--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 814 Дата: 4 / август / 2019 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Московское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Первый номер вышел в январе 1994 года. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL и Фото: http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь: Россия, страны СНГ, Украина и Балтия. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. ----------------------------------------- Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио и ТВ на русском языке. QSL мир. Календарь. История DX и радио. Техника радиоприема - новые технологии. Филателия. СМИ. Всемирные новости. ------------------------------------------------------------- Информация друзей бюллетеня + Интернет. ------------------------------------------------------------- РОССИЯ ======== Москва ----------- "Радонеж" в Москве не вернётся на средние волны Радио "Радонеж" навсегда покинуло средние волны в Москве и Подмосковье. Это сообщила мне сотрудница станции, которую я встретил сегодня в Доме радио на Пятницкой. "Для нас эта трагедия. Нас слушали многие в Москве и Подмосковье на средних волнах", - сказала она, отвечая на мой вопрос о возможном возвращении станции на средние волны. В конце апреля стало известно о прекращении с 1 мая радиовещания из Куркино (Московская область). Этот радиоцентр давал жизнь на средних волнах сразу трём станциям: "Народному радио" и радиостанции "Радонеж", вещающим на частоте 612 kHz и "Всемирной радиосети" (WRN Russia) на частоте 738 kHz. (https://kolkeradio.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post_31.html) Оренбургская область. Саракташ. -------------------------------------------------- К сети вещания "Радио Дача" присоединился Саракташ Оренбургской области. Радиостанция звучит на частоте 105,6 FM. Потенциальный охват "Радио Дача" увеличился на 18 тыс. человек. "Радио Дача" - одна из ведущих радиостанций холдинга Krutoy Media. Входит в десятку самых рейтинговых радиостанций страны. По данным Mediascope (Radio Index - Россия, январь - июнь 2019), ежедневно на частоту "Радио Дача" настраиваются 6,8 млн человек, еженедельно - 16,6 млн человек. Региональная сеть вещания "Радио Дача" насчитывает более 250 передатчиков, размещенных в городах России и странах ближнего зарубежья. Официальный сайт "Радио Дача": www.radiodacha.ru. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6440.htm) Самарская область. Самара. -------------------------------------- 1 августа в Самаре на частоте 89,2 FM началось вещание радио "Русский Хит". Охват населения - 1163 тыс. человек. На этой же частоте с сегодняшнего дня радиостанцию можно слушать в городе Новокуйбышевске с охватом населения 102 тыс. человек. Лицензия на осуществление радиовещания принадлежит Krutoy Media. "Русский Хит" - одна из радиостанций холдинга Krutoy Media. Вещает в одиннадцати городах России, в том числе в Москве на частоте 99,6 FM. Еженедельно "Русский Хит" в Москве слушают 658 тыс. человек, ежедневно - 227 тыс. человек (данные Mediascope, Radio Index - Москва, апрель - июнь 2019). Официальный сайт радио "Русский Хит": радиорусскийхит.рф (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6436.htm) Санкт-Петербург ------------------------- * Популярный ведущий Сергей Стиллавин заявил, может возродить популярное в 90-х радио "Модерн". Планами он поделился в интервью изданию "Петербургский дневник". Стиллавин хочет возобновить проект радио "Модерн" на волне ностальгии, и идея может "выстрелить". По мнению ведущего, россияне устали от коммерческой цензуры и плей-листов на радио. Стиллавин отметил, что лично ведет переговоры с бывшими коллегами. В опорных городах планируется сделать частотное вещание, а также транслировать эфир в сети. "Главное сформировать продукцию, сделать сетку, подписать людей. И идти дальше", - отметил Стиллавин. "Модерн" - петербургская радиостанция, выходившая в эфир с 1993 по 2001 годы. Она стала домом для таких звезд теле- и радиоэфира, как Сергей Стиллавин, Геннадий Бачинский, Дмитрий Нагиев, Алла Довлатова, Сергей Рост, Сергей Шнуров и другие. instagram.com/sergeistillavin | polit.info (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74391/) * Знаменитая петербургская радиостанция "Модерн" родилась 26 лет назад. Прообразом "Модерна" было радио "Новый Петербург", работавшее около года в нижнем диапазоне УКВ. А 15 октября 1993 года станция "Модерн" стала одной из первых в городе, вещавшей в FM-диапазоне. Среди жителей Северной столицы радио приобрело невероятную популярность почти мгновенно. Больше всего слушателей привлекали диджеи "Модерна", среди которых один был ярче другого. Руководство с особым вниманием подошло к подбору ведущих - в основном это были люди из актерской среды, которые в итоге и сделали "Модерн" культовой станцией. Кроме того, радио активно расширялось: в 1995 году на региональном телевидении вышла передача "Полный модерн", которую в дальнейшем преобразовали в "Осторожно, модерн!" Главные роли в ней исполняли уже ставшие на тот момент известными ведущие радио Дмитрий Нагиев и Сергей Рост. Зимой 1996 года "Модерн" первым из петербургских станций перешел на спутниковое вещание. Радио заработало в Архангельске, Краснодаре, Туле, Петрозаводске, Перми и других городах. Через год радиостанция "Модерн" сделала новый шаг навстречу новому - началось вещание в Интернете. За время своего существования петербургская станция приобрела множество наград в области радио и несколько миллионов слушателей по всей России. На счету "Модерна" к моменту его закрытия было более 25 городов вещания. Прекратила свое существование радиостанция летом 2001 года, когда владельцы продали ее крупной международной медиакорпорации. Во многих городах, в том числе и в Петербурге, "Модерн" сменило "Наше радио". Позднее поклонники пытались возродить станцию. Они создали интернет-версию "Модерна", транслируют его старые эфиры, а также популярные хиты 1990-х... (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74411/) Удмуртская республика. Ижевск. ------------------------------------------------ 1 августа Радио Jazz расширило географию своего вещания - теперь поклонники этого стиля музыки смогут слушать прямой эфир в Ижевске. Вещание будет вестись на частоте 97,4 FM, в зоне вещания окажется около 800 000 человек. Напомним, радиостанция уже покрывает Москву и Московскую область (89.1 FM), Димитровград (99.2 FM), Томск (99.6 FM), Великий Новгород (100.0 FM), Ангарск (106.8 FM), Севастополь (87.7 FM), Самару (97.8 FM) и Архангельск (91.6 FM). (https://radiojazzfm.ru/2019/08/01/radio-jazz-nachalo-veshhanie-v-izhevske/) Калейдоскоп новостей -------------------------------- Программа "Радиопанорама" -------------------------------------- * Москва. Всемирная радиосеть. Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. 03.08.2019 - #ГКРЧ выделила частоты для стандарта #РАВИС - Законопроект об интернет-трансляциях ТВ каналов 1 и 2 мультиплексов - Штрафы на #RussiaToday в Британии и "зеркальные" законопроекты в России - Интернет-портал об электронных отходах - Новая КВ станция в Перу - Новая программа на #WRMI - #KTWR (о. Гуам) начинает #DRM трансляции для регионов - Радио и музыка: Clash - London Calling Публикация - публикацию деталей программы и звукового файла на странице Публикация и подготовка звукового файла - Владимир Емельянов, Самара. (https://vk.com/dxing) * ФАС может оштрафовать ВГТРК за рекламу "скороговоркой" на радио. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ФАС России может оштрафовать ООО "Профи-Коммуникации" и ВГТРК на сумму от 100 до 500 тыс. руб. за "скороговорку" вместо рекламы, сообщается на сайте службы. Ведомство уже выдало предписания об устранении правонарушений. Реклама жилого комплекса размещалась в эфире радио "Вести ФМ" в декабре 2018 г. Так, аудиоролик начинался с фразы: "Что подарить семье на Новый год, если вы уже дали ей все? Подарите ей набережную, и парк, и потрясающие виды из окон. <...> Звоните 688...!", а затем в течение нескольких секунд озвучивалась информация о проектной декларации и наименовании застройщика. Однако в силу того, что скорость произношения была слишком велика, в ведомстве посчитали это нарушением закона "О рекламе". "Скороговорка в рекламе на радио - это то же самое, что и мелкий шрифт в рекламе на ТВ", - отмечает заместитель руководителя ФАС России Андрей Кашеваров. ФАС передала все необходимые материалы для возбуждения дела об административном правонарушении рекламодателя ООО "Профи-Коммуникации" и рекламораспространителя ВГТРК. Ранее ведомство обнаружило "недопустимую" рекламу алкоголя в сетях магазинов "Перекресток" и "Азбука Вкуса". Adindex.ru (https://www.radioportal.ru/news/mediapravo/fas-mozhet-oshtrafovat-vgtrk-za-reklamu-skorogovorkoy-na-radio) * Бункер закрывается. -------------------------------- На Радиоцентре в Новосемейкино построят заводы. Как это повлияет на экологию и местных жителей? 30 июля 2019, Автор: Максим Фёдоров -- Прошлым летом бункер Радиоцентра хотели отреставрировать и открыть там музей. За год власти совершили смысловой кульбит: радиоцентр сохранять не будут. Здесь построят производственные корпуса под заводы, а по соседству - школу. Решение уже согласовали в правительстве, хотя какие предприятия захотят зайти на площадку, никто пока не знает... Подробнее - http://drugoigorod.ru/zachem-texnopark/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * Приёмник и пейзаж - отличное сочетание приятного и полезного! -------------------------------------------------- У вас есть свои фотографии радиоприёмника? Присылайте их на канал, который был создан нашими радиолюбителями! Все фотографии фильтруются и размещаются на странице! Ждём вас! Имя пользователя: priemnikipeizazh https://www.instagram.com/priemnikipeizazh?r=nametag (https://vk.com/tvradio47) * Ярославская область. Ярославль. ---------------------------------------- "Эхо Москвы" в Ярославле осталось без ведущих. На данный момент приостановлен выход всех тематических местных программ на известной радиостанции. Как оказалось, франшиза на канале не закрыта, но приостановлена. Причина - некому вести эфир. Как известно, главный редактор ярославской редакции "Эха", Людмила Шабуева, вышла в декрет, и только недавно родила сына. Готовить и вести эфиры, совмещая это с материнством, ей пока не под силу. Ее супруг, и тоже радиоведущий, Данила Бедяев, помогает жене в заботах о ребенке. И тоже покинул радио. Один из лучших радиожурналистов области, Марк Нуждин - уволился и теперь работает на "Эхо Москвы", но в Санкт- Петербурге. Вынужденная пауза не пугает руководство радиостанции. Сейчас активно готовят смену ушедшим ведущим. Ведь для того, чтобы качественно вести эфир, нужна специальная подготовка. На данный момент руководство радиостанции нашло несколько кандидатов на должность радиоведущих и ведет их обучение. В скором времени эфиры возобновятся. yar.mk.ru (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74405/) ЛАТВИЯ ======= 1602 kHz. Russian Christian Radio Center. So, Radio Center is on the AIR 24/7 from Riga, Latvia, but we're still working hard to improve our signal in Moscow & St. Pete at the night time! Hope, we'll switch to full power on our transmitter soon! Thanks for listening! (Andrey Nekrasov / https://www.facebook.com/groups/wrthgroup/) УКРАИНА ========= The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine recently awarded existing and new broadcast licences in the East Ukrainian war zone. This includes a medium wave station of the Ukrainian National Radio station. Press release: The regulator has renewed the permissions for temporary broadcasting to "Ukrainian Radio", "FM Army", "Public Radio" and five other licensees. (25 July 2019) The National Council at a meeting on July 25 decided to retransmit temporary broadcasting permits in territories with a special mode of broadcasting to replace those whose validity expired. In addition, two more radio stations received new permissions. "Ukrainian Radio" will continue to speak at frequencies 88.7 MHz in Volnovassi and 0.873 MHz in the city of Chasiv Yar, Donetsk Oblast, 102.5 MHz in Popasnaya and 106.9 MHz in the Broad City Luhansk Region, and "Radio Promin" at a frequency of 103.1 MHz in the city of Konstantinovka, Donetsk region. [...] Permit for temporary broadcasting is issued for a term of 1 year. Google translation of https://www.nrada.gov.ua/regulyator-ponovyv-dozvoly-na-tymchasove-movlennya-ukrayinskomu- radio- armiyi-fm-gromadskomu-radio-shhe-p-yaty-litsenziatam/ via Dr Hansjoerg Biener (26/7-2019) (https://www.mediumwave.info/news.html) PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue no. 1929, July 28, 2019 edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden ----------------------------------------------- Log 3985 Jul24 2030 Radio Belarus (via Shortwave Service in Germany). A 20-minute news magazine in French. 3 (CB) 4010.18 Jul20 0015 Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk by man and woman (AP-DNK) 4765.06 Jul22 1945 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, folksongs (AP-DNK) 7245 Jul27 1715 Voice of Tajik, Dushanbe , Persian pgm until 1800, nice music and poetry reading. Good. (UQ) Contributors to the log: AP-DNK, Anker Petersen, Skovlunde, Denmark CB, Christer Brunström, Halmstad. Sweden UQ, Ullmar Qvick, Norrköping, Sweden SWLDXBulgaria News, Editor: Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria --------------------------- * SWLDXBulgaria News July 27-28 U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Yerevan, July 27 1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-feba-radio-via-enc-dms_27.html * SWLDXBulgaria News July 28-31 ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via GJSC Yerevan, July 28 1530-1600 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat/Sun, very good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-trans-world-radio-india.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb, July 29 0839-0843 on 9353 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 19mb, July 30 0600-0604 on 15965 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_1.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 41mb, July 30 0730-0734 on 7365 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_14.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb, July 30 0739-0743 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_96.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb on July 31 0830-0834 on 11565 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-25mb.html RUSSIA Good signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, July 28 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-gtrk-adygeyaadygeyan.html RUSSIA Reception of GTRK Adygeya / Adygeyan Radio in 49mb on July 29: 1800-1900 on 6000*ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Ad/Ar/Tu Mon, very good * co-ch same 6000 BEI 100 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese CNR-1 till 1805 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-gtrk-adygeya-adygeyan.html U.K.(non) Trans World Radio Africa via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on July 28 1800-1830 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Kunama Sun, good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/trans-world-radio-africa-via-enc-dms.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Trans World Radio India via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, July 28 1545-1600 on 6240 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to CeAs Kazakh, fair to good signal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvAtpUswwLc&feature=youtu.be UZBEKISTAN(non) NHK World Radio Japan via Tashkent on July 29: 1530-1600 on 9600 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Hindi, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/nhk-world-radio-japan-via-tashkent-on.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, July 30 1530-1600 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via-rrtm.html * SWLDXBulgaria News August 1 ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via CJSC Yerevan on August 1: 1535-1539 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri, very good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-trans-world-radio-india_2.html U.K.(non) No signal of Radio Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol, August 1: 1730-1800 on 7580 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian, as scheduled in A-19 1630-1700 on 7535 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian, new addit.from Aug.1 My last video of R.Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on 7580 kHz on July 26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YreuOZpA0pg&feature=youtu.be UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1200-1430 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair to good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/radio-free-north-korea-via-rrtm-telecom.html UZBEKISTAN Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1400-1500 on 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/voice-of-wilderness-via-rrtm-telecom.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Trans World Radio India via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1545-1600 on 6240 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to CeAs Kazakh, fair to good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/trans-world-radio-india-via-rrtm_2.html DX RE MIX NEWS # 1140 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Bulgaria. Date July 28, 2019 ---------------------------- NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb, July 1 0840-0846 on 9353 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_22.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 41/25mb on July 23: 0730-0736 on 7365 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, very good 0740-0746 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair/good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_23.html RUSSIA Good signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, July 26 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/good-signal-of-gtrk-adygeyaadygeyan_27.html TAJIKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Tajik in 41mb on July 25 0600-0800 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Dari, fair/good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-voice-of-tajik-in-41mb-on.html U.K.(non) NHK World Radio Japan via ENC-DMS Tashkent on July 25: 1530-1600 on 9600 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Hindi, good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/nhk-world-radio-japan-via-enc-dms_25.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Yerevan on July 25 1600-1700 on 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Amharic, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-feba-radio-via-enc-dms_25.html U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on July 26 1730-1800 on 7580 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/radio-ranginkaman-via-enc-dms_27.html U.K.(non) Additional broadcast of R.Ranginkaman/Rainbow or other new via Grigoriopol 1630-1700 on 7535 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi will be from Aug.1, not July 27! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/additional-broadcast-of-rranginkaman.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Yerevan, July 27 1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-feba-radio-via-enc-dms_27.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Free North Korea Radio via Tashkent, updated schedule: 1200-1430 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, not 1200-1400UTC from 1319 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs open carrier on July 22! 1900-2130 on 7550*TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, not 1900-2100UTC * co-ch same 7550 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeEu En/Hi/En in DRM mode AIR https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/free-north-korea-radio-via-tashkent.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, July 26 2030-2130 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal + jamming https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/north-korea-reform-radio-via-rrtm_27.html UZBEKISTAN(non) BVBroadcasting via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on July 27: 1200-1230 on 9370 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Urdu Sat, weak to fair https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/bvbroadcasting-via-rrtm-telecom.html BC-DX 1391, 28 July 2019 Editor : Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ----------------- CHINA [TIBET] ... Hi Jose, You must be correct, down for maintenance! TIBET. Unusual to find PBS Xizang off the air, but on July 11-12-13-14-15, clearly not broadcasting on the frequencies I checked (4820, 4905, 4920, 5935 and 6200 kHz), from 1030+ UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld July 15) { KYRGYZ REPUBLIC } Now you can check Bishkek KGZ alone [on 4820v kHz] until 1230 UT, as PBS Xizang Lhasa Tibet is off due to summer maintenance til July 28: (Mauno Ritola-FIN, dxld July 16) CHINA UNID 7262 kHz station string ? NOTHING heard/seen on v7262 kHz around 1045-1215 UT July 24, checked in Hiroshima Akitakata, Tokyo and Delhi India remote SDR's. ... 7245even TJK Tajik Radio from Dushanbe Yangi-Yul, exact fq like standard signal station, precise aligned as always by the technician there ... KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Biblical Programs for Silk Road: TWR's new Silk Road Transmitter debuted at 10 am US Eastern Daylight Time (1400 UT. bp) on June 10, 2019, bringing the gospel to millions across the largely unreached region of the vast steppes and mountain ranges of Central Asia. The stronger Silk Road signal covers large portions of six countries - the core area comprising Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The five languages broadcast over the transmitter are spoken by people groups mostly classified as unreached by the gospel. In addition to the in-depth study of Thru the Bible and the Scripture readings and explanations of Radio Bible Project, Silk Road broadcasts include programs such as House Church, Power in Persecution and The Christian Home. Another powerful program is The Way of Righteousness, which has been highly effective at introducing the gospel to Muslim listeners from the perspective of their own faith. Installation of the transmitter was completed this spring after more than 1,700 supporters of TWR provided the $593,000 cost of the project. From TWR Website Frequency and transmitter site aren't mentioned but this is apparently the station being reported on 612 kHz. (Bruce Portzer. DXWW II, IRCA DX Monitor July 20, published July 16, via wor dxld via RUSdx #1039) MOLDOVA Radio Moldova (873 and 1494 kHz). FM, usually broadcasts in Romanian. A number of minority programmes are broadcast according to the following schedule researched from their website. local time (currently A-19: UTC +3hrs, in B-19 +2hrs): 0900-0910: News in Russian 1100-1110: News in Russian. Sat Sun until 1105 hrs. 1400-1410: News in Russian. Sat Sun until 1405 hrs. 1800-1810: News in Russian 2015-2055: Mo-Fr minority programmes Mo Gagauz Tu Romani 2035 Russian We Belarusian 2035 Russian Th Ukrainian Fr Bulgarian 2100-2115: Mo-Fr Panorama of the day in Russian There are also programmes produced by US - Radio Europa Libera, some of which are also in Russian: Mo Dialogue Programs for Transnistria 2115-2145: Russian 2230-2300: Romanian Sa at the end of the week 2025-2055: Romanian 2335-0000: Russian Su round table 2025-2055: Romanian. (Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 27) TAJIKISTAN Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet on July 19 1230-1235 NF9896 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex9899 1235-1242 on9886 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchange 1242-1300 on9876 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchange 1300-1306 NF9899 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex9886 1306-1312 on9886 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchange 1312-1332 NF9876 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex9886 1330-1336 NF9886 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex9896 1332-1400 on9826 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchange 1336-1400 on9876 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan unchange (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 19) USA poor RUI signal via WRMI Okeechobee relay in Florida in most US states of WRMI 7780 kHz service at 44degr azimuth. If the published antenna azimuths are accurate, and with all other things being equal, 7780 kHz should actually be the strongest of the three here in the northeast. I'll do a signal strength comparison this evening at 2300 UT, when all three frequencies should be active. That might give an indication as to whether 7780 kHz is indeed running at its rated 100 kW power level. (Jim Barrett-NY-USA, wor dxld July 19) Thanks for doing that, Jim. I suggest that RUI is not getting value for their dollar with this azimuth. Surely a broader N/NW azimuth makes a lot more sense to capture a larger market in North America. Few if anyone would try to listen in Europe at 02:30 UT. Frequency planners at RUI and WRMI need to sit down and make some changes, IMHO ... Walt [later] It was me who brought this up in the first place. I simply don't feel that for a huge chunk of North America that 7780 kHz is a very good choice at all. I'd suggest a more westerly beam would work better. I can't see that Europe would be a target at all during this time ... middle of the night. Another transmitter? Not necessarily, but a more suited one for the North American population. 73, Walt (Walt Salmaniw-BC-CAN, wor dxld July 20) Bob: Are you asking for a suggestion for an ADDITIONAL frequency and time? What is RUI's goal? To serve NA or Europe or both? Are they only paying for one airing? Are they entitled to another one without additional payment? (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor dxld July 20) Re: WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA on 7780 kHz at 44 degr azimuth. As I reported off-line to Walt, URI's programming is streamed continuously and is available from this website: It's the last item under the Live Broadcast heading on the right (explicitly, Here is the schedule that I have pieced together by checking on a couple of days what's listed for the four languages (mostly Russian) and cross- checked with some of what I heard (corrections welcome): 00-01: Russian 01-02: English 02-12: Russian 12-13: English 13-14: German 14-15: Russian 15-16: Romanian 16-19: Russian 19-20: German 20-21: English 21-22: Romanian 22-23: English 23-00: Russian The stream should be available on TuneIn but every time I checked, it said it was unavailable. Don't know if other stream aggregators have it. (Richard Langley-NB-USA, wor July 23) UZBEKISTAN Newer LW Tashkent 162 kHz site, then 270 kHz. MW 576, 666, and 999 kHz too. 41 12 31.16 N 69 08 08.45 E Solnechny Kuyoshli location dismanteled in Februar 2019. Old two 235 m high masts still visible on Google Earth image of 06 October 2018 in their database. {not seen on Google Maps anymore} UZB__LW Tashkent old 270/162 kHz, MW site city sender 41 17 29.49 N 69 18 24.70 E (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14) On February 13, two antenna-mast structures with a height of 235 meters, located in the village of Solnechny, Zangiata District, Tashkent Region, were dismantled in a special way. After the suspension of radio broadcasting in the range of long and medium waves since 2002, these antenna mast structures have not been used. Before the start of work on dismantling the huge antennas, the population of the region was warned. All precautionary measures were also taken by involving the district hokimiyat, emergency, internal affairs and fire safety departments, as well as specialists from the ambulance services, electrical and gas supply. Now the territory where huge antennas were installed will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. In their place will build a modern military camp. In the last century, broadcasting systems were mainly set to use long and medium waves, as well as partially short waves. A radio station near the village of Solnechny in the Zangiata district of the Tashkent region was at one time adapted for broadcasting just such waves. In the 80s of the last century, a radio communication system was built for the distribution of long waves between two masts with a height of 235 meters. The main reasons for the widespread development of broadcasting in the wave bands (frequency 148.5-408 kHz, wavelength 2020-735 meters) and medium (frequency 526.5-1606.5 kHz, wavelength 570-186 meters) are associated with the use of radio tubes and transistors radio transmitters of the time. It became possible to produce a large number of low-frequency radios operating in these bands. In addition, the radio waves that transmitted powerful broadcasting operating in these bands were spread over relatively large distances along the curved surface of the earth. However, no more than 10-20 radio stations could operate on the long wavelength. The quality of the analog signal was relatively low and with a high influence of the noise level. As a result, long-wave broadcasting worldwide is declining. Including broadcasting in Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan was discontinued. In Uzbekistan, broadcasting in the range of long and medium waves has been suspended since 2002. (radiomaa / "open_dx"; via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1037 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14) There was a broadcast, and even what! I take out (from wide leg :)) WRTH-1993, the very first from my collection, and I see there on LW / MW: 162 UZR1 150 kW 576 Mayak 5 kW 666 UZR2 + Reg 30 kW 1062 UZR1 ??? kw (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS, "open_dx"; via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1037) I have the first handbook for 1987. There are three programs: First 162 kHz Took. The second is 666 kHz. Lithuanians always killed. The third 1062, 1539, 1593 kHz accepted everything. QSL sent from the frequency of 5925 kHz. (Alexander Golovikhin, Tolyatti-RUS, "open_dx"; via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1037 July 14) DX LISTENING DIGEST 19-30, July 25, 2019 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ------------------------------------ ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Additional transmission of Radio Free North Korea via Tashkent: 1900-2130 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg Korean, poor, and totally blocked same time 7550 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg WeEu En/Hi/En DRM All India Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/additional-transmission-of-radio-free.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News July 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UZBEKISTAN, Free North Korea Radio via Tashkent, updated schedule: 1200-1430 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg NEAs Korean, not 1200-1400 UT from 1319 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg NEAs open carrier on July 22! 1900-2130 7550*TAC 100 kW / 076 deg NEAs Korean, not 1900-2100 UT * co-ch 7550 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg WeEu En/Hi/En in DRM mode AIR https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/free-north-korea-radio-via-tashkent.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News July 21, WORLD OF RADIO 1992, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KYRGYZSTAN. Birinchi Radio operates now on 612 kHz only between 0000-1200. 4820 kHz carries 2nd prgr, but only between 0000-1230. Power is 15 kW. On MW all other KTRK transmitters except 612 kHz are reported to be off the air (WRTHmonitor July 2019 updates / http://www.wrth.com/_shop/?p=5220 via Rus-DX 21 July via DXLD) ** KYRGYZSTAN. BREAKING NEWS FROM KYRGYZSTAN! Dear Friend, It just happened! Only days ago, we went on the air and we're now broadcasting the Gospel message in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan! And it's working --- people are listening. Even on the very first day of broadcasting, we started receiving calls from listeners who are grateful and excited to hear the Good News. Thank you for being a part of this important work of reaching the people of Kyrgyzstan with the Gospel (via Juan Franco Crespo, July 25, DXLD) Can`t find this latest story yet on FEBC website, only previous one, so it`s only FM. WTFK? Who cares?? (gh, DXLD) FEBC KYRGYZSTAN PREPARES TO LAUNCH NEW STATION by febc | Jan 3, 2019 | Blog, FEBC News, Kyrgyzstan On December 14, FEBC Kyrgyzstan received an FM frequency for the station they plan to launch in Naryn, a city in the central part of the country. Less than a week later, Janysh, director of FEBC Kyrgyzstan, abandoned his vehicle due to heavy snow and rode for four... On December 14, FEBC Kyrgyzstan received an FM frequency for the station they plan to launch in Naryn, a city in the central part of the country. Less than a week later, Janysh, director of FEBC Kyrgyzstan, abandoned his vehicle due to heavy snow and rode for four hours on horseback in -10 degree weather to the top of a mountain to visit the transmitter site and begin initial planning. The station is expected to be up and running by late spring or early summer once the snows have melted. In a video sent from Janysh during his snowy trek, he explains how part of the first stages of planning involves determining whether FEBC should rent or build their own transmitter. As the staff continues to make plans for the new station, lots of funding and prayers are needed to help the station meets its launch-date goals. https://www.febc.org/febc-kyrgyzstan-prepares-to-launch-new-station (via Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** KYRGYZSTAN. 4010.18, 0015-0017 20.7, Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka, Kyrgyz talk by man and woman, 35233 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, my latest loggings from Skovlunde on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire, wbradio yg via DXLD) ** MOLDOVA. Radio Free Europe with program in Russian was heard on July 15th at 1830-1900 UT on MW 873 & 1494 kHz, instead of the usual airing at 1815-1845. This transmission is on the air only on Mondays and is not compiled by Radio Liberty (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria, via Rus-DX 21 July via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. A CONTENDER FOR A TON OF CEMENT CARRIED THE OFFICE OF RADIO EXPRESS The presenters were looking for a person on the air who would receive a ton of cement as a gift, but something went wrong. One of the contestants broke the TV in the office of the Penza radio "Express". In order to compete for a ton of cement, Penzens had to get on the air, talk to the presenters, and then come to the Express shopping mall to complete the tasks from the "test bag". "Someone tried to buy pink cement, someone collected signatures, someone wrote down appeals to friends. Today the last participant arrived at the studio, who got an empty sheet. By pure chance, the radio turned out to be a stick with the puck of the presenter Alexei Nechaev, which ultimately served as an idea for the test, "said Dmitry Linkov, editor-in-chief of Radio Express. He added that the task of the applicant for a ton of cement was to hit the toy man with a puck at a distance of three meters. "He missed a little and hit the TV, which everyone loved on the Express." As a result, in order not to shed tears and try to find the culprits, Alexey Nechaev threw him out of the balcony, "shared Dmitry Linkov. It is noted that this week, three participants will face new tests, and afterwards the presenters will name the owner of a ton of cement from Radio Express. http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74191/ (imperfect machine translation in Rus-DX July 21 via WORLD OF RADIO 1992, DXLD) WTFK? 105.2 FM. Penza is 625 km SE of Moskva, per Wikipedia (gh) ** RUSSIA. YULIA GOLUBEVA COMMENTED ON THE PROSPECTS FOR THE TRANSITION OF BROADCASTING IN RUSSIA TO DIGITAL STANDARDS Yulia Golubeva, Krutoy Media CEO, commented on the rspectr.com portal about the possibilities of switching analogue broadcasting in Russia to digital standards. Yulia Golubeva noted that the prospects for the transition to "digital" are of interest and concern for the industry: "We are closely following how digital broadcasting is developing in the world. We are against the revolution, we are for evolution. The Russian Academy of Radio does not support the European experience with the disconnection of analog transmitters and the transition to digital broadcasting in the DAB + standard." "We see the advantage of switching to" digital "not in the ability to place several audio streams in a dedicated frequency band (which allows this technology), but in broadcasting existing audio content in higher quality comparable to what streaming services and online broadcasters currently provide. We are ready to consider in addition to traditional analogue parallel broadcasting in the DRM + standard, at the same frequencies. A similar scheme is implemented in the USA (HD Radio), when both analog and digital signals are simultaneously transmitted on the same frequency," said Yulia Golubeva. The commentary is published in the article "Radio Retains Loyalty to Analogue" on rspectr.com. Rspectr.com is a portal for communications, information technology and mass communications. Among the portal authors are managers and specialists of the Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor, leading companies in the industry, the radio frequency service, scientific organizations, and industry associations. Founder: Autonomous non-profit organization "Information and Analytical Center for the Strategy of Using the Radio Frequency Spectrum" (ANO "Radio Frequency Spectrum"). http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74232/ (via Rus-DX 21 July via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. About DRM + tests in Petersburg at 95.7 MHz photos by links --- Sergei Sokolov is located in the city of St. Petersburg. July 16 at 00:12 Today was a very long day. It began early in the morning on the TV tower, and ended at 12:00 in the morning at the headquarters of the DRM + experimental zone in our office. Together with my colleagues from Digiton Systems, our partners in the international project team are from Triad TV, RFmondial, Fraunhofer, NXP semiconductors, RTRS, GPM Radio and GUT them. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. The launch of the DRM + Simulcast pilot area for analogue-digital broadcasting is entering the implementation phase. https://www.facebook.com/sergey.sokolov.710/posts/2392273814155612 Sergei Sokolov is located in city of St. Petersburg. July 17 at 00:00 The second day of the active phase of the DRM Simulcast digital-to-analog broadcasting project ends. Transferred to the transmitter is the Fraunhofer content server and the Omnia.9 sound processor. Provided remote access to all devices on the tower to change the parameters and modes of operation of the content server and transmitter. Successfully passed the RTRS test for power consumption of the transmitter. Started to work with all the power on the equivalent of the antenna. We have achieved the necessary parameters of the digital signal. Set up the transfer of images (slide show) and various textual information for Autoradio and Comedy. Agreed on the methodology of the experiment and measurements. We have taken one more step towards our goal: a full-fledged translation of Comedy Radio into a digital-analog mode of operation with two additional programs in digital. https://www.facebook.com/sergey.sokolov.710/posts/2394109683972025 Sergei Sokolov So, today 07/18/19 at 13:50 in St. Petersburg, at a frequency of 95.9 MHz, for the first time in Russia, a digital-analog radio station has been launched. Comedy Radio has switched to broadcasting from a transmitter that generates and broadcasts simultaneously an analog FM signal with a power of 3 kW, along with a 400-watt digital DRM. Despite such a difference in power, the digital signal coverage will not be inferior to the analogue coverage. And most likely - it will have a large reception area. Experimental broadcasting will last at least until the end of the year. During this time, we need to answer many questions, prepare recommendations, and work out the basis for creating a new regulatory framework that will allow launching digital-analogue radio stations, certifying transmitting and receiving equipment. For the first time in the world, DRM Simulcast broadcasting is carried out on such significant capacities, provided that a neighboring radio station is located at 400 kHz and using such a significant number of DRM services: radio station logos, issue of images of albums, textual transmission of news, weather forecast and much more. The first digital channel is a digital copy of Comedy Radio. In the second digital channel on the same frequency is transmitted to Autoradio. Next week we plan to add a third digital channel. It will be "Europe Plus". Video filmed on the way home. In the countryside. Yes, I was driving home and listening to digital radio. Now in Petersburg it is possible. It was an incredible day that we will remember with our entire project team. https://www.facebook.com/sergey.sokolov.710/videos/2397814946934832/ Photo chronicle of the fourth day of the project team on the launch of DRM Simulcast in St. Petersburg. It was the day when the radio station Comedy Radio switched to a new transmitter and started working with a digital copy, additional digital channels, and services on the same frequency. https://www.facebook.com/sergey.sokolov.710/posts/2397849016931425 Source: https://www.facebook.com/sergey.sokolov.710/posts/2392273814155612 https://vk.com/vcfm2014 (via Rus-DX 21 July via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. World Radio Network and News --- In various foreign sources circulates "news" about the possible resumption of the broadcast of the World Radio Network at 1017 kHz using a transmitter in Noginsk downright from June 1, citing Russian publications DX-ers. Ydun Ritz asked to clarify whether this is true? The easiest option is to write a letter directly [to] Vadim Alekseev, which I did on June 8. Here is his answer: ---- This is from series "someone composes." When will there be any news they will immediately appear on our website (wrn.ru). Respectfully, Vadim Alekseev, Ch. p / channel editor, World Radio Network. ---- I think this topic can be closed for the time being, until the time (Vasily Gulyaev, Astrakhan / "open_dx" via Rus-DX 21 July via DXLD) ** TAJIKISTAN. 4765.05, 0010-0015 20.7, Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, Tajik ann, folksongs, 45444 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, my latest loggings from Skovlunde on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire, wbradio yg via DXLD) Reception of Voice of Tajik in 41mb on July 25 0600-0800 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Dari, fair/good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/reception-of-voice-of-tajik-in-41mb-on.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News July 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN, Frequency changes of V of Tibet, July 19 1230-1235 NF 9896 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9899 1235-1242 on 9886 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchange 1242-1300 on 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchange 1300-1306 NF 9899 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886 1306-1312 on 9886 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchange 1312-1332 NF 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886 1330-1336 NF 9886 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9896 1332-1400 on 9826 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchange 1336-1400 on 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchange https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/07/frequency-changes-of-voice-of-tibet.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News July 18-19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE [non]. Glenn points out that 7780 is always weaker than the other 2 main WRMI 41 m frequencies. A real shame, as Ukrainian Radio at 0230 would always be of interest to me, but rarely, if ever, is it strong enough to yield usable audio. A few posts I've read from readers in eastern N America also report "fair reception". Where exactly is this transmitter beamed, and what's the power. Surely it has to be 50 or less kW. I hope that RUI is not paying good money for a semi-worthless transmitter. Why the BS need 2 very powerful 41 meter channels, where 1 is more than enough. The other could give good audio to the programs now on 7780. Anyone out there listening? (Volodya ``Walt`` Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, July 19, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 1992, DXLD) Hi Walt. 7780 kHz via transmitter #1 goes out with an azimuth of 44° directed to eastern North America and Europe and the Middle East. See the attached graphic (not sure who created it; perhaps WRMI themselves). I usually get good reception of 7780 kHz later in the evening here in NB even indoors with a whip antenna on a portable. Reception might be OK, using the U. Twente SDR receiver or other Web-based receivers in Europe or North America. Unlike some of the other relays, that for Radio Ukraine International only seems to be aired once and on the 7780 kHz, which misses most of North America (-- Richard Langley, ibid.) According to http://short-wave.info, the WRMI 7780 transmitter is licensed for 100 kW, but of course it may be running less. The biggest problem appears to be the antenna beam azimuth, which is 44 degrees for all scheduled transmissions throughout the day - not ideal for any listeners in the midwestern or western US or Canada. (Jim Barrett, Elmira, NY, ibid.) Hello Richard, there are two more updates: http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/SW_Radiogram_2019-04-20.htm#WRMI http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/SW_Radiogram_2019-05-04.htm#WRMI I created these graphics based on the azimuth information from here: https://wrmi.net/index.php/programming/ The background was a changing of frequency of two programs with data content and a quick overview to finding a suitable WEB-SDR in the corresponding target area (roger, germany, ibid.) If the published antenna azimuths are accurate, and with all other things being equal, 7780 should actually be the strongest of the three here in the northeast. I'll do a signal strength comparison this evening at 2300, when all three frequencies should be active. That might give an indication as to whether 7780 is indeed running at its rated 100 kW power level (Jim Barrett, Elmira NY, ibid.) Thanks for doing that, Jim. I suggest that RUI is not getting value for their dollar with this azimuth. Surely a broader N/NW azimuth makes a lot more sense to capture a larger market in North America. Few if anyone would try to listen in Europe at 0230. Frequency planners at RUI and WRMI need to sit down and make some changes, IMHO (Walt Salmaniw, WORLD OF RADIO 1992, ibid.) And what would you suggest? (Bob Biermann, WRMI, ibid.) Bob: Are you asking for a suggestion for an ADDITIONAL frequency and time? What is RUI's goal? To serve NA or Europe or both? Are they only paying for one airing? Are they entitled to another one without additional payment? (- Richard Langley, ibid.) Such private business details WRMI does not discuss with listeners. Another strange thing about WRMI frequency usage I`m at a loss to understand is that they broadcast on 5, 7 and 9 MHz bands in the daytime, nothing at all on 11 or 13 MHz which would be much less absorbed, especially now in summer; or 15 MHz on NW beams rather than NE on 15770 (gh, DXLD) It was me who brought this up in the first place. I simply don't feel that for a huge chunk of North America that 7780 is a very good choice at all. I'd suggest a more westerly beam would work better. I can't see that Europe would be a target at all during this time --- middle of the night. Another transmitter? Not necessarily, but a more suited one for the North American population. 73, (Walt Salmaniw, BC, WOR iog via DXLD) WRMI 7780 --- I didn't get a chance to check relative signal strengths tonight. I had to disconnect my antennas due to lightning in the immediate area. Will try again tomorrow evening (Jim Barrett, Elmira NY, 0411 UT July 20, WOR iog via DXLD) Here are two clips of the start of the Friday Radio Ukraine International broadcast starting at 0230 UT (20 July UT) on 7780 kHz as received here in NB and also using the U. Twente SDR receiver. Reception at both locations was good. Caution: I haven't changed the audio level on either recording; U. Twente SDR receiver recording levels are typically a bit low. Later in the broadcast they ask for comments on reception. Might be worth contacting them about adding an additional frequency and/or time. Walt: If you'd like to listen to one of my recordings of the complete broadcast, let me know and I'll put the file somewhere where you can grab it (-- Richard Langley, ibid.) So, right now at 2310 UT, July 20, WRMI on 7780 has "screaming preacher" Terry Blalock's Full Gospel program, with a consistent S9+20 to S9+25. 7730 and 7570 both appear to be running Brother Scare. He's not on yet, but I can hear the typical Saturday evening muttered prayers and exhortations of his congregation over a piano music bed. Of the two, 7570 is definitely stronger, at S9 to S9+10, with 7730 a much-weaker S7 to S8. Here in New York, I'm near the center of the 044 degree beam of 7780. Both 7730 and 7570 point away from me (from Florida), but the beams are only 25 degrees apart, so based on the weak signal on 7730, I would think that transmitter may not be running full power (Jim Barrett, Elmira NY, Drake R8B, Wellbrook loop, 0032 July 21, ibid.) Nice clips, Richard, and thank you. Certainly more than adequate for comfortable listening. May be worthwhile dropping them a line as you suggest. It's Ukraine's parliamentary elections Sunday, so programming might be interesting! (Walt, ibid.) Follow up: checking the KD4HSO SDR in Kansas at 2335 UT July 20, Both 7570 and 7730 are steady at S9+20, while 7780 is a weak S7. Obviously the directional arrays at WRMI work as designed and published. It's unfortunate that Brother Scare gets many hours on the two transmitters aimed toward the center of the continent, while more interesting programming is relegated to the northeastern beam of 7780 that is received well on the east coast, but poorly farther west and northwest (Jim Barrett, ibid.) Thanks, Jim. Mirrors my thoughts and observations further west! (Walt, ibid.) Interesting map, Richard. Despite 9395 being almost due north, it's very strong on the west coast in our evenings, too. No wonder 7780 is so poor. Beam isn't at all conducive to good reception here! (Walt, ibid.) Richard, would you happen to know the email address for RUI? I also noted that I no longer could find RUI on my Grace Internet Radio receiver. They used to be listed as NRCU 1 through 4, with the latter being RUI (Walt, ibid.) Hi Walt, You may try some of the emails listed on this page: http://nrcu.gov.ua/RUI_about 73, (Dmitry Mezin, Russia, ibid.) Thanks to Wolfy, Richard and Dmitry for providing many email addresses for RUI. I'll get to it, as soon as I can! Who knows, perhaps suggestions from us will be helpful in their frequency/time planning. 73, (Walt Salmaniw, ibid.) Re: [WOR] WRMI 7780 --- As I reported off-line to Walt, URI's programming is streamed continuously and is available from website: http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/en/ It's the last item under the Live Broadcast heading on the right; explicitly, http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/en/schedule/play-live.html?channelID=4 Here is the schedule that I have pieced together by checking on a couple of days what's listed for the four languages (mostly Russian) and cross-checked with some of what I heard (corrections welcome): 00-01: Russian 01-02: English 02-12: Russian 12-13: English 13-14: German 14-15: Russian 15-16: Romanian 16-19: Russian 19-20: German 20-21: English 21-22: Romanian 22-23: English 23-00: Russian The stream should be available on TuneIn but every time I checked, it said it was unavailable. Don't know if other stream aggregators have it (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 1992, DXLD) MUSEA See also JORDAN +++++ ... WHAT'S NEW ON DXSIGNAL.RU (ENG): 21 JUL Hello, 1 new recording submitted by Maxim Koshelev from Pskov, Russia, has been added to the True Sounds audio archive on dxsignal.ru. Direct link to the list of the latest clips: http://dxsignal.ru/listen_eng.htm If you'd like to share some of your recorded audios on this page, please contact me: dm65dx [at] gmail [dot] com. 73, (Dmitry Mezin, http://dxsignal.ru July 22, dxsignal yg via DXLD) Viz.: True sounds - archive of audio recordings These pages contain interesting audio samples of domestic and international radios. Many clips were provided by my friends specially for the site. All times are in UTC. In order to select the country, click on its initial letter. If you have a wish to see some of your clips on this page, write me to dm65dx [at] gmail [dot] com. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Unidentified Other ...Recordings added in June - July 2019... Radio Poland, 1386 kHz MP3 file, size 755 kB. From Maxim Koshelev, Pskov, Russia. Recorded 20 Oct 2018 at 1629. Relayed via Radio Baltic Waves, Viešintos, Lithuania. Children's East Siberian Railway (Irkutsk), Russia, 153.7 MHz MP3 file, size 470 kB. From Alexey Stepanov, Irkutsk, Russia. Recorded 10 June 2018. [2-way contact] Radiostantsiya Rechka (Irkutsk, river communications), Russia, 3399 kHz, USB mode, MP3 file, size 1.47 MB. From Alexey Stepanov, Irkutsk, Russia. Recorded 9 Sep 2018 at 0015. Weather forecasts (incl. via traffic controller) for Angara River / ponds / Lake Baikal, navigational warning. Irkutsk-2 (river communications), Russia, 300.2 MHz, MP3 file, size 1.60 MB. From Alexey Stepanov, Irkutsk, Russia. Recorded 24 May 2018. Water heights throughout Angara river, establishment of waterway signs and signals (via DXLD) DX RE MIX NEWS # 1141 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Bulgaria. Date August 3, 2019 ----------------------------- ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via GJSC Yerevan, July 28 1530-1600 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat/Sun, very good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-trans-world-radio-india.html ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via CJSC Yerevan on August 1: 1535-1539 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri, very good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-trans-world-radio-india_2.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb, July 29 0839-0843 on 9353 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 19mb, July 30 0600-0604 on 15965 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_1.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 41mb, July 30 0730-0734 on 7365 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_14.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb, July 30 0739-0743 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-s06s-russian-lady-in_96.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb on July 31 0830-0834 on 11565 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-25mb.html RUSSIA Good signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, July 28 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/good-signal-of-gtrk-adygeyaadygeyan.html RUSSIA Reception of GTRK Adygeya / Adygeyan Radio in 49mb on July 29: 1800-1900 on 6000*ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Ad/Ar/Tu Mon, very good * co-ch same 6000 BEI 100 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese CNR-1 till 1805 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-gtrk-adygeya-adygeyan.html U.K.(non) Trans World Radio Africa via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on July 28 1800-1830 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Kunama Sun, good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/trans-world-radio-africa-via-enc-dms.html U.K.(non) No signal of Radio Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol, August 1: 1730-1800 on 7580 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian, as scheduled in A-19 1630-1700 on 7535 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian, new addit.from Aug.1 My last video of R.Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on 7580 kHz on July 26 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/no-signal-of-rranginkaman-on-75807535.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Trans World Radio India via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, July 28 1545-1600 on 6240 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to CeAs Kazakh, fair to good signal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvAtpUswwLc&feature=youtu.be UZBEKISTAN(non) NHK World Radio Japan via Tashkent on July 29: 1530-1600 on 9600 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Hindi, very good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/nhk-world-radio-japan-via-tashkent-on.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, July 30 1530-1600 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via-rrtm.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1200-1430 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair to good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/radio-free-north-korea-via-rrtm-telecom.html UZBEKISTAN Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1400-1500 on 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/voice-of-wilderness-via-rrtm-telecom.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Trans World Radio India via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, August 1 1545-1600 on 6240 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to CeAs Kazakh, fair to good signal: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/08/trans-world-radio-india-via-rrtm_2.html DX Fanzine No. 71 - July 2019 Editor: Antonello Napolitano Italy ------------- Freq. Date Time-UTC ITU Station, Language and Programme Details. SINPO/SWL 1377 19.07.19 1805-1825 ARM TWR/Leading the Way Ministries, via Gavar, EE/Farsi: 34443 PR 9490 21.07.19 1600-1628 ARM AWR, via Gavar, EE: DX PX "Wavescan" #543 23442 PR Contributors: PR = Rumen Pankov, Sofia (Bulgaria). RX: Sony ICF2001D. ANT: Folded Marconi antenna own made. QSL REVIEW ARMENIA FEBA Radio, via Gavar-Yerevan, 9540 kHz: N/D letter with no verification text in 66 days. V/S: Esther O'Toole esthero@feba.org.uk Report was sent to: info@feba.org.uk and reply came from: supporter- relations@feba.org.uk (Ivan Zelenyi, Nizhnevartovsk, RUSSIA) РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ РАДИОСТАНЦИЙ ============================ Германия / Эквадор --------------------------- ** ECUADOR [non]. GERMANY/ECUADOR, HCJB Deutschland (3995, 5920, 7365 kHz) hat wieder Nachrichten aus Suedamerika im Programm. Mark-Torsten Wardein gibt dafuer folgende Begruendung: "Das war frueher immer der Renner: Das Neueste aus Suedamerika mit Radio HCJB aus Quito - Ecuador. Kultur, Land und Leute - alles war interessant und spannend. Nun gibt es wieder so ein Angebot. Ich selbst habe damals mehrere junge Mitarbeiter von ZP30 bei einer Radioschulung in Quito kennengelernt und dann den Sender in Paraguay besucht. Das Abendjournal ist auf jeden Fall ein grosser Pluspunkt fuer unser Radio in Deutschland und nimmt uns mit in den suedamerikanischen Alltag und in die Kultur. Ausgestrahlt wird es Dienstag bis Samstag und kommt immer mit einem Tag Verspaetung wegen der Zeitverschiebung." Das Abendjournal von ZP30 Filadelfia (Paraguay) ist im neuen Programmplan um 2000 Uhr zu finden. (Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, July 14) R. HCJB Deutschland (3995, 5920, 7365 kHz) hat zum 1. Juli folgenden Programmplan (UTC) aus Weenermoor veroeffentlicht: ... 0300: Golos And in Russisch ... (Bernd Seiser-D, via Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, July 14 via BC-DX 20 July via DXLD) Северная Корея ------------------------ ** KOREA NORTH. Voice of Korea, via Kujang broadcast center, noted with some irregular break/moves, with different language audio feed, or even only modulated with pure Jamming scratch audio as intermodulation locally on the broadcast center, sometimes with empty carrier only. Noted on extensive monitoring in remote PERSEUS units in eastern Thailand, New Delhi India, Akitakata Hiroshima and Tokyo, Japan; during July 14 - 18, 2019. kHz program time UT language / remarks [all 200 kW] deg * inactive / out of service in A-19 season, due of budget cut ? ... 9875.002 VoK 0700-0757 Russian 28 11734.997 VoK 0700-0757 Russian Japanese 28 13759.983 VoK 0700-0757 Russian 325 15244.961 VoK 0700-0757 Russian Japanese 325 9650.002 VoK 0800-0850 Japanese Russian 109 ... 7220.000 VoK 0800-0857 Chinese Russian ND 9445.130 VoK 0800-0857 Chinese Russian ND 9875.003 VoK 0800-0857 Russian 28 11734.998 VoK 0800-0857 Russian Japanese+1/2 Russian 28 13759.982 VoK 0800-0857 Russian 325 15244.961 VoK 0800-0857 Russian Chinese 325 ... 9425.000 VoK 1400-1457 Russian 325 12014.989 VoK 1400-1457 Russian 11865 MNG 12014.875 325 ... 9425.000 VoK 1500-1557 Russian 325 12014.990 VoK 1500-1557 Russian >>> 11865 July 15 325 ... [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14 - 18, BCDX via DXLD) WEB РАДИО И ТВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Телевидение. Россия. Пензенская область. Пенза. ---------------------------- "ТВ-Экспресс" Новости Пензы и области. W: http://tv-express.ru/ Где узнать о ключевых событиях дня? Кто первым успевает подать главные новости Пензы сегодня? Нелегко сразу найти статью на интересующую тему, особенно если происшествие случилось совсем недавно. Далеко не все сайты Пензы успевают подавать материал в режиме онлайн без ущерба качеству, не всем по карману большой штат корреспондентов, да и поиск отнимает много времени. Хотите всегда быть в курсе актуальных событий? Телеканал Экспресс города Пенза - портал, где собраны свежие новости из всех областей жизни. QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДЕ = Дмитрий Елагин, Саратов / "deneb-radio-dx" КБ = Константин Барсенков, Санкт-Петербург / "deneb-radio-dx" ПИ = Павел Иванов, Белгород / "deneb-radio-dx" / "open_dx" AF = Artur Fernandez Llorella, Spain / http://maresmedx.blogspot.com/2019/07/qsl-twr-india.html PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland Германия -------------- Получил QSL-карточку и письмо Radio Rasant. 25.05.2019 / 08.00-08.30 UTC / 9510 kHz E-mail: info @ radiorasant.org W: www.radiorasant.org Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post_31.html (АК) Индия / Армения ------------------------ TWR India, 9330 KHz, via Yerevan, Armènia (dada que no apareix a la QSL). Fa un any vaig escoltar l'emissora I vaig enviar l'informe a diverses adreces. Vaig rebre una E-QSL als pocs dies (vegeu entrada del 8 d'agost de 2018). La sorpresa ha estat rebre ara aquesta QSL per correu postal gairebé un any després I directament des de Guam! L'adreça del sobre és TWR, P.O. Box 6095, Merizo, Guam 96916-0395. v/s Melinda Becker. (AF) Нидерланды ------------------ Получил e-QSL to Radio Johnny Tobacco 12 July 2019 / 19.30-19.43 UTC / 6290 kHz Via Receiver type : WebSDR University of Twente, The Netherland Antenna: Mini - Whip E-mail: corsnoek9422 @ gmail.com Blog: https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post.html (АК) Россия / Германия -------------------------- "Голос Анд" - QSL-card (13800 kHz / 15.30 UTC / 20-07-2019); Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/hcjb.html (КБ) США ------- * QSL card from Radio Marti - US government station broadcasting to Cuba. Program was transmitted on 02. 07. 2019 in Spanish on 7335 kHz. (PS) Посмотреть можно здесь - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/07/radiomarti-us-government-station.html * Voice of America - e-QSL (9490 kHz / 20.30 UTC / 26-07-2019); Тема QSL прежняя: антенны и пальмы на фоне голубого неба; Рапортовал на qsl[at]usagm.gov в день приёма, ответ получен 30-07-2019; Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2016/07/voice-of-america.html (КБ) * Получил ответ от Alameda Bible Fellowship. Информация о вещании в : WRTH2019IntRadioSuppl2_A19Schedules_Rev1 Thank you Fred. Dear Pavel: I can confirm your reception report all the way from Belgorod, Russia! Thank you for sending it. Although I am not sure how to reply since you're asking for our QSL card or eQSL...I am copying this reply to RadioMiami which broadcasts our program...maybe they can send the QSL? There seems to be quite a bit of noise on the recording, I hope you were able to understand it well enough. We appreciate that you're letting us know that you're picking up the signal and pray that you are being blessed by the word of God which is the purpose for which it is being sent out. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the teaching we would be very happy to try to answer them. In the meantime, may the LORD richly bless you as you listen. Thank you again. Kind regards, Brad Cowan (ПИ) * QSL card from Radio Mashaal - the part of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty broadcasting to Pakistan's tribal areas. Program was transmitted on 10. 07. 2019 in Pashto on 15360 khz. QSL was sent from Praha / Czech Republic. (PS) Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/08/radiomashaal.html Тайвань ------------ Radio Taiwan International Получена новая QSL карточка от русской редакции Международного Радио Тайваня за рапорт от 2 июля 2019 года. Конверт отправлен из Тайбэя 10 июля. Тема карточки QSL 2019-7 + проклятия в адрес Почты России... http://freerutube.info/2019/08/01/qsl-radio-taiwan-international-tajvan-iyul-2019-goda/ (ДЕ) Эсватини -------------- TWR Swaziland - e-QSL (9475 kHz / 17.45 UTC / 01-08-2019); Тема QSL: кактусовое дерево на фоне Tx TWR Swazilend (Kingdom of Eswatini); Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2019/03/twr-africa.html (КБ) Пиратское радио ------------------------- Получил e-qsl от Radio King SW за прием 27.07.19 / 10.55-11.25 UTC / 6210 kHz e-mail: kingsw @ hotmail.com e-mail: kingshortwave @ hotmail.com (ВЛ) КАЛЕНДАРЬ - ИСТОРИЯ DX-ХОББИ И РАДИО ======================================= 1 август ------------ Год вещания "Первого Интернационального" пролетел незаметно: уже в этот четверг, 1 августа "ПИ FM" отметит свой первый день рождения! За эти плодотворные 365 дней произошло немало важных событий и достигнута не одна цель. 1 августа 2018 года в Москве состоялась презентация новой радиостанции международного медиахолдинга "МКР-МЕДИА", а также было запущено вещание на частоте 88.8 FM в городе Минусинске Красноярского края. Буквально через две недели, 13 августа 2018 года флаг "Первого Интернационального" гордо зареял на высочайшей вершине России и Европы - Эльбрусе. За пять месяцев 2018 года сеть вещания радиостанции выросла до 9 городов: к Минусинску присоединились Кемерово, Новокузнецк, Братск, Нижневартовск, Горно-Алтайск, Тула, Ирбит и Москва! Также были выиграны частоты в Петрозаводске и Нефтекамске. В декабре редакция "ПИ FM" провела среди своих слушателей первый конкурс "ПодПИвай", победителю которого достался ценный приз. Новый 2019 год для "ПИ FM" начался новыми достижениями: 15 января радиостанция начала вещание на спутнике связи "Intelsat-15" на платформе оператора "Орион Экспресс". Широкая зона охвата вещания позволила слушать "Первое Интернационального Радио" по всей России и далеко за ее пределами - от Европы и до Камчатки! За первое полугодие 2019 года семья "ПИ FM" пополнилась Бузулуком и Анапой, а в ближайшее время вещание начнется на выигранных частотах в Сыктывкаре, Элисте, Перми и Тамбове. "Первое Интернациональное Радио ПИ FM" можно услышать не только на FM и УКВ-частотах России, но и по всему миру! Эфир радиостанции доступен 24/7 в режиме реального времени на сайте pifm.ru, в удобных приложениях для платформ Android и iOS, а также через непосредственное спутниковое вещание. За прошедший год аудитория "ПИ FM" солидно выросла! Только по данным с официального сайта количество людей, слушающих "Первое Интернациональное" через онлайн- плеер и мобильные приложения, составило больше 60 тысяч человек в месяц. Аудитории радиостанции пришелся по вкусу оригинальный контент, состоящий из русскоязычных музыкальных хитов разных эпох и жанров в молодежной танцевальной обработке, интересных новостей, научно-популярных, музыкальных рубрик и интересных спецпроектов от "ПИ FM". Подводя промежуточные итоги деятельности, можно смело заявить, что "Первое Интернациональное Радио ПИ FM" стало не только свежим музыкальным решением в российской радиоиндустрии, но и настоящим социокультурным явлением. В спектре амбициозных задач радиостанции появилась цель стать каналом для популяризации русского языка и культурным мостом для разных стран и поколений, придя в каждый радиоприемник и мобильное устройство по всему миру! А пока что радиостанция "ПИ FM" счастлива разделить свой праздник со всеми своими слушателями и готовится принимать поздравления с первым днем рождения! (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__74367/) 1 август ------------ Радиостанция "Маяк" отмечает 55-летие - 1 августа 1964 года она вышла в эфир, став первым круглосуточным информационно-развлекательным радио в СССР. Радиостанция "Маяк" появилась благодаря специальному решению Советского правительства в противовес "западным" станциям. Легендарные позывные станции "Подмосковные вечера" за 55 лет прозвучали в эфире более 1 млн раз и были внесены в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса. (https://jrnlst.ru/mayak55) 1 август ------------ 15 лет назад, 1 августа 2004 г., на частоте 99,2 FM началось вещание Love Radio в городе Альметьевск республики Татарстан. Охват населения - 175,5 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "ВектраКом", директор - Мокеев Г.А. Подробности на сайте: www.loveradio.ru. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6438.htm) 1 август ----------- 5 лет назад, 1 августа 2014г., к региональной сети вещания Love Radio присоединился город Коломна Московской области. Частота вещания - 88,1 FM. Охват населения - 165,5 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Ультрамарин", директор - Крайнов А. В. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6438.htm) 1 август ------------ 1 августа один год сначала вещания Love Radio отмечают сразу четыре города. Город Россошь Воронежской области. Частота вещания 103,4 FM, охват населения 25 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Шансон", генеральный директор - Супрунова В. И. Город Абинск Краснодарского края. Частота вещания 106,5 4 FM, охват населения 74,3 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "АПТО "Электрон", генеральный директор - Попов Н.К. Станица Октябрьская Краснодарского края. Частота вещания 102,3 FM, охват населения 28,9 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Станичное радио", генеральный директор - Попов А.А. Город Тихвин Ленинградской области. Частота вещания 100,4 МГц, охват населения 58 тыс. чел. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Бора", директор Гаврилов С.С. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/6438.htm) 1988 ------- Архив. Анатолий Клепов. Москва. Подтверждение о приеме. СССР. Украина. ВОЛМЕТ Одесса. 3 октябрь 1988 / 6620 кГц Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post_19.html ВСЕМИРНЫЕ НОВОСТИ. ===================== * Atlantic 2000 special broadcast : Radio Andorra, 80 years ----------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Andorra was a legendary radio station, transmitting on mediumwave and shortwave from 1939 to 1981, from the Principality of Andorra, a small country between France and Spain. The station was officially launch the 7th of August 1939. To celebrate the 80 years of this launch, Atlantic 2000 will transmit a special tribute programme on Saturday, August 10th, from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC on 6070 kHz and online. From 09:00 to 11:00 UTC, online only, we will repeat the tribute to Radio Andorra that we transmitted in 2009, for the 70th anniversary of Radio Andorra. Atlantic 2000 will be on the air again on Sunday 11th of August from 19:00 to 20:00 UTC with music and dedications, on 6070 kHz and online. Streams will be available on our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr or here: - 64 kbps http://atlantic2000int.listen2myshow.com/ - 24 kbps http://atlantic2000.radiostream321.com/ Good listening Visit our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr Listen to our Podcasts and follow us: https://www.mixcloud.com/atlantic2000 * WRTH - Amended A19 Schedules Update PDF just issued ----------------------------------------------------- An amended pdf update to the A19 schedules can now be downloaded from the International updates link on this page: http://www.wrth.com/_shop/?page_id=444 Free but donations appreciated. (http://bclnews.blogspot.com/) * See our band new 30 minute video, the tour at our transmitter site in Kall-Krekel, Germany: Click: Sendezentrum Kall, Eifel, Germany ------------------------------------------------------ To celebrate the long awaited return of Paul Newman to Radio Mi Amigo this weekend, AND to honour our extended partnership with Shortwave Service, this is the perfect moment to premiere the unique video that we shot in the Sendezentrum during our first visit to Kall. Paul and Burkhard will take you on a tour to finally show you exactly where those nostalgic, fading AM radio signals originate from... Last month we paid a long overdue visit to our transmitter friends from Shortwave Service in Kall; a happy reunion that resulted in great new plans for the future. Good news for our shortwave listeners: you will be able to enjoy Radio Mi Amigo International on shortwave for many years to come! We also looked back at a very successful co-operation of 4 years, during which we managed to maintain an incredible 99.9% up-time for both the shortwave- and the online streaming services. All this time we proved to be professional partners, relying on each other in good times and in those bad times, after we lost our 'captain' Kord. But from the very start it was always clear that Radio Mi Amigo International and the Sendezentrum in Kall were 'a match made in heaven': vintage radio sounds best on vintage transmitters! As we still found ourselves in a very happy 'marriage', there, in that breathtaking Eifel landscape, we 'renewed our vows': 'Let's keep this thing going' remains our shared motto, so we decided to do just that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_e2dCZqOpk&feature=youtu.be 73!