---------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 956 Дата: 24 / апрель / 2022 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [Московское время = UTC + 3 часа] Выходит, по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Первый номер вышел в январе 1994 года. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Бюллетень в Интернете и подписка на рассылку: http://rusdx.narod.ru Рассылка (бесплатно): http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus Blog (QSL и Фото): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь: Россия + страны бывшего СССР и дальнего зарубежья. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. ----------------------------------------- Информация друзей бюллетеня + Интернет. ------------------------------------------------------------- РОССИЯ ======== Волгоградская область. Волгоград. ----------------------------------- Началось вещание в г. Волгоград, на FM 107,2 Comedy Радио. (https://vk.com/radioitv) Калужская область. Обнинск. ---------------------------------------- С 12 марта радиостанция Business FM теперь в Обнинске. 105,4 МГц. Радиостанция Business FM первой в России воплотила концепцию "Breaking News" - новости выходят в прямой эфир сразу же после появления в ленте информационных агентств или происшествия в мире. Каждые 15 минут - обзор текущих событий в стране и мире, новости рынков (обзор котировок ценных бумаг, курсов валют, цен на сырьё), информация об отставках и назначениях, погода в финансовых столицах мира. Источник: https://vk.com/obninsk_online (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Краснодарский край. Геленджик. --------------------------------------------- Теперь жители и гости Геленджика могут слушать любимые песни "Казак FM", сидя на берегу моря - на курорте мы звучим на волне 98,2 fm. А для радиослушателей из Хадыженска хиты нашего народного радио звучат на частоте 99,2 fm. Мы очень хотим, чтобы вы всегда были с нами на одной волне! Перечень частот, на которых вещает "Казак FM", вы можете посмотреть здесь kazak.fm, в разделе "вещание". И, конечно, не забывайте о мобильной версии радиовещания - слушайте нас прямо на сайте "Казак FM". Источник: https://vk.com/kazak_fm (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Республика Татарстан. Набережные Челны. Нижнекамск. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * С 18 апреля 2022 года НАШЕ Радио можно услышать в городе Набережные Челны, Республика Татарстан, частота 95.9 FM. Потенциальное число слушателей составляет 530 тыс. человек. Больше о радиостанции можно узнать на официальном сайте nashe.ru (https://multimediaholding.ru/nashe-radio-osvaivaet-novye-gorizonty/) * К региональной сети вещания Love Radio присоединился город Набережные Челны Республики Татарстан. В зону вещания радиостанции на частоте 97,5 FM также попадает город Нижнекамск. Общий охват населения составляет 772,8 тысяч потенциальных слушателей. Лицензия на осуществление радиовещания принадлежит Krutoy Media. Love Radio - один из флагманских брендов радиохолдинга Krutoy Media. Входит в ТОП-10 самых популярных музыкальных радиостанций России. Love Radio - это отличная современная музыка от ведущих российских и мировых исполнителей, самая актуальная информация и главные новости из мира шоу-бизнеса, уникальные музыкальные программы и интерактивные шоу в эфире. Ежедневно на частоту Love Radio настраиваются более 3,4 млн жителей России, еженедельно - 9,5 млн человек*. Cеть регионального вещания Love Radio насчитывает 187 передатчиков, размещенных в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. Частота вещания в Москве - 106,6 FM. Официальный сайт Love Radio: loveradio.ru. *Mediascope, Radio Index - Россия 100К+. Июль - Декабрь 2021, 12+, Reach Dly, Reach Wly. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/9188.htm) Санкт-Петербург. ------------------------ На 1053 кГц работает местный передатчик в Ольгино. Звучит Радио Мария. (Андрей / "Радиоприем" - Telegram) - С 15 апреля Радио Мария работает на 1053 кГц с 05.00 до 21.00 UTC. (Александр Березкин, Санкт-Петербург / "Радиоприем" - Telegram) Калейдоскоп новостей ================== * Программа "Радиопанорама". -------------------------------------- Москва. Всемирная радиосеть. 16.04.2022 Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. - Американские вещатели и российское государственное радио: история отношений - КВ трансляции WTWW на Украину и Южную Америку - Информация Канадского международного DX клуба (CIDX) о мировом вещании на Украину - Радио "Правда для России": известные подробности - Новые трансляции Radio for Peace Intl RFPI через WRMI - Дополнительные трансляции RFE_RL через WRMI - Новые трансляции Всемирной радиосети WRN через WRMI Публикация - публикацию деталей программы и звукового файла на странице. https://vk.com/dxing?w=wall-3271973_6664 Публикация и подготовка звукового файла - Владимир Емельянов, Самара. (https://vk.com/dxing) - Программа "Радиопанорама". -------------------------------------- Москва. Всемирная радиосеть. 23.04.2022 Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. Повторение от 16 апреля. Публикация - публикацию деталей программы и звукового файла на странице. Публикация и подготовка звукового файла - Владимир Емельянов, Самара. (https://vk.com/dxing) * ГПМ Радио проводит рекламную кампанию "ВКЛЮЧИ РАДИО RELAX FM" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- направленную на популяризацию бренда и продвижение радиостанции в целевой аудитории. В рамках кампании запланировано размещение роликов Relax FM на ТВ, использование out-of-home (ООН) рекламы и digital-возможностей. Мягкие и расслабляющие мелодии, коллекции уникальных музыкальных каналов и рубрик, естественность, простота и современность - так можно охарактеризовать радио Relax FM, которому 18 апреля исполняется 16 лет. Его основные характеристики лежат не в музыкальной, а в эмоциональной плоскости. В любое время эта радиостанция поможет восстановить гармонию, избавиться от накопленного раздражения и повседневной суеты. На спокойной волне есть все, чтобы расслабиться: легкие звуки, нежные образы, приятные эмоции. Этот посыл отражает и визуальный образ рекламной кампании, которая продлится до конца июня. Relax FM вещает в Москве, Воронеже, Казани, Тюмени, крупных городах Крымского полуострова и многих других, а современные технологии, активно используемые командой для коммуникации с аудиторией, открывают доступ к эфиру практически из любой точки планеты. Благодаря особому настроению, радиостанция заслужила любовь слушателей, а ее успехи отмечены многими профессиональными наградами, среди которых золотые микрофоны "Радиомании", престижная европейская премия Global Traffic Network European Radio Awards и другие. Больше информации о Relax FM - на relax-fm.ru и в официальных аккаунтах. (https://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/25071) * Радиоприёмник Казахстан. 3 МГц. Приём радиолюбителей. -------------------------------------------- Видео - 7:14 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242910%2F29f05db5cfc25e429f%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Радиоприёмник с таймером и часами "Сигнал РП-204". Прием на СВ и ДВ. ---------------------------------------------- Видео - 4:10 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video104859552_456242240%2Fd5fc33c45640572e16%2Fpl_post_- 163779953_62936 Радиоприёмник с таймером и часами "Сигнал РП-204" с начала 1989 года выпускал Каменск-Уральский ПСЗ. Радиоприемник предназначен для приёма в диапазонах ДВ и СВ на внутреннюю магнитную антенну. В приёмнике имеются гнёзда для подключения головного телефона, внешней антенны и источника питания. Подробно - https://vk.com/radioreceiver?w=wall-163779953_62936%2Fall (Валентин Глущенко, Батайск / https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Новый Малахит DSP2, новые возможности приёмника. ---------------------------------------- Видео - 5:49 https://vk.com/radioitv?z=video-90495469_456240012%2F32c42333d072556c0f%2Fpl_post_-90495469_13592 Сайт: https://malahiteam.com/ О Малахит DSP2: https://youtu.be/LVm6pzUNGHo О первой версии приёмника: https://youtu.be/ukzBtTYIZ8g Это видео на RuTube: https://rutube.ru/video/fe577f9e1102b0e262440133bb16aecc/ (Дима Коляденков, Саранск / https://vk.com/radioitv) * Общая схема радиопередатчика. Основные понятия. ---------------------------------------- Видео - 21:38 https://vk.com/radioitv?z=video-90495469_456240013%2Ff15389409523c1e86c%2Fpl_post_-90495469_13593 (Дима Коляденков, Саранск / https://vk.com/radioitv) * Что ещё слышно в радиоэфире? Связь на СиБи. -------------------------------------------------- Блог компании RUVDS.com Автор: Дмитрий Руднев, Пермский край. В начале 80-х годов прошлого века в кинотеатрах СССР с большим успехом шёл американский фильм "Конвой". Сейчас бы он воспринимался как обычный "road movie", но тогда... Представьте ослепительное солнце Аризоны, белоснежные пески и марево над дорогой. По дороге едут огромные грузовики. Издали они выглядят как игрушечные, но это только издали. Их ведут бесстрашные "дальнобойщики", которые объявили войну коварному шерифу. Любовная линия обозначена пунктиром. Широкими мазками нарисованы драки и погони. И ничего бы этого не было, если бы у героев фильма отсутствовала радиосвязь. Все постоянно были на связи: и водители, и полицейские, и трактирщики, и даже помощник губернатора штата Нью-Мексико. В Советском Союзе такого не было... Подробно - https://habr.com/ru/company/ruvds/blog/660037/ (https://vk.com/club3877182) * Собрание радиолюбителей Пермского края 16.04.2022. ------------------------------------------ На базе общественного центра Гайва г. Перми 16 апреля 2022 года прошло собрание радиолюбителей Пермского края. Были обсуждены различные вопросы на тему развития радиолюбительства в Пермском крае Видео - 1:38:28 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242916%2Fc06e028950831d4ded%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Юмор. --------- Рисунок. "Покупайте транзисторы!" https://vk.com/radioitv?z=photo-90495469_457244062%2Falbum-90495469_00%2Frev (https://vk.com/radioitv) * Ежегодно 18 апреля энтузиасты-радиолюбители во всём мире отмечают свой "профессиональный" праздник - Всемирный день радиолюбителя. ------------------------------------------------------------ Дата выбрана не случайно - 18 апреля 1925 года в Париже энтузиастами радиодела был создан "Международный радиолюбительский союз". Занимательный факт: с 8 по 17 апреля 1993 года прошла миссия шаттла "Дискавери" STS-56. В ходе прочих экспериментов и исследований астронавты устанавливали радиосвязь со школами по всему миру с помощью радиолюбительского эксперимента SAREX II. В ходе него астронавты впервые в истории "дозвонились" на станцию "Мир". По рассказам космонавтов, на "Мире" стояла небольшая радиостанция, к которой космонавты периодически подходили, чтобы принять вызов из той или иной точки планеты. Представьте себе удивление на станции, когда приняли сигнал с другого космического объекта. Этот радиообмен стал первой ласточкой к совместной космической программе двух стран. В 1993 году представители NASA уже успели побывать в Москве и Подмосковье. Полным ходом шли переговоры о программе "Мир-Шаттл", начавшейся в 1995 году, и на бумаге появлялись первые эскизные намётки будущей МКС, первый модуль которой полетел в 1998. (https://pikabu.ru/community/ham_league) * Новые частоты и изменения. ------------------------------------- Россия + страны бывшего СССР и дальнего зарубежья. https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/terrestrial/brific/BRIFIC/SpecialSection/GE84/GE84_312.pdf BR IFIC №2969 Date: 19.04.2022 Special Section GE84/312 International Frequency Information Circular (Terrestrial Services) Radiocommunication Bureau. (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) * О приводных авиационных маяках. ----------------------------------------- Что такое приводной маяк? Привода, ОПРС, ОПРМ, ДПРМ, БПРМ на средних и длинных волнах. Ликбез. Часто в диапазонах средних и длинных волн можно слышать сигналы маяков, передающих кодом морзе две или одну буквы. Это сигналы авиационных приводных маяков - наземной части навигационной системы, использующейся при полётах воздушных судов. В этом видео рассказано как работает навигация по приводным маякам, какие бывают маяки, в каком диапазоне частот можно принять их сигналы и т.д. Видео - 8:26 https://vk.com/radioitv?z=video-90495469_456240023%2Fdfee532a8c74a0be1e%2Fpl_post_-90495469_13602 (Дима Коляденков, Саранск / https://vk.com/radioitv) * О цифровом, радиовещании в России. Вещание в России в стандарте DRM или почему в России пока нет цифрового радио. ------------------------------------------------------- О цифровом радиовещании на КВ в режиме DRM. В видео показан приём DRM вещания с помощью приёмника Newstar DR111 Видео - 11:00 https://vk.com/radioitv?z=video-90495469_456240024%2F778081f95440d07f22%2Fpl_post_-90495469_13604 (Дима Коляденков, Саранск / https://vk.com/radioitv) * Журнал "Радио" # 04 / 2022 ------------------------------ Радиоприем. В. Шептухин. Новости вещания. К сожалению, в открытый доступ раздел не выложен. (http://www.radio.ru/) * Мощь на графиках Резонанса Шумана и Электрополя в день пяти двоек 22/02/2022 год. ------------------------------------------ Видео - 10:21 https://vk.com/radioreceiver?z=video-163779953_456242936%2F4eed380f03bfe0eb87%2Fpl_wall_-163779953 (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) * Обзор FM радиостанции г. Владивостока (15.02.2021). --------------------------- Видео - 2:43 https://vk.com/radioitv?z=video-90495469_456240029%2F30d78bca07557f200e%2Fpl_post_-90495469_13647 Радиостанции Владивостока: 1. Новое радио (87.8) 2. Авторадио (88.3) 3. Радио Маяк (88.8) 4. Дорожное радио (89.4) 5. Вести FM (89.8) 6. Радио КП (90.4) 7. Радио Мир (90.9) 8. Radio VBC (101.7) 9. Радио России / ГТРК Владивосток (102.1) 10. Радио Лемма (102.7) 11. Радио Шансон (103.2) 12. Ретро FM (103.7) 13. Europa plus (104.2) 14. Радио Дача (104.7) 15. DFM (105.3) 16. Монте Карло (105.7) 17. Vladivostok FM (106.4) 18. Русское радио (107.0) 19. Studio 21 (107.7) (https://vk.com/radioitv) МОЛДОВА / ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЕ / УКРАИНА =================================== some comments included also by wb df5sx, via RUSdx #1181 & RUSDX-PLUS # 955 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) see below, see 4 x Mediumwave gear locations, LW 234 and MW 549 kHz feeder/antenna gear scrapped in past 30 years now: MOLDOVA Today April the 6th, Trans World Radio (prgrs in Ukrainian language, Russian, Roma / Gipsy & Belarussian) was not on the air, re- placed by prgr in Russian of Radio Rossii or as they say "Radio Rassii" on MW 999 KHz at 1730-1935 UT. The prgrs in Roma, Hungarian, Romanian etc at 1830-2130 on 1548 kHz are still on the air. Vesti Radio on 1413 kHz is with reduced power (earlier with 1000 kW). BTW 10-20 years ago, Radio Rossii was named as "Radio of Yelzin" and now Vesti as "Radio of Putin". MOLDOVA/RUSSIA/UKRAINE For many years TWR in Ukrainian, Russian, Roma / Gipsy & Belorusian was on the air on MW 999 KHz via Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac site [Pridnestrovie break away], replaces TWR with Radio Rossii and from yesterday [April 5] their bc time 1730-1935 UT was replaced by progr of Radio Rossii(Rassii) in Russian. On April the 5th, four transmitters of Ukrainian Radio were on the air on MW 657, 873, 1278 & 1404 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, direct and via wor hcdx April 6) MOLDOVA April 10, 2022. PMR frequencies: 999 kHz is definitely strongest here, no more trace of Rai IT which used to be present here before. also stronger than TWR has been in the past! probably 1000 kW for this?! 1413 kHz comes next, strong and clear most of the time but gets swamped out by 500 watts UK station at certain point, presumed 500 kW from a di- rectional system twrds east. 621 kHz only on air during the early morning hours with vy. weak and vy. directional signal. Checked the whole evening and no trace of TWR here. only Spain (10 kW) heard! "TWR Ukrainian & Russian & Belarusian 1730-1935 UT? listed for 621 kHz but no single sign of this today. Forgot to check 1548 today but I'll do tomorrow. Just a reminder: 621 kHz is only active on weekdays (Mon-Fri) with the "Radio 1plus" oldie music in russian language, never heard on Sat or Sun. Guess this is the old x-mitter. Moldova 18:30 UTC 20:30 CEST on Sunday 10 April: 1548 kHz with TWR (interval signal heard) is audible in the clear. Balkan style music, later preacher. UK Gold in the background (playing Nutbush city). Not listed for this time. 621 kHz does not carry any signal at all ! [621 kHz is NOT on air Sat/Sun / Ed] 999 kHz is by far the strongest signal. 1413 and 1548 kHz might originate from same antenna system {no, wb}. Slight detoriation on both. MDA "Tsekh" transmitter site #3. ex LW 234 kHz, exMW 549 and 1467 kHz. now on 621, 999, 1413, and 1548 kHz. I guess 999 and 1413 kHz at location single mast 47 16 58.66 N 29 26 23.50 E I guess 621 kHz small mast as reserve unit at location single mast 47 16 48.8 N 29 26 11.78 E USSR Zarya antenna type tx #950. 1548 kHz fixed frequency via Zarya antenna on long range reflection. Malaya Zarya (little) - M. zarya at 245degrees azimuth. Grigoriopol Maiac, 1000 kW, 12 antenna masts, 940 meters length. aimed to Romania, Beograd former Yugoslavia, Sarajevo, Napoli, Tunis mainlobe path at location 47 16 41.39 N 29 26 34.16 E Scrapped after USSR communism collapse in the 90ties: MDA_former LW 234 kHz mast 1000 kW at 47 17 21.32 N 29 26 00.42 E Scrapped after USSR communism collapse in the 90ties: former MW mast 549 kHz 1000 kW at 47 17 19.19 N 29 26 48.16 E Another USSR communism collapse scrap ruin of the 90ties MDA_Radio Moscow MW sidefire SV_2+2 - 4-mast 1467 kHz 170degr azimuth directional antenna towards Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt target of Radio Moscow, at 47 16 59.50 N 29 25 44.55 E TWR Europe (own observations) Sunday, 10 April from 20:30 CEST (=18:30 UTC) To biblijazem (Bulgarian?) 15 min. 20:45 CEST (=18:45 UTC) "Poruke nade" (Romany) 30 min. 21:15 CEST (=19:15 UTC) Magyar Evangeliumi Radio (Hungarian) 25 min. 21:40 CEST (=19:40 UTC) Erijec za danas (Bosnian) 15 min. 21:55 CEST (=19:55 UTC) Rijec za danas na crnogorskom jez. (Montenegrin)15 min. 22:10 CEST (=20:10 UTC) Rech za danas (Serbian) 15 min. 22:25 CEST (=20:25 UTC) off. (Robert, Germany, Apr 9/10; RUSdx #1181 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) "Radio 1+" / "Radio PMR" - April 11, 2022 I did run a check this (very early) morning. 04:39 CEST / 02:39 UTC - 4x test tone on MW 621 kHz. 04:55 CEST / 02:55 UTC - start of the program 05:12 CEST / 03:12 UTC - clear jingle ID heard "Radio 1 Plus" 05:30 CEST / 03:30 UTC - another jingle aired "Radio 1 Plus" The signal was there at least until 06:20 CEST, then slowly fading out. No trace of TWR. Much weaker then it used to be 3 years ago. The start up procedure is always the same: (Horst, Germany, April 11; RUSdx #1181 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) Signal strength comparision of Pridnestrovie Grigoriopol Maiac site; depends of the used mediumwave antenna type there, and the daytime / nighttime pattern, groundwave or steep angle nighttime angle reflection of more than 200 kilometers distance ... wb. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany) PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== SWLDXBulgaria News, April 16-17 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria -------------------------------- GERMANY(non) Reception of Ukrainian Radio in English/Ukrainian on 6005.2v kHz via Kall Krekel on April 16: 0800-0900 on 6005.2vKLL 001 kW / 010&190 to CeEu English/Ukrainian. Good with CW QRM via SDR Heimiswil, SUI https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/ukrainian-radio-in-englishukrainian-on.html GERMANY(non) Pan American Broadcasting Preparing for Jesus in Japanese on 13579,9 kHz via MBR Tashkent, April 16 1300-1400 on 13579.9vTAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Japanese Sat. Fair/good signal via SDR Yuseong-gu Daejeon, Korea. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/pab-preparing-for-jesus-in-japanese-on.html USA(non) Good signal of Ukrainian Radio in English on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, April 17 from 0507 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Ukrainian/English Daily via SDR Heimiswil in SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/ukrainian-radio-in-english-on-7730-via_17.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 11569.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 16 1400-1500 on 11569.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair via SDR via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/north-korea-reform-radio-on-115698v-khz.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Ranginkaman Rainbow on 7609.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 16 1630-1700 on 7609.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi. Fair signal via SDR Khimki in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-ranginkaman-rainbow-on-76099v-khz.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea on 7630 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 16 2000-2100 on 7630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-free-north-korea-on-7630-khz-via_17.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 7590 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 16 2000-2100 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/north-korea-reform-radio-on-7590-khz_17.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7550 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 16 2100-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair via SDR via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-7550-khz-via-rrtm.html SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue no. 2000, 17 April 2022 edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden ----------------------------------------------- SWB latest issue/archive: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/archive.htm ---------------------------------------------- QSL, comments, etc. If you are interested to take part of some of the history of SWB, take a look at some of our issues: Issue No. 1 http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1.pdf Issue No. 500 http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/500.pdf Issue No. 1000 http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1000.pdf Issue No. 1500 http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1500.pdf Log (UTC) 4765 Mar28 0025 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik folksongs by choir (AP-DNK) 7245 Apr9 1659 Voice of Tajik, Dushanbe, Tajik, comments, music, songs. (Mendez) Contributors to the log: AP-DNK, Anke Petersen, Skovlunde, Denmark Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 18 ------------------------------------------- Message: 2 Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 From: Manuel Mendez Subject: [HCDX] Holy Week logs in Reinante, NW of Spain Manuel Mendez Lugo, Spain Logs in Reinante, NW of Spain Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1840-1856, 12-04, Tajik, comments. 15321. Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 19 --------------------------------------------- Message: 7 Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April +17-18-19, 2022 ** TAJIKISTAN. 15515, April 18 at 0245, preacher in English, S7/S9 with heavy flutter. Aoki shows it`s AWR via Orzu at 0200-0300 daily. Should include Wavescan but not known to do so. Nice of the Tajix who are 90% Moslem to accommodate Protestants; allegedly religious freedom exists now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) SWLDXBulgaria News, April 18-19 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ---------------------------- GERMANY(non) Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting BVB on 15300 kHz via Tashkent, April 18 1430-1459 on 15300 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to ECAf Nuer Daily. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/bible-voice-broadcasting-in-nuer-on_19.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 15549,9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on April 18: 1200-1230 on 15549.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair signal via SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOR https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-155499v-khz-via_19.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7530 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 18 1530-1600 on 7530.0 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-7530-khz-via-rrtm.html Ydun's Medium Wave Info Editor : Ydun M. Ritz Denmark --------------- Estonia April 19, 2022 1035 kHz: This is Radio Eli, an evangelical station in Estonia. It used to relay TWR programming, for this purpose its transmitter was upgraded to 200 kW. But in 2019 TWR discontinued this partnership, bringing Radio Eli to the brink of extinction. Discuss. Kai Ludwig to WOR iog (2022-04-18) TWR relays by Radio Eli have already resumed and are shown in their program schedule (look out for Трансмирового Радио). https://mediaeli.ee/programm/ It is also of note how they deemphasize radio now, calling themselves Media Eli. Kai Ludwig (2022-04-18) Moldova April 18, 2022 Grigoriopol transmissions. Refer to http://www.frocus.net/main.php?lng=en&rzd=E-TV&pag=area&g=51#emiter_table 621 kHz: An old 150 kW transmitter originally installed at some other station somewhere in the USSR. Uses the 77 metres mast (also a standard type, if I recall correct called Aksion). On air only Mon-Fri between 7:00 and 8:18 local time. Programming is Radio 1 plyus, no separate feed required because Grigoriopol transmits this around the clock on FM anyway. It had been stated that the frequency was offered to TWR as substitute for 999 kHz. Until now no such transmissions appeared, so either there was no such offer or TWR refused it. 999 kHz: One of the Buran transmitter blocks from 1971, set aside as separate transmitter by breaking up an original two-block unit. The original ARRT-257 antenna collapsed due to icing in 2000, the comparatively small 150 metres antenna is the replacement. Another picture of this antenna accompanies a posting that obviously comes from someone in the know, informing that the Radio Rossii transmission, started on April 5, is run with 1000 kW. https://vcfm.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?p=157592#p157592 It has been noted also in "regular" DX circles that this relay has a rather extraordinary delay of almost twenty seconds, making one first wonder if there are no news at the hour. Ingest is in all likelyhood from satellite, who knows through what a cascade of encoders and multiplexers. 1413 kHz: The former 234 kHz transmitter, run in a synchronized network with Sankt Petersburg (Krasny Bor) and Arkhangelsk (Koskovo), probably closed already in the moment the USSR ceased to exist. It used a 350 metres mast, brought down in 1997 exactly the same way than earlier the Konstantynów mast in Poland. The 1413 kHz now uses the four mast antenna, which is a type called Kvadrat with switchable pattern (not to be confused with fixed SV2+2 systems). Since 3 March 2014 the transmitter is on air around the clock with Vesti FM, originally set up as 500 kW and eastern beam, there is no reason to assume that any changes have been made in the meantime. 1548 kHz: The only MW outlet still running in its original configuration, with the Zarya antenna designed for skywave transmissions into the Balkans region. The TWR transmissions on this frequency continue, usually with the first item starting out of the blue after some time of open carrier, I assume from local file playout. (In the USSR days this transmitter was during daytime used on other frequencies, like 549 kHz, with the Kvadrat antenna, a constellation rather common for such foreign service installations. The most remarkable case existed for some time at Bolshakovo: Daytime 171 kHz, evenings 1143 kHz.) 11530 kHz: At present the only shortwave frequency in operation from Grigoriopol, carrying Dengê Welat. A picture of one of the shortwave transmitters accompanied a report about Radio Rossii on 999 kHz, so beware of possible confusion here. Radio Rossii: This was indeed the child of Yeltsin, launched in 1991 on the frequencies of the culture program of Allunion Radio. Its shortwave service included up to the very end one frequency for Central/Western Europe, which could hint at possible considerations for using 999 kHz now. Vesti FM: I can only leave it to others to determine the hardliner stronghold, even if it is part of VGTRK at all since another good possible candidate would be Perviy Kanal (the former Tsentralnoye Televideniye, which Yeltsin did not kill like Allunion Radio). Anyway it started in 2008, as the name already indicates on FM. VGTRK had no frequencies outside Moscow: No problem, Radio Kultura, which they had launched only in 2004, had to leave FM again (I understand it's now just a cheap offspring of the Rossiya-K TV channel). No licence: These transmissions have no licence from Chisinau just like the transmissions from Taiwan have no licence from Beijing. And certain maps with arrows out of Tiraspol have swiftly been retracted. Let's leave it at that. Kai Ludwig to WOR iog (2022-04-18) Moldova / Estonia April 17, 2022 An update from April 11th on TWR website: "Tune in from Ukraine or Russia - Medium Wave (also known as AM radio): 1035 AM and 621 AM" https://twr.org/story/sharing-hope-near-ukraines-front-lines Must be via Radio Eli, Tartu EST and Radio PMR, Grigoriopol MDA. Thanks to Ruben Medina. Ydun Ritz (2022-04-17) SWLDXBulgaria News, April 19-20 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ----------------- UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 19 1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-free-north-korea-on-11510-khz-via.html SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1244, April 20-21 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ------------------- DX RE MIX NEWS # 1244, April 21 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/dx-re-mix-news-1244.html BC-DX 1501,22 April 2022 Editor: Wolfgang Bueschel. Germany ----------------- BULGARIA/FRANCE/MOLDOVA [to KURDISTAN] Changes of BRB Belgium brokered Kurdish radio of 'Denge Welat' as of April 18. All transmissions via TDF Issoudun and Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter at Grigoriopol Maiac are canceled. BRB Denge Welat is on air only via SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd. Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site, (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews April 19) ESTONIA Radio Eli, Estonia - 1035 kHz. On 9 March 2022, Radio Eli posted the following on their F_B page (trans- lated from Russian to English): "Due to recent events on Radio Eli in recent years, and the rise in electricity in Estonia last fall, we did not have enough funds to keep the medium waves running 24/7 hrs/d. We could hear the broadcast outside our country only in the evening. But with God's help and the active participation of new donors, we were able to make a payment for 1035 kHz ROUND THING DURING MARCH. We are so glad the Lord made this possible, especially in light of the current events. Pray that funds will continue to be needed to pay for broadcasting". (seemingly still 24/7 hrs/d during April 2022) A undated schedule for Radio Eli in Russian can be found at Some highlights from it are as follows, with some familiar organisations mentioned (I have converted times to UTC and programmes are presumed to be in Russian unless otherwise stated): 0100-0140 Tue Friedensstimme Mission 0130-0200 Wed Voice of the Martyrs 0330-0400 Mon-Fri TWR block 0400-0500 Sat/Sun TWR block 0700-0705 Daily Programme guide 0830-0900 Wed Voice of the Martyrs 1000-1100 Sun Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 1200-1230 Sun Friedensstimme Mission 1230-1300 Sun Voice of the Martyrs 1300-1305 Daily Programme guide 1305-1400 Sat Service in Ukrainian 1600-1635 Wed Friedenstimme Mission 1900-2000 Daily TWR block (confirmed starting and ending with the TWR Interval Signal on 20 April) 2100-2105 Daily Programme guide 2105-2140 Fri Friedensstimme Mission 2105-2200 Sat Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 2140-2200 Fri Voice of the Martyrs 2200-2300 Mon Orthodox programme (Radio Teos?) 2200-2300 Wed Service in Ukrainian Voice of the Martyrs is known for its programmes on shortwave for North Korea, and more recently for the Maldives. As highlighted above, it also has programmes on Radio Eli on 1035 kHz. The VOM website has the following item from 2 September 2020: "Russia: Strict Opposition to Missionary Activity. In July 2016, Russia passed religion laws restricting "illegal missionary activity" by either citizens or foreigners. This activity could involve speaking to people about religion, or the distribution of either printed, audio or video materials. Between January and June of this year, there have been 42 known pro- secutions, resulting in 36 convictions. All those who were convicted received fines. Most of the recent convictions have not involved religious organisations but rather individuals who were sharing their faith. Those charged were convicted because they did not notify the authorities of the existence of their "religious group", even though they were acting as individuals. These laws do not only affect Christians but also citizens belonging to other religious groups. According to Russia's current laws, individuals or groups engaging in missionary or evangelistic activities of any kind could possibly be subjected to stiff opposition.", Presumably the reason for the programmes in Russian on Radio Eli. If anyone can further clarify the content of Radio Eli's schedule, please let us know. (via Tony Rogers-UK, BrDXC-UK ng April 21) MOLDOVA Today April the 6th, Trans World Radio (prgrs in Ukrainian language, Russian, Roma / Gipsy & Belarussian) was not on the air, re- placed by prgr in Russian of Radio Rossii or as they say "Radio Rassii" on MW 999 KHz at 1730-1935 UT. The prgrs in Roma, Hungarian, Romanian etc at 1830-2130 on 1548 kHz are still on the air. Vesti Radio on 1413 kHz is with reduced power (earlier with 1000 kW). BTW 10-20 years ago, Radio Rossii was named as "Radio of Yelzin" and now Vesti as "Radio of Putin". MOLDOVA/RUSSIA/UKRAINE For many years TWR in Ukrainian, Russian, Roma / Gipsy & Belorusian was on the air on MW 999 KHz via Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac site [Pridnestrovie break away], replaces TWR with Radio Rossii and from yesterday [April 5] their bc time 1730-1935 UT was replaced by progr of Radio Rossii(Rassii) in Russian. On April the 5th, four transmitters of Ukrainian Radio were on the air on MW 657, 873, 1278 & 1404 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, direct and via wor hcdx April 6) Moldova (Transnistria). To support Russia's attack to Ukraine, Grigoriopol Maiac Radio Centre started relaying Radio Rossii 24 hrs a day on 999 kHz on 5th April. That meant also stopping TWR Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian 1730-1930 UT on 999 kHz. On 7th April those transmissions were on 621 kHz, but only for one single day. Starting 18th April TWR Ukrainian will be on 1377 kHz 1845-1945. TWR Russian has also been added 1800-1900 via Radio Eli, Estonia 1035 kHz. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, ARC via wor April 18) MOLDOVA April 10, 2022. PMR frequencies: 999 kHz is definitely strongest here, no more trace of Rai IT which used to be present here before. also stronger than TWR has been in the past! probably 1000 kW for this?! 1413 kHz comes next, strong and clear most of the time but gets swamped out by 500 watts UK station at certain point, presumed 500 kW from a di- rectional system twrds east. 621 kHz only on air during the early morning hours with vy. weak and vy. directional signal. Checked the whole evening and no trace of TWR here. only Spain (10 kW) heard! "TWR Ukrainian & Russian & Belarusian 1730-1935 UT? listed for 621 kHz but no single sign of this today. Forgot to check 1548 today but I'll do tomorrow. Just a reminder: 621 kHz is only active on weekdays (Mon-Fri) with the "Radio 1plus" oldie music in russian language, never heard on Sat or Sun. Guess this is the old x-mitter. Moldova 18:30 UTC 20:30 CEST on Sunday 10 April: 1548 kHz with TWR (interval signal heard) is audible in the clear. Balkan style music, later preacher. UK Gold in the background (playing Nutbush city). Not listed for this time. 621 kHz does not carry any signal at all ! [621 kHz is NOT on air Sat/Sun / Ed] 999 kHz is by far the strongest signal. 1413 and 1548 kHz might originate from same antenna system {no, wb}. Slight detoriation on both. MDA "Tsekh" transmitter site #3. ex LW 234 kHz, exMW 549 and 1467 kHz. now on 621, 999, 1413, and 1548 kHz. I guess 999 and 1413 kHz at location single mast 47 16 58.66 N 29 26 23.50 E I guess 621 kHz small mast as reserve unit at location single mast 47 16 48.8 N 29 26 11.78 E USSR Zarya antenna type tx #950. 1548 kHz fixed frequency via Zarya antenna on long range reflection. Malaya Zarya (little) - M. zarya at 245degrees azimuth. Grigoriopol Maiac, 1000 kW, 12 antenna masts, 940 meters length. aimed to Romania, Beograd former Yugoslavia, Sarajevo, Napoli, Tunis mainlobe path at location 47 16 41.39 N 29 26 34.16 E Scrapped after USSR communism collapse in the 90ties: MDA_former LW 234 kHz mast 1000 kW at 47 17 21.32 N 29 26 00.42 E Scrapped after USSR communism collapse in the 90ties: former MW mast 549 kHz 1000 kW at 47 17 19.19 N 29 26 48.16 E [thanks to Kai Ludwig explanation item] Another USSR communism collapse scrap ruin of the 90ties MDA__Radio Moscow MW sidefire SV_2+2 - 4-mast 1467 kHz 170degr azimuth directional antenna towards Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt target of Radio Moscow, has been re-constructed/designed to a 4 x mast ARRT antenna directional pattern system of new design between 2002 and 2005 year according images on G.E. The ground feederline of 195 meters length elements is still visible; seen on Google Earth image seems once planning a 8-mast design of 2 x 4 mast sidefire instead. Acc Kai's explanation item, that mean rather eastwards service at Saporishkia Dniprovska, Donetsk-UKR, Volgograd-RUS, Kazakhstan; or westwards at Targu Mures-ROU, Timisoara-ROU, Banja Luka-exYUG, Zadar- CRO/HRV, Rimini-ITA, Corsica-F, Mallorca-ESP, Valencia_ESP azimuth direction, centered at 47 16 59.50 N 29 25 44.55 E or 4 x masts at 47 17 00.07 N 29 25 42.11 E 47 16 58.35 N 29 25 42.30 E 47 17 00.81 N 29 25 46.94 E 47 16 58.94 N 29 25 47.40 E (wb df5sx, April 17) Re: Grigoriopol transmissions Sorry, I saw only now this intriguing find by Ydun Ritz and Ruben Medina. So just attach it, this mention of frequencies will be sufficiently ex- plained now. On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 04:18 AM, Kai Ludwig wrote: And here comes my attempt to sum up the situation for publication. Refer to 621 kHz: An old 150 kW transmitter originally installed at some other station somewhere in the USSR. Uses the 77 metres mast (also a standard type, if I recall correct called Aksion). On air only Mon-Fri between 7:00 and 8:18 local time. Programming is Radio 1 plus, no separate feed re- quired because Grigoriopol transmits this around the clock on FM anyway. It had been stated that the frequency was offered to TWR as substitute for 999 kHz. Until now no such transmissions appeared, so either there was no such offer or TWR refused it. 999 kHz: One of the Buran transmitter blocks from 1971, set aside as sepa- rate transmitter by breaking up an original two-block unit. The original ARRT-257 antenna collapsed due to icing in 2000, the comparatively small 150 metres antenna is the replacement. Another picture of this antenna accompanies a posting that obviously comes from someone in the know, in- forming that the Radio Rossii transmission, started on April 5, is run with 1000 kW. It has been noted also in "regular" DX circles that this relay has a rather extraordinary delay of almost twenty seconds, making one first wonder if there are no news at the hour. Ingest is in all likelyhood from satellite, who knows through what a cascade of encoders and multiplexers. 1413 kHz: The former {longwave} 234 kHz transmitter, run in a synchronized network with Sankt Petersburg (Krasny Bor) and Arkhangelsk (Koskovo), pro- bably closed already in the moment the USSR ceased to exist. It used a 350 metres mast, brought down in 1997 exactly the same way than earlier the Konstantynow mast in Poland. The 1413 kHz now uses the four mast antenna, which is a type called Kvadrat with switchable pattern (not to be confused with fixed SV2+2 systems). Since 3 March 2014 the transmitter is on air around the clock with Vesti FM, originally set up as 500 kW and eastern beam, there is no reason to assume that any changes have been made in the meantime. 1548 kHz: The only MW outlet still running in its original configuration, with the Zarya antenna designed for skywave transmissions into the Balkans region. The TWR transmissions on this frequency continue, usually with the first item starting out of the blue after some time of open carrier, I assume from local file playout. (In the USSR days this transmitter was during daytime used on other fre- quencies, like 549 kHz, with the Kvadrat antenna, a constellation rather common for such foreign service installations. The most remarkable case existed for some time at Bolshakovo: Daytime 171 kHz, evenings 1143 kHz.) 11530 kHz: At present the only shortwave frequency in operation from Grigoriopol, carrying Denge Welat. A picture of one of the shortwave transmitters accompanied a report about Radio Rossii on 999 kHz, so beware of possible confusion here. Radio Rossii: This was indeed the child of Yeltsin, launched in 1991 on the frequencies of the culture program of Allunion Radio. Its shortwave service included up to the very end one frequency for Central/Western Europe, which could hint at possible considerations for using 999 kHz now. Vesti FM: I can only leave it to others to determine the hardliner strong- hold, even if it is part of VGTRK at all since another good possible can- didate would be Perviy Kanal (the former Tsentralnoye Televideniye, which Yeltsin did not kill like Allunion Radio). Anyway it started in 2008, as the name already indicates on FM. VGTRK had no frequencies outside Moscow: No problem, Radio Kultura, which they had launched only in 2004, had to leave FM again (I understand it's now just a cheap offspring of the Rossiya-K TV channel). No licence: These transmissions have no licence from Chisinau just like the transmissions from Taiwan have no licence from Beijing. And certain maps with arrows out of Tiraspol have swiftly been retracted. Let's leave it at that. 1035 kHz {ESTONIA}, also mentioned in this context: This is Radio Eli, an evangelical station in Estonia. It used to relay TWR programming, for this purpose its transmitter was upgraded to 200 kW. But in 2019 TWR discon- tinued this partnership, bringing Radio Eli to the brink of extinction. Discuss. (Kai Ludwig-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17 - 18) TWR Europe (own observations) Sunday, 10 April from 20:30 CEST (=18:30 UTC) To biblijazem (Bulgarian?) 15 min. 20:45 CEST (=18:45 UTC) "Poruke nade" (Romany) 30 min. 21:15 CEST (=19:15 UTC) Magyar Evangeliumi Radio (Hungarian) 25 min. 21:40 CEST (=19:40 UTC) Erijec za danas (Bosnian) 15 min. 21:55 CEST (=19:55 UTC) Rijec za danas na crnogorskom jez. (Montenegrin)15 min. 22:10 CEST (=20:10 UTC) Rech za danas (Serbian) 15 min. 22:25 CEST (=20:25 UTC) off. (Robert, Germany, Apr 9/10; RUSdx #1181 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) "Radio 1+" / "Radio PMR" - April 11, 2022 I did run a check this (very early) morning. 04:39 CEST / 02:39 UTC - 4x test tone on MW 621 kHz. 04:55 CEST / 02:55 UTC - start of the program 05:12 CEST / 03:12 UTC - clear jingle ID heard "Radio 1 Plus" 05:30 CEST / 03:30 UTC - another jingle aired "Radio 1 Plus" The signal was there at least until 06:20 CEST, then slowly fading out. No trace of TWR. Much weaker then it used to be 3 years ago. The start up procedure is always the same: (Horst, Germany, April 11; RUSdx #1181 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) Signal strength comparision of Pridnestrovie Grigoriopol Maiac site; depends of the used mediumwave antenna type there, and the daytime / nighttime pattern, groundwave or skywave steep angle nighttime angle reflection transmissions of more than 200 kilometers distance ... it is amazing how little technical expertise about 500kW TX combine con- nection and use of single monopole, ARRT, sidefire or Zarya directional skywave antenna types the hobby message contributors display in their ex- planations of the Maiac transmissions. wb. MOLDOVA/BULGARIA/FRANCE [to KURDISTAN] Changes of BRB Belgium brokered Kurdish radio of 'Denge Welat' as of April 18. All transmissions via TDF Issoudun and Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter at Grigoriopol Maiac are canceled. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews April 19) TAJIKISTAN 15515 kHz April 18 at 0245 UT, preacher in English, S7/S9 with heavy flutter. Aoki shows it's AWR via Orzu-TJK at 0200-0300 UT daily. Should include Wavescan but not known to do so. ... (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor April 20) Should include Wavescan but not known to do so. Probably rather: Should include Wavescan but known not to do so. On the occasion of the AWR anniversary last year, I had a listening pro- ject on their short wave programmes. At least in July / August 2021 the two English hours via Tajikistan carried the audio of a TV series Unlocking Bible prophecies (60 Min.) featuring AWR-vice president Cami Oetman. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wor April 19) USA A massive shortwave radio antenna sits in a cow pasture north of Lake Okeechobee in Central Florida. "We have 14, 100,000-watt transmitters and 23 antennas beaming to all parts of the world," said Jeff White, the general manager of Miami-based WRMI. The multi-signal station is said to be one of the largest shortwave radio operations in the world. WRMI stands for Radio Miami International and worldwide coverage means it can easily send signals into Ukraine and Russia. Shortwave is old school technology, think of World ... II or the Cold ..., as American-produced news beamed behind the iron curtain. Now, during the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has shut down journalism as we know it. Kate Neiswender, one of the guiding lights behind funding news programming for Russian audiences, said, "they were going to pass a law making jour- nalism essentially illegal, facing a 15-year criminal penalty." Neiswender and fellow former journalists formed a fundraiser to beam news into Russia, where state-controlled media, at best, does not tell the true story of the invasion and many Russian citizens have no clue about the severity of the invasion. "This is a journalistic pursuit more than anything else," said Neiswender. WRMI is in the game because U.S. Services like the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe have over the years scaled back their shortwave services depending more on TV, FM, digital, and direct-to-home satellite. Jeff White told CBS4 News, "Management there (Russia) seems to think that people don't have enough short wave radios to make it worthwhile." Short- wave is old technology, but folks at WRMI will tell you there are plenty of shortwave radios in Russia and Eastern Europe. Most importantly, "Shortwave is known as crisis radio and in times of crisis people will look to their shortwave radio and start tuning around," White said. And what will they find? Unfettered news of the invasion, no censorship and they can hear the news in Russian, Ukrainian and even in English being beamed their way from that cow pasture in Florida. Click here if you are interested in contributing to the fundraising efforts to keep uncensored news flowing into Russia and Ukraine. (CBS_Miami - via Mike Newland, wor March 17) UZBEKISTAN Frequency changes of Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Tashkent 1200-1230 NF15600 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean Daily, ex9930 kHz 1530-1600 NF 7530 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean Daily, ex7525 kHz Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Tashkent 1400-1500 NF 9330 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean Daily, ex9380 kHz & 1500-1530 NF 9330 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean Sunday, ex9380 kHz. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews April 5) UZBEKISTAN Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 15549,9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on April 18 1200-1230 15549.9vTAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean. Fair signal via SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOR remotedly 1200-1230 15549.9vTAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean. Fair signal via SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOR remotedly. {noted at 12.06 UT on April 22 at S=9+15dB remotedly in Delhi Perseus unit 15549.940 kHz odd frequency, wb.} Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7530 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, on April 18 1530-1600 7530.0 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia remotedly on SDR unit. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews April 19) SWLDXBulgaria News, April 21-22 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria ---------------------------- GERMANY(non) Reception of Ukrainian Radio in English/Ukrainian on 6005.2v kHz via Kall Krekel on April 22: 0800-0900 on 6005.2vKLL 001 kW / 010&190 to CeEu English/Ukrainian. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/ukrainian-radio-in-englishukrainian-on_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 7590 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 21 2000-2100 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/north-korea-reform-radio-on-7590-khz_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea on 7630 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 21 2000-2100 on 7630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-free-north-korea-on-7630-khz-via_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7550 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 21 2100-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/voice-of-martyrs-on-7550-khz-via-rrtm_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 22 1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-free-north-korea-on-11510-khz-via_22.html Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 23 --------------------------------------------- Message: 3 Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 21-22, 2022 ** UKRAINE [non]. 15200, April 21 at 1646 talk and music, sufficient into Khimki, Russia, SDR, new Ukrainian service of TWR Asia [sic] via GUAM (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** UKRAINE [non]. 7730, April 22 at 0501-0507, UR1 via WRMI with English segment ... (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) WEB РАДИО НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ============================= Республика Татарстан. Казань. ------------------------- Радио Millennium Регион Казань Эфирная частота 107.3 FM В эфире с 2014 года. Ссылка на потоковое вещание http://rm.skyseven.ru/radio.html Сайт в интернете http://radiomillenium.ru/ Группа ВКонтакте http://vk.com/radiomillenium Группа в Facebook https://www.facebook.com/radiomillenium Twitter радиостанции https://twitter.com/MillenniumRadio Станция с полностью собственным программированием (https://www.radioportal.ru/) Роскомнадзор ограничил доступ к сайту французского радио RFI. -------------------------------------------------- Роскомнадзор ограничил доступ к сайту французского радио RFI, сообщается в универсальном сервисе ведомства проверки ограничения доступа к сайтам и (или) страницам сайтов интернета. Адрес сайта французского радио RFI есть в универсальном сервисе Роскомнадзора. По требованию Генпрокуратуры Роскомнадзор ограничил доступ. В универсальном сервисе обращается внимание на то, что наличие сайта в реестре вовсе не означает полное ограничение доступа к нему, так как доступ может ограничиваться к отдельной странице сайта в интернете. Способ блокировки отражается в графе "Ограничение доступа". tass.ru (https://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__82881/) РАДИОВЕЩИНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================ Гуам. ------- В анонсированной DRM-трансляции KTWR на украинском есть и программы на русском. Более того, пока что она идёт не в DRM, а в аналоге... GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Ukrainian on 15200 in AM mode via Agana, April 18 1601-1701 on 15200 TWR 250 kW / 320 deg to EaEu Ukrainian, not in DRM. Very good via SDR Khimki, RUS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYqzJ7f3iCM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM3r7rpQ0y8&feature=youtu.be https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/ktwr-asia-in-ukrainian-on-15200-in-am.html (Alex Miatlikov / "deneb-radio-dx" & "OPEN_DX") США. -------- Наблюдения эфира. 18 апреля. Радио Свобода, специальное вещание на русском языке. Новая передача - 13.00-14.00 UTC. 5900 кГц. Передатчик в Болгарии. (Анатолий Клепов, Москва) Аляска / Мадагаскар ----------------------------- Расписание на сезон 27 марта 2022 - 29 октября 2022 Обновления с 18 апреля. KNLS Аляска, антенна 1 Время (UTC) / Частота kHz / Азимут 0900-1000 / 9695 / 300 1100-1200 / 9580 / 300 1500-1600 / 9800 / 315 1600-1700 / 9580 / 315 1700-1800 / 9580 / 315 MWV Мадагаскар (две антенны) Время (UTC) / Частота kHz / Азимут / Предполагаемый регион 1800-1900 / 9885 / 355 / Запад России 1900-2000 / 9845 / 355 / Запад России (https://www.knls.net/) Мнения. ---------- Из рассылки "deneb-radio-dx". (Фамилия из корректности не указываются полностью) - 19 апреля с 1500 до 1600 всемирного времени на 13600 кГц принимал в Канске Радио "Правда для России". 45444. Отправил рапорт на адрес: hf-tran...@web.de. Поблагодарили за рапорт и планируют подтверждать рапорты электронной QSL. При приёме использовал Деген 1103 и длинный провод 40 метров. Владимир. - Сегодня послушал эту программу. Какую пургу они несут! Голос Америки, DW, BBC и иже с ними, времен холодной войны, просто отдыхают. Ну ничего, переживем. Павел. - Здравствуйте! Я не слушал и не собираюсь. Кругом одно враньё... Дмитрий. - Категорически присоединяюсь! Просто тошнит от этой мерзоты. Особенно обидно, когда на наших российских ДХ-ресурсах видишь анонсы всех этих лжеинформационных проектов - в чистом виде продвижение вражеской пропаганды. Ведь они скажут: "Нашими программами интересуются, нас слушают, нам пишут!". И объяснение в стиле "только из радиолюбительского интереса" тут уже не прокатит, время не то. Константин. QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва АН = Андрей / "Радиоприем" - Telegram ВаК = Василий Кузнецов / "Радиоприем" - Telegram ВК = Владимир Коваленко, Томск / "Радиоприем" - Telegram ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" КБ = Константин Барсенков, Cанкт-Петербург / "deneb-radio-dx" СЕ = Сергей / https://signalwave.blogspot.com/ Германия --------------- * eQSL Radio Klein Paris E-mail: kunos-radiothek @ web.de 16 April 2022 / 08.00-09.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-klein-paris_17.html (АК) - eQSL Radio PowerRumpel E-mail: radiopr @ partyheld.de 10 April 2022 / 19.00-19.30 UTC / 3955 kHz (via Channel 292) Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-powerrumpel.html (АК) - eQSL SM Radio Dessau E-mail: maxberger @ smradio-dessau.de 16 April 2022 / 15.00-15.35 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292) Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/sm-radio-dessau_17.html (АК) * Radio PowerRumpel / via Channel 292 (D) e-QSL: 3955 kHz / 19.30-20.00 UTC / Apr.15-2022 Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/09/radio-powerrumpel.html (КБ) Ирландия -------------- Radio Cuckoo / pirate station (IRL) e-QSL: 6270 kHz / 20.53-21.30 UTC / Apr.17-2022 Оператор станции Dave выслал скан бумажной заполненной QSL-карточки нового оформления, которую отправил обычной почтой. Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2018/12/radio-cuckoo.html (КБ) Мадагаскар ---------------- 20 апреля 2022 года. Заглянул в ящик, а там QSL MWV за приём передачи на частоте 9845 кГц от 25 августа 2021 года (АН) США ------- eQSL WRMI Photo: One of the Florida alligators which lives in the pond beside the WRMI transmitter building. E-mail: wrmiqsl @ gmail.com 17 April 2022 / 11.30-12.00 UTC / 15770 kHz Program in Russian. Kaleidoscope of the World Radio Network. Author and presenter Vadim Alekseev, Russia. Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/wrmi.html This QSL confirms your reception report of WRMI Okeechobee, Florida, USA at the date, time and frequency specified in your recent report. Your reports are very helpful to us and we greatly appreciate your time and effort. We are confirming your report with our new eQSL in order to answer reports more quickly. (Reports sent by regular postal mail are still answered with our hard-copy QSL cards.) We invite you to visit our webpage, www.wrmi.net. If you click on Programming, you will find a complete schedule of all transmissions from Okeechobee on all transmitters and frequencies. We always invite your comments and questions about our programs at info@wrmi.net. We also publish news about WRMI, special programs, photos, etc. on our Facebook page, which is www.facebook.com/wrmiradio . On our website, we have a lot of information about WRMI, its history, technical characteristics, a "tour" of our facilities and some general information about the Okeechobee area of central Florida. Thank you again for your contact, and we hope you will stay tuned to WRMI. (АК) Швеция / Германия ---------------------------- eQSL Echo Sthlm E-mail: radio @ echosthlm.se 24 марта 2022 / 21.00 - 21.23 UTC / Язык вещания: русский / 9670 кГц (через передатчик Channel 292, Germany). Первоначально мы хотели отправить QSL-карточки по обычной почте, но шведская почта больше не доставляет их в Россию. Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2022/04/echo-sthlm.html (АК) QSL-новости. ------------------ * 17 апрель. В Томске проходит пират "Мистери 21" на 4870 кГц. Слабо, но чётко. В 23.00 прозвучала идентификация. Отправлял рапорт, ответили, что надо написать обычной почтой в Германию. Не проверял, есть у нас сейчас с ними почтовое сообщение. Отправлю, не проблема. (ВК) * Удивительно, но получил симпатичную карточку за передачу памяти Радио Андорры. (ВаК) * Получил: eQSL от Radio SE-TA2 за прием 2.04.22 / 10.20-10.45 UTC / 6095 kHz eQSL от Radio SETA2 за прием 9.04.22 / 10.30-10.50 UTC / 6095 kHz eQSL от Radio Atlantic2000 International за прием 9.04.22 / 9670 kHz (ВЛ) Пиратское радио. -------------------------- Получена e-qsl RADIO SCOTLAND INT Принятая 18 апреля 17.59 UTC на 6275 kHz. (СЕ) КАЛЕНДАРЬ - ИСТОРИЯ DX-ХОББИ, РАДИО И ПОЧТЫ ============================================= ВСЕМИРНЫЕ НОВОСТИ. ==================== * Germany. -------------- Radio PowerRumpel summer schedule: Every 2nd Sunday of the month: 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST) on 6070 kHz 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST) on 3955 kHz The Friday following the 2nd Sunday of the month: 12:00 UTC (14:00 CEST) on 6070 kHz 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST) on 3955 kHz "We play the soundtracks of films and information about radio, the last minutes of the show belong to the corner of the RTI - Hörer Club with Bernd Seiser." On the Internet at: https://rdxf.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/RPowerRumpel Internet radio during shortwave broadcasts for listeners with reception problems: https://radiodxfreunde.de/remoteradio-de/?scs=2 Alternative stream: http://radiopr.radiodxfreunde.de:6070/index.html Support our shortwave broadcasting station !!! Further information at: http://www.channel292.de/ (Heiko @ Radio PowerRumpel) * British DX Club DX / Media / Mailbag Programmes - A22 schedule period -------------------------------- http://www.bdxc.org.uk/dxprog.htm (http://www.bdxc.org.uk/) * Updated schedule of Radio France International to Russia & Ukraine --------------------------------------------------------------- FRANCE Updated schedule of Radio France International to Russia & Ukraine. Probably will start from April 25 1300-1500 on 17815 ISS 500 kW / 053 deg to EaEu French 1500-2030*on 15230 ISS 500 kW / 053 deg to EaEu French 2000-2130 on 9500 ISS 500 kW / 053 deg to EaEu French *or till 2000UTC and then changed to 9500 from 2000UTC (https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/updated-schedule-of-radio-france.html) * KBIN - Bargain bin radio on shortwave this weekend. ----------------------------- Firstly, a big hi to all of the SWLing Post community, this is Fastradioburst23 and I'm just letting you know of our new transmission called KBIN this coming weekend via WRMI. It's at 1800 EST/2022 UTC on Sunday 24th April 2022 on 9395 kHz and it'll be a bargain bin bonanza of a broadcast. We've got some recycled radio including KMRT and WGTR (Golden Throats Radio) and some new tunes dumped in for good measure. Tune in and catch yourself a shortwave bargain! Source - https://swling.com/blog/2022/04/kbin-bargain-bin-radio-on-shortwave-this-weekend/ (https://vk.com/dxing) 73!