--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 833 Дата: 15 / декабрь / 2019 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Московское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Первый номер вышел в январе 1994 года. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. Blog (QSL и Фото): http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь: бывшее СССР - Россия, страны СНГ, Украина и Балтия. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. ----------------------------------------- Информация друзей бюллетеня + Интернет. ------------------------------------------------------------- РОССИЯ ======== Вологодская область. ------------------------------- Филиал РТРС "Вологодский ОРТПЦ" на восьми станциях перевёл трансляцию радиоканала "Радио России" в ФМ-диапазон. Перевод вещания "Радио России" из УКВ-диапазона осуществляется РТРС по решению вещателя радиоканала - Всероссийской государственной телерадиокомпании. В 2019 году на восьми объектах Вологодский ОРТПЦ смонтировал передатчики и антенно-фидерные устройства, и с декабря уже осуществляет трансляцию программ "Радио России" в ФМ-диапазоне. В начале двухтысячных годов Вологодский ОРТПЦ при поддержке регионального правительства организовал на семи объектах в отдаленных районах области вещание "Радио России" в ФМ-диапазоне. Позже, в 2015 году вещание радиоканала в Череповце, а в 2016 году и в Вологде было переведено в ФМ. В начале 2019 года Вологодский ОРТПЦ транслировал программы "Радио России" в ФМ-диапазоне с девяти станций, а в декабре - уже с семнадцати. В 2020 году РТРС планирует переоснастить станцию "Курилово" - последнюю в Вологодской области, транслирующую "Радио России" в УКВ-диапазоне. Также в плане монтаж ФМ-передатчиков на пяти радиотелевизионных станциях, четыре из которых, - вновь построенные объекты в рамках Федеральной целевой программы "Развитие телерадиовещания в Российской Федерации на период 2009-2018 годы". Перевод вещания "Радио России" в наиболее востребованный диапазон радиоволн существенно улучшит условия приема радиостанции на большей части территории Вологодской области и, как следствие, позволит расширить слушательскую аудиторию радиоканала. Радиослушателям, там, где уже совершен перевод вещания в другой диапазон, либо ранее не было вещания "Радио России" следует обзавестись приемником, поддерживающим ФМ-диапазон и настроить нужную частоту. (https://vologda.rtrs.ru/prof/rtrs-region/newspaper/vologodskiy-filial-rtrs-na-vosmi-stantsiyakh-perevyel-translyatsiyu- radiokanala-radio-rossii-v-fm-di/) Воронежская область. Воронеж. --------------------------------------------- 12 декабря. Сегодня в полночь в Воронеже началось вещание радио "Русский Хит" на частоте 98.1 FM. Эта радиостанция заменила в нашем городе "Восток FM". Источник: https://vk.com/fmtv36 (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Калужская область. Калуга. ----------------------------------- Радиостанция "Маруся ФМ" начала вещание на частоте 104,7 FM в Калуге. Калуга - город в европейской части России, в Центральном федеральном округе, административный центр Калужской области и муниципального образования город Калуга со статусом городского округа. Расположен на берегах Оки и её притоков - Яченки, Калужки, Киёвки, в 160 км к юго-западу от центра Москвы, в 80 км от новых границ Москвы, в 143 км от МКАД. Население города - 336 726 человек (данные на 2019 год). "Маруся ФМ" - новые русские хиты! Радиостанция позиционируется как лидер распространения русской популярной музыки. Вчера в студии - сегодня в эфире, новые русские хиты. Включите "Марусю ФМ" и Вы услышите - волнительные эмоции и глубокие переживания, пробуждающие желание жить, радоваться и подпевать любимым песням. В форматировании радиостанции применяются передовые технологии, проявляющиеся в программном обеспечении, инженерных решениях, оптимизации творческого процесса. Сайт радиостанци: www.marus.fm (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__75820/) Липецкая область. Липецк. --------------------------------------- Радио Русский Хит начало свое вещание в городе Липецк на частоте 98,3 FM. Источник: https://vk.com/superhitrus (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Пензенская область. Пенза. ------------------------------------- * Радио ВЕРА начало вещание в Пензе на частоте 94,7 FM! Источник: https://vk.com/radio_vera (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) * Начиная с 10 декабря в Пензе и пригороде на частоте 94,7 FM начало круглосуточное вещание православное радио "Вера". Об этом проинформировали в пресс-службе Пензенской Епархии. Учредителем радиостанции выступает АНО "Информационный центр радиовещания, искусства и культуры "Вера, надежда, любовь", а за техническое вещание отвечает пензенский филиал ФГУП "Российская телевизионная и радиовещательная сеть". В эфире радиостанции звучит музыка отечественных и зарубежных авторов и исполнителей. В числе программ - рассказы о истории, о воспитании детей и семейных ценностях. penzaobzor.ru (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__75876/) Удмуртская Республика. Воткинск. ----------------------------------------------- Мы расширяемся стремительными темпами, и готовы сделать торжественное заявление о запуске Радио ВАНЯ в городе Воткинск! Воткинск - это город в Удмуртской Республике, в котором живёт более 98 000 человек, каждому из которых теперь доступна лучшая танцевальная музыка Также вы можете услышать Радио ВАНЯ в Ижевске, Глазове, Сарапуле, Новом и других городах нашей необъятной родины. Слушайте нас на частоте 93.1 FM Источник: https://vk.com/radiovanya (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Сахалинская область. Южно-Сахалинск. -------------------------------------------------------- 10 декабря к сети вещания "Радио Дача" присоединился город Южно-Сахалинск. Частота вещания - 105,1 FM, потенциальная аудитория - 212,2 тыс. человек. Лицензия на осуществление радиовещания принадлежит холдингу Krutoy Media. "Радио Дача" - одна из ведущих радиостанций Krutoy Media. Входит в десятку самых рейтинговых радиостанций страны и лидирует по длительности слушания среди конкурентов. По данным Mediascope (Radio Index - Россия, апрель - сентябрь 2019), ежедневно на частоту "Радио Дача" настраиваются 7,0 млн человек, еженедельно - 17,6 млн человек. Региональная сеть вещания "Радио Дача" насчитывает 262 передатчика, размещенных в городах России и странах ближнего зарубежья. Официальный сайт "Радио Дача": radiodacha.ru. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6862.htm) Тверская область. Торжок. -------------------------------------- Рады сообщить, что мы запустили Радио ВАНЯ в Торжке. Лучшая танцевальная музыка становится ближе! Слушайте нас на частоте 100.2 FM Источник: https://vk.com/radiovanya (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Калейдоскоп новостей -------------------------------- * Программа "Радиопанорама" -------------------------------------- Москва. Всемирная радиосеть. Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. 14.12.2019 Радиопанорама идёт в повторе от 7 декабря. Публикация - публикацию деталей программы и звукового файла на странице. Публикация и подготовка звукового файла - Владимир Емельянов, Самара. (https://vk.com/dxing) * Фотообзор антенн радиоцентра Раздольное. Приморский край/ --------------------------------------------------------- https://mikesiman.livejournal.com/51742.html (https://vk.com/club158109176) * Фильм. ---------------- Гении и злодеи. Попов и Маркони. 2003. https://vk.com/shortwaveradio?z=video-76300890_456239229%2F15b1adacff3446b08d%2Fpl_post_- 76300890_9651 (https://vk.com/shortwaveradio) * Уфа. Республика Башкортостан. ---------------------------------------- Радиостанция " РВ -1 ". Закрыта в 2007 году. Ныне на её месте - аквапарк. Фото. Частоты: http://radiomap.eu/ru/ufa (https://vk.com/club158109176) * Сюжет о радиостанции " Тихий Океан " ------------------------------------------------- К сожалению, кто автор ролика - не указано. https://vk.com/club158109176?z=video-158109176_456239093%2F658416aa60ed8d4e08%2Fpl_wall_-158109176 (Андрей Молоков, Санкт-Петербург, https://vk.com/club158109176) * Иркутская область. Ангарск. Радиоцентр #7 ------------------------------------- http://www.novosibdx.info/radiocentr7.html (https://vk.com/club158109176) * Страницы журнала "спб Собака ru", посвящённые Радиоцентру №1 в Ольгино. Санкт-Петербург ------------------------------------------------ " Квартальный надзиратель " № 106 http://kn.sobaka.ru/n106/03.html (https://vk.com/club158109176) * Команда " Дальневосточный Дестрой " ведёт рассказ об очередном объекте -------------------------------------------------------------- Антенна Объекта 303 ПДРЦ дальней связи ТОФ "Щипок" - 9 Мая 2018 - Дальневосточный дестрой http://dv-destroy.at.ua/news/antenna_pdrc_shhipok/2018-05-09-885 (https://vk.com/club158109176) * Рассказ об одном из самарских радиоцентров (ныне уже не существующем) ------------------------------------------------------ Радиоцентр №5 " Мехзавод ". https://djonsmit.livejournal.com/3072.html (Андрей Молоков, Санкт-Петербург, https://vk.com/club158109176) УКРАИНА ======== * Независимая ассоциация телерадиовещателейпровела ребрендинг и сменила название и айдентику.Отныне организация стала называться Национальная ассоциация медиа. Новый бренд НАМ представила на вечеринке по случаю 20-летия ассоциации 10 декабря. "В нашем названии изменились два слова. Мы отказались от слова "независимая", потому что всегда возникали вопросы, от кого мы независимые. Мы - национальная ассоциация. А діджиталізація забрала у нас слово "вещатели", - пояснила исполнительный директор НАМ Екатерина Мясникова. - Когда мы думали над новой айдентикою, то хотели, чтобы она показала, что мы сообщество, нас много, мы имеем разныеинициативы, мы влиятельны"... (Источник: Портал "Детектор медиа"). (http://proradio.org.ua/news/2019dec.php) * Отныне программы, которые выходят в вижн-студии "Украинского радио", загружают на канал на YouTube. Сейчас на канале "Украинского радио" в YouTube доступныене все прямые трансляции и записи программ, которые выходят в эфире на радио и транслируются в соцсети и телеканалах "UA: Первый" или "UA: Крым". На канале доступны некоторые прямые трансляции радиопрограмм, также можно просмотреть последние выпуски "Бытьздоровым", "Модуль знаний", "Сегодня Вечером", "Жить лучше", "РадіоДень", "Сегодня Утром", "Жизнь+", "Персона грата", некоторые спецпрограммы и марафоны и другие проекты... (https://stv.detector.media/reformuvannya/radio/ukrainske_radio_aktivizuvalo_kanal_na_youtube/) * Как Радио Крым Реалии вещает в Крыму. ------------------------------------------------------------- https://ru.krymr.com/a/informacionnaya-deokkupaciya-radio-kr-utro-mojet-byt-svobodnym/30316191.html (Hansjoerg Biener, Germany) PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== Shortwave reception from Sofia Bulgaria December 8. Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria -------------------------------- Videoclips can be found here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCShmxjLnxp_dhZhbteQi3XQ/videos GERMANY(non) Tony Alamo Christian Ministries via MBR Nauen/Tashkent, December 8 1600-1700 on 6120 NAU 125 kW / 128 deg to N/ME English Sun rlg px#759, very good 1630-1730 NF 6060 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs English Sun rlg px#759, poor, ex 6040 1630-1730 on 5945 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to CeAs English Sun rlg px#759, fair signal UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of special broadcast of ABI / Asian Broadcasting Institute for celebrating their 40th anniversary on Saturday December 8, 2019 1320-1325 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Sunday English UNID rlg prgr, 1325-1330 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Sunday open carrier/dead air, 1330-1400 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Fri-Sun Jap/Chi/Kor/Eng, fair DX MAGAZINE No. 12 / December 2019 WORLDWIDE DX CLUB, Germany. ---------------------- NEWS ABOUT BROADCASTING (+other) STATIONS Editor: WALTER EIBL MOLDOVA / FRANCE [to KURDISTAN] - Updated B19 schedule of BRB Denge Welat: 0330-0559 9525 ISS 250 kW 90 deg to WAs Kurdish 0600-0800 11540 KCH 300 kW 130 deg to WAs Kurdish 0800-1200 15175 KCH 300 kW 130 deg to WAs Kurdish 1200-1500 11540 KCH 300 kW 130 deg to WAs Kurdish 1500-1559 11530 ISS 250 kW 90 deg to WAs Kurdish 1600-1959 9525 ISS 250 kW 90 deg to WAs Kurdish 2000-2200 9525 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WAs Kurdish On all frequencies TRT Radio Recep Erdogan co-ch and on 11540 kHz plus strong DIGITAL STANAG of Russia or NATO. All Issoudun frequencies are registered as Grigoriopol! (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Nov 19) [Спасибо за информационную поддержку - Александр Головихин, Тольятти] Shortwave reception from Sofia Bulgaria December 9. Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria. ----------------------------------- Videoclips can be found here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCShmxjLnxp_dhZhbteQi3XQ/videos MOLDOVA(non) Trans World Radio India via Grigoriopol on December 9: 1345-1400 on 9950 KCH 300 kW / 098 deg to SoAs Marwari Mon-Wed, fair RUSSIA Fair signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, December 9 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Ady/Ara/Tur Mon BC-DX 1408, 10 December 2019 Editor: Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ----------------- ARMENIA/IRAN-non/TAJIKISTAN Persian 'IRAN INTERNATIONAL TV' audio relay via 1395 kHz Yerevan Gavar bcast site, 24 hrs around the clock, and another mediumwave entry since Tue Nov 26 also put into RMS log file via (probably Ajlun Jordan-sic* see below) on mediumwave 801 kHz, at 14-04 UTC. Formerly powerhouse 1000 / 2000 kW units location, but were layed up / mothballed in past years though. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 2) *) Jari Savolainen-FIN on Dec 2: Isn't there any spare capacity at Orzu Tajikistan bcast center for 801 kHz ? 14-04 UTC. Yes, I have heard it here and also via Pakistan KiwiSDR. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, wrth, Dec 2) ARMENIA TWR Relay Yerevan Gavar MW 1350 kHz on Dec 9 at 21.25 UT O=2-3 in Arabisch. Adresse in Limassol, e-mail: (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX newsgroup Dec 9) OMAN/UZBEKISTAN Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Tashkent, Dec 5: till 1430 9540 SLA 250 kW 75 deg to SoAS Hindi Daily BBC, fair 1430-1500 9540 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Hindi Wed-Sun, good. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 5) RUSSIA [KALININGRAD oblast] Kaliningradskaya oblast. Bolshakovo bcast center. [corrected version of Dec 5th, wb.] Photo center Bolshakovo. 2018 year. Photos are published with permission of the author - Vladimir Kazgunov. You can see the photo here: (Vladimir Kazgunov, Latvia / open-dxa via RUS-DX #1056 by Anatoly Klepov-RUS Nov 24) Radio center #5 - Kaliningrad region. Bolshakovo. Movie (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1056 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 24) Bolshakovo was original a Russian Skywave shortwave jamming site at 70, 83, and 118degr, hidden in the forest, erected in the 50ties. Aimed at European Russia, Moscow, Omsk, Volga, and even eastern Ukraine and Caucasus ARM/AZE/GEO area. 50er Jahre - dem war definitiv nicht so. Die 50er - das war ja nun wenige Jahre nach dem Krieg, da hatte man ganz andere Prioritaeten, da ging es in erster Linie um den Wiederaufbau zerstoerter Infrastruktur in der UdSSR. Und dann das Kaliningrader Gebiet: dort gab es zu dieser Zeit ja ueberhaupt noch keine wirklichen Plaene, was mit dem ehem. deutschen Gebiet einmal passieren sollte. Allein wenn man an die noetige Stromversorgung denkt: da duerfte man sich gefreut haben, wenn wenigstens in den zerstoerten Staedten in Ostpreussen der Strom wieder einigermassen stabil geflossen ist. In dieser Situation dort einen Grossabnehmer, und zudem noch "mitten in der Wueste" bauen zu wollen, waere schon deshalb illusorisch gewesen. Man sieht das ja auch in den einschlaegigen Listen wie swcountry.be - die ersten "Grossanlagen" wurden in der Naehe von Ballungsgebieten gebaut (wie Moskau, Leningrad, Taschkent). "Auf das Land" ging man mit Grossprojekten erst Ende der 60er / Anfang der 70er, wo die Infrastrukturvoraussetzungen schon gefestigter waren. Offizieller Start des Sendezentrums Bolshakovo war auf LW/MW am 24. Dezember 1974 (so wurde es uns auch schon in den 90ern aus 1. Hand uebermittelt), die KW-Sektion ("Tsekh 2") kam erst im Mai 1975 dazu. (Bolshakovo archive, diverse sources, June 2013) Radio Moscow foreign service MW 1385 kHz 135kW Hungarian TX type of Elektroimpex-Sender (RV-143), started in about 1953/1954 from Kaliningrad suburb, not from Bolshakovo. RM 1385 kHz moved from Kaliningrad to newly erected MW Bolshakovo facility in approx. 1974/1975. Bolshakovo have got LW 171 and MW 1385 kHz then, also small 1116 kHz later After communist collapse also used 1215 kHz instead of 1386 kHz, latter which requested by Sitkunai-Lithuania acc ITU Geneva registration plan (of 1978) in 1992y. I never understood why even a THIRD 180 degree "SV 4+4mast sidefire" antenna was erected there; additional to the sidefire antennas on the 250 + 275 degrees direction antennas at Bolshakovo. 180degrees direction meant for Radio Moscow Polish and Czech-Slovak, Hungarian services? at western BLR, UKR, eastern Poland and CSR/Slovak Rep Kaschau, eastern Hungary area. Radio Moskau Kaliningrad 1385 kHz war von 1954 bis 1974 mit einem ungarischen Elektroimpex-Sender (call RV-143) mit 135 kW in der Luft. In 1974 wurde Bolshakovo errichtet, mit staerkeren 500 kW Sendern aus Leningrad UdSSR, und 1987 erweitert mit den besseren SV 4+4 Richtantennen Kurzwelle 9435 und 7325 aus Bolshakovo [Deutsch Gruenhoff - Kippen] sind eher Experimentalfunk des Hauptsenders St.Petersburg Popovka. Einfache Dipolantenne mit einer Reflektorwand. Weiss jemand was der Buchstabe 'A' bedeutet? Antennentyp 101 AHR 1/1/0.5 1 dipol horizontal, 1 Ebene H = horizontal dipol(s). R = Reflector curtains behind the dipols. Die horizontalen Rhombusantennen waren vor 40-70 Jahren state-of-the-art, zusammen mit den Collins VOA 35 kW Schaetzchen. Auf der Mittelwelle 1386 und 1215 kHz stehen jetzt schoene starke 1200 kW Sender sowie gute Richtantennen zur Verfuegung, wobei jeweils 2x4 Masten in der Querachse abstrahlen. Die 1386 kHz strahlt noerdlicher, die 1215 kHz suedlicher. SGP4+4 / SV 4+4 antennas array - of 145 meters mast height - heissen wohl die Richtantennen. 248 degr Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris direction, 274 degr towards Rostock, Hamburg, central England. One row of towers is driven, the other is a parasitic "reflector." They appear to have been used primarily for nighttime skywave operation, often paired with a much simpler, usually omni, antenna for operation during daylight hours. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX June 12, 2007 year) The 171 kHz outlet is still active, although with much reduced power (150 or even just 75 instead of 2500 kW). The number of shortwave transmitters is quoted as nine, with a power of 80 kW each. Up to four of them have been coupled for a single transmission, so this is not as much as it sounds. In general the small shortwave installation is merely a supplement to the MW/LW facilities. (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX March 2013) Und das Foto mit der vertikalen Rhombusantenne fuer die standardisierte non-dir Stoersendung und gelbem Haus, steht die bei der Haeusersammlung bei 54 55 00.11 N 21 41 50.05 E kurz rechts daneben sieht man in auch noch so was wie eine Rhombic antenna von 118 degr und rechts weiter davon, daneben die diversen Skywave Jammingantennen im Wald bei 54 54 55.90 N 21 42 10.11 E sind ganz vergammelt. Die sind auch noch in G.E. sichtbar. Hier weiter oben wo die 245 / 205 Grad neu rot-weiss gestrichenen Antennen fuer Voice of Russia stehen, habe ich auch rechts davon ein lange Schneise mit 83 Grad Richtung ausgemacht 54 55 28.09 N 21 42 41.77 E , vom TX Haus die Schneise Richtung Main Power station. 9435, originate from Kaliningrad exclave at Bolshakovo tx site. 54 54 48.50 N 21 42 45.92 E 9435 kHz at 0700-1500 UT to zone 29S, that's main lobe at 118 degrees towards Caucasus, Abkhazia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran ... KLG 120kW antenna 902 {horizontal rhombic antenna, type 902 RH 155/68/40 } (wb, wwdxc BC-DX March 3, 2013 year) ... und auch various Texte aus dem Archiv von 2007, 2009 und 2010: Es bleibt immer noch die Frage, wo standen die 14x RGL Rhombics ... ich sehe nirgends einen Hinweis. - 14 x "RLG" (rhombic) Auf einem Screenshot aus 2009 Google habe ich mal eine Rhombic antenna 'entdeckt', im nordwestlichen Waldgebiet gelegen, die ist jetzt aber durch Vorhangmasten weiss-rot ersetzt. Vieles haben wir schon in den vergangenen 6 Jahren 'durch diskutiert'. Okay, das Foto zeigt aber die drei bzw. die linken 2 zur Strasse zu, Sidefire MW Gruppen SV 4 + 4, d.h. die 275 und 245 degr MW directional, aber keine Kurzwellenantenne. die rechte SV 4+4 sidefire, die nach Sueden in 180 Grad zeigt auf diesen Fotos: {sic, links broken due panoramio.com data lost...} http://www.panoramio.com/photo/73758254 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/73758305 die zeigt auf 180 Grad, ist die wegen dem Prager Fruehling 1968 gebaut worden, die Zielrichtung ist Polnisch, Cz-Slovak, Ungarisch Sprachdienste, Ost-BLR, Ost-Polen Radom, Warschau, Krakau; PresovCSR, KaschauCSR, Szolnok Ungarn, Oradea-Rumaenien, gebaut worden. Wann verliess RMoskau Kaliningrad 1385 kHz, das war der ungarische uebliche 135 kW Sender, registriert mit 150 kW ? Oder war der Sender schon die Keimzelle am Waldgebiet Standort in Bolshakovo ?? in 1954 ?? und ging ins neue, suedlich am Waldrand gebaute Bolshakovo mit den Sidefire Antennen 1386 kHz? 1974 MW/LW / 1975 Kurzwelle beschreibt der Bildtext. Spaeter nach der Oeffnung im Sept 2007, hat auch mal der Perseus Mann aus Flensburg Peer-Axel Kruse den Ort besucht und hat fotografiert? Wenn ich die noch sichtbaren Vorhangmasten (alle im Waldgebiet versteckt) sehe und zaehle, koennen die grossformatigen Rhombics entweder im Wald rechts vom zentralen Senderhaus gestanden haben, oder im Moorgebiet suedlich vom Waldgebiet, wo jetzt die 3. Sidefire SV 4+4 steht ... ...das zeigt auch das Foto vom 20.1.2007, von der Strasse nach Osten hin geschossen, mit dem Strommasten Ueberlandleitungen am Horizont !!!! Das sind Kurzwellenantennen, draussen im Gras/Moorgebiet, nicht im Wald. KLG - former skywave Jamming masts _ SW masts? 225deg 70, 83, 118degr vergammelt bei 54 54 55.90 N 21 42 10.11 E Von der Anordnung her die drei TX Haeuser: Kurzwelle 1. mitten im Waldgebiet, 2. links an der Strasse die Haeusergruppe, mit den eher vergammelten Masten, ohne rot-weiss Anstrich. MWelle und LWelle, suedlich ausserhalb vom Waldgebiet. see also - {sic, links broken due panoramio.com data lost...} Das Foto ist von Peer-Axel aus Flensburg. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX March 3, 2013 year) Bolschakowo (russisch), deutsch bis 1938 Gross Skaisgirren und 1938-46 Kreuzingen, litauisch Didieji Skaisgiriai) ist eine Gemeinde im Rajon Slawsk der Oblast Kaliningrad, Russland. Sie befindet sich an der Hauptstrasse von Talpaki nach Sowjetsk. Daneben bestehen noch Strassen nach Polessk und nach Tschernjachowsk sowie ein Bahnhof an der Eisenbahnstrecke von Kaliningrad ueber Polessk und Slawsk nach Sowjetsk. Bolschakowo liegt am Suedrand der Elchniederung in einer Marschenlandschaft und hat rund 2.000 Einwohner. Bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges befand sich hier der groesste Viehverladebahnhof Deutschlands. Kalininrad/Bolshakovo, in der 1. Reihe das 3. Foto von links, in der 2. Reihe das 1. und 2. Foto. {sic, links broken due kaliningrad.rtrn.ru data lost...} In der 3. Reihe das 1. Foto zeigt eine typische Jammingkonstruktion die es in vielen UdSSR Staedten in gleicher Form gab, d.h. die Niederfuehrung eines breitbandigen vertikalen Rhombusgebildes. Geschichte von Bolshakovo-1 aus 1974; und -2 aus 1987: {sic, links broken due kaliningrad.rtrn.ru data lost...} rather now in 2019year: (wb, / infor parts probably also by Bernd Trutenau-LTU, and other contributors a decade ago, Dec 13, 2008 year) LW 171 kHz Kaliningrad/Koenigsberg Bolshakovo call RV-369 54 54 42.71 21 43 04.17 E see screenshot of G_E RUS_Bolshakovo_northern part. RUS_Bolshakovo_southern part of May 2016 image. and other images of Koenigsberg / Kaliningrad, taken from UNKNOW different sources in past 15 years: (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11, 2013) I have had assistance from Felix from Moskva on the Kaliningrad Bolshakovo find. The answer is that the '4+4' is for 1215 kHz. I can also report that the closed 1143 kHz (long before the current 150 kW mast was used) '4+4' using 250 degrees is also visible at 54 54 20 N 21 41 41 E Immediately to its North is the '4+4' for 275 degrees until recently blanketing Europe on 1386 kHz. This is around 54 54 36 N 21 41 35 E Felix also reports that 1215 kHz is now using an azimuth of 30 degrees rather than 210 degrees. The latest imagery has therefore unveiled at least 24 MW masts. (Dan Goldfarb-UK, mwmasts, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11, 2013) TAJIKISTAN Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet from November 25 1230-1236 9899 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchanged 1236-1242 NF9884 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex 9886 1242-1306 NF9896 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex 9876 1306-1312 9884 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchanged 1312-1341 NF9876 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex 9884 1330-1400 9814 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchanged 1341-1400 NF9896*DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex 9876 *plus QRM 9900 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Bengali BBC, good (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Nov 25) UKRAINE Radio Crimea Realities. As well as having broadcasting time shared on some Ukrainian Radio domestic frequencies, Radio Krym Realii [Crimea Realities] now has a dedicated mediumwave facility at Chongar in southern Ukraine, radiating round-the-clock on new 648 kHz. Programming is in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar and I hear it with fair or good reception via a remote web SDR in central Ukraine. So far I've only observed their dedicated FM frequency 105.9 MHz announced on air. Radio Krym Reallii is a project of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and also has a live stream on their website at (David Kernick-UK, Interval Signals Online; wor Nov 30) USA [non] Winter B-19 schedule of Radio Free Asia ... 0030-0130 7510 DB 250 kW 110 deg to SoEaAS Burmese .. 0100-0200 7580 DB 200 kW 60 deg to CeAS Uyghur ... 0100-0200 9670 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 0100-0200 11895 DB 200 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 0200-0300 9670 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 0400-0500 11980 DB 200 kW 110 deg to EaAS Chinese ... 0500-0600 11980 DB 200 kW 110 deg to EaAS Chinese ... 0600-0700 11980 DB 200 kW 110 deg to EaAS Chinese ... 0600-0700 15490 DB 200 kW 117 deg to CeAS Tibetan 0600-0700 17675 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1000-1100 9690 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1100-1200 9315 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1100-1200 15745 DB 200 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1200-1300 9315 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1200-1300 13830 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1200-1300 15745 DB 200 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1230-1330 13735 DB 200 kW 125 deg to SoEaAS Burmese ... 1300-1400 9315 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1300-1400 13830 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1300-1400 15745 DB 200 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1400-1500 9390 DB 250 kW 110 deg to EaAS Cantonese ... 1500-1600 5965 DB 200 kW 125 deg to EaAS Chinese 1500-1600 7420 DB 250 kW 110 deg to EaAS Chinese 1500-1600 7540 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1500-1600 9315 DB 200 kW 125 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 1600-1700 5965 DB 200 kW 125 deg to EaAS Chinese 1600-1700 7415 DB 250 kW 110 deg to EaAS Chinese 1600-1700 7545 DB 200 kW 60 deg to CeAS Uyghur ... 2200-2300 7470 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... 2300-2400 5970 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan 2300-2400 7470 DB 250 kW 110 deg to CeAS Tibetan ... (RFA via Siegbert Gerhard-D, wwdxc Dec 4, 2019) UZBEKISTAN [to Malaysia Sarawak] 11890 kHz Radio Nyawa Sarawak(*), 1000-1031 UT on Nov 27, open with music, Malaysian, male, comments, id. "Radio Nyawa Sarawak" , male and female comments, music. Clear signal. 25322. Thank you very much to Ron Howard for reporting this new station last Monday November 25. On air Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays from 1000 to 1200 UT. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, wor Nov 27) (*) Aoki Nagoya list mentioned RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center as origin of the outlet ? (wb) 11890 kHz Radio Nyawa Sarawak (site?), 1131 UT on Dec 2 (Monday). Had recently been checking this new Mon-Wed-Fri broadcast without any success; only had a very weak carrier and never any hint of audio, that is until today; above threshold level audio; poor reception, with CODAR QRM; 1131-1147 UT, phone interview in vernacular; 1147 UT till suddenly cut off at 1158* UT, with indigenous chanting (no music); no sign off announcement. Later was able to confirm positive ID via audio streaming at their website by also hearing the unique chanting there. One of the presenters today was Peter John Jaban. It will be recalled that he was a co-founder of Radio Free Sarawak (RFS), as well as a DJ/presenter on RFS. He is a human rights activist. Also recall this: "Radio Free Sarawak specialized in allowing native communities to speak out about their problems including deforestation, land grabs and the frenzy of dam building now hitting their regions," which sounds very much like the purpose of the new station. So is Radio Nyawa Sarawak the successor of RFS? Seems to me it is. It will also be recalled that when RFS was on the air, they often had heavy jamming to block their critical assessment about things happening in Sarawak. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before Radio Nyawa Sarawak will also be heavily jammed? My poor quality audio of today's chanting and cut off, at (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor / direct Dec 2) eQSL - Radio Nyawa Sarawak. Quick response to my reception report sent today (Dec 2), which included link to my audio file. Sent to and eQSL received from: "Info Nyawa Sarawak "Hi Ron, Thanks for getting in touch! Glad you received us loud and clear and that you were an avid listener of Radio Free Sarawak back in the day! We don't have QSL cards as such but hope you accept this message as an adequate response from us. Radio Nyawa Sarawak" (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct Dec 3) Radio Nyawa Sarawak is a radio station which brings the issues that matter to the rural and marginalised communities of Sarawak. Based in this Borneo state of Malaysia, it is led by community voice, giving the people a chance to speak out on the problems that they face in their changing lives. Alongside this, the show features activists and experts, all working together to highlight issues and create solutions for these communities who are often invisible in the media landscape of Malaysia. Radio Nyawa Sarawak provides a platform to the people and offers them their chance to answer back, to raise their own agendas, to criticise the plans being made on their behalf and to provide advice to anyone else in their situation. Touching on a broad range of topics - land grabs, dam building, resource extraction, community relocation, food security, rural to urban migration, access to modern infrastructure, preservation of culture and heritage, creation of markets and economic potential - these are all issues that affect ordinary Sarawakians, and Radio Nyawa Sarawak gives them a chance to talk about them. Our two-hour show broadcasts in Iban and Bahasa Malaysia three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) via Shortwave 11890 kHz and can be downloaded from our website. {Station website} (via ARDXC ADXN magazine Dec 2019 direct on Dec 4) UZBEKISTAN [JAPAN non] 7525 kHz Special Broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute. Asian Broadcasting Institute, Japanese DX'ers institute specialized for broadcasting in East Asia, will broadcast special shortwave transmission for celebrating their 40th anniversary as below: DATE: December 6, 7, and 8, 2019 (rebroadcast of December 6, on December 7 and 8) TIME: 1330-1400 UTC FREQUENCY: 7525 kHz LANGUAGE: Japanese and Chinese (opening/closing announcements are in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English). Comments and reception report are welcome. Special QSL card will be issued for correct reception report, the method for reporting will be announced in the broadcast. Their address: P.O.Box 2334, Ginza Branch, 100-8698 Japan Their URL: Transmitter site is not announced, but presumed Tashkent * . (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, Nov 17) - - - - Japan Post, Yubinbango 100-8698, Ginza post office JP tower the compartment postal P.O.Box 2334 No. according their website interesting URL's, text in English * probably via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center. Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station, c/o RRTM, Amir Timur str. 109 "A" Tashkent, 100202 Uzbekistan, Central Asia E-mail: URL: Telephone: +998 71 234 67 91 Fax: +998 71 234 45 17 (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17) Re: Weak to fair signal of special broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute "Although a website was given in Japanese and Chinese possibly for reception reports, it was not given in English. Perhaps our Japanese friends can give it to us." According to Kazuaki Oikawa answering my query on WRTH Facebook, it was announced in Japanese during the program that reception reports can be sent by e-mail to I recorded the complete broadcast using the University Enschede Twente SDR receiver. Transmitter was already on when recording started at 13.25:35 UT. Good reception but with some CW QRM for a few minutes at the beginning. 2 kHz tone so either on 7523 or 7527 kHz (wasn't present for the automated recording so don't know which). Interval signal started at about 13.30:11 UT. Old shortwave recordings played including some in English. But English commentary was only brief for the sign-on and sign-off announcements. Although a website was given in Japanese and Chinese possibly for reception reports, it was not given in English. Perhaps our Japanese friends can give it to us. (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, Dec 8) Weak to fair signal of special broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute ABI for celebrating their 40th anniversary on Friday Dec 6, 2019 1330-1400 7525 TAC 100 kW 66 deg to JPN Fri-Sun Japanese/Chinese/English The program will be repeated at same time and on same frequency on Dec 7/8 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 6) Reception of special broadcast of ABI / Asian Broadcasting Institute ABI for celebrating their 40th anniversary on Sat Dec 8, 2019 1320-1325 7525 TAC 100 kW 66 deg to JPN Sunday English UNID rlg prgr 1325-1330 7525 TAC 100 kW 66 deg to JPN Sunday open carrier/dead air 1330-1400 7525 TAC 100 kW 66 deg to JPN Fri-Sun Jap/Chi/Kor/Eng, fair (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 8) "Although a website was given in Japanese and Chinese possibly for reception reports, it was not given in English. Perhaps our Japanese friends can give it to us." According to Kazuaki Oikawa answering my query on WRTH Facebook, it was announced in Japanese during the program that reception reports can be sent by e-mail to (Richard Langley-NB-CAN) Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs via Tashkent on December 6 1530-1600 NF7530 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean, weak/fair signal, ex7630 kHz (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 6) Shortwave reception from Sofia Bulgaria December 10. Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria -------------------------------------------- Videoclips can be found here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCShmxjLnxp_dhZhbteQi3XQ/videos NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb, December 10 0800-0806 on 11945 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, weak: TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency & time change of National Unity Radio: 1100-1200 on 7355*DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, additional 1200-1300 NF 7355*DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, x 7235 kHz 1300-1400 on 9445 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, additional * co-ch same 7355 GB 250 kW / 183 deg to Cuba Spanish Radio Marti DX LISTENING DIGEST 19-44, October 31, 2019 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ---------------------------------- ** GERMANY [non]. [ARMENIA/AUSTRIA/BULGARIA/FRANCE/MADAGASCAR/ TAJIKISTAN/USA/UZBEKISTAN] Media Broadcast Cologne B-19 schedule - from October 27, 2019 Shortwave Operational Schedule from Oct 27th 2019: Radio mit Kurzwelle. Einfacher, unbeschraenkter Radioempfang mit portablen Geraeten, unabhaengig von Netzprovidern und technischer Infrastruktur, sowie die weltweite Reichweite der Kurzwellensignale - das sind die Alleinstellungsmerkmale, welche die Kurzwelle nach wie vor zu einem unverzichtbaren Massenmedium machen. Fuer oeffentlich-rechtliche und private Programmveranstalter ist die Kurzwelle daher eine wichtige Plattform, um Content weltweit auszusenden. Vor allem aufgrund des einfachen Zugangs fuer Hoerer und Programmveranstalter zu diesem Medium. Via Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) auch in rauschfreier Qualitaet. Factsheet Shortwave Broadcasting (MBR, via Paul Reinersch-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 26, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1400-1500 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, weak to fair https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-wilderness-via-rrtm-telecom_25.html North Korea Reform Radio via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1430-1530 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very weak signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/north-korea-reform-radio-via-rrtm.html Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1530-1600 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair/good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-martyrs-via-rrtm-telecom_25.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) TAJIKISTAN, B-19 frequency change of National Unity Radio 1200-1500 NF 7590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 6045 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-frequency-change-of_28.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD)fs ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, B-19 new frequency of Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent 1400-1500 NF 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1330-1530 on 7625 in B-18. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/weak-signal-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html B-19 frequency changes via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Radio Free North Korea 1200-1430 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, x 11510 A-19 1900-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, same in B-19 North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7590 B-18 2030-2130 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, same in B-18 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-unknown-frequencies-via.html New frequency of Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent 1530-1600 NF 7630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair ex 7530: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/new-frequency-of-voice-of-martyrs-via.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 01:19 PM, Richard Langley wrote: ``Radio Denge Welat (I suppose "Radio" is superfluous here as Denge Welat means Voice of the Homeland)`` Actually, I heard them ID today as "Radyo Denge Welat" so perhaps not so superfluous after all (-- Richard Langley, Oct 25, WOR iog via DXLD) Frequency changes of Radio Denge Welat October 24 1200-1400 NF 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish, ex 11530 on Oct.23 1212-1401 on 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish Radio Recep Erdogan 1400-1600 NF 11510.0*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish, ex 11550 on Oct.23 1401-1600 on 11510.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish Radio Recep Erdogan from 1600 NF 11520.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish, ex 11540 on Oct.23 *till 1430UT 11510.0 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg Korean Free No.Korea Radio! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/frequency-changes-of-radio-denge-welat.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan on Thursday October 24 --- Both stations noted on 11520 kHz here in NB at 2045 UT this afternoon (24 October) battling it out on the frequency. Sometimes one station stronger, sometimes the other. Plus a SAH at times (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) From 0600 UT October 25, Radio Denge Welat via Grigoriopol & Radio Recep Erdogan via Emirler are on 11550 kHz (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) 11510, Oct 25 at 1421, JBA carrier only here; not surprising following G2 storm as long predicted, and K index still 3 at 1500. So far this radio war has been on 11510, 11520, 11530, 11540, 11550, but they`d better avoid 11560 earlier not to collide with India. Unless one understand Turkish or Kurdish it can be hard to tell which, but Emirler could be running 500 kW vs 100 kW from DW. Wolfgang Bueschel provides this for comparison: Denge Welat Kurdish radio Livestream is 16 seconds behind,;stream.mp3 Later I listened to it for a while to become more familiar with it. Strangely, only recently has Turkey bothered to jam the PKK station. Did Drumpf OK that too? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan October 25 [BRB = broker Broadcast Belgium {Consultants)] 0600-0800 11550 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 0615-0800 11550 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0800-1200 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 0802-1202 11530 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1200-1330 11520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 1204-1234 11520 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 11510*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 1235-1600 11510*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan from 1600 11520 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 *till 1430 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Free No.Ko.Radio BRB Radio Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play cat and mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-radio-denge-welat-radio-recep.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan, October 26: 0230-0500 on 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0230-0500 on 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0500-0600 on 11540.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0500-0610 on 11540.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0600-0800 on 11550.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0612-0806 on 11550.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan from 0800 on 11530.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat from 0807 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio Denge Welat & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play again on cat & mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-radio-denge-welat-radio-recep_26.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tentative? Easy to confirm using the Web stream or U. Twente SDR receiver. Even in Holland at the moment (about 1430 UT) the Turkish jammer is weak underneath the very wide (± 7 kHz) Denge Welat signal (Richard Langley, Oct 26, WOR iog via DXLD) WTFK? Can`t find to which this refer (gh, DXLD) If DXer friends on the American continent would like to peep into this intense radio war it is advisable to use an European or a Middle Eastern SDR receiver to hear the jammed and the jammer station. The radio warring party's target area lies at the Eastern border of Turkey and the surrounding areas where Kurds are living (Tibor Gaal, Budapest, Hungary, ibid.) MOLDOVA/TURKEY Radio war in Turkey, TRT Emirler Turkish Army intelligence sce radio program against Denge Welat Kurdish radio: Now at 1025 UT on Oct 26 BOTH on 11530 kHz, Denge Welat ahead signal - stronger here in Europe but TRT Emirler stronger in Qatar Middle East, TRT signal is plus 4.5 Hertz on upper side flank. vy73 wolfie df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) 11520, Oct 26 at 1315 via UTwente checking for Dengê Welat, bigsig here presumed this; while a weak something on 11510, Turkish jammer not yet glommed? Also 11540 something in Chinese. Direct at 1348 I hear only a JBA carrier on 11510. 11510, Oct 26 at 1435 back to UTwente, VG referring to Agence France Presse, so probably D.W. A bit of music under, maybe same station or the jammer? But tuning around, nothing on others except 11500 has some VG Chinese. 11500 is in Aoki/NDXC at this time as CNR1 jamming/Sound of Hope, and 11540 jammed at 1200-1400 vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio war BRB Denge Welat & R.Recep Erdogan October 26 1200-1330 on 11520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1229-1341 on 11520 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 on 11510*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1342-1600 on 11510*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan *till 1430UT 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg NEAs Korean Free No.Ko.Radio BRB Radio Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play cat and mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-war-brb-denge-welat-rrecep.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Updated B-19 of Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan NF 11535/11525/11540/11540 replaced 11530/11520/11510/11530 Oct. 27 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan starting on the frequencies several minutes later. Radio war between BRB Denge Welat & TRT R.Recep Erdogan continues in B-19 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/updated-b-19-of-brb-denge-welat-radio.html BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan October 27 0600-0800 on 11550 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0612-0808 on 11550 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0800-1200 on 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0810-1200 on 11530 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio war between Denge Welat and Radio Recep Erdogan continues B-19 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep.html (SWLDXBulgaria News October 27 (publications №22396-№22450), DX LISTENING DIGEST) Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan Oct 27 1200-1330 on 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1212-1400 on 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 on 11510.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1401-1510 on 11510.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1500-1600 on 11530.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1512-1600 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1600-2000 on 9525.0*ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat * weak QRM on 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio war between Denge Welat and Radio Recep Erdogan continues B-19! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep_28.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11510, Oct 27 at 1342, Kurdish? music/chanting, S4-S6, the only active frequency of the bunch up to 11550, presumed Dengê Welat today; can`t hear a second signal if co-jammed by TRT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) On Oct 27 Denge Welat at 21-22 UT time slot still on 9525 kHz, TX off just at 22 UT. Scheduled on 7455 kHz instead, 16-22 UT, during deep winter Nov - Feb? 73 wb (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) 7455 is wooden frequency, 1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) From 1000 UT October 28: BRB Denge Welat is on new 11535 Grigoriopol TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 Emirler From 1200 UT October 28: BRB Denge Welat is on new 11525 Grigoriopol, ex 11520 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11525.7 Emirler and probably from 1330 UT BRB Denge Welat is on new 11515 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 Emirler (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) Today Oct 28 at 1235 UT BOTH on 11525even kHz, and TRT Emirler on 11525.707 kHz, S=9+15dB signal both in Finland. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bueschel, ibid.) From 1330UT October 28 BRB Denge Welat is on new 11540.0 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 October 27 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11540.0 Emirler EVEN (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Updated B-19 of BRB Denge Welat&TRT Radio Recep Erdogan: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/updated-b-19-of-brb-denge-welat-radio.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) 11540, Oct 28 at 1416, JBA carrier here and on none of the other Dengê Welat/Turkish jamming channels, so maybe this is it, with degraded propagation? But India is OK on 11560. Nothing on 9525 yet, which per Ivo yesterday would take over later: ``1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol`` -- and as long as it stayed stuck in their mornings 9525 had been jammed by an off-frequency Emirler only. Earlier today there were also reports by Ivo Ivanov and Wolfgang Bueschel of various other jumparounds in the 11.5 MHz area, including newly some frequencies ending in -5: 11515, 11525, 11535, but Ivo reported ``From 1330 UT October 28, BRB Denge Welat is on new 11540.0 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 October 27. TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11540.0 Emirler EVEN`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, October 29: 0330-0600 on 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0330-0600 on 9525.0*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0600-0800 on 11550.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0600-0800 on 11550.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan * instead of 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg R.Recep Erdogan Oct.28! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep_29.html BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, October 29: Day by day on various jumparounds frequencies from 11510 to 11550 kHz from 0940 on 11530.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB same Oct.28 from 0940 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT same Oct.28 from 0953 NF 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB, ex 11535.0 from 0953 NF 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT, ex 11535.7 from 1033 on 11535.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB same Oct.28 from 1033 on 11535.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT same Oct.28 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-trt-day-by-day-on-various.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7455 is wooden frequency, 1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol (Ivo Ivanov, Oct 29, WOR iog via DXLD) 11540, Oct 29 at 1409, this is the only active frequency in the Kurdo-Turco radio-war band, VP only S3-S4 talk and music. Still at 1459, chanting, but off at 1502, now shifted to 11530. 11530 at 1507, Kurdish is poor but now with SAH, indicating the ``Radio Recep Erdogan`` Turkish jammer is also on it. At 1514 check, 11540 is off, 11530 is on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11540, Oct 30 at 1421, VP/JBA music on the only active frequency in the Kurdo-Turco sub-band, so presumably this is DK and/or Turkey jammer. 11530, Oct 30 at 1728 suspicious open carrier of S6-S7 is the only activity around here; if the Radio War has gone by now to 9525, only a JBA carrier there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) These reports are being written as if "Radio Recep Erdogan" is the actual name of this broadcast, but is that really the case? Recep Tayyib Erdogan is the name of the Turkish president whose speeches are being carried on it. Presumably it`s being transmitted by TRT in Turkey with the aim of interfering with Denge Welat, but has anyone actually heard it announce any name on air? 73s (Dave Kenny, WOR iog via DXLD) Has in the meantime someone done an analysis of the, um, program audio and, if yes, where can it be found? Have the inserts been positively identified as excerpts from Erdogan speeches? (Some of the sources are used rather freely; particularly remarkable is a take where after a mention of the YPG a machine gun sound is inserted.) If no such analysis took place and all the background remains a week after its publication still behind the language barrier: This program audio is on Türksat, on the 11.096 GHz mux now apparently used as routing to Emirler. It is on the channel with the ID "DIS YAY ORTA DALGA ARAPCA", which seems to mean "feed mediumwave Arabic". These should have been the evening broadcasts on 630 and 1062 kHz, discontinued not too long ago, and now they reuse the satellite channel for this, um, special purpose. It is a loop, running about one hour, and the majority of the music that plays therein reminds German ears of https://youtu.be/vei1HNrxOd0?t=3562 (what this documentary shows is video from 6 October 1989 in Berlin). And the whole set-up shows that not just the secret service has required the aux transmitter at Emirler: TRT is fully involved in this jamming operation, up to the point of a producer putting together something, um, suitable. Any opinions on the agility with which TRT now follows any frequency switch? They are so quick that one has to wonder if they already know the upcoming next frequency. Such a suspicion is further raised by the circumstance that engineers at Grigoriopol have just been told from Moscow to stop communicating with outsiders. And any comments on the opinion that they know the price to be paid for jamming satellite uplinks (IRIB can tell, they lost the access to Eutelsat capacity for almost a decade) and refrain only for this reason from this practice, while also knowing that they have nothing whatsoever to fear from jamming shortwave broadcasts? (Kai Ludwig, Oct 28, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Log for 28.10.2019: 1700 UT, 9525 kHz, Denge Welat, in Kurdish, long talk and then to the news digest and comments, mentions of Iraq and Syria. Turkish jammer is very weak or not heard at all. 73! (Ivan Lebedevsky, QTH: Vyritsa, Russia, RX: Kiwisdr at Haparanda, Sweden (SM2BYC), Web: http://worlddx.ml/ Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) 11530 kHz TDoA signal location direction finding: 11540 kHz TDoA Radyo ya Denge Welat, Grigoriopol Moldova: (Roger Thauer-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 20, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) 9525, nothing heard of Denge Welat Kurdish Radio around 0250 UT in Germany, Doha Qatar nor Delhi India remote SDR receiver. 9525.020, Turkish Clandestine radio from TRT Emirler site, noted at 0250, singer and Turkish music program, S=7-8 in Germany, S=9+15dB in Delhi India, but suffered splatter audio from adjacent CNR11 music program from Baoji, China, 9530even, S=9+15dB signal strength at 0305 Oct 29. vy73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) [gh removed extra kHz and UTs as obvious redundant clutter to make this more readable for our wider audience] RE: "KURDISTAN(non) BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, Oct 29: 0330-0600 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0330-0600 9525.0*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan *instead of 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg WeAs R.Recep Erdogan Oct.28!" My recording today (29 October) of 9525 kHz starting at 0525 UT using the U. Twente SDR receiver initially has a strong 728 Hz tone almost continuously, likely a heterodyne (rather than a test tone). Ten minutes later at about 0535, the tone disappeared. So, it seems part of the time time "Radio Recep Erdogan" may have been on about 9525.7 kHz and then retuned the transmitter. The two audio signals were also heard pretty well continuously with and without the het. I can see that the het would provide further annoyance in the target area trying to listen to Denge Welat. So, why not stay on the off-frequency? Do the Turks really want their program to be heard by the Kurds and are simply trying to overpower Denge Welat? Denge Welat left the frequency at about 0558, leaving "Radio Recep Erdogan" in the clear. It went of at about 0609 (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) Dear friends, Denge Welat is on 9525 from 0330 to 0558, not from 0230 as in summer time; & 1600-2200 UT. Other time 0600-1558 is on 11515-11550 range, day by day different frequencies, 73 (Ivo Ivanov, Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) On Oct 29 at 21.35 UT Denge Welat Kurdish radio Livestream is 16 seconds behind,;stream.mp3 \\ Checked 9525even channel, Radio Denge Welat program in Kurdish, S=9+20dB strength noted in remote Doha Qatar server SDR rx. Absolute nothing traced of TRT Emirler Radio Recep Erdogan clandestine jamming noted at this hour. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) October 30 0600-0715 BRB Denge Welat is on 11550 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan missing from 0715 BRB Denge Welat is on 11540 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan missing October 30 from 0740 BRB Denge Welat is on 11540 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan is on 11550 kHz from 0750 BRB Denge Welat & & R.Recep Erdoganare on 11540, instead of 11550 on October 29 from 0800 BRB Denge Welat is on 11530 & R.Recep Erdogan is on 11540 from 0810 BRB Denge Welat & R.Recep Erdoganare on 11530 Oct.30 at 0940 BRB Denge Welat & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan are on 11520, instead of 11530 on October 29 from 1030 BRB Denge Welat is on 11535 & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) Recorded 9525 kHz this morning (30 October) from 0225 until 0635 using the U. Twente SDR receiver. Only noise heard until about 0325 UT. Then a strong heterodyne jumping around in frequency. Could hear only faint audio underneath the het. After a few minutes, the het stabilized to 660 Hz. But then, for the next few hours it slowly changed in frequency going down to around 630 Hz and then up to about 710 Hz. Could never really hear the audio from the two stations clearly. At 0553, the het disappeared leaving "Radio Recep Erdogan" on the frequency with a clear signal with music and chanting. It left the air about four and a half minutes later (-- Richard Langley, WOR iog via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. THE GHOSTLY RADIO STATION THAT NO ONE CLAIMS TO RUN Best of BBC Future --- "MDZhB" has been broadcasting since 1982. No one knows why. Author image By Zaria Gorvett 2nd August 2017 This story is featured in BBC Future's "Best of 2017" collection. In the middle of a Russian swampland, not far from the city of St Petersburg, is a rectangular iron gate. Beyond its rusted bars is a collection of radio towers, abandoned buildings and power lines bordered by a dry-stone wall. This sinister location is the focus of a mystery which stretches back to the height of the Cold War. It is thought to be the headquarters of a radio station, "MDZhB", that no-one has ever claimed to run. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for the last three-and-a-half decades, it's been broadcasting a dull, monotonous tone. Every few seconds it's joined by a second sound, like some ghostly ship sounding its foghorn. Then the drone continues. Once or twice a week, a man or woman will read out some words in Russian, such as "dinghy" or "farming specialist". And that's it. Anyone, anywhere in the world can listen in, simply by tuning a radio to the frequency 4625 kHz... [much more] https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170801-the-ghostly-radio-station-that-no-one-claims-to-run (via Jack Amelar: MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. STORY. RADIO STATION "TIKHIY OKEAN" ("PACIFIC OCEAN"). ----- Pacific Ocean is a radio station broadcasting from Vladivostok from 1963 to 2001 and from 2005 to 2008 at a frequency of 810 kHz in the medium wavelength range and at different times at frequencies of 12065 kHz, 17590 kHz, 9765 kHz, 5960 kHz, 7330 kHz in the range short waves, at a frequency of 66 MHz in the VHF band (in Vladivostok), as well as according to the 1st program of wire broadcasting (from the "radio point"). The broadcasting territory is the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the eastern sector of the Arctic is the main zone where the Far Eastern vessels traveled. The radio station was the only means of communication with the "Big Land". Transmission came out 3 times a day. The call sign of the radio station was the melody of the song "Along the valleys and on the hills." The news of the region and the country, as well as greetings of relatives, were broadcast on the air. Wives, mothers, children told the sailors about their life, about the life of the family and conveyed musical greetings. At the end of the transfer to the music of Paul Maria Melancolie Melody Lady it was reported in which ports the vessels of the Far Eastern Shipping Company are located or what course the planned arrival date is following. Unofficial site of the radio station: http://oceandx.narod.ru/ (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) Hi Glenn, Back in 2006, I often enjoyed hearing "Tikhiy Okean" (on their QSL card, is spelled "Tichiy Okean") with good reception. Received a beautiful QSL card (attached), from Alexey Giryuk (technical department engineer at Primorskoye Radio/Radio Station Tikhiy Okean). Good memories! (Ron Howard, California, WOR iog via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Radio center Taldom (Moscow region) Final minutes of broadcasting the program "Radio of Russia" on SW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUA_u5_G8_g&feature=youtu.be (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Rus-DX 27 October: contains many horror stories about the Russian postal system, losing, delaying, stealing mail (gh, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. `A NEW MESSAGE': RUSSIA TRAINS ITS PROPAGANDA MACHINE ON AFRICA Many of the players who drove Moscow's campaign for influence in the West are now backing Putin's African charm offensive. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, center, with his counterparts Abdel Fattah al-Sisi from Egypt, left, and Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa at the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi this month. Credit TASS, via Shutterstock [caption] By Anton Troianovski Oct. 29, 2019, 3:00 a.m. ET https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/29/world/europe/africa-russia-sochi.html SOCHI, Russia -- Jose Matemulane said he left his native Mozambique nearly two decades ago, spent years studying in St. Petersburg and saw the Russian soul. Now he's in the vanguard of Russia's new foray onto his home continent, where he is spreading the word that working with Moscow to reduce the influence of Americans and other Westerners is in Africa's best interests. "The Russians have their own way of thinking different from the Western patterns," Mr. Matemulane said. "I used to tell people: Russians are nothing else than white Africans, white blacks." Russia has been playing for power in Africa in recent years by sending arms, offering mercenaries, and cinching mining deals. More quietly, it has started to set up a low-profile infrastructure of political influence that bears echoes of the Kremlin's strategy in Europe and the United States. And it is already identifying African politicians and activists who will carry its message. Deploying its international propaganda arms, the television channel RT and the Sputnik news agency, the Kremlin is honing this message: While Western Europe and the United States are continuing a centuries-old tradition of exploiting Africa, Moscow is ready to engage with Africa on mutually beneficial terms. Russia is also benefiting from a desire by African countries to lessen their reliance on China, even as Moscow acknowledges that it cannot come close to matching Beijing's financial firepower. Mr. Matemulane runs a think tank called Afric, which describes itself on its website as "funded by donors with a common passion to foster Africa's development," without mentioning Russia. In an interview, though, Mr. Matemulane said the group was launched last year with support from a St. Petersburg businessman he declined to name. Afric received prominent billing at a summit for dozens of African leaders hosted by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at the Black Sea resort of Sochi last week, and announced it would partner with a Russian propaganda specialist who had previously focused on the United States. It also drew the notice of Mamadou Koulibaly, a candidate for president of Ivory Coast in elections next year. "I will ask them if they can introduce me to people with money who will help me," Mr. Koulibaly said of Afric. "This is important. A campaign needs money." Moscow has already injected itself into the geopolitics of Libya and the Central African Republic. Now it is looking for inroads in public opinion and the political elite across the continent. Earlier this year, for example, Russia's ambassador to Ghana met with Albert Kofi Owusu, the head of Ghana's main news agency, and discussed a proposal: Might Mr. Owusu distribute stories from Tass, a Russian state-controlled news service, to newspapers, websites and television stations in the West African country? Mr. Owusu said the proposal made sense, especially since his agency was already sharing Chinese state media reports. In October, Mr. Owusu was here on Russia's glittering Black Sea coast, shaking hands with Mr. Putin. "Very simple man, cool," is how Mr. Owusu described Mr. Putin, who held a brief meeting at the conference with the heads of 11 African news agencies. Russian officials at the conference said that the Kremlin's RT and Sputnik would be glad to host African journalists in Moscow for training courses on topics such as social media. "We understand that getting to Moscow costs quite a bit of money, and this may well be too expensive for African newsrooms," Alexei Volin, Russia's deputy minister for communications and mass media, added after making the pitch. "We are ready to consider possibilities for RT and Sputnik specialists to organize courses on the ground in this or that African country." Mr. Volin said RT was ready to provide its suite of documentaries to African TV stations. In addition to animal movies, the library includes features like "Drift It Like Putin's Driver" and "Coups R Us: American Regime Changes and Their Aftermaths." Perhaps the most prominent figure in Russia's Africa push is Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the St. Petersburg businessman indicted by the United States for running the online "troll farm" that sought to sway the 2016 American presidential election, who is said to run a military contractor called Wagner that is involved in several African countries. Another is Konstantin Malofeev, a nationalist banker under American sanctions who has cultivated ties with far-right politicians in Europe and the United States, as well as pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Prigozhin did not appear in public at the conference, but Mr. Malofeev had a stand right by the entrance showing off a new project: an agency promising to help African governments gain access to financing as an alternative to Western sources like the International Monetary Fund. Image --- Yevgeny Prigozhin Credit...Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images Mr. Malofeev described the new organization, called the International Agency for Sovereign Development, as an economic approach to the ideological battle he's been fighting for a long time: breaking the Western world order. But it was the first time he's ever been involved with Africa, Mr. Malofeev said. Niger, Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo have already signed on to have the agency help them raise a total of $2.5 billion, he said. "I oppose liberal totalitarianism," Mr. Malofeev said in an interview in the private meeting room at his stand, under a portrait of Mr. Putin. "I'm against the global dominance of the Federal Reserve System." Russia says the yearly volume of its trade with Africa has doubled to $20 billion over the last five years, but that still pales in comparison to Africa's $300 billion in trade with the European Union and $60 billion with the United States in 2018. In the West, Russia's messaging has sought to appeal to people disenchanted by the political mainstream -- from opponents of immigration and same-sex-marriage on the right to critics of capitalism on the left. In Africa, Russia is similarly trumpeting itself as a protector of "traditional values," while also seeking to capitalize on Russia's Cold War past, when the Soviet Union sought to ally itself with opponents of post-colonial influence on the continent. "Our cooperation, rooted in the period of the joint fight against colonialism, is strategic and longstanding," Mr. Putin told dozens of African leaders in Sochi gathered alongside him around a ring-shaped table. Alexander Malkevich, a veteran of Russia's propaganda wars, founded an English-language website called USAReally, which tells the story of a declining America caught in the throes of violence. Now, he says, he spends about one-third of his time on Africa. His Foundation for National Values Protection, with a website available in English and French, argues that African countries are vulnerable to the same sort of Western meddling that Russian officials say undermined former Soviet republics like Georgia and Ukraine. "We try to do our work honestly and address our partners with respect, rather than from above, like the caricature of Uncle Sam," Mr. Malkevich said. Investigative journalists have reported that Afric and Mr. Malevich's foundation are funded by Mr. Prigozhin, but Mr. Malkevich and Afric employees denied any connection. Afric's Mozambique-born president, Mr. Matemulane, said it was in fact a different St. Petersburg-based businessman who helped him launch Afric, but declined to identify him. In Sochi, Mr. Malkevich and Mr. Matemulane appeared on a panel together and signed a "cooperation agreement." "The Western system is broken," said Clifton Ellis, who is British and Jamaican, and moved to St. Petersburg recently, where he helps coordinate Afric's activities. "We have to fight the narrative that because Russia is involved, it's bad." Afric -- an acronym for Association for Free Research and International Cooperation -- is building ties with African politicians and commentators while publishing articles that extol the benefits of cooperating with Russia. It has also invested heavily in election monitoring missions that mirror Russia's approach in its own elections: bringing in sympathetic foreigners who praise the votes' fairness and transparency, even as established Western organizations criticize them. One of those, Volker Tschapke, the retired president of a small conservative German association called the Prussian Society, extolled Mr. Putin's re-election vote in March of last year. Since the summer of 2018, Mr. Tschapke has made five separate trips to Africa on behalf of Afric to observe elections in Zimbabwe, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Mozambique. "It was unimaginably great. In all the countries I visited, I saw truly perfect elections," said Mr. Tschapke, who acknowledges that he had no experience in election observation until last year. But he says the process is really so simple that "you just need a little instruction." He added in a telephone interview from Berlin that he had heard rumors that Afric had received Russian start-up funding, but said he had no problem with that. Major elections loom next year across Africa, including in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Burundi. Mr. Koulibaly, the candidate in Ivory Coast presidential elections next October, said he had already met with a Russian deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, as well as with Russian agriculture and mining officials. He said he would talk about Russia in his campaign as a potential economic partner that, for instance, can help Ivory Coast harness nuclear technology. "My experience is that the Russian authorities I meet with want business," Mr. Koulibaly said. "They don't talk about ideology. They don't talk about political control." African leaders have also taken notice of Russia's expanded influence in the Middle East as a sign that Moscow is becoming a more formidable geopolitical player. In an interview, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, the foreign minister of Djibouti, ticked off countries that he said suffered as a result of misguided Western policies -- Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon. "Why shouldn't we try a new approach? A new message?" Mr. Youssouf said. "Maybe Russia is the alternative." (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) MUSEA +++++ RADIO RECEIVERS OF THE USSR. ---------------------------- Radio "Festival" The first Soviet tube radio with wired remote control. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5c43064986e43c00ad249399/radiopriemniki-sssr-revoliucionnyi-festival-s-pultom-du- 5cc6f730a8ac8300b34912ff (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) Hard-Core-DX Digest ------------------------------ Vol 204, Issue 12 Message: 1 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 10-11, 2019 ** RUSSIA. 6020-6025-6030, Dec 10 at 0752, DRM noise, whence? HFCC shows Voice of Russia at 0600-1000, 100 kW, 34 degrees from K/A = Komsomol`sk/Amure in DVR, at that azimuth onward to N America. First time I have noticed any of these new DRM tests(?) from Russia, supposedly domestic programming not revived external VOR. Tho I have not sought them out deliberately. Aoki/NDXC instead designates this as GRFC with music, not only at 06-10 but also at 20-22 & 01-06 daily. Komsomol`sk sunset was 0648, so only now is it getting into nighttime there. The earlier broadcasts would be in local daytime intended for domestic coverage. (Romania also emits DRM around 6025 at 1700-1757) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Message: 2 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 From: Rudolf Grimm Subject: [HCDX] #195 / Reception in S?o Bernardo SP, BRAZIL - December 11, 2019 #195 / RECEPTION IN S?O BERNARDO SP, BRAZIL - GG66rg ***** December 11, 2019 (Time in UTC) Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL - S?o Bernardo SP BRAZIL) Antenna: PA0RDT Mini Whip ****** CLANDESTINE BROADCAST MOLDOVA (t): 15175 kHz Radio Denge Welat (t), via Grigoriopol, Kurdish, 11/12 1000. Time pips, male and female communication. Kursish song. 25432 (RG). РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ РАДИОСТАНЦИЙ ============================ WEB РАДИО И ТВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Россия. Воронежская область. Радио Губерния. WEB: http://www.radio-gubernia.ru/ В 2013 году на частоте 100,7 FM в Воронежской области начала свое вещание радиостанция "Губерния". Контент радиостанции: "горячие" новости, репортажи, диалоги с участием представителей власти, интервью в прямом эфире, консультации специалистов и программы об интересных людях нашего региона, а также много хорошей музыки! Музыкальный формат радиостанции - легкая современная музыка, которая сочетается в нашем эфире с золотыми хитами ХХ века, а также лучшие композиции всемирно известных исполнителей. Аудитория радиостанции - активные, социально неравнодушные люди, желающие участвовать в перспективном развитии города и региона. Многие из них с удовольствием принимают участие в спецпроектах радиостанции и общаются с ведущими в прямом эфире. (www.guzei.com) Россия. Радио Движение. WEB: radiomovement.ru Информационное Агентство "Репорт - Информ" сообщает о запуске радиостанции "Движение". В отличие от всех предыдущих спортивных радиостанций, мы предлагаем жизнеспособный и масштабируемый формат вещания. Наш сайт: radiomovement.ru "Движение" - это радио для тех, кто ведёт активный образ жизни, занимается спортом, и идёт в ногу со временем. Мы изначально ориентированы на широкую аудиторию. Мы рассказываем о спорте, здоровье и жизни во всем её многообразии, не замыкаясь на голах, очках, секундах. В нашем эфире только качественная музыка и короткие спортивные рубрики, что делает эфир максимально динамичным. Эфир также содержит множество познавательных программ и целую линейку ежедневных новостных выпусков. Вместе с тем, радио "Движение" выступает за возрождение спортивного радиорепортажа. Мы обладаем возможностью вести прямой репортаж с любого спортивного события. Главный редактор радио - спортивный комментатор Александр Иванов вёл спортивные переклички на радиостанциях "Маяк" и "Юность", организовал сеть спортивных комментаторов, которая существует более 20 лет. Спортивная перекличка - динамичный формат, не нарушающий прав третьих лиц на трансляцию матчей. Радиостанции "Движение" необходимо развиваться. Станция такого формата будет успешна как на FM частотах, так и в сети интернет. Сейчас ИА "Репорт-Информ" формирует пул меценатов радиостанции по принципу краудфандинга. Министр спорта России Павел Колобков неоднократно заявлял об идеи возрождения спортивного радио в России. Информационное Агентство "Репорт - Информ" делает шаг первыми. Шаг навстречу и ждет ответных шагов от всех заинтересованных лиц, кто готов на деле поддержать возрождения спортивного радио. (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__75862/) QSL МИР ======== АГ = Александр Головихин, Тольятти / "deneb-radio-dx" ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДЕ = Дмитрий Елагин, Саратов / "deneb-radio-dx" ДК = Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" ИЗ = Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск / Hard-Core-DX Digest ИК = Игорь Кольке, Москва / https://kolkeradio.blogspot.com/ КБ = Константин Барсенков, Санкт-Петербург / "deneb-radio-dx" ПИ = Павел Иванов, Белгород / "deneb-radio-dx" AJ = Andrew "A.J" Janitschek, Radio Free Asia, USA PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland Гуам ------- KTWR-Guam (GUM) - e-QSLs (9910; 9975 kHz / 12.00 UTC / 03-12-2019; Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/ktwr-twr-india.html (КБ) - Рапорты о приёме можно отправлять через Online QSL Form на сайте станции http://www.twr.asia/online-qsl-form или по электронному адресу asiafeedback@twr.org * . Подтверждениями занимается Denise Gregson (TWR Asia Frequency Coordination Department). В настоящее время станция имеет четыре варианта e-QSL (19-A, -B, -C и -D):https://qsl- review.blogspot.com/2017/06/ktwr-twr-india.html . *Ранее рапорты о приёме KTWR подтверждала Rebecca Philyaw (rphilyaw@twr.org). Из письма Denise Gregson: "...Mrs. Philyaw is no longer helping with TWR. I am helping out now along with two other staff. We can continue to receive reports to this email address..." (КБ) Китай --------- Received e-QSL for reception ?Sichuan Radio & TV Station - Minority Service? (6060 kHz, via Chengdu), in Chinese. Report was sent to: crieng [at] cri.com.cn (ИЗ) - Received e-QSL for reception ?Xinjiang Radio & TV Station? (7205 kHz, via Urumqi), in Uighur. Report was sent to: yinglian [at] cri.com.cn? (ИЗ) Польша ----------- Polskie Radio Получена QSL карточка от русской службы Польского Радио в ответ на рапорт от 6 ноября 2019 года. Карточка из Варшавы отправлена 21 ноября 2019 года. Тема карточки прежняя - Торунь - город на севере Польши, на реке Висле. http://freerutube.info/2019/12/13/qsl-polskie-radio-polsha-noyabr-2019-goda/ (ДЕ) Словакия -------------- Radio Slovakia Int'l (D / via SWS) - QSL-card (3985 kHz / 20.00 UTC / 11-11-2019); Тема QSL: набережная р.Дунай, мост Аполлона, Братислава; Приём через KiwiSDR / Switzerland; Отправлено из Братиславы 26 ноября, получено 11 декабря 2019; Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/08/radio-slovakia-international.html (КБ) США ------- * Dear friends, Attached is the press release for our new QSL card; this design commemorates 2020 as the Year of the Rat. We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiving your reception reports through our automated reception report system athttp://techwebrfaorg, by email to qslrfa.org, or by snail mail. You are receiving this because you have expressed interest in Radio Free Asia's QSL cards. Please let us know if you prefer to be removed from our distribution list. Best wishes for the holiday season. AJ Andrew "A.J" Janitschek Radio Free Asia RADIO FREE ASIA RELEASES YEAR OF THE RAT QSL JANUARY 2020 Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces its Chinese Lunar Year QSL. The Year of the Rat begins January 25, 2020 and ends February 11, 2021 The rat is one of twelve animals used in the Chinese zodiac. Those born in a rat year are considered ambitious, meticulous, industrious and sociable. They are also are very focused, naturals at following their instincts, and they are highly attentive which supposedly makes them excellent in business. This is RFA's 72nd QSL and is used to confirm all valid RFA reception reports January - April 2020 Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Tibetan (including Uke, Amdo, and Kham dialects), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in our editorial content. As a 'surrogate' broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of our target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of our broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about RFA, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is always available at www.rfa.org. RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at http://techweb.rfa.org (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DXers, but also from our general listening audience. Reception reports are also accepted by email at qsl@rfa.org and by mail to: Reception Reports Radio Free Asia 2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20036 United States of America (AJ) * The Overcomer Ministry WRMI The Overcomer Ministry прислали QSL карточку за рапорт от 13 октября 2019 года, приём вещания через WRMI. В письмо также положили стандартное письмо от Brother R.G. Stair. Конверт отправили 11 ноября 2019 года. http://freerutube.info/2019/12/13/qsl-the-overcomer-ministry-wrmi-ssha-oktyabr-2019-goda/ (ДЕ) Тайвань ------------ Radio Taiwan Int'l (BUL) - получены две одинаковые QSL-карточки от немецкой и русской служб RTI за приём 8 и 9 ноября на частоте 5900 кГц в 19 и 17 часов по UTC соответственно; Тема QSL: RTI's 90th anniversary; Оба конверта отправлены из Тайбэя 20 ноября, получены 11 декабря 2019. (КБ) Турция ---------- * Получил QSL-карточку от "Голоса Турции" за приём на русском языке - 25.10.2019, 13.00-13.55 UTC на частоте 11965 кГц. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: russian @ trt.net.tr . Карточка за октябрь 2019. На QSL - Топкапи палас в Стамбуле. (ДК) - Получил QSL-карточку от "Голоса Турции" за приём на немецком языке - 21.10.2019, 17.30-17.25 UTC на частоте 9840 кГц. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой. Карточка за октябрь 2019. На QSL - Топкапи палас в Стамбуле. (ДК) - Получил QSL-карточку от "Голоса Турции" за приём на английском языке - 16.10.2019, 18.30-18.25 UTC на частоте 5945 кГц. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой. Карточка за октябрь 2019. На QSL - Топкапи палас в Стамбуле. (ДК) * Voice of Turkey / English Serv (TUR) - QSL-card (12035 kHz / 13.30 UTC / 11-11-2019); Тема QSL: 24 ноября - ежегодный День учителя в Турции; Отправлено из Анкары 22 ноября, получено 13 декабря 2019; Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/voice-of-turkey-tur-date-february-27.html (КБ) * Voice of Turkey Получена новая QSL карточка от русской службы Голоса Турции за рапорт от 4 октября 2019 года. Письмо отправили 22 ноября 2019 года. Тема этой QSL за октябрь 2019 года - Топкапы - главный дворец Османской империи до середины XIX века. http://freerutube.info/2019/12/13/qsl-voice-of-turkey-turcziya-oktyabr-2019-goda/ (ДЕ) Франция / Германия ------------------------------ Вчера получил QSL-карточку от R. for Peace International за приём 9 ноября на 6070 kHz (АГ) Швеция ------------ * Hi Vasily..!! Thanks for your mail. First Mail from RUSSIA! Yes, You had been listening to "Radio Asfalttelegrafen" on the 28th of November 2019 at 20,26-20,33 UTC on 1494,0001 (!) kHz Medium Wave Band from Borås city, South West part of Sweden with 300 watts = 0,3 Kw (!) with no sound and around 1000-1200 watt PEP of power from my Bulgarian made transmitter with 90 % modulation out to an "L-antenna" 48,5 meters long with from this easter weekend 2019 16 earth plane cables of 50 meters each, see the simple PDF in this mail. (ВЛ) - Прием вел через websdr --- Финляндия после 20.00 UTC когда закончилась трансляция Радио Молдова (ВЛ) * E-QSL and email confirmation received from Radio Asfalttelegrafen - hobby station broadcasting from Sweden. Program was transmitted on 30. 11. 2019 on MW - 1494, 0002 khz. Transmitter site - Borås city, South West part of Sweden. Transmitter power - 300 watts. (PS) Посмотреть можно здесь - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/12/blog-post_9.html Япония ----------- Special Broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute. Asian Broadcasting Institute - 40th anniversary. "Hello, Mr.Pavel Ivanov Thank you for hearing our broadcast. QSL card has not been printed yet. We'll send it to you after print. Please wait a moment. Thank you. Asian broadcasting institute." (ПИ) Пиратское радио ------------------------- Radio 319 (BEL) - e-QSL (6285 kHz / 12.15 UTC / 07-12-2019); Приём через KiwiSDR / Denmark; Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2018/04/radio-319_5.html (КБ) - Radio Bella Italia (?) - e-QSL (6265 kHz / 14.50 UTC / 23-11-2019); Приём через KiwiSDR / Switzerland; Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/12/radio-bella-italia.html (КБ) QSL-почта ---------------- * В конце ноября - начале декабря получил несколько верификационных корточек из Бангладеш, Мадагаскара, Словакии, Польши, Вьетнама, США, Турции, Гонконга. - Bangladesh Betar отправило новую QSL-карточку за прослушивание частоты 4.750 кГц 3 сентября в Москве; - World Harvest Radio (T8WH) (English Service) направили открытку, подтверждающую рапорт за 7 октября 2019 г.; - Voice of Vietnam (вещание на английском языке) отправило свою карточку за прослушивание от 17 октября на частоте 7.280 кГц; - Radio Liangyou (Chinese Service) прислало 2 QSL-карточки за рапорт от 2 и 5 октября 2019 года (прослушивание на коротких и средних волнах в Улан-Удэ); - "Радио Польша" (служба вещания на русском языке) карточкой, посвященной городу Toruń, подтвердило рапорты за 4 и 9 ноября (приём на частоте 1386 кГц в Москве); - "Международное радио Словакии" подтвердили прослушивание через мобильное приложение от 10 и 12 октября 2019 года; - Madagascar World Voice (русская служба) подтвердило прослушивание на частоте 9.885 кГц 17 ноября. Отдельное спасибо Константину Чернушенко. (ИК) * На прошлой неделе получил QSL -карточку от Radio Liangyou за приём 10 ноября на 9405 kHz. На фото какие- то антенные прибомбасы. Письмо из Гонконга. (АГ) * - Получил e- qsl от Radio Worlds Last Chance за прием 7.12.19 / 02.00-02.30 UTC / 9330 kHz за прием via websdr -- Leiden. Netherlands RR - Form на сайте. www: worldslastchance.com/wlc - radio/qsl - e-qsl от Radio Sity за прием 7.12.19 / 11.10-11.35 UTC / 6070 kHz / Прием via websdr -- Twente. Netherlands (ВЛ) КАЛЕНДАРЬ - ИСТОРИЯ DX-ХОББИ И РАДИО ======================================= 1972 ------- Архив. Анатолий Клепов. Москва. Радио Сыктывкар, Коми АССР, СССР. 24 ноябрь 1972 год. Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/12/blog-post_8.html ВСЕМИРНЫЕ НОВОСТИ. ====================== * Румыния. Интеррадио Румыния. -------------------------------- https://www.rri.ro/ru_ru/08_12_2019-2608545 08.12.2019. Программа "Клуб DX". Редактор и ведущая эфира - Татьяна Кодреану. Продолжительность: 8:33 Тема: История Румынского радиовещания. * Магнитофон весом 13 килограмм и 40-летние наклейки. В Минске собрались любители винтажных магнитол. --------------------------------------------------------- Восьмого декабря в TNT Rock Club прошла очередная ежегодная встреча коллекционеров и просто любителей старой, надежной японской (и не только) музыкальной аппаратуры. Было громко, душевно и интересно. Молодежь, поди, уже и не помнит, как выглядят аудиокассеты. Вчера их можно было еще и проиграть на крутой технике. Рассказываем и показываем, как прошла вечеринка OldAudioFest... https://tech.onliner.by/2019/12/09/oldaudiofest-4 (https://vk.com/dxing) * GERMANY Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR): Gruss an Bord --------------------------------------------------------------- This year on December 24 single day operation Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) Hamburg will again broadcast its program "Gruss an Bord" on shortwave. They verify reception report by a detailed QSL card, address via https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/sendungen/Gruss-an-Bord-So-empfangen- Sie-die-Sendung,grussanbord534.html (google_translate) "Greetings on board": This is how you receive the broadcast It has tradition and exudes a very special pre-Christmas mood: On Christmas Eve greetings are sent to the seafarers around the world from 8:05 pm - 10:00 pm and from 11:15 pm - midnight on NDR Info. And on the most different channels and technical ways, so that the greetings and messages can be guaranteed to be received on all seven seas The ship's crews have several options to receive the program "Greeting on board". Also the shortwave belongs to it. The livestreams of the program (20.05 to 22.00 clock and 23.15 clock to 24 clock MEZ/CET LT) can be found here: NDR Info and NDR Info Special. In addition, there is the possibility to listen to the program via the NDR radio app. NDR Info can also be received via FM, DAB+ and DVB-S radio, NDR Info special only via DAB+ and DVB-S radio. So that all crew members on board - on the seas or in the harbors - can receive the traditional program, the NDR radio has also rented shortwave frequencies: From 1900 to 2100 UTC (2000 to 2200 CET), the shortwave transmits over the following frequencies (UTC is the abbreviation for Universal Time Coordinated): "Greeting on board" via shortwave Frequency target area 6080 kHz Atlantic - North 11650 kHz Atlantic - South 9800 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa) 9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West 9570 kHz Indian Ocean - East 6030 kHz Europe Between 2100 and 2300 UTC (2200 to 2400 CET LT) the shortwave transmits over the following frequencies: "Greeting on board" via shortwave Frequency target area 6145 kHz Atlantic - North 9830 kHz Atlantic - South 9590 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa) 9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West 9675 kHz Indian Ocean - East 6155 kHz Europe NDR Info sends the "Greeting on board" from 2005 to 2200 CET LT. This is followed by the transmission of the Christmas Mass from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Bochum-Wattenscheid from 22 to 23.15 CET. Then you will hear the second part of "Greetings on Board" until midnight CET (-23.00 UTC). (NDR via Harald Kuhl_DL1AX exDL1ABJ, BrDXC-UK newsgroup Dec 7) FREQ STRT STOP CIRAF ZONES LOC POW AZI SLW ANT ADM FMO 6030 1900 2100 27,28,29 ERV 100 305 0 238 ARM MBR 6080 1900 2100 27,80,36,81,11 NAU 125 250 0 216 D MBR 6145 2100 2300 27,80,36,81,11 NAU 125 250 0 216 D MBR 6155 2100 2300 27,28,29 ERV 100 305 0 238 ARM MBR 9570 1900 2100 41,49,54,79,58 MOS 100 115 30 218 AUT MBR 9590 2100 2300 57,53,48,79 ISS 250 148 0 216 F MBR 9675 2100 2300 41,49,54,79,58 MOS 100 115 30 218 AUT MBR not 9650 < 9740 1900 2100 48,53,41,79 NAU 125 130 0 216 D MBR 9740 2100 2300 48,53,41,79 NAU 125 130 0 216 D MBR not 9720 < 9800 1900 2100 57,53,48,79 ISS 250 148 0 216 F MBR 9830 2100 2300 13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 195 0 216 F MBR 11650 1900 2100 13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 195 0 217 F MBR (HFCC-org; MBR request entry Dec 24, late changes Nov 28; via Christian Milling-D A-DX newsgroup, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 17, BC-DX / Dec 7) 73!