--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 717 Дата: 24 / сентябрь / 2017 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Mосковское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL и Фото: http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио и ТВ на русском языке. QSL мир. Календарь радиодат. История DX. Техника радиоприема - новые технологии. Филателия. СМИ. Радиопрограмма. Юмор. ------------------------------------------------------------- Информация публикуется из открытых источников Интернета. ------------------------------------------------------------- СТОЛ РЕДАКТОРА ================ * Интересный сайт "Российский FM Проект" - http://www.433175.ru/ * NETHERLANDS(non) -------------------------------- On September 30th Universe Radio will air a special HF broadcasts to celebrate its 5 years anniversary. Universe Radio is a 24/7 internet music station, which plays a mix of old and new hits and mix that with independent music. The program on the 30th of September will be a mix of music and look back on the last 5 years. The schedule will be as follows 0900-1300 on 15230 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu via NORATUS-Gavar, Armenia 1000-1500 on 9330vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm via WBCQ "The Planet", USA 1400-1800 on 6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu via "Channel 292", Germany Frequencies 15230/6070 kHz will be in AM mode and 9330 kHz will be in CUSB A QSL card will be available: , Michiel Bouwmeester, Wilhelminalaan 51, 4872 BW Etten-Leur, +31683949249 (http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/universe-radio-will-make-special.html) * В России может появиться DAB+ -------------------------------------------------- РТРС приступила к исследованиям в этой области Вопрос трансляции одного из самых популярных на европейской территории форматов радиовещания - DAB+ - в России сдвинулся с мертвой точки. Речь идет о недавно выставленном на конкурс РТРС задании на выполнение научно-исследовательской работы под названием "Проведение исследований в части вопросов обеспечения электромагнитной совместимости цифрового радиовещания стандарта DAB+ с радиоэлектронными средствами различных радиослужб в диапазоне 174 - 230 Мгц". Именно этот диапазон частот должен освободиться после окончания трансляций аналогового телевидения, которое намечено на октябрь следующего года. По итогам исследований, помимо прочего, должны быть выданы рекомендации "по внедрению наземного цифрового звукового вещания стандарта DAB+ в Российской Федерации с точки зрения использования радиочастотного спектра различными радиослужбами". Также должен быть подготовлен проект решения государственной комиссии по радиочастотам о выделении полосы радиочастот 174-230 МГц для внедрения на территории РФ сетей наземного цифрового звукового вещания стандарта DAB+. Таким образом, Россия приступила к изысканиям в этой области, несмотря на еще незавершенный до конца переход с диапазона УКВ в диапазон FM. https://tvkinoradio.ru/news/new12106-v-rossii-mozhet-poyavitsya-dab (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) * RADIO MI AMIGO NEWSFLASH SEPTEMBER 2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello to all Radio Mi Amigo International friends, Another HIGH POWER broadcast at the end of this month ! On Sunday, September, 24th we will play Soul/Tamla Motown as requested from the listeners !. The "Host" of the show will be our 'Soulman' Bruno Hantson together with Keith Lewis and Bob James Date/Time/Frequency: September, 24 from 19 - 21 hr CET (17-19 hr UTC) with 100 KW of power onSW 25 m band on 11845 kHz and online via our webstreams:http://radiomiamigointernational.com .....coming soon.......... At the end of October there will be another 'high power' broadcast ! (in the 1st hour more of your soul-requests) ....also we will welcome 2 more "big names" from the Netherlands in our team who worked on offshore-stations in the 70s and 80s Don't forget to listen every day from 09-19hr CET on 6085 kHz and 24/7 online to the 'one and only' original Radio Mi Amigo International ! kind regards Cpt. Kord and the whole team http://radiomiamigointernational.com * Книга -------- КНИГА автор Диана Берлин " НЕФОРМАТ ИЛИ ДНИ РАДИО" издательство "ВРЕМЯ" 2014 г. Главный герой книги - радио. Первое Радио страны. И люди, которые его создавали, благодаря которым сегодня существует золотой фонд художественного радиовещания. И время, в котором они жили. Известный радиожурналист Диана Берлин на этих страницах рассказывает о знаменитых артистах и музыкантах, об интересных политиках и поэтах и, конечно, о своих коллегах-журналистах. В книге немало строк посвящено личной судьбе, что не случайно, потому что пришла Диана Берлин на радио юной студенткой в 1970 году, когда, по ее словам, "время крепко переплетало личную жизнь и работу". Можно скачать бесплатно - Diana_Berlin-Neformat_ili_dni_radio_izd_Vremja_2014.pdf 57 МБ https://vk.com/doc-144243070_450887179?hash=0b019b59ba2f39d812&dl=1530077d30b5149d36 (https://vk.com/radio.tv_33) * Shortwaveservice Newsletter 22. September 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Liebe Freunde, am Sonntag ist Bundestagswahl. Damit Ihr unsere Sendungen nicht verpasst und trotzdem wählen gehen könnt, hier unsere Programmübersicht: Zwischen 10 und 11 Uhr MESZ läuft "Radio. Menschen und Geschichten". In der Septemberausgabe berichten wir unter anderem über diese Themen: Musik und Radio gehören untrennbar zueinander. Wie Radio das künstlerische Schaffen beeinflussen kann, was Radio in Kenia von dem in Deutschland unterschiedet und wie es sich anfühlt, seinen eigenen Song im Radio zu hören; das sind nur einige Themen über die wir mit Thomas Spitzer von der EAV - Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung sprechen. Idyllisch ist er ja schon gelegen, der Kreis Olpe, zwischen Sauer- und Siegerland. Knapp 140.000 Menschen wohnen dort in 7 Städten und Gemeinden, es gibt den wunderschönen Biggesee, die Karl-May-Festspiele in Elspe wo früher auch Pierre Brice als Winnetou spielte, und im Kreis werden auch viele Teile für Autos hergestellt. Nur eins hat der Kreis Olpe bis heute nicht: einen privaten Hörfunksender. Damit gehört die Region zu einer der letzten, wo teilweise nur öffentlich-rechtliches Radio zu empfangen ist. Warum ist das so? Wir sprechen mit dem Landrat des Kreises Olpe Frank Beckehoff und Michaela Bialas von der Landesanstalt für Medien in Düsseldorf über diese Situation. Diese Ausgabe von "Radio. Menschen und Geschichten" wird die Letzte sein, die über den Sender Nauen läuft. Parallel testen wir am Sonntag zwischen 10 und 11 Uhr MESZ die Frequenz 15800 kHz aus Armenien. Abhängig von der Resonanz werden wir entscheiden, zu welchen Zeiten "Radio. Menschen und Geschichten" dann ab Oktober laufen wird. Eine Wiederholung der Sendung gibt es dann abends zwischen 18 und 19 Uhr MESZ auf 11845 kHz, ebenfalls aus Armenien. Gleich im Anschluß, also zwischen 19 und 21 Uhr MESZ gibt es wieder eine Sondersendung von Radio Mi Amigo International, ebenfalls auf 11845 kHz. Soul Classics à la carte aufgelegt nach den Wünschen der Mi Amigo Hörer von den DJs Bruno Hantson, Bob James und Keith Lewis. Am Samstag, 30. September feiert das Universe-Radio aus den Niederlanden seinen 5. Geburtstag. Das ist Anlass für eine 4-stündige Sondersendung auf 15230 kHz via Armenien mit einer Leistung von 100kW von 11 bis 15 Uhr MESZ. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Ein persönlicher Appell: Bitte geht wählen und unterstützt die demokratischen Kräfte. Es gibt Parteien, die die Rundfunkfreiheit einschränken und den Amateurfunk abschaffen wollen. Lasst es bitte nicht zu. Viele Grüße aus der Eifel Christian Milling Shortwaveservice.com * Radio Gloria Int. today 24.09.2017 -------------------------------------------- RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL RGI - AMR Alternative Music Radio Summerschedule 2017 24.Sept.2017 - every 4th Sunday of the month - Internet: 15-17 UTC (17-19) Coloradio.org 15-17 UTC (17-19) laut.fm/jukebox (Rep.: Wed 19-21 UTC (20-22) 17-18 UTC (19-20) Satzentrale.de every Tuesday SW 41 mb 9-10 (11-12) 7310 par. shortwaveservice.com / 7310 please try websdr in Twente Informations: rgi.fmkompakt.de Good listening ! (Radio Gloria International) * FM Kompakt im Radio 23.09.2017 bis 30.09.2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo liebe Radiofreunde, am Sonntag hört ihr eine neue Ausgabe des Radiomagazins mit vielen interessanten Themen. Seit dabei und schaltet ein. Hier das Programm der kommenden zwei Wochen via laut.fm/jukebox . Samstag 23.09.2017 11:00-12:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (23.07.16) 12:00-13:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (30.07.16) 13:00-14:00 Uhr Goldrausch Oldies (08.05.16) 14:00-15:00 Uhr Goldrausch Oldies (22.05.16) 15:00-17:00 Uhr FMK Historie Magazin - Intermedia (21-24) Sonntag 24.09.2017 17:00-18:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (August 2017) 18:00-19:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (September 2017) 19:00-21:00 Uhr FMK Radiomagazin (55) 21:00-23:00 Uhr Jörg Weese`s - Startracks (3) Montag 25.09.2017 20:00-22:00 Uhr Jörg Weese`s - Startracks (3) Dienstag 26.09.2017 18:00-19:00 Uhr Goldrausch Oldies (08.05.16) 19:00-20:00 Uhr Goldrausch Oldies (22.05.16) 20:00-21:00 Uhr Peters Musicmachine (21.08.16) 21:00-22:00 Uhr Peters Musicmachine (28.08.16) Mittwoch 27.09.2017 20:00-21:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (August 2017) 21:00-22:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (September 2017) 22:00-24:00 Uhr FMK Radiomagazin (55) Donnerstag 28.09.2017 18:00-20:00 Uhr FMK Radiohits 20:00-21:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (30.07.16) 21:00-22:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (13.08.16) Freitag 29.09.2017 18:00-20:00 Uhr Jörg Weese`s - Startracks (3) 20:00-22:00 Uhr FMK Radiomagazin (55) Samstag 30.09.2017 11:00-12:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (30.07.16) 12:00-13:00 Uhr Hardys Late Show (13.08.16) 13:00-14:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (August 2017) 14:00-15:00 Uhr Radio Gloria International (September 2017) 15:00-17:00 Uhr FMK Radiomagazin (55) Viel Spaß beim zuhören wünscht euch das Team von FM Kompakt im Radio (Александр Головихин, Тольятти / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") РОССИЯ ======== Новосибирская область. Маслянино. --------------------------------------------------- 15 сентября филиал РТРС "Сибирский РЦ" начал трансляцию радиоканала "Радио России" в FM- диапазоне в районном центре Маслянино Новосибирской области. Слушателей также порадуют региональные программы "Радио России Новосибирск". Частота вещания - 105,0 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 0,1 кВт. Сигнал доступен почти 20 тысячам жителей Маслянино и окрестностей. Трансляция радиопрограммы в УКВ-диапазоне на частоте 69,05 МГц прекращена. (http://novosibirsk.rtrs.ru/tv/analog/sibirskiy-regionalnyy-tsentr-rtrs-nachal-fm-translyatsiyu-radio-rossii-v- maslyanino/) Самарская область. Тольятти. ---------------------------------------- * Детское Радио ушло с частоты 88,4 мГц на частоту 97,0 мГц а на частоте 88,4 мгц начало вещание Радио Энерджи. (Василий Лазарев, Тольятти, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx") * 18 сентября 2017 года началось вещание Радио ENERGY в одном из крупнейших городов России - Тольятти (на 1 января 2017 года численность населения 710 567 человек). Частота, на которой здесь можно слушать радиостанцию, - 88,4 FM, сообщает OnAir.ru со ссылкой на пресс-центр ГПМ Радио (ВКПМ). Радио ENERGY - первый и единственный международный бренд на отечественном радиорынке. Радиостанция входит в холдинг ГПМ Радио и является неотъемлемой частью глобальной сети одного из самых авторитетных и известных международных радиобрендов - ENERGY (NRJ), созданного французской NRJ GROUP. Радио ENERGY по праву называют главным законодателем музыкальной моды. В эфире радиостанции представлены актуальные хиты мировых чартов, релизы от ведущих лейблов и миксы лучших музыкантов и диджеев планеты. Радио ENERGY сотрудничает со многими артистами мирового уровня, такими как Rihanna, David Guetta, Selena Gomez, Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift. Топовые звезды олицетворяют дух и настроение Радио ENERGY, доказывая, что это самая прогрессивная и модная радиостанция в России. Лучшее начало дня - утреннее шоу с "Черным Перцем" BLACK2WHITE, которое выходит на Радио ENERGY. Большим успехом у аудитории пользуются и специальные проекты радиостанции: реалити-проект "Детектор правды", зимний фестиваль экстремальных видов спорта "ENERGY in the Mountain", конкурс исполнителей "ENERGY-видение" и многие другие. Радио ENERGY активно поддерживает спорт, здоровый образ жизни и привлекает слушателей в свои социально значимые проекты. Радио ENERGY является одним из самых успешных радиобрендов России. Более 4,4 млн россиян ежедневно слушают радиостанцию (Radio Index - Россия, январь-июнь 2017, MediaScope). Об успехах и профессионализме команды Радио ENERGY говорят не только высокие рейтинги, но и награды от коллег по цеху - "золотые микрофоны" Национальной премии "Радиомания". Сайт Радио ENERGY - www.energyfm.ru. (http://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/13000) * В Тольятти Детское радио можно услышать на частоте 97,0 FM, сообщает OnAir.ru со ссылкой на пресс- центр ГПМ Радио (ВКПМ). Это единственная в стране радиостанция, вещание которой целиком посвящено детям и их родителям. Круглосуточный эфир состоит из детских песен, спектаклей, познавательно-развивающих и развлекательных программ и рубрик, информационно-просветительских программ для родителей. Детское радио вещает во многих уголках России, включая и все города с населением свыше 1 млн человек. Еженедельно на частоту радиостанции настраиваются более 3,6 млн россиян (Radio Index - Россия, январь-июнь 2017, MediaScope). Сайт Детского радио - www.deti.fm. (http://www.gpmradio.ru/news-page/uid/12999) Сахалинская область. Южно-Сахалиннск. ----------------------------------------------------------- Авторадио в Южно-Сахалинске прекращает вещание на 531 кГц с середины октября, в связи с переходом на 87,90 МГц (https://vk.com/tv_fm) РОССИЯ / ТУРЦИЯ ================ В Севастополе пробившееся турецкое радио глушит российские частоты. Вторник, 19 сентября 2017, Сообщения о том, что в Севастополе на российских частотах транслируется CNN Türk и другие турецкие станции поступают от севастопольцев с утра 18 сентября. Эксперт объяснил хорошее прохождение радиоволн сложившимся метеоусловиям. "Новостные радиочастоты оказались полностью забиты иностранными сигналами. Попытки настроить радиоприемники вручную особого успеха не давали. Как только частота устанавливалась, через некоторое время она опять перебивалась либо турецкой CNN, либо развлекательными программами. Автомобилисты постоянно крутят ручки. Особенно сильный сигнал идет в Гагаринском районе прямо возле моря", - сообщает сайт "Говорит Москва". Сигналы турецких станций хорошо принимаются в эфире полуострова, в особенности на Южном берегу Крыма и Севастополе с конца прошлой недели. Уверенный прием УКВ-радиостанций Турции на Южном берегу Крыма и в Севастополе стал результатом хорошего прохождения радиоволн благодаря сложившимся метеоусловиям, заявил ведущий инженер студии "Артекс", занимающейся ретрансляцией российских радиостанций в FM-диапазоне в Крыму, Александр Каханов. "Никакой политической подоплеки здесь нет, так как это связано с хорошим прохождением сигнала из-за сложившихся метеоусловий", - сказал Казанов, комментируя слова депутата Госдумы от Севастополя Дмитрия Белика, который ранее заявил, что за трансляцией может скрываться попытка проверить возможности турецких СМИ закрепиться на радиочастотах Крыма. http://news.allcrimea.net/news/2017/9/19/v-sevastopole-probivsheesya-turetskoe-radio-glushit-rossiiskie-chastoty- 88458/ (https://vk.com/dxing) УКРАИНА ======== * Согласно расходов государственного бюджета Украины на 2018 год, правительство предусмотрело финансирование Национальной общественной телерадиокомпании Украины в размере 776 563,1 тыс грн, что вдвое меньше суммы, гарантированной ЗУ "Об общественном телевидения и радиовещания Украины"... "Общественное вещание сейчас переживает самые тяжелые времена. Для нас - это время реформ и перестройки бывшей государственной компании у независимого вещателя. Отсутствие должного финансирования подрывает весь процесс реформ. Ведь речь идет уже даже не о закупке техники или современного оборудования. Речь идет о реорганизации самой структуры, что является финансово затратным, но является инвестицией в будущее. Без должного финансирования дальнейшие реформы невозможны", - сообщил председатель правления ПАО "НСТУ" Зураб Аласания... (http://proradio.org.ua/news/2017sept.php) * Tudor Vedeanu 19 сентября 2017 Radio Mayak Odessa (UKR) is back on air on 765 kHz. I'm listening to it now, Sept. 19 at 2053 UTC. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/wrthgroup/) МОНИТОРИНГ ============= * Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" Приёмник: Degen 1103 Антенна: внутренняя, ферритовая TWR на 999 кГц 16 сентября 2017 С 19.15 UTC принимаю Трансмировое радио на русском языке на частоте 999 кГц (передатчик Маяк, Приднестровье 500 кВт). SINPO: 45444. Идёт передача для цыган "Табор уходит в небо". 20 сентябрь 2017 С 18.30 UTC принимаю Трансмировое радио на украинском языке на частоте 999 кГц (передатчик Маяк, Приднестровье 500 кВт). SINPO: 45444. Идёт передача "Голос вечной любви". (ДК) - "Вести FM" на 1413 кГц 16 сентября 2017 С 19.30 UTC принимаю радиостанцию "Вести FM" на русском языке на частоте 1413 кГц (передатчик Маяк, Приднестровье 500 кВт). SINPO: 54454. 24 сентябрь 2017. С 05.00 UTC принимаю радиостанцию "Вести FM" на русском языке на частоте 1413 кГц (передатчик Маяк, Приднестровье 500 кВт). SINPO: 35343. Сигнал постепенно затухает. (ДК) - TWR на 1035 кГц 16 сентября 2017 С 19.45 UTC принимаю Трансмировое радио на русском языке на частоте 1035 кГц (передатчик Тарту, Эстония 100 кВт). SINPO: 34433. Идёт передача "Люди, взятые в удел". 20 сентября 2017 С 18.00 до 18.30 UTC принимал Трансмировое радио на русском языке на частоте 1035 кГц (передатчик Тарту, Эстония 200 кВт). SINPO: 44444. Передачи "Богопознание" и "Компас". (ДК) - TWR на 864 кГц 20 сентября 2017 С 16.40 до 17.10 UTC принимал Трансмировое радио на русском языке на частоте 864 кГц (передатчик Норатус, Армения 1000 кВт). SINPO: 45444. Передача "Путь к истине". В конце программы объявили адрес: Кыргызстан, 720040 Бишкек, а/я 111, передача "Путь к истине" (ДК) - TWR на 1467 кГц 20 сентября 2017. С 17.30 до 18.00 UTC принимал Трансмировое радио на русском языке на частоте 1467 кГц (передатчик Красная Речка, Киргизия 150 кВт). SINPO: 33333. Передача "Путь к истине". Голос диктора тот же, что был на частоте 864 кГц, но тема передачи отличалась. К концу передачи приём - 23322. В течении всего времени стоял гул на частоте. (ДК) - Радио Японии на 927 кГц 21 сентября 2017. Принимал Радио Японии на русском языке с 16.00 до 16.30 UTC на частоте 927 кГц (Янги-Юль, Таджикистан 300 кВт). SINPO: 24332. (ДК) - "Голос Таджика" на 7245 кГц. 23 сентября 2017. С 09.30 UTC принимаю Радио "Овози Точик" - "Голос Таджика" на русском языке на частоте 7245 кГц (Янгиюль, Таджикистан 100 кВт). SINPO: 25332. Слабый сигнал, но слышен женский голос на русском. Приёмник: Degen 1103 Антенна: телескопическая (ДК) - Международное испанское радио на 738 кГц. 23 сентябрь 2017. C 18.00 пригнимаю Международное испанское радио на русском языке на частоте 738 кГц. SINPO: 44444. Знакомый голос Светланы Демидовой. Это была программа "Радиосетка" с трансляцией одной из передач Международного испанского радио. (ДК) - Радиогазета "Слово" на 828 кГц. 23 сентябрь 2017. С 19.30 до 19.45 UTC принимал Радиогазету "Слово" из Санкт-Петербурга на частоте 828 кГц (передатчик 10 кВт). SINPO: 34443. (ДК) - Радио Радонеж на 612 кГц. 23.09.2017 с 19.45 до 20.02 UTC принимал Радио "Радонеж" (через передатчик в Москве 20 кВт) на частоте 612 кГц. SINPO: 45444. В 20.02 передатчик отключился. (ДК) - Радио Мария на 1053 кГц. 23.09.2017 с 20.00 до 20.15 UTC принимал Радио Мария из Санкт-Петербурга на частоте 1053 кГц (передатчик 10 кВт). SINPO: 33433. Помеха от TalkSport на английском языке. (ДК) - "Радиопанорама" номер 300 на 738 кГц. 23 сентябрь 2017. C 20.30 пригнимаю передачу "Радиопанорама" через Всемирную радиосеть на русском языке на частоте 738 кГц. SINPO: 45444. Как сообщил Вадим Алексеев это 300-ый номер передачи. И рапорты о приёме за приём этой передачи будут подтверждены специальной QSL. Также Вадим просит ответить на три вопроса. 1. Где слушаете "Радиопанораму" (КВ, СВ, интернет, спутник)? 2.С какой периодичностью слушаете передачу? 3. Замечания и предложения к передаче. (ДК) - Православное радио на 828 кГц. 24.09.2017 с 02.45 до 03.10 UTC принимал Православное радио Санкт-Петербурга на частоте 828 кГц (передатчик 10 кВт). SINPO: 34333. (ДК) - Радио Польша на белорусском языке (1386 кГц). 24.09.2017 с 04.00 UTC принимаю Радио Польша на белорусском языке на частоте 1386 кГц (Вешинтос, Литва 75 кВт). SINPO: 45444. (ДК) * Руслан Славутский, Московская область. 17 сентября 2017. 08.45 UTC / 14144 кГц / USB / RS = 47 Прием в полевых условиях. Круглый стол "Общества друзей радио". 3-е заседание. Ведущий - RV9CHB. Ведущий круглого стола - Рамиль. * Запись 2-го Круглого стола ОДР 10.09.2017 г. можно послушать здесь: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baIiOOrx6dk (https://vk.com/shortwaveradio) "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== DX LISTENING DIGEST 17-37, September 12, 2017 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ------------------------------------------------- ** ARMENIA. Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Sept 6: 0833-0903 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Armenian & off http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/random-reception-of-armenian-public.html Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on new freq 7520 kHz, Sept 8 0940&1005 NF 7520 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Armenian, ex 9580 & off at 1010 Again on air 1030 and off at 1040/again on air at 1100 and off at 1110 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/random-reception-of-armenian-public_8.html (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARMENIA. Yerevan tests Mon 11th Sept 0230-2100 UT --- There will be a bunch of tests from Yerevan today, Monday, 11th September between 0230 (yes 0-two-3-0) and 2100 UT on 7530 kHz. Power 100 kW, directed to 192 Iran / Iran / Turkey. RRs appreciated (Christian Milling, Shortwave Service on WRTH Facebook page, 2130 UT, 10 Sept) Posted by: (alan.pennington, 2227 UT Sept 10, BDXC_UK yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1895, DXLD) or probably on 7520, open carrier at 0925 UT, Sept 11 -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1895, DXLD) Armenian Public Radio and Denge Kurdistan via Yerevan-Gavar, Sept 11 Armenian Public Radio 0604-0609 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg WAs Armenian, distorted & off air Denge Kurdistan 0700-0800 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg WAs Kurdish, strong and good audio //freqs 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg, 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg WeAs http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/armenian-public-radio-and-denge.html Test broadcasts of Armenian Public Radio on 7320/7520 kHz, Sept 11 0230-2100 7520^ERV 100 kW / 192 deg WeAs Armenian, NOT on 7530 0929-0942 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg WeAs Armenian, poor/weak signal ^NO SIGNAL 0630-0929, except 0700-0800 on 7520 kHz Kurdish Denge Kurdistan. Tests started at 0929-0941 UT & 0959-1011UT & continues xx59-xx11/xx29-xx41 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/test-broadcasts-of-armenian-public.html Test broadcasts of Armenian Public Radio 7520 on Sept 11 1409&1429 7520 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg WeAs Armenian, NOT on 7530 kHz. Test started at 0929 & continues xx59-xx11/xx29-xx41, not every hour http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/test-broadcasts-of-armenian-public_11.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, September 11 via DXLD) ** CRIMEA [non]. UCRANIA PLANEA AMPLIAR SU COBERTURA DE RADIO EN LA CRIMEA OCUPADA === 07/09/2017 La Comisión de Radiodifusión Estable del Ministerio de Política de Información tiene planes para ampliar la cobertura de la radiodifusión ucraniana en la Crimea ocupada. Así lo afirmó el secretario de Estado del Ministerio de Política de Información de Ucrania, Artem Bidenko, en el aire de Espreso. "Tenemos planes para un aumento adicional de la cobertura ucraniana en el territorio de la península", dijo Bidenko. Según él, la señal de la torre de Chongar, construida en diciembre, alcanza Dzhankoy e incluso los suburbios de Sudak. "Dada la escasez de la potencia electica a disposición de las autoridades de ocupación, la señal de la torre de Chongar alcanza perfectamente Dzhankoy", dijo Bidenko. Según él, aunque los ocupantes planean construir una torre cerca de Dzhankoy en 2018 para bloquear la señal de la torre de Chongar, la Comisión del Ministerio de Política de Información ya tiene planes para evitar la ampliación de la cobertura de la radiodifusión rusa. https://www.ukrinform.es (via GRA blog via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11660, OPPOSITION. Denge Kurdistan - Grigoriopol, MOLDOVA (presumed), 1304, 9/4/17, in Kurdish. Woman, most likely with news; later check with nice Kurdish music with improved signal. Fair initially, good later (Mark Taylor, Lake Farm Park near Madison, WI, 9/4/17 (Labor Day), 1100-1615 UT. With Bill Dvorak, Carlie Fosythe and Neil Bartlett. Equipment: Tecsun PL880, Kaito K31 antenna, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) Unknown frequency for them; typo for 11600, maybe? The transmitter could also have suffered a typo which is why we don`t ignore this (gh, DXLD) Updated A17 schedule of Denge Kurdistan 0230-0500 on 7350 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0300-0500 on 7520#KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish #or alternative tx ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0500-1400 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0700-0800 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0700-0800 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1400-1600 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1600-1900 on 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish * tx ERV started 3-5 minutes before the top on the hour http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/updated-17-schedule-of-denge-kurdistan.html ARMENIA, Denge Kurdistan via Yerevan-Gavar* Sept 5 0300-0500 on 7520 ERV#100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish #or alternative tx KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 7350 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0700-0800 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish * all started 3 to 5 minutes before the top on the hour http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/denge-kurdistan-via-yerevan-gavar-sept5.html (DX RE MIX NEWS # 1027 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Sept 7, 2017 via DXLD) Reception of Denge Kurdistan via Yerevan-Gavar, Sept 8 0728 & 0800 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish & off at 0803 // freq 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, strong signal: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-via.html Denge Kurdistan via Yerevan-Gavar & Grigoriopol, Sept 9 0658&0809 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish & off at 0811 UT 0659&0809 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish & off at 0810 UT // freq 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, strong signal: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-via_9.html Denge Kurdistan via Yerevan & Grigoriopol, Sept 9: 1900-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good 1900-2100 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good 1900-2100 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/denge-kurdistan-via-yerevan-grigoriopol.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, September 9 via DXLD) ** KYRGYZSTAN. Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek, 4010 kHz. QSL letter in Russian received from the second director of their radio Mr K. Imanaliev. My report was for 22 April 2017 and the reply was received on 13 July with the text (in Russian) "We confirm you listened to Birinchi Radio on 22 April 2017 in Russian at 23 h our local time on the frequency of 4010 kHz" (Rumen Pankov, B`lgariya, Sept BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) September 7, 2017 from 1730 UT I accept the Kyrgyz radio in Russian at a frequency of 4010 kHz. Transfer of the "Day of the day". SINPO: 35333. Who knows how things are going with them confirmation of reports? In the village, I always take them for 3-4 points (at night). I've met reports that they confirm with a letter, but I do not remember where. I'll try to send a report to the addresses from the directory "Broadcasting at in Russian". The return came from the address kabarlar @ ktrk.kg The message went to public @ ktrk.kg (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", Rus-DX Sept 10 via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. [Re Radio Liberty new on 1386 kHz:] * 200 kW formerly used at AFN 873 kHz Frankfurt-Germany, Nautel transmitter (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX 8 Sept via DXLD) **ARMENIA. There will be a bunch of tests from Yerevan today, Monday, 11th September between 0230 (yes 0-two-3-0) and 2100 UT on 7530 kHz. Power 100 kW, directed to 192 Iran / Iran [sic] / Turkey. RRs appreciated (Christian Milling, Shortwave Service on WRTH Facebook page, 2130 UT, 10 Sept) Posted by: (alan.pennington, 2227 UT Sept 10, BDXC_UK yg via DXLD)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [non]. Hi! In the 1961 movie "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea`` the submarine has precisely the same buzzing sound as the Russian buzzer UVB-76 on 4625 kHz. Have just watched the movie on film4 TV in the UK (Jon Collins, Birmingham UK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [non]. BBG CEO JOHN LANSING TO TESTIFY BEFORE THE HELSINKI COMMISSION Contact: Stacy Hope Phone: +1 (202) 225-1901 Stacy.Hope@mail.house.gov http://www.csce.gov http://www.facebook.com/helsinkicommission http://www.twitter.com/helsinkicomm RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION FOCUS OF UPCOMING HELSINKI COMMISSION HEARING WASHINGTON-The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, today announced the following hearing: THE SCOURGE OF RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION Thursday, September 14, 2017 9:30 AM Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 562 Live Webcast: http://www.senate.gov/isvp/?type=live&comm=csce&filename=csce091417 Russian disinformation is a grave transnational threat, facilitating unacceptable aggression by Russia both at home and across the 57- nation OSCE region. Russian disinformation helps support rampant violations of OSCE norms by the Putin regime, ranging from internal human rights abuses to military intervention in neighboring states to interference in elections in several countries. The hearing will examine Russia's efforts to spread disinformation, both domestically and abroad, as well as U.S. efforts to set the record straight with Russians, Ukrainians, and other speakers of Russian in the region. Witnesses will also discuss the effectiveness of U.S. counter-measures across a variety of platforms; whether resources available correspond to the threat; and whether coordination amongst key players within the U.S. Government at the Department of State, Department of Defense, and USAID, and with European partners is adequate. Finally, with German elections scheduled for September 24, one of the witnesses will highlight attempts by Russia to use NGOs and think tanks in Germany to try to influence the outcome. The following witnesses are scheduled to testify: John F. Lansing, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Melissa Hooper, Director of Human Rights and Civil Society Programs, Human Rights First Molly McKew, CEO, Fianna Strategies ### The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, is an independent agency of the Federal Government charged with monitoring compliance with the Helsinki Accords and advancing comprehensive security through promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental and military cooperation in 57 countries. The Commission consists of nine members from the U.S. Senate, nine from the House of Representatives, and one member each from the Departments of State, Defense, and Commerce. Broadcasting Board of Governors, 330 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20237 (BBG PA Sept 11 via Hansjoerg Biener, DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non]. RT, SPUTNIK AND RUSSIA'S NEW THEORY OF WAR --- How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century - and why it may be impossible to stop. By JIM RUTENBERG September 13, 2017 https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/09/13/magazine/rt-sputnik-and-russias-new-theory-of-war.html Martin Steltner showed up at his office in the state courthouse building in western Berlin. Steltner, who has served for more than a dozen years as the spokesman for the Berlin state prosecutor, resembles a detective out of classic crime fiction: crisp suit, wavy gray hair and a gallows humor that comes with having seen it all. There was the 2009 case of the therapist who mistakenly killed two patients in an Ecstasy-infused session gone wrong. The Great Poker Heist of 2010, in which masked men stormed a celebrity-studded poker tournament with machetes and made off with a quarter-million dollars. The 2012 episode involving the Canadian porn star who killed and ate his boyfriend and then sent the leftovers home in the mail. Steltner embraced the oddball aspect of his job; he kept a picture of Elvis Presley on the wall of his office. But even Steltner found the phone calls he received that morning confounding. They came from police officers from towns far outside Berlin, who reported that protests were erupting, seemingly out of nowhere, on their streets. "They are demonstrating - 'Save our children,' 'No attacks from immigrants on our children' and some things like that," Steltner told me when I met him in Berlin recently. The police were calling Steltner because this was ostensibly his office's fault. The protesters were angry over the Berlin prosecutor's supposed refusal to indict three Arab migrants who, they said, raped a 13-year-old girl from Berlin's tight-knit Russian-German community. Steltner, who would certainly have been informed if such a case had come up for prosecution, had heard nothing of it. He called the Berlin Police Department, which informed him that a 13-year-old Russian- German girl had indeed gone missing a week before. When she resurfaced a day later, she told her parents that three "Southern-looking men" - by which she meant Arab migrants - had yanked her off the street and taken her to a rundown apartment, where they beat and raped her. But when the police interviewed the girl, whose name was Lisa, she changed her story. She had left home, it turned out, because she had gotten in trouble at school. Afraid of how her parents would react, she went to stay with a 19-year-old male friend. The kidnapping and gang rape, she admitted, never happened. By then, however, the girl's initial story was taking on a life of its own within the Russian-German community through word of mouth and Facebook - enough so that the police felt compelled to put out a statement debunking it. Then, over the weekend, Channel One, a Russian state-controlled news station with a large following among Russian- Germans, who watch it on YouTube and its website, ran a report presenting Lisa's story as an example of the unchecked dangers Middle Eastern refugees posed to German citizens. Angela Merkel, it strongly implied, was refusing to address these threats, even as she opened German borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants. "According to Lisa's parents," the Channel One reporter said, "the police simply refuse to look for criminals." The following day in Berlin, Germany's far-right National Democratic Party held a protest at a plaza in Marzahn, a heavily Russian neighborhood. The featured speaker was an adult cousin of Lisa's, who repeated the original allegations while standing in front of signs reading "Stop Foreign Infiltration!" and "Secure Borders!" The crowd was tiny, not much more than a dozen people. But it was big enough to attract the attention of RT, Russia's state-financed international cable network, which presents local-language newscasts in numerous countries, including Germany and the United States. A crew from the network's video service, Ruptly, arrived with a camera. The footage was on YouTube that afternoon. That same day, Sputnik, a brash Russian-government-run news and commentary site that models itself on BuzzFeed, ran a story raising allegations of a police cover-up. Lisa's case was not isolated, Sputnik argued; other refugee rapists, it warned, might be running free. By the start of the following week, protests were breaking out in neighborhoods with large Russian-German populations, which is why the local police were calling Steltner. In multiple interviews, including with RT and Sputnik, Steltner reiterated that the girl had recanted the original story about the kidnapping and the gang rape. In one interview with the German media, he said that in the course of the investigation, authorities had found evidence that the girl had sex with a 23-year-old man months earlier, which would later lead to a sexual-abuse conviction for the man, whose sentence was suspended. But the original, unrelated and debunked story continued circulating, drawing the interest of the German mainstream media, which pointed out inconsistencies in the Russian reports. None of that stopped the protests, which culminated in a demonstration the following Saturday, Jan. 23, by 700 people outside the Chancellery, Merkel's office. Ruptly covered that, too. An official in the Merkel government told me that the administration was completely perplexed, at first. Then, a few days later, Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, held a news conference in Moscow. Bringing up Lisa's story, he cast doubt on the official version of events. There was no way, he argued, that Lisa left home voluntarily. Germany, he suggested, was "covering up reality in a politically correct manner for the sake of domestic politics." Two days later, RT ran a segment reporting that despite all the official denials, the case was "not so simple." The Russian Embassy called Steltner and asked to meet, he told me. The German foreign ministry informed him that this was now a diplomatic issue. The whole affair suddenly appeared a lot less mystifying. A realization took hold in the foreign ministry, the intelligence services and the Chancellery: Germany had been hit. Officials in Germany and at NATO headquarters in Brussels view the Lisa case, as it is now known, as an early strike in a new information war Russia is waging against the West. In the months that followed, politicians perceived by the Russian government as hostile to its interests would find themselves caught up in media storms that, in their broad contours, resembled the one that gathered around Merkel. They often involved conspiracy theories and outright falsehoods - sometimes with a tenuous connection to fact, as in the Lisa case, sometimes with no connection at all - amplified until they broke through into domestic politics. In other cases, they simply helped promote nationalist, far-left or far-right views that put pressure on the political center. What the efforts had in common was their agents: a loose network of Russian-government-run or -financed media outlets and apparently coordinated social-media accounts. After RT and Sputnik gave platforms to politicians behind the British vote to leave the European Union, like Nigel Farage, a committee of the British Parliament released a report warning that foreign governments may have tried to interfere with the referendum. Russia and China, the report argued, had an "understanding of mass psychology and of how to exploit individuals" and practiced a kind of cyberwarfare "reaching beyond the digital to influence public opinion." When President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia visited the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, at the palace of Versailles in May, Macron spoke out about such influence campaigns at a news conference. Having prevailed weeks earlier in the election over Marine Le Pen - a far-right politician who had backed Putin's annexation of Crimea and met with him in the Kremlin a month before the election - Macron complained that "Russia Today and Sputnik were agents of influence which on several occasions spread fake news about me personally and my campaign." RT vans in a parking lot at the network's studios in Moscow. James Hill for The New York Times [caption] But all of this paled in comparison with the role that Russian information networks are suspected to have played in the American presidential election of 2016. In early January, two weeks before Donald J. Trump took office, American intelligence officials released a declassified version of a report - prepared jointly by the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security Agency - titled "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections." It detailed what an Obama-era Pentagon intelligence official, Michael Vickers, described in an interview in June with NBC News as "the political equivalent of 9/11." "Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election," the authors wrote. "Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency." According to the report, "Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump." The intelligence assessment detailed some cloak-and-dagger activities, like the murky web of Russian (if not directly government-affiliated or -financed) hackers who infiltrated voting systems and stole gigabytes' worth of email and other documents from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. But most of the assessment concerned machinations that were plainly visible to anyone with a cable subscription or an internet connection: the coordinated activities of the TV and online-media properties and social-media accounts that made up, in the report's words, "Russia's state-run propaganda machine." The assessment devoted nearly half its pages to a single cable network: RT. The Kremlin started RT - shortened from the original Russia Today - a dozen years ago to improve Russia's image abroad. It operates in several world capitals and is carried on cable and satellite networks across the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. RT and the rest of the Russian information machine were working with "covert intelligence operations" to do no less than "undermine the U.S.-led liberal democratic order," the assessment stated. And, it warned ominously, "Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the U.S. presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against U.S. allies and their election processes." On Sept. 11, RT announced that the Justice Department had asked a company providing all production and operations services for RT America in the United States to register as a "foreign agent" under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a World War II-era law that was originally devised for Nazi propaganda. Also on Sept. 11, Yahoo News reported that a former correspondent at Sputnik was speaking with the F.B.I. as part of an investigation into whether it was violating FARA. Russia has dismissed the intelligence-community claims as so much Cold War-era Yankee hysteria. Margarita Simonyan, RT's chief editor, told me the allegations against the network smacked of "McCarthyism." Still, Russian officials are remarkably open about the aims of RT and Sputnik: to "break the monopoly of the Anglo-Saxon global information streams," as Putin himself put it during a visit to RT's Moscow headquarters in 2013. Russia's argument about RT's rightful place in the American media landscape is not all that different from the one Roger Ailes made when he started Fox News: If you thought Fox looked conservative, he would say, maybe it's because you were liberal. In Russia's case, it's: If RT looks biased, it's because you live in a bubble of Western arrogance and hypocrisy. You're the one who's biased. Plenty of RT's programming, to outward appearances, is not qualitatively different from conventional opinion-infused cable news. RT America's current roster of hosts includes the former New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges, Larry King and the former MSNBC star Ed Schultz, who told me that the network allows him to cover news that may not otherwise "get the proper attention that we think it deserves." (And, he added, "the health care is outstanding.") Its fans point to its coverage of political perspectives that aren't prominent on mainstream networks - voices from the Occupy movement, the libertarian right and third parties like the Green Party. The network has been nominated for four International Emmy Awards and one Daytime Emmy. This makes RT and Sputnik harder for the West to combat than shadowy hackers. You can tighten your internet security protocols to protect against data breaches, run counterhacking operations to take out infiltrators, sanction countries with proven links to such activities. But RT and Sputnik operate on the stated terms of Western liberal democracy; they count themselves as news organizations, protected by the First Amendment and the libertarian ethos of the internet. So over the past decade, even as the Putin government clamped down on its own free press - and as Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, the U.S.-government-run broadcasting services, were largely squeezed off the Russian radio dial - RT easily acquired positions on the basic cable rosters of Comcast, Cox, Charter, DirecTV and Fios, among others. The network's offshoots - RT UK, RT Arabic, RT Deutsch, RT Español - operate just as freely in other countries (though British regulators have reprimanded RT UK for content "materially misleading or not duly impartial"). Macron might have grumbled about RT to Putin, but France is not standing in the way of RT's plans to start a new French channel. By standard media-industry metrics, RT is relatively small. Numbers that RT commissioned in 2015 from the polling firm Ipsos showed it was watched, weekly, by eight million people in the United States, placing it among the top five foreign networks here and in Europe. (Ipsos also found RT was it is watched by 70 million per week globally; the BBC, using a different polling firm, says its own audience is 372 million per week.) But American television measures itself by the Nielsen ratings, which RT doesn't pay to be measured by. Nielsen shows Fox News with an average audience of 2.3 million people nightly, MSNBC with 1.6 million nightly and CNN with more than one million nightly. It's a good bet that if RT thought it would rank anywhere near them, it would pay to be rated. But the ratings are almost beside the point. RT might not have amassed an audience that remotely rivals CNN's in conventional terms, but in the new, "democratized" media landscape, it doesn't need to. Over the past several years, the network has come to form the hub of a new kind of state media operation: one that travels through the same diffuse online channels, chasing the same viral hits and memes, as the rest of the Twitter-and-Facebook-age media. In the process, Russia has built the most effective propaganda operation of the 21st century so far, one that thrives in the feverish political climates that have descended on many Western publics. In April, I went to visit Dmitri Peskov, Putin's press secretary, at his Kremlin office. Peskov, who is 49, works in the presidential administrative headquarters, a prewar building with a grand facade but cramped hallways and offices inside. He has been a spokesman for Putin since Putin first took office in 2000 and is almost always hovering on the edge of the frame in Putin's photo ops, whether it's at a gathering of international heads of state or as the president is positioning his pads for a star turn in an exhibition hockey game. The whole presidential-press-attaché-as-celebrity thing is finally starting to hit Russia - Peskov's lavish wedding to a former Russian Olympic ice-dancing gold medalist in 2015 made the tabloids - but his work look is more Politburo than Paul Smith. He has bushy reddish- brown hair and a mustache, and always appears to be suppressing a sly smile, even when he is frowning. When I asked Peskov what Putin meant by RT's mission to "break the monopoly of Anglo-Saxon global information streams," he went into something of a dissertation, speaking in English with obvious relish and little room for interjections. "The whole trend of global media was set by Anglo-Saxons," he began. "It's like the first conveyor belt. It was created by Mr. Ford in the United States." (It wasn't, but Ford was the first major manufacturer to use the technology on a grand scale.) But now, he went on, "the conveyor line is not only working in G.M., in Ford - it's also working in Citroën, in Renault, in Mercedes-Benz, in Toyota, everywhere in the world." Something like the dissemination of Ford's conveyor belt, he said, was now happening in media; the sort of global news networks the West built were being replicated by Russia, to great effect. What was making "the whole story successful," he said, "is a tectonic change of the global system that all of a sudden started to develop 10 years ago." The transformation and acceleration of information technology, Peskov said, had unmoored the global economy from real value. Perception alone could move markets or crash them. "We've never seen bubbles like we've seen in the greatest economy in the world, the United States," he said. The same free flow of information had produced "a new clash of interests," and so began "an informational disaster - an informational war." Peskov argued that this was not an information war of Russia's choosing; it was a "counteraction." He brought up the "color revolutions" throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which led to the ousters of Russian-friendly governments in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan in the mid-2000s. Russia blamed American nongovernmental organizations for fomenting the upheavals. But now, Peskov argued, all you might need to shake up the geopolitical order was a Twitter account. "Now you can reach hundreds of millions in a minute," he said. By way of example, he pointed to "this girl, from show business, Kim Kardashian." Kardashian is among the most popular people in all of social media, with 55 million Twitter followers, nearly 18 million more than President Trump. "Let's imagine that one day she says, 'My supporters - do this,'?" Peskov said. "This will be a signal that will be accepted by millions and millions of people. And she's got no intelligence, no interior ministry, no defense ministry, no K.G.B." This, he said, was the new reality: the global proliferation of the kinds of reach and influence that were once reserved for the great powers and, more recently, great media conglomerates. Even Peskov sounded slightly amazed considering the possibilities. "The new reality creates a perfect opportunity for mass disturbances," he said, "or for initiating mass support or mass disapproval." One way of looking at the activities of Russia's information machine is as a resumption of the propaganda fight between the United States and the U.S.S.R. that began immediately following the Second World War. In the late 1940s, the Marshall Plan, the herculean development project helmed by Secretary of State George Marshall, flooded postwar Europe with money and advisers to help rebuild cities, advance democracy and form an integrated economic zone. Joseph Stalin immediately saw it as a threat - and saw propaganda as one of his best weapons to contain it. In 1947, Stalin formed the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), a Belgrade-headquartered forum to coordinate messaging among European Communist parties. Cominform used Communist newspapers, pamphlets and posters to paint the Marshall Plan as an American plot to subjugate Europe. A representative Soviet poster distributed in Vienna showed an American - identified by American-flag shirt cuffs - offering aid packages with one hand while plundering Austria's gold with the other. Radio Moscow - the state-run international broadcaster - and Soviet- supported newspapers throughout Europe accused the "imperialist" United States of pursuing a plan of "dollar domination" to make the Continent dependent on American goods and services, and of conscripting local youth to fight American proxy wars elsewhere. Writing in The New York Times that year, the correspondent Anne O'Hare McCormick recounted false reports in the Red Army newspaper in Vienna that the locals were afraid to walk the streets at night lest American soldiers rob and mug them - propaganda, she wrote, that "may not convince, but it adds to the confusion between truth and falsehood and fosters that darkness of the mind in which dictatorships operate." In a 1947 letter to George Marshall's undersecretary, Robert A. Lovett, William C. Chanler, a wartime Defense Department official, urged a response, warning that "we are making the same mistake that was made with Hitler." For the counterinformation campaign, the U.S. government enlisted journalists, including the Washington Post Pulitzer winner Alfred Friendly and the Christian Science Monitor's Roscoe Drummond; Hollywood filmmakers; and the top marketers of Madison Avenue, including McCann-Erickson and Young and Rubicam. The new effort - which eventually fell under a new United States Information Agency - produced upbeat posters with slogans like "Whatever the weather, we only reach welfare together," which offered a bright contrast to the Communists' anti-Marshall Plan messaging. Operating on the theory that local voices would have more credibility than American ones, it fed news to foreign reporters about how well the Marshall Plan was progressing in their countries and recruited top European directors to produce hundreds of news features and documentaries that promoted "Western values" like free trade and representative democracy. America went into the propaganda war with distinct advantages. At the time, the Marshall Plan was pumping $13 billion into Europe, while the Soviets were taking $14 billion out in the form of reparations and resource seizures; America's image abroad was as squeaky clean as it would ever be. "This was the time when finally the United States came of age as an international power - when it still had its virginity, as it were," David Reynolds, a Cambridge University history professor, told me. RT International's newsroom in Moscow. James Hill for The New York Times [caption] America's midcentury propaganda success set the tone for the decades to come. It was not entirely a matter of America's having a better story to tell, and savvier storytellers, than the Soviet Union did. Soviet propaganda did, in fact, work on the people it reached. A controlled study conducted by a professor at Florida State University in 1970 found that Americans who listened to Radio Moscow broadcasts developed more open attitudes toward the U.S.S.R. than those of average Americans. The problem was that very few Americans did hear Radio Moscow: It was available only on shortwave radio and on a handful of American stations - including WNYC in New York - reaching less than 2 percent of the adult population in the United States as of late 1966. Meanwhile, Voice of America, the United States' equivalent service offering a mix of news, music and entertainment, was reaching 23 percent of the Soviet adult population by the early 1970s. Later studies found that up to 40 percent of the Soviet Union's adult population listened to "Western broadcasting" of one sort or another, in spite of aggressive Soviet signal-jamming efforts. And unlike the Soviets, the United States benefited from the existence of a vast ecosystem of nongovernment media that, even when it crossed swords with the American government, still reflected an American outlook and implicitly promoted American cultural values. The first international, 24-hour networks to come online in the 1980s, like CNN, were American, and they provided their audience - which eventually included many behind the Iron Curtain - an unsparing view of the last days of Communism: student protesters staring down tanks in Tiananmen Square, protests and strikes in Poland, East Germans exulting on the ruins of the Berlin Wall. When Mikhail Gorbachev signed his resignation, ceding power to the new presidency of Boris Yeltsin in the last official act of Soviet Communism, he invited CNN to capture the moment in his Kremlin office suite. Finding his own pen out of ink, Gorbachev turned to the CNN president at the time, Tom Johnson, who lent Gorbachev the Mont Blanc he had in his breast pocket. After making sure the pen wasn't American-made, the last Soviet leader used it to sign one of the most important documents in Russian history. "You have built your empire better than I built mine," he told Johnson. Mikhail Lesin, too, wanted to build an empire. Around the time of the Soviet Union's dissolution, he was in his mid-30s, running Video International, an early big Russian ad firm, of which he was a founder. Video International was credited with bringing modern, American-style techniques to Yeltsin's 1996 re-election campaign, and after Yeltsin's victory, the president rewarded Lesin by placing him in charge of his presidential communications operation. Lesin was a sharp-witted hard drinker who was concerned about Russia's image in the world. He had a vision for an international network that would familiarize Russia in the same way that CNN familiarized America. But the chaos of the later Yeltsin years, in which the ruble collapsed and Yeltsin's government foundered, made such a thing impossible. Lesin found a more receptive patron in Putin, who succeeded Yeltsin in 1999. Putin - who, as a deputy in the St. Petersburg mayor's office half a decade earlier, once chauffeured Ted Turner around the city - was an attentive student of the power of television. At times, he could not contain his frustration with the way the foreign media covered Russia. "All they can talk about is crisis and breakdown," he complained to a nationalist youth group in 2005. That year, with the Russian economy rebounding thanks to strong oil prices, Lesin and Alexei Gromov, Putin's press strategist, secured the approval and financing to start the network, which they called Russia Today. To run the new operation, they hired a 25-year-old TV reporter named Margarita Simonyan. President Vladimir Putin speaking with RT journalists in Moscow in 2013. James Hill for The New York Times [caption] When she heard she got the job, "I almost fainted," Simonyan told me recently. We were sitting on plush couches on an exclusive, dimly lit floor of Voronezh, a fashionable restaurant in the Khamovniki district in central Moscow. "Dr. No," the James Bond film about a plan to disrupt the American space program, was on a TV screen opposite us. Before us was a spread of venison, oysters and shrimp, themselves an unsubtle statement: They were imported from Russia's far east, a menu adjustment in response to the sanctions and countersanctions that had cut off Western food imports. Simonyan, who is now 37, is petite with a wide face, dark hair and green eyes. Her name appears more times in the declassified U.S. intelligence assessment than anyone's besides Putin's, but she seems a somewhat unlikely candidate for an American national-security threat. When the report dropped, she wrote on Twitter: "They are kidding, right?" At the restaurant, she told me: "I never planned to be a part of a weapon. I have two children, and I'm very, very peaceful. I don't like wars. Any wars." Simonyan grew up poor in Krasnodar, a southern Russia river town, and was 11 when the Soviet Union collapsed. "We adored the fact that we are now going to be like America and taught like America and to be even patronized by America and be America's little brother," she told me. "It didn't feel in any way humiliating or contradictory to the Russian pride." Her infatuation with the United States led her to apply for a slot in a new State Department "future leaders" exchange program, which placed top students from the former Soviet Union in United States high schools to "ensure long-lasting peace and understanding between the U.S. and the countries of Eurasia." For one academic year, she attended a public high school in Bristol, N.H. "She was fascinated with news," Patricia Albert, whose parents hosted Simonyan, and who remains close with her, told me. "Maggie," as the family still calls her, would sit transfixed every night when she joined them on the couch to watch the local news, "60 Minutes" and "CBS Evening News With Dan Rather." But she also came to resent some of her American classmates for what she viewed as their sheltered naïveté. "?'Do you have dogs?' I remember that," she told me. "I still have a letter I wrote to my parents saying, 'I can't believe they are seriously asking me whether we have dogs.' They were grown-ups - 18- year-olds - in a normal high school in New Hampshire, which is supposed to be a sophisticated place." Back home in Krasnodar, her view of the United States, like many Russians', started to curdle after the 1999 NATO bombing campaign against the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in the former Yugoslavia, with which Russian had strong ethnic, cultural and political ties: "Our Slavic brothers and sisters," she told me, leaning forward for emphasis. "You bombed them with no permission, with no reason," she said, "and in one day you lost Russia." As a journalism major at Kuban State University, Simonyan landed an internship and, quickly thereafter, a correspondent position at a local TV station. Her patriotism and feel for the American-style production techniques she had seen on TV in New Hampshire - which had not yet come to Russia - helped her rise quickly through the ranks of state journalism. She covered the brutal Chechen military campaign in 1999 and 2000 that helped solidify Putin's political standing as he ascended to the presidency, and the 2004 Beslan school siege, which earned her the government's "Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" medal. When she took the helm of Russia Today the following year, Simonyan modeled the new network on CNN and the BBC, and she hired TV consultants from Britain to help give Russia Today a modern cable-news look and feel. (The RT studios in Moscow, when I visited them this spring, were as state-of-the-art as any I'd seen in the United States.) "Nobody in Russia had experience of that kind," Simonyan told me. "Twenty-four-hour news had not been established yet." One of her employees, Andrey Kiyashko, who started at RT in his late teens, told me: "CNN, BBC - we were watching it and taking notes on how to be broadcast journalists." At the beginning, the network's mission was to reverse the global view of Russians "as bears that roam the streets and growl," as Lesin put it in an interview in 2001. (Lesin was found dead in a Washington hotel room in 2015. The city's medical examiner attributed his death to blunt trauma to the head. While the incident remains the subject of much speculation, federal investigators have said they believe Lesin's death followed a prolonged bout of heavy drinking.) An early BBC content analysis found nothing all that remarkable in the network's Russia-centric coverage and noted that it even included criticism of the Russian bureaucracy. Russia Today - incorporated as an independent company with state financing - was getting into hotels and even American cable systems. But three years into its existence, the network still had not gained much notice or had much discernible impact abroad. Simonyan says he concluded that the network's mission of solely focusing on Russia needed revising. "We had basically too much Russian news," she told me. So in 2008, Russia Today began to reposition itself. The network was reintroduced with a new name, RT, and hired McCann - the same American advertising firm that once helped the United States sell the Marshall Plan. It soon debuted a new satellite channel in the United States, RT America. Instead of celebrating Russia, Simonyan's network would turn a critical eye to the rest of the world, particularly the United States. As Peskov sees it, the idea was: "Why are you criticizing us in Chechnya and all this stuff? Look at what you are doing there in the United States with your relationship with white and black." He went on: "RT said: 'Stop. Don't criticize us. We'll tell you about yourself.'?" With that, he said, "all of the sudden, Anglo-Saxons saw that there is an army from the opposite side." RT's new slogan, dreamed up by McCann, was "Question More." RT America set up shop in a glass-fronted office building in Washington a block and a half east of the White House. The new network promised to feature stories that "have not been reported" or were "hugely underreported" in the mainstream media, Simonyan told The Times in 2010. In line with the Marshall Plan dictum that natives have more credibility than foreigners, it was staffed by American hosts: an incongruous mix of telegenic, ambitious but inexperienced broadcast journalists like Liz Wahl, whom RT recruited from the local television station in the Mariana Islands, and later-career itinerant expats like Peter Lavelle, a banker-turned-reporter who previously worked as a stringer for United Press International's Moscow bureau and contributed to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. From early on, the channel's interviews highlighted Sept. 11 "truthers," who believed the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job, including Alex Jones, whose segments, ranging freely across the broader spectrum of conspiracy theories - from Osama bin Laden's staged death to the all-powerful machinations of the Bilderberg Group - became regular occurrences on the network. When I asked Simonyan about the Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, she replied: "Some guy in the states who worked for us - he doesn't have that position anymore - was a bit into that. I didn't pay any attention to that. When I did, I almost killed everybody." But, she said, it went with the territory. "We do have our mistakes sometimes, like The New York Times does, like everything does," she said. "We correct them." To the extent that RT had any clear ideological bent, it was a sort of all-purpose anti-establishment stance that drew from both the anti- globalization left (the network hosted a Green Party debate) and the libertarian right (it lavished attention on the Rand Paul movement). Its news coverage emphasized poverty and racial injustice, and it found its breakthrough story in the Occupy Wall Street protests. As Wahl, who quit RT in 2014, wrote later in Politico Magazine, "Video of outraged protesters, heavy-handed police and tents pitched in parks portrayed America as a country in the midst of a popular uprising - it was the beginning of the inevitable decline of a capitalistic world power." The coverage, which earned RT one of its International Emmy nominations, brought the network into alignment with Julian Assange, whom Simonyan brought on to host an interview show that ran for a dozen episodes in 2012. At the time, state journalism back in Russia was enjoying a kind of renaissance under Dmitri Medvedev, who was elected president in 2008. (Russian presidents are limited to two consecutive terms; Putin endorsed Medvedev as his successor and served as his prime minister before returning to the presidency.) The main Russian international news service, RIA Novosti, hired journalists from The Moscow Times, Agence France-Presse and Reuters, following the philosophy that Russia served its interests best by providing traditional warts-and-all news, with a Russian voice and perspective. "There was no talk about censorship," Nabi Abdullaev, a former Moscow Times deputy chief editor who oversaw RIA Novosti's foreign-language news service, told me. "All they wanted from me was quality professional standards in reporting; that was it." But that all changed shortly after Putin's presidential re-election in 2012. The following year, with no warning, Putin signed a decree effectively bringing together RIA Novosti and Voice of Russia, the broadcast service previously called Radio Moscow, under the umbrella of a new organization called Rossiya Segodnya. The Kremlin appointed as its manager Dmitry Kiselyov, state television's most popular host, known for homophobic rants and his taste for conspiracy theories. Kiselyov went to greet the shocked staff a few days later, delivering a speech that one staff member surreptitiously recorded and posted to YouTube. "Objectivity is a myth," Kiselyov said. "Just imagine a young man who puts an arm around the shoulder of a girl," he went on, "and tells the girl, 'You know, I've wanted to tell you for a long time that I treat you objectively.' Is this what she's waiting for? Probably not. So in the same way, our country, Russia, needs our love. If we speak about the editorial policy, of course, I would certainly want it to be associated with love for Russia." Journalism, he said, was an instrument of the country. Three weeks later, Kiselyov announced that Margarita Simonyan would serve as the new organization's editor in chief. Simonyan renamed RIA Novosti's international branch Sputnik - "because I thought that's the only Russian word that has a positive connotation, and the whole world knows it," she told me. Kiselyov presented it as a defensive weapon, saying it was for people "tired of aggressive propaganda promoting a unipolar world" from the West. Meanwhile, Simonyan made new plans for RT that included expansions in Britain and Germany. Together, RT and Sputnik would be the nucleus of an assertively pro-Russian, frequently anti-West information network, RT in the mold of a more traditional cable network and Sputnik as its more outspoken, flashy younger sibling. At the time, Putin was angry about pro-democracy protests that had attended his re-election, which RIA Novosti had covered. But the Russian leadership was also thinking about information strategy in new ways. In early 2013, Valery Gerasimov, a top Russian general, published an article in a Russian military journal called VPK. Gerasimov had observed Twitter and other social media helping spark the Arab Spring. "It would be easiest of all to say that the events of the 'Arab Spring' are not war and so there are no lessons for us - military men - to learn," he wrote. "But maybe the opposite is true." There were new means through which to wage war that were "political, economic, informational," and they could be applied "with the involvement of the protest potential of the population." Russia's military doctrine changed its definition of modern military conflict: "a complex use of military force, political, economic, informational and other means of nonmilitary character, applied with a large use of the population's protest potential." Military officials in America and Europe have come to refer to this idea alternatively as the "Gerasimov doctrine" and "hybrid war," which they accuse Russia of engaging in now. When I asked Peskov about those charges, he shrugged. Everyone was doing it, he said. "If you call what's going on now a hybrid war, let it be hybrid war," he said. "It doesn't matter: It's war." In the weeks after the 2016 election, the American political debate was overtaken by suspicions that Russia had played a role in the election in a significant way. There were the hacks of the D.N.C. servers, which intelligence agencies pinned on Russia well before Election Day. But there was also a sense that Russia's media and social-media machinery had contributed to the informational chaos - the fake news and conspiracy theories that coursed through social- media feeds - that characterized the final stretch of the election, to, it turned out, Trump's benefit. In a handful of cases, picking through the tangles of information, true and otherwise, that shaped the election, it was possible to isolate a single strand that could be traced to Russian news sources. One of the most striking cases came in late July 2016, when Sputnik and RT reported that thousands of police officers had surrounded a NATO air base in Turkey amid rumors of a coup attempt - a report that turned out to be exaggerated (there was a planned, peaceful demonstration, and the police were there to secure the area in preparation for a visit the next day by the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff). Three internet-security analysts, now working together at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund, followed the story's progress through the social-media landscape. Within the first 78 minutes, a large number of Twitter accounts - many of which they identified as pro-Russian bots - picked up the flawed story and blasted it out in some 4,000 tweets, one of the researchers, a former F.B.I. agent named Clinton Watts, testified before the Senate last spring. Nahed Al Ali, an anchor for RT Arabic, reading a news bulletin in the RT Arabic studio in Moscow. James Hill for The New York Times [caption] Some of the accounts added the hashtag "#Benghazi" and warned that thousands of Muslims were on the brink of acquiring the nuclear weapons held at the NATO base. Others included "#TrumpPence16" hashtags, along with words like "America," "Constitution" and "conservative." Large numbers of the tweets included accusations that the "MSM" - mainstream media - wasn't covering the attack. The RT story racked up thousands of shares on Reddit and was picked up on David Duke's webpage. About two weeks later, in an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN, Trump's campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort, said: "You had the NATO base in Turkey being under attack by terrorists." He claimed the media had ignored it. Watts told me: "That's when we were like, 'Whoa, this is a whole new level.'?" But such clear-cut instances were rare. In other cases, the network simply nudged along existing or nascent conspiracy theories: about Hillary Clinton's health, about a Google plan to rig the election for her, about stock conspiracists' obsessions like the Rothschild family, the Bilderberg Group and the Illuminati. In general, the social-media matrix is so opaque, with anyone able to set up an account under any persona, that "you can only crack a piece of it," Watts's colleague J.M. Berger told me. After the D.N.C. staff member Seth Rich was, according to the police, murdered in a botched robbery attempt on July 10, one of the first inklings of the conspiracy theory that continues to swirl around his death - that he might have been behind the leaked D.N.C. emails that WikiLeaks distributed that summer - was a video posted to YouTube on July 29 of the American RT host Lori Harfenist wondering aloud: "No one in the media is reporting that one of the D.N.C.'s employees who had ready access to the email servers was just mysteriously murdered in the middle of the night?" But far-right media outlets, and the Republican presidential nominee, had spent the election trafficking in baseless conspiracy theories, too. As Simonyan pointed out to me, "Fox raised similar questions" about Rich's death. And RT's coverage of Trump had not been wholly uncritical. Chris Hedges, the former Times correspondent, said Trump had "a penchant for lying and deception and manipulation," and Ed Schultz pleaded with his guests: "Who's going to stop Donald Trump?" Even the declassified intelligence assessment seemed to struggle to describe what, exactly, made the Russian outlets' influence on the election so nefarious. It described RT and Sputnik as sitting at the center of a sprawling social-media network that included "third-party intermediaries and paid social-media users, or 'trolls.'?" But it provided no detail about how that might have worked. The best illustration I was able to find came from John Kelly, the founder and chief executive of a social-media marketing and analytics firm called Graphika. Kelly has been studying the movement of information online since 2007, when, as a communications graduate student at Columbia University, he became interested in the social dynamics of political blogs: the ways in which different sites found and related to one another and amplified one another's work. He taught himself how to code and developed a program to quantify and map the flow of information within the blogosphere. That led to work on State Department-financed projects at the Berkman Klein Center of Harvard University, mapping the blog networks of Iran and, later, Russia. As the gravitational center of online conversation shifted from blogs to social-media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, he studied those too. Eventually he built a searchable database that captures millions of social-media interactions, stores them and analyzes them to determine social neighborhoods in which users share ideologies and interests, which he now mostly uses for private clients. Shortly after the election, academic and corporate clients hired him to track the proliferation of "fake news" - that is, unequivocally false content. He confined his search to social accounts that shared fake news at least 10 times during the last month of the campaign. This September, in his airy, loft-style office suite on the West Side of Manhattan, he called up the results of the study on a laptop screen. They were visualized as a black sphere on which each of the 14,000 fake-news-spreading accounts appeared as a dot, grouped and color-coded according to ideological affiliation. The sphere was alive with bursts of purple ("U.S. Conservative"), green ("U.S. Far Left"), pink ("Pro-Russia/WikiLeaks"), orange ("International Right") and blue ("Trump Core"). Within the fake-news network, Kelly explained, RT was high on the list of most-followed accounts, but it was not the highest - it ranked No. 117 out of roughly 12,000 accounts he was tracking. Its website was the 12th-most-cited by the fake-news consumers and purveyors - ahead of The New York Times and The Washington Post but behind Breitbart and Infowars. What was more interesting was who followed RT. It drew substantially from all quadrants of Kelly's fake-news universe - Trump supporters and Bernie Sanders supporters, Occupy Wall Streeters and libertarians - which made it something of a rarity. "The Russians aren't just pumping up the right wing in America," Kelly said. "They're also pumping up left-wing stuff - they're basically trying to pump up the fringe at the expense of the middle." Nearly 20 percent of the fake-news-spreading accounts, Kelly's analysis determined, were automated bot accounts, of the sort the American intelligence assessment claimed were working in tandem with RT and Sputnik. But who was operating them was unclear - and regardless, they were far outnumbered by accounts that appeared to belong to real human beings, reading and circulating content that appealed to them. In this paranoid, polarized and ill-informed subset of American news consumers, RT's audience crossed all ideological boundaries. In January, just a few days after the release of the declassified intelligence report, RT hosted a party in New York. The occasion was the United Nations' decision to add RT to the internal television system in its Turtle Bay headquarters. For nearly any other broadcaster, this would have been a minor achievement, but in Moscow, it was considered a coup and a rebuke of U.S. intelligence. There were 20 channels in the U.N. system, and as the network saw it, counting RT among them was a new testament to its influence: It was sharing a small dial with BBC World and CNN International, at the heart of the diplomatic world. RT flew in several members of its leadership team from Moscow for a ceremony and held a cocktail party in the lobby of the General Assembly building, with hot plates and canapés of shrimp dumplings and meatballs and ham. Giant banners proclaimed "RT: Member Broadcaster of the United Nations In-House Network." After some mingling, the crowd moved into an auditorium with long pressboard tables and the standard-issue U.N. headsets and digital clocks. A number of officials gave speeches, including Vitaly Churkin, Russia's ambassador to the U.N., who would die suddenly in the Russian Mission in New York the following month. (The cause of death was withheld according to diplomatic protocol, though the New York police told The Times they did not suspect foul play.) Alexey Nikolov, RT's director general, also addressed the group. Nikolov is bald with a kindly face and a lilting voice. He began by explaining that he was reading from notes because he was emotional. His speech was about his mother, who grew up under Stalin. She was orphaned at 3, "when she was thrown out of her apartment in the middle of Moscow winter together with her brother, when their parents were arrested by the N.K.V.D., the Stalin secret police," he said, speaking haltingly. "My grandfather, her father, as she only found out many years later, was tortured and executed. And my grandmother, her mother, died in a labor camp. And similar stories happened to millions of my compatriots back in the 1930s." He was building toward something. "What I see today is more and more frequently people produce the highfalutin talk about using the word 'propaganda' that eerily echoes those dark days of the Soviet era, when even thinking their own thoughts, not to mention speaking or printing them, was a crime." People, he declared, "must have the right to know different news, coming from different sources, and then make their own judgment." It was an addendum to "Question More." Yes, question more, but also consider more - more news sources, more versions of reality. It's a point that you really can't argue with: Of course everyone should be open to other perspectives and different takes on the news. In large part, this is why outlets like RT and Sputnik have proved so vexing to the West - and especially so in the United States. The far-right media, and even the president, have embraced what a couple of years earlier might have been the fringe of political discourse. Their financing aside, how exactly do you draw a line between RT and Sputnik and, say, Sean Hannity, the Fox News host and confidant of the president of the United States, who has also trafficked in conspiracy theories about Seth Rich and mysterious illnesses possibly afflicting Hillary Clinton? Or Infowars, Alex Jones's paranoid media empire, to which Trump gave an interview during the campaign? It's hard to imagine Russia's state-backed media getting any traction in the United States if there wasn't already an audience for it. For some subset of Americans, the intelligence report singling out RT and Sputnik was just another attack from the supposed "deep state" that Breitbart, for instance, had been fuming about for months - and it was less than surprising when, this spring, Sputnik hired a former Breitbart reporter, Lee Stranahan, to start a radio show in Washington. As Stranahan told The Atlantic, though his paycheck might now come from the Russians, "Nothing about it really affects my position on stuff that I've had for years now." When I asked Simonyan recently what she made of the proliferating attempts to map RT's influence in the Russian information network that United States intelligence agencies describe as a hybrid-war machine, she replied by email: "These projects simply blacklist all reporting, including by American media, as some pro-Russian campaign if any facts or views in them don't support the right kind of narrative." At the moment, she said, that narrative was: "All world problems are Putin's fault." In her view, "it's the sad history of McCarthyism repeating itself." (These were arguments that echoed Trump's own.) It also reflected the genius of "Question More": Every attempt to contain or counteract the Russian state-backed media's influence simply validated it. Churkin, the ambassador, acknowledged as much at RT's U.N. ceremony. As he stood to speak, he seemed to be almost bouncing on the soles of his feet, delighted at RT's newfound prominence. "Everybody watches them," he said. "Diplomats do it, ambassadors do it, foreign ministers do it, heads of state and government do it." In an oblique allusion to the recent American intelligence report, he noted that some people had been criticizing the network, but perhaps this was not such a bad thing. Grinning, he said: "They sound as if they are P.R. representatives of RT." Jim Rutenberg is The New York Times's media columnist and writer at large for the magazine. Jaclyn Peiser contributed reporting from New York and Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting from Moscow. Listen to Jim Rutenberg discuss how the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century on "The Daily" podcast. 211+ Comments [q.v.] (c) 2017 The New York Times Company (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) I'm glad this story is making it out into the broader audience. RT/Sputnik are not just "alternate " sources for news, but an arm of the Russian military's hybrid warfare. Experienced first hand by many nations bordering on that country, and full of fabrications, half- truths and outright lies. A far cry from the "good old days" of Radio Moscow. 73, (Walt Salmaniw, BC, dxldyg via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. HISTORY OF DX AND RADIO == Data are published as the material is received. We hope for your participation in the section. 1990 year. ------------- Journal. "Radioluybitel 2/91". The author is Pavel Mikhailov. DX-editor of the World Service Moscow radio. Very delicious first pancake [sic thruout] Notes from the first in the history of the USSR conference radio DX- Sith. From December 6 to 9, 1990, in Leningrad, the first in the history of Soviet radio amateurship was the conference of the DX- talent - lovers of long-distance radio reception. Guests from Finland and Belgium took part in it. Before I tell you about how this historic meeting passed without any exaggeration, I would like to briefly remind the readers of the magazine of the very uneasy gloomy "biography" of the Soviet DX. In the twenties of this century, when radio instead of "Morse" suddenly began to speak in a living human voice, and the authorities published the famous "Law on Freedom of the Air," which allowed all private individuals to have radio receivers, a real radio beacon began in the country. Books, so I will not dwell on the "boom" in detail. Radio amateurs collected literally from the "foot" materials the simplest detector receivers and listened to the ether that was close and available all day long. Broadcasting stations in those years were very interested in how they were heard in different regions of the country, and willingly received letters from the listeners with messages about the reception. As a token of gratitude for such reports and as an incentive to further ethereal vigils, radio station receivers sent listeners cards with a thankful text, which were the prototype of QSL cards, widely known at the present time. A lot of literature was published for the listeners: from technical descriptions in radio amateur magazines to special "Guidebooks on the air." Two words about these publications. "Guides" were published annually and represented a list of radio stations in the world, arranged in order of increasing their working frequencies. The name of the radio station, the country, the time of work, the language of broadcasting were also indicated. sometimes reported the power of the transmitters. The constant author of these "Guides" was one of the most active fans of long-distance broadcast reception. V. Chumakov is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Radio Front", whose legal heir considers Itself is the current magazine "Radio". In the spring of 1937, the "vigilant collective" of the editorial staff of the "Radio Front" concocted slanderous denunciation of the repressive and punitive organs with Chumakov's accusation in all mortal sins: there was also "aiding international fascism and world imperialism by involving Soviet citizens in listening to subversive radio propaganda" (this concerned his publications on long-range reception), and "squandering the people's property" (Chumakov helped the needy to purchase decommissioned radios). Unfortunately, to this day it is not known how the future fate of Chumakov developed (most likely he was shot), but with a long reception in the USSR was "safely" done away with great joy of those who were panic-stricken that with the waves of the ether Soviet citizens, whose ideological virginity had been so selflessly guarded, would be able to join the independent information about life abroad, with the interpretation of events that went against Stalin's propaganda. A little earlier - in 1937 - the bodies of the OGPU-NKVD established so-called "black post offices", where perusal, selection and censorship of letters of citizens of the USSR occurred. In these "cher- (which functioned until 1988 inclusive), both domestic and international correspondence were checked for content, those who dared to write abroad, let alone foreign radio stations, immediately fell under the definition of "unreliable" and were automatically suspected of espionage the use of enemy intelligence services ... Soviet "amateurs" were also among the "unreliable": they not only listened to foreign radio, but also tried to inform "there" about the quality of the reception - "a crime!" Many have gone through these difficult trials just to get the cherished QSL from some radio of Algeria or the radio of Indonesia! We were called to talk to "very serious institutions," where they "sincerely and ardently" argued that in Algeria behind each palm sits a CIA resident who only waits for letters from Soviet radio amateurs to immediately recruit them. Shipped by the imperialist special services: they are teeming with them, so there should never be letters and messages about admission there! ... And those who did not agree with the "strong arguments" of this "law enforcement" body were expecting trouble: many students were expelled from higher education institutions and Some have lost their jobs, even if it was not associated with any secrets. "Scared, blackmailed, squeezed. (Continued in the next issue)(Rus-DX Sept 10 via DXLD) ** TIBET [non]. 11507, Sept 10 at 1256 past 1301, JBA carrier, presumed V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on signature split frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) TAJIKISTAN, Reception of Voice of Tibet, Sept 11: 1235-1305 on 15527 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1300-1305 on 11507 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-voice-of-tibet-in-tibetan.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, September 11 via DXLD) PUBLICATIONS +++++++ SHORTWAVE GOLD Mike Barraclough writes: Mikes Movies has uploaded Shortwave Gold, a two part series to YoouTube. Part One features 27 minutes of shortwave recordings he made from a Vega 206 in the 80's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAOw9Xu-hqs (Sept BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria Bulgarian DX blog, Ivo Ivanov -------------------------- * SWLDXBulgaria News September 16, part 2 U.K.(non) Radio Payem e-Doost via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, Sept.16 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, good/weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-radio-payem-e-doost-via_16.html Ivo Ivanov More information on the shortwave listening hobby, please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria Receiver: Afedri SDR Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection) Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas. QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D Antenna: 30 m. long wire * SWLDXBulgaria News September 19 ARMENIA(non) Good signal of Trans World Radio India, Sept.19 1400-1415 on 9410 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Sat http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/good-signal-of-trans-world-radio-india_19.html TAJIKISTAN Weak signal of Voice of Tajik on Sept.19: 1300-1400 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs English http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/weak-signal-of-voice-of-tajik-on-sept19.html * SWLDXBulgaria News September 19-20 ARMENIA Test broadcasts of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.19 1857-2110 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 125/192 to WeAs Armenian, BUT Armenian Public Radio in on air xx57-xx10UTC and xx29-xx40UTC http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/armenia-test-broadcasts-of-armenian.html NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in 13 MHz and 14 MHz, Sept.20: 1000-1006 on 13365 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good 1010-1016 on 14505 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-13.html U.K.(non) Fair signal of North Korea Reform Radio via BaBcoCk Tashkent on Sept.19 2030-2130 on 7500 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, QRM Telediffusion d'Algerie from 2100 on 7495 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran px, strong signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/fair-signal-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html U.K.(non) New time and frequencies of BBC in Farsi till Sept.21 0230-0330 on 5985 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeAs 0230-0330 on 7325 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs 0230-0330 on 9480 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs 0230-0330 on 11875 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs 0330-0430 on 7305 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeAs 0330-0430 on 11875 SLA 250 kW / 340 deg to WeAs 0330-0430 on 13825 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs 1500-1600 on 5875 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs 1500-1600 on 6195 SLA 250 kW / 335 deg to WeAs from Sept.22 0430-0530 on 9480 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeAs 0430-0530 on 11875 SLA 250 kW / 340 deg to WeAs 0430-0530 on 13825 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs 1600-1700 on 5875 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs 1600-1700 on 6195 SLA 250 kW / 335 deg to WeAs http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/new-time-and-frequencies-of-bbc-in.html * SWLDXBulgaria News September 20 ARMENIA Another test broadcast of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.20 till 1310 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 125/192 to WeAs Armenian and off air http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/another-test-broadcast-of-armenian.html U.K.(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs via BaBcoCk Tashkent on Sept.20 1530-1700 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean/English, fair/good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via_20.html * SWLDXBulgaria News September 21 NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 10MHz, Sept.21 0940-0946 on 10514 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-10mhz.htm U.K.(non) Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok via BaBcoCk Tashkent, Sept.21 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun, good: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/voice-of-khmer-mchas-srok-via-babcock_21.html * SWLDXBulgaria News September 21-22 ARMENIA Again test broadcasts of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.22 0808&1010 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 125/192 to WeAs Armenian, very weak 0838-0858 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 125/192 to WeAs break and no signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/again-test-broadcasts-of-armenian.html ARMENIA(non) Radio MiAmigo International via Shortwaservice Yerevan-Gavar 1700-1900 on 11845 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English last Sun on Sept.24 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/radio-miamigo-international-via.html GERMANY(non) Frequency change of Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Issoudun, Sept.21 1630-1700 NF 15340 ISS 250 kW / 135 deg to CeAf Nuer, ex 15160 NAU 100 kW / 145 deg And other changes of Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Yerevan and Nauen: 0200-0230 on 11945 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to SoAs English Sun, ex 0200-0300 1700-1715 on 13580 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg to N/ME Arabic Sat, is cancelled 1730-1830 on 6130 NAU 100 kW / 090 deg to EaEu English Sun, ex 1730-1900 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/frequency-change-of-bv-broadcasting-via.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S11a Cherta in 41mb, Sept.22 0915-0917 on 7317 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s11a-cherta-in-41mb-sept22.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb, Sept.22 0930-0936 on 12140 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-25mb.html * SWLDXBulgaria News September 22 ARMENIA(non) Good signal of Trans World Radio India on Sept.22 1435-1450 on 9410 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/good-signal-of-trans-world-radio-india_22.html RUSSIA Adygeyan Radio and Brother HySTAIRical on 6000 kHz Sept.22: 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri & co-ch from 1835 on 6000 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English BS TOM Mo-Fr http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/adygeyan-radio-and-brother-hystairical.html U.K.(non) Voice of Martyrs via BaBcoCk on 2 frequencies in // from Sept.21: 1530-1700 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean & English + additional parallel freq 7580 unknown tx / unknown to NEAs, BUT only between 1531-1631UT http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/voice-of-martyrs-via-babcock-on-2.html U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on Sept.22: 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, very good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/radio-ranginkamanrainbow-via-babcock.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk Yerevan on Sept.22 1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-feba-radio-via-babcock_22.html U.K.(non) Reception of TWR Africa via BaBcoCk Grogoriopol, Sept.22 1815-1845 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Fri, strong http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-twr-africa-via-babcock_22.html * Test transmission of Armenian Public Radio on new frequency on Sept.23 ARMENIA Test transmission of Armenian Public Radio on new frequency on Sept.23: from 0732 on 6155 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Russian, NOT Armenian, weak signal Videos will be added later today * SWLDXBulgaria News September 23 ARMENIA Test frequencies of Armenian Public Radio via Shortwaveservice now are registered in HFCC Database as "For new organization" as follows 0200-0500 on 6155 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs, not yet used for tests 0630-2100 on 6155 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs, not yet used for tests* 0230-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs various langs & Armenian 0230-2100 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs various langs & Armenian 0800-1800 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs various langs & Armenian *from 0730 on 6155 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Russian/Armenian Sept.23 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/test-frequencies-of-armenian-public.html SWLDXBulgaria News September 23 ARMENIA Test transmission of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.23 1130&1225 on 7520 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Armenian, weak: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/test-transmission-of-armenian-public.html ARMENIA Another test transmission of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.23 1315&1415 on 6155 ERV 100 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Armenian, weak to fair: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/another-test-transmission-of-armenian.html ARMENIA(non) Good signal of Trans World Radio India on Sept.23 1429-1444 on 9410 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat only http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/good-signal-of-trans-world-radio-india_23.html U.K.(non) Reception of BVBroadcasting via BaBcoCk Tashkent, Sept.23: 1400-1415 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs English Sat, very weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-bvbroadcasting-via-babcock.html U.K.(non) Reception of TWR Africa via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, Sept.23 1630-1700 on 15105 KCH 300 kW / 160 deg to EaAf Somali, good signal: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-twr-africa-via-babcock_23.html BC-DX 1314, 16 September 2017 Editor : Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ----------------- ARMENIA Good signal of Trans World Radio India on Sept 6 1435-1450 9410 ERV 300 kW 100 deg to SoAS English Mon-Fri 1430-1445 9410 ERV 300 kW 100 deg to SoAS English Sat (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, RUSdx and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 6) ARMENIA/GERMANY/USA Broadcast Universe Radio special HF broadcast. On the 30th of September Universe Radio will make a special HF broadcast to celebrate it's 5 years anniversary. We would like to ask if you could publish the transmit date so your members/readers can try and receive our broadcast? A QSL card will be available. Universe Radio is a 24hrs/7d internet music station. We play a mix of old and new hits and mix that with independent music. The program on the 30th will be a mix of music and "look back" on the last 5 years. The transmit schedule: 09-13 UT 15230 kHz (CJSC Gavar Armenia site, 100 kW) 10-15 UT 9330 kHz (WBCQ Monticello-ME-USA site, 50 kW) 14-18 UT 6070 kHz (Ingolstadt Rohrbach Germany site, 100 kW) Met vriendelijke groet, Michiel Bouwmeester Wilhelminalaan 51 4872 BW Etten-Leur, The Netherlands (Michiel Bouwmeester-HOL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 14) ARMENIA/MOLDOVA Denge Kurdistan via CJSC Yerevan Gavar & Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac, Sept 9 1900-2100 7320 ERV 100 kW 125 deg to WeAS Kurdish, very good 1900-2100 7520 KCH 300 kW 130 deg to WeAS Kurdish, very good 1900-2100 11600 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish, very good (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 10) ARMENIA Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Aug 30 0651-0700 9640 Yerevan tx / unknown to UNID open carrier/dead air 0700-0711 9640 Yerevan tx / unknown to UNID Armenian and off air 0729-0741 9640 Yerevan tx / unknown to UNID Armenian & off again Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Sept 7 from 0829 UT on 9580 ERV 100 kW 125 deg to WeAS Armenian & off at 0837 UT. Test broadcasts of Armenian Public Radio on 7320 / 7520 kHz, Sept 11 0230-2100 7520^ERV 100 kW 192 deg to WeAS Armenian, NOT on 7530 kHz. 0929-0942 7320 ERV 100 kW 125 deg to WeAS Armenian, poor/weak signal ^ NO SIGNAL 0630-0929, except 0700-0800 UT on 7520 kHz Kurdish Denge Kurdistan. Tests started at 0929-0941 UT & 0959-1011 UT & continues xx59-xx11 / xx29-xx41 UT (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 7 / 11) ARMENIA On Fri 8 Sept 2017, from 1845 UT I accept the TWR program in Russian at a frequency of 1350 kHz (transmitter in Gavar Armenia). SINPO: 34333. Receiver: Degen 1103. Antenna: internal, ferrite (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan-RUS "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 9) ARMENIA/FRANCE/MOLDOVA Denge Kurdistan on another new frequency 7520 kHz Sept 3 0700-0800 on 7520 tx Yerevan / unknown to ???? Kurdish, very weak // frequency 9580 tx Yerevan / unknown to ???? Kurdish, very good Denge Kurdistan on another new frequency 7320 kHz Sept 3 2000-2100 UT 7320 tx Yerevan Gavar / unknown to ???? Kurdish // frequency 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, RUSdx and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 3) Updated schedule of Denge Kurdistan via TDF Issoudun, CJSC Yerevan Gavar, and Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac. 1900-2100 7320 tx Yerevan unknown to ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 1900-2100 NF7520 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish, ex1930-2100 11600 0230-0500 7350 ISS 250 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 0300-0500 7520 tx Yerevan unknown to ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0700-0800 7520 tx Yerevan unknown to ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0700-0800 9580 tx Yerevan unknown to ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0500-1400 11600 KCH 300 kW 130 deg to WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 1400-1600 11600 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 1600-1900 11600 ISS 250 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish, ex1600-1930 11600 1900-2100 7320 tx Yerevan unknown to ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 1900-2100 NF7520 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish, ex1930-2100 11600 0230-0500 7350 ISS 250 kW 090 deg WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 0300-0500 7520 tx Yerevan unknown ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0700-0800 7520 tx Yerevan unknown ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0700-0800 9580 tx Yerevan unknown ???? Kurdish, additional freq. 0500-1400 11600 KCH 300 kW 130 deg WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 1400-1600 11600 KCH 300 kW 116 deg WeAS Kurdish as scheduled A-17 1600-1900 11600 ISS 250 kW 090 deg WeAS Kurdish ex1600-1930 11600 1900-2100 7320 tx Yerevan unknown ???? Kurdish additional freq. 1900-2100 NF7520 KCH 300 kW 116 WeAS Kurdish ex1930-2100 11600 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, SWLDXBulgaria News Sept 4, dxld Sept 5) KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 4010.221 KTRK Kyrgyzstan, KGR1 Birinchi Radio, from Bishkek, Krasnaya Rechka. On Sept 7 from 1730 UT I accept the Kyrgyz Radio in Russian language. Transfer of the "Day of the day". SINPO: 35333. Who knows how things are going with them confirmation of reports? In the village, I always take them for 3-4 points (at night). I've met reports that they confirm with a letter, but I do not remember where. I'll try to send a report to the addresses from the directory "Broadcasting at in Russian". The return came from the address The message went to (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan-RUS "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 9) 4010.221 I received an electronic confirmation by a letter from the Kyrgyz TV and Radio Company for reception in Russian Birinci radio - 07 Sept at a frequency of 4010 kHz with 1730 to 1750 UT. The report was sent to: or or Answer received from Ms. Cholpon Temirbekova International Relations and Protocol Department Officer Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic 59, Jash Gvardiya boulevard 720010 Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic Mobile: +996706030794 Office: +996312655662 (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #942 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 16) LATVIA Radio Merkurs in Riga plans to continue locally on DAB only and via the network. 1485 kHz transmissions will stop at the end of the year 2017. Before that, they consider changing the MV license for a relay station and on another frequency. Until the christmas season they will test on 1350 kHz with 50 watts and 80s music. Reports are welcome. Not to be confused with I AM from Milan. Original text in Swedish: Radio Merkurs i Riga planerar att fortsaetta lokalt enbart pa DAB och via naetet. 1485 laemnas i sa fall vid arsskiftet. Innan dess vill man oevervaega byte av MV-licens till en som relaestation och pa annan frekvens. Fram till helgen testar man pa 1350 kHz med 50 Watt och 80-talsmusik. Rapporter aer vaelkomna. Inte att foervaexla med I AM fran Milano. (via Karl-Erik Stridh-SWE, NORDX yg 30 Aug, via dxld) LITHUANIA {Poland} 1386 kHz I received a QSL-card from the Russian service of the Polish Radio for the reception 24 July, 1700-1730 UT at the frequency of 1386 kHz (via the transmitter in *Viesinto Lithuania). On the card are views of Warsaw. The report was sent by e-mail: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan-RUS "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 2) * opened new Viesinto location 1386 kHz 75 kW Friday 21 Apr 2017, 1630- UT Radio Poland Warsaw, Russian. LITHUANIA Vilnius is preparing to include a transmitter for broadcast to Radio Liberty and Russia and Belarus. VILNIUS, Aug 25th. / TASS /. Lithuania received from the United States*, {* 200 kW former used at AFN 873 kHz Frankfurt-Germany Nautel tx, wb.} assembled and next week will turn on the long-wave{sic, MW instead} transmitter for the broadcasting of Radio Liberty programs to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. This was reported on Friday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic republic. The inclusion ceremony will be held on Aug 29 with the participation of Foreign Minister Linas Linkevi?ius and Transport and Communications Minister Rokas Masiulis. "The new transmitter of the Nautel NX-200 will replace the old equipment, which worked for about 40 years," the Foreign Ministry said. "The program will be broadcast in Russian with the help of a new transmitter mounted at Veshintai in Aniksiai district." The arrived technician is three times more powerful than the previous device: its power is 200 kW {former used as AFN Frankfurt-Germany Nautel tx, wb.}, and the former - 75 kW. The US-funded broadcasting of Radio Liberty, launched in 1953 from West Germany, is now being conducted from Prague. On the territory of the USSR, this instrument of Western propaganda, which occupied the extreme anti- Soviet positions, was drowned. In 1991, the radio station was allowed to operate directly in Russia, but in 2012 Radio Liberty stopped broadcasting to Russia, but continues on the Internet. Re-broadcasting of programs by Russian radio stations is not carried out. Maybe the correspondent was wrong and the transmitter will work on MW ? (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 2) Lithuania starts the "right" radio broadcasts to Russia and Belarus. The authorities of America handed over to Lithuania a special medium-wave transmitter for the broadcasting of Radio Liberty in Russian and Belarusian languages. Vilnius, Aug 26 - Sputnik. The solemn ceremony of including a long-range medium-range transmitter, which Lithuania handed over to the United States, will be held on Aug 29, the press service of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry reported. The Nautel NX-200 radio transmitter will be equipped at the Veshintu station of the Lithuanian Broadcasting and Television Center in Aniksiai district. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty programs will be broadcast through it in Russian and Belarusian languages, designed for audiences in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. This transmitter with a capacity of 200kW will replace the old (75 kW), which has been working for more than 40 years in Sitkunai (Kaunas district). The official opening ceremony will be attended by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevi?ius, the head of the Board of Governors on the US broadcasting issues Andre Mendes, the Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis, members of the Seimas, representatives of government agencies, representatives of the US Embassy in Lithuania. The opening ceremony will be held at the Lithuanian Broadcasting and Television Center (13 Jan) at 15:00. Earlier Sputnik reported that the Foreign Ministry of Germany announced its intention to establish cooperation with the Baltic countries to combat "Russian propaganda." The Office reported that Berlin intends to help Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia create alternative Russian-language media. "We want to help our partners in the Baltic countries to combat systematic disinformation, for this we help create a Russian-language radio station and television, and make these media attractive for those Russian-speakers who live in the three Baltic states," said German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Schaefer. He explained that the media, created in cooperation with the FRG, will broadcast in Russian, but to submit information in a different way than the Russian media does, allegedly supplying residents of the Baltic States with fake news. Berlin does not cite any specific cases of publication of unreliable information by the Russian media. The fight against the Russian media is not new. Recently, the topic of information struggle with the Russian media has become quite common in European countries. In November, the European Parliament adopted a resolution, which refers to the need to counter the Russian media, while the main threats in the document are the agency Sputnik and the RT television channel. In the resolution adopted by the EP, a number of provisions that border on the proposal to censor Russian media, it is alleged that the Russian Federation allegedly provides financial support to opposition political parties and organizations in the EU member countries, uses the factor of bilateral interstate relations to separate the members of the community. The main information threats to the European Union and its partners in Eastern Europe in the resolution are the Sputnik agency, the RT television channel, the Russkiy Mir Foundation and the federal agency Rossotrudnichestvo subordinated to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Of the 691 deputies who participated in the vote, 304 people voted in favor of the document, against - 179, and abstained - 208. Thus, it is clear that less than half of the voters voted for the adoption of the document. President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the adoption of the resolution, congratulated reporters RT and Sputnik on effective work. He noted that the document testifies to the obvious degradation of the notion of democracy in Western society. According to Putin, he counts on the triumph of common sense and hopes that there will be no real restrictions for the Russian media. (Vladimir Kazgunov-LTU, "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") LITHUANIA Rimantas Pleikys Radio Baltic Waves International, Viesintos 55.41.40 N 24.58.57 E, 1386 kHz, 75 kW {but replaced by AFN 873 kHz Frankfurt Germany used 300 kW NAUTEL Made in Canada tx in April 2017, see below, wb.} omnidirectional 120 m tower, transmitter type: Nautel NX300. Schedule, UTC 1630-1730 R. Poland Russian 1730-1800 NHK World Russian 1800-1900 RFE/RL Russian 1900-2100 RFE/RL Belarusian 2100-0300 RFE/RL Russian 0300-0330 RFE/RL Belarusian 0330-0400 NHK World Russian 0400-0500 R. Poland Belarusian. Dan Goldfarb shared the link. Also see the full version through It seems (although some secrecy re exact location) that it might mean reopening of Sitkunai New Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty transmitter to be launched in Lithuania. It will replace a 52-year-old transmitter in Sitkunai, close to Kaunas, that has been transmitting programs for listeners in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova at a lower quality. The medium wave (AM) transmitter was manufactured some five years ago and was used by the US Defense Department in Western Germany to broadcast a radio program for American troops stationed abroad. The transmitting power of the new device is set at 75 kilowatts, the same as that of the old one, but it can be increased up to 300 kilowatts if needed, Rimantas Pleikys, the owner of Radio Baltic Waves International, said. "If Russia decided to try and disrupt or jam this program or the situation in Russia worsened dramatically, we would be able to turn this transmitter on at full capacity," he said. According to Pleikys, the new transmitter will not expand RFE/RL foreign audiences, but it will greatly improve the quality of retransmission. RFE/RL programs rebroadcast from Lithuania can potentially reach about 100 million people in the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. Prague-based RFE/RL is currently broadcast 10 hours a day. (via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 9) LITHUANIA/MOLDOVA/UKRAINE Check on Wed 6 Sept 2017. Checked out tonight at sunset, approx. 1730 UT - reception at the car receiver, at the seashore, the engine is off. 1386 - something from Asia{rather Lithuania?} in Russian, judging by the content, 1413 - Vesti FM, {from Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac, Moldova} 1431 - Radio Ukraine in Russian almost audibly alike (about the content modestly keep silence - mutual abuse already got), {via Mykolaiev, Ukraine} 1278 - Radio Ukraine in Russian is worse, and well enough 549 - in Ukrainian, {via Mykolaiev, Ukraine} All signals reach a spatial wave, so reception is unstable for all, 3-4 points, and I would not say that the reception for 1386 kHz has changed somehow recently, but it is possible, due to the fact, that we are not the target of the broadcasts. But so far he has not noticed any changes for 1413 kHz ... He drove up to the five-story building, crackling and noise appears at a distance of 5-7 meters from the houses where the road closest approaches. At home on Sangean I hear 1413 and 1431 kHz through a strong enough noise with a certain orientation of the receiver. 1386 kHz is also audible, but it was less fortunate, the interference practically crushes the entire signal, very similar to the situation on August 20, 1980. (Vladimir Kazgunov-LTU, "open_dx" via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 9) MADAGASCAR Reception of Voice of the People of Somaliland, via Babcock FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry outlet, Sept 5 1900-1930 7325 MDC 250 kW 355 deg to EaAF Somali, fair to good. QRM same time 7320 ERV 100 kW 125 deg to WeAS Kurdish Denge Kurdistan. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 10) MOLDOVA {Pridnestrovie} 11600 I received electronic QSL from the Pridnestroie radio center for bcasting, Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac, Radio Denge Kurdistana progr in the Kurdish language, 1 Sept 2017, 0800-0815 UT on the frequency 11600 kHz. The report was sent by e-mail: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan-RUS "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 2) RUSSIA 7345 I received a letter about the reception of Sakha Radio. "Dear Anatoly Sergeyevich! Broadcasting of GBU "NBC Sakha" confirms that you have accepted our radio "Sakha" Iakutsk at a frequency of 7345 kHz. Unfortunately, we can not confirm reports on receiving QSL or e-QSL cards, the translator is RTRS. Please contact the director Bezukladnikov Yaroslav Arkadievich " Yours faithfully Director of the DRV M.V. Berezin" I wrote the letter by mail to the address: 677890, Republic of Sakha, Yakutsk, Ordzhonikidze str., 48 To look the letter it is possible here Ya.O. Bezukladnikov replied by e-mail: "Good afternoon. I am no longer the director of the branch. With respect, Bezukladnikov Yaroslav Arkadevich, Deputy Director of the Department. Operational and technical management of the network of television and radio broadcasting. +7 (915) 027-9868 e-mail: " (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #941 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 2) TAJIKISTAN {to Tibet WeChina} 15523, on Sept 3 at 1342 UT, JBA carrier and a stronger one on 15525 kHz, i.e. V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on typical off-frequency but still not listed in NDXC/Aoki database, and its CNR1 jammer. 11512, Sept 4 at 1305 UT, VP carrier, presumed V. of Tibet via Dushanbe TAJIKISTAN on signature split frequency, despite absence from Aoki Nagoya database listing; no jam carriers audible on 11510 or 11515 kHz, so it may be news to the ChiCom too. 15517, Sept 5 at 1326 UT, JBA carrier, presumed where Voice of Tibet is now via Dushanbe TAJIKISTAN. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and dxld Sept 3 / 4 / 5) 15527 VoTibet on Sept 15 at 1304 UT. S=7 in Japan remote SDR. (wb.) UZBEKISTAN Radio Japan NHK World via BaBcoCk FMO via RRTM Tashkent UZB, Sept 1 1530-1600 9600 TAC 100 kW 163 deg to SoAS in Hindi Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok via BaBcoCk FMO via RRTM Tashkent UZB, Sept 7 1130-1200 17860 TAC 100 kW 122 deg to SoEaAS Khmer Thu/Sun, good Trans World Radio India via Tashkent, Sept 7 1345-1400 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Marwari Mon-Wed 1345-1400 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Mavchi Thu/Fri 1345-1400 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Kuruk Sun 1400-1430 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Sindhi Mon-Fri 1400-1415 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Choudhary Sat 1400-1415 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Gamit Sun 1415-1430 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Dhodiya Sun 1430-1445 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Bhili Mon/Tue 1430-1445 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Vasavi Wed-Fri 1445-1545 12160 TAC 100 kW 131 deg to SoAS Punjabi Mon-Fri North Korea Reform Radio via BaBcoCk FMO, via RRTM Tashkent UZB, Sept 8 1430-1530 11570 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean, good/fair (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, RUSdx and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 7) Hard-Core-DX Digest ----------------------------- Vol 177, Issue 20 Message: 3 Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 17, 2017 ** TIBET [non]. 11512, Sept 17 at 1307, JBA carrier, presumed V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on signature split frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Vol 177, Issue 23 ---------------------- Message: 2 Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Subject: [HCDX] VoTibet 11507 kHz at 1214 UT on Sept 20 TAJIKISTAN/CHINA A-17 of clandestine broadcast to Tibet via DB: Voice of Tibet observed from 1214 UT on 11507 kHz DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, S=9+10dB in remote SDR at Delhi India. Heavily jammed by another jamming sound, of metallic machine audio, broadband 11501.5 to 11513.5 kHz block range. Accompanied also by another CNR jammer program on 11505 kHz even channel from China mainland. 73 wb DX RE MIX NEWS # 1029 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Bulgaria. Date: Sept.19, 2017 --------------------------- ARMENIA Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.15 0805-0810 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Armenian & off 0805-0810 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Armenian & off http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/random-reception-of-armenian-public_15.html KURDISTAN(non) Reception of Denge Kurdistan, Sept.15: 0658-0802 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0658-0802 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs is off! http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-sept15.html KURDISTAN(non) Reception of Denge Kurdistan, Sept.15: 1858-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1858-2100 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-sept15_16.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 41mb, Sept.12: 1000-1006 on 7340 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-41mb.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S11a Cherta in 11MHz, Sept.14 1015-1018 on 11493 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-s11a-cherta-in-11mhz-sept14.html RUSSIA Reception of Adygeyan Radio, Sept.15: 1800-1900 on 6000#ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri, good #till 1805 on 6000 BEI 100 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese CNR1, weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-adygeyan-radio-sept15.html U.K.(non) Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok via BaBcoCk Tashkent on Sept.14: 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun, good/fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/voice-of-khmer-mchas-srok-via-babcock_14.html U.K.(non) BBC via BaBcoCk Kranji, Tashkent & Al-Seela, Sept.14 1330-1400 on 9510 SNG 250 kW / 320 deg to SoAs Bangla, very good 1330-1400 on 11750 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bangla, fair/good 1330-1400 on 15330 SLA 250 kW / 060 deg to SoAs Bangla, weak/fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-bbc-via-babcock-kranji.html U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk Tashkent on Sept.14 1430-1500 on 9500 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi Wed-Sun, good 1500-1530 on 9390 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bengali Daily, good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-feba-radio-via-babcock_14.html U.K.(non) Reception of BBC via BaBcoCk Kranji & Tashkent, Sept.15 1330-1415 on 7485 SNG 250 kW / 340 deh to SEAs Burmese Daily, fair 1330-1415 on 9585 SNG 250 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Daily, good 1330-1415 on 11995 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Burmese Daily, weak 1415-1500 on 7485 SNG 250 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mo-Fr, good 1415-1500 on 11995 SNG 250 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mo-Fr, fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-bbc-via-babcock-kranji_15.html U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman, R.Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on Sept.15 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, good/fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/radio-ranginkaman-rrainbow-via-babcock.html U.K.(non) Reception of TWR Africa via BaBcoCk Grogoriopol, Sept.15 1815-1845 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Fri, strong http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-twr-africa-via-babcock.html U.K.(non) Radio Payem e-Doost via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, Sept.16 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, good/weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-radio-payem-e-doost-via_16.html Radiorama numero 72 AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto Torino, Italy ----------------- Il Mondo in Cuffia - Scala parlante a cura di Bruno PECOLATTO ARMENIA. TWR INDIA A17 via Yerevan kHz UTC info ERV 12055 1245 1300 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 SANTHALI ERV 12055 1245 1300 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 7 KUI ERV 12055 1245 1315 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 23456 MAITHILI ERV 12055 1300 1315 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 MAITHILI ERV 12055 1300 1315 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 7 HO ERV 12055 1315 1330 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 123 MARWARI ERV 12055 1315 1330 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 4 MEWARI ERV 12055 1315 1330 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 56 MAGHAI ERV 12055 1315 1330 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 7 BENGALI ARYANVI ERV 12055 1330 1345 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 7 BUNDELI ERV 12055 1345 1400 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 567 KURUKH ERV 12055 1345 1400 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 23 MUNDARI ERV 12055 1345 1400 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 4 VASAVI ERV 12055 1400 1415 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 CHODRI ERV 12055 1400 1415 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 23 BHILI ERV 12055 1400 1415 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 45 VASAVI ERV 12055 1400 1415 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 67 MOUCHI ERV 12055 1415 1430 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 GAMIT ERV 12055 1415 1445 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 7 GAMIT ERV 12055 1430 1445 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 1 DHODIA ERV 12055 1415 1445 41 300 100 0 8 / 8 / 1 23456 SINDHI Recetion reports to: info@twr.asia or at: http://www.twr.asia/online-qsl-form (Alokesh Gupta-IND, March 21, 2017 via BC-DX 1311) MOLDOVA. 11600kHz I received electronic QSL from the Pridnestroie radio center for bcasting, Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac, Radio Denge Kurdistana progr in the Kurdish language, 1 Sept 2017, 0800- 0815 UT on the frequency 11600 kHz. The report was sent by e-mail: prtc@idknet.com (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan- RUS "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #940 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 2 via BC-DX 1313) Notizie dal Gruppo di Facebook "AIR RADIOASCOLTO" Fabio Anselmi LOG DALLA "CAPANNA SWL" 15-08-2017 RX : Tecsun PL660 - Sony ICF/SW55 ANT: Filare Sony AN-71 11318 Khz USB Sivkar Meteo Volmet (Rus) 11360 Khz USB RUS. Air force vta - "Korsar" Tavarone (SP) 2-3 Settembre evento Storico Rievocativo lancio del primo satellite Sputnik 1 Di IK1VHX Bruno Lusuriello Un evento Storico Rievocativo che ricorda il lancio del primo satellite artificiale della storia dell'umanita' avvenuto il 4 ottobre 1957 . Lo Sputnik 1 da Tavarone di Maissana ( SP ) con la ricostruzione di Torre Bert dei Fratelli Judica Cordiglia nel nuovo Museo di Cittadella in Alessandria di Claudio Gilardenghi ! ( 2 e 3 settembre 2017) Dopo circa un anno di sforzi organizzativi, preparativi e costruzione di un modello di satellite e relativo missile vettore di 5 metri che lanciò il primo satellite artificiale terrestre intorno al globo nel 1957,siamo riusciti a mettere in campo tutte le idee programmate grazie alle sinergie raccolte da ogni amico e associazione che ha contribuito a concretizzare questa idea che mi balenava per la mente da tempo. Un po' di titubanze iniziali circa la location dove realizzare questa iniziativa e poi finalmente la scelta di un paesino accogliente dai paesaggi stupendi in alta Val di Vara : Tavarone di Maissana ( SP ) a 600 metri s.l.m. dove la propagazione regna sovrana e l'aria salubre ristora i polmoni. Confesso di avere dovuto fare qualche pressione verso taluni scetticismi ma poi, vista la tenacia e la fede nel raggiungere un obiettivo comune, che spero abbia divertito tutti, i dubbi hanno ceduto lo spazio a un sobrio entusiasmo contagioso. Il 4 ottobre 1957 veniva lanciato nello spazio per la prima volta grazie all'ausilio di un missile alto circa 29 metri,il primo satellite della storia che consisteva in una sfera in lega di duralluminio di circa 58 cm di diametro e del peso di 80 kg. Era equipaggiato di un doppio beacon ( trasmettitore ) sulle frequenze dei 21 MHz e 40 MHz della potenza di circa 1 / 1,5 watt e che usava pencil tubes Sovietiche più che collaudate. Il 90% del peso era tutto batterie che lo fecero funzionare per oltre 50 giorni prima di rientrare nell'atmosfera e distruggersi per il calore. Era un periodo storico difficile, la guerra fredda ; dove le superpotenze, giocavano a chi mostrava i muscoli piu' grossi col rischio di una guerra totale mondiale per errore. Allo Sputnik1 l'onore e l'onere di distogliere l'attenzione e dare inizio alle esplorazioni spaziali anche a scopi pacifici per l'umanità. Grazie alla passione di alcuni amici e soci di A.I.R.E. ( di cui sono socio ) Piemonte e Valle d'aosta che hanno approfittato per dare la giusta visibilita' al Museo di Claudio Gilardenghi in Cittadella in Alessandria,si e' pensato di coinvolgere il mitico SWL Giovanni Judica Cordiglia con la ricostruzione di Torre Bert composta dagli apparati originali ancora funzionanti e nastri audio dell'epoca ( sono stato onorato di vederli personalmente e ho dato un aiuto a trasportare il materiale prezioso dentro al Museo di Claudio ). Cio' che mi ha portato via più energia e tempo e' stata la costruzione del missile modello di quasi 5 metri che ha contribuito a dare spettacolo a Tavarone con l'accensione simulata di 4 fontane luminose pirotecniche ( fornite gentilmente dalla Ditta Setti Pirotecnica ) e audio in accompagnamento con inno Russo e countdown in presenza della D.ssa Elena Zackarevich vice Console del Consolato di Genova della Federazione delle Repubbliche Russe ed altri amici prestigiosi. Giuseppe Biagi il nipote del mitico telegrafista del Dirigibile Italia era con noi col suo accessoriatissimo camper ( la casa lontano da casaDcome riportato sul retro del mezzo ). Grazie a Fabio Boccardo e Antonio Luciano Isolabella è stato possibile anche un videocontatto con Franco Malerba il primo astronauta italiano che 25 anni fa andò nello spazio a 45 anni di età dopo 15 anni di lunghi preparativi. Una persona piacevolissima che abbiamo avuto il piacere di intervistare in occasione del 60 esimo dello Sputnik1. Il cantautore Paolo Traversa ci ha allietato di un paio di suoi brani contestuali all'evento e il grande Stefano Durastanti ik1bsx instancabile ( uno dei pochi se non l'unico ) mi ha aiutato fattivamente ad ultimare il missile e allestire la mostra nella ex scuola ora biblioteca ). Lo stesso Stefano poi si e' trasformato nell'ipotetico e fantasioso telegrafista "Giorgini" di Tavarone che vestito come all'epoca 1870,con una macchina scrivente originale, ha trasmesso su richiesta degli ospiti dei telegrammi su minute dell'epoca allegando le zone delle trasmissioni. Lo stesso sindaco on. Egidio Banti di Maissana ha partecipato di persona col copricapo delle Regie Poste Italiane ed è stato promosso ufficiale del telegrafo. Erica Sanna ci ha allietato della sua graziosa presenza per fare i QSO ed e' stato tenerissimo vederla operativa in stazione mentre allattava il piccolo Valerio di 12 mesi. Voglio ringraziare anche Federico Sforzini che in PSK31 ha effettuato i suoi collegamenti in 40 e 20 metri con II1MIRDSanto Pittala' IT9CEL. Stefano ik1bsx e il Sindaco di Maissana On. Egidio Banti . Erano numerosi i presenti tra i quali Bruno Grassi referente Marconiano per il Museo dell'Arsenale della Marina Militare a La Spezia La Dottoressa Elena Zacharevick con famiglia, Vinicio Ceccarini e Angelo Sinisi della Associazione Liguria Russia Sandro Figaro e diversi componenti dell'affiatato Gruppo Sportivo appena reduce dal weekend passato della ormai conosciutissima Sagra del Fungo di Tavarone. Franco Malerba, Andrea Ferrero a Cittadella in Alessandria con Claudio Girivetto ex RAI e il collezionista Giovanni Eugenio Orso Giacone con tutti gli amici A.I.R.E. compreso il magico Claudio Gilardenghi e il FAI. Giulio e Francesco di ARI Alessandria e Torino per i 90 anni dell'associazione che ci ha dato una mano in Cittadella. Nella foto da sinistra verso destra e da sopra a sotto : Pino Biagi ( centrale ) ,papa' Michele Lusuriello,Flavia Mirolo,ik1vhx (me),Stefano Durastanti ik1bsx,Giorgio Brovida ( con gli occhiali ),Gian Franco Solinas Grazie anche ai quotidiani di Alessandria,Spezia,RAI e TeleLiguria sud e altre emittenti che hanno dato visibilita' mediatica. Grazie a Francesco Setti della omonima azienda di Pirotecnici. Grazie a Franco della Veranda e Loretta e Maurizio Lavagnino.Grazie a Virginia della scuola...Roberto DragoDFulvio Silingardi che comunque ci ha seguitoDgrazie ad A.I.R.E. - ARI - URI - AIR Radioascolto. Al cantautore Paolo Traversa ( e signora ) che era con noi col brano "Infinito" https://youtu.be/5xZTrYTHYD0 Alcuni video e documenti dal web : https://youtu.be/Jg34T57DXqw https://youtu.be/bebczYffdvI https://youtu.be/RVfImajAk0U https://youtu.be/InwrFsncK1A https://youtu.be/VXh3V-npw54 https://youtu.be/Y-RFcgnEB7s https://youtu.be/XGcr8tcVttE http://www.russiaprivet.org/ita/tavarone-tutti-telegrafisti/ http://www.russiaprivet.org/ita/prokhorov-poeta/ http://www.russiaprivet.org/ita/tavarone-radioamatori/ http://www.levantenews.it/index.php/2017/08/31/maissana-tavarone-si-celebralepoca-dello-sputnik-1/ https://www.gazzettadellaspezia.it/cronaca/item/75933-a-tavarone-larievocazione-del-lancio-dello-sputnik-1 https://www.gazzettadellaspezia.it/cronaca/item/76149-tavarone-ha-ricordato-i-60-anni-dal-lancio-dello-sputnik www.tavarone.it www.qrz.com/db/ii1mir http://air-radiorama.blogspot.it/2017/09/lo-sputnik-alla-cittadella-al-60-anni.html Un ringraziamento di cuore a tutti quelli che hanno reso possibile questo evento scusandomi se ho scordato qualcuno ( ma non meno importante ). 73 Cordialissimi de IK1VHX Bruno Milcomms & Utility DXing Di Antonio Anselmi SWL I5-56578 Logs 05775.0: RCV: Russian Navy HQ Black Sea Fleet, RUS 1912 CW, "RIC87 DE RCV QTC 209 8 7 0915 209 = ..." 08067.0: ---: Russian Mil/Intel, RUS 0717 (cf) FSK 50Bd/500, 128-bit ACF (prob. Moroz) (12Sep17) (AAI) 11083.0: RDL: Russian Navy, RUS 0820 FSK/Morse "RDL RDL RDL 22222 0315 0519816 08 16408 6555O ..." (09Sep17) (AAI) 12129.5: ---: Russian Gov/Intel/Mil?, RUS 0753 (cf) FSK 100Bd/2000, no traffic (05Sep17) (AAI) 12138.8: ---: Russian unid source, RUS 0900 USB MFSK-21/13 tones, 31.5/63 Bd, 125/250 Hz spaced (11Sep17) (AAI) 12151.0: ---: Russian Gov/Intel/Mil?, RUS 0826 USB CIS-3000 PSK-8 3000Bd followed by CIS MFSK-64 (32+32) (05Sep17) (AAI) 12164.0: K4MT: M42b Russian Diplo Network, RUS 0720 CW call "NT9P NT9P NT9P DE K4MT K4MT K" (08Sep17) (AAI) 12164.0: K4MT: M42b Russian Diplo Network, RUS 0736 (cf +1000Hz) FSK 50Bd/500 5FGs msg, followed by CW "QRU ? K" (08Sep17) (AAI) 12209.0: ---: Russian Gov/Intel/Mil?, RUS 0930 USB CIS-60 OFDM 60-tone 35.5 Bd HDR modem, female voice prob asking QSL (05Sep17) (AAI) 12464.0: RFH71: Russian Navy LS Novocherkassk (142), RUS 0908 CW msg to RCV Black Sea HQ "RCV DE RFH71 2 9 3 1 5 5 1 2 0 1 2 9 3 K" (05Sep17) (AAI) 12464.0: RFH71: Russian Navy LS Novocherkassk (142), RUS 0721 CW, "RCV DE RFH61 QYT QSX 10984 K" (08Sep17) (AAI) 12464.0: RJI48: Russian Navy (prob. Naval Aviation Transport), RUS 0953 CW msg to RCV Black Sea HQ "RCV DE RJI48 RJI48 QSA2 QRV K" (05Sep17) (AAI) 12464.0: RMX62: Russian Navy, RUS 1003 CW msg to RCV Black Sea HQ "RCV DE RMX62 RMX62 QSA? K" (05Sep17) (AAI) 14411.0: RDL: Russian Navy, RUS 0847 (cf) FSK/Morse/250Hz, 5FGs msg: "RDL RDL RDL 36855 52267 36855 52267 36855 52267 K" ("36855 52267" rptd 3 times) // 14664.0 KHz (06Sep17) (AAI) 14440.0: IQNS: Russian Military, RUS 0859 CW msg to 8JKY "8JKY 8JKY 8JKY DE IQNS IQNS ZYW SYL ZNIL QYT9 K" (06Sep17) (AAI) 14540.0: RJF94: Russian Naval Aviation Transport, HQ Moscow RUS 0859 CW msg to RJF95 "RJF95 RJF95 DE RJF94 RJF94 QSA? K" (06Sep17) (AAI) 14556.0: RIW: Russian Navy HQ Moscow, RUS 0844 CW msg to RJP30 "RJP30 DE RIW QSA? QTC k" (06Sep17) (AAI) NDB & BEACON DXing. Сергей. Днепропетровская область. Украина. 26 июль 2017 --------------------- Чистый эфир. Коса Обиточная. В свой короткий отпуск выбрался отдохнуть на пару дней в заповедную зону на косу Обиточную, KN86dp. Из аппаратуры взял только приемник "ВЭФ-202" и 20м провода. Чистое море, чистый песок и такой же эфир! Слушал длинноволновый участок диапазона от 250 до 415 кГц и средневолновый диапазон. Сначала попробовал принимать на магнитную антенну. Эфир чистый, станции едва слышны. Когда подключил 20м провода, раскинутые по кустам, то был удивлен громким приемом и количеством принятых маяков. 320 RN 1037 14.7 IDx2 + 8" gap Rostov-na-Donu / Rostov East RUS KN97vf 273km 335 DR 945 1055 IDx2 + 6" gap Dnipropetrovsk UKR KN78oi 206km 340 RG 1020 1033 ID+5" gap Lozovatka / Kryvyi Rih UKR KN68oc 282km 358 CI 1004 IDx2 + 5" tone Rostov-Severnyi RUS Unid 377 KR Krasnodar / Pashkovskiy RUS 401 D Dzhankoi UKR KN75eq 414 SB 1012 1020 10.0 ID+7" gap Sambek RUS KN97vs 292km 330 NZ 1015 1018 8.75 ID+26" gap Ust-Labinsk RUS KN95uf 307km 324 RF 399 398 10.0 ID+4" gap Ladozhskaya RUS KN95xg 321km 326 NL 972 1248 IDx2 Mykolaivka UKR KN64tx 277km 295 ZA 381 381 15.0 IDx2 + 6" gap Zaporizhzhia UKR KN77pt 149km 312.5 AT 0 0 IDx4 + 25" tone Mys Aytodorskiy UKR KN74ag 316km 312.5 DB 0 0 IDx5 + tone Doobskiy / Mys Doob RUS KN84wp 253km 309.5 TR 0 0 ID×4 + 25" tone + ID×2 Mys Tarkhankutskiy Lt. UKR KN65gi 322km 309.5 EYA 0 0 ID×4 + 25" tone + ID×2 Mys Yevpatoriyskiy UKR KN65nc 298km 309.5 SW 1 0 IDx4 + 25" tone Mys Khersones Lt. UKR KN64qn 323km 408 OЮ Krymsk RUS KN94ax 229km очень громко 335 DP 1037 1041 IDx2 + 20" gap Dnipopetrovsk UKR KN78mi 211km 320 RN 1037 14.7 IDx2 + 8" gap Rostov-na-Donu / Rostov East RUS KN97vf 277km 480 AN 1020 1020 15.0 IDx2 + 10" gap Anapa / Vityazevo RUS KN84px 413 WE 381 382 IDx2 UNID DX LISTENING DIGEST 17-38, September 19, 2017 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ---------------------------------------- ** ARMENIA. Armenian Public Radio started on 6155 kHz [and ??? gh] http://armradio.am/ (Mauno Ritola, 14 September, https://www.facebook.com/groups/wrthgroup/ via RusDX Sept 17 via DXLD) Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Sept 15 0805-0810 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Armenian & off 0805-0810 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Armenian & off http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/random-reception-of-armenian-public_15.html KURDISTAN(non), Reception of Denge Kurdistan, Sept.15: 0658-0802 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0658-0802 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish // frequency 11600 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs is off! http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-sept15.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News Sept 15 via DXLD) See KURDISTAN ** ARMENIA. RADIO MI AMIGO NEWSFLASH SEPTEMBER 2017 Hello to all Radio Mi Amigo International friends, Another HIGH POWER broadcast at the end of this month! On Sunday, September, 24th we will play Soul/Tamla Motown as requested from the listeners! The "Host" of the show will be our 'Soulman' Bruno Hantson together with Keith Lewis and Bob James. Date/Time/Frequency: September 24, from 19 to 21 hr CET (17-19 UT) with 100 kW of power on SW 25 m band on 11845 kHz and online via our webstreams: http://radiomiamigointernational.com .....coming soon.......... At the end of October there will be another 'high power' broadcast! Also we will welcome 2 more "big names" from the Netherlands in our team who worked on offshore-stations in the 70s and 80s. Don't forget to listen every day from 09 to 19 hr CET on 6085 kHz and 24/7 online to the 'one and only' original Radio Mi Amigo International! kind regards, Cpt. Kord and the whole team http://radiomiamigointernational.com Posted by: (Mike Terry, Sept 19, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1896, DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. Reception of Denge Kurdistan, Sept 15: 1858-2100 on 7320 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1858-2100 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1900-2100 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-denge-kurdistan-sept15_16.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News Sept 15 via DXLD) Today 11600 kHz is again on air around 0800. And no trace of additional 7520 and 9580 here. Grigoriopol is really unlikely to test with Armenian Radio program audio. So this test came very likely from Gavar, and probably the additional Denge Kurdistane transmissions do (or did?) as well (Kai Ludwig, dxldyg via DXLD) But 9580 is with 1.5 second delay from 7520 (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Re: ARMENIA Random reception of Armenian Public Radio on Sept.15 0805-0810 on 7520 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Armenian & off 0805-0810 on 9580 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg to WeAs Armenian & off http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/random-reception-of-armenian-public_15.html (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Denge Kurdistane --- Are all the additional frequencies gone again? Have they all been mere tests? At ca. 0750 I could not trace anything on 7520 and 9580. And now, at 2035, again nothing on 7320 and 7520. Only 11600 was there (Kai Ludwig, Sept 16, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Probably tests are Mon-Fri only -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sept 17, ibid.) Again neither 7520 nor 9580 came on air this morning, at least not until 0708. Only single 11600 as usual. So it looks indeed like a now concluded series of tests, probably with the simple goal to snap a new customer (Kai Ludiwg, Sept 18, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1896, DXLD) ** KYRGYZSTAN. 4010.220, Sept 15 at 1232, JBA carrier, on exactly the same frequency Wolfgang Büschel reported Bishkek Birinchi R1 from Krasnaya Rechka, last May 9 (as subsequently researched). Can`t find a more recent precision of it, tho several logs as ``4010``. Good for grayline: sunset 1312 UT, my sunrise 1214 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1896, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The message from "Birinci radio". Dear Dmitry Kutuzov, The Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter - KTRK) received a letter on your behalf. Very happy to find their listeners far beyond their own country. Today KTRK is not only a large-scale, but also the most popular media platform in the market of Kyrgyzstan. The corporation presents 6 television channels, 5 radio stations and an information media portal (web site). TV channels: • "The First Public Channel" - the first and main socio-political TV channel of the country • Cultural and educational TV channel KTRK - "Madaniyat" • Youth entertainment TV channel KTRK - Music, • Children's Educational TV Channel - "Balastan" • The first sports channel in Kyrgyzstan - KTRK-Sport • 24-hour information channel "Ala-Too 24" Radio stations: • Information Radio - Birinci Radio • Cultural and educational radio - "Kyrgyz Radio" • Youth and entertainment radio - "MiKyal FM" • Radio in the language of ethnic minorities - "Dostuk Radiosu" • Children's channel - Baldar FM Best regards, Ms. Cholpon Temirbekova International Relations and Protocol Department Officer Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic 59, Jash Gvardiya boulevard 720010 Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic Mobile: +996706030794 Office: +996312655662 montecristoyanni@gmail.com http://www.ktrk.kg (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" via RusDX Sept 17 via DXLD) I received an electronic confirmation by a letter from the Kyrgyz TV and Radio Company for reception in Russian Birinci radio - 07/09/2017 at a frequency of 4010 [sic] kHz with 1730 to 1750 UT. The report was sent to: public @ ktrk.kg, ktrksite @ gmail.com, office-rrtc @ ktrk.kg. Answer received from Ms. Cholpon Temirbekova International Relations and Protocol Department Officer Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic 59, Jash Gvardiya boulevard 720010 Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic Mobile: +996706030794 Office: +996312655662 montecristoyanni @ gmail.com http://www.ktrk.kg (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", QSL World, Rus-DX 17 Sept, via DXLD) A confirmation was received in the form of an e-mail from Birinci Radio from Kyrgyzstan in response to a resubmitted report for April 9, 2016. The letter was sent by Ms. Cholpon Temirbekova - International Relations and Protocol Department Officer Public Broadcasting Corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic from the address montecristoyanni@gmail.com It is difficult to call this a full-fledged confirmation, but better than silence in return. Confirmation can be seen here http://freerutube.info/2017/09/11/e-qsl-birinchi-radio-ktrk-kyirgyizstan-2016-god/ (Dmitry Elagin, Saratovskaya oblast, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", ibid.) A month or two ago I received by mail a written confirmation from the Deputy Director General of the Kyrgyz Radio and Radio. In my report, I informed them about the content of their programs, say Women of Kyrgyzstan, Sports Week, etc., heard in April 2017. The letter and the programs were in Russian (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria / "deneb- radio-dx", ibid.) ** RUSSIA [and non]. Reception of Adygeyan Radio, Sept 15: 1800-1900 on 6000#ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri, good #till 1805 on 6000 BEI 100 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese CNR1, weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/reception-of-adygeyan-radio-sept15.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News Sept 15 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. HISTORY OF DX AND RADIO. ===== the data is published as the material is received. We hope for your participation in the section. 1990 year ------------- (Continuation: The beginning of last issue) Journal. "Radio Amateur 2/91". The author is Pavel Mikhailov. DX- editor of the World Service Moscow radio. But not all of them managed to crush, and on December 6, 1990 (a historical date!), DXists from all over the country gathered in the premises of one of the sports clubs of Leningrad to talk about their hobbies and discuss current problems. The founders of this conference were the first speakers of the conference A. Osipov and M. Timofeev from Leningrad. They talked about how about a year ago they managed to officially declare the "Le-Ningrad ICh Circle", created with the help of one of the district committees of the Komsomol and with the technical assistance of the Leningrad amateur radio center "Interradio", uniting "official" shortwave. The author of these lines, at the request of the participants of the conference, acquainted the audience with the work of the World Radio Moscow Service in Russian (for foreigners who know the Russian language), about the achievements and problems of the Soviet radio in general, about radio-glutenins in the USSR, about the program for fans of long-distance reception "Club DC" [DX?], created at the Moscow Radio in 1989, answered the questions of the conference participants. One of the founders of the now created "Moscow DX Association", M. Paramonov, spoke about the activities of this public organization, its tasks and difficulties ... Known around the world, Okhist, journalist of the Belgian Radio F. Fossen [Frans Vossen] warmly congratulated the audience from the first in the history of the Soviet Union amateur conference of the recently hobbled by the authorities of the hobby and wished that in the near future such conferences or rallies would be more animated and "bold". Indeed, the young radio amateurs, who first came together for an in- depth discussion of their problems, initially felt somewhat restrained, but then, getting to know each other more closely and with hospitable hosts, they felt at home. The main topics discussed at the conference: the long and difficult passage of mail abroad and back; impossibility of legal acquisition in USSR international postal coupons for payment of postal replies of poor foreign radio stations or for the purchase of a variety of literature published for DX-stories; almost complete absence on the radio market of affordable and appropriate radio parameters. These problems worry the Soviet DX-sources most of all. All the rest can still be somehow solved by ourselves, although there are still very, very many difficulties. One of the problems is DX-information. In the country there is not yet a single official publication, which would quickly and inexpensively inform the DX-source about what is happening on the broadcasting ranges. As a rule, all existing DX- publications are amateur, reproduced on copiers or printers, which is not cheap. There are practically no programs for DX-talent in the country, except for the program "DX Club" of Moscow Radio (but it goes on air only in the direction of foreign countries and is poorly audible within the USSR), the program "Hello, DX-isty" of the Lithuanian Radio (they are heard only in the European part of the country and in European countries) and the DX program of the radio station Molodezhnaya (Kazakh radio), which, too audible is far from everywhere and far from ideal. Therefore, at the conference, timid requests were made to ask the All- Union Radio of the USSR to at least repeat the "Club DX" on the waves of internal broadcasting, as part of programs for young people, for example. Let's hope that this material will read the Main the Directorate of Programs of the All-Union Radio, and its chief director, A. Akhtyrsky, will be imbued with a sense of concern for the needs of Soviet radio listeners. Permanent author and presenter of the program "Hello, DX-ists!" Lithuanian radio S. Zhilenis [Zilionis?] told about how his transfer is being prepared, and the author of these lines could only envy simplicity, expediency and minimum formalities on the Lithuanian radio: This is completely incomparable with what it takes daily collide on the Moscow radio, where, according to the law, "there is no censorship," but it nevertheless exists, because in Moscow the famous decree of the President of the USSR "On further democratization and development Soviet TV and radio broadcasting" is carried out with obvious, in my opinion, exceeding the requirements set forth in this document. In particular, in the DX-programs of the Lithuanian radio, you can say anything, if you want, this is interesting for fans of long-distance reception, you can freely express your personal point of view. We have this forbidden, which affects the content of the broadcasts of the Moscow Radio. Participants in the DX conference found out that only in 1989 the USSR Ministry of Communications (after the cancellation of radio emanation) officially abolished the previously imposed ban on the production of radio-receivers with wave bands shorter than 25 meters. By truncating HF ranges of domestic receivers intended for the domestic market, the Ministry of Communications facilitated "black work" for the suppression of foreign broadcasting. Now the industry can produce receivers with any set of waves. It's just not known when this will happen, since now it is necessary to revise the GOST on household radio receiving equipment, without which no plant will do anything. In addition to an exchange of views and speeches, the participants of the First DX Conference of the USSR visited the Leningrad Radio and Radio and Television Broadcasting Station, where they saw with their own eyes how they were preparing radio programs and who broadcasts them. I believe that these visits were one of the most interesting events in the framework of the conference. Our kind hosts (I'll tell about them yet) organized also a sightseeing tour of Leningrad and a visit to the State Hermitage, which allowed even closer and deeper acquaintance with the kind and hospitable city of Petrov. The participants of the conference (except for the Leningraders) lived in the Sovetskaya Hotel and all together they chatted in her restaurant. For breakfasts and dinners got an impromptu continuation of our daily discussions. AND this is natural, because the radio amateur in all circumstances remains true to his hobby! They drove off on 9 December. Saying goodbye, Leningrad decided to finally powder the DX-source with the first snowball ... In conclusion, I can not but say a few warm words about those who helped to organize and conduct this, as already noted, a truly historic event. So, work on receiving, placing, providing transport participants with the transport, organizing excursions and pro- The creation of a good working mood was made by: Leningrad Amateur Radio Center "INTERRADIO", Joint Venture "Sor-Tavalatour" (Karelia), Voluntary Physical-the sports society of Leningrad and the production cooperative "REAL" (Leningrad), headed by its chairman A. Bogomaz, who expressed his readiness to sponsor the conference. (By the way, "REAL" builds and mounts, in particular, antenna structures in the USSR and abroad). And now the conference is over. We sat down before leaving for a minute and thought .... What can I say? The first step is made, and this is very important. We personally met and became friends for these incomplete four days of stay in Leningrad. But - new contacts, new friends, new information, new ideas. "The first pancake." No, not "lumpy". Although there were "lumps" in it, but it's normal - after all, for the first time! Legally! And, honestly, this pancake seemed to us very, very delicious ... - The pennant of one of the sponsors of the DX conference is "New Wave". You can see it here - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_9.html (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia, Rus-DX Sept 17 via DXLD) ** TIBET [non]. 15528, Sept 13 at 1340, JBA carrier, presumed Voice of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on characteristic split. 11512, Sept 17 at 1307, JBA carrier, presumed V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on signature split frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Германия -------------- GERMANY(non) Missionswerk Friedensstimme via MBR Secretbrod, instead of MBR Nauen: 1600-1630 on 9680 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu Russian Sat, ex NAU 250 kW / 060 deg Last Saturday Sept.16 no signal from Missionswerk Friedensstimme on 9680 Secretbrod. (http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/09/missionswerk-friedensstimme-via-mbr.html) Египет --------- 21 сентября 2017 В данное время 19.18 UTC хороший приём Радио Каира на русском языке, даже хрип отсутствует - 45444. В начале часа на частоте была тишина, затем передатчик включился. Отправил рапорт на адреса: russianprog @ yahoo.com и freqmeg @ yahoo.com . (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx") - Да, на удивление хороший прием. Раз в полгода так бывает. Сейчас веду запись. Такие редкие моменты надо фиксировать. Но вот на последние мои рапорты они не ответили. (Константин Асеев, Курск / "deneb-radio-dx") Южная Корея. -------------------- HLAZ 1566 кГц. 19 сентября 2017. В 16.40 UTC настроился на частоту 1566 кГц. С очень слабым сигналом слышна речь на русском языке, разговор на религиозную тему. Из этого делаю вывод, что HLAZ на русском вещает сейчас 16.30-17.00 UTC на 1566 кГц. В 16.45 приём улучшился до 3 баллов и тут же ухудшился до 2. (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx") * 20 сентября 2017. В 16.57 UTC закончили вещание и сообщили адрес "Радио Теос" в Москве, а/я 106... Сейчас просто играет музыка пока. (Андрей, г. Томск / "deneb-radio-dx") WEB РАДИО И ТВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Телевидение. -------------------- Россия. Москва. ------------------------ Телеканал ЧЕ WEB: https://chetv.ru/ Че - это Человек, Честь, РазвлеЧение, Чехов и многое другое. Че - это звучит гордо! "Че" - это образ жизни "настоящего Человека" - его интересов, принципов и главных жизненных ценностей. "Че" - это канал про мужчин, которые интересуются историей страны, уважают свою профессию, любят семью, дорожат дружбой и ценят качественные фильмы и сериалы. В программной сетке нового канала будут представлены проекты о мужских увлечениях, хобби и настоящих мужских профессиях, спортивные состязания, а также циклы научно-популярных программ в сочетании с высококачественными фильмами и линейками зарубежных и отечественных сериалов. QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДЕ = Дмитрий Елагин, Саратовская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДК = Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" КБ = Константин, Санкт-Петербург PS = Piotr Skorek, Польша Австралия --------------- Получил электронное подтверждение от Reach Beyond Australia за приём на английском языке - 16.09.2017, 13.00-13.30 UTC на частоте 9720 кГц. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: a17 @ reachbeyond.org.au . В подтверждении фотография - Australian Sugar Glider. (ДК) Великобритания / Германия --------------------------------------- Получил электронную QSL от European Music Radio за приём - 17.09.2017, 19.00-19.20 UTC на частоте 6070 кГц (via Channel 292 - Rohrbach, Germany 10 kW). Рапорт отправлял: emrshortwave @ gmail.com . (ДК) Вьетнам ------------ Получил QSL-карточку от испанской секции Radio La Voz de Vietnam. 12 de febrero de 2017 / 18.00-18.30 UTC / 7280 kHz Тема: Puente de Long Bien en Hanoi Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_18.html (АК) Германия ------------- * Получил электронную QSL от радиостанции Radio Ohne Namen за приём через Channel 292 - 17.09.2017, 17.20-17.40 UTC на частоте 6070 кГц. Рапорт отправлял: radio.on @ gmx.de . Карточка такая же как и неделю назад. (ДК) * Получил eQSL SM Radio Dessau. 17 September 2017 / 12.00-13.00 UTC / 6070 kHz (via Channel 292). E-mail: maxberger @ smradio.de Посмотреть подтверждение модно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_19.html (АК) * E - QSL card and program schedule received from German religious station - Radio Missionswerk Friedenstimmebroadcasting in Russian. Program was transmitted 09. 09. 2017 on 9680 kHz. Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/radio-missionswerk- friedenstimme.html (PS) - E - QSL received from German free station - Goldrausch 6070 broadcasting the Radio North Sea International edition of the program. This broadcast was transmitted 17. 09. 2017 on 6070 khz. (PS) Индия --------- All India Radio - QSL-card (15140kHz, 16.15UTC, August 6/2017). Программа на русском языке (рапорт о приёме на английском). Фото здесь: http://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/06/all-india-radio.html *All India Radio Kolkata (West Bengal). Отправлено из Индии 28.08.17, получено 16.09.17. E-mail: spectrum-manager@air.org.in (КБ) Канада / Болгария --------------------------- * Получил электронное подтверждение от Radio City за приём - 16.09.2017, 08.00-08.30 UTC на частоте 9510 кГц (через передатчик в Болгарии, 50 кВт). Рапорт отправлял: citymorecars @ yahoo.ca . (ДК) * Получил eQSL-letter Radio City the station of the cars . 16 September 2017 / 08.00-08.59 UTC / 9510 kHz / 50 kW Kostinbrod, Bulgaria Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_17.html (АК) Кыргызстан ----------------- Получил eQSL letter от Общественной Телерадиовещательной Корпорации Кыргызской Республики. "...Настоящим подтверждаем Ваш рапорт: Вы слушали "Биринчи Радио" 15.09.2017 г. с 23.00-24.00 ч. на частоте 4010 кГц... Спасибо что слушаете нас! С уважением, Заместитель генерального директора по радиовещанию К.Иманалиев" Писал на адрес: public @ ktrk.kg Ответ пришел с электронного адреса Ms. Cholpon Temirbekova montecristoyanni @ gmail.com WEB: www.ktrk.kg Время редакция указало местное, так как в рапорте я указал местное время Кыргызстана и всемирное. Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_56.html (АК) Нидерланды / Болгария ---------------------------------- * Получил подтверждение электронной почтой от радиостанции из Голландии - Mighty KBC Radio за приём - 16.09.2017, 15.00-15.30 UTC на частоте 9400 кГц (передатчик Kostinbrod, Болгария 100 кВт). Рапорт отправлял по адресу: themightykbc @ gmail.com . Подтверждение получено от Eric van Willegen. (ДК) * Получил E-qsl от Радио THE MIGHTY KBC за прием 16.09.17 / 15.00 - 16.00 UTC / 9400 kHz (ВЛ) Польша ------------ Радио Польша - QSL-card (738kHz, 12.00UTC, August 6/2017). Передача на русском языке (via WRN), приём через KiwiSDR / Нахабино / Моск.обл. На QSL-карточке не указаны детали рапорта о приёме, через штемпель "Polskie Radio Dla Zagranicy" c трудом читается вписанная неверная дата приёма. Фото здесь: http://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/06/polskie-radio.html *Gdansk, Old Town. Отправлено из Варшавы 23.08.17, получено 16.09.17. E-mail: ru@polskieradio.pl (КБ) США -------- Получил две QSL-карточки из серии 4-х карточек "Radio Free Asia. 21st Anniversary 1996 - 2017". September 3, 1600-1700 UTC, 11670 kHz September 3, 1600-1700 UTC, 9355 kHz Посмотреть карточки можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/radio-free-asia.html (АК) США / Болгария ------------------------ * Получил электронную QSL-карточку от VORW Radio International, The Voice of The Report of The Week за приём - 10.09.2017, 16.20-16.40 UTC на частоте 9400 кГц (через Kostinbrod, Bulgaria). Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: vorwinfo @ gmail.com . (ДК) - Получил электронную QSL от программы "From the Isle of Music" за приём - 17.09.2017, 15.00-15.20 UTC на частоте 9400 кГц через передатчик в Болгарии, 100 кВт. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: tilfordproductions @ gmail.com . Подтверждение с фотографией Iris Jazz Club, Santiago de Cuba, получено от William "Bill" Tilford. (ДК) * Получена новая e-QSL от станции From the Isle of Music с трансляцией через Болгарию в ответ на мой рапорт от 17 сентября 2017 года. Карточка как обычно в pdf файле с новым изображением на тему джазовой музыки на Кубе. Карточку можно посмотреть здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/05/05/e-qsl-from-the- isle-of-music-germaniya-may-2017-goda/ (ДЕ) Тайвань / Великобритания ------------------------------------- Получил QSL-карточку от немецкой службы Международного радио Тайваня за приём - 22.08.2017, 19.00-20.00 UTC на частоте 6185 кГц (передатчик Woofferton, Великобритания). Карточка под номером 2017-8. Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: deutsch @ rti.org.tw . (ДК) Тайвань / Франция --------------------------- * Получил QSL-карточку русской службы Международного радио Тайваня 2017-8. 2017/-8/23 / 17-18 UTC / 11955 kHz / Иссудин (АК) * Radio Taiwan Int'l - QSL-card (9680 kHz, 18.00UTC, July 6/2017). Тест-трансляция на немецком языке. Фото здесь: http://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/06/radio-taiwan-international.html *Nationales Radiomuseum Minxiong. Отправлено из Тайбэя 25.08.17, получено 16.09.17. E-mail: deutsch@rti.org.tw (КБ) * Получил QSL - карточку от Radio Taiwan International - Deutsche service за прием 06.07.17/ 13.30 - 13.40 UTC / 12030 kHz (ВЛ) ИСТОРИЯ DX И РАДИО. ==================== Данные публикуются по мере поступления материала. Надеемся на ваше участие в разделе. * 1987 год. ------------ Рекламный фильм радиоаппаратуры фирмы "Вега" (СССР, 1987 год). https://vk.com/club59176345?z=video-59176345_456239360%2Fa9a233eb7c0cdcbbce%2Fpl_wall_-59176345 (https://vk.com/club59176345) * 1998 год. ------------- Архив Piotr Skorek, Польша. Две QSL-карточки от английской службы Радио Минск, Белорусская Республика. Посмотреть карточки можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_94.html - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_1.html * 1999 год. -------------- Радио "Голос России" Всемирная Русская служба "КЛУБ DX" (No.477) Эфир: 12 декабря 1999 г. -- Автор и ведущий: Павел Михайлов diantus@....ru Ответственность за достоверность DX-сообщений лежит на их авторах, анонимные письма не рассматриваются. Здравствуйте, друзья! Итак, в субботу, 4 декабря, в Москве, в здании Центрального радиоклуба РФ состоялась ежегодная встреча любителей дальнего приема, организованная, как обычно, Клубом DXистов России. На этом форум собрались 38 человек: как из Московского региона, так и из некоторых других близ расположенных городов страны. В процессе традиционного знакомства ("кто есть кто?") участников попросили назвать источники, из которых они узнали о готовящейся встрече. Выяснилось, что эта информация была получена ими примерно в равной степени, как из разных русскоязычных DX-программ, так и из сообщений электронной версии "Московского Информационного DX- Бюллетеня". Председатель Клуба DXистов - г-н Вадим Алексеев - рассказал собравшимся о состоянии и о возможной судьбе издаваемого энтузиастами Клуба периодического журнала "Эфир-Курьер". Было с горечью отмечено, что пассивность читателей журнала, занимающих явно потребительскую позицию и упорно не помогающих редакции этого издания в сборе и подготовке DX-информации, вполне может привести к тому, что журнал в недалеком будущем, возможно, придется закрыть, как безусловно убыточный. Разумеется, все подписчики получат причитающиеся им выпуски, а в наступающем - 2000-м году - выйдет всего 5 номеров "Эфир- Курьера", и что будет дальше, сказать пока невозможно. Вместе с тем, издание популярного справочника "Зарубежное радио на русском языке" благодаря устойчивому спросу на него, скорее всего, будет продолжено. Г-н Алексеев также сказал, что Клуб DXистов России и в Новом году сможет помочь желающим с приобретением справочника "World Radio TV Handbook", но для этого необходимо как можно скорее направить в адрес Клуба (п/я 65, Москва, А-581, 125581 Россия; тел./факс: [095] 454- 4380) соответствующие заявки, в которых потенциальные покупатели справочника обязуются оплатить и получить заказанные книги, учитывая тот факт, что на выполнение заказа потребуется примерно 2-2,5 месяца. Некоторые наши коллеги, кто не смог приехать в Москву для личной встрече, прислали в адрес ее участников свои поздравления и добрые пожелания, которые были выслушаны внимательно и с благодарностью. С недоумением и разочарованием было констатировано, что никто из российских DXистов так и не изъявил желания вступить в члены Центрального радиоклуба, несмотря на то, что в наше (более чем неспокойное) время наличие на руках человека любой официальной "бумажки с печатью", подтверждающей его "право пользоваться своими гражданскими и человеческими правами", неизмеримо лучше, чем ее отсутствие. Ваш покорный слуга позволил себе еще раз напомнить собравшимся о том, что именно сейчас, когда некоторые властные структуры, умеющие существовать только в условиях перманентного "поиска врага", усиленно возрождают порочную практику "охоты на ведьм" и старательно латают возвращаемый ими со свалки истории "железный занавес", готовясь, очевидно, к очередному этапу необъявленной "холодной войны", российским DXистам, как никогда, нужно объединяться под эгидой официальной государственной организации, каковой и является Центральный радиоклуб... О некоторых признаках возрождения "холодной войны" и реанимации пресловутого "железного занавеса" в области масс-медиа высказался и руководитель московской радиостанции "Центр" г-н Андрей Некрасов. Он, в частности, поведал собравшимся о том, что, учитывая сложившуюся политическую обстановку, характеризуемую заметным ухудшением отношений между Россией и Западом, временная лицензия на СВ-ретрансляцию программ "Голоса Америки" в Москве, скорее всего, продлена не будет. И это, возможно, станет началом конца свободы слова и конституционного права российских граждан на получение и распространениe любой информации... Коснувшись своей DX-программы "Moscow Calling", звучащей на волне радиостанции "Центр", г-н Некрасов также выразил искреннее сожаление по поводу прогрессирующей пассивности слушателей этой передачи. В общем и целом, суть большинства выступлений участников этой встречи можно объединить общей идеей. В свое время она была неплохо охарактеризована "вождем мирового пролетариата" Владимиром Ульяновым-Лениным, справедливо осудившего "...проклятую привычку российских "обломовых" усыплять все и вся!"... Вот, пожалуй, и все, что можно было вкратце рассказать о результатах последней встречи российских DXистов, состоявшейся 4 декабря в Москве. Только вот как бы она не оказалась и в самом деле последней - в печальном смысле этого слова, причем, исключительно по нашей вине и из-за нашей собственной лени?!. * Наше время. ------------------ Архив Руслана Славутского, Московская область. В Ольденбурге на здании главпочтамта есть такой барельеф. Он вполне мог бы быть памятником всем радиотелеграфистам всех стран. Жаль только, что не нам и не у нас. Посмотреть можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/09/blog-post_58.html - О́льденбург (нем. Oldenburg, н.-нем. Ollnborg) - один из крупных городов Нижней Саксонии, Германия (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1% 80%D0%B3) РАДИОПРОГРАММА ================= Радио Польша. Программа "Обратная связь 20.09.2017" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Как обычно, не подвел в этом смысле Виктор Варзин из Коммунара, который написал письмо, причем его я читала с особым интересом. А почему, сейчас поймете: Здравствуйте, дорогие сотрудники Польского радио! В одном из выпусков почтового ящика, если не ошибаюсь, Евгения Самоделкина (да, да это была я - прим. Е.С.) спрашивала "было бы интересно узнать, почему радиосигнал осенью улучшается". Ответ очень прост :) Я не радиофизик, поэтому мой ответ не претендует на профессионала, но, надеюсь, будет более понятным :) Дело в том, что сейчас Радио Польши вещает на средних волнах. В дневное время суток, средние волны распространяются, как правило, на расстояние нескольких сотен км, в некоторых источниках указывают до 1000 км. В тёмное время суток, после захода Солнца, средние волны, начинают распространяться по принципу коротких волн, отражаясь от ионосферы. Это позволяет их принимать за многие тысячи километров от источника - передатчика. Конечно, мощность передатчика также влияет. Т.к. осенью начинает темнеть раньше, то и волны Радио Польши становятся доступными для многих слушателей за тысячи километров, поэтому радиолюбители находят свои плюсы и умеют радоваться этому времени года. :) К примеру, скорее это уже офф-топ, московский ретранслятор на 738 кГц, в Санкт- Петербурге днём, конечно, не слышен, а после захода Солнца - всё отлично. В зимнее время, если нет помех от электробытовых приборов, то после 7 вечера - частота пригодна для приёма. Также, в Ленинградской области, порой на той же самой частоте, 738 кГц, в ночное время наблюдается помеха, причём, иногда довольно сильная, от Испанского радио - а они вещают на расстоянии 2820 км (но у них передатчик 600 киловатт, а московский всего 10 - поэтому, иногда, вместо желаемой ретрансляции, можно услышать сумасшедший по быстроте комментарий футбольного матча на испанском). Самая дальняя средневолновая радиостанция, подтвердившая мой рапорт на средних волнах, - Международного радио Китая, от Коммунара до Урумчи (место передатчика) расстояние примерно 4150 км. А так, иногда слышны и корейцы, некоторые слушатели и от них карточки получали. Но у них. конечно, и передатчики мощные стоят. В общем, очень хорошо тем, у кого шумов мало и немного соседей. В ночное время много интересного на средних волнах можно поймать. А на коротких волнах ещё больше интересностей :) Радио Польши в этом диапазоне не хватает. Если у Вас есть радиоприёмник, пользуйтесь случаем, пока DX-инг ещё жив :) Также, примите, пожалуйста, несколько рапортов о приёме. Всего Вам доброго! :) (http://www.radiopolsha.pl/6/249/Artykul/326677) (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx") ЮМОР ======= В 5 утра жена пробралась в шэк. Там она разбила молотком лампы в РА, компьютер облила кислотой, порезала кабеля, и выбросила с балкона трансивер. Потом она вернулась в кровать и нежно прижалась к мужу......... жить ей оставалось не более часа..... (http://forum.qrz.ru/46-yumor-i-otdyh/5499-anekdot-na-qrz-ru-169.html) 73!