--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 759 Дата: 15 / июль / 2018 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Московское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Первый номер вышел в январе 1994 года. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL и Фото: http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ, Украины и Балтии. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. ----------------------------------------- Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио и ТВ на русском языке. QSL мир. Календарь. История DX и радио. Техника радиоприема - новые технологии. Филателия. СМИ. Всемирные новости. ------------------------------------------------------------- Информация друзей бюллетеня + Интернета. ------------------------------------------------------------- Стол редактора ============= Я был бы признателен за поддержку проекта бюллетеня "История DX и радио" по теме бюллетеня - радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ, Украины и Балтии. РОССИЯ ======== Конкурс частот --------------------- О проведении конкурсов на получение права осуществлять наземное эфирное вещание с использованием конкретных радиочастот от 26 сентября 2018 г. СООБЩЕНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЙ СЛУЖБЫ ПО НАДЗОРУ В СФЕРЕ СВЯЗИ, ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ И МАССОВЫХ КОММУНИКАЦИЙ "О проведении конкурсов на получение права осуществлять наземное эфирное вещание с использованием конкретных радиочастот". Условия конкурса: время вещания - "ежедневно, круглосуточно"; концепция вещания - "свободная". Предмет конкурса 1: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Самарская область, г.Самара, г. Новокуйбышевск (89,2 МГц, 1 кВт, пункт установки передатчика - г. Самара); Предмет конкурса 2: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Самарская область, г.Самара, г.Новокуйбышевск (89,6 МГц, 1 кВт, пункт установки передатчика - г. Самара); Предмет конкурса 3: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Смоленская область, г.Смоленск (90,9 МГц, 0,2 кВт); Предмет конкурса 4: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Смоленская область, г.Смоленск (91,3 МГц, 0,2 кВт); Предмет конкурса 5: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Карелия Республика , г.Петрозаводск (95,9 МГц, 0,25 кВт); Предмет конкурса 6: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Карелия Республика, г.Петрозаводск (98,4 МГц, 0,25 кВт); Предмет конкурса 7: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Сахалинская область, г.Южно-Сахалинск (91,1 МГц, 1 кВт); Предмет конкурса 8: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Сахалинская область, г.Южно-Сахалинск (91,5 МГц, 1 кВт); Предмет конкурса 9: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Свердловская область, г.Первоуральск (93,0 МГц, 0,1 кВт); Предмет конкурса 10: право на осуществление наземного эфирного вещания с использованием радиочастоты - при осуществлении наземного эфирного аналогового радиовещания, Свердловская область, г.Первоуральск (93,4 МГц, 0,1 кВт); Подробнее о конкурсе - https://rkn.gov.ru/docs/Soobshhenie_o_provedenii_09.18.docx Волгоградская область. ---------------------------------- 5 июля филиал РТРС "Волгоградский ОРТПЦ" перевел радиостанцию "Радио России" в Михайловском и Клетском районах из УКВ-ЧМ в FM-диапазон. Услышать "Радио России" в FM-диапазоне теперь могут жители Михайловки (106,5 мГц) и Клетской (107,0 мГц). Новые частоты обеспечивают более высокое качество звучания радиопрограмм и увеличивают охват вещания. Сегодня приемники с УКВ диапазоном практически не выпускаются, почти всё вещание ведется в FM- диапазоне. Передатчики мощностью 4 кВт охватывают сигналом более 190 тысяч жителей Михайловского района и более 170 тысяч жителей Клетского района. "Радио России" - это 20 часов ежедневного вещания с 5:00 до 01:00 по московскому времени. (http://volgograd.rtrs.ru/tv/analog/rtrs-perevel-translyatsiyu-radio-rossii-v-mikhaylovke-i-kletskoy-v-fm-diapazon/) Ленинградская область. Сосновый Бор. ------------------------------------------------------- Когда люди слышат словосочетание Сосновый бор - они представляют густой лес, вековые деревьев, запах смолы и мох под ногами. Жители ленинградской области представляют себе несколько другое. Четыре энергоблока атомной электростанции. Взметнувшиеся в небо конструкции из бетона и стали. Город затаившегося внутри реакторов мирного атома. Сосновый бор встречай Радио Родных Дорог на частоте 96.1 FM Источник: https://vk.com/radiord_spb (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Москва ----------- 13.00 UTC. 612 кГц в эфире Народное радио. Объявляют только пока про Интернет - 24 часа в сутки и опознавание - В эфире Народное радио! Идёт музыкальная программа. (Анатолий Клепов, Москва) Республика Башкортостан. Сибай. ------------------------------------------------- "Новое радио". 99,8 FM. Источник: https://vk.com/newradio (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) УКРАИНА ========= Христианское "Светлое Радио" с передачи на русском языке было услышано 6-го июля с 11.00 на 69.20 МГц с передатчика в Харькове. В справочнике WRTH указанно название станции как радио Еммануил, но станция объявляет себе только как "Светлое Радио". В общем СР сообщило, что передает на 7 частотах и через спутник. Справка показала, что они пользуют 7 частот между 67.28 и 70.37 МГц в разных городах Украины. (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). ТУРКМЕНИСТАН ============== 8-го июля со слабым сигналом на ДВ 279 кГц принимал после 20 местное радио. (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). МОЛДОВА / ФРАНЦИЯ =================== О станции Денге Велат (Denge Welat), в переводе наверно Голос Отчизни (?): программы на турецком языке идут с понедельникам по субботам с 05.00 до 05.45 на частоте 11530 кГц , а с 1-го июля и с 04.00 до 04.57 тоже на турецком языке. Может быть на турецком есть и в другие часы вещания в течении дня. Повсюду сообщается, что вся программа идет только на курдском (хотя в действительности на разных курдских языков/диалектов) языке. (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). Мониторинг ========== FM и УКВ ДХ. В мае, июне и июле принимал очень часто станций из Белоруссии, Израиля, изредка из России, Ирака, Иордании, Испании. Неопознанная станция была на 92.5 МГц. 24ого июня в 09.30. Язык вещания то ли грузинский, то ли армянский - станция сообщала в эфире "Стар эФ эМ Радио". Очень часто принимал звук (приемник Селена Б216 на 65.75 МГц, а иногда и образ на канале ОИРТ 2 телевидение ОРТ 1 - по видимому есть еще передачи аналоговые (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== BCLNES Il radioascolto in Italia 8 July 2018 ----------------------------- Russia might have digital radio in a couple of years Digital radio broadcasting in Russia may begin in the next two to four years, according to a Radio 1 correspondent who spoke to the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Radio, Yuri Kostin. "It can happen within two years, it can happen in four years - it all depends on the development of technology. The introduction of the DRM + standard is still in the plans. It is necessary to develop regulatory acts that will allow stations to obtain broadcasting rights. I think that those stations that already broadcast in the FM-band will get the right to broadcast in the standard DRM +. New players will not go there," Kostin said. Alexander Zharov, the head of Roskomnadzor confirmed on the sidelines of the conference "The Future of Regional Radio" in Sochi that the technical possibility of switching to digital broadcasting standards in Russia exists. "At present, the State Commission for Radio Frequencies has opened all the doors. We have registered the standard DRM + and DAB. But the choice should be for the industry," he told a Radio 1 correspondent. The seventh edition of the conference took place on May 31 and June 1 with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The forum brought together more than 200 managers and key specialists from Russia's leading federal, regional and local radio stations. Opening the conference, the president of the Russian Academy of Radio, Andrei Romanchenko also called DRM + the most promising standard for the use in Russia. According to experts, the use of the DAB standard is also possible, but it meets the requirements of the infrastructure and market demands to a lesser degree. The DAB system allows to launch a broadband signal (1536 kHz) on one frequency, capable of broadcasting more than 20 sound programs. One such signal is called a "multiplex". The DRM + signal is 16 times narrower, its width is only 96 kHz. Narrowband DRM + signal allows transferring up to three stereo programs of audio broadcasting with better FM quality and a separate data transmission channel. According to the RAR, there are 3405 radio stations broadcasting in Russia now - 117 stations less than a year ago. Earlier in April, Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Nikiforov, held a meeting with the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (GKRC) during which the possibility of deploying DAB+ was discussed, where appropriate and dependent on availability of spectrum. Later that month, AsiaRadioToday's Steve Ahern also attended the four-day Media Together Festival, which discussed a range of current trends in Russian radio, led by big name local identities and several international speakers. (asiaradiotoday.com) SWLDXBulgaria News, Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria --------------------------- * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 8-9 NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb on July 9: 0840-0846 on 9353 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB/AM, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-31mb.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S11a Cherta in 10MHz on July 9: 1015-1018 on 10210 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB mode http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/good-signal-of-s11a-cherta-in-10mhz-on.html RUSSIA Good signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio on July 8 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/good-signal-of-gtrk-adygeyaadygeyan_9.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 9-10 NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 41 and 25mb, July 10: 0730-0736 on 7365*unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB/AM, weak/fair 0740-0746 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB/AM, very good * co-ch same 7365 WNM 003 kW / 145 deg to SEEu German HCJB AM, fair/weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-41.html TAJIKISTAN(non) Adventist World Radio AWR via Dushanbe, July 10: till 1330 on 11825 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to CeAs Tibetan FEBC Radio 1330-1400 on 11825 DB 100 kW / 118 deg to SEAs Thai, good signal: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-adventist-world-radio-awr_10.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 10-11 NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb & 25mb, July 11: 0820-0826 on 9485 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM mode, good 0830-0836 on 11565 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM mode, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-31mb_11.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk Yerevan, July 10 1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-feba-radio-via-babcock.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via Tashkent, July 10 2030-2130 NF 7495 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 13 BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Living Water Ministry Broadcasting, July 13: 1500-1530 on 9470 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean Fri, fair/good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-brb-living-water-ministry_13.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in "the heart" of 31mb, July 13 0941-0947 on 9655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB/AM, weak/fair signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-heart_13.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S11a Cherta in 40 ham band on July 13: 1020-1023 on 6977 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB mode, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-s11a-cherta-in-40-ham-band.html RUSSIA Reception of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, July 13 1745-1800 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs deai air/test tone 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-gtrk-adygeyaadygeyan-radio.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Voice of Wilderness via Tashkent on July 13 1330-1530 on 7625 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, fair: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 13-14 NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S11a Cherta in 60mb on July 13: 1955-1958 on 4870 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB mode http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/good-signal-of-s11a-cherta-in-60mb-on.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via Tashkent, July 13 2030-2130 NF 7495 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio_14.html DX RE MIX NEWS # 1082 July 12, 2018 Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria --------------------------- TAJIKISTAN(non) National Unity Radio via Dushanbe, July 12 1200-1500 on 9885 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-national-unity-radio-via.html U.K.(non) Trans World Radio Africa via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, July 11 1630-1700 on 11780 KCH 300 kW / 160 deg to EaAf Somali, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-trans-world-radio-africa_12.html U.K.(non) NHK World Radio Japan via BaBcoCk Tashkent, July 12: 1530-1600 on 9600 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Hindi, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-nhk-world-radio-japan-via_12.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk Yerevan on July 12 1600-1700 on 12125 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Amharic, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/reception-of-feba-radio-via-babcock_12.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea via Tashkent, July 12 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/radio-free-north-korea-via-tashkent.html VOLMET BROADCASTS Good signal of MKL Military One & RLAP Rostov, July 12 from 1015 on 11253 unknown tx / unknown to Eu English MKL - Military One from 1025 on 8949 unknown tx / unknown to Eu Russian RLAP Rostov on Don from 1025 on 11297 unknown tx / unknown to Eu Russian RLAP Rostov on Don http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/good-signal-of-mkl-military-one-rlap.html DX LISTENING DIGEST 18-28, July 10, 2018 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ---------------------------------------- ** JAPAN [and non]. Remember hearing this guy on Shortwave I remember hearing him when he leased airtime on Radio Moscow World Service. He was difficult to understand and follow. From memory the Russians tired of him and the programs ended before this incident. Odd. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-06/leader-of-japan-doomsday-cult-involved-in-sarin-attack-executed/9947904 (Robin Harwood, Australia, July 6, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 1938, DXLD) Viz.: AUM SHINRIKYO: EX-LEADER OF JAPAN DOOMSDAY CULT INVOLVED IN SARIN SUBWAY ATTACK EXECUTED By North Asia correspondent Jake Sturmer, wires Updated Fri at 5:34am Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek. Error loading player: No playable sources found Video: Leader of Japan doomsday cult involved in 1995 sarin subway attack is executed (ABC News) Related Story: Doomsday cult members convicted over Tokyo gas attack a step closer to execution Related Story: The mystery of Banjawarn station and the deadly doomsday cult that called it home Related Story: Last appeal for Tokyo subway sarin attack dismissed by Japan's High Court The former leader of Aum, the Japanese doomsday cult that carried out a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, has been executed. Key points: 13 former members were scheduled to be hanged Sarin subway attack in 1995 killed 13, thousands injured At its peak cult had 10,000 members Chizuo Matsumoto, who went by the name Shoko Asahara, was the first of 13 cult members scheduled to be hanged for the attacks. The Aum Shinrikyo, or Aum Supreme Truth cult, which mixed Buddhist and Hindu meditation with apocalyptic teachings, staged a series of crimes including simultaneous sarin gas attacks on Tokyo subway trains during peak hour in March 1995. Sarin, a nerve gas, was originally developed by the Nazi regime in Germany. The attacks left 13 dead and injured more than 6,000. Passengers affected by sarin nerve gas in the central Tokyo subway trains are carried into St. Luke's International Hospital. Photo: Subway passengers affected by sarin nerve gas in the central Tokyo subway trains are carried into St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo. (AP: Chiaki Tsukumo, File) [captions] A Japanese government spokesman confirmed the execution. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that authorities are taking precautionary measures in case of any retaliation by his followers. Relatives of victims of the cult have said they approve of the execution. Kiyoe Iwata, whose daughter was killed in the subway attack, told Japanese broadcaster NHK that his death gave her piece of mind. Iwata said she had always wondered why it had to be her daughter, and added she would visit her daughter's grave to let her know. Minoru Kariya told NHK that he has been wondering when the execution would happen and called it appropriate. His father is believed to have been tortured to death by the cult in 1995. Doomsday cult leader Shoko Asahara, center, sits in a police van following an interrogation Photo: Japanese doomsday cult leader Shoko Asahara, center, sits in a police van following an interrogation in Tokyo in 1995. (Kyodo News via AP, File) [captions] Umbrellas and plastic bags used to deliver deadly attack The images of bodies, many in business suits, sprawled across platforms stunned Japan and shattered its myth of public safety. Plastic bags filled with the liquid form of the poison had been taken on board crowded commuter trains by cult members during the Tokyo morning rush hour. The bags were pierced with the tips of umbrellas and the deadly gas emerged. The cult also used sarin in 1994, releasing the gas in the central Japanese city of Matsumoto on a summer night in an attempt to kill three judges set to rule on the cult. The attack, which failed, used a refrigerator truck to release the gas and a wind dispersed it in a residential neighbourhood, killing eight and injuring hundreds. Nerve agents explained Nerve agents have been used in chemical warfare since WWII and have been linked to a number of high-profile assassinations. Here's how they can destroy the body within minutes. Australian connection There was an Australian link to the Aum Shinrikyo cult. Twenty-five years ago the cult moved to a far flung cattle station near Leonora in Western Australia's Goldfields region. They had prepared for the attack at Banjawarn station, a remote sheep station it owned. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-10/doomsday-cult-aum-shinrikyo-sarin-gas-tests-at-banjawarn-wa/9401216 It was not until after the attacks in Tokyo that investigations into the group's activities led authorities to the West Australian outback. Federal and state police raided the property, finding it well and truly abandoned, however they uncovered evidence it had been used for a variety of scientific experiments, including the manufacture and testing of sarin. They found traces of the nerve agent in the carcasses of 24 sheep in a remote part of the property and in the surrounding soil. Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek. Error loading player: No playable sources found Video: Banjawarn station was raided by police in 1995, where they found evidence of suspicious activity. (ABC News) 20 years of legal action Asahara, 63, a pudgy, partially blind yoga instructor, was sentenced to hang in 2004 on 13 charges, including the subway gas attacks and a series of other crimes that killed more than a dozen more people. He pleaded not guilty and never testified, but muttered and made incoherent remarks in court during the eight years of his trial. The sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2006. More than 20 years of trials involving Aum members, http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-08/aum-shinrikyo-appeal-dismissed-by-high-court/7827254 including Asahara, came to an end in January 2018, when the life sentence of Katsuya Takahashi for his part in the 1995 subway sarin gas attack was upheld by the Supreme Court. Thirteen cult members including Asahara have been on death row. Doomsday cult once had 10,000 followers Asahara, who founded Aum in 1987, said the United States would attack Japan and turn it into a nuclear wasteland. He also said he had travelled forward in time to 2006 and talked to people then about what World War III had been like. At its peak, the cult had at least 10,000 members in Japan and overseas, including graduates of some of Japan's most elite universities. A number lived at a huge commune-like complex Asahara set up at the foot of Mount Fuji, where the group studied his teachings and practiced bizarre rituals but also built an arsenal of weapons - including sarin. The 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack killed 13 people and injured thousands Photo: The Tokyo subway attack was just one of a number of crimes committed by cult members. (News Video) After the arrest of 190 of the cult's leaders in the investigation following the sarin attacks, it was discovered the group had been renamed Aleph and there were about 1500 followers remaining. They have been observed decorating photos of Asahara with floral wreaths and celebrating his birthday since his arrest. They have also been seen, according to reports in the Japanese media, walking around the periphery of the Tokyo prison, where Asahara was before his execution. This was considered to be part of their spiritual training. Authorities have in the past voiced concern that once Asahara was put to death, his followers who would deify him and possibly engage in other types of malicious mischief. Topics: prisons-and-punishment, law-crime-and-justice, crime, cults, terrorism, japan, asia First posted Fri at 12:37am (via DXLD) Yes, I remember Shoko Asahara very well from Radio Aum Shinrikyo. When they were broadcasting in 1992, I was 12 years old and had just started my SWLing hobby and I will always remember the weirdness of the broadcasts, especially when I realised they were leasing time off Radio Moscow. I must have tuned in about halfway through a broadcast when I first heard Radio Aum Shinrikyo Yes, to very young ears, it initially didn't sound much different to Dr Gene Scott's lectures. But I do remember there was something a bit wacky about what he was saying. Little did any of us know that he was to be responsible for organising the attacks on the Tokyo Subway a few years later. -- Regards, (BRIAN POWELL VK2FBAJ, Sydney, Australia, WOR iog via DXLD) Just looked up a listing in an old logbook: 27 July 1992, 2030 UT, 17695 kHz with an S9+30dB signal. Was // to many, many frequencies including 17655, 15560, 15525, 15550, and 15485 kHz. Apart from the use of the Radio Moscow frequencies, what also made it obvious it was a relay via Radio Moscow facilities was that on this particular day (every day?) there was a Radio Moscow World Service ID at 2059. The "good old days" of SWLing. ;-) P.S. And how many remember when Radio Galaxy used to broadcast from Moscow on SW with rock music and commercials for medical devices? Logged on 16 April 1992 at 20:51 UTC on 9880 kHz (Richard Langley, NB, ibid.) Richard - Back then, I was also listening in July, fairly close to your reception. July 29, 1992, Radio Aum Shinrikyo QSL card: http://goo.gl/EBfec7 and http://goo.gl/DEUz6U (Ron Howard, ibid.) From March 2018: My 1992 Radio Aum Shinrikyo QSL card: (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 13, 2018) AZERBAIDZHAN, Radio Moscow ext sce is using AZE station Gyanca v6109.1 kHz at 0030-2100, Arabic 1800-2100 UT. Turk culture radio station observed on odd 6109.1 kHz (try LSB mode), approx. 0300 to fade out around 0700. Most likely Azerbaidzhani Radio Baku. Home sce until 0415, suddenly interrupted and followed by Radio Moscow whistle tone opening procedure 0415-0428. From 0429 to 0459 relay of Japanese religious Radio Aum Shinrikyo programme via Radio Moscow World Service in English (RVI, via WB, topnews wwdxc Nov 1993) RUSSIA, Japanese religious radio programme Aum Shinrikyo in English via Radio Moscow relay site at 0430-0500 observed on 5940 5950 7105 7180 7295 9580 9665 9675 kHz (AMID, via WB, topnews wwdxc Oct 1993) Japanese religious bc "Radio Aum Shinrikyo" via Russia relay: 2030-2100 UT 5920 5995 6055 6110 7400 kHz. 0430-0500 UT 15585 kHz. (AWR KSDA Guam DX Asiawaves, via WB, topnews wwdxc Nov 1994) Japanese religious bc "Aum Shinrikyo" 2030-2100 UT, (// 1494, 4055, 5920, 5975, 5995, 6055, 6110, 7210, 7230, 7350, 7380, 7400, 9550 kHz). 0430-0500 UT,. R Moscow English sce, 5905 5940 9450 9785 9865 kHz Japanese religious broadcast Aum Shinrikyo on 5920 5925 5935 5950 6000 6035 7105 7340 9600 kHz at same time (Rumen Pankov-BUL, via WB, topnews wwdxc Nov 1994) On February 27th a Tokyo court found Soko Asahara, head of the Aum- Shinrikyo religious sect, guilty of organising acts of terrorism involving the use of chemicals in 1994 and 1995. 18 people died and over 5000 were injured as a result of these attacks, it is thought that he may be given the death penalty. In the late 1980's Aum Shinrikyo arrived in Russia and the Ukraine. The sect`s speeches were translated and broadcast in a number of languages over the Voice of Russia`s SW transmitters. The money received helped subsidise the foreign service. In 1992 the Russian Justice Ministry registered the organisation. According to the Russian General Prosecutors office, there were more than 30,000 salesmen in Aum-Shinrikyo. They laid criminal information against the sect in March 1995 and broadcasts via Russian transmitters were promptly terminated (RNW MN NL, WDXC-UK 'Contact' magazine Apr 1, 2004) The former leader of a Japanese doomsday cult has been judged mentally fit to continue his appeal of a death sentence for masterminding a deadly nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subway. Shoko Asahara who founded and led the Aum Shinrikyo cult was sentenced to death by hanging in 2004 after being found guilty of being responsible for the sarin gas attack, which killed 12 people and made thousands of others sick in 1995. On March 20, 1995, five cult members pierced bags of sarin, a nerve gas developed by the Nazis, on separate trains as they converged in central Tokyo's national government district. The cult claimed it was a pre-emptive strike against police planning raids on the group. Asahara was convicted of killing 27 people in total, including former members of the cult, an anti-cult lawyer and his family. A number of other former cult members have received death sentences for participating in the attack (ODXA Listening In via dxld; WDXC-UK 'Contact' magazine April 2006) December 2003 archive: Recommending a new book on defeating cult terrorism in Japan, which may be of interest to readers always in search of unique and new literature especially as some of the cult's activities were conducted in Australia. (Dec 21, 2003) AUM SHINRIKYO - JAPAN'S UNHOLY SECT I am the author of a book on the Japanese cult, Aum Shrinrikyo [sic] which released sarin nerve gas into a Tokyo subway system in 1995 killing and injuring thousands. It was considered an act of terrorism from a cult whose belief was the destruction of mankind. The deadly cult, Aum Shinrikyo, is still on the United States list of terrorists and below is a brief synopsis of this book "Aum Shinrikyo - Japan's Unholy Sect" and after the Sept 11th incident, the issue of terrorism has become a topic of great concern to everyone. It is a chilling story of terror, murder and atrocities committed in the name of twisted religious beliefs, the forerunner of Sept 11th, long before terrorism became the business of everyone committed to live in peace and safety. The cult extended their activities to Australia when Shoko Asahara, the founder, purchased a farm in Australia to test sarin on animals. A little about this book: On the 26th of March 1995, sarin gas was released in a Tokyo subway station crammed with morning rush hour commuters and all hell broke loose. In the aftermath of anguish, death, painful injuries and broken lives, the deadly action was traced back to a cult called Aum Shinrikyo. What lay behind this ferocious lashing the cult had given to the orderly, uncluttered society Japan was so proud of? What dark sinister secrets lay behind the walls of the Aum Shinrikyo compound in Kamikuishiki? Tsutsumi Sakamoto, a Yokohama lawyer took up the challenge of finding answers to these questions and one cold, gray November morning in 1995, the young attorney, his wife and ten month old son disappeared without a trace. This is the chilling story of how a young lawyer sacrificed his life and that of his poignantly young family to stem the reign of terror of the cult's guru, Shoko Asahara. He spoke out from his lonely hillside grave and was heard at last after six long years. He had died to right a social wrong; the rest was up to the living. This book is available from: Tower Books Pty Ltd Unit 2/17 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Australia (Mr Michael Rakusin) Tel: 61 2 99755566 Fax: 61 2 99755599 email: Thank you kindly for reading this mail. (via Johno Wright, ripple via DXLD, Dec 21, 2003) https://www.google.de/search?q=shinrikyo&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=8Qem3u- s56le3M%253A%252CWpVlLVu01wyyAM%252C_&usg=__V5Kr6lVljaco78gNuui CRDcXxBg%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiamaT6i4vcAhXDjqQKHRz-BcEQ_h0IzgEwFw#imgrc=8Qem3u-s56le3M: (all via Wolfgang Büschel, July 6, dxldyg via DXLD) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Elbe" Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 11:55 AM Subject: Re: [A-DX] Japan, AUM-Sekte, Hinrichtungen Am 07.07.2018 um 10:26 schrieb Herbert Meixner: Meine QSL von "Radio Aum Shinrikyo" stammt vom September 1992 und betraf einen Empfang auf 7305 kHz. Ich denke, das war ueber einen Sender aus Russland. Ja. Und hier kann man die QSL sehen (laaangsamer Seitenaufbau!): https://web.archive.org/web/20160503012631/http://home.wolfsburg.de/elbe/russland.html Tschüß, Martin From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 1:01 PM Subject: Re: [A-DX] Japan, AUM-Sekte, Hinrichtungen 17 MHz meist Khabarovsk und Irkutsk Relay's, eingebettet in den RM English Worldservice dieser Tage. 73 wb re: "Radio Aum Shinrikyo" Aussendungen in English (und Japanisch) in 1992 - 1995 Zu den vielen eingesetzten Frequenzen im RMoscow English Dienst Relay sind kaum eindeutige Standortzuordnungen zu treffen. In der JELZIN Praesident Bluetezeit in 1991 bis 1995 sind laut Unterlagen in der 0430-0500 (Sommer 0330-0400) Sendezeit 48 Frequenzen im Einsatz gewesen! Und morgens um 2030-2100 (sommers 1930-2000) UT auch noch mal 27 Frequenzen. Zu den Winter/Sommer Frequenzwechsel kamen oft auch noch teilweise FQ Wechsel in der S- September autumn Periode dazu. Verbuergt durch die St.Petersburg Ingenieure sind der Einsatz um 0300 UT MW 1386 kHz KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo 9580 KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo 11985 St. Petersburg 1930 UT 9640 KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo, sommers 7305 kHz 11745 St. Petersburg andere Aussendungen hoechstwahrscheinlich um 0430 UT via 1386KAL 4740TJK 4940KV 4975TJK 5920StP. 5925kgs/StP. 5935kgs/StP. 5950pzv/StP. 5965P.K 6000EKB 6035MSK 6110vlg/SAM 6165MSK 7105kch/GRI 7130ARM 7135K/A 7150ARM 7165ARM 7180ARM 7295kaz/MSK. 7330K/A 7340SAM 9490kaz/SAM 9530ARM/VLD 9535TJK 9580tul/MSK 9600EKA? 9665kur/MSK. 9675MSK 9705StP. 9775tul/MSK 9795srp/MSK. 9840SAM 9860KAL 9870ARM 9890StP. 11675TCH 11710MSK 11765TAC 11975TAC 12040A-A 15160n/a_K/A_KHB 15230A-A 15280jig/SAM 15295TAC 15315ARM 15350IRK 15375ken/NVS 15385NVS 15470tv/MSK 15545krs/NVS 15585BI-KGZ 17560ARM 17570ken/NVS 17580TJK 17590ken/NVS 17610KHB 17620NVS 17625ARM 17655TJK 17675jig. 17685MSK 17710MSK 17735kaz/SAM 17775BI-KGZ 17825IRK 17890IRK 21530IRK 21565IRK 21585TCH 21615TAC 21690VLD 21770IRK 21790IRK 21830ARM 21845ARM 2030 UT via 4795IRK 4860KV 5920StP 5950pzv/StP. 5975StP. 5995kaz/SAM. 6055kaz/SAM. 6085ARM 6110ARM 6185ARM 7135K/A 7145TAC 7170kaz/SAM/MSK 7180ARM 7195TCH/vlg_SAM_ARM_GRI 7205srp/MSK. 7210kaz/SAM 7215tul/MSK. 7230SAM 7245jig/SAM. 7250kaz/SAM/MSK. 7255A-A 7260srp/SAM/MSK. 7275srp/MSK. 7305KAL 7315ken/StP. 7380EKA 7390MSK 7400ARM 7420MSK 9450MSK 9490kaz/SAM/MSK. 9515kaz/SAM/MSK. 9530MSK 9550kch_GRI_MDA. 9565ARM 9590MSK 9725ARM 9735NVS 9785MSK 9795K/A 9800StP. 9855SAM 9860KAL 9875ken/StP. 9890StP. 11685ARM 11840vin/LV. 11920ARM 12015vlg/SAM 12050KHB 13670ERV 15205EKB 15385ERV 15425P.K. 17605KHB siehe auch USSR Verschleierungs-Taktik Registrierungen Regarding RUSSIA/CIS SW tx site registrations in ITU/HFCC lists: Konevo (KON) was used in official lists instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Ashkhabad (ACH) instead of Dushanbe and Tashkent. Samara (SAM), Zhigulevsk (JIG) and Kazan (KAZ) are used instead of Samara. Novosibirsk (NVS), Kenga (KEN) and Krasnoyarsk (KRS) instead of Novosibirsk. Minsk (MNS) and Orsha (OR) instead of Minsk. Kingishepp (KGS) and sometimes Petrozavodsk (PZV) are used instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Moscow (MSK), Ryazan (RIA), Serpukhov (SRP), Tver (TV), Tula (TUL), Kursk (KUR), and Nizhniy Novgorod (N.N.) are used in official lists for SW tx sites located in Moscow region; there are eight such sites in this region. Bishkek (BI) is used instead of Dushanbe-TJK, Tashkent-UZB, and Almaty-KAZ. Nikolayevsk-Amur (N/A) and Blagoveshchensk (BLG) are used instead of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, and Komsomolsk-Amur. Volgograd (VLG) is used to show that txs at Volgograd, Armavir- Krasnodar, Samara, and Grigoriopol/Kishinev-Moldova are used. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Dec 11, 1997) (ALL via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) Shoko Asahara, and how Japan handles the death penalty, is one of the topix in the first half of VICE News Tonight on HBO. Main Eastern channel, seen from 2340 until 2345 UT. Repeats after 0400 UT July 10 on HBO Zone. Listings also show VICE on HBO-2 at 0200 and ~2125 UT July 10, but if correct appear to be the previous episode about Kurdistan, etc. --- so maybe this one will repeat next week? (July 9 is the last of a 4-day free preview of HBO & Cinemax unscrambled in my cable market, maybe yours too?) (Glenn Hauser, WOR iog via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Frequency change of North Korea Reform Radio via Tashkent, July 4 2030-2130 NF 7495 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily, good signal, ex 7500: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2018/07/frequency-change-of-north-korea-reform.html (Ivo Ivanóv, SWLDXBulgaria News, July 4-6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LATVIA. [Ending. The beginning of last issue.] HISTORY OF THE LEGENDARY RADIOTEKHNIKA FACTORY. In 1945, the conveyor gets first the receiver "Riga T-689", and then "Riga T-755". T-755 was developed with an emphasis on reducing the cost of production, the model is placed in a metal casing. Although there is an earlier version - in a wooden case, but this can only be found in collectors. In subsequent years, the demand for the plant's products sharply increases, and there is a need for expansion. New workshops are being built: installation, galvanic, mechanical repair, etc. Already by 1950, Radio Engineering became an example of Stakhanov's work, traditional for the Soviet Union. A year later, the plant was given the name of the electrical engineer and inventor A.S. Popov. But for the director of the plant Alexander Apsitis bad times come: first, he is demoted because of "failure to fulfill the plan," and then arrested. Four months later, he leaves the prison, but already broken, the plant Apsitis no longer returns. In 1938 the production of "Abrama Leibovica foto radio centrale" was moved to the place behind the Dvina (the so-called left bank of the Daugava river, where one third of the city is located). Near the shore there is a place where, for many years, the first workshops of the "RRR" factory were located on Mukusalas street, 41 (in the Soviet times this street was called Radiotehnikas iela - Radio engineering street). Not much ahead of the events, you can notice that this house on the banks of the Daugava is still standing. The building was Leibovitz rented, before that there was a branch of Zeiss, which manufactures optics. Open joint-stock company "A. Apsitis & F. Zhukovskis" was founded in 1934. Initially, the workshops and the store were in Old Riga, but in 1938 - in the newly built two-storey building behind the Dvina, on Darza Street (Sadovaya), house 16. In the course of its existence, this firm created about 20 radio models. In the last quarter of 1945, the factory restored the production of radio equipment. The plant became the "Radio Engineering" factory of the Ministry of Local Industry of the Latvian SSR. They produced reproducers, subscriber transformers, amplifiers. It was mastered the production of equipment for broadcasting radio programs over telephone lines. In the autumn of 1945, the first experimental batch of radio receivers "Riga T-689" was sent to the stores, and their mass production began the following year. In connection with the demand for products of the plant, the need to expand the area of ??production. In the construction work used German prisoners of war. In 1947, a new building was constructed for the experimental and mechanical repair shops. A year later, a galvanic shop was built, and in 1951 - a shop for radio boxes (so always at this factory called the case of receivers). Two years later the assembly workshop was built. In 1949, the "Riga B-912" battery receiver destined for rural areas was started to be produced. But the radio giant continues to work without its founders. In the early fifties there are receivers of "Riga-6" and "Riga-10". The sixth model weighed 12 kg, had six lamps, consumed 55 watts from the network. On it you could play records from an external player. The tenth model (the number ten here also means the number of lamps) weighed 24 kilograms, consumed no more than 85 watts from the network and (like Riga-6) it received broadcasts in the bands KV, SV and DV. And to ensure good sound in this model, a broadband loudspeaker was used. According to Inars Klavins, who worked at Radio Engineering for 33 years, the plant's equipment was in demand not only in the USSR - it was bought in Germany, France, Britain and other Western countries. Consumers liked the simplicity and reliability of the Riga radio receivers. Later, one of the first small-size serial transistor radio receiver Gauja appeared in the Soviets, it was released in two variations - with charging for the batteries and without it (then it worked on the battery of the "krona"). By the way, the popular "Gauja" can be seen in Soviet films: "Three plus two", "Beware of the car" and others. In the beginning of the sixties the plant produces car receivers "???- 60" and "???-60-2", which were mounted on the "Seagulls" and one hundred eleventh ZILs. The first model had even a remote control, the receivers had both a manual search for the wave, and an automatic tuning system for the station. Separately note the stereo radar "Simfonija 2" - this is an upgraded version of the first "Symphony". She had two options: in one the player was located next to the receiver, in the other - under it, each column weighed 16 kg each. Assembled on seventeen transistors and eight diodes portable "Neptune" was developed for the 60th anniversary of October. By the way, on "Radio Engineering" developed and VCRs. For example, on "Malachite" they reproduced the record of the docking of the Soyuz-Apollo spacecraft. The decade of success and withering of the Eighties for "Radio Engineering" became "golden" - the pace of production of radio equipment is growing, the plant produces about 35% of all Soviet audio equipment. There are cassette tape recorders ML-6201 with a tuner, two acoustic systems, a tape recorder and an ULF. At this time, the association "Radio Engineering" also includes CB "Orbita" and the plant of microelectronics "Emir". The cassette player "Duets PM-8401" appears, to which you can connect two pairs of headphones at once. In a year the enterprise makes one million radio receivers, amplifiers and tape recorders and more than one million acoustic systems. This dizzying success continued until the collapse of the USSR. Political events in the world, the acquisition of Latvia's independence and economic reforms were accompanied by a mass market entry of Chinese cheap consumer goods on the one hand and products of famous brands, first of all, Japanese brands, on the other. "Radio engineering" was disbanded into several autonomous enterprises, because of which the giant of the radio industry came to an even greater decline. Unable to withstand competition with imported models, the plant withdraws part of the production. At the same time, prices for parts manufactured in the countries of the former Soviet Union are rising, the prices for the plant's products have to be raised, but they are no longer bought up, as it is morally obsolete compared to new products from abroad. The plant can not afford to develop new models, as its design bureau does not receive sufficient funding. A typical situation for many factories in the 90s begins: debts on wages grow, and profits are practically nonexistent. Most of the enterprises that emerged after the disbandment of Radio Engineering, almost immediately "died," including KB Orbita. Despite futile attempts to adapt to the new market, in 1993 the Riga Radio Factory, the survivor of the disintegration of Radio Engineering, was divided into two parts by the State Property Fund. One was subsequently declared bankrupt. The second part turned into "Radiotehnika RRR", which in 1998 at the auction was bought by businessmen Eduard and Yury Maleev. From 1954 to 1961, the lines of conveyors for radio receivers and radios "Daugava", "Festivals", "Sakta", "Dzintars", "Gauja" were created at the workshops. In 1961 the plant produced the Sakta radar, the details of which were mounted on printed circuit boards. This practice was here for the first time in the whole USSR. The plant was the first in the Union to develop and began to produce a stereo radio "Simfonija 2" (1967). Here it is necessary to note that the first "Symphony", released three years before the second, is not completely stereophonic, - the receiver does not have a stereo decoder. In 1964 the Simfonija radar was slightly upgraded, releasing Simfonija-2, which already has a full stereo. To the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution the factory team prepared a gift - a portable transistor receiver of the first class "Neptune", which was equipped with long, short and VHF bands. Nevertheless, mass production, as well as several other products, did not survive this device for a number of reasons. In the seventies, most of the production was moved to a new complex in Imanta. Before the collapse of the USSR, several dozen different receivers, radios and other models of equipment for domestic market and for export were produced and produced in large quantities. The external finish and quality of them has always been at the highest level. The most successful period for the plant was in the late eighties, when the production association "Radiotehnika" employed about 16,000 people. In the association as the main enterprise was a plant them. A. Popova, design bureau "Orbita", Riga electromechanical plant "REMR" Kandava radio factory, plant of micro-electronics "Emir". Over the years, Radiotehnika has produced about 35% of all Soviet audio equipment. Within a year, about a million different units of radio equipment and about 1.3 million acoustic systems came off the assembly lines. Latvia in these years by the number of production receivers per capita outstripped even Japan. What is happening now with "Radiotehnika RRR" The new director of the plant, Eduard Maleev, said that for a long time the enterprise was not in the best shape. The reason is banal: there are orders, the renewed speakers want to buy in the West and even in the Emirates, but banks do not give money for production. In addition, buyers want to get a "new" sound, improved models and innovations, but for this you need to invest in patents and research. On the site of the plant in the section "today" the situation is described more optimistically: "VEF Radiotehnika RRR" has the latest equipment, one of the largest anechoic cameras in Europe and provides excellent opportunities for the development and production of the newest acoustics. " Judging by the statistics of the Latvian State Revenue Service, now the profile business of Radiotehnika RRR is not developing particularly successfully. To date, the main activity of the company is renting and managing its own or rented real estate (most of the factory buildings are converted into retail space). And on October 1 in the press there were news that the administrative building of the plant would be dismantled within the next five months. In 2015, the building and adjacent areas were sold to a company managing a network of construction stores - what will be built in its place after the dismantling, is not yet specified. But something else lives In 2011, the company World Audio Distribution, a member of the group of companies "Audiomania", launched its own production of full- cycle acoustics in Riga - from the manufacture of cases to finished products under the brand Arslab. Earlier Arslab columns were produced in China. The choice to Riga fell, among other things, because of the specialists living there who had previously worked at the Radiotehnika plant. Now at the head of production is Victor Lagarpov, who used to be the chief engineer at Radio Engineering. Thanks to the experience gained at the legendary factory, Victor knows everything about acoustics. Over the six years of operation of the enterprise, the plant's capabilities have expanded considerably - additional German machines have been acquired, new personnel have been recruited. In 2017, the number of workers employed directly in production reached fifteen people. In addition to assembling acoustics and producing the necessary electronic components, the factory also manufactures cases for speakers (unlike many manufacturers of audio systems that buy ready- made from third-party companies). The enterprise also produces a large number of casings for other manufacturers from Germany, France, Italy and other countries. In 2014, World Audio Distribution acquired a controlling stake in Penaudio, whose products are now also produced at this plant. As the founder of Penaudio Sami Penttila himself says, continuing to lead the company, the quality of finished products has increased. And the production capacity is now enough to meet the demand for this acoustics all over the world. In addition to the "traditional" home audio systems (under the brands Arslab, Old School and Penaudio), the plant in 2016 began to produce equipment for home cinemas ICE. This is another own brand of "Audiomania". This acoustics is also developed by the company F-Lab under the guidance of the famous engineer Yuri Fomin. Acoustics ICE, Old School and Penaudio, assembled at the plant in Riga, is sold not only in Latvia and Russia, it is in great demand all over the world, including China, Taiwan, Japan, USA, Mexico and Europe. The number of products produced in 2017 under the brands of "Audioomania", according to our forecasts, will approach a thousand, and this is almost a twofold increase in comparison with 2016. https://vk.com/radioreceiver (via Rus-DX 8 July via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Information on the exact meaning of the Moscow time and the calendar date, as well as reference time signals, are broadcast by the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements (FSUE VNIIFTRI), using short-wave transmitters, the Internet, satellites and the 1st channel of the TTTS "Ostankino". Time of broadcasts, frequency, power, callsign and the location of the transmitters are presented in the latest issue of the bulletin at ftp://ftp.vniiftri.ru/BULLETINS/V/bull_b16_2018.pdf http://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2018/07/11.pdf (Rus-DX 8 July via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Shortwave bridge in Franz Josef Land In Russia's Franz Josef Land, a shortwave "electronic bridge" will connect Hooker Island, which has no internet access, to Alexandra Land island, which does. The distance is only about 125 km, so the frequencies will probably be on the lower side of the shortwave spectrum ... http://tass.com/society/1012491 (Kim Elliott, July 10, WOR iog via DXLD) WTFK? Viz.: INTERNET COMMUNICATION BECOMES AVAILABLE ON FRANZ JOSEF LAND'S HOOKER ISLAND --- Society & Culture July 09, 19:06 UTC+3 [caption:] The national park's base on the Hooker Island is located where the first Soviet polar station, Tikhaya Bay, on Franz Josef Land worked (c) Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences press service/TASS ARKHANGELSK, July 8. /TASS/. A short-wave communication channel will connect Franz Josef Land's Hooker Island, a part of the Russian Arctic national park, with the mainland. According to the park's Deputy Director Roman Perkhunov, the new communication channel will be used for sending information via the Internet. "We shall have a short-wave communication between the Hooker Island and the Alexandra Land Island, and thus [people at the base on the Hooker Island] will have communication with the mainland," he told TASS. "We have bought special antennas and equipment, and now we are formalizing [use of certain] short-wave frequencies, and, as soon as the documents are ready, we shall launch this "electronic bridge", people will be able to use electronic mail on the Internet and, possibly, voice communication." The year-round Omega base on Alexandra Land has stable Internet connection, and the base will be sued [sic] as a switchboard for communication with the mainland. "At Alexandra Land we have our own station - a satellite access to the Internet," he added. The national park's Director Alexander Kirillov told TASS the base on the Hooker Island is using only satellite telephone communication, "which is very expensive." The procedure of obtaining necessary formal permissions to use short- wave channels is very time-consuming, the deputy director said. "The involved are the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Defense Ministry, the television - all those, who use those channels; then goes necessary expert judgement, followed by an official permission," he explained. It is not possible to have an UHF communication between the islands. "The distance is more than 100km, no direct visibility, and besides here is the George Land Island with its high glaciers," the director said. The national park's base on the Hooker Island is located where the first Soviet polar station, Tikhaya Bay, on Franz Josef Land worked between 1929 to 1957. Nowadays, this island is a base center for scientific expeditions and the archipelago's tourist center. In good weather conditions, all cruises to Franz Josef Land come here. The Russian Arctic national park is the northernmost and Russia's biggest natural reserve, which unites the Franz Josef Land archipelago and the northern part of Novaya Zemlya (Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union, via DXLD) WTFK? Why write such a detailed story and never get around to mentioning the frequency, or even band? Beware: we cannot assume that ``Shortwave`` here means 3-30 MHz as strictly defined, especially when language and cultural translations are involved; the mainstream (ha2) media cannot be relied on for such accuracy. Ultra-shortwave, i.e. VHF, has been loosely included as a subset of SW. Bandwidth necessary for such a project would make VHF much more suitable than HF, altho the terrain/distance factor might not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [and non]. U.S. ACCUSES RUSSIA OF STIFLING PRESS FREEDOM AFTER COURT FINES WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department accused Moscow of stifling press freedom and media independence on Friday after a Russian court fined the U.S. government-sponsored Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty for violating Russia's "foreign agent" law. RFE/RL said the court found it guilty on Thursday July 5th of not complying fully with Moscow's foreign agent law and fined it 100,000 rubles ($1,585), which the broadcaster described as the latest step in a campaign against its operations. "The Russian government continues to stifle press freedom and media independence," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement. "We condemn the selective targeting of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America under Russia's law on 'foreign agent' media outlets." Russia designated RFE/RL and Voice of America as foreign agents in December. The decision required the outlets to include in any information they publish or broadcast to Russian audiences a statement mentioning their status as foreign agents. The Russian designation was seen as retaliation for what Moscow said was unacceptable U.S. pressure on Russian media in the United States. U.S. intelligence officials have accused the Kremlin of using Russian media it finances to influence U.S. voters. Washington last year forced Russian state broadcaster RT to register its U.S.-based affiliate as a foreign agent under U.S. law. Nauert said the Russian State Duma had approved additional legislation that could enable the government to extend the foreign agent designation to individual journalists in addition to media outlets. "The United States again calls on the Russian government to uphold its commitments ... to respect the exercise of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, in Russia," Nauert said. (Medium Wave News 64/03, July/August 2018 via DXLD) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS updated July 7: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html THE LATEST "TROPICAL BANDS MONITOR" Compiled by Anker Petersen (5 June), is available to download at http://www.dswci.org/ along with the 20th edition of the "Domestic Broadcasting Survey", both free of charge (July BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) And perhaps there is another TBM by now from July (gh) РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Индия / Россия ---------------------- С начала августа WRN Russian, ретранслирующее передачи на русском языке сразу нескольких международных вещателей на средневолновой частоте 738 кГц, может прекратить сотрудничество с русской службой "Всеиндийского радио". Причиной приостановки трансляций из Дели ведущий "Радиопанорамы" и сотрудник WRN Russian Вадим Алексеев назвал отсутствие планов по дальнейшему сотрудничеству со стороны индийских коллег. "Вероятнее всего мы вынуждены будем снять передачи "Всеиндийского радио" из нашего эфира уже в начале августа. Дело в том, что сроки наших договоренностей о пробном вещании уже прошли, а вот никаких дальнейших планах по нашей совместной работе руководство "Всеиндийского радио" так и не озвучило. Видимо активность нашей аудитории оказалась ниже того, что ожидали наши коллеги в Дели", - сказал Алексеев. "Всеиндийское радио" на русском языке на частоте 738 кГц в Москве и Подмосковье в эфире ежедневно в 21:30, 03:30 и 12:00 по московскому времени. (https://kolkeradio.blogspot.com/2018/07/wrn.html#more) WEB РАДИО И ТВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Телевидение. Россия. ------------------------------- Телеканал "Ля-Минор ТВ". WEB: https://www.laminortv.ru/ Вещание: 24 часа в сутки Спутники: Eutelsat 36B/36C, Экспресс АТ-1 Распространение: спутниковое, кабельное вещание (Россия, СНГ, Балтия, Канада, США, Европа, Ближний Восток) Начало вещания: август 2006 г. "Ля-Минор ТВ" - телеканал душевных песен. Музыкальные клипы, концерты и фильмы Авторские вечера, программы по заявкам и хит-парады Программы с участием любимых музыкантов и исполнителей Основу формата телеканала составляют музыкальные видеоклипы, видеозаписи концертов, документальные и развлекательные программы об артистах. QSL МИР ======== АД = Анатолий Дегтярь, Харьков, Украина / "open_dx" АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва ВВ = Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, Ленинградская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДЕ = Дмитрий Елагин, Саратов / "deneb-radio-dx" ДК = Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" Дко = Дмитрий Колесников, Новосибирск / https://vk.com/club3877182 ИЗ = Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" ИК = Игорь Кольке, Москва / https://kolkeradio.blogspot.com/ КБ = Константин Барсенков, Санкт-Петербург / "deneb-radio-dx" Албания / Германия ---------------------------- Получил QSL от немецкой службы Радио Тирана за приём - 11.06.2018, 19.30-20.00 UTC на частоте 3985 кГц. На QSL - сборная Албании по футболу. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: aibro @ albaniaonline.net . (ДК) Германия -------------- * Получил конверт 03.07.2018 из Германии с QSL за мой рапорт на метео Deutscher Wetterdienst. Ничего далее пояснять не буду - всё описано на прилагающихся фото. Особое спасибо Василию Гуляеву из Астрахани за подсказку кому и куда отослать рапорт и на какой электронный адрес. (АД) - Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/deutscher.html * Получил 2 QSL-карточки Radio Decade. 25.5.18 / 19:00-20:00 UTC / 6070 kHz Посмотреть карточки можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post_12.html (АК) * Германия ---------------- Получил e-qsl от Radio Pover Rumpel за прием 11.07.18 / 18.05-18.30 UTC / 6070 kHz (ВЛ) Гуам ------- 6 июля по обычной почте получил QSL-карточку KTWR - Guam (Trans World Radio) за прием 12 июня 2018 года передачи на частоте 12120 кГц. Вместе с карточкой и наклейками, посвященными 40-летию Trans World Radio, в конверте обнаружил с десяток гашенных марок. (ИК) Индия --------- AIR прислали 2 QSL, интересно, что приём за середину-конец апреля (дари, пушту, русская служба) отправили 13 июня, а приём за конец марта-начало апреля (пушту и русская служба) отправили 16-ого, хотя рапорты были присланы на полмесяца раньше. На изображениях - Большая Ступа в Санчи и миссионер Франциск Ксаверий, соответственно. Отправлял на spectrum-manager (at) prasarbharati.gov.in (ВВ) Индия / ОАЭ ------------------ Получил QSL на открытке от Gaweylon Tibetian Radio за приём - 18.05.2018, 12.00-12.30 UTC на частоте 15215 кГц (через передатчик Dhabbaya, UAE 250 кВт). Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: gaweylon @ gmail.com . Подтверждение получено из Индии от Anil R. Alfred (Director). (ДК) Италия ----------- Получил QSL-карточку от радиостанции стандарта частоты и времени Italcable из Италии за приём - 18.05.2018, 11.30 UTC на частоте 10000 кГц. Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: info @ associazioneitalcable.it . На карточке табло со временем и частотами. (ДК) Нидерланды ------------------ * Получил eQSL Panda Radio. 6 July 2018 / 19.38-19.58 UTC / 6270 kHz E-mail: pandaswradio @ gmail.com Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post_10.html (АК) * Нидерланды. ------------------- Получил e-qsl от Radio The Mighty KBC за прием 7.07.18 / 9400 kHz / 15.00-16.00 UTC / Text - Signal MFSK 64 - Image (ВЛ) Румыния ------------- Получил QSL-карточку от Интер Радио Румынии (RRI). Рапорт о приёме отправил через их официальный сайт ещё в феврале 2к18 года. Думал, уже не пришлют. Принимал на КВ диапазоне с штатной антенной на 7330 кГц. г. Кемерово. Приём был не очень уверенный. (ДКо) Словакия / Россия -------------------------- * Получил QSL-карточку русской службы Международного радио Словакии. 03.06.2018 / 14:30-14:56 UTC / Russian / WRN (через передатчик в Москве, 738 кГц). Тема: 25 лет станции. (АК) - Получил QSL-карточку русской службы Международного радио Словакии. 03.02.2018 / 14:30-14:58 UTC / Russian / WRN (через передатчик в Москве, 738 кГц). Тема: # 2 Vikolinec. Slovak sights and monuments entered in the Unesco register of world cultural ann natural heritage. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post_88.html (АК) - Получил QSL-карточку русской службы Международного радио Словакии. 03.06.2018 / Russian / WRN (через передатчик в Москве, 738 кГц). Тема: Mikrofona MK 205 popular 1935, Mede in Czechoslovakia. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post_16.html (АК) * Международное Радио Словакии Получена QSL карточка от русской редакции Международного Радио Словакии в ответ на рапорт от 12 июня 2018 года. Тема этой QSL - Карточка под номером 2 - Влколинец из архивной серии СЛОВАЦКИЕ ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТИ И ПАМЯТНИКИ, ВНЕСЕННЫЕ В СПИСОК ЮНЕСКО, РЕЕСТР ВСЕМИРНОГО КУЛЬТУРНОГО И ПРИРОДНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ. QSL отправлена из Братиславы 27 июня 2018 года. QSL можно посмотреть здесь http://freerutube.info/2018/06/14/qsl-radio-slovakia-international-slovakiya-may-2018- goda/ (ДЕ) США ------- Получил QSL-карточку от радиостанции WRNO из Техаса за приём на английском языке - 20.05.2018, 02.00-02.30 UTC на частоте 7505 кГц. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: wrnoradio @ mailup.net . Почтовый адрес указанный в QSL: WRNO Worldwide, P.O. Box 895, Fort Worth, Texas 76101, USA. (ДК) Чехия / Россия ---------------------- * Радио Прага Получены две новые QSL карточки от русской редакции Радио Прага. Карточка с темой - Airstream - рекламный кемпер "Радиожурнала" за рапорт от 16 мая 2018 года. Карточка с темой - Студийный магнитофон в ответ на рапорт от 15 июня. Дата отправки конверта из Праги 29 июня 2018 года. QSL можно посмотреть здесь http://freerutube.info/2018/07/11/qsl-radio-prague-chehiya-radio-praga-may-iyun-2018- goda/ (ДЕ) * Получил QSLкарточку русской редакции Радио Прага. 1.6.2018 / 10:00-10:29 UTC / 738 kHz Тема: Radio Equipment. Timekeeping centre from 1941. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post_56.html (АК) * Получил QSL-карточку от Радио Прага за приём - 06.06.2018, 22.30 UTC на частоте 738 кГц (через Всемирную радиосеть). Карточка под номером 6 за 2018 год на их сайте. QSL Радио Прага этого года можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.radio.cz/ru/static/qsl/kartoshki-qsl . (ДК) * Radio Prague (via WRMI) - QSL-card (7780 kHz, 02.30 UTC, 20-06-2018); Тема: Брендованный трейлер Радио Прага; *Приём через KiwiSDR-VA-USA; Отправлено из Праги 29 июня, получено 13 июля 2018. Blog: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/radio-prague.html (КБ) Южная Корея ------------------- Получил QSL-карточку русской службы KBS World Radio. 9645 кГц / 13:00-14:00 UTC / 15.06.18 Тема: Мир, новое начало. (АК) Япония ----------- * Получил QSL-карточку от индонезийской службы "NHK World-Japan" (9625 kHz, via Palau Medorn). Рапорт отправлял через форму на сайте https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/id/contact/ (ИЗ) * NHK подтвердили приём от 2 июня, ответ пришёл довольно быстро, последнее время приходилось ждать примерно 2 месяца. Hometown river. (ВВ) КАЛЕНДАРЬ ========== 10 / июль ----------- 10.07.2014 - в Санкт-Петербурге и близлежащей части Ленинградской области, в связи с окончанием срока действия лицензии на осуществление радиовещания, прекращена эфирная трансляция "Радио Звезда" на средневолновой частоте 1440 кГц с использованием передающих технических средств Радиоцентра № 1 в пос. Ольгино. Вещание радиостанции велось в течение почти 8 лет с ноября 2006 г. (https://vk.com/club59176345) 12 / июль ----------- 12.07.1996 - этот день стал последним днём вещания в Санкт-Петербурге молодежной музыкальной радиостанции "Полис" на частоте 73,1 МГц. Впервые сигнал "Радио Полис" появился на средневолновой частоте 1053 кГц ещё в 1992 году (кроме того, если не ошибаемся, на первоначальном этапах использовалась также частота 1260 кГц). Но, пожалуй, самым необычным периодом в истории "Полиса" был тот, когда радиостанция арендовала у нашего филиала 200 кВт коротковолновый передатчик "Снег-МУ" на Радиоцентре № 11 в Красном Бору для работы через антенну зенитного излучения в диапазоне 49 метров (6045 кГц) в объеме 12 часов в сутки (07:00-19:00 мск), благодаря чем обеспечивалось покрытие территории радиусом до нескольких сот километров... (https://vk.com/club59176345) ИСТОРИЯ DX И РАДИО ==================== 1962 год. ------------- Рубрика "ПО ВОЛНАМ НАШЕЙ ПАМЯТИ". В эфире Радиостанция "ЮНОСТЬ". Радиостанция "Юность" впервые появилась в Москве 16 октября 1962 года.Каждый день в пять часов вечера "на первой кнопке" радиоприемника раздавались позывные радиостанции "Юность" - песня Пахмутовой-Добронравова "Песня о тревожной молодости". И начиналось нечто, совершенно не похожее на привычный радиоофициоз. История радио "Юность" началась 16 октября 1962 года. Первыми авторами программ радиостанции стали известный бард Юрий Визбор, Ада Якушева, журналисты Максим Кусургашев, Алла Слонимирова и другие веселые и молодые люди. "Юность" была первой, кто начал работать в прямом эфире. Технически это делалось так: музыки и другие записи выдавались прямо со студийных бобинных магнитофонов. Поэтому время от времени случались накладки: то интервью с передовиком производства пойдет задом наперед, то песня остановится в самом неожиданном месте. Музыка в эфире звучала не самая формальная, и чем дальше - тем больше. Для того чтобы добыть что-то стоящее, музыкальные редакторы радиостанции регулярно отправлялись "на охоту" на толкучки, откуда приносили фирменные пластинки, вскоре звучавшие в эфире. В месяц "Юность" в среднем звучала 95 часов. Это хитовая "Полевая почта "Юности", "Программа для строителей Байкало-Амурской магистрали", воскресная "Здравствуй, товарищ!". Были еще "Наследники Октября", "В Книгу почета ЦК ВЛКСМ", "Сколько сил у "Колоса"?", "Знамя ударной", "Рабочая смена", "Целина, что рядом с родным селом", "Наш студенческий трудовой", "Твое свободное время", "В мире прекрасного", "Творчество молодых", "Ваш собеседник", "Молодежи о классическом искусстве", "Эстрадное обозрение", "Круг вашего чтения". Читали исповедальные письма слушателей, давали интервью с живыми людьми, а не официальными лицами, и, конечно, слушали хорошую музыку. Даже передача "Снимается кино" выглядела в эфире вполне зримо. Это было время романтиков. Чуть раньше или чуть позже - и "Юности" вряд ли можно было прогнозировать долголетие. Ее жизнь началась как раз вовремя, собрав шестидесятников по обе стороны эфира. (https://vk.com/club59176345) 1988 год. ------------ Бюллетень "Exotic DX News", No. 3 (21) 1988. The monthly bulletin of the DX-Circle Leningrad, USSR. Edited by Mikhail P.Timofeyev. Рубрику ведет Валерий Островерх (г.Караганда). Как правило, читатели не интервьюируют редактора, но в эпоху перестройки и гласности не должно быть запретных тем. Поэтому от имени читателей осмелюсь задать Михаилу Тимофееву несколько вопросов. В.О.: Начну с необычного вопроса - твой путь в DX? М.Т.: Как и у многих, по-моему, начал "крутить ручки" еще лет в 6-7 на стареньком "Рекорде", с 1976 г. регулярно слушал шведскую DX-программу, записал из нее однажды адрес Валентина Ершова и через него вышел на Григория Григорьева. Последний т стал моим "крестным отцом" в DX. В.О.: Надеюсь, в школе ты учил арифметику и легко можешь сказать, сколько станций ты принял и сколько из них подтверждено? М.Т.: О, непосильная для меня задача! Подобным учетом никогда не занимался, могу сказать лишь что-то определенное по тропическим диапазонам, на 90 метров, к примеру, слышал сигналы 79 станций, из них подтверждено... ни одной. Для меня главное заключается в самом факте приема той или иной станции, QSL - дело, по-моему второстепенное, необязательное. Тем более, когда нет 100% гарантии прохождения почты. Если не ошибаюсь, всего у меня на всех диапазонах подтверждено 18 или 19 стран. В.О.: Случайно ли ты выбрал направление антенны? М.Т.: Чисто случайно, что, кстати большой роли и не играет. Большие ромбические антенны, на мой взляд, наиболее эффективны при дальнем приеме и существенно превосходят по параметрам обычные типа "long wire" в сочетании с хорошими приемниками они могут помочь достичь отличных результатов. В.О.: Отвлеченный вопрос - как ты относишься к повышению цен? М.Т.: Не вдаваясь в подробности: крайне отрицательно... В.О.: Почему ты решил издавать "EDXN"? М.Т.: Хотелось создать свой бюллетень с интересной информацией и, главное, со своим лицом. Считаю, что не смог решить эту задачу даже на удовлетворительно и лишь отчасти по своей вине... В.О.: Твои планы на будущее? М.Т.: Прежде всего сохранить членство в DSWCI, что весьма затруднительно (нужны купоны, порядка 40 штук). Хочу попробовать достать хороший японский приемник (например Kenwood, Icom) для более серьезного DX. Есть огромное желание вплотную заняться средневолновым приемом (Северная Америка, Океания) - но здесь опять же все упирается в отсутствие хорошего Rx. В.О.: Самый простой вопрос - сколько DXers в СССР? М.Т.: Могу лишь развести руками и переадресовать вопрос Сергею Федосову. Скажу лишь, что катастрофически малое количество советских DXers серьезно занимаются "живым" эфиром - это наш большой минус. Почти у всех есть возможность достать хотя бы связную аппаратуру и почти никто ее не использует. Хотелось бы вспомнить в связи с этим В.Тепилова - это пример, достойный подражания. Могу отметить также Владимира Титарева из Кременчуга - очень серьезный DXer с серьезным отношением к DX. В.О.: И, наконец, твои заветные желания? М.Т.: Те же, что и у большинства DXers, поэтому не буду повторяться. Но самое заветное и неосуществимое - взять в аренду государственный КВ-передатчик для ретрансляции на заграницу специальной программы отечественной рок-музыки и различной рекламы на примере KYOI-Saipan. В Ленинграде имеется 9 таких передатчиков мощностью по 100 кВт каждый, используемых главным образом для никому не нужной ретрансляции 1-о1 и 2-ой программ Всесоюзного радио на коротких волнах. Все детали этого мероприятия (название станции, арендная плата, частоты и т.д.) уже продуманы. Так что ни смотря ни на что будем надеяться на появление в эфире DX-Circle Leningrad Radio Int.! В.О.: Спасибо, Михаил, за интересную беседу. Позволь от имени читателей "EDXN" пожелать тебе долгой DX (и просто) жизни и больших DX и просто успехов! Техника радиоприема - новые технологии =================================== Интересный факт. -------------------------- Я во время морского отдыха заметил, что если кончик телескопической антенны погрузить в море, то резко возрастал уровень приёма на 16 метрах. На 19 и 25 м не так сильно. Но тоже уровень увеличивался. Вадим Новосельский, Minneapolis, USA (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) - А кто пробовал утопить антенну одним концом, в другим соединить с приемником, чтобы море превратить в антенну. Theo Samara-chat, Самара (https://vk.com/radioreceiver) ВСЕМИРНЫЕ НОВОСТИ. ===================== Россия ----------- * Москва Всемирная радиосеть. Программа "Радиопанорама" для любителей дальнего радиоприема. Автор и ведущий - Вадим Алексеев. 14.07.2018 - ФАС повторно оштрафовала ВГТРК за рекламу псевдолекарства - Совет Федерации обиделся на Deutsche Welle #DW - Канал #France24 получил предупреждение - Европарламент отклонил новый законопроект об авторских правах - Новая неизвестная станция в Южной Америке - Замена частоты и режима вещания радио Кувейт на английском - Специальная активность финских радиолюбителей - Компьютерный вирус маскируется под аудиоплеер (https://vk.com/dxing) Япония ----------- * ТАСС-ДОСЬЕ. 6 июля 2018 года в Японии были приведены в исполнение смертные приговоры в отношении семи руководителей экстремистской секты "Аум Синрикё" (запрещена в РФ), включая ее основателя Тидзуо Мацумомто, известного под именем Сёко Асахара... Деятельность секты в России В начале 1990-х годов "Аум Синрикё" вела активную деятельность в России. В 1992 году Асахара побывал в Москве и встречался с рядом политических и религиозных деятелей, а также выступал в ведущих вузах перед студентами. 20 сентября 2016 года Верховный суд РФ признал "Аум Синрикё" террористической организацией и запретил ее деятельность на территории России. Однако секта продолжает нелегально действовать на территории страны, число ее адептов в России, по данным Генпрокуратуры на 2016 год, достигало 30 тыс. человек. Подробнее на ТАСС: http://tass.ru/info/5352543 * Письмо от Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - Japan, AUM-Sekte, Hinrichtungen re: "Radio Aum Shinrikyo" Aussendungen in English (und Japanisch) in 1992 - 1995 Zu den vielen eingesetzten Frequenzen im RMoscow English Dienst Relay sind kaum eindeutige Standortzuordnungen zu treffen. In der JELZIN Praesident Bluetezeit in 1991 bis 1995 sind laut Unterlagen in der 0430-0500 (Sommer 0330-0400) Sendezeit 48 Frequenzen im Einsatz gewesen ! Und morgens um 2030-2100 (sommers 1930-2000) UTC auch noch mal 27 Frequenzen. Zu den Winter/Sommer Frequenzwechsel kamen oft auch noch teilweise FQ Wechsel in der S- September autumn Periode dazu. Verbuergt durch die St.Petersburg Ingenieure sind der Einsatz um 0300 UT MW 1386 kHz KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo 9580 KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo 11985 St. Petersburg 1930 UT 9640 KAL Koenigsberg Bolshakovo, sommers 7305 kHz 11745 St. Petersburg andere Aussendungen hoechstwahrscheinlich um 0430 UT via 1386KAL 4740TJK 4940KV 4975TJK 5920StP. 5925kgs/StP. 5935kgs/StP. 5950pzv/StP. 5965P.K 6000EKB 6035MSK 6110vlg/SAM 6165MSK 7105kch/GRI 7130ARM 7135K/A 7150ARM 7165ARM 7180ARM 7295kaz/MSK. 7330K/A 7340SAM 9490kaz/SAM 9530ARM/VLD 9535TJK 9580tul/MSK 9600EKA? 9665kur/MSK. 9675MSK 9705StP. 9775tul/MSK 9795srp/MSK. 9840SAM 9860KAL 9870ARM 9890StP. 11675TCH 11710MSK 11765TAC 11975TAC 12040A-A 15160n/a_K/A_KHB 15230A-A 15280jig/SAM 15295TAC 15315ARM 15350IRK 15375ken/NVS 15385NVS 15470tv/MSK 15545krs/NVS 15585BI-KGZ 17560ARM 17570ken/NVS 17580TJK 17590ken/NVS 17610KHB 17620NVS 17625ARM 17655TJK 17675jig. 17685MSK 17710MSK 17735kaz/SAM 17775BI-KGZ 17825IRK 17890IRK 21530IRK 21565IRK 21585TCH 21615TAC 21690VLD 21770IRK 21790IRK 21830ARM 21845ARM 2030 UT via 4795IRK 4860KV 5920StP 5950pzv/StP. 5975StP. 5995kaz/SAM. 6055kaz/SAM. 6085ARM 6110ARM 6185ARM 7135K/A 7145TAC 7170kaz/SAM/MSK 7180ARM 7195TCH/vlg_SAM_ARM_GRI 7205srp/MSK. 7210kaz/SAM 7215tul/MSK. 7230SAM 7245jig/SAM. 7250kaz/SAM/MSK. 7255A-A 7260srp/SAM/MSK. 7275srp/MSK. 7305KAL 7315ken/StP. 7380EKA 7390MSK 7400ARM 7420MSK 9450MSK 9490kaz/SAM/MSK. 9515kaz/SAM/MSK. 9530MSK 9550kch_GRI_MDA. 9565ARM 9590MSK 9725ARM 9735NVS 9785MSK 9795K/A 9800StP. 9855SAM 9860KAL 9875ken/StP. 9890StP. 11685ARM 11840vin/LV. 11920ARM 12015vlg/SAM 12050KHB 13670ERV 15205EKB 15385ERV 15425P.K. 17605KHB siehe auch USSR Verschleierungs-Taktik Registrierungen Regarding RUSSIA/CIS SW tx site registrations in ITU/HFCC lists: Konevo (KON) was used in official lists instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Ashkhabad (ACH) instead of Dushanbe and Tashkent. Samara (SAM), Zhigulevsk (JIG) and Kazan (KAZ) are used instead of Samara. Novosibirsk (NVS), Kenga (KEN) and Krasnoyarsk (KRS) instead of Novosibirsk. Minsk (MNS) and Orsha (OR) instead of Minsk. Kingishepp (KGS) and sometimes Petrozavodsk (PZV) are used instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Moscow (MSK), Ryazan (RIA), Serpukhov (SRP), Tver (TV), Tula (TUL), Kursk (KUR), and Nizhniy Novgorod (N.N.) are used in official lists for SW tx sites located in Moscow region, there are eight such sites in this region. Bishkek (BI) is used instead of Dushanbe-TJK, Tashkent-UZB, and Almaty-KAZ. Nikolayevsk-Amur (N/A) and Blagoveshchensk (BLG) are used instead of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, and Komsomolsk-Amur. Volgograd (VLG) is used to show that txs at Volgograd, Armavir-Krasnodar, Samara, and Grigoriopol/Kishinev-Moldova are used. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Dec 11, 1997) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 1:01 PM Subject: Re: [A-DX] Japan, AUM-Sekte, Hinrichtungen 17 MHz meist Khabarovsk und Irkutsk Relay's, eingebettet in den RM English Worldservice dieser Tage. 73 wb ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Elbe" Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 11:55 AM Subject: Re: [A-DX] Japan, AUM-Sekte, Hinrichtungen Показать цитирование Ja. Und hier kann man die QSL sehen (laaangsamer Seitenaufbau!): https://web.archive.org/web/20160503012631/http://home.wolfsburg.de/elbe/russland.html -- Tschüß, Martin 73!