. Новая аудиостриминговая платформа дополнит линейку наших цифровых активов RUTUBE, PREMIER и YAPPY. Александр Моисеев, заместитель генерального директора "Газпром-Медиа Холдинга": - Потребление аудио почти полностью уходит в цифровую среду, создание удобной цифровой аудио-платформы - логичный шаг. Наша аудитория - это пользователи с разносторонними интересами. Наша основная миссия - дать им удобный доступ к миру цифрового аудио. Мы также планируем поддерживать авторов, исполнителей, дикторов и начинающих ведущих, помогая им находить свою аудиторию. gazprom-media.com (https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__82951/) * "Радио Свобода" пригрозили новыми штрафами в России. ----------------------------------- Организации "Радио Свобода" (внесена Минюстом в список СМИ, выполняющих функции иностранного агента) пригрозили новыми штрафами в России за отказ удалить запрещенный в стране контент. О протоколах в отношении радиостанции сообщает ТАСС. "В судебный участок № 423 мирового суда Тверского района Москвы поступили 60 протоколов в отношении ООО "Радио "Свободная Европа/Радио Свобода" по части 2 статьи 13.41 КоАП РФ (неудаление владельцем ресурса информации, если обязанность по ее удалению предусмотрена законодательством РФ - прим. "Ленты.ру")", - сообщили агентству в пресс- службе Тверского районного суда в Москве. Уточняется, что часть протоколов связана с материалами о спецоперации на Украине. Некоторые из протоколов будут рассмотрены 28 апреля. Всего компании грозит штраф в размере 240 миллионов рублей. 25 апреля сообщалось, что в суд поступил еще 31 протокол в отношении "Радио Свобода". Общая сумма штрафа, который грозил организации, тогда составила 188 миллионов рублей. lenta.ru (https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__82957/) * Антенна. Памятка радиолюбителя. ----------------------------------------------- "Пионерская правда" # 29, 1927 Видео - 0:33 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242971%2F594bdb6549427347f9%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * ТВ новости. ---------------- Какие телеканалы приостановили вещание в России? Сразу несколько телеканалов приостановили вещание в РФ. С конца февраля некоторые зарубежные телеканалы приостановили вещание на территории России. АиФ.ru подготовил список каналов, которые исчезли из телепрограммы и стали недоступны по требованию правообладателей. Discovery 9 марта компания Discovery заявила о приостановке вещания в России. Ей принадлежат 15 телеканалов, включая: - Discovery Channel (познавательно-развлекательный канал); - Discovery Science (канал о достижениях науки и техники); - Animal Planet (канал о животных); - Discovery HD Showcase (научно-популярные и документальные фильмы); - ID Investigation Discovery (канал о преступлениях и их расследованиях); - TLC (канал для женщин); - Eurosport 1, Eurosport 2 (канал о спорте), - Food Network (канал о еде и кулинарии) и др. Paramount О том, что компания Paramount приостановила вещание своих телеканалов в России, стало известно 28 апреля. 16 марта компания заявила о своем намерении сделать это из-за санкций. Отныне в стране не работают следующие каналы: - NickToons, NickToons HD, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD (детские каналы); - VH1 European, MTV HD, MTV Live HD, MTV Rocks (музыкальные каналы); - Paramount Channel HD (киноканал); - Paramount Comedy и Paramount Comedy HD (развлекательные каналы). Также о приостановке вещания в разные дни заявили следующие каналы: - Disney (семейный развлекательный канал); - ABC, CBS и CNN (американские новостные каналы); - France 24 (французский новостной канал); - NHK WORLD TV (японский новостной канал); - TV5Monde (франкоязычный развлекательный канал); - Love Nature 4K (канал о природе и путешествиях); - JimJam (детский канал). (https://news.mail.ru/society/51092704/?frommail=1) * Минцифры предложило ввести бессрочный режим действия лицензии на теле- и радиовещание. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Соответствующий проект поправок в закон о СМИ опубликован на портале проектов нормативных актов. В настоящий момент срок действия лицензии на телевизионное вещание, радиовещание составляет десять лет, если меньший не указан в заявлении о предоставлении лицензии. Авторы инициативы предлагают отказаться от этой нормы и сделать лицензии бессрочными... Подробно - https://www.pnp.ru/social/mincifry-predlozhilo-vvesti-bessrochnye-licenzii-na-tele--i- radioveshhanie.html?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=desktop&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fyandex.ru%2Fne ws%2Fsearch%3Ftext%3D (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) * Детекторный радиоприемник модели П-8. Артефакты в коллекции Музея истории г. Обнинск. ---------------------------------------------- Видео - 02:05 https://rutube.ru/video/e552b6b3f542d5a283024f99ea5a677c/ Музей истории города Обнинска представляет свой новый виртуальный проект "Артефакты в коллекции Музея истории города Обнинска", который познакомит вас с уникальным музейным собранием. Речь пойдет о музейных предметах, представленных в экспозиции Музея, а также хранящихся в фондах. (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) БЕЛАРУСЬ ========= "Для нас построили отдельную страну". Как благодаря радио в Беларуси появился целый поселок и что с ним стало сегодня. Два года назад в тихом месте, закрытом от глаз посторонних лесным массивом, прогремел взрыв. 350- метровая вышка послушно сложилась на уже опустевшей территории, громоздкая советская техника ушла на металлолом, 340 гектаров земли перестали быть частью чего-то большого. Так была поставлена точка в многолетней истории крупного режимного объекта в 80 километрах от Минска, который однажды просто перестал быть нужным. Наш сегодняшний репортаж - о непостоянстве жизни и разрушительности времени... Подробно + фото: https://realt.onliner.by/2018/04/27/radio (Александр Владимирович / https://vk.com/club3877182) ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЕ ================ * Радиоцентр Маяк, Приднестровье. Материала не тему в Интернета очень много, поэтому невозможно все опубликовать. Часть материалов содержат противоречивые данные, но опубликованы для полной ясности картины разрушения вышек. По всей видимости выведены из строя КВ-антенны, а не средневолновые. Реакция на это событие разнообразная и включает и политический аспект, особо среди зарубежных слушателей. Эти сообщения не публикуем - все-таки мы пишем о радио, а не о политике. Благодарность за сообщения - читателю бюллетеня Руслану Славутскому, Московская область. + сообщения из разных источников. (Анатолий Клепов, Москва) * Справка о передающем центре "Маяк" в Приднестровье. Видео - 1:11 https://vk.com/radioko?z=video-161080476_456239035%2Fa5b4341fd30da86de9%2Fpl_wall_-161080476 (https://vk.com/radioko) * 26 апреля в Приднестровье, вблизи г. Григориополь взорвали две радиовышки! Одна уничтожена, другая еле держится. Удары нанесли предположительно с беспилотника. Одна из крупнейших радиовещательных станций в Европе (судя по инфе в интернете)... Фото - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=photo-163779953_457265039%2Fwall-163779953_63258 (Игорь Власенко, Слободзея, Приднестровье / https://vk.com/radioreceiver) - Поворотная антенна Радиоцентр Маяк, Приднестровье. Об антеннах - видео - https://youtu.be/-BYHmklHi_A (Игорь Власенко, Слободзея, Приднестровье / https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Ранним утром 26 апреля в посёлке Маяк Григориопольского района прогремели два взрыва: первый в 6:40, второй в 7:05. К месту происшествия незамедлительно были направлены правоохранители и аварийные службы Приднестровья. Григориопольские милиционеры оцепили территорию радиотелецентра "‎Маяк", сапёры Минобороны начали обследование всех объектов ПРТЦ. По данным на 9 утра известно, что из строя выведены две самые мощные антенны: одна - мегаваттная, вторая - полумегаваттная. Обе ретранслировали радио РФ. Никто из сотрудников ПРТЦ и местных жителей не пострадал. ПРТЦ - Приднестровский радиотелецентр. Это один из 14 радиопередающих центров бывшего СССР. Сигнал с ПРТЦ может ретранслироваться в США, на Ближний Восток и в Латинскую Америку. Радиоцентр был построен в конце 60-х годов. Источник: Официальный сайт Министерства внутренних дел Приднестровья. https://mvdpmr.org/kriminalnie-novosti/37731-vzryvy-v-posjolke-mayak.html (Alex Miatlikov / "deneb-radio-dx") * Видео. https://smotrim.ru/video/2404578 Новости. В Приднестровье взрывами выведены из строя антенны радиоцентра. ЧП в районе поселка Маяк в Приднестровье. МВД республики сообщает, что двумя взрывами выведены из строя мощные антенны местного радиоцентра. Они транслировали сигналы российского радио. Никто не пострадал. Обстоятельства происшествия выясняют * Вечером 26 апреля в Москве по-прежнему прием на 999 кГц - Радио Вести и 1413 кГц Радио России, которые ретранслируются через Приднестровский радиоцентр. (Анатолий Клепов, Москва) * Справка о передающем центре "Маяк" в Приднестровье. Видео - 1:11 https://vk.com/radioko?z=video-161080476_456239035%2Fe92ea0ecf9c98ab133%2Fpl_wall_-161080476 (https://vk.com/radioko) * From: Wolfgang Bueschel Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2022 Subject: Re: The antennas in Grigoriopol Tx site before and after the explosions in the early hours of April 26, 2022 > See Lev's webp photos > See the photo link pasted here: https://www.radioeins.de/programm/sendungen/medienmagazin/radio_news/beitraege/2022/grigoriopol_anschlag.ht ml There are drone images with which the scrap pile can be perfectly identify and classify the pile. - - - Kai, your radio.eins MM photo I did not know yet, due to the Google Earth Pro images it can be with the blown-up masts can only be two of the three nearby masts of the 296 / 116 degree SW antenna at locator 47 17 29.65 N 29 24 58.20 E. see screenshots, where I have rotated the image in G.E. towards 122 degrees azimuth, exactly in the same direction of the radio.eins photo. The image from Google Earth is from August 16, 2015. In yandex.ru maps see the Map Link taken from 2019 year https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCUF5PxdkC https://yandex.ru/maps/?l=sat&ll=29.417679%2C47.291911&mode=search&sll=29.416167%2C47.291569&text=47.2 91569%2C29.416167&utm_source=main_stripe_big&z=17 73 wolfy df5sx УКРАИНА ======== To counter possible damage to its FM repeater network, Ukraine has switched back on some radio stations operating on medium waves... Подробно на английском языке - https://blog.radioreporter.org/ukraine-medium-wave-switched-back-on-to-support-fm-network (https://blog.radioreporter.org/) PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== Ydun's Medium Wave Info Editor: Ydun M. Ritz Denmark --------------- Moldova April 27, 2022 ... reached Transnistria - Majak transmitter damaged. The video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0HzoYVWjFk shows the 3 damaged SW antennas. It also shows 2 shortwave arrays that are damaged, but my investigation says that these were already destroyed in 2002, they just didn't removed the remaining parts. I don't know the reason for that. Check Google Earth and frocus: http://www.frocus.net/images/antennas/Maiac/4ants_130m.jpg The video also shows that the 4 mast ARRT antenna array ist still there. The only fact that is known yet is that 3 masts collapsed by this attack. Marco (2022-04-27) Moldova April 27, 2022 621, 999 and 1413 are on air now. 1548 was on air yesterday. They are audible at 4:34 UTC, 6:34 in Germany. We have daytime here, so in Moldova too. That means it seams that they come from Grigoriopol. http://kiwisdr-dorohoi.ddns.net:8073/?f=621.00amz6 I also confirmed that the programs on 612, 999 and 1413 are these that are listed there. I haven't checked 1548 yet, I only noticed that it was on air. Marco (2022-04-27) Moldova April 26, 2022 https://t.me/Soldierline/4522 These 3 antennas were destroyed: 47.291221522934535, 29.416242304237073 I also saw pictures that the bottom part of the rotatable SW antenna are partially burned. Marco (2022-04-26) Moldova April 26, 2022 Both Russian QRG 999 and 1413 kHz are coming now with relatively good signals at this Kiwi SDR in Austria: http://oe3akb.ddns.net:8073/ No idea about QTH of the replacement tx. Nils Düwel (2022-04-26) It may come from Grigoriopol. The signal strength on this SDR http://kiwisdr-dorohoi.ddns.net:8073/ is very good. Signal strength of 999 is worse than it was, at lest in my ears. The modulation is also worse that it was. Marco (2022-04-26) Moldova April 26, 2022 1413 is on air again. That means at least one antenna system is still working. http://kiwisdr-dorohoi.ddns.net:8073/ Marco (2022-04-26) According to Mauno Ritola, WOR iog 1413 kHz is also on air again. (Ed.) Moldova April 26, 2022 PRTC (Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecenter) under attack. Now confirmed by public german broadcaster ARD: "Authorities in the pro-Russian separatist-controlled Transnistria region of Moldova have reported explosions at a radio tower near the Ukrainian border. The Transnistrian Interior Ministry said two explosions could be heard in the village of Mayak in the Grigoriopolski district." "According to the Transnistrian authorities, no one was injured in the explosions. However, two antennas through which Russian radio broadcasts were broadcast are out of order." https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/transnistrien-expolsionen-101.html That would mean, the non-directional one (999) and the 4-mast ARRT aerial "kvadrat" type (1413+1548) should be off air!? Official picture material by reliable source "Reuters press agency" https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/blasts-hit-soviet-era-radio-antennae-breakaway-moldovan-region-authorities- say-2022-04-26/ Robert (2022-04-26) Moldova April 26, 2022 War reached Transnistria - Majak transmitter damaged - 999/1413 off-air. Some more info: http://www.frocus.net/images/antennas/Maiac/AM150verh.jpg https://cdn4.telegram-cdn.org/file/UCcaN425cT31dp9v-A6qS48MUSyBHonE-c5aQSXCU8- eO4Xaj1XAapxIDwEysA9g1HSxrP76o27w_gtoQKgJfLC8L-GxgiQjJI GfURL33HVc6yHWWRtYTxTZ_FsHYx DxTqYdeiqU3he81xRoY0BjwHkr83ApBEH7YBrDxzImuaLNznXOZ gAY20ngUzp176wQf_Nd1o2NEfZzqOSF7R1_qEit11BACQ_Au7kn 4driSPAMcW1V1DBfK1Artrhgc-HGRDr6KuxUMp7m75yWIdzcI_PX85mybpusIwKxs N0ses43dZjuiEpN06TZPkx83nN6qkBJVEZTJGVXFgR-i1d2wA.jpg The collapsed mast has a square cross section. The single ARRT mast (999) has a triangle. The picture of the 4 mast ARRT antenna is too small to see it. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f7/%D0%A1%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0 %B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D 0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0_-% D0%9A%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82-.jpg Does anybody have a bigger one? For me it looks like triangle but I am not sure. Additionally, the bottom of the 4 mast ARRT looks like spiky. The square mast laying down (see the Telegram pictures) looks different if part we see is the bottom. Marco (2022-04-26) ... ... Russia April 21, 2022 I have seen a report out of St Petersburg dated 19/4/2022 that translates as follows: "In accordance with the requirements of the license, from April 15, Radio Maria (1053 kHz) returned to its previous work schedule: from 08:00 to 00:00. From October 1, 2018 to April 14, 2022, broadcasting was carried out according to the schedule 10:00 - 14:00 and 18:00 - 22:00." Attributed to a "DJ Progressive". Steve Whitt, Medium Wave News Editor to mwcircle iog (2022-04-20) SWLDXBulgaria News, April 22-23 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ---------------------------- GERMANY(non) Pan American Broadcasting Preparing for Jesus in Japanese on 13579,9 kHz via MBR Tashkent, April 23 1300-1400 on 13579.9vTAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Japanese Sat. Fair/good signal via SDR Yuseong-gu Daejeon, Korea. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/pab-preparing-for-jesus-on-135799-khz.html SWLDXBulgaria News, April 24 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ---------------------------- UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 15549.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 24: 1200-1230 on 15549.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair to good signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-155499v-khz-via_24.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 24 1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair/good via SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-free-north-korea-on-11510-khz-via_24.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 11569.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on April 24: 1400-1500 on 11569.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good via SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/north-korea-reform-radio-on-115698v-khz_24.html SWLDXBulgaria News, April 24-25 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ----------------------------- U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio in Site on 7510 kHz via ENC-DMS Yerevan, April 24 1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte. Good via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/feba-radio-in-site-on-7510-khz-via-enc.html Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 27 --------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 From: Gary Pence Subject: [HCDX] Gary Pence (KM5X) log,s for April 24 th and 25 th All times are UTC/GMT April 24 ,2022 Uzbekistan(non) 9290 Khz,The overcomers ministry preaching Voice of the last day prophet from Tashkent,UZB.1333Z - 1347Z. As Signal was S9 plus 20 to 30db New Deli SDR Tajikistan (non) 13810 KHz R.Free Asia broadcasting from Dashanube,Tajikistan in Chinese at 1632Z.Signal was S8 Vermont SDR. April 25Tibetan Armenia(non) 13690 KHz FEBA Radio Pakistan speaking (Urdu )....1500Z to 1530 Xmtr: Yerevan - Gavar. Signal: S7 to S8 SDR. Message: 7 Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 26, 2022 ** UKRAINE [non]. 1386, April 27 at 0000-0005, UR1 via LITHUANIA, with `Ukraine: Security Issue` English segment, good into UTwente, but with noise bursts mostly on with brief breaks, not jamming? Not so clear into Bryansk, Russia, SDR, but constant background noise level no different than adjacent frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) SWLDXBulgaria News, April 25-26 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ----------------------------- ARMENIA(non) Trans World Radio India in English on 13690 kHz via CJSC Yerevan, April 25: 1430-1500 on 13690 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri. Good via SDR Khimki, RUS https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/trans-world-radio-india-in-english-on_27.html ARMENIA(non) TWR India relay FEBA Pakistan in Urdu on 13690 kHz via CJSC Yerevan, April 25 1500-1530 on 13690 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu Daily. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/twr-india-relay-feba-pakistan-in-urdu.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7530 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 25 1530-1600 on 7530.0 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-7530-khz-via-rrtm_27.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Ranginkaman Rainbow on 7609.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 25 1630-1700 on 7609.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-ranginkaman-rainbow-on-76099v-khz_27.htmlture=youtu.be SWLDXBulgaria News, April 26-27 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria --------------------------- UZBEKISTAN(non) Nippon no Kaze in Korean on 11874.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 26 1300-1330 on 11874.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/nippon-no-kaze-in-korean-on-118749v-khz.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Furusato no Kaze in Japanese on 11874.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 26 1330-1357 on 11874.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Japanese. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/furusato-no-kaze-in-japanese-on-118749v.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Wilderness on 9330 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on April 26: from 1400 on 9330 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Yuseong-gu Daejeon, Korea https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-wilderness-on-9330-khz-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Bible Vice Broadcasting in English on 11590 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 27 1300-1330 on 11590 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to EaAs English Mon-Wed. Good signal via SDR Khimki, Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/bible-vice-broadcasting-in-english-on.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Nippon no Kaze in Korean on 5845 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 27 1730-1800 on 5845 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair signal via SDR Yuseong-gu Daejeon in Korea https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/nippon-no-kaze-in-korean-on-5845-khz.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Furusato no Kaze in Japanese on 5845 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 27 1800-1830 on 5845 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Japanese. Fair signal via SDR Yuseong-gu Daejeon in Korea https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/furusato-no-kaze-in-japanese-on-5845.html SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1245, April 27-28 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ---------------------------- ARMENIA(non) Reception of Radio Liberty in Russian on 9370 probably via Yerevan, April 27 1900-2000 on 9370 ERV 100 kW / 330 deg to EaEu Russian. Good signal via SDR Khimki, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-liberty-in-russian-on-9370.html DX RE MIX NEWS # 1245, April 28 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/dx-re-mix-news-1245.html Radiorama numero 116 AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto Torino, Italy ------------------------------ GLI ASCOLTI di Angelo FANCHINI kHz UTC ITU stazione - dettagli SINPO 1278 1935- UKR Ukraine Radio 1,Kurisove-Notizie in ucraino 33333 4010 0115- KGZ Birinchi Radio,Bishkek-Talk in kirghiz 33333 4765 0125- TJK Radio Tajikistan,Dushanbe-Talk e mx in tajik 33333 RX: Yaesu FRG-100, QTH: Sedriano (MI), Ant.: MLA30 in esterno DX GUIDES compiled and edited by Tony Rogers A selection of pdf guides and compilations for shortwave, mediumwave, longwave and online listening http://www.dxguides.info/?fbclid=IwAR090tet9BGq7HstOMzJJZobnXvFJYOSxkr1tTz8OrXk66T32 OrEcw6VCwA Gli ascolti del mese... a cura di Bruno Pecolatto kHz UTC ITU stazione - dettagli SINPO 7600 2008- UZB Afghanistan Int. TV,Tashkent-Mx,px in afgano 34443 9390 1608- TJK BBC,Dushanbe-Px in coreano 33333 SPECIALE UCRAINA a cura della redazione ... BC-DX 1502,19 April 2022 Editor: Wolfgang Bueschel. Germany ----------------- ESTONIA 1035 kHz Radio Eli, Estonia. On 9 March 2022, Radio Eli posted the following on their F_B page (translated from Russian to English): "Due to recent events on Radio Eli in recent years, and the rise in elec- tricity in Estonia last fall, we did not have enough funds to keep the medium waves running 24/7 hrs/d. We could hear the broadcast outside our country only in the evening. But with God's help and the active parti- cipation of new donors, we were able to make a payment for 1035 kHz ROUND THING DURING MARCH. We are so glad the Lord made this possible, especially in light of the current events. Pray that funds will continue to be needed to pay for broadcasting". (seemingly still 24/7 hrs/d during April 2022) A undated schedule for Radio Eli in Russian can be found at Some highlights from it are as follows, with some familiar organisations mentioned (I have converted times to UTC and programmes are presumed to be in Russian unless otherwise stated): 0100-0140 Tue Friedensstimme Mission 0130-0200 Wed Voice of the Martyrs 0330-0400 Mon-Fri TWR block 0400-0500 Sat/Sun TWR block 0700-0705 Daily Programme guide 0830-0900 Wed Voice of the Martyrs 1000-1100 Sun Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 1200-1230 Sun Friedensstimme Mission 1230-1300 Sun Voice of the Martyrs 1300-1305 Daily Programme guide 1305-1400 Sat Service in Ukrainian 1600-1635 Wed Friedenstimme Mission 1900-2000 Daily TWR block (confirmed starting and ending with the TWR Interval Signal on 20 April) 2100-2105 Daily Programme guide 2105-2140 Fri Friedensstimme Mission 2105-2200 Sat Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 2140-2200 Fri Voice of the Martyrs 2200-2300 Mon Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 2200-2300 Wed Service in Ukrainian Voice of the Martyrs is known for its programmes on shortwave for North Korea, and more recently for the Maldives. As highlighted above, it also has programmes on Radio Eli on 1035 kHz. The VOM website has the following item from 2 September 2020: "Russia: Strict Opposition to Missionary Activity. In July 2016, Russia passed religion laws restricting "illegal missionary activity" by either citizens or foreigners. This activity could involve speaking to people about religion, or the distribution of either printed, audio or video materials. Between January and June of this year, there have been 42 known pro- secutions, resulting in 36 convictions. All those who were convicted received fines. Most of the recent convictions have not involved religious organisations but rather individuals who were sharing their faith. Those charged were convicted because they did not notify the authorities of the existence of their "religious group", even though they were acting as individuals. These laws do not only affect Christians but also citizens belonging to other religious groups. According to Russia's current laws, individuals or groups engaging in missionary or evangelistic activities of any kind could possibly be subjected to stiff opposition.", Presumably the reason for the programmes in Russian on Radio Eli. If anyone can further clarify the content of Radio Eli's schedule, please let us know. (via Tony Rogers-UK, BrDXC-UK ng April 21) Thanks to Rihards Millers in Latvia who confirms that the TWR block on 1025 kHz Radio Eli at 1900-2000 UT consists of Russian at 1900-1930 UT, Ukrainian at 1930-1945 UT and back to Russian at 1945-2000 UT. MOLDOVA { Transnistria / officially PRIDNESTROVIA } Explosions hit Radio Tower in Russia-backed Transnistria. The interior ministry of Transnistria, a separatist Russia-backed territory in ex- Soviet Moldova, said Tuesday that two explosions targeted a radio centre near the border with Ukraine. "Early on April 26, two explosions were heard in the village of Mayak in Grigoriopolsky district," the interior ministry of the breakaway republic said in a statement. It said the blasts at 6:40 am and 7:05 am (0340 GMT and 0405 GMT) targeted the "Mayak" radio centre, about 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the regional capital Tiraspol. The ministry said two "powerful" antennae that were re-broadcasting Russian radio were out of order, and shared images of them lying on the ground. There were no injuries, it added. On Monday, authorities in the breakaway region said the offices of the state security ministry in Tiraspol were hit by what appeared to be a grenade-launcher attack. There was no immediate reason to suggest a link between the two incidents. Transnistria is an unrecognised Moscow-backed breakaway region that borders western Ukraine. Moscow still has a military base there, as well as a stockpile of some 20,000 tonnes of munitions. The incidents come after a senior Russian military official last week raised the issue of Russian speakers in Transnistria in the context of Russia's military campaign in Ukraine. Moldova's foreign ministry summoned Russia's ambassador over the comments, which it called "unfounded and contradicting Russia's position in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country within inter- nationally recognised borders". The Barron's news department was not involved in the creation of the content above. This story was produced by A_F_P. For more information go to A_F_P.com Agence_France_Presse Two blasts were reported, at 0340 and 0405 UT on Tuesday April 26. (A_F_P - Agence_France_Presse, via Chris Greenway-UK, on BrDXC-UK ng via wor too April 26) [bdxc-news] Grigoriopol Maiac transmitter site explosions. Two explosions at the Grigoriopol Maiac transmitter site this morning are reported to have put its two most powerful transmitters out of action. The site was being used to relay Russian state radio (i.e. Radio Rossii on 999 kHz): Report from (translated from Russian): Explosions occurred in the village of Mayak, Grigoriopol region. Two communication towers were blown up, no one was injured. Grigoriopol district, April 26. / News of Transnistria /. Explosions occurred in the Mayak village of the Grigoriopol region today. Information confirmed. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR reports two blown up communication towers. There were no casualties. According to the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first explosion occurred at 6:40, the second - at 7:05. Law enforcement officers and emergency services of Pridnestrovie were immediately sent to the scene. Grigoriopol militiamen cordoned off the territory of the Mayak radio and television center, sappers of the Ministry of Defense began to examine all the objects of the PRTC. As of 9:00 am, it is known that the two most powerful antennas were out of order: one megawatt, the second half-megawatt. Both relayed the radio of the Russian Federation. None of the PRTC em- ployees and local residents were injured. PRTC - Pridnestrovian radio and television center. This is one of 14 radio transmitting centers of the former USSR. The signal from the PRTC can be relayed to the USA, the Middle East and Latin America. The radio center was built in the late 1960s. Report with photos: (Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK newsgroups.io April 26) Grigoriopol site attacked, antennas brought down. The latest documents received leave me puzzled: It is said to have only heard two explosions and that the medium wave antennas of VestiFM and Rossi are dynamited, but 'no credible photo' ! The medium wave antennas are located at the following locations: 47 17 27.3 N 29 24 56.5 E directional antenna with four masts. 47 17 27.3 N 29 24 56.5 E omnidirectional antenna one mast 47 16 48.5 N 29 26 11.5 E omnidirectional antenna one mast 47 16 48.5 N 29 26 11.5 E zarya antenna twelve masts To neutralize two medium wave antennas it normally takes two explosions, the count is good. What is troubling are the photos that show the shortwave steerable antenna in the southwest with minor damage (it cannot be said that it was caused by an explosion). You should know that this antenna is located at 47 15 48.2 N 29 24 01.0 E more than 4 kilometers from the medium wave antennas. A third explosion is necessary. Finally, even more disturbing, the photos taken by a drone show masts that are part of SHORTWAVE (!) antennas. The problem is that these masts are located at the extreme north of the station 47 17 28.3 N 29 24 57.6 E (800 meters from Ukraine) Everything suggests that it was a large-scale attack targeting the entire station and not the two medium wave antennas, as announced. (Michel Fremy-BEL?, wor April 26, via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) It is even 99.9% certain that it was a Russian "law-manufacturing" strike. Unfortunately, the West assumed that Russia would not revive the Soviet era. Even more regrettable even more regrettable is that the West now has to spend enormous resources to contain the to contain the renewed threat. The antennas in Grigoriopol Tx site before and after the explosions in the early hours of April 26, 2022. See Lev's 'webp' photos, I don't know when the photos are from ? The image program Windows XnView picture software for the WebP format does not show the date of taking the photo. The position of the sun when the photo was taken - and view in direction of the northwestern shortwave antennas taking into account as well as the thin shortwave metal feeder lines, hanging chaotically still from icing 16 years ago on November 30, 2006. <<< Parts of the South America antenna 250degr azimuth, - which from their de- sign nothing compare with the MW feeder lines, which have nothing to do with their design, which in the other known photos, the 6 MW antenna masts in Grigoriopol, as well as in the direction of Zarya ice feeding point in the foreground. (wb df5sx, via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews, April 27) Re: [bdxc-news] Grigoriopol transmitter site explosions. "Pridnestrovye": This act of sabotage or surgical strike of Ukrainian forces has made it into the headlines of German radio stations. The news item also quoted a Russian statement that they hope that no situation arises in which Russia would be forced to intervene. Of course they are not forced to intervene but already there willing ... Already at an early stage of the Russian campaign I reminded the WoR readership of the ancient New Russia theme resurfacing in 2014: taking the whole area from Crimea and Donbass right through Moldova. It will be vital for Ukraine to defend the Odesa oblast at least until after the psychologically important May 8/9 deadline for Putin's triumph. He may see himself as a Great Re- Uniter, but all those mutilated Russian and non-Russian people will be living testimonies against 'Vlad the Terrible'. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wor April 26) 99.9% certain even that it was a Russian "justification" strike. The West, sadly, assumed that Russia would not resurrect the Soviet era. Even more sadly, the West will now have to devote huge resources to containing the renewed threat. Shortwave radio will, again, be an important factor in the "information war". (Michael 2E0IHW, UK, BrDXC-UK ng April 26) This is more likely a Russian "false-flag" operation ... a well-known strategy of the Russians (and Soviets before 1991 year) to have an excuse for invading. Very unlikely the Ukrainians would carry out such an attack. You can expect that the same tactic would be used in Russia's Kaliningrad territory at some point, should Putin decide to attack the Baltic Republics. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, wor April 26) Re: hier etwas History aus russischer Techniker Sicht: automatisch lass' Dir Russisch in Englisch uebersetzen. Noch im Jahr November 2009 hat dort die DWL Bonn in Russisch und Ukrainisch gesendet / eingemietet gehabt. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX Topnews April 27) 3-15 November 2009. Waiting for the start of Helena Day being on Dacha thoroughly walked through the LW - SW bands where, as it turned out, there was a very good pass. Time everywhere MSK time. 999 kHz 2107 Russian International Radio, Grigoriopol, S-9 999 kHz 2218 ID "DW from Bonn" in Russian, Grigoriopol, S-9 1413 kHz 2148 TransWorld Radio, religious broadcast in Ukrainian, S-7, probably via Grigoriopol 1548 kHz 2255 Voice of Russia in Serbian, Grigoriopol, S-5 ..." PRIDNESTROVYE - Hi Glenn, This week I received a QSL letter from Radio Pridnestrovya for my reception report from 29 January 2009 at 2230 UT on 6240 kHz. B & W QSL letter of antenna array, Radio PMR building with satellite dishes out front. V/S Vlad Butuk, Engineer of Technical Service. The rest of the letter lists their broadcast schedule in SW, MW and FM. SW listed as follows: 6240 MHz at 500 kW, Sgdra rotation A-31A, Azimuth 306 degrees from 0100 to 0230 UT in EG, FR, GE 7370 MHz at 500 kW, Sgdra rotation A-31A, Azimuth 296 degrees from 1700 to 2100 UT in EG, FR, GE 7375 MHz at 500 kW, Sgdra rotation A-31A, Azimuth 296 degrees from 2100 to 2230 UT in EG, FR, GE Post subject: Stories about the Radio Center. The Deal of the Year was concluded at the Ministry of Economy. The only large Pridnestrovian enterprise that has not yet been privatized, the Mayak television and radio center, was sold for 3 million 300 thousand dollars to the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network. PRTC is one of 14 radio transmitting centers of the former USSR, its capacity allows broadcasting on long waves to most countries of the world. The signal can be relayed to the US, the Middle East and Latin America. Currently, Voice of Russia, the state radio of Transnistria, broadcasts through the PRTC, broadcasts of the BBC and Radio of the Netherlands are relayed. The radio center was built in the late 60s in an open field. The settle- ment-forming communication enterprise gave the name to the settlement it- self. About 2.5 thousand people now live in Mayak, and about 3 hundred work at Mayak. The Pridnestrovian Radio Center is not just the only profitable enterprise in the Grigoriopol region, it is a strategic facility, at least it was in the Soviet Union. About a dozen megawatt antennas broadcasting on medium and short waves, powerful transmitters, of which there are not so many left on the territory of the Soviet Union - all this is present at the Pridnestrovian radio center and functions conscientiously. A giant antenna that transmits short waves to any distance - its power is such that the waves sent from the Lighthouse can reach not only the American continent, but go around the entire globe and return to the same point. Also, its main feature is the ability to tune in to anywhere in the world - the antenna rotates. This equipment is about 25 years old, but it meets all the technical parameters of today. They say even in Europe there are only a few such rotary antennas. The Russian investor also appreciated this advantage. The geographical position of the radio center in Mayak and a certain height above sea level allow radio waves to cover the Balkan Peninsula, Western Europe, all of America, Africa, from here even transmissions for polar explorers were sent to Antarctica. Now the radio center operates at only 30% of its capacity. There are different customers - the Dutch, Europeans, mostly the Voice of Russia. Vladimir Belyaev, Minister of Information and Telecommunications of the PMR: "One of the points of the investment program is the loading of trans- mission facilities by 80%. What is 80% is 100% of work minus the techno- logical time for servicing the transmitter. It was only under the USSR. We have no way to attract such a volume of customers on our own. Over the course of all 17 years, we have risen no higher than 30-40%." The complex of antennas "Malaya Zarya" - 11 masts, the length of the com- plex is about 600 meters, can also be attributed to the unique equipment. Radio waves of medium length are directed in a straight line to the Balkan countries. This complex can be called a younger brother - near St. Petersburg there is a similar complex 3.5 km long and it is called "Big Dawn". The medium- wave antenna "Square" can change the pulse pattern by 90 degrees. The customers of this equipment are mainly Transworld Radio, Air Force, Radio Agency. But these users are not enough for the station's capacities - 2-megawatt counter-transmitters and megawatt transmitters have been transferred to work at half strength. The unique broadcasting complex is located on 850 hectares of Grigoriopol land. In the early 90s, a television mast appeared here, with the help of which the republican TV channel broadcasts. In the late 90s, cellular antennas were added. But only the uniqueness of the equipment may soon cease to be the main trump card. Get technically obsolete and start to break down physically. This was the main incentive for the sale of the Pridnestrovian radio and television center. Almost a year and a half has passed since the state 100% stake in the Pridnestrovian radio and television center was put up for sale. After so much time, the Ministry of Economy accepted only one application for consideration. In their opinion, only it corresponded to the desires of the sellers. The individual project for the privatization of the radio center was not changed during the time they were looking for a worthy buyer. The price also remained the same - 3 million 314 thousand 388 US dollars. The only proposal corresponding in all respects was the last one received from the federal unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Net- work". The envelope with proposals was opened only at the privatization commission. Vladimir Belyaev, Minister of Information and Telecommunications of the PMR: "The buyer now is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Mass Communications, we are working, and there is no danger from the point of view that we will lose this or that information security. There is also a point in the investment plan that forces the buyer not to reduce the volume of our Pridnestrovian broadcasting either. Well, the fact that this is a Russian enterprise reduces the risk of information security, in such a way that we develop together with Russia and consider them our partners." Despite the fact that 2007 is already coming to an end, and the investment plan was designed for 5 years, the buyers offered to split the investments of 2007 into the following years themselves. In total, investors are required to invest at least 1 million rubles for modernization and tech- nical re-equipment. 20 thousand dollars. And by 2011 to bring the volume of profit to 5 million 820 thousand dollars. The buyer agrees with all the conditions and the State Commission too. The investor primarily plans to switch from analogue to digital broad- casting. This trend in broadcasting has already overtaken the whole of Europe, and Russia has begun to switch to it. Moreover, the DRM standard will be used not only for foreign broadcasting, but also in the internal space of Russia. The new owners promised that the inhabitants of the Mayak village would not be left without attention. They will continue to help maintain the infrastructure. But with specialists to work at the radio center - the question. It is going to be decided cardinally - to recruit young people and send them to study at universities. The sale and purchase agreement has been signed, and now Mayak is still cautiously waiting for new owners. Correspondent_Irina_Davydenko. Project "Observer". 06 Oct 2007. PMR TV (posted: July 26, 2008; March 12, 2010 8:09 LT via April 26, 2022) from HISTORY , Nov 30, Dec 1 - 6, 2006 : MOLDOVA/RUSSIA It seems that all Maiac freqs remain silent. Nothing on 999 1467 1548 kHz this evening, and the scheduled VoIran txmn on 7480 kHz is unheard. As already reported by BT, the Maiac relay centre in MDA is having problems. On November 30, 2006 <<<< and 1548 kHze noted off the air. On Dec 1, 2006, at 0200 UT I could also confirm that SW 7125 and 7180 were silent. (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 1, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) Maiac silent. 7180 kHz has been registered as Armavir Krasnodar for years, apparently since they started using this freq to NoAM from a non-Ukrainian site, but the actual usage, including this winter, has been from Maiac[-Grigoriopol- MDA]. The fact that the freq went off when Maiac went off would seem to confirm this again. The reason why the Russians are showing Armavir is that international re- gulations do not permit txions to the Americas on freqs up to 7300 kHz, and so broadcasters in many cases have registered these txions as beamed to Iceland and the NoAtlantic instead!!! The Russians, in addition, have tended to show sites more to the east than the ones in actual use. When you brought up the possible use of Krasnodar on 7180 kHz a couple of weeks ago I checked 7180, 7125 and 7365 kHz (R Rossii) and found that when propagation was moderate, 7125 and 7180 kHz were fluttery and not too strong, while 7365 kHz had the same strenght and a stable signal. This clearly encludes Krasnodar on 7180 kHz, since they would have boomed in with their NoAM beam going almost right over my head ! (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 2, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) KL: That's especially interesting because HFCC shows for 7180 kHz "ARM" [Armavir-Krasnodar in Caucasus]. Some indications suggested, that it in- deed now originates from Tbilisskaya: The signal was weaker than 7125 kHz and the fading patterns appeared as different to me, in addition there was a slight delay between 7125 and 7180 kHz when both had VoR English. I could imagine that 7180 kHz was removed to Tbilisskaya as substitute for the VoVTN txions (5940 etc.). On the subject of Grigoriopol-Maiac the recent REN-TV report mentioned a collapsed 350 metres tall mast. This height of course suggests a big ARRT (called ShARRT?); probably this was the longwave 234 kHz antenna? location exact at 47 17 21.32 N 29 26 0.42 E 570 meters distance northerly of MDA_"Tsekh" #3 broadcast center house. ex Longwave 234 kHz. (wb df5sx) Evidently the currently silent 7180 kHz channel of VoR still originates from Grigoriopol-MDA. Most likely the site is completely off air at pre- sent; not only both 7125 and 7180 kHz are silent but also all MW channels, at least 999 and 1548 kHz, which are unmistakable here in Germany and also in use by DW's [Russian and Ukrainian sces] and TWR Europe too. Any major problem must prevent Grigoriopol from operating any tx; otherwise they would certainly keep DW and TWR on air. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 3, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) Maiac radio center update. Acc to a private TV stn in Moldova, the ice- storm on Nov 30, 2006 - last week resulted in the collapse of a "200 meter" mast at the Maiac transmitting center. Freezing rain caused a cover of ice with a thickness of up to 32mm in the region. <<< There is currently no information available about further damages to buildings or antennas as a result of the crash. This would be the second mast which crashed at the center, acc. to Russian sources a 350 meter mast (which was earlier used for LW 234 kHz) fell down in another incident during the last years. (B_T dxld Dec 3, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) The Maiac site in MDA has been off for several days now due to ice storm damage, and so far Moscow seems to have done nothing to throw in backups. At least on SW they should be able to use other sites. With both 7125 and 7180 kHz off, what else remains for listeners on the US east coast? (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 4, 2006, via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) Deutsche Welle engineering was told that the Grigoriopol-MDA site is currently without mainpower, it is uncertain when txions can start again. (Wolfram Hess via Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 5, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) This morning a Maiac replacement was used on 7125 kHz but not on 7180 kHz, which was silent. 7125 kHz s-on at 0100 UT with the Tbilisskaya-Krasnodar pips // 9860 kHz. It had Spanish at 0100 UT, Ru at 0200 UT, En at 0400 UT and 0500 UT. 0300 not checked. Although Tbilisskaya has much free capacitiy today, the site has only one highband-lowband antenna pair at 315 degs for NoAM acc to the antenna list I have. This beam has also been used to Scandinavia evenings. Maiac has several antennas at 309 degs, i.e. at 47 17 11.65 N 29 24 31.73 E It should be noted that the former Tbilisskaya night freq of 7260 kHz is now used by one of the Taldom high power DCC txers. (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 6, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) On 5 Dec, 2006, Daily_News from Moldova reported details of the recent damage that has put the large bcing facility at Grigoriopol Maiac off the air. This facility is in the hands of the self-styled Transdniestr Repub- lic, controlled by Russian separatists. The previous week heavy rain fol- lowed by frost lead to an extensive icing of all electricity, telecom- munication and other structures. One of the victims was the 250 meter high antenna mast in the Grigoriopol district, which collapsed under the weight of ice. Likely MW masts at 47 17 19.29 N 29 26 47.35 E or 47 16 58.66 N 29 26 23.50 E In the words of Transdniestr Minister of Information and Telecommuni- cations Boris Akulov, this was a serious economic blow to the region's biggest radio centre, as neither the main mast nor another collapsed 160 metre high antenna can be repaired. The icing also destroyed another 7 SW antennas, and the 110 kV power line that supplied the stn. Now the air temperature is rising, and the ice that accumulated in the upper portions of still standing masts is beginning to fall, causing further damage to the installations below. MW txions from Transdniestr are currently coming from the Malaya Zarya broadcasting centre [misunder- standing; is a type of antenna, not the location, acc to Olle Alm-SWE, sees below], whose masts were damaged but still serviceable. (c) RN_MN_W via Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 6, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) Dnestr region loses TV, radio bcss due to storms. TV and radio progrs are no more available not only in MDA and UKR, but even in the greater part of the self-styled Dnestr republic. Last week, the intensive rains followed by frost led to an extensive icing of all electricity, telecommunications and other structures. One of the calamity's victims was the 250 metres- igh antenna mast of the R Mayak centre in the Grigoriopol Maiac district. The gigantic mast collapsed under the weight of ice. In the words of the Dnestr region minister of information and telecommunic., Boris Akulov, this was a serious economic blow to the region's biggest radio centre, as neither this key mast nor another collapsed 160 m-high antenna are subject to re-erection or repair. Besides these, the icing crushed down another seven SW bcing antennas. As a result, the Dnestr region is now technically able to accept orders for relaying progrs in the MW range thanks to the partially saved masts of the Malaya Zarya bcing system which used to cover Austria and the Balkan zone before the disaster. (1548kHz directional towards YUG Napoli Tunisia) Now the air temperature is going up gradually, and the tremendous masses of ice that accumulated in the upper portions of still standing masts are beginning to fall down from great heights, bombarding the wires and ex- pensive electronic equipment below. "The radio centre can be brought to its fully working condition only when we restore a reliable power supply. For this, it is necessary to revive the 110kV power line feeding it," said Akulov. (Excerpt from MDA news_ag. Infotag, BBC_MS via wor, via dxld Dec 7, 2006) "Malaya zarya" is the smallest version of the directional MW antenna used at many FSU tx sites. It measures a mere 1500 meters ... The Bolshaya ver- sion stretches to 3500 meters. As usual you cannot trust everything writ- ten in press reports. (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 6, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) The 250 m antenna mentioned in RNMNW's report would seem to be the one used for 999 kHz. The 160 m mast could be anything, e.g. one of the masts for the 594/549 kHz four mast directional system or a mast for one of the low band curtains. As it is mentioned separately, the first alternative seems to be the more likely one. What is left then for MW is the low mast for 1467 kHz and the remaining masts of the 594/549 kHz system. In addit- on they are likely to have at least one low backup mast. It also seems that the Zarya system has survived. (Olle Alm-SWE, Dec 7, 2006; via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews) WEB РАДИО НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ============================= Санкт-Петербург. ------------------------- Motoradio. В в эфире с 2017 года. Сайт в интернете http://motoradio.online Группа ВКонтакте https://vk.com/motoradio.online Группа в Facebook https://www.facebook.com/motoradio.online/ Twitter радиостанции https://twitter.com/motoradioonline Motoradio - независимая хард-рок радиостанция! Базируемся в Санкт-Петербурге. Мы ведем онлайн- вещание для мотоциклистов, автомобилистов, пешеходов - для всех, кто в пути, и для всех, кто ведет активный образ жизни. Мы любим англоязычную музыку и классический рок, а также мелодичный хард-рок, с разумной долей хэви-метала, блюза и "живых классиков" (https://www.radioportal.ru/) "Русская Медиагруппа" создала собственный радиобот в мессенджере Telegram. -------------------------------------------------------- Он позволит слушать прямой эфир станций, входящих в состав холдинга, и тематические потоки, доступные онлайн. Радиобот "Русской Медиагруппы" можно найти по ссылке или введя имя бота в поисковой строке @Radiopluse_bot. Интуитивно понятное меню позволяет выбрать одну из эфирных станций: "Русское Радио", радио MAXIMUM, Monte Carlo, DFM, Хит FM, а также десятки онлайн-потоков под брендами радиостанций холдинга, разделённых по жанрам и стилям. Это позволит слушателям в любой точке мира быстро и просто настроиться на один из ста любимых музыкальных жанров и плейлист, созданный профессиональными редакторами. "Русская Медиагруппа" активно развивает своё присутствие в digital-пространстве. Эфиры радиостанций можно слушать на официальных сайтах, а также в мобильных приложениях. Радиобот @Radiopluse_bot объединил все эфиры станций, принадлежащих "Русской Медиагруппе", в одном месте - что делает любимые радиостанции ещё доступнее и популярнее. Источник материала: mediaprofi (https://rmg.ru/publications/russkaya-mediagruppa-zapustila-radiobot-v-telegram) РАДИОВЕЩИНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================ Аляска ----------- С 28 апреля KNLS планирует восстановить 3 часа вещания на русском, они будут перекинуты на оставшийся рабочий передатчик на Аляске. Расписание прежнее: 15:00-16:00 9800 16:00-18:00 9580 Передач в 9:00 и 11:00 пока не будет. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань / Радиоприем - Телеграм) Эстония. ------------- MediaEli. Наша история - https://mediaeli.ee/o-radiostancii/ Контакт - https://mediaeli.ee/contactus/ & raadioeli @ gmail.com Программа передач (1035 кГц) - https://mediaeli.ee/programm/ Коллектив (+фото) - https://mediaeli.ee/nash-kollektiv/ (https://mediaeli.ee/) QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва ВВ = Виктор Варзин, Ленинградская обл., Коммунар / "deneb-radio-dx" ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ИК = Игорь Кольке, Москва / https://vk.com/radioko КБ = Константин Барсенков, Санкт-Петербург / "deneb-radio-dx" СЕ = Сергей, Ростовская область / piratehunterlog.blogspot.com/ PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland Австралия ---------------- Reach Beyond Australia / HCJB Japan (AUS) e-QSL: 15565 kHz / 11.00-11.30 UTC / Apr.17-2022 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/reach-beyond-australia-hcjb.html (КБ) Иран ------- IRIB / English Radio (IRN) e-QSL: 6040 kHz / 19.23-20.24 UTC / Dec.16-2021 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/08/irib.html (КБ) Канада / Германия ---------------------------- eQSL Radio City. E-mail: citymorecars @ yahoo.ca 23 April 2022 / 08.30-09.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-city.html (АК) Китай --------- CGTN Radio - China Radio Int'l (CHN) e-QSL: 15590 kHz / 12.30-13.00 UTC / Apr.26-2022 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/02/china-radio-intl-qsl.html (КБ) Нидерланды ------------------- eQSL Radio Classic Sunday. E-mail: info @ radioclassicsunday.com Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-classic-sunday.html (АК) Нидерланды (Голландия) ----------------------------------- eQSL Free Radio Service Holland. E-mail: frs @ frsholland.nl 18 April 2021 / 18.10-19.00 UTC / 7700 kHz Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/free-radio-service-holland.html (АК) США / Австрия --------------------- * Через 2 минуты после отправки рапорта на VORW International получил eQSL. Также Джон сообщил, что передача была транслирована с меньшей мощностью из-за неисправности передатчика. -------- Пересылаемое сообщение -------- 29.04.2022, 23:54, "VORW Podcast" : Hello Victor and thank you for your reception report! Today's broadcast was actually transmitted with much lower power than anticipated (10kW) due to a transmitter fault so I would like to congratulate you on good listening and what essentially is a DX Catch. I hope you can tune in again next week at this following time and frequency: Every Friday at 1600 UTC - 9670 kHz - 100 kW via Moosbrunn, Austria - Targeting Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, East Asia Kind regards and best wishes, John Jurasek (VORW Radio International.) (ВВ) * VORW Radio Int'l / 10 kW (AUT) e-QSL: 9670 kHz / 16.02-17.02 UTC / Apr.29-2022 Планируется, что уже на следующей неделе e-QSL будет с новой темой (Tx Moosbrunn). Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/vorw-radio-international-usa-via-wbcq.html (КБ) США / Германия ----------------------- eLetter Cruisin' The Decades E-mail: brad @ thesummit.fm 16 April 2022 / 19.18-20.00 UTC / 3955 kHz (via Channel 292) Hello Anatoly, THANK YOU for the great email and reception report! THANK YOU for listening to Cruisin' The Decades on Channel 292. I will give you a shout-out on a future episode of the show. Keep tuned. I am glad you like the show. The program originates in Akron, Ohio, USA at a station called "The Summit" which is Rock/Alternative music 24/7. We are a public radio station supported by our members and have expanded to shortwave broadcasts in 2022. We are getting messages from all around the world! You can listen to our station on www.thesummit.FM Do you have any favorite Rock or Pop songs we should listen to? We could play one on a future show! Keep tuned and THANK YOU for listening! BRAD Brad Savage Program Director The Summit WAPS 91.3 FM Akron/Canton WKTL 90.7 FM Youngstown/Warren W211BT 90.1 FM Athens 309 Woolf Ave Akron OH 44312 330-761-3098 thesummit.fm rockandrecovery.com the330.net kidjamradio.com Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/cruisin-decades.html (АК) Эсватини -------------- TWR-Africa (ESW) e-QSL: 9380 kHz / 17.43-18.00 UTC / Apr.17-2022 Ответ получен от Britta Pfeiffer britta.pfeiffer2@gmail.com Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/03/twr-africa.html (КБ) QSL-почта ---------------- * Получил: - подтверждения от Радио Свободы за прослушивание передачи на 1386 кГц. Штамп отправки из Праги 30 марта. - В конце предыдущей недели пришла карточка за приём ретрансляции архивной передачи Радио Андорры. Она состоялась 5 февраля, рапорт отправил только 12 марта. Карточка пришла из Германии, отправлена 3 апреля. (ВВ) * E-QSL card from Radio Five Corners - pirate station broadcasting in Russian. Program was transmitted on 17.04.2022 on 3940 kHz. (PS) Посмотреть можно здесь - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-five-corners.html * Получил: - e-qsl от BallSmacker Radio - пират USA за прием 9.04.22 / 01.30-02.00 UTC / 6960 kHz e-mail: ballsmacker @ protonmail.com - e-mail подтверждение от Radio Prawda ...... за прием 26.04.22 / 15.00 15.30 UTC / 13600 kHz (ВЛ) * Верификационные (QSL) карточки за апрель За последние две недели пришли верификационные карточки из Германии и Чехии. Рапорты бумажными QSL подтвердили Radio Andorra, "Радио Свобода" и Radio Prague International: - 2 апреля в Москве принимал специальную музыкальную программу Radio Andorra. Приём на частоте 6.180 kHz был хорошего качества. QSL-карточка по обычной почте дошла довольно быстро. - Приём "Радио Свобода" на русской языке осуществлял в Москве 22 марта 2022 года на средневолновой частоте 1395 kHz. Ретрансляция станции через передатчик в Армении стала возможна благодаря инициативе Shortwaves for Freedom. Бумажную карточку из Праги доставили 25 апреля. - Radio Prague International на русском языке слушал через мобильное приложение muiRozhlas 2 февраля 2022 года. (ИК) QSL. Пиратское радио. --------------------------------- * https://piratehunterlog.blogspot.com/p/qsl-pirate.html (СЕ) * Misti Radio / pirate station / 15 Watts (NL) e-QSL (no data): 7750 kHz / 19.11-19.52 UTC / Apr.29-2022 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/02/misti-radio.html (КБ) КАЛЕНДАРЬ - ИСТОРИЯ DX-ХОББИ, РАДИО И ПОЧТЫ ============================================= 7 мая. --------- День радио - праздник (в СССР и России) работников всех отраслей связи, радиотехники и радиожурналистики (профессиональный праздник), отмечается 7 мая. ВСЕМИРНЫЕ НОВОСТИ. ==================== * New High Power Broadcast of VORW Radio International to Europe! ---------------------- Dear Listeners, I am pleased to announce a significant expansion of this regular radio broadcast, VORW Radio International. Beginning Friday the 29th of April, 2022 and continuing every Friday - this radio program will be heard across Europe & Beyond from a high power transmitter in Moosbrunn, Austria. The broadcast is 1 hour in length and I always consider it to be a light entertainment program. The aim of this radio show is to provide good music and occasional discussion to listeners worldwide. Oftentimes, listener music requests are taken and played and all are invited to participate. Here is the broadcast schedule: Fridays 1600 UTC (7 PM EEST/MSK) - 9670 kHz - Moosbrunn 100 kW - Europe, Russia, Central & East Asia A QSL will be given to listeners who submit reception reports and request formal verification. This is the first time I have resumed QSL Verification since 2020. Feedback is most welcome at vorwinfo@gmail.com I hope you can tune in! John (VORW Radio International) 73!