--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 706 Дата: 9 / июль / 2017 год. Время: UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Mосковское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык: русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов: rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня: http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL и Фото: http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор: Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия --------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио и ТВ на русском языке. QSL мир. Календарь радиодат. История DX. Техника радиоприема - новые технологии. Филателия. СМИ. Радиопрограмма. Юмор. ------------------------------------------------------------- Информация публикуется из открытых источников Интернета. ------------------------------------------------------------- СТОЛ РЕДАКТОРА ================ * Индия --------- From BC-DX 1305, 4 July 2017 Editor : Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany : India. Alan, - Don't know if you know this or not, but at this web page you can click the programme guide link below the Live Radio listen button to get a PDF of the current day broadcasts in English on shortwave. only single present day (Peter W Hansen, dxld June 25) - Latest A-17 Schedule of All India Radio. Converted to 16 pages pdf, domestic services only, MW, FM and SW by region, with schedules for the SW frequencies (in IST). Also DRM info on MW. Hello! Copy of latest printed schedule of All India Radio received by post yesterday is attached for your kind information Eine hilfreiche umfangreiche Reproduktion im PDF format, AIR Delhi in der A17 Saison. (Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, June 29 via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld) * Книга на английском языке --------------------------------------- Propagation Analysis for Profit: новая книга об инструментах анализа прохождения радиоволн. Ориентирована на AM/FM/SW вещателей, но может быть полезна и радиолюбителям. Есть публикация здесь - https://vk.com/doc-3271973_447524180?hash=b46bd111313340092c&dl=dd10be99e22966f99d или можно заказать - http://swling.com/blog/2017/07/radioworld-free-ebook-propagation-analysis-for-profit/ (https://vk.com/dxing) * Журнал "Радио" # 07 / 2017 ------------------------------------------ http://www.radio.ru/ Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания ftp://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2017/07/20.pdf * Знаменитый некогда на весь Союз рижский завод "Радиотехника" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=212029785989401&set=gm.1935954036643881&type=3&theater (Zjuzja Drundulet / "open_dx") * Блог японского dx-иста ---------------------------------- Посмотрел блог японского dx-иста http://fmdx.blog81.fc2.com. Привлекли внимание аудиозаписи радиостанций СССР. Есть там много аудио уже и новой эпохи РФ. Дублирую своё сообщение с vcfm.ru - тема "Всесоюзное радио" - в адаптированной версии. Есть только одна проблема, если кликать по ссылке на запись не со страницы блога, то во многих браузерах выдаёт ошибку 404. Для тех, кто захочет послушать, есть один выход - скопировать ссылку в буфер обмена, а затем вставить в строку какого-нибудь аудиоплеера "открыть URL". Проверял, открывается без проблем. "В эфире третья программа Всесоюзного радио..." (1988.05.14/1559/68.3MHz): http://blog-imgs-44- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198805141559_683MHz.mp3 Местное областное, республиканское вещание СССР. 1. "Говорит Владивосток!", начало музыкальной стереофонической программы "Чайка" (1986.06.27/1705/69.7MHz): http://blog-imgs-27-origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198606271705_697MHz.mp3 2. Радиостанция "Амур" (Хабаровск) - начало стереофонической программы (1987.06.19/1600/72.0MHz): http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/021/887/11/N000/000/000/128839451218416104729_Khabarovskoe_R._1987061916 00_72.0MHz.mp3 3. Радиостанция "Зея" (Благовещенск) - программа передач (1988.06.19/1600/72.4MHz): http://blog-imgs-27- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198806191600_724MHz.mp3, завершение работы (1990.07.08/1159/72.4MHz): http://blog- imgs-27-origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/199007081159_724MHz.mp3 4. Радиостанция "Крильон" (Южно-Сахалинск) - программа передач (1987.08.08/1600/66.1MHz): http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/021/887/11/N000/000/000/128839436411216104130_Sakhalinskoe_R._19870809060 0_66.1MHz.mp3, завершение работы на частоте "Маяка" (1988.07.27/1857/66.1MHz): http://blog-imgs-44- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198807271857_661MHz.mp3 5. "Говорит Биробиджан!" (1986.07.12/1115/67.8MHz): http://blog-imgs-27- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/19860712_678MHz.mp3 6. Казахское радио (1990.12.05/1740/11950kHz): http://blog-imgs-31- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/199012051740_11950.mp3, запись вторая (1990.11.23/1758/11950kHz): http://blog-imgs- 31-origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/199011231758_11950.mp3 7. Якутское радио - погода, позывной, республиканские последние известия (1988.09.09/0630/14530kHz): http://blog-imgs-62-origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198809090630_14530(7265x2)kHz.mp3, республиканские последние известия (1988.09.20/0646/14530kHz): http://blog-imgs-62- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/198809200646_14530(7265x2)kHz.mp3 8. Амурское ТВ (Благовещенск) - программа передач (1990.06.26/1631/R1ch): http://blog-imgs-44- origin.fc2.com/f/m/d/fmdx/199006261631_R1ch.mp3 Источник: http://fmdx.blog81.fc2.com/blog-date-201310.html http://fmdx.blog81.fc2.com/blog-date-200904-1.html (Максим Иванов, Москва / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") - Без проблем открывается в Edge. (Павел Иванов, Белгород / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") * Marconi Radio International back on the air on 9 July 2017 on 11390 kHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings from Italy! Please be advised that after many weeks of absence due to a transmitter fault, MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Sunday, 9 July 2017, with its original, very old and just refurbished transmitter as follows: 08.30-11.30 UTC on 11390 kHz AM with only 25 watts. Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don't forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience. We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions. Best 73's Marconi Radio ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО СТРАНАМ. ========================= РОССИЯ ======== Сеть регионального вещания. ------------------------------------------- Развитие сети регионального вещания Krutoy Media за 2017 год С начала 2017 года к сети регионального вещания Krutoy Media присоединились 24 города, в 13 из которых лицензии на осуществление радиовещания принадлежат Krutoy Media. Это позволило увеличить потенциальную аудиторию радиостанций холдинга на 7,7 млн человек. Филиалы "Радио Дача" открылись в Великом Новгороде, Йошкар-Оле, Ставрополе, Сыктывкаре, Чебоксарах. К сети регионального вещания радиостанции присоединились также Абдулино, Артём, Ахтубинск, Вязьма, Югорск, Ядрин. В настоящий момент сеть регионального вещания "Радио Дача" насчитывает 229 передатчиков, установленных в городах России и стран ближнего зарубежья. С начала года открылись филиалы Love Radio в Архангельске, Благовещенске, Владимире, Вологде, Йошкар- Оле, Орске, Сургуте, Томске. Также к сети регионального вещания радиостанции присоединились Игра и Ижевск. Сегодня передатчики Love Radio установлены в 151 городе России и стран ближнего зарубежья. В 2017 году Бугульма, Можга и Самара включили радио "Такси FM". На сегодняшний день передатчики радиостанции установлены в 7 городах России. ООО "Радио-Дача" признано победителем конкурсов на наземное эфирное радиовещание в городах: Бийск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Курган, Салават и Стерлитамак. ООО "Лав Радио сеть" получило право осуществлять наземное эфирное радиовещание в Комсомольске-на-Амуре. В ближайшее время в этих городах начнется вещание "Радио Дача" и Love Radio соответственно. Krutoy Media - один из ведущих радиохолдингов страны, объединяющий радиостанции Love Radio, "Радио Дача", "Такси FM", "Весна FM". Региональная сеть радиостанций Krutoy Media насчитывает более 380 передатчиков, размещенных в городах вещания в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. Krutoy Media принадлежат лицензии на осуществление радиовещания с программной концепцией Love Radio в Санкт-Петербурге, Архангельске, Благовещенске, Волгограде, Вологде, Екатеринбурге, Йошкар-Оле, Нижнем Тагиле, Иванове, Курске, Кемерове, Нижнем Тагиле, Орске, Рязани, Сургуте, Томске и Челябинске; с программной концепцией "Радио Дача" - в Архангельске, Астрахани, Барнауле, Благовещенске, Брянске, Великом Новгороде, Вологде, Волгограде, Иванове, Иркутске, Йошкар-Оле, Казани, Кирове, Кемерове, Керчи, Магнитогорске, Мурманске, Набережных Челнах, Нижнем Тагиле, Перми, Рыбинске, Рязани, Санкт- Петербурге, Севастополе, Симферополе, Сочи, Ставрополе, Сыктывкаре, Тамбове, Тюмени, Ульяновске, Феодосии, Хабаровске, Чебоксарах, Ярославле; с программной концепцией "Такси FM" - в Казани. Генеральный директор Krutoy Media - Юлия Голубева. Член Российской Академии Радио. Лауреат Национальной Премии "Медиа-Менеджер России - 2012". Официальный сайт: www.krutoymedia.ru. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/4522.htm) Астраханская область. Село Тамбовка. -------------------------------------------------------- ГТРК "ЛОТОС" В селе Тамбовка Астраханской области начинает вещание региональное радио http://lotosgtrk.ru/news/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=16807 C 1 июля в селе Тамбовка астраханский филиал ОРТПЦ начинает FM-вещание федерального канала "Радио России" на частоте 103.4 МГЦ. Таким образом, прежнее вещание в режиме УКВ ЧМ будет прекращено. Отметим, что в трансляции федерального канала "Радио России" местные жители села Тамбовка смогут услышать и региональные передачи, которые выходят с 7 до 7.30 утра, с 13.10 до 14.00 и с 17.10 до 19.00 местного времени. (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Владимирская область. Ковров. ---------------------------------------------- С 30 июня "Радио-России Владимир" начинает вещание в FM диапазоне в Коврове на частоте 98,3 МГц. Зона охвата около 30 километров. И в Муроме на частоте 88,7 МГц. Зона охвата около 20 километров. В ближайшей перспективе во Владимире также запланировано FM вещание. Напомним, до этого только в Гусь-Хрустальном "Радио-России Владимир" можно было услышать в радиовещательном диапазоне 103,1 МГц. (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) * 4 июля филиал РТРС "Владимирский ОРТПЦ" совместно с ГТРК "Владимир" начал трансляцию программ "Радио России - Владимир" в FM-диапазоне в городах Ковров и Муром. В Коврове радио доступно на частоте 98,3 МГц, в Муроме - 88,7 МГц. (http://vladimir.rtrs.ru/tv/analog/rtrs-nachal-fm-translyatsiyu-radio-rossii-vladimir-v-dvukh-krupneyshikh-rayonnykh- tsentrakh-oblasti-/) Омская область. ----------------------- С 3 июля 2017 года жители города Тюкалинска Омской области смогут услышать на частоте 103,1 FM программы радиостанции "Радио Сибирь" ("МКР-Медиа"). Передатчик, установленный на объекте связи омского ОРТПЦ, обеспечит уверенный приём сигнала не только в Тюкалинском районе, но и на части территории Крутинского района. Общее число новых потенциальных радиослушателей составит более 30 тыс. человек. Тюкалинск станет 28 городом вещания "Радио Сибирь", но при этом первым, где трансляция будет организована по партнёрской модели. Сетевым партнёром "Радио Сибирь" выступило московское ООО "Алекс Медиа", которое вместе с ретрансляцией омского эфира "Радио Сибирь" намерено предложить тюкалинцам выпуски местных новостей и прогноз погоды. - Стратегия развития "Радио Сибирь" предполагает активную экспансию не только в центры, но и в малые города регионов. Со стартом вещания в Тюкалинске мы открываем новую страницу в многолетней истории старейшей сибирской радиостанции. Особенно приятно, что наш первый сетевой партнёр сам обратился с предложением о сотрудничестве. Это свидетельствует не только о качестве программного продукта, подтверждённом отраслевыми наградами, но и о его коммерческой привлекательности. Работу по схеме сетевого партнёрства холдинг считает перспективной и намерен использовать её в развитии своих теле- и радиоактивов, - отметил заместитель генерального директора по вещанию холдинга "МКР-Медиа" Роман Климас. Сегодня "Радио Сибирь" работает в городах восьми регионов России: Омской, Томской, Кемеровской, Иркутской областях, Забайкальском крае, Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе, республиках Алтай и Бурятия. В 2016 году радиостанция увеличила диапазон вещания на Кузбассе и зазвучала в городе Борзе и Улётовском районе Забайкальского края. Готовится запуск "Радио Сибирь" в двух малых городах Бурятии. "Радио Сибирь" начало вещание в 1992 году в Томске. С 2014 года входит в состав холдинга "МКР-Медиа". Лауреат международной премии им. А.С. Попова, национальной премии "Радиомания", конкурса "РадиоИмидж", фестиваля "Вместе - радио". https://omskzdes.ru/society/48542.html (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Новосибирская область. Новосибирск. ------------------------------------------------------ Группа Компаний "Выбери Радио" запустила вещание Love Radio в Новосибирске! В эфире Love Radio звучат самые актуальные музыкальные треки и свежие новости шоу-бизнеса, кино и общественной жизни. Love Radio идет в ногу со временем и делает всё актуальное общедоступным. Эфир не имеет возрастных ограничений и поэтому дарит мечты и отличное настроение всем без исключения! Новый формат стал девятым в числе радиостанций Новосибирска. Помимо Love Radio, в активы Выбери Радио в городе входят: Европа Плюс, Ретро FM, Дорожное Радио, Радио 7 на семи холмах, Радио Дача, Business FM, Радио 54 и Городская Волна. (http://www.gkvr.ru/news/the_group_of_companies_vyberi_radio_started_broadcasting_love_radio_in_novosibirsk/) Республика Адыгея ---------------------------- ГТРК "Адыгея" в летнем сезоне транслирует программы иновещания на коротких волнах по следующему расписанию: 18.00-19.00 - на адыгейском, арабском и турецком языках по понедельникам; 18.00-19.00 на адыгейском языке по пятницам; 19.00- 20.00 на адыгейском языке по воскресеньям. Всё вещание ведётся на частоте 6000 кГц, мощность передатчика 100 кВт, азимут 188 градусов. Сайт ГТРК "Адыгея" http://www.adygtv.ru/ programs/ radio- inoveshchanie/ broadcasted/. (Журнал "Радио" # 07 / 2017, Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания ftp://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2017/07/20.pdf) Республика Коми. ------------------------- 1 июля 2017 Торжественное открытие "Радио Дача" состоялось сегодня, в рамках межрегионального традиционного праздника "Луд" Сегодня в с. Ижма руководитель региона Сергей Гапликов, руководитель администрации МР "Ижемский" Любовь Терентьева и глава Ижемского района Татьяна Артеева торжественного открыли радиостанцию "Радио Дача". Канал будет вещать в селе на частоте 102, 5 МГц. Радиус покрытия составляет порядка 50 километров, так что эфир доступен и для жителей близлежайших населенных пунктов. В эфире будет транслироваться отечественная музыка, развлекательные передачи, информационные материалы региона, в том числе и от администрации МР "Ижемский". Руководитель администрации МР "Ижемский" Любовь Терентьева: "Я думаю, это отличный подарок жителям села в честь юбилея Ижмы. Благодарим компанию Музыкальный мир за предоставленную техническую возможность. Мы собираемся апробировать радио в течение полугода. Если жители поддержат нашу инициативу, то контракт на вещание будет продлен и на следующий год". http://www.izhma.ru/ru/news/2219/?_utl_t=vk (https://vk.com/vcfm2014) Республика Татарстан -------------------------------- Радио ИСКАТЕЛЬ начало вещание в Казани Радио ИСКАТЕЛЬ продолжает расширять свои границы - с 5 июля началось вещание в Казани на частоте 93,1 FM. Третья столица России, хлебосольный город-миллионник с тысячелетней историей - это далеко не весь список того, чем знаменита Казань. Здесь находится Казанский Кремль, храм всех религий мира и падающая башня Сюимбике. Это один из самых посещаемых туристами городов мира наравне с Римом и Парижем! Вместе с Радио ИСКАТЕЛЬ жители Казани и ближайших городов будут каждый день отправляться в мир новых знаний и музыки! Включайте Радио ИСКАТЕЛЬ в Казани на частоте 93.1 FM. Время вещания - ежедневно, круглосуточно. Потенциальная аудитория радиостанции - 1 млн 230 тыс. человек. Города вещания: Ангарск, Барнаул, Горно-Алтайск, Иркутск, Курск, Северск, Сургут, Тольятти, Томск. Официальный сайт: www.radioiskatel.ru (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__66116/) Санкт-Петербург ----------------------- * "Газпром-Медиа" приобрел у Сергея Руднова частоту "Невы FM" в Петербурге Холдинг "Газпром-Медиа" стал владельцем частоты 95,9 FM в Петербурге, на которой ранее вещала входившая в "Балтийскую Медиагруппу" радиостанция "Нева FM". В Петербурге уже работают шесть из десяти принадлежащих "Газпром-Медиа" форматов. В середине июня новым владельцем зарегистрированного в Петербурге ООО "Агентство рекламных технологий "Балтика" стало входящее в "Газпром-Медиа" ООО "Открытое радио", свидетельствует ЕГРЮЛ. А 30 июня у первой компании сменился гендиректор - теперь это Михаил Михайлов, руководитель филиала "ГПМ Радио" в Петербурге. Само ООО "Агентство рекламных технологий "Балтика", как следует из материалов Роскомнадзора, является владельцем лицензии № 20043, позволяющей осуществлять радиовещание в Петербурге на частоте 95,9 FM. На ней много лет вещала станция "Нева FM", но сейчас официально радиоканал называется "Петербургские белые ночи". СМИ с таким названием было зарегистрировано в Роскомнадзоре в феврале этого года. "Нева FM" входила в "Балтийскую Медиагруппу", основанную Олегом Рудновым. В январе 2015-го тот скончался, и управление медиагруппой было доверено Араму Габрелянову, владельцу холдинга "Ньюс Медиа" (Life.ru, телеканал Lifenews и др.). В сентябре 2015-го г-н Габрелянов принял решение распустить редакцию радиостанции: в ее эфире стала звучать только музыка. В марте 2017-го перестал работать сайт радиостанции. А в июне 2017 года, как сообщал "Лениздат" со ссылкой на пост ЦЭВТ Санкт-Петербурга и Ленобласти в сети "ВКонтакте", вещание на частоте 95,9FM было приостановлено до 15 августа. До июня 2017-го владельцами ООО "Агентство рекламных технологий "Балтика" были Сергей Руднов, наследник основателя "Балтийской Медиагруппы", и его партнер Сергей Лашаев. Вместе они, к примеру, владеют информагентством "Балтинфо". В 2015-м, когда станция еще активно работала, выручка по РСБУ ООО "Агентство рекламных технологий "Балтика" достигла 55 млн руб., прибыль от основной деятельности - 35,2 млн руб., чистая прибыль - 32,9 млн руб. Данных за 2016 год нет. Гендиректор "ГПМ Радио" Юрий Костин не ответил на запрос AdIndex. Директор по корпоративным коммуникациям "Газпром-Медиа" Ирина Осадчая отказалась от комментариев. Связаться с бывшими владельцами радиочастоты не удалось. "Конечно, [мы] периодически думаем о возможности укрепить позиции, в частности в регионах, - рассуждал в 2014 году в интервью "Коммерсанту" о стоимости радиовещательного бизнеса г-н Костин. - Но и там, и в Москве неадекватное представление о стоимости активов. Тебе пытаются их впарить за деньги, которых они не стоят и никогда не будут стоить, а стоили в 2007 году, когда в городах-миллионниках станция продавалась за $2 млн. Сейчас такие цены абсолютно неприемлемы". "ГПМ Радио", как указано на его сайте, управляет десятью форматами. Шесть из них - "Авторадио", Energy, "Детское радио", "Юмор FM", "Эхо Москвы" и "Радио Зенит" - вещают и в Петербурге. Самым успешным в этом городе, по данным Mediascope за март-май 2017 года, является "Авторадио" с ежедневной аудиторией 412,6 тыс. слушателей старше 12 лет. Наименьшая ежедневная аудитория - 117,9 тыс. - у "Детского радио". В комментариях к посту ЦЭВТ Санкт-Петербурга и Ленобласти во "ВКонтакте" один из пользователей предположил, что на частоте 95,9 FM в Петербурге будет запущено "ТНТ Music Radio". В других комментариях эта информация была опровергнута. В реестре Роскомнадзора СМИ с названием "ТНТ Music Radio" не фигурирует. Сергей Соболев, adindex.ru (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__66119/) * Фотография передатчика ДСВ-150 изнутри. Автор фото: Татьяна Николаева (РТПС Ольгино). На фото - передатчик РВ-467 (ввод в строй - 1982 год), использовавшийся, в частности, для трансляции программы Радио Орфей на частоте 1125 кГц. С 1972 года два однотипных передатчика использовались для трансляции Радио Маяк на 198 кГц и для еще одной программы Всесоюзного радио на 873 кГц... (https://vk.com/ctvspb?w=wall-59176345_10032) Тверская область. Ржев. ---------------------------------- Радио "ВЕРА" пришло во Ржев Проект некоммерческого просветительского радио "ВЕРА"был представлен 30 июня 2017 года журналистам и общественным организациям города Ржев Тверской области. На встрече, прошедшей в Ржевском епархиальном управлении, зам. директора радио "ВЕРА" Наталья Стрельцова, ген. продюсер Денис Маханько и директор АНО Радиоканал "Радио Вера Верхневолжье" Екатерина Арнаутова рассказали о радиостанции, которую круглосуточно можно услышать почти в сорока регионах России. Ржевитяне могут принимать сигнал радиостанции на частоте 102.4 FM. На радио "ВЕРА" нет коммерческой рекламы, однако заметное место в эфире уделяется информации о благотворительных проектах, людях и организациях, которые нуждаются в поддержке. Такая информация, в частности, ежедневно появляется в программе "Дело дня". В свою очередь, представители ржевской общественности рассказали о своих впечатлениях от эфира радиостанции и выразили надежду, что в местном эфире найдется место информации о локальных проектах и событиях. Вещание радио "ВЕРА" в Тверской области, кроме Ржева, осуществляется также в Медном и Осташкове. Готовится запуск в Вышнем Волочке. Эфир радиостанции "ВЕРА" можно также круглосуточно слушать на сайте www.radiovera.ru "ВЕРА" - станция, рассказывающая современному городскому жителю о православии. В эфире радио, которое вещает 24 часа в сутки 7 дней в неделю, лучшая отечественная и зарубежная музыка, а среди программ - церковный календарь, толкование Евангельских чтений, программы о любви, истории, о воспитании детей и семейных ценностях. "ВЕРА" - это проект инициативной группы православных мирян, созданный по благословению Русской Православной Церкви. Редакция рубрика: Авторы " Р " (http://foma.ru/radio-vera-prishlo-vo-rzhev.html) Тюменская область. Тюмень. ---------------------------------------- Радио DFM. С 28 июня 2017 года на частоте 98,4 FM в Тюмени звучит главное танцевальное радио страны! О том, что радио DFM будет в Тюмени, мы сообщили в ноябре 2016 года. В рекордные сроки наши партнёры решили все вопросы и вы уж можете настроить свои приёмники на DFM! В Тюмени самое танцевальное радио страны слышат более полумиллиона человек! А на волну DFM в России настроено почти 50 млн. слушателей! (http://www.dfm.ru/press/news/hotnews/2105953/) КЫРГЫЗСТАН ============ Радиовещательная сеть первой программы "Биринчи радио" состоит из СВ-передатчиков, работающих на частоте 612 кГц (150 кВт, п. Красная Речка), 1404 кГц (передатчи ки с мощностями 20, два по 7 и два по 1 кВт, расположенные в населённых пунктах Дёдёмёль, Айдаркен, Нарын, Орголчор и Чолпон-Ата соответственно) и 1431 кГц (40 кВт, г. Джалал-Абад). Кроме того, трансляция идёт на КВ на частоте 4010 кГц (мощность передатчика - 100 кВт) и 4820 кГц (мощность передатчика - 15 кВт). В сетке вещания довольно много (практически в начале каждого вещательного часа) коротких программ на русском языке. Привести всё расписание не позволит объём отведённой журнальной площади. Упомянем лишь, что это по большей части новостные "Итоги дня". Из тематических - "Спортивная неделя", "Столица", "Кыргызстан" и т. д. (Журнал "Радио" # 07 / 2017, Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания ftp://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2017/07/20.pdf) МОЛДОВА ========= "Radio Moldova Actualitati" (по-русски "Радио Молдова 1") в диапазоне СВ работает на частотах 873 и 1494 кГц. На русском языке транслируются новости в следующих временных блоках: 06.00-06.10; 08.00-08.05; 11.00- 11.10; 15.00-15.10 (среда - понедельник); 15.10-16.00 и 17.35-17.55 (по средам); 18.05-18.15 (кроме субботы и воскресенья); 18.30-18.45 (по понедельникам). С 20.30 до 21.00 по субботам передаётся программа на русском языке, подготовленная радиостанцией "Свободная Европа" (Журнал "Радио" # 07 / 2017, Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания ftp://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2017/07/20.pdf) ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЕ ================ В настоящее время трансляция "Радио Приднестровья" ведётся на средневолновой частоте 621 кГц с мощностью передатчика 150 кВт. Транслируются передачи на молдавском, русском и украинском языках с 04.00 до 05.30 ежедневно, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Трансляции на русском языке - в эфире с 04.00 до 04.30. (Журнал "Радио" # 07 / 2017, Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания ftp://ftp.radio.ru/pub/2017/07/20.pdf) УКРАИНА ======== * На трех каналах "Украинского радио" ("Украинское радио" - первый канал Общественного радио), "Луч" - второй канал и "Культура" - третий канал) запустили службу внутреннего мониторинга качества эфира, которая отслеживает нарушения журналистских стандартов, в материалах ведущих, фиксирует видимые ситуации неподготовленности журналиста к эфира, речевые ошибки и некачественную подачу материала или неумение работать перед микрофоном. Об этом написал в Facebook генеральный продюсер "Украинского радио" Дмитрий Хоркин... 1 июня Дмитрий Хоркин стал генеральным продюсером "Украинского радио". Анатолий Табаченко стал советником нового генерального продюсера филиала Национальной общественной телерадиокомпании Украины "Центральная дирекция "Украинское радио"" Дмитрия Хоркина. До того в течение 18-ти лет Анатолий Табаченко работал исполнительным директором "Украинского радио" (Источник: Портал "Общественное вещание"). (http://proradio.org.ua/news/2017jun.php) * Военное радио Министерства обороны "Армия FM" запустило собственный сайт, на котором можно слушать радиостанции в режиме онлайн. Об этом на странице в Facebook сообщила шеф-редактор радиостанции Ирина Сампан. "Теперь у нас есть лицо. "Армия FM" запускает свой сайт. Там сверху есть кніпочка "Слушать". И в разделах можно найти наши проекты и собственно нас самих", - написала она. Сайт радиостанции "Армия FM" (доступен по адресу http://www.armyfm.com.ua) - украиноязычный и имеет шесть разделов: "О нас", "Проекты", "Новости", "Галерея", "Военное ТВ", "Контакты". Также есть раздел "Слушать", что дает возможность слушать радиостанцию в режиме онлайн. Напомним, 1 марта, в 6 часов утра начала тестовое вещание радиостанция "Армия FM". В декабре 2015 года стало известно, что с 1 марта при поддержке американской общественной инициативы в Украине запустят радиостанцию для военных. (Источник: Портал "Детектор медиа"). (http://proradio.org.ua/news/2017jun.php) США ==== "Россия сегодня" вышла в американский FM-диапазон. ВАШИНГТОН, 30 июн - РИА Новости. Информационное агентство и радио Sputnik (в составе МИА "Россия сегодня") объявило о начале вещания в FM-диапазоне в Вашингтоне (округ Колумбия, США). Круглосуточное вещание на английском языке доступно на волнах 105.5 FM. Программная сетка включает информационные новостные блоки и тематические программы - от политических ток-шоу до экспертной аналитики в области экономики и финансов. Руководитель редакции Sputnik в США Миндия Гавашели: "Мы рады, что начинаем напрямую говорить с нашими слушателями в Вашингтоне. На протяжении последних месяцев радио Sputnik было объектом постоянных нападок в корпоративной прессе США. Причем зачастую люди, которые писали или говорили о нас, даже не трудились послушать наши программы. Теперь у вашингтонцев появится возможность слушать нас, а не то, что говорят о нас. И я уверен, что разница будет очевидна. Мы надеемся, что выход на вашингтонский рынок - это только первый шаг, и продолжим работать над тем, чтобы как можно больше людей могли услышать наши программы, а не слухи о них". Среди радиопрограмм, популярных у слушателей в Вашингтоне, - политическое ток-шоу "Между двух огней: Никсон и Странахан" (Fault Lines with Nixon and Stranahan), в котором обсуждаются наиболее злободневные темы и острые политические вопросы; информационно-аналитические программы "Дивный новый мир" (Brave New World), "Откровенный разговор" (Level Talk), и другие. Sputnik (sputniknews.com) - международное новостное агентство и радио с мультимедийными информационными хабами. Sputnik включает в себя сайты на 30+ языках, аналоговое и цифровое радиовещание, мобильные приложения и страницы в социальных сетях. Новостные ленты Sputnik круглосуточно выходят на английском, арабском, испанском и китайском. (https://ria.ru/society/20170630/1497633606.html) МОНИТОРИНГ ============= * 6 июля ночью отлично принималась Радиогазета Слово на 828. Заснял даже на видео. https://youtu.be/cRjg9ra1CoQ Почаще бы так. Больше станций хороших и разных! (Евгений, Минск, Беларусь / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") * 828 kHz С пяти до девяти утра и вечера вещает Православное Радио Петербурга, которое, собирается подтверждать рапорты, нужно только оплатить обратный ответ. Информация из нового выпуска справочника Радиовещание на русском языке. (Виктор Варзин, Ленинградская область / "open_dx") * 1, 2 июля 2017. Приемник: Селена Бе 211 Антенна: телескопическая Белоруссия, Россия, Украина. Слева данные частоты по моей шкале / справа точные, как они указаны в WRTH-2016. МГц / МГц WRTH-2016 / UTC / Станция. Программа. 67.15 / 67.04 / 09.27 / Сообщение " Дагустан Радио" на местном языке. Радио Дагестана из Кочубея 67.25 / 67.13 / 10.30 / Украина программа "КПД". Предположительно из Харькова 68.30 / 68.24 / 09. 28 / Калмыцкое радио на русском языке. Передатчик в Утта и // 69.59 МГц 68.55 / 68.48 / 08.55 / Сообщили "Радио Гродно", на русском языке. Передатчик в Масти 69.15 / 69.38 / 09.08 / Новости на украинском языке. С 09.12 Христианская программа на украинском языке. Передатчик Никопол 70.60 / 70.52 / 10.13 / Программа из Одессы. Политическое обсуждение на русском языке. 66.75 / ? / 10.05 / Неопознанная, новости на рус яз, а с 10.10 ч Христианская программа на украинском языке. (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ============== SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue no. 1879, 2 July 2017. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden ----------------------------------------------- - QSL, kommentarer, mm. Christer Brunström: Radio Thailand 9390 nice QSL-folder + informative folder. Radio Mi Amigo International via Armenia11845 kHz nice QSL-card. Trevlig sommar! - Log 4810 Jun27 -1845 Armenian Public Radio, Gavar, Arabic, comments. (Méndez) Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2017 Anker Petersen says: Dear friends, I have just edited my annual "Trends in Tropical Bands Broadcasting 2017", which is attached. The DSWCI used to publish this annually in "Short Wave News", but this no longer exists. So I hope you will publish it. Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2017 by Anker Petersen, editor of the Domestic Broadcasting Survey Since DSWCI published its first Tropical Bands Survey in 1973, I have registered which stations are active, based upon loggings from our members and other DX-ers around the world. Here is an updated status where Clandestine and Pirate stations not are included. Active domestic transmitters on 2200 - 5800 kHz Region CIS (former USSR) 1973 - 61 1985 - 59 1997 - 47 2009 - 7 2017 - 6 - Retro Bell Kamra (1959) - transistor radio with built-in camera: https://vk.com/oldmachine?w=wall-65801571_8396 (from "RUS-DX" # 931, Anatoly Klepov) Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria Bulgarian DX blog, Ivo Ivanov -------------------------- * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 1-2 USA(non) Frequency changes of Radio Free Asia/Radio Farda/Voice of America, July 1 Radio Free Asia 0030-0130 NF 17845 SAI 250 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Burmese, ex 17785 SAI 0100-0300 NF 13765 DB 200 kW / 125 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 17730 U-B 1100-1400 NF 15745 DB 200 kW / 125 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 7470 U-B 2100-2200 NF 11960 TIN 250 kW / 333 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 7460 U-B http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/frequency-changes-of-radio-free.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 3 TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet on July 3: 1235-1305 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15527 1305-1315 on 15523 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15522 1315-1330 on 11518 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 11517 1315-1335 on 15517 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15528 1335-1345 on 15523 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15522 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/frequency-changes-for-voice-of-tibet.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea is again with 1 hour duration from July 1 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1100-1300 till June 30. http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2017/07/radio-free-north-korea-is-again-with-1.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 5-6 U.K.(non) Radio Liberty via BaBcoCk Yerevan on July 5: 1600-1700 on 7475 ERV 050 kW / 058 deg to CeAs Tajik http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/radio-liberty-via-babcock-yerevan-on.html U.K.(non) North Korea Reform Radio via BaBcoCk Tashkent, July 6 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair/good http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/north-korea-reform-radio-via-babcock.html U.K.(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs via BaBcoCk Tashkent on July 6: 1530-1700 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean/English, very weak http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 7 NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in "the heart" of 31mb, July 7 0940-0946 on 9655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/s06s-russian-lady-in-heart-of-31mb-july.html * SWLDXBulgaria News, July 7-8 U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, July 7: 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/radio-ranginkamanradio-rainbow-via_8.html U.K.(non) Reception of Radio Payem e-Doost via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on July 7 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian, good signal with echo http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/reception-of-radio-payem-e-doost-via.html DX LISTENING DIGEST 17-26, June 28, 2017 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ------------------------------------------- ** ARMENIA. Weak to good signal of Voice of Armenia, June 23 1530-1545 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian 1545-1600 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek 1600-1630 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish 1630-1700 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi 1700-1715 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Turkish 1715-1745 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Azeri 1745-1815 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi 1815-1845 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUneXeG85DM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q1ODIb9Ojk&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lvkKlg9k5c&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRYmmMVRSwU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AlWqlzNbXU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQWQNvEM-SE&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXB1mfxGyE8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-hPc74n-kY&feature=youtu.be http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/06/weak-to-good-signal-of-voice-of-armenia.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sony ICF-2001-D, dxldyg via DXLD) Re all these youtubes: see PUBLICATIONS ** ARMENIA. Re: Thank you Ron O'Quinn on 11845 now --- Good reception of the Ron O'Quinn special on 11845 kHz (via Armenia) now - scheduled until 1900 UT. 73, (Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, AOR 7030plus, longwire, 1727 UT June 25, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) Subject: [A-DX] MiAmigo 11845 kHz jetzt On Air. ... noch bis 19 UT aus Armenia mit 100 kW. Kommt hier in der Eifel mit SINPO: 553443 [sic] rein. Prasseln durch PLC Junkies in der Nachbarschaft, die einen Schafft (Christian Milling, Germany, 1704 UT June 25 via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) Christian, gute Selektion das, 11845 kHz in Gavar. Weit weg nur die 11825 und 11860 kHz Kanäle belegt. Überwiegend in Europa S=9+15dB Signale, von Italien bis Liverpool, in Bayern und OE. Nur BEL/HOL etwas mehr S=9+20dB. Dagegen Moskau Russia, bzw. Nordeuropa nur S=8, kann aber auch an den Antennen dort liegen. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Excellent reception, improving over time, from R Mi Amigo Int from Yerevan (David J Morris, nr Poole, 1750 UT, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) The signal on 11845 kHz from Armenia between 1700 and 1900 UT was weak and mostly buried in the noise here in NB but occasionally and briefly in the first hour, voice and music were understandable. Reception started to improve around 1820 in the second half of the program and from then until the end of the program voice and music was mostly understandable although the signal was still weak. Luckily, no QRM until Radio Romania International started its IS for its upcoming Spanish broadcast on 11850 kHz during the last few minutes of the program, and negligible QRN. On the other hand, there was a great signal using the U. Twente WebSDR receiver, which I also recorded (-- Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11845, Radio Mi Amigo, Yereven/Gavar, 1835-1900*, 25-06, pop music, English, comments, identification: "This is Radio Mi Amigo International...", "Special broadcast", "radiomiamigointernational.com", "Short Wave Service, shortwaveservice.com, Thank you for tuning in", tuning music, close. 44444 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Reinante, Tecsun PL-880, Sangean ATS-909X, cable antenna, 8 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GERMANY Special show of Radio MiAmigo from NORATUS, Sun June 25 1700-1900 11845 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English via Shortwaveservice: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/06/the-special-show-of-radio-miamigo-from.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sony ICF-2001-D, dxldyg via DXLD) ** ARMENIA. I took [received] a new program in Arabic from the 16th to the 23rd of June 2017 on the middle waves of 1350 kHz. Begins at 1927 and continues after 2030. At 1930, at 2000, at 2030 the news. The station announces itself as Al-Quds Radio or something similar (in the beginning thought that it was the sound of Al Jazeera's television.) Al Quds radio registrar on FM 102.7 Gaza & 105.4 Dimashk (= Damascus), as the Palestinian radio. 1846 to 1916 was the Voice of Salvation radio in Russian, a studio in Israel and from 1927 Al Quds (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria, via Rus-DX 25 June via WORLD OF RADIO 1884, DXLD) Al Quds is Arabic for Jerusalem (gh) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs via RED Telecom on June 22: 1530-1700 NF 7525 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean/English, very weak, ex 7510 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/06/frequency-change-of-voice-of-martyrs.html UZBEKISTAN, Extended transmission of Radio Free North Korea via RED Telecom 1100-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1200-1300 from June 24 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2017/06/extended-transmission-of-radio-free.html Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom: 1330-1530 NF 7625 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7615 from June 26 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/06/frequency-change-of-voice-of-wilderness.html North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom, June 27 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/06/north-korea-reform-radio-via-red.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sony ICF-2001-D, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1884, DXLD) ** PRIDNESTROVYE. MOLDOVA [Pridnestrovie] Was ist auf MW 1429.7 kHz? Waehrend meinen Mitelwellenjagdstunden (per SDR Aufnahme) fand ich in meinem Aufnahmen am spaeten Abend (2100 UT) und fruehe Morgenstunden (bis etwa 0200 UT) in der Naehe von 1430 kHz ein Signal das ich nicht zuordnen konnte. Auf 1429.7 kHz (auch mal 1429.5 kHz) ein Signal dass sehr unstabil ist. Die Frequenz springt jede 5-10 Sekunden schlagartig etwa 20 Hz hoch/runter. Auch dazwischen schwankt die Frequenz merkbar. Am 17. Juni hoerte ich um 0100 UT am Rande der Verstaendlichkeit etwas was sich wie Russisch, Polnisch o.ae anhoerte, am 17. Juni um 2100 UT war wahrscheinlich Franzoesisch. Spaeter (0300 UT) war das Signal nicht mehr vorhanden. Deutet m.E. auf ein Signal aus Ost-Europa hin. Hat jemand eine Ahnung was das sein koennte? (Nebenausstrahlung von einem anderen Kanal?). (Aart Rouw, Germany, A-DX June 18 via BC-DX 25 June via DXLD) Re: MW 1429.7 kHz? Das ist eine Nebenausstrahlung aus Grigoriopol von 1413 kHz. Ist gespiegelt auch im Bereich um 1395 kHz zu beobachten. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX June 18, ibid.) Die Fundamental 1413 aus Grigoriopol ist eigentlich eher stabil, wie die andere MW 1548 kHz von dort auch. aber die Spurs dagegen: das geht doch schon einige Monate so ... die Spur Nebenaussendung hat all paar Minuten eine zweistufige Aenderung: der Range der unteren/oberen Hoppfrequenz ist heute Abend circa 35 Hertz Differenz, dazwischen wird noch mal ungefaehr 5 ... 10 Hertz hin- und her gesprungen. Die unstabilen Grenzfrequenzen / Spurious frequencies sind in der letzten Stunde: 1396.703 bis x.738 kHz, sowie 1429.258 bis x.293 kHz. Die Einordnung unter die echten Frequenzen im MWband in der MWlist Database ist nicht weiter schwiering, weil man ja am Screen diese 'dauernde Varianz bzw. Wanderung' genau sieht (Wolfgang Büschel, df5sx, June 18, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 18, BC-DX 25 June via WORLD OF RADIO 1884, DXLD) ** RUSSIA [and non]. HOW VLADIMIR PUTIN WEAPONIZED THE INTERNET The Week Staff - REUTERS/Maxim Zmeyev [portrait caption] June 24, 2017 http://theweek.com/articles/707537/how-vladimir-putin-weaponized-internet Vladimir Putin's regime is weaponizing the internet to sow chaos, confusion, and discord across the West. Here's everything you need to know: What is Russia doing? It's conducting a global disinformation campaign of unprecedented scope. Russia's interference in last year's U.S. election - when hackers stole and released emails from high-profile Democrats - wasn't an isolated incident. Kremlin-linked hackers have been active in French and German elections, promoting far-right parties. They are also believed to be behind the hack of Qatar's state news agency last month, when made-up quotes from the country's leader, expressing support for Israel and Iran, sparked a diplomatic crisis with Saudi Arabia. In addition to hacking, the Kremlin has also launched a relentless propaganda campaign, deploying armies of internet trolls to spread conspiracy theories and attack Russia's critics. Foreign policy analysts believe President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB operative, wants to destabilize and divide the West so it cannot threaten his autocratic rule or expansionist ambitions. Defense Secretary James Mattis told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing last week that Putin is aggressively "trying to break any kind of multilateral alliance that is a stabilizing influence in the world" and disrupt "the international order." Is this a new strategy? Disinformation and propaganda have been around for decades: Moscow has in the past successfully spread rumors that the U.S. government ordered the killing of Martin Luther King and created the AIDS virus to kill gays and blacks. But new technology has made the process of spreading false information infinitely easier. Russia now has its own 24-hour news organization, RT, broadcasting in more than 100 countries; its sister outlet, Sputnik, churns out propaganda in more than 30 languages. (Sample headline: "Everyone I spoke with in Crimea wanted to secede from Ukraine.") These organizations, backed by hundreds of unofficial Moscow-sponsored blogs, twist or fabricate stories to fit their anti-Western agenda. Their global reach is impressive: Since its launch in 2007, RT's YouTube channel has had 1.8 billion views - more than CNN's. What else is Russia doing? The Kremlin has recruited an estimated 1,000 full-time online trolls to boost its propaganda efforts. In tandem with thousands of "botnets" - networks of computers that have been hijacked without their owners' knowledge - these online provocateurs flood blogs, social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, and the comment sections of news sites with Moscow's messaging. These "troll farms" fiercely defend Russia from its critics, often by accusing the West of hypocrisy; spread lies and innuendo about mainstream politicians; and bolster anti-establishment figures such as Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and French right-winger Marine Le Pen. "The Kremlin doesn't have a preference in terms of right or left," says Ben Nimmo of the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based think tank. "It has a preference in terms of useful or hostile." The Kremlin even uses Americans' online footprints to target those who might be particularly susceptible to propaganda. How does it do that? By harnessing the vast reams of user information collected by the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Much of this data - what an individual likes, or has a strong reaction to - is available commercially, allowing Russia to target people with opinion pieces or fake news stories that might appeal to them. U.S. soldiers, for example, are shown footage of Russian troops acting "heroically" against "terrorists" in Syria; anti-immigration or anti-capitalist bloggers, reporters, or Facebook activists are targeted with stories playing to their ideological leanings. The aim is to get "useful idiots" to spread false or misleading stories unwittingly. "They don't try to win the argument," says Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia. "It's to make everything seem relative. It's kind of an appeal to cynicism." Is this proving effective? Very. Ahead of the U.S. election, Russian trolls successfully spread false claims that Hillary Clinton helped run a pedophile ring from the basement of a Washington pizza parlor; in France, they circulated rumors that candidate Emmanuel Macron was gay and secretly funded by Saudi Arabia. Nonpolitical disinformation is often designed to undermine NATO, such as recent fake reports that German soldiers stationed in Lithuania had raped a local teenager. Putin and his cronies argue that the CIA also has a history of spreading disinformation to undermine regimes in countries such as Cuba and Iran. "If we do propaganda," Sputnik boss Dmitry Kiselyov recently told Western journalists, "then you do propaganda, too." What's being done to counter the Russians? Estonia - the target of Russia's first major cyberattack, in 2007 - has a Russian-language TV channel dedicated to countering Moscow's aggressive disinformation efforts. In Washington, the government- funded Broadcasting Board of Governors recently launched a similar service, and the FBI is reportedly investigating whether the far-right news sites Breitbart and Infowars? have helped Russia spread disinformation. Big tech firms are starting to clamp down: Facebook, which recently closed 30,000 French accounts for spreading fake news, now allows users to flag false stories; Google has adjusted its algorithms to prioritize reputable news sources. But after Russia's successful interference in the U.S. election, no one doubts Moscow will continue its campaign to sabotage democracy. "They're coming after America," former FBI Director James Comey told senators earlier this month. "They will be back." Russia's next targets Hacked emails and fake news were probably only the opening volley in Russia's new cyberoffensive. Investigators have found that Kremlin- backed hackers gained access to voter databases and software systems in 39 states ahead of the 2016 election; in Illinois, they even tried to delete or alter voter data. Hackers also breached a major election- software supplier - a potential stepping-stone to gaining access to voting machines. In other worrying developments, Moscow recently tried to gain access to the Twitter accounts of 10,000 Defense Department employees, using individually tailored messages carrying malware. And Russian diplomats have been found driving around remote parts of the U.S. where fiber-optic cables are laid, suggesting they are mapping our country's critical infrastructure. "They've just got so many bodies [involved in spying in the U.S.]," a U.S. intelligence official told Politico. "It's not about what we know. It's about what we don't know." SHARE! (The Week, June 30 via Will Martin, DXLD) Now there`s a story to share with Rus-DX! (gh, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. HISTORY DX = Data are published as the material is received. We hope for your participation in the section. Journal of Radio No. 12/1991. Article "Clubs of Soviet DXists", Author: M.Paramonov, Moscow, Part 2 However, despite numerous difficulties, there were genuine enthusiasts of long-distance radio reception. The first to openly tell the truth about the plight of Soviet DXists "at an official level" was able to DX-editor of the Spanish edition of the Moscow Radio Francisco Rodríguez. In 1988 he together with DXiste Sergei Sosedkin prepared a series of radio programs on the history of DXing in the USSR. And in the late 70s a group of radio enthusiasts-DXistov wrote a letter to the Central Radio Club USSR named after E. Krenkel and the USSR Radio Federation with the request to officially recognize the existence of DXing in the USSR and allow Soviet DXists to enjoy the rights of radio amateurs-observers. The letter did not reach the addressee, but the DXists were summoned for the interview "where necessary". Among the signatories of this letter was DXist Vladimir Yakovlev. Now he is the president of the Soviet DX-archive. The Soviet DX archive is an informal association of DXists, which collects information on the development of the DX movement in the USSR and abroad. At the disposal of the Soviet DX-archive there are unique documents and phonograms. The Soviet DX archive is by no means the only informal association of Soviet long-distance admirers. At present, there are many similar organizations in the USSR. Let's briefly describe the most famous of them. "Radio Canada listeners' club" has existed since 1988. It unites radio amateurs-DXists who are interested in the work of the International Canadian Radio, as well as the culture and history of Canada. The club has close contacts with the Russian service of the Canadian Radio. The club is headed by the oldest DXist Albert Grabarenko. "Moscow DX-Association" was formed on July 22, 1990. It is an informal association of DXists in Moscow and the Moscow region. The president of the association is the author of this article. The initiative group also includes well-known DXists S. Sosedkin, A. Panteleev and others. The Association issues several DX-bulletins. The most famous is "MOSKOW PRESENTS". The bulletin enjoys well-deserved popularity not only among Soviet radio amateurs, but also foreign DXists. Reviews of the newsletter are regularly transmitted in DX-programs of Moscow Radio in Spanish and German. "The Leningrad DX-circle" unites several dozens of fans of long- distance reception. He publishes a fairly popular newsletter "Exotic DX News." Guided by the work of the circle amateur radio - "Ether" Mikhail Timofeev and Alexei Osipov. The "Free Radio" club was formed in 1991. It collects and distributes information about unregistered official stations or, as they are called, "hobby pirates". The monthly report on the work of the club is published on the pages of the bulletin "Exotic DX-news". (From http://radiowiki.ru/index.php?title=File:Radio_1991_?._?12.djvu&page=15 via RusDX June 25 via DXLD) ** UKRAINE. Under the sanctions imposed by Ukraine on Russian companies, the radio station Nashe Radio, which broadcasts songs of Russian rock artists, as well as the Orthodox radio Vera, follows from the published order of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Sanctions were adopted for a period of three years. Among the restrictions - the termination of the provision of telecommunications services and the use of public telecommunications networks, follows from the document. Also under Ukrainian sanctions - state television and radio company VGTRK (including the department for the development of non-terrestrial TV channels), "National Media Group", "First Channel", Life portal, "Zvezda" TV channel, "Public Television of Russia". The media holding of RBC also fell under the sanctions (from https://vk.com/dxingradio via Rus-DX 25 June via DXLD) ** U K. BBC Monitoring's staff were informed today that the service will be leaving Caversham Park - its home since 1943 - in May 2018. BBCM will be relocated to London's New Broadcasting House. Staff were also informed that BBCM would retain its Crowsley Park receiving station (three miles north of Caversham Park). BBCM will also continue to operate its 11 overseas bureaus: Cairo, Delhi, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Kabul, Kiev, Miami, Moscow, Nairobi, Tashkent and Tbilisi (Chris Greenway, BBCM, June 26, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1884, DX LISTENING DIGEST The Australian Shortwave Radio Journal By Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia ----------------------------------- Here in Melbourne, good propagation continues in the 9 MHz spectrum during our winter daytime period, and this summary of frequency occupancies was made on July 4, 2017, late-morning, between 0100 and 0130, just prior to Solar Noon. 9370 KAZAKHSTAN RFA-Dushanbe Tibetan ... 9900 UZBEKISTAN TWR-India, Tashkent, Indian langs 9915 UZBEKISTAN BBC-Tashkent Hindi ... BC-DX 1305, 4 July 2017 Editor : Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ----------------- ARMENIA Weak to good signal of Voice of Armenia Gavar site, June 23 1530-1545 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Assyrian 1545-1600 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Greek 1600-1630 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Kurdish 1630-1700 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Yezidi 1700-1715 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Turkish 1715-1745 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Azeri 1745-1815 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Farsi 1815-1845 4810 ERV 050 kW non-dir to NE/ME Arabic Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk FMO, via Yerevan Gavar, Wed June 22 1730-1800 7510 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EaAF Silte, good/fair Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk FMO via Yerevan Gavar site Tue June 21 1600-1630 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EaAF Guragena Mon-Wed 1600-1630 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EaAF Amharic Thu-Sun 1630-1700 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EaAF Amharic Daily (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 30) ARMENIA MiAmigo 11845 kHz jetzt On Air. ... noch bis 19 UT June 25 aus Armenia mit 100 kW. Kommt hier in der Eifel mit SINPO: 53443 rein. Prasseln durch PLC Junkies in der Nachbarschaft, die einen schafft. (Christian Milling-D, A-DX ng June 25) Re: MiAmigo 11845 kHz jetzt On Air. Christian, - gute Selektion das, 11845 kHz in Yerevan Gavar. Weit weg nur die beiden 11825 und 11860 kHz Kanaele belegt. Ueberwiegend in Europa S=9+15dB Signale, auf den Remote Installationen von Italien bis Liverpool, in Ungarn, Bayern und OE. Nur BEL/HOL etwas mehr S=9+20dB. Dagegen in Moskau Russia, bzw. in Nordeuropa nur S=8, kann aber auch an den genutzen Antennen dort liegen; die Perseusleute in Schweden und Finnland fahren dort auf 'Holzreifen'-Antennen >passend< zu dem 900 EURo SDR. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 25) 11845, Radio Mi Amigo, Yereven Gavar, at 1835-1900* UT on June 25, pop music, English, comments, identification: "This is Radio Mi Amigo International ...", "Speciall broadcast", "radiomiamigointernational.com", "Short Wave Service, shortwaveservice.com, Thank you for tuning in", tuning music, close. 44444. (Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx June 25) 25. Juni 2017 - Sondersendung von Radio Mi Amigo fuer Ron O Quinn. Spanien - Nach 57 Jahren im Radio haengt Ron O Quinn seine Rock n Roll Schuhe an den Nagel. Radio Mi Amigo, das ihn im Programm hatte, sendet aus diesem Anlass ein zweistuendiges Special. Die Sendung wird am 25. Juni von 1700-1900 Uhr UTC auf der Kurzwelle 11845 kHz und in webstreams. Ron O'Quinn (* 4. Maerz 1943) begann seine Radiokarriere als 16-jaehriger bei WMGA an seinem Wohnort in Moultrie, Georgia, USA. 1966 kam er nach Europa, um als Programmdirektor von Swinging Radio England zu arbeiten, doch das war aus arbeitsrechtlichen Gruenden nur von kurzer Dauer. In spaeteren Jahren produzierte er Musiksendungen zur Verbreitung ueber viele unterschiedliche Sender ("Syndication"). Ab 2010 war er durch solche Programm auch wieder in Europa zu hoeren. Zunaechst wurde er bei KBC-Projekten uebernommen, spaeter bei Radio Mi Amigo International, das via Kall auch auf Kurzwelle aktiv wurde. (Radio Mi Amigo International, von Dr. Hansjoerg Biener ergaenzt) MOLDOVA 9900 Trans World Radio Africa - via Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie, at 0108-0130* UT on June 27, Hindi language program with long religious talk followed by station ID and closedown announcements. Another Hindi language program followed with more religious talks and some music. Station ID and close down announcements followed by IS until carrier cut. Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 3) MOLDOVA 9900 QSL Trans World Radio Africa - Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie verified an electronic report with a no data electronic reply from Dilip Sequeira or Media Director, TWR India - Delhi in one day thanking me "for being a faithful listening to SWRadio programs". Dilip indicated that "The Radio company that works in over 85 languages in India and makes over 100 hours of content in a week. We broadcast from Guam on SW and from Sri Lanka on AM. We are celebrating our 40th year this year as a we started with 5 languages in India and today have grown. TWR is now also in video and mobile devices." Dilip mentioned that "The QSL card comes from our Guam transmission center, someone from there will be in touch and sendyou what you need." (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 3) MOLDOVA Radio Ranginkaman / Radio Rainbow via BaBcoCk FMO, via Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie, Fri June 23 1600-1630 7575 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WeAS Persian+BBC English* Mon/Fri * including BBC English teaching program "Beta Speaking", but only Friday. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 30) UZBEKISTAN Extended transmission of Radio Free North Korea via RED Telecom 1100-1300 15630 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean, ex1200-1300 Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom 1330-1530 NF7625 TAC 100 kW 70 deg to NoEaAS Korean, ex7615 from June 26 North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom, June 27 1430-1530 11570 TAC 100 kW 76 deg to NoEaAS Korean, good signal (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 27) DX LISTENING DIGEST 17-27, July 5, 2017 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ------------------------------------------ ** ESTONIA [and non]. Re DXLD 17-01, Former clandestine R. NADEZHDA -- Curious details: Tallinn, SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA, 10Oct90, p 2 [Interview with Ye. Kogan, by Vyacheslav Ivanov, SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA special correspondent to the 4th Session of USSR Supreme Soviet: "...As We Forgive Our Debtors"] [Text] Parliamentary activities obviously do not come easily to Yevgeniy Kogan. Gray hair has already begun to appear in his thick beard, and he is still a long way from 40... Nevertheless, having barely recovered from a recent operation, he is once again in the Kremlin and once again is participating in the work of the session of the USSR Supreme Soviet, taking advantage of his deputy mandate that gives him the right, while not a Supreme Soviet member, to be present at its meetings and to make inquiries. It would seem that he is seriously attuned to occupying a permanent place on the parliamentary benches-because soon there will be a partial renewing of the makeup of the Supreme Soviet... During one of the breaks, our correspondent asked Ye. Kogan to answer a few questions. [V. Ivanov] Yevgeniy, the Intermovement radio station has begun broadcasting in the republic; we have also heard discussions about the fact that television broadcasts - the so-called "Kogan-TV" - will begin soon. At the same time everyone knows how difficult it is to obtain authorization to broadcast over the air. In order to get this authorization it is necessary to enlist the support of USSR Gostelradio and its reliable partner, Ministry of Communication, both of which are the only organizations that have the right to allocate frequencies for television and radio broadcasting. Could you please tell us how the idea arose that Intermovement should become the owner of its own radio and television transmitters and how that idea is being carried out? [Ye. Kogan] The idea was suggested to us by American journalists with whom we had a meeting immediately after the election of USSR people's deputies, when Estonian TV (to their shame) invited us to them. At that time the Americans asked, "Does Intermovement [ID] have its own television channel?" The only response we could give was to grin bitterly: the only persons working on existing television were representatives of the People's Front-Yarlik, Sheyn, Undusk... At that time we numbered considerably more. But we were not allowed in any way to get there, so that, in general, there could not be any mention of getting our own channel... But the dream of having that channel became imprinted on our minds. And now it has already moved into the area of being worked out in a concrete, practical way. Both yesterday and today I had meetings here that dealt with that question, so things are moving ahead. The first stage was radio broadcasting. There are those who might criticize us about its content, but we will be having our own transmitters very soon. For the time being, we are operating with those that have been given to us temporarily. At the present time, properly speaking, we do have our own transmitters-the formalization of the documents is coming to an end, and soon we shall begin operating with them. We have information that we can be heard even in Odessa Oblast and, of course, by our neighbors - in Pskov and Leningrad Oblasts. We have been registered as the radio station in the Northwest Region, so that we are being received on short waves not only in Estonia. But we have not set ourselves the goal of limiting ourselves to the republic territory. True, on mediumlength waves there are a few places where, because of the terrain, we cannot be heard. In Kokhtla-Yarve, for example, the mining waste piles hinder reception. But with the introduction of the UKV [ultrashort-wave] transmitter, we shall reliably "cover" all of Estonia, Leningrad and Pskov oblasts, and Latvia. We also want to implement television according to the same principle: Pskov and Leningrad should be able to receive our broadcasts. At the present time I cannot reveal details of a technical nature, in as much as the forces that are opposing us, obviously, will begin their own "work." The material aspect is also being decided, and I have moved far ahead in that question... [V. Ivanov] Yevgeniy, we cannot, however, avoid a discussion on that topic, because, sooner or later, people will begin asking us WHO is financing you. [Ye. Kogan] At present, no one. We do not receive any financing "from the outside." At one time we received considerable amounts of money - during the strikes, when we asked the workers of Leningrad and other regions for their support. So we do have current accounts in the banks, and, for the time being, we are holding onto them. We also received funds from the population and from enterprises. And although in Tallinn our current account has been closed, we have transferred the money to other places and are continuing to work. Of course, it will be necessary to "tighten our belts": we were offered an excellent transmitter for 40,000 rubles, but it proved to be too expensive for us-we had to buy one costing 12,000. There will also be large financial problems with the television transmitters. But leasing is always possible. [V. Ivanov] But when, realistically speaking, will your TV broadcasts begin? [Ye. Kogan] By the end of the year, I think. As for the content: in that tremendous stream of negative information that is currently crashing down on everyone, many people are beginning to get a permanently negative reaction in general to all the mass media. Many people have stopped reading newspapers, some have been turning off their TV sets... Therefore we intend to reduce to the minimum the policy of broadcasting "in pure form" on our television. We need entertaining programs, artistic movies... Of course, we are not able to wave a magic wand and begin broadcasting many hours a day all at once. At first it will be an hour or two a day. Perhaps at first it will not even be every day. As for later on, time will tell... [do all these [. . .] mean material omitted as they should, or merely some kind of pause??? as far too many writers misuse it; when obvious, I editorially replace the dots by dashes --- gh] [V. Ivanov] Do you mean, then, that the direction taken by your television will be to entertain and educate? [Ye. Kogan] Not just that. There will be an entertaining direction and an educational one, but there will also be politics-where can we go to get away from politics? Later on, I will be killed, as unilaterally happens today in our history. But I feel that it will be completely reasonable to oppose objective historical information to that stream. We need comparisons and analysis. But, I repeat, no one would have begun to engage in this job if it did not have political importance. [V. Ivanov] Yevgeniy, could you not give us the coordinates - the telephone numbers or the address of your radio station? We want to make a report on this for the newspaper. [Ye. Kogan] For the time being they probably do not have any particular desire to meet anyone, because - certainly you will understand this - in the face of the negative reaction that has currently arisen... A definite reaction to a specific person! But we have had instances when people were "chucked out" of their job. Out of all the co-chairmen of Intermovement, for example, I am the only one who has avoided dismissal, and that is because I am a people's deputy and cannot be dismissed... But the others have been dismissed. Everything was "simply" random, but all of them were dismissed. Perhaps there are also coincidences, but when they constitute 80 percent, it is more than randomness. [V. Ivanov] You emphasized how difficult it was for you to get air time on Estonian television. But when you get your own television, will you offer the floor to your opponents? [Ye. Kogan] We have already discussed that question. We had a pleasant discussion, for example, before the television cameras with activists in the Estonian National Independence Party. In preparing our first declaration for "Hope" Radio, we said that we will offer the floor over the air to EVERYONE. Particularly to those who are not given any access to the official mass media (via Leo Barmaleo, Moldova, July 2, dxldyg via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Radio Free North Korea is again with 1 hour duration from July 1 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1100-1300 till June 30. http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2017/07/radio-free-north-korea-is-again-with-1.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PRIDNESTROVYE. MOLDOVA, 9900, QSL Trans World Radio Africa - Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie verified an electronic report with a no data electronic reply from Dilip Sequeira or Media Director, TWR India - Delhi in one day thanking me "for being a faithful listening to SWRadio programs". Dilip indicated that "The Radio company that works in over 85 languages in India and makes over 100 hours of content in a week. We broadcast from Guam on SW and from Sri Lanka on AM. We are celebrating our 40th year this year as a we started with 5 languages in India and today have grown. TWR is now also in video and mobile devices." Dilip mentioned that "The QSL card comes from our Guam transmission center, someone from there will be in touch and sendyou what you need." (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 3 via BC-DX 4 July via DXLD) ?? So what`s this about Moldova? A-17 HFCC shows 9900 used by TWR from Guam only, but not to Africa (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 7345, Radio Sakha at 1049 UT June 29 with music. Usual IS with jew`s harp, 5 time pips to 1100. Fair until mixing with CNR1 China at 1100 UT. 73 (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Rx: Perseus SDR; Ant: Wellbrook ALA 100 loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. LIFSHAK ON THE IMPACT ON THE POST OF RUSSIA Opened a personal war with the Post of Russia. This amazing organization, because of the monopoly of the delivery of goods with Aliexpress, does not worry about the quality of its services. My parcel was lost directly in the liaison office (Moscow), well, they did not find it on 40m2 of premises and that's it. The complaint was not answered, nor did they reply to the complaint about the lack of response to the first complaint. I have already accepted that they can not "get it". But, it turns out, there is a way! In the mobile application Mail of Russia (available for iOS and Android) - order the delivery of the lost parcel to the house ... and enjoy an ebullient activity in her search. In my case, on my mobile, the post office chief phoned and offered to pay my money for the lost parcel, if only I canceled the delivery to the house. Author Oleg Kuplensky https://www.linkedin.com/in/oleg-kuplensky-6691a311/? https://vk.com/dxing (RusDX July 2 via DXLD) For more than three weeks I did not receive letters by regular mail, but here, as "broke" - came 3 + 2 every other day. Such a feeling that this "lump-loss" was found and they decided to deliver to the recipient. The date of admission to the sorting center is not checked - there is a stamp on only one of the five envelopes. So, this is again about the work of our "Post of Russia" (Konstantin, St. Petersburg, Russia, ibid.) ** RUSSIA. MOSCOW --- "ECHO OF MOSCOW" WILL LAUNCH THE PROGRAM IN UKRAINIAN. The editor-in-chief of the radio station Ekho Moskvy, Alexei Venediktov, announced the launch of the program in Ukrainian. The first broadcast is scheduled for Wednesday, June 28. This is reported by the Russian Service of the BBC. The program will last half an hour. The issues will be published on Wednesdays at 16:35 Moscow time. "It is important that the hosts will speak Ukrainian: Alexei Solomin, Alexei Naryshkin in Moscow, and Matvei Ganapolsky from Kiev via Skype," Venediktov said. According to the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, the listeners who have reached the studio will also have to speak in Ukrainian. Such a format, in his opinion, is needed to inform people what is really happening in Ukraine. June 25 in the air of the show "Ganapol. Results without Yevgeny Kiselyov "presenter Aleksey Solomin said that the program will be called" A scho there at the Khokhlov ". Venediktov noted that this name is a business name. "I do not know how Ukraine perceives the word" Ukrainians, "if it is offensive, it will not be in the title," said Glavred. Lenta.ru http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__65995/ WEB: http://echo.msk.ru/sound.html Moscow - 91.2 MHz + 35 cities in Russia (RusDX July 2 via DXLD) But is it audible/transmitted in occupied Ukraine? (gh, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. RADIO RECEIVERS THAT WE USED [continued] 1956 year. Instructions for using the radio "BALTIC". The State Union Plant named after Shevchenko. Kharkov, 1956 year. Page 25. Instructions For the owner of the radio. 1. According to the current legislation, mandatory registration of radio receivers in local communication enterprises is established. The purchased radio receiver must be registered by its owner in the nearest communication enterprise at the place of residence: in the regional, regional, regional and republican centers - within 3 days, and in the remaining localities - 10 days from the date of acquisition of the radio receiver. 2. When moving to another apartment in the same village, the owner of the radio receiver is obliged to report this (in writing) within 3 days to the communication company at the place of registration of the radio receiver, and when moving to another locality - to register the radio receiver at the new place of residence in the 7-Day time limit. 3. For failure to register a radio receiver within the prescribed time, a fine of 50 rubles will be charged. Payment of a fine does not exempt the owner of the radio receiver from making a subscription fee for Time of actual use of the radio. 4. The subscription fee for the use of the radio receiver is accepted by the communication enterprises at the place of registration of the radio receiver for any period, but not less than for half a year: A) for the first half of the year - until February 1; B) for the second half of the year - until August 1. The subscription fee not paid in the specified term is charged with the accrual of a fine of 1 ruble for each full or incomplete month of the delay in the next payment. 5. Failure to use radio receivers for reception does not exempt their owners from contributing a subscription fee at the existing tariff in a timely manner. 6. For radio receivers that are in individual or collective use with the blind (in apartments, hostels), as well as with special schools, libraries and other cultural and educational institutions for the blind, a subscription fee is not charged (Ruslan Slavutsky, Moscovskaya oblast, Russia, via RusDX July 2 via DXLD) You can see the pages from the instructions on the bulletin page - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/06/blog-post_24.html http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/06/blog-post_32.html (Rus-DX July 2 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non]. RADIO SPUTNIK GOES LIVE IN FM IN WASHINGTON DC Hello, Glen[n], If you haven't yet heard about this, I thought you might find it of interest. It showed up on one of the news aggregate sites I peruse. https://sputniknews.com/agency_news/201706301055129290-sputnik-radio-dc-launch/ 73, (John Wesley Smith, KC0HSB, July 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST; also via Mike Barrraclough, July 2, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1885, DXLD) Viz.: GOOD MORNING, AMERICA! RADIO SPUTNIK GOES LIVE IN FM IN WASHINGTON DC (c) Sputnik/ Konstantin Chalabov Press Info 20:22 30.06.2017 Seeking to bring the latest exclusive stories and exciting news and talk shows to the American audience, Sputnik Radio proudly announces that it has launched in Washington DC on the FM bandwidth [sic]. Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and Rossiya Sevodnya (c) Sputnik/ [caption] Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Hopes for Normalization of Russia-West Relations in Coming Years Sputnik Radio begins broadcasting in Washington DC on the FM bandwidth [sic], bringing its programming to FM listeners across the metropolitan area for the very first time. Sputnik Radio broadcasts, ranging from news programs to talk shows and financial analysis, are now available on 105.5 FM, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mindia Gavasheli, editor-in-chief of the Sputnik Bureau in Washington DC, said that he's glad to finally make the Sputnik Radio broadcasts available to listeners in DC so that they can form their own opinion instead of relying on rumors and stories spread by certain media outlets. "We're glad to finally be able to directly address our listeners in Washington. During the last few months Sputnik Radio has become the target of constant attacks in the US corporate media. And often the people who wrote or spoke about us didn't even bother to listen to our broadcasts first. Now however, Washington residents will get the opportunity to listen to us and not just to what is being said about us, and I believe that the difference will become apparent to them. We hope that our entrance onto the Washington market is just the first step, and will strive to ensure that more and more people are able to hear our broadcasts instead of rumors about them," he said. The radio broadcasts now available to the DC audience include the popular Fault Lines with Nixon and Stranahan talk show that cover today's most interesting and pressing political issues; along with the Brave New World and Level Talk information and analytical programs, amongst a host of others. Sputnik (sputniknews.com) is an international news agency and radio station with multimedia information hubs all over the world. Sputnik hosts websites in over 30 languages, mobile apps and social media pages, along with analogue and digital radio broadcasting. The Sputnik newswire is released 24/7 in English, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese (via DXLD) Aliens & Russians can`t own a broadcast outlet in the US, so who is renting this to them? They don`t even mention call letters! Searching FCC FM Query on 105.5, none in DC proper; one in faraway Salisbury, Maryland; lots all over Virginia, but must be this one in a WDC suburb, a mere 99-watt ``translator``, and with direxional signal degrading to 36% between 40 and 80 degrees, i.e. towards WDC, and some attenuation from 0 to 120 degrees. Reception in WDC itself may be iffy. {Meanwhile US government broadcasting is not allowed in Russia} (IIRC, WUST-1120 used to relay Russia. It`s Spanish/Ethnic, ``New World Radio``, 50 kW daytimer only per NRC AM Log.) Here the Russkie: W288BS VA RESTON USA FX LIC Licensee: RESTON TRANSLATOR, LLC Service Designation: FX Translator Station (retransmits signal, different channel than main station) Channel/Class: 288D Frequency: 105.5 MHz Licensed File No.: BLFT-20110901ACE Facility ID number: 140589 CDBS Application ID No.: 1442828 Technical Data Links & Maps 38 57' 51.00" N Latitude 77 06' 16.00" W Longitude (NAD 27) 38.964167 -77.104444 Polarization: Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 0.099 0.099 kW ERP Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 188.5 0. meters HAAT - Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 261. 261. meters AMSL Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 188. 188. meters AGL Directional Antenna ID No.: 98907 Pattern Rotation: 0.0 Antenna Make: - Antenna Model: - No. of antenna sections: - [blanx] Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot [link] Relative field values listed here do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above [but says 0.0] 0 0.690 60 0.360 120 0.790 180 1.000 240 1.000 300 1.000 10 0.550 70 0.360 130 1.000 190 1.000 250 1.000 310 1.000 20 0.450 80 0.360 140 1.000 200 1.000 260 1.000 320 1.000 30 0.400 90 0.400 150 1.000 210 1.000 270 1.000 330 1.000 40 0.360 100 0.500 160 1.000 220 1.000 280 1.000 340 1.000 50 0.360 110 0.625 170 1.000 230 1.000 290 1.000 350 1.000 Station Search Details Call Sign: W288BS Facility ID: 140589 Primary Station Call Sign: WAMU Community of License: RESTON, VA Service: FX Fac Type: FM TRANSLATOR Status: LICENSED Status Date: 01/17/2008 Frequency: 105.5 Channel: 288 Digital Status: [blank] Lic Expir: 10/01/2019 Licensee: RESTON TRANSLATOR, LLC Address: 11140 GLADE DRIVE City: RESTON State: VA Zip Code: 20191 - Phone Number: (703) 476-0808 Engineering Data View Engineering Data Call Sign History View Call Sign History FRN History View FRN History Correspondence Folder View Correspondence Folder (FCC FM Query excerpts via WORLD OF RADIO 1885, DXLD) WAMU! Is Reston Translator LLC a subsidiary of public radio WAMU? Probably not, but WAMU was previous renter of W288BS, now a more apropos callsign I bet the Russkies are loath to enunciate (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1885, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not available on TuneIn. Not sure their 99 watts would have made it to my old QTH near Winchester, Virginia. Dealing with a 99 watter (100.1 KBND) in Bend, Oregon 20 miles away and have hiss on it on the Elad in stereo mode. Regards, (George, NJ3H, Redmond, Oregon USA, SDRs: Perseus and Elad FDM-S2, Antenna: Wellbrook ALA1530AL-2, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) What's the point? Unless for "bragging rights". Unheard at my QTH. Already have stations on 105.1 and 105.9. I guess unless near the antenna, station is unheard. Wonder if this is from the prior MW station with VOR 1390 WZHF or WCRW 1190 in Leesburg, VA. 73, (Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, Manassas VA, July 4, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1885, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This is from WAMU: http://dcist.com/2017/06/russian-funded_news_station_replace.php What's the point: Well, at least the same one as with their now abandoned Bluegrass project. Btw, in Europe it is not unusual to serve one and the same area with transmitters not more than 400 kHz apart and have, to quote Berlin as an example, 32 FM outlets in one town (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) GOOD MORNING AMERICA, RADIO SPUTNIK GOES LIVE ON FM IN WASHINGTON D.C Russian-Funded News Station Replaces Bluegrass on 105.5 FM, Rachel Kurtuis, DCist.com, June 30. http://dcist.com/2017/06/russian-funded_news_station_replace.php Posted by: (Mike Barraclough, England, July 2, dxldyg via DXLD) Viz.: RUSSIAN-FUNDED NEWS STATION REPLACES BLUEGRASS ON 105.5 FM by Rachel Kurzius in News on Jun 30, 2017 3:00 pm radio2_0708.jpg Photo by Darwyn [illustration of a Yaesu transceiver, tuned to 14.275 MHz; why???] Those who've become accustomed to hearing bluegrass music when they turn the dial to 105.5 FM are in for a surprise - the bandwidth [sic] now broadcasts Sputnik, a "global wire, radio and digital news service" funded by the Russian government. "It's radio that brings you the views that you don't get from other stations," says Mindia Gavasheli, the editor in chief of Sputnik U.S. Indeed, Sputnik is surely the only media outlet in D.C. where a former Breitbart investigative reporter shares an office with a Green Party candidate for city council. Launched in 2014, it operates out of an office on K Street NW by Farragut North. Sputnik was back in the headlines itself this past month after its White House Correspondent Andrew Feinberg quit, writing on Twitter that the outlet "isn't happy with real journalists. They'd rather have ACTUAL propagandists operate anonymously." Sputnik fired back in a statement, saying it was "saddened by false accusations spread by Mr. Feinberg and hope that the fruits of his rich imagination would not create more conspiracy theories around Sputnik." The outlet has been part of the broader debate over Russian-funded media outlets, like television station Russia Today, which is available as part of a number of cable packages in addition to a presence on YouTube. A Director of National Intelligence report about Russian interference in the 2016 election accused both RT and Sputnik of being part of Russian propaganda efforts that "contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." (Full disclosure: I worked at RT America in 2013 and have appeared as a guest on a radio show broadcast by Sputnik that no longer exists.) "If you've heard anything about Sputnik, it's that these are the nefarious people who hacked our election and imposed Donald Trump on us," says Gavasheli. "The only way to disprove it is to make them listen to it. I really felt like we need to go FM and make sure that people can tune in." The Bluegrass Country station that previously resided on 105.5 announced in late May that it would no longer broadcast on that frequency. (The station had also recently been transferred from WAMU to a foundation that sprung up to save it.) 105.5 is what's known as a "translator" station, meaning it repeats the signal provided by another signal. "The third party provider told us that he had another client and he wanted to take over," says Chris Teskey, Bluegrass Country's program director. "He didn't say, 'I need more money from you guys.' That was never really an option." Bluegrass Country's deal had been a local marketing agreement, where they essentially paid a monthly rent to keep - a deal he says had been in place for the past eight years. "Initially we were fairly unhappy about losing [105.5]," Teskey says. "But the expense of running that was about a third of our budget and we're in much better financial shape now. Frankly, the signal at 105.5 isn't that great - you lose it in Rockville." Listeners can now hear Bluegrass Country on 88.5 FM HD Channel 2, streaming online, or via their phone app. When told that Sputnik would be replacing bluegrass, Teskey responded, "Given the current political climate, I would say that's fascinating." Gavasheli says that Sputnik also has a local marketing agreement in place with the third-party provider, though he declined to get into the details of it. Both Gavasheli and Teskey declined to name the third-party provider. Communications attorney John Garziglia confirmed that he's the owner, as part-owner of Reston Translator LLC. He says that Radio Sputnik has already been carried on HD radio, and the transition will have 105.5 rebroadcast 93.9 HD 3 for listeners. As for the potential politics of having Sputnik on the airwaves, Garziglia had no comment. "It's a business arrangement," he says. So what can people expect if they turn the dial to 105.5 FM? While Sputnik is currently in talks with potential hosts and producers about a D.C. morning drive show, programming right now in the mornings is largely international news coming from Moscow and Edinburgh, two other cities with Sputnik newsrooms. D.C. is Sputnik's only U.S. outpost for now, and employs about 40 people, Gavasheli says. At noon on weekdays, the three-hour progressive radio show "The Thom Hartmann Program" plays (Hartmann also has a daily television show on RT America), followed by "By Any Means Necessary," a show about social justice movements hosted by Eugene Puryear, a D.C. based activist. At 4 p.m., "Fault Lines" comes on, with Lee Stranahan, a former Breitbart reporter, and Garland Nixon, a progressive. Gavasheli describes it as a "Crossfire-style" show where "they yell at each other and argue about things." Then, at 5 p.m., Brian Becker of the ANSWER Coalition hosts a show called "Loud and Clear With Brian Becker," which covers international issues. "We don't do our shows on weekends, so Moscow produces most of the content on the weekends," Gavasheli says. "I suspect most of the stuff is pre-recorded." He says he's open to having Sputnik broadcast on other FM stations throughout the country, but "our resources are not limitless, regardless of what you hear from the senators in Congress," says Gavasheli. "We're considering other markets, but right now, we're more concentrated on producing more original shows." (via DXLD) Greetings: Listening to WOR 1885. I can pick up Sputnik Radio (with ID) on 105.5 FM from Northwest D.C., with enough static to remind me of Radio Moscow World Service of yore. Not a fan -- even though it was a news story about European-Japanese trade -- so won't tune in again, but thought you'd like a reception report and glad to have a reason to write after hearing you over the air and (now) online after all these years. Take care, (Scott Wells, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tom Taylor's radio newsletter does mention who is renting this (and also does a pretty regular job of keeping up with translator issues and AM radio format changes and sales). Russia's "Sputnik Radio" just LMA'd a translator in Washington DC. Translator owner John Garziglia may want to add a little asbestos to his wardrobe - let's see how the D.C. pundits feel about having a translator at 105.5 air an English-language news/talk service with ties to the Russian government. Garziglia told this NOW Newsletter that he was unable to reach an agreement with the Bluegrass Country Foundation that took over the niche format from American University's not-for-profit WAMU/88.5 (May 24 NOW). ("Bluegrass Country" does air on the HD2 signal of news/talk WAMU, and of course online.) The foundation's lease of Reston translator W288BS at 105.5 ended June 21, and now here's Sputnik Radio, a projection of the government's Sputnik News Agency. One other change is to the translator's feed station. The Sputnik folks are leasing an HD Radio signal from Urban One's urban WKYS/93.9. DCRTV.com says Sputnik was previously heard on an HD channel of Hubbard's news WTOP/103.5. (It's being replaced in that lineup by a simulcast of sister "Federal News Radio" WFED/1500.) Posted by: (Wally Leisering, July 6, dxldyg via DXLD) 105.5 is usually covered here at home in Mount Airy by "Big Apple Country" in Winchester VA, but I can hear W228BS 105.5 about 5 miles south of here. For a long time this translator relayed "Bluegrass Country" from one of WAMU's HD channels. I had heard the rumor that R. Sputnik would be on the translator soon, but most people said 105.5 would become one of the many relays of the Jesus pop "K-Love" stream. I'm pleased that K-Love is *not* taking over that station. I believe that W228AM is actually independently owned and the FCC registration lists it's now terminated relationship with WAMU for Bluegrass Country. Regards, Lw (Larry Will, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Later: Radio Sputnik noted in Rockville, central Montgomery County, Maryland, on W288BS 105.5 FM in Reston, Virginia, with a fair to good signal, bothered a bit by co-channel "True Apple Country" WXBN Berryville VA. Programming on Thursday, July 6 in the 1400 UT hour consisted of a segment about scams and frauds, presentation style and tone somewhat reminiscent of sensationalist/gossip television shows like "TMZ." The tragic story of the fake pop group Milli Vanilli was profiled. The Milli Vanilli segment also ran yesterday on 105.5 FM at around the same time. Next, the "Worlds Apart" feature discussing US/Russia relations. Multiple station IDs for "Video Sputnik" were heard. Is this stream simply the audio of RT or is it something else? The collective gasp in the media world about the presence of such audio propaganda on the airwaves in the Washington DC metro area elicits a big yawn from radio listeners here. For several years now, we've had sterile, vapid Chinese government propaganda from the blowtorch 50 kW daytimer WCRW 1190 AM. The Russians were also on the AM band here for a short while a couple of years ago, when they ran the extremely boring Voice of Russia on WZHF 1390. WZHF is licensed for 9 kW daytime but I'm never able to hear it with any kind of useful signal and suspect they are running much lower power and/or are using a random wire for an antenna (Larry Will, Mount Airy, Maryland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet July 3 1235-1305 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15527 1305-1315 on 15523 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15522 1315-1330 on 11518 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 11517 1315-1335 on 15517 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15528 1335-1345 on 15523 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15522 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/frequency-changes-for-voice-of-tibet.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) THE HIGH-TECH WAR ON TIBETAN COMMUNICATION The Chinese digital security state versus a small exile community. https://www.engadget.com/2017/06/27/the-high-tech-war-on-tibetan-communication/ Nithin Coca, @excinit 06.27.17 in Security --- Comments 836 Shares Image credit: CARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images Each year, March 10th in Tibet brings more police onto the streets, closer online censorship of terms like "Free Tibet" and "Dalai Lama" and a spate of cyberattacks. "Every March 10th, almost all major Tibetan organizations in Dharamsala are targeted with Distributed Denial of Service and other cyber attacks," said Tenzin Dalha, a researcher at the Tibet Policy Institute, part of the Central Tibetan Administration. Four years ago, that happened to the Voice of Tibet (VOT), a nonprofit media outlet run out of the Indian hill town of Dharamsala, bringing its website down for several days. The reason for the crackdown is that the date commemorates March 10th, 1959. On that day, rumors spread in the Tibetan capital Lhasa about the impending arrest of Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, by the Chinese, who had invaded the territory in 1950. Tibetans rallied to support their spiritual leader and the mass protests led to a violent crackdown. The Dalai Lama and his entourage escaped to India, where he and the Tibetan government-in-exile remain. When VOT started in 1996, it was one of the few channels of communication between Tibetans and their government-in-exile across the border, as all newspapers, television and other print materials were heavily censored. Using shortwave radio, it transmitted its news service across the border into Chinese-occupied Tibet, both in Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese. "Of course the Chinese Government tries to jam our program consistently, and we try to fight with them by broadcasting our programs on different frequencies, at different times." "We are a news organization, and we spend [our time] making stories," said Tenzin Peldon, editor at VOT. "Of course, the Chinese government tries to jam our program consistently, and we try to fight with them by broadcasting our programs on different frequencies, at different times, so if one program is jammed, other ones get through." China's control of information is key to its control over Tibet. Propaganda has been key in pushing its own version of history -- that the 1959 invasion was a "liberation" and that Chinese rule has been a boon to Tibet -- both at home to the global community. In the following decades, most of the country's Buddhist monasteries and temples were destroyed, while many Tibetans were put into forced labor camps or, in many cases, killed. Vast mining operations and dams run by Chinese companies are strewn across the plateau but have not benefited Tibetans. Lhasa, once a forbidden, holy city where foreigners could enter only in very limited instances, is now a Chinese-majority city that Tibetans from outlying regions have to get special permissions to enter. Yet as development spread across the plateau and China opened during the economic boom of the 1990s, Tibet appeared seemingly docile and increasingly integrated with the mainland. This image fell apart in early 2008. It was, again, March 10th. This time, just a few months before China was to welcome the world to the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, decades of discontent erupted into protests in Lhasa, which quickly spread across the occupied country. Tibetan exiles helped to spread images of monks protesting spread online, which, together with a powerful human-rights documentary, triggered protests across the world, and calls for countries to boycott the Olympics. It was a huge embarrassment for the Chinese government. Martial law was quickly declared, and the years since have seen an even greater clampdown on free expression through the pervasive monitoring of Tibetans, both those inside Tibet and out. What was once a low-tech information battle over radio waves has now being reshaped by the internet and smartphone access that have spread into Tibet. Yet while China operates the world's most powerful digital-security apparatus, there are only around 6 million-7 million Tibetans in Tibet, and about 150,000 exiles scattered around the world. For the small Tibetan community with limited resources, to face off with Beijing is a David and Goliath situation. Pro-Tibet demonstrators near the European Union-China summit in Brussels earlier this month. [caption] ________________________________ The attack on Voice of Tibet four years ago was a common distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, but others have been far more sophisticated. The scale of China's operation was not clear until a report released by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab in 2009, titled "Tracking Ghostnet." This clearly showed, for the first time, the extent of cyber espionage and how deeply it had infiltrated the Tibetan movement, including the office of the Dalai Lama. For Lobsang Gyatso, this was a major wakeup call. "The report was a huge eye-opener ... until then, we didn't have proof or an understanding," said Lobsang, the digital-security-programs manager with the Tibet Action Institute. "This made it very concrete and showed it was state-sponsored ... it was pretty clear to us who was behind it." "Every single organization affiliated with the CTA or with the Tibetan freedom movement in India has been targeted with severe cyber attacks." Citizen Lab uncovered 1,295 infected hosts in 103 countries across the entire Tibetan spectrum. Signs all pointed to China as the culprit. "Every single organization affiliated with the CTA or with the Tibetan freedom movement in India has been targeted with severe cyber attacks," said Dalha. "The website of CTA, [in particular] the Chinese website, has been hacked several times." The most common method of spreading malware was simple -- email attachments. Citizen Lab documented the use of suspicious emails with links to complex malware in a 2013 follow up report on what they called APT1's Glasses, which it sourced directly to the People's Liberation Army in China. Tibetans switched strategies, from sending attachments to using more-secure services such as Google Drive and Dropbox to share files. "Most NGOs by then had developed this practice of sharing everything with Google Drive," said Tenzin Jidgal with the International Tibet Network. Not too long thereafter, some organizations noticed some of the emails they were getting with Google Drive attachments were being sent from malicious servers including links that led to malware. This time, however, they were prepared. They shared data with outsiders, such as Citizen Lab, to better understand the problem. It was no accident, but a meaningful, organized response to a genuine threat. 'Free Tibet' banner outside the Beijing National Stadium at the 2008 Olympics. [caption] _____________________________________ Leading the fight to protect NGOs from digital threats is the Tibet Action Institute (TAI) founded in 2009. "We fill a supporting role for others doing advocacy," said Lobsang. "How to make their work more effective, so that there are not attacked, and they are protected." TAI does not focus on getting users to select the best or safest tools. Instead, it wants people to understand the Chinese threat and make small changes. It models its campaigns after those in the public- health sector, and works both with the exile community and Tibetans in Tibet, making sure they understand how to send information outside the country safely. "Tibetans in Tibet tend to have this idea: 'If the information gets out, I don't care what happens to me.' It's very courageous," said Lobsang. "But we want to help them get over that mentality, making them understand that [their well-being] is very important to the movement." That often means teaching simple tasks -- helping them understand how mobile networks and SIM cards work -- so that they can use low-risk communication methods. This behavior change is key to TAI's mission, as a system is only as secure as its weakest link. If regular Tibetans are not secure, then potentially no one is. "It's more about behavior and understanding security, and making sure you understand once you install an app, what those permissions mean, so you're better informed before doing anything." "Our focus has been on what tools people are using already, and then what practices that can actually support that to be more secure," said Lobsang. "It's more about behavior and understanding security, and making sure you understand once you install an app, what those permissions mean, so you're better informed before doing anything." Also key to the effort are partnerships with institutes such as Citizen Lab or other NGOs facing similar threats from Chinese state actors. Since that 2009 report, Citizen Lab has been releasing regular updates on the latest tactics being used by hackers to try to access Tibetans' and Tibet organizations' data, which directly inform TAI's training tactics. It is a nonstop game of cat-and-mouse. As the Tibet movement's digital-security abilities and training improve, the Chinese government implements more-sophisticated hacking techniques. Members of the Tibet movement credit the integration of digital-security thinking for allowing it to keep pace with threats. According to Bhuchung K. Tsering, Vice President at the International Tibet Network, the everyday use of digital tools requires people and organizations to make security second nature. "The best thing that we can do is be mindful of what we do all the time," said Tsering. "If we are mindful, then we will be more prepared to take those steps that might prevent the ... Chinese, or anyone else, from getting into our system." A Tibet Action Institute workshop. [caption] __________________________ No one really knows what Chinese hackers will attempt next -- it was only a few years ago that China even admitted to having a cyber army. But one thing that worries many is that the most ubiquitous app used in China is also commonly used among the exile community -- WeChat. At core an instant messenger, WeChat was initially popular with many Tibetans as it allowed, for the first time, regular communication between those still in Tibet and those in exile. "In Dharamsala, a lot of Tibetans use WeChat to just talk to their friends in groups," said an expert at Free Tibet, a UK-based NGO who preferred to remain anonymous. "By using WeChat outside of China, Tibetans are willingly giving up their security and privacy." WeChat has serious security issues, and many believe it is readily sharing data with the Chinese government. Citizen Lab found line by line censorship of content when analyzing information flows between India and Tibet earlier this year around the Kalachakra teaching, which China deemed "illegal," held by the Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya, India. In China, several Tibetans have been arrested for sharing content deemed politically sensitive on WeChat. While more and more members of the community understand that discussing political topics or sharing images of, for example, the Dalai Lama, can put people at risk of being arrested, Lobsang is worried about something else entirely. "Information is key. They want to know how the exile community thinks, and from a political perspective, that's a huge plus for them." "Instead of them coming to hack us, we are going to a platform that is run by [China] in some ways, and sharing all of that information there," said Lobsang. "Information is key. They want to know how the exile community thinks, and from a political perspective, that's a huge plus for them." Moving Tibetans to a more-secure chat app, such as Signal or Telegram, is a nonstarter due to the challenge of getting enough people to switch simultaneously. So TAI focuses instead on ensuring users understand what types of information WeChat can access, and, if possible, use the app on a separate dedicated phone when communicating with those inside Tibet. But getting users to understand how China could use even the simple, daily, nonpolitical communication to their benefit is a major challenge. "There's a line that needs to be drawn, but it's hard to get people to understand how the concept of big data actually works," said Lobsang. Chinese military march in front of the traditional residence of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet. [caption] __________________________________ Tibetans are, of course, not the only targets of Chinese government hackers. While their unique situation puts them in line for scrutiny, more recent targets have included the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong and US corporations. China's digital state could even, soon, include Facebook, which has been making overtures to enter the country and is creating censorship software that could make it more amenable to Chinese authorities. While, at first, for small exile community to face off against a massive digital-security apparatus may seem insurmountable, size actually plays to Tibetans' advantage. The exile community is closely knit, and the near-constant threat of hacking since the 2008 uprising has helped create a culture of security throughout the movement. "We have become more aware, more informed, and more literate ... about digital security and online security," said Jigdal. "We may be smaller, but if we were able to develop this practice on a day-to-day basis, it spreads faster, and therefore it's more doable." For VOT, this meant hiring an IT consultant after the initial DDoS attack, conducting in-house training, and working with TAI to improve its own security culture. While its shortwave broadcasts still face jamming, its website has remained online, and information is, against all odds, getting through. "No matter how much the Chinese repress Tibetans, they can't stop the flow of information." "No matter how much the Chinese repress Tibetans, they can't stop [the flow] of information," said Peldon. "So even though the Chinese government constantly jam our programs and send attacks to our website, I'm surprised how Tibetans inside Tibet find different ways to bypass the censorship wall and hear us." Tibetans in exile are more prepared digitally than ever before. "Tibet Action Institute's awareness-raising work with Tibetans played a big role in making sure that it wasn't worth China's while to continue to spread malware the 'old way,'" said an expert at Free Tibet, who preferred to remain anonymous. But the big picture still looks dire. Today, the situation in Tibet is deteriorating even more, with Freedom House ranking it the least-free country in the world. Tibetans are facing increased travel restrictions, fewer cultural rights and more arrests for even simple online transgressions. "A risk from a ... different angle is Chinese online propaganda campaigns that attempt to normalize the current situation in Tibet or drown out social media posts about Tibet that criticize the occupation or attempt to publicize human-rights abuses," said John Jones, campaigns and communications manager at Free Tibet. The 60th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan Uprising is approaching. China is expected to ramp up measures, online and offline, and do all it can to ensure that no protests, either like the ones in 1959 or 2008, or the recent spate of self-immolations, take place in Tibet -- and if they do happen, that the rest of the world won't hear about it. After years of digital fortification, this may be the greatest test of the exile community's ability to go toe-to-toe with a Goliath in cybersecurity (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Frequency changes of Radio Free Asia/Radio Farda/Voice of America, July 1 Radio Free Asia 0030-0130 17845 SAI 250 kW / 270 deg SEAs Burmese, ex 17785 SAI 0100-0300 13765 DB 200 kW / 125 deg CeAs Tibetan, ex 17730 U-B 1100-1400 15745 DB 200 kW / 125 deg CeAs Tibetan, ex 7470 U-B 2100-2200 11960 TIN 250 kW / 333 deg EaAs Korean, ex 7460 U-B ... http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2017/07/frequency-changes-of-radio-free.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ DX/SWL/DX PROGRAMS updated: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ALAN ROE`S HITLIST OF SW STATION WEBSITES updated: http://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm BULGARIAN YTS ARE BACK From June 26 videos in are again available! (DX RE MIX NEWS # 1015 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: June 30, 2017. Also visit: , DXLD) WRTH A17 BROADCASTING SCHEDULES UPDATE FILE IS NOW AVAILABLE https://www.facebook.com/groups/wrthgroup/ 1 July 2017 - Sean Gilbert has just posted on the WRTH Facebook group: WRTH A17 Broadcasting Schedules Update file is now available for free download from http://www.wrth.com The PDF file contains [only] the changes to the transmission schedules of International and Clandestine/Target broadcasters. Posted by: (Mike Terry, July 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 38TH EDITION NRC AM RADIO LOG, 2017-2018 [to be published by early September] Now accepting pre-orders for the 38th edition of the AM Radio Log Info: http://www.nrcdxas.org 73 (Wayne Heinen, Editor AM Radio Log, July 1, NRC-AM via DXLD) FM NEWS TRANSLATION, ABBRS. IN WTFDA VHF-UHF DIGEST I haven't had a chance to read the current VUD yet. The abbreviation key is missing? We'll have to get one in next month. Here's a list: AF: Application For (new station) NS: permit granted for New Station NW: NeW station on the air CX: License or permit cancelled ROA: Request Of Applicant (/licensee) CL: Principal Community ("City of License") PC: Power (and/or tower height) Changed (construction on a PG has been completed) PG: Power (and/or tower height) change Granted PR: Power (and/or tower height) change Request QC: freQuency Changed (construction on a QG has been completed)_ QG: freQuency change Granted QR: freQuency change Request XC: tower site Changed XG: tower site change Granted XR: tower site change Requested (aux): Auxiliary (backup) transmitter == (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, July 1, WTFDA gg via DXLD) A few more thoughts on this: > AF: Application For (new station) > NS: permit granted for New Station > NW: NeW station on the air A station comes up as "NW" if it's applied for a License to Cover. In most cases it may legally begin broadcasting before this license is issued -- the construction permit ("NS") usually grants automatic Program Test Authority. > CX: License or permit cancelled > ROA: Request Of Applicant (/licensee) A license/permit may be cancelled by the FCC -- usually because the station has been off the air for over a year. It may also be cancelled at the request of the licensee/applicant. Usually this happens either because the licensee has acquired another station that puts them over the multiple-ownership limit & they can't sell the less-desirable station; or because they've decided not to build an authorized facilities change (usually because they've decided to build a *different* facilities change). So far I've only seen "red light" dismissals for AM stations but there's no reason it can't happen for FM or TV. If a station hasn't paid its regulatory fees, any applications get a "red light" hold. If such application is for renewal, the license may expire and be cancelled. I flag these as "red light" dismissals because in some cases, they're the result of a bureaucratic snafu and are not final. > CL: Principal Community ("City of License") For full-power stations, the station must provide a strong ("city grade") signal across this community. There have been public-service obligations involved as well, but most of these have been repealed. For LPTV, LPFM, and translator stations this is essentially a placeholder. > been completed) > PG: Power (and/or tower height) change Granted > PR: Power (and/or tower height) change Request This indicates technical changes will be or have been made which affect the coverage of the station. Such changes may also be rolled into a QR/QG/QC, see below. I try to follow the PR/PG/PC with a > (which indicates the changes should increase coverage) or a < (which indicates they'll reduce coverage). Often I can't quickly tell; sometimes the difference is negligible. Site changes may also be rolled into a PR/PG/PC. > QC: freQuency Changed (construction on a QG has been completed) > QG: freQuency change Granted > QR: freQuency change Request Often, a frequency/channel change is accompanied by a change in power/tower height/location. Since the frequency change is most noticeable, if more than one of these changes is happening, I list it as a frequency change. > XC: tower site Changed > XG: tower site change Granted > XR: tower site change Requested Usually site changes are rolled into a PR/PG/PC. If you see a bare site change, usually it's just a minor correction; the wrong coordinates were on the license and the licensee wished to correct them. > (aux): Auxiliary (backup) transmitter A full-power station may obtain licenses for one or more backup transmitters with different facilities (backup transmitters feeding the *same* antenna and operating at the *same* power don't require separate licenses) == (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ For this issue Anker Petersen has brought his annual "Trends in tropical bands broadcasting". This time for 2017. As usual very interesting reading. The reduction of stations on those bands are incredible. 1973 shows 1106 stations and now in 2017 only 114 left! Within a few years ahead those bands are more or less dead. For the station hunters (like me) there is only one solution - listen to MW instead. Others enjoy FM which is hot just now (Thomas Nilsson, ed., SW Bulletin July 2 via DXLD) TRENDS IN TROPICAL BANDS BROADCASTING 2017 by Anker Petersen, editor of the Domestic Broadcasting Survey Dear friends, I have just edited my annual "Trends in Tropical Bands Broadcasting 2017", which is attached. The DSWCI used to publish this annually in "Short Wave News", but this no longer exists. So I hope you will publish it. Since DSWCI published its first Tropical Bands Survey in 1973, I have registered which stations are active, based upon loggings from our members and other DX-ers around the world. Here is an updated status where Clandestine and Pirate stations not are included. Active domestic transmitters on 2200 - 5800 kHz Region 1973 1985 1997 2009 2017 ... CIS (former USSR) 61 59 47 7 6 ... Total 1106 819 627 247 114 During the past year the previous trend, that Tropical shortwave stations slowly disappear, continued throughout the world. The reason is, that other media get higher priority, than keeping elderly shortwave transmitters alive. This year we had a big loss of 24 frequencies compared to last year's total of 138, particularly because the Australian Northern Territories and several South American stations ceased broadcasting. ... Anker, thanks a lot for this survey, very interesting but with a tremendous negative trend for us DX-ers! /tn (Thomas Nilsson, ibid. HOW TO SAFELY ARCHIVE QSLS, POSTCARDS, PHOTOS, AND PRINTED MEMORABILIA Recently, an SWLing Post reader asked this simple question: "If you were me, would you laminate a super-rare QSL card?" The short answer-? Please don't! Never laminate a QSL card, photo, page or postcard ..... Read the full story here: http://swling.com/blog/2017/06/how-to-safelyarchive-qsls-postcards-photos-and-printedmemorabilia/ (From SWLing Post via SW Bulletin July 2 via DXLD) РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Германия. -------------- В субботней передаче Missionswerk Friedensstimme объявили новый адрес: Missionswerk Friedensstimme, Gimborner Str. 20, 51709 Marienheide, Deutschland (Константин Асеев, Курск / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx") WEB РАДИО И ТВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================= Телевидение. -------------------- Россия. Москва. ------------------------ Телеканал "REN-TV" WEB: http://ren.tv/ Под брендом REN-TV телекомпания была основана 1 января 1991 года как независимая производящая компания. Своей первой программой компания считает телепроект Эльдара Рязанова "Ирония судьбы, или с Рождеством Христовым", который вышел в эфир 24 декабря 1991 года на ОРТ. Для каждого из регионов России: Европейской части, Урала, Сибири и Дальнего востока существует своя поясная версия РЕН ТВ, позволяющая смотреть программы нашего канала в привычное время! РЕН ТВ - лидер цифрового вещания! По решению Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию, наш канал занял первую позицию в общероссийском пакете цифрового вещания ("втором мультиплексе"). Если в ваш город уже пришло цифровое эфирное телевидение, вам достаточно современного телевизора или недорогой приставки, чтобы смотреть РЕН ТВ в высоком качестве и совершенно бесплатно! РЕН ТВ - самая крупная телесеть России! В каждом городе страны сигнал канала распространяется нашими эфирными и кабельными партнерами. Узнайте, как настроиться на РЕН ТВ, с помощью карты. Телеканал РЕН ТВ также можно смотреть в пакетах всех национальных кабельных, спутниковых и IP- операторов. QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва АМ = Александр Макухин / "deneb-radio-dx". ВК = Василий Кузнецов, Москва / "open_dx" ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx". ДЕ = Дмитрий Елагин, Саратов / "deneb-radio-dx". ДМ = Дмитрий Мезин, Казань / "open_dx" КБ = Константин, Санкт-Петербург Болгария -------------- Получил eQSL письмо SpaceLine LTD. Bulgaria E-mail : reception @ spaceline.bg Dear Mr. Klepov, Thank you very much for yours enthusiastic participation into the SpaceLine Shortwave Marathon ! This eQSL card is issued specially in order to confirm yours valuable reception reports of the radio-program translations brokered via SpaceLine Ltd. transmitter facility Kostinbrod, Bulgaria, renovated and managed by our company. We are very glad to confirm the correct observations of the transmissions you were been listening to, as follows: ... We would like to thank you for the monitoring, and we hope you enjoyed the program. Stay tuned to our frequencies, best 73's and good DX. Best Wishes, 02.06.2017, Sofia Ventislav Georgiev Technical Manager, SpaceLine Ltd, BULGARIA Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_2.html (АК) Ватикан ----------- * Получил 3 QSL-карточки от русской службы Radio Vaticana. 01.04.2017 / 12:30-13:00 UTC / 11875, 15370 kHz 04.05.2017 / 13:30-13:00 UTC / 11875, 15370 kHz 04.06.2017 / 12:30-12:57 UTC / 11875, 15370 kHz Посмотреть одну из карточек можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_5.html (АК) * Получил QSL от Радио Ватикана за рапорт 6 мая. Карточка здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/07/06/qsl-vatikan- radio-vaticana-may-2017-goda/ (ДЕ) * Vatican Radio - QSL-card, stickers (11715 kHz / 16.10 UTC / May 2, 2017); Ответ получен 06.07.2017; Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/vatican-radio.html (His Holiness Francis). (КБ) Вьетнам ------------ Получил QSL-карточку от русской редакции "Голос Вьетнама". 1 апрель 2017 / 16.30-16.57 UTC / 7280 & 9730 kHz (АК) Германия -------------- * Получил eQSL Radio Joystick. 2 July 2017 / 10.00-11.00 UTC / 7330 kHz E-mail: radiojoystick @ gmail.com Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_26.html (АК) * Получил QSL от Deutscher Wetterdienst из Германии за прием 6 июня на частотах 4583, 7646, 10100,8 в режиме RTTY. Карточка здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/07/06/qsl-deutscher-wetterdienst-germaniya-iyun-2017-goda/ (ДЕ) Германия / Литва / Болгария ----------------------------------------- * Получил QSL-карточку "Bye, Bye Sitkunai". 2017-04-16 / 16.01-16.59 UTC / SOF / 9400 kHz / 100 kW Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/bye-bye-sitkunai.html (АК) * Получил QSL "Bye, Bye Sitkunai". (ДМ) Индонезия ---------------- Голос Индонезии, немецкая служба прислала QSL-карточку. Принимал их в апреле. Писал по электронке... Частота 9525. (ВК) Китай --------- Получил QSL от China Radio International за рапорт 12 мая. Карточку можно посмотреть здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/07/06/qsl-china-radio-international-kitay-may-2017-goda/ (ДЕ) Нидерланды ------------------ Получил E - QSL от Радио Hollands Palet (Netherlands ) за прием 25.06.17 / 22.00 - 22.30 UTC / 6005 kHz E -mail: hollandspalet@muurkrant.nl (ВЛ) - Получил E - QSL от Радио The Mighty KBC за прием сигнала MFSK32 / 1.07.17 / 15.30 UTC / 9400 kHz (ВЛ) * Radio Сasanova (pirate station) - e-QSL (6235 kHz / 17.00 UTC / July 1, 2017); *Приём через WebSDR / Bedford / UK; Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/radio-casanova.html (КБ) Нидерланды / Болгария ----------------------------------- The Mighty KBC Radio - e-QSL (9400 kHz / 15.30 UTC / July 1, 2017); Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/the-mighty-kbc-radio.html (КБ) Россия / Гуам -------------------- AWR / "Голос Надежды" - QSL-card, sked, info (9760 kHz / 20.00 UTC / June 24, 2017); Ответ получен 06.07.2017; Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/adventist-world-radio.html (КБ) Румыния ------------- * Интеррадио Румыния. Получил три QSL-карточки и письмо: 14.01.2017 / 05.30 / 7330 / QSL Sarmizegetusa Regia Stronghold. 27.03.2017 / 15.00 / 7360 / QSL Cantacuzino Castle + Штамп за приём р/с в первую неделю летнего сезона. 02.04.2017 / 15.00 / 7360 / QSL Blidaru Stronghold (АМ) * Интеррадио Румыния. Получил почту из Румынии: QSL 21.02.2017 - 14.00 - 9880 - Hunyadi Castle. 14.03.2017 - 15.30 - 7330 - Cantacuzino Castle. Диплом за 10 лет мониторинга радиостанции Интеррадио Румынии на Русском языке № 382 ... Date 20.03.2017 Все дипломы Интеррадио Румынии на Русском языке № 382 ..... Date 20.03.2017 ... за 10 лет мониторинга ИРР на русском языке № 379 ..... Date 19.02.2016 ... за 10 лет мониторинга ИРР на русском языке № 2241 ... Date 22.04.2009 ... за 3 года мониторинга ИРР на русском языке (АМ) США ------- * Получил электронное подтверждение - Shortwave Radiogram program. E-mail: radiogram @ verizon.net "Dear Anatoly, Thank you for this report. Confirming your reception of Shortwave Radiogram program 1, 25 June 2017, 2030-2100 UTC on 11580 kHz, via WRMI in Florida. A gallery of images from program 1 is attached. All the best/73, Kim". В подтверждении на 14 страницах - MFSK32 images received and decoded from Shortwave Radiogram, program 1, 25 June 2017. Мои данные о приеме изображения на 5 странице. Посмотреть можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_59.html (АК) * Получил подтверждение через email от WYFR Family Radio через WRMI за рапорт 1 июля. К сожалению QSL они больше не отправляют. Подтверждение можно посмотреть здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/07/05/e-qsl-wyfr-family-radio-wrmi-ssha-iyul- 2017-goda/ (ДЕ) - Получил QSL от WRMI за рапорт 30 мая. Карточка здесь http://freerutube.info/2017/07/06/qsl-wrmi-ssha-may-2017- goda/ (ДЕ) * Получил подтверждение от VOA Radiogram за прием 18.06.17 / 02.30 - 03.00 UTC / 5745 kHz / Сигнал MFSK 32 (ВЛ) * WRMI / Blues Radio Int'l - QSL-card (9955 kHz / 02.00 UTC / February 27, 2017); *Приём через WebSDR / MI / USA; Ответ получен 05.07.2017; Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/wrmi.html (Aerial view of WRMI transmitter site) (КБ) США / Кувейт --------------------- Radio Free Asia - QSL-card (11540 kHz / 13.00 UTC / May 2, 2017); *Так же подтверждён рапорт о приёме от 03.06.2017, обе карточки получены 06.07.2017, штемпели при отправлении May 18 и June 05 2017 соответственно; Фото здесь: https://qsl-review.blogspot.ru/2017/07/radio-free-asia.html (IBB Kuwait Relay Site) (КБ) Тайвань ------------ Получил QSL-карточку русской редакции RTI. 2017/04/01 / 17-18 UTC / 11955 kHz Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_98.html (АК) Чехия --------- Получил QSL-карточку Радио Прага. 3.6.2017 / 16:00-17:29 UTC / Internet Тема: Means of public transport. Cable car on Jested. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_4.html (АК) - Получил QSL-карточку Радио Прага. 7.4.2017 / 08:00-08:29 UTC / 738 kHz Тема: Тема: Means of public transport. Electric tram on Charles Bridge in years 1905-1908. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_6.html (АК) КАЛЕНДАРЬ РАДИОДАТ ===================== 30 июнь ------------ Пять лет вещания "Love Radio - Ухта" 30 июня пять лет с начала вещания отмечает Love Radio в городе Ухта Республики Коми. Частота вещания радиостанции в городе - 106,7 FM, охват населения - 151,8 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Файл", генеральный директор - Коростылёв А.П. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/4490.htm) 1 июля ---------- * "Радио 1" - год в эфире! Сегодня, 1 июля, первое подмосковное "Радио 1" отмечает год с начала вещания. 1 июля 2016 года первая радиостанция Московской области "Наше Подмосковье" вышла на рынок СМИ под новым названием "Радио 1" и в новом формате. Радиостанция стала информационным голосом московского региона - в эфире звучат самые актуальные новости, обсуждаются насущные проблемы Подмосковья, на вопросы журналистов и жителей области отвечают эксперты и представители власти. За год вещания "Радио 1" несколько раз попадало в списки самых цитируемых СМИ, а две программы станции вошли в шорт-лист всероссийской премии "Радиомания". "Радио 1" вещает в Москве и области на частоте 68,84 УКВ, на FM-частотах в городах Волоколамск 106,8, Зарайск 106,5, Орехово-Зуево 89,3, Серпухов 98,2, Талдом 106,8, Шатура 105,1, Кашира 89,8, Наро-Фоминск 89,7, Дубна 95,8, Подольск 91,7, Коломна 94,2. Также ведётся вещание на частоте 66,44 УКВ в сегменте "Радио России". Кроме того, следить за новостями, слушать радио и смотреть онлайн-трансляцию эфиров можно на сайте radio1.news (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__66052/) * 1 июля 2017 г. исполнился один год с начала вещания Love Radio в Челябинске, сообщает OnAir.ru со ссылкой на пресс-службу Krutoy Media. Частота вещания "Love Radio - Челябинск" - 94,6 FM, потенциальный охват населения - 1 млн 190 тысяч человек. Лицензия на осуществление радиовещания принадлежит Krutoy Media. (http://www.krutoymedia.ru/news/4518.htm) 4 июля ---------- Серебряный Дождь отметит свой 22-й День рождения. В связи с этим событием радиостанция подготовила большой эфирный проект, посвященный исследованию эпохи 90-х в целом и 1995 году в частности. Слоган проекта: "Ты помнишь, как все начиналось? "...Все интервью выйдут в эфир 4 июля, а позже будут размещены на сайте www.silver.ru вместе с фотографиями героев образца 1995 года. (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__66066/) История Белгородского радио. ------------------------------------------- На очереди частота, вероятно, с одной из самых печальных судеб - 103.2 Летом 2000 года выходцы с "Вавилона" с С. Карпенко во главе "распечатали" частоту 103.2 первой попыткой открыть танцевальную станцию в Белгороде - начался тест "Станции 2000", а затем в августе перешли на "Динамит Fm". В ноябре 2001 закончился тест и частота временно замолчала. В августе 2002 началось вещание "Русского радио - 2". Станция позиционировалась как общенациональная информационная станция с музыкальным форматом, который включает в себя золотой фонд советской и российской популярной музыки. Музыкальный формат состоял из "блатных" песен и музыки советского периода и строился по 3 музыкальным категориям: эстрада 50-70-х годов - М. Бернес, М. Магомаев, А.Герман, Земляне, Цветы, Пламя, бардовская песня - Б. Окуджава, В. Высоцкий, О. Митяев, А. Галич, классика шансона - М. Звездинский, М. Шуфутинский, А.Северный, А.Розенбаум. Постепенно советские хиты стали вытеснять "блатные" песни, и к моменту появления радиостанции в Белгороде у "Русского радио-2" появился слоган "Наша родина СССР" и более легкое ретро-звучание. В ноябре 2005 "Русское радио - 2" на 103.2 мГц преобразовали в проект под названием "РСН", девиз которого в Белгороде "Слушай город - все включено". В эфире "РСН" множество информационных, познавательных и развлекательных программ: горячие выпуски новостей и обзоры прессы, новости спорта, специальные проекты, подготовленные для белгородцев: Русская Служба Находок, Шоу Шепелявых, Наша Родина - СССР. В Белгороде "РСН" из информационного был превращен в чисто музыкальный с редкими вкраплениями информационных передач, вроде программы Виктора Травина. Местное вещание на "РСН" было своеобразным реваншем за неполучившееся "Любимое радио" и программа по заявкам, которая выходила каждый день несколько раз постоянно была полна музыкальными приветами. 12 апреля 2007 на 103.2 "РСН" вполне логично сменили на "Хит Fm". Позывные "Хит FM" жители Белгорода вновь услышали ровно в 12 часов. На "новой старой" станции осталась прежняя команда в лице Александра Данилова, Ирины Власовой, Вадима Градова, Оксаны Любимовой и Дмитрия Полякова. В момент смены на частоте по кругу играла песня группы "Руки вверх" "Ну где же вы девчонки". 20 июля 2011 года появляется первое сообщение о проблемах у местного вещателя "Хит Fm". Радиостанция начала ограниченное вещание. Точной информации не сообщается, но появляются слухи о споре совладельцев частоты 103.2. Официально объявляют о том, что вещатель радиопрограммы "Хит Fm" в Белгороде должен оператору связи, транслирующему данную программу, крупную сумму денег. В связи с этим оператор связи ограничил вещателю эфирное время с 22 до 7 часов. 2012 год начался с печальных событий - 30 января работа "Хит Fm" 103.2 из-за конфликта владельцев была прекращена. Проблемы начались давно, еще в прошлом году появляется первое сообщение о проблемах у местного вещателя "Хит Fm", радиостанция ведет ограниченное вещание. А теперь ситуация пришла к полному отключению. Несколько недель судьба частоты 103.2 была полностью неизвестной. На основании появившихся впоследствии документов Высшего Арбитражного Суда, выяснилось что конфликт возник в результате того, что связная и вещательная лицензии "Хит Fm" были оформлены на разные компании, которые не смогли договориться друг с другом. Теоретически данную частоту можно выставлять на конкурс, но 103.2 с тех пор отключена и в эфире мы можем услышать только шипение. (https://vk.com/wall-83427404_6888) ИСТОРИЯ DX ============ Данные публикуются по мере поступления материала. Надеемся на ваше участие в разделе. * Монеты с изображением изобретателей радио. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Руслан Славутский, Московская область прислал интересную фотографию из своей коллекции монет. - 1 рубль СССР 1984 год. "125-летие со дня рождения русского физика А. С. Попова". - 500 лир Италия 1974 год. "100 лет со дня рождения Гульельмо Маркони". Посмотреть монеты можно на странице бюллетеня здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2017/07/blog-post_1.html - Монета 1 Рубль "Попов" 1984 года была отчеканена тиражом 2 миллиона экземпляров, в том числе 35 тысяч в качестве Proof. Изделия с таким изображением были выпущены дополнительно в 1988 г. (55000 единиц). Выпуск этого юбилейного рубля был в честь 125 лет со дня рождения А. С. Попова. На реверсе монеты изображен Александр Степанович Попов русский физик и электротехник, профессор, изобретатель так же изображены годы жизни 1859 - 1906. Специально для коллекционеров был выпущен новодел юбилейного рубля "Попов" в 1988 году его можно отличить по гуртовой надписи: "ОДИН РУБЛЬ • 1988 • Н • ". Тираж новоделов был 55 тысяч монет, все монеты были отчеканены в качестве Proof. Параметры монеты 1 Рубль "Попов" 1984 года Год чеканки: 1984 - Страна: СССР - Тираж: 2 млн. - Вес: 12,8 грамм - Диаметр: 31 мм - Толщина: 2,3 мм - Материал: Медноникелевый сплав. * Журнал "Радиолюбитель" # 2007-03 страница 61. Автор статьи: Василий Гуляев, Астрахань. РАДИОПРИЕМ Давайте на минутку представим, что на улице самый разгар строительства "развитого социализма" - 70-е годы прошлого века; отовсюду звучат призывы к укреплению мира, а весь народ в едином порыве все ближе и ближе приближает своим трудом заветный коммунизм. Теперь вообразите, что именно вы живете именно в это самое время, имеете приемник и слушаете зарубежные радиостанции, с самых высоких официальных трибун объявленные "вражескими голосами". И даже пишете время от времени на эти радиостанции осторожные письма, где просите подтвердить сам факт вашего приема радиопередачи. Все это представить довольно легко. А вот информацию о реакции соответствующих органов, которая в полной мере обрушивалась на голову этого сам ого любителя "вражеских голосов", можно почерпнуть из некоторых фильмов или книг о тех годах. Добавьте еще ко всему этому, что любой из соседей мог сообщить о вашем подозрительном увлечении "куда надо"... Вот вам и полная картина о ситуации с DХ-ингом во времена "застоя": именно об этом пойдет сегодня речь В те самые годы отношение властей к радиолюбителям-коротноволновикам было достаточно лояльным: ну, чудят люди, общаются между собой, хотя и проживают в самых разных странах, посредством радио. Так все это поставлено под контроль государства посредством заполнения анкет и прочих документов, выдачи разрешения на радиостанцию, официального членства в радиоклубах и т.п. мерах. Гораздо сложнее обстояло дело с любителями дальнего радиовещательного приема. Тут достаточно человеку приобрести приемник, натянуть антенну и все... Можно слушать кого угодно и когда угодно: причем те, кому положено знать обо всем, об этом факте могут и не догадываться. В бывшем СССР бывшие республики Прибалтики всегда на порядок отличались от остального советского народа. Не зря мы туда стремились во время отпусков, чтобы хоть чуть-чуть соприкоснуться со свободой и с западным образом жизни. Вот именно там и был организован 1 июня 1974 года "Союз прибалтийских DX-истов", или попросту - DX-клуб 'Балтика". Задачей клуба являлось объединение DX-истов, проживающих в республиках Прибалтики, а также в Ленинградской и Калининградской областях. Кроме того, ассоциированными членами клуба могли быть зарубежные DX-исты из прибалтийских государств. Первым секретарем клуба стал Улинда Римас из Литвы. Интересно, что клуб издавал и печатный бюллетень, который носил название "ДХ-Эхо", выходил он до октября 1975года. Затем началась полоса проблем, которая привела к тому, что клуб несколько раз стоял на грани распада. И только с приходом к руководству Г. Григорьева и В. Ершова появилась надежда на полноценную деятельность. Тем более что клуб стал принимать в свои ряды всех желающих. Как вы понимаете, все общение членов клуба тогда велось исключительно с помощью обычных писем. Именно так поступала информация и в бюллетень "ДХ-Эхо", который вначале был рукописным, а впоследствии печатался на пишущей машинке и рассылался своим читателям опять-таки обычной почтой. Кстати, следует отметить, что почта тогда у всех DХ-истов досматривалась, несмотря на то, что рапорты в основном писались только на радиостанции, которые считались относительно лояльными Советскому Союзу. Еще один бюллетень, издававшийся в то время; назывался "НДХ", что означало - Новости ДХ". Автору этих строк удалось недавно пообщаться с бессменным редактором бюллетеня "НДХ", ныне преподавателем университета из Тулы Владимиром Жариковым. Это было еженедельное издание, основанное 7 апреля 1973 года, которое по своему размеру было ограничено только объемом поступившей информации. Здесь были и расписания радиостанций, и текущие изменения в эфире, и аннотации новых справочных изданий (как травило, для коротковолновиков), и наблюдения, и много других самых различных сообщений... Единственное, что сразу бросается в глаза: нигде не указаны авторы информации - в крайнем случае, только инициалы. Не лишняя предосторожность в то время! (http://ptk-servis.ru/Радиолюбитель%202007-03/61) СМИ ==== ЛДПР будет требовать вернуть Радио Life название "Русская служба новостей" На сегодняшний день на частоте "Life Звук" вещает радиоверсия телеканала "Life" Лидер партии ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский намерен обратиться в Министерство связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ с требованием вернуть радио Life название "Русская служба новостей". Об этом он сообщил журналистам. "Была у нас радиостанция "Русская служба новостей", а теперь Life news, с какой стати? Хорошее название было, а теперь на чужом языке. Мы будем требовать от министра связи вернуть старое название", - заявил он. В декабре 2016 г. радиостанция "Русская служба новостей" была заменена на радиостанцию "Life Звук". С января 2017 г. данная радиостанция была закрыта, на сегодняшний день на этой частоте вещает радиоверсия телеканала "Life". (https://vk.com/dxingradio) ЮМОР ======= * Заходит радиолюбитель в цеpковь и начинает молиться: - Господи, ты меня слышишь? Раз... Раз... Раз... * В 5 утра жена пробралась в шэк. Там она побила молотком лампы РА, компьютер облила кислотой, порезала кабеля, и выбросила с балкона трансивер. Потом она вернулась в кровать и нежно прижалась к мужу... Жить ей оставалось не более часа... (http://forum.qrz.ru/46-yumor-i-otdyh/5499-anekdot-na-qrz-ru-80.html) 73!