--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 658 Дата : 7 / август / 2016 год. Время : UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Mосковское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык : русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов : rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня : http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL. Фото : http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор : Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия ----------------------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио на русском языке. Сигналы и опознавания. QSL мир. Календарь радиодат. Техника радиоприема - новые технологии. Филателия. СМИ. Радиопрограмма. Юмор и радио. ------------------------------------------------------------- СТОЛ РЕДАКТОРА ================ * Россия. В интернете на странице журнала "Радио" появилась информация о выходе 8 номера (август). К, сожалению, прочитать раздел - "Радиоприем. В. Гуляев. Новости вещания" не удаться. Статья закрыта для общего пользования. Хотя раньше все было в свободном доступе. * Швеция. Читаем "Sveriges DX-Förbund" Вышла бесплатная электронная книга по теме "THE NEW DXER'S HANDBOOK" (c) ВТОРОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ Автор: BRYCE K. ANDERSON, K7UA 10 января 2015 г. Перевод: Виктор Гончарский US5WE/K1WE (http://www.k7ua.com/uploads/4/9/9/0/4990079/new_dxers_handbook_second_edition_russian2.pdf) Книга переведена на русский язык. Книга о любительском радио, которая содержит полезную информацию о любительском радио. Но думаю и для DX-истов будет полезна для кругозора в мире радио. (http://www.k7ua.com/) ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО СТРАНАМ. ========================== РОССИЯ ======== Брянская область. Брянск. ------------------------------------- * 1 августа филиал РТРС "Брянский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Радио России" в FM-диапазоне в Брянской области. Частота вещания - 91,6МГц. Мощность передатчика - 1 кВт. (Российская телерадиосеть / http://bryansk.rtrs.ru/news/read/292/) * "Радио России" в Брянской области обрело свою FM-частоту. Одну из популярнейших радиостанций страны "Радио России" в нашем регионе теперь можно слушать в FM- диапазоне. Это касается и региональных передач, которые готовит служба радиовещания государственной телерадиокомпании "Брянск". Частота, на которой выходят передачи брянского радио, - 90,6 мегагерца. При этом "Радио России" вещает по-прежнему и "по проводам". Так что для приема любимых программ можно пользоваться радиоточками. Переход на FM-вещание - начало большого пути по продвижению радиостанций, входящих в холдинг Всероссийской государственной телерадиокомпании. Совсем недавно на FM-диапазон в Брянской области перешло радио "Маяк". Его частота - 90,6 мегагерца. А перспектива уже ближайшего будущего - запуск на Брянщине главного информационного радио страны "Вести FM", где, разумеется, будет и региональное вещание ГТРК "Брянск". news.nashbryansk.ru (OnAir.ru) Крым. --------- * Автономная некоммерческая организация "Телерадиокомпания "Крым". Радио Крым. Симферополь 100,1 Феодосия 105,6 Бахчисарай 104,0 Севастополь 91,3 Евпатория 104,7 Керчь 88,5 Черноморское 106,5 Льговское 103,1 Старый Крым 100,8 Куйбышево 103,5 Ялта 98,9 (http://vcfm.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1343&start=5310) (Теле и радиовещание в Крыму. http://vk.com/crimea_tvradio) Псковская область. Великие Луки. ------------------------------------------------ Филиал РТРС "Псковский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Хорошее FM - Хорошие Песни для Хороших Людей" в Великих Луках. Радиостанцию могут принимать жители Великих Лук и окрестностей в радиусе 25 км телебашни РТРС. Частота вещания - 91,5 МГц, мощность передатчика - 100 Вт. "Хорошее FM - Хорошие Песни для Хороших Людей" предлагает радиослушателям высококачественную музыку для жителей от 25 лет и старше. Основной акцент в новостях делается на события, результаты исследований, ноу-хау и другие прогрессивные направления нашей жизни. В сетке вещания радиостанции "Хорошее FM - Хорошие Песни для Хороших Людей" предусмотрена трансляция региональных информационных блоков. Новая радиостанция стала девятой радиопрограммой, вещающей со станции "Великие Луки". (Российская телерадиосеть /http://pskov.rtrs.ru/news/read/156/) Ростовская область. Ростов-на-Дону. ---------------------------------------------------- Business FM прекратит вещание в Ростове. Радио Business FM, как сообщает РБК Ростов, прекратит свое вещание с 15 августа 2016 года. Как сообщила руководитель службы информации радио FM-на Дону Анастасия Челокьян: "Весь контент, который выпускала объединенная редакция "FM-на-Дону" - - новостные выпуски, тематические программы и еженедельное ток-шоу "Бизнес-среда" - по прежнему будут доступны на волне 100.7 FM-на Дону" Официальные причины прекращения ретрансляции Business FM не сообщаются. Помимо Business FM, редакция "FM-на-Дону" выпускает контент для одноименной радиостанции и Вести FM. Радиостанция Business FM начала вещание в Ростове-на-Дону чуть более года назад, в конце мая 201 года, на частоте 106,6 FM. Донская столица стала 11-м городом присутствия Первого делового радио. Как пояснил "Деловому сообществу" источник, близкий к редакции радиоканала, причина закрытия вещания на отдельной волне - нерентабельность бизнеса. "Радиостанция не смогла обеспечить даже минимальные продажи рекламного инвентаря в эфире. Освободившейся частотой уже заинтересовалась федеральная компания ГПМ Радио (ВКПМ) - на месте Business FM может начать работу радио Energy", - добавил источник. rostov.dk.ru (OnAir.ru) Республика Карелия. Петрозаводск. -------------------------------------------------- * Филиал РТРС "РТПЦ Республики Карелия" начал трансляцию двенадцатой по счету радиостанции в Петрозаводске - "Вера" 28 июля. Частота вещания - 101,0 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 1 кВт. Радиостанция транслируется в стереорежиме. (Российская телерадиосеть / http://karelia.rtrs.ru/news/read/346/) * Радио "ВЕРА" начало вещание в Петрозаводске Столица Карелии Петрозаводск стал очередным городом, где начало свое вещание радио "ВЕРА". Услышать радио в Петрозаводске теперь можно на частоте 101,0 FM. Помимо столицы Карелии, эфир радиостанции также доступен жителям: Москвы, Рязани, Самары, Братска, Осташкова, Омска, Вятки, Новосибирска, Иркутска, Екатеринбурга, Кирова, Тюмени, Ейска, Матвеева-Кургана, Аргудана, Карачаево-Черкессии, Донецка (и Горловки), Ялты, Симферополя, Севастополя и Феодосии. Также радио "ВЕРА" доступно для слушателей в России и по всему миру, благодаря Интернет-сайту, кроме того, у него есть два канала в популярном мессенджере "Телеграмм". "ВЕРА" - станция, рассказывающая современному городскому жителю о православии. В эфире радио, которое вещает 24 часа в сутки 7 дней в неделю, лучшая отечественная и зарубежная музыка, а среди программ - церковный календарь, толкование Евангельских чтений, программы о любви, истории, о воспитании детей и семейных ценностях. "ВЕРА" - это проект инициативной группы православных мирян, созданный по благословению Русской Православной Церкви. foma.ru (OnAir.ru) Саратовская область. Саратов. -------------------------------------------- Саратов - новый город вещания "Такси FM" К региональной сети вещания "Такси FM" присоединился город-миллионник - Саратов, сообщает OnAir.ru со ссылкой на пресс-службу Krutoy Media. Потенциальный охват населения - 1147 тыс. человек. Частота вещания - 89,2 МГц. Региональный партнер "Такси FM" - ООО "Рекламное агентство "Медиа Союз", директор - Седова И. Р. "Такси FM" - одна из радиостанций Krutoy Media. Вещает в восьми городах России, в том числе в Москве на частоте 96,4 FM и в Казани на частоте 89,7 FM. Еженедельно на волну 96,4 FM в Москве настраивается более 656 тыс. москвичей, ежедневно - 190 тыс. человек (данные TNS Россия, Radio Index - Москва, апрель - июнь 2016 г.). Официальный сайт "Такси FM": www.taxifm.ru (OnAir.ru) Тульская область. Евремов. ----------------------------------------- 1 августа филиал РТРС "Тульский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Милицейская волна" в Ефремове. Частота вещания - 100,6 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 100 Вт. (Российская телерадиосеть / http://tula.rtrs.ru/news/read/170/) ЛИТВА ======= 1386 кГц На самом деле пока ничего не изменилось, но есть перспективы. Римантас Плейкис пишет: " Пока никаких перемен: 75 кВт, мачта 152 м. Полный резерв, два комплекта - передатчик, фидер, антенна. "Вихрь" (500 кВт) демонтирован и продан на металлолом. Передатчик Nautel NX200 (200 кВт) еще не поступил, он будет введен в строй в четвертом квартале 2017 года." (info from Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves project coordinator) (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань / "open_dx") ТАДЖИКИСТАН ============== Как рождалось радио "Азия-Плюс". День 29 июля 2002 года вошел в историю "Азии-Плюс" и в историю независимого Таджикистана. В этот день президент Эмомали Рахмон поддержал идею создания в Душанбе первой независимой радиостанции "Азия- Плюс" и распорядился ускорить выдачу ей всех разрешительных документов. К тому времени наше радио ждало лицензии на вещание уже 4 года. Все необходимые для её получения документы были поданы ещё в августе 1998 года, ЮНЕСКО в качестве гранта уже давно предоставило "АП" необходимое оборудование, был набран штат, проведены тренинги, изучен опыт алма-атинских FM-радиостанций. Все было готово, но вопрос не решался. Комитет по телевидению и радиовещанию в ответ на запрос "Азии-Плюс" ответил письмом: "В Таджикистане уже достаточно радиостанций, нет необходимости в открытии нового радио..." Это был нонсенс, потому что в 1998 году, когда мы подавали заявку, в стране не было ни одной частной радиостанции и ни одного FM-радио. За четыре года, пока мы ждали своего часа, в FM-диапазоне запустилась государственная "Садои Душанбе", в Худжанде открылась первая частная радиостанция "Тироз", но в таджикской столице к 2002 году все еще не было ни одного независимого радио. В приватных разговорах наши друзья в госструктурах объясняли это так: есть опасения, что вы поведёте народ в "неправильном направлении".... Первая независимая радиостанция Душанбе получила лицензию 13 августа 2002 года и начала свое вещание 9 сентября. Вначале это было 18 часов прямого эфира, постепенно вещание стало круглосуточным. В столице и в близлежащих районах мы вещаем на частоте 107 FM, в 2011 году началось вещание в Хатлонской области на той же частоте, а в 2013 году мы вышли в эфир в Согдийской области на частоте 104,4 FM. А через год нашу радиостанцию через интернет мог слышать уже любой желающий в любой точке земли - в России, Европе, Америке, Африке!... news.tj Более подробный рассказ здесь - http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__62332/ (OnAir.ru) УКРАИНА ========= По сообщению Днепропетровских коллег: "ОР-2 (Областное радио) на частоте 990 кГц с 01.08.16 прекращает вещание. О новой частоте этой радиостанции пока не известно." Станция была в эфире 09.00-11.00 UTC. (http://dxing.ru/forum.html?func=view&catid=20&id=730&limit=8&start=480#35304) "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ================================= DX RE MIX NEWS # 960 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Bulgaria. Date: July 31, 2016 ------------------------------- CLANDESTINE Updated A16 schedule of clandestine & other target broadcasts Videos of some of these broadcasts are here Radio Payem e-Doost 0230-0315 on 7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Denge Kurdistan ... 0500-1300 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun Voice of Tibet 1200-1215 on 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1215-1230 on 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1230-1245 on 15573 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1245-1300 on 15567 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1300-1315 on 15518 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1300-1315 on 15558 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1315-1330 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1315-1330 on 15558 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1330-1345 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1330-1345 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1345-1400 on 15522 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1345-1400 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1400-1415 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan ... 1415-1430 on 15552 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan ... 2300-2310 on 7598 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 2310-2320 on 7593 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 2320-2330 on 7587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5 Changes between frequencies vary from 5 to 7 minutes Radio Free North Korea 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean National Unity Radio 1300-1600 on 11550 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Wilderness 1330-1530 on 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean 2030-2130 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs 1530-1700 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri Sedoye Bahar Voice of Spring 1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue no. 1855, 31 July, 2016. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden ----------------------------------------------- Log 4009.81 Jul24 1653 KGR1 noted in passing at 1653 with local music. Low modulation. (David Sharp). 4765.01 Jul23 1840 Tajik Radio, noted in passing with local music. (David Sharp). 4810 Jul23 1826 Armenian Radio, very good with local vocals, talk by a woman. (David Sharp). 7295 Jul22 0850 Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk, with decent open carrier; 0900 started with IS and time pips; into the news and later some music; started out almost fair; by 1015 was very good, with // 7345 fair. So Hiroyuki Komatsubara's reception and mine, of hearing them recently on the air befo- re 0900, must have been related to the unique situation of the Yakutsk sports games being held then. What was strange today was that by 1050 it was just the reverse regarding what I heard at 1015. 7345 was many times stronger than 7295. Could they have changed transmitters du- ring the broadcast? 1100-1300 found 7295 mostly unusable and 7345 covered by CNR1 1100- 1300 (Ron Howard, CA, USA) 7295 Jul27 1050 // 7345, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 27 with anomaly reception; both frequencies do- ing very well at 1050, with usual "Radio Sakha" ID and chimes leading into series of ads; subsequent checking continued to find them both with about equal signal strength; this is a first for me, as normally only one or the other is much stronger. Received another email from "TV and Radio NVK Sakha" (Novosti NVK Sakha ) asking me more about my shortwave receptions of their station and indicating they want to interview me. Perhaps they think I speak Russian, as I have corresponded with them in that language. Am rather flattered that they would make this offer to me! (Ron Ho- ward, San Francisco, CA, USA) 7345 Jul26 0900 Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 26 was another day of starting at 0900 without any IS or time pips; subsequent random checking till 1119. 7345 continues to be several times stronger than // 7295, which for a while around 1042-1050 was off the air, but by 1104, was back broadcasting again and still much weaker than 7345 (Ron Howard, San Francisco, CA, USA) David Sharp, NSW, AUS Ron Howard, San Francisco, CA, USA Station news RUSSIA TO DEPLOY TWO POWERFUL OTH RADAR SYSTEMS IN THE BALTIC AND BLACK SEAS and beyond Russian Interfax news agency reported that Russia may attempt to compensate for the increase in NATO's military activity by placing two new radar stations in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, which would be able to control the 200- mile coastal zone. "It is expected that modified Podsolnuh (Sunflower) over-the-horizon radar units will start combat duty in the Baltic Sea in 2017," Interfax's source said, adding that similar radar could be deployed in the Crimea in 2017. "It can see any warship that sails through the Bosporus Strait." The Podsolnuh radar system passed the Russian government tests in 2006. There are three stations currently on duty: one in the Sea of Okhotsk, another in the Sea of Japan and the third in the Caspian Sea. Podsolnuh allows its operators to automatically and simultaneously detect, track and classify potential threats beyond the radio horizon. It can find up to 300 offshore objects and 100 air objects, determine their coordinates and transfer them to targeting complexes and systems of armed naval vessels and air defense systems. In June, Podsolnuh's developer, RTI, told Interfax that the company plans to supply the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with several more radars in the future. "In 2017, the Russian Defense Ministry plans to purchase several stations for the Navy that will be deployed in the Arctic, as well as at the southern and western borders of Russia," said the Director General of RTI, Sergey Boev. In March, Podsolnuh guided warships of the Caspian fleet equipped with the Caliber-NK missile complex during naval military exercises (UAWIRE Thursday, July 7, 2016 via La Rassegna stampa, Radiorama numero 58, AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Torino, Italy via RusDX 24 July via DXLD) OTH = over the horizon, which requires the use of HF = SW frequencies (Glenn Hauser via DXLD) DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-30, July 27, 2016 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA --------------------------------------------- ** ARMENIA. Re: Radio Mi Amigo via Armenia now on air --- Very good signal via the U. Twente SDR, peaking to more than 30 over S9. We'll see if anything makes it to NB when I get home in about an hour (Richard Langley, 1740 UT July 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENNG DIGEST) Heard 1820 via UTwente, 11850 (presumed) (Liz Cameron, MI, ibid.) A fairly decent signal on 11850 kHz here in NB, in the Canadian Maritimes. Peaking to about 30 dB-mu on my Tecsun PL-880 with a 7 m longwire outdoors. Anyone else in North America able to listen? (Richard Langley, 1833 UT July 21, ibid.) R Mi Amigo's Armenia site on 11850 heard using remote site in Brisbane Australia from 1733 tune. Poor to Fair at tune in, improving to solid. Fair around 1800 then slipping again to only poor by 1830 tune out. Brief transmitter interruption at 1800 but less than a minute outage. Format more discussion than music in this time slot (Bruce CHURCHILL, CA, 1842 UT, ibid.) 11850, July 21 at 1914, I check for the Radio Mi Amigo special barbecue and broadcast live from Kall-Krekel, Germany, as widely publicized to be relayed to ``the world`` via Gavar at 17-20 UT today --- as expected, way over here in deep North America, nothing but a JJBA carrier, but that`s something. At 1947 I`ve switched from the R75 to the NRD545, and now detect some talk at S 0 to S 0.5 vs noise level of a hefty S1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And open carrier / dead air from 1900 UT. Videos after few minutes (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, 1914 UT, ibid.) 11850, Radio Mi Amigo, via Gavar/Yerevan, *1658-1710, 21-07, tuning music, English: "Hello, this is Radio Mi Amigo", identification in several languages, "This is Radio Mi Amigo International live..., 100 kW from Armenia...", "Welcome, Bienvenido", pop music. Good signal. 34433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Reinante, Sangean ATS-909X, Cable antenna, 8 meters, ibid.) A good signal here in the NW of England on 11850, peaking to 10 dB over 9 on my S meter, but with fading too. The audio quality leaves a little to be desired, but not bad considering the programme is apparently coming from a studio in Germany. Paul Newman(?) now at 1720 UT talking about AM pirate stations - particularly R. Northsea Intl. Also announced to be using 6005 from Germany. There is a station on there but too weak to tell if it's // 11850 (Noel R. Green, England, July 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) There was a second "black out" of the Gavar transmitter at 1859 UT lasting some 30 seconds. Signal on 11850 kHz was extremely good. In the first hour S9+20~S9+30, from 1800 UT onwards signal strength increased to S9+40, partly S9+45. I used the 90 /270 Inverted V antenna. 73, (Manfred Reiff, Germany, 1937 UT, ibid.) At present, 1938-1939 UT, there was another loss of the programme. Now, at 1941, the programme is on air again. Radio Mi Amigo International is audible on 6005 kHz with good signal without any interruptions. 73, (Manfred Reiff, ibid.) Christian, also always a strange sound 'tack, tack, tack' of an mobile phone set on transmitting procedure heard in background of the Amigo program and your carillion 'Glöckchen' FINAL interval signal. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, 2022 UT, to Christian Milling of RAI, DXLD) Listening to both my local and U. Twente recordings, there was an extensive loss of audio on 11850 kHz between roughly 1900 and 1940 UT. Carrier still seemed to be on the air so something happened with the real-time audio link between Germany and Armenia. When the audio came back, it didn't seem to be quite as good as that before the break. Towards the end of the program, my real-time reception report was mentioned but it seems no one knew where Fredericton was (or Frederictown as they also called it). ;-) I guess I should have sent along my usual e-mail signature block (see last line): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Richard B. Langley E-mail: lang@unb.ca | Geodetic Research Laboratory Web: http://gge.unb.ca | Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Phone: +1 506 453-5142 | University of New Brunswick Fax: +1 506 453-4943 | Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3 | Fredericton? Where's that? See: http://www.fredericton.ca/ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-) - (Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DXLD) [and non]. Radio MiAmigo via CJSC Yerevan-Gavar, July 21 1700-1900 on 11850*ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English 1900-1940 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu dead air 1940-2000 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English * QRM 18-19 11855 NAU 100 kW / 105 deg WeAs Farsi Thu BVBroadcasting http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/07/radio-miamigo-via-cjsc-yerevan-gavar.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN: Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom July 20 2030-2130 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very poor signal today http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/07/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KYRGYZSTAN. At the moment (19 July) 1750 UT, accept Radio Kyrgyzstan in Russian on 4010 kHz. Passed an overview of current developments in the country. Overall Admission 4. Receiver DEGEN 1103 telescopic antenna (Yuri Troickiy, Zaoksky, Tula region / "deneb- radio-dx" via RusDX July 24 via DXLD) Yes, in Russian with a 1728 in the 4010 and 4821 (approximately), but only on weekdays, and on weekends 1700-1730 suspected, but not yet heard. Admission to the village with an antenna Sgibnutaya Marconi, the length of 16 meters between the house and the tree of the north- south, made himself (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria / "deneb-radio-dx", ibid.) ** RUSSIA [and non]. RUSSIA TO DEPLOY TWO POWERFUL OTH RADAR SYSTEMS IN THE BALTIC AND BLACK SEAS and beyond Russian Interfax news agency reported that Russia may attempt to compensate for the increase in NATO's military activity by placing two new radar stations in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, which would be able to control the 200-mile coastal zone. "It is expected that modified Podsolnuh (Sunflower) over-the-horizon radar units will start combat duty in the Baltic Sea in 2017," Interfax's source said, adding that similar radar could be deployed in the Crimea in 2017. "It can see any warship that sails through the Bosporus Strait." The Podsolnuh radar system passed the Russian government tests in 2006. There are three stations currently on duty: one in the Sea of Okhotsk, another in the Sea of Japan and the third in the Caspian Sea. Podsolnuh allows its operators to automatically and simultaneously detect, track and classify potential threats beyond the radio horizon. It can find up to 300 offshore objects and 100 air objects, determine their coordinates and transfer them to targeting complexes and systems of armed naval vessels and air defense systems. In June, Podsolnuh's developer, RTI, told Interfax that the company plans to supply the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with several more radars in the future. "In 2017, the Russian Defense Ministry plans to purchase several stations for the Navy that will be deployed in the Arctic, as well as at the southern and western borders of Russia," said the Director General of RTI, Sergey Boev. In March, Podsolnuh guided warships of the Caspian fleet equipped with the Caliber-NK missile complex during naval military exercises (UAWIRE Thursday, July 7, 2016 via La Rassegna stampa, Radiorama numero 58, AIR Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Torino, Italy via RusDX 24 July via DXLD) OTH = over the horizon, which requires the use of HF = SW frequencies ** RUSSIA. 7295.005, July 21 at 1143, R. Sakha presumed with poor signal, still on at 1202 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7295, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 22, at 0850, with decent open carrier; 0900 started with IS and time pips; into the news and later some music; started out almost fair; by 1015 was very good, with // 7345 fair. So Hiroyuki Komatsubara's reception and mine, of hearing them recently on the air before 0900, must have been related to the unique situation of the Yakutsk sports games being held then. What was strange today was that by 1050 it was just the reverse regarding what I heard at 1015. 7345 was many times stronger than 7295. Could they have changed transmitters during the broadcast? 1100- 1300 found 7295 mostly unusable and 7345 covered by CNR1 1100-1300. 7345, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 25, started at 0900 without any IS or time pips; subsequent random checking till 1025. Seems clear, at least to me, that they have reversed their transmitter assignments; now 7345 has the much stronger signal, while // 7295 is much weaker and mostly unusable. There are some days now when R. Sakha is slightly stronger than CNR1 on 7345, after 1100. 7345, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 26 was another day of starting at 0900 without any IS or time pips; subsequent random checking till 1119. 7345 continues to be several times stronger than // 7295, which for a while around 1042-1050 was off the air, but by 1104, was back broadcasting again and still much weaker than 7345. 7295 // 7345, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk. July 27 with anomaly reception; both frequencies doing very well at 1050, with usual "Radio Sakha" ID and chimes leading into series of ads; subsequent checking continued to find them both with about equal signal strength; this is a first for me, as normally only one or the other is much stronger. Received another email from "TV and Radio NVK Sakha" ([Novosti NVK Sakha] ) asking me more about my shortwave receptions of their station and indicating they want to interview me. Perhaps they think I speak Russian, as I have corresponded with them in that language. Am rather flattered that they would make this offer to me! (Ron Howard, San Francisco, CA, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1836, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PUBLICATIONS ++++++ SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER SITES - MWLIST [sic] - This map shows the location of all active shortwave broadcast transmitter sites (Guenter Lorenz, Germany, A-DX ng July 19 via BC-DX July 25 via DXLD) Global Google SV Coverage Wikipedia Page The following webpage is being considered for deletion by Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_of_Google_Street_View I'm vehemently opposed to the deletion of the page as it is relied upon as the *only* source of detailed notes about Google Street view coverage by yours truly and is used to provide you (our members) with notes and imagery pertaining to transmitter sites. I would encourage you, our members, to log into Wikipedia (or register) or add comments on the page so you can voice your support for the retention of this webpage in pursuit of our hobby interest of SW TX sites etc. PLEASE do this for the benefit of our Shortwavesites Yahoo Group (Ian, Shortwavesites YG Owner, JULY 27 via DXLD) Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria Bulgarian DX blog, Ivo Ivanov -------------------------- * SWLDXBulgaria News July 30-31 RUSSIA(non) Good signal of Adygeyan Radio on July 29 & 31: 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/good-signal-of-adygeyan-radio-on-july.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok via RED Telecom, July 31 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun, weak to good today: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-khmer-mchas-srok.html * SWLDXBulgaria News Aug.1 ARMENIA Radio Northern Ireland will be on air via Yerevan-Gavar on Aug.3 1900-1910 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu test with tone on August 2 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English R.Northern Ireland Thanks so much for this information on Wolfgang Bueschel and Alan Gale! http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html * SWLDXBulgaria News Aug.2 NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in 41 and 25 mb on August 1 0730-0736 on 7365*unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB 0740-0746 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB 1110-1116 on 7560 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB * co-ch HCJB 7365 WNM 002 kW / 145 deg to SEEu German AM mode: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/s06s-russian-lady-in-41-and-25-mb-on.html TAJIKISTAN(non) Reception of National Unity Radio via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1300-1600 on 11550 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, very poor signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-national-unity-radio-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Radio Free North Korea via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-radio-free-north-korea-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1330-1530 on 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1530-1700 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak to fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via-red.html * SWLDXBulgaria News Aug.2-3 ARMENIA Unscheduled transmission of Radio Northern Ireland on Aug.3 1100-1120 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English, the next broadcast is 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English today Wednesday, Aug.3 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/unscheduled-transmission-of-radio.html Test transmissions from Yerevan on August 2: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html * Radio Northern Ireland via Yerevan, Aug.3 ARMENIA Very poor to very good signal of Radio Northern Ireland 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English on Aug.3: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/unscheduled-transmission-of-radio.html * SWLDXBulgaria News Aug.4-5 NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in 40m HAM band on August 4 0910-0916 on 7161 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2016/08/s06s-russian-lady-in-40m-ham-band-on.html * SWLDXBulgaria News Aug.5 U.K.(non) Reception of Radio Ranginkaman via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on Aug.5 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri Radio Rainbow http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-radio-ranginkaman-via.html U.K.(non) Reception of Sedoye Bahar via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on August 5 1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri Voice of Spring http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-sedoye-bahar-via-babcock.html DX Fanzine Active DXers from Italy nr. 35 - July 2016 Editor: Antonello Napolitano Italy ------------- Freq. / Date / Time-UTC / ITU / Station, Language and Programme Details. / SINPO / Contributor 4765 / 05.07.16 / 1935-1943 / TJK / Tajik R., Dushanbe, Tajik: TK. / 24322 / MM 4810 / 23.07.16 / 1825 / ARM / Armenian R., Yeravan, AA: TK. / F. / RP 7480 / 28.07.16 / 1841-1845* / MDA / R.Payem E-Doost, via Kishinev, Farsi: MX, TK, / S/OFF. / 45333 / AN 7575 / 04.07.16 / 1624-1625 / MDA / R.Rangikaman, Kishinev relay, Farsi: TK. / 35333 / AN 9390 / 17.07.16 / 1523-1529* / UZB / Probably IBRA/FEBA R., via Tashkent, Bengali. TK, MX / 45333 / AN 9390 / 23.07.16 / *1500-1506 / UZB / FEBA R, Tashkent relay, Bengali: IS, MX, TK. / 43333 / AN* 11600 / 05.07.16 / *1700-1715 / MDA / Denge Kurdistan, via Kishinev, Kurdish: TK. / 35444 / AN 11600 / 24.07.16 / 0554 / MDA / Denge Kurdistan, via Kishinev, Kurdish song. / G. / LB 17490 / 09.07.16 / 2315-2329* / ARM / R.Northern Ireland, Gavar relay, EE: Pop MX, ID. / 15321 / AN* AN = Antonello Napolitano in Taranto (Italy). RX: ICOM IC R70, Sony ICF 2001. ANT: 20 metre outdoor wire. Tecsun AN-200 Medium Wave Tunable Loop antenna. AN* = Antonello Napolitano in Taranto (Italy). RX: KENWOOD R-1000. ANT: inverted "V"+20m wire. LB = Luca Botto Fiora in Rapallo (Italy). RX: R7 Drake, Yaesu VR5000, Tecsun PL-660, Degen DE1103. ANT: 75 cm loop ferrite rod, Magnetic Loop Antenna, 20 m Windom dipole antenna. MM = Manuel Mйndez in Friol (Spain). RX: Sangean ATS-0909X, Tecsun PL880, Sony ICF SW 7600G, ANT: Degen, 31MS active loop antenna and 8 metre cable antenna. RP = Roberto Pavanello in Vercelli (Italy). RX: EGZ DX 10, Icom R-71. ANT: EGZ LPF1R ferrite loop for reception of MW, 30-metre long wire. QSL REVIEW MOLDOVA Radio Moldova, 873 kHz, verified an electronic report 6 days after my third F/UP with a short E-mail message saying: "Dear Mr. Antonio Napolitano, On behalf of Public National Broadcasting Company "Teleradio-Moldova" I have the honor to send you my respectful compliments. Hereby, I confirm that you have listened our radio station. At the same time, we would like to thank you to listening the Radio Moldova. It is a great enjoyment that we have listeners across the border. Our radio station always will be available to radio listeners. Only in this way we can promote our traditions, our culture and establish a friendship between peoples and ethnicities. Wishing you success in your activity, please accept, Dear Mr. Michael Lindner (??? This should be a typo error!), our highest respect. Best regards", V/S Andrei Luchianciuc, Communication and International Relations Department, Public National Broadcasting "Teleradio-Moldova" Company. The third F/UP was sent to: veaceslav.gheorghesenco@trm.md, olga.bordeianu@trm.md, alexandru.gutu@trm.md - The reply came from Mr Luchianciuc private E-mail address: luchianciuc@yahoo.com (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto-ITALY). UZBEKISTAN FEBA Radio, 9390 kHz, via Tashkent, acknowledged an electronic report in 4 days with the following E-mail message: "Dear Antonio, Greetings from Feba UK! Thank you for sending us your reception report. I'm contacting you to let you know that Feba UK no longer broadcasts but, instead, partners with other organisations in the countries in which we work, who produce and broadcast the programmes themselves. We therefore no longer need to receive such reports or are able to confirm the details but we thank you wholeheartedly for your interest in Feba's ministry. Kind regards, Esther O'Toole, Supporter Relations, 01903 237281, Feba Radio: Registered Charity 257343". The report was sent to info@feba.org.uk but the reply came from: supporter-relations@feba.org.uk (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto-ITALY). Hard-Core-DX Digest ---------------------------- * Vol 164, Issue 2 Message: 2 Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] More Armenian Broadcasts from SWS Test 11850 kHz Armenia Gavar TX on August 2nd, 1900-1910 UT TEST tone test. in steps of 1 dB down at -6dBfs to -15dBfs 73 wb df5sx ----- Original Message ----- From: "Milling, Christian" Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 3:04 PM Subject: Morgen, Dienstag Audiotest via Noratus/Gavar Tach, da die Sendung gestern aus Armenien ein "kleines" Modulationsproblem hatte (m gegen gef?hlt unendlich), gibt's morgen zwischen 19h00 und 19h10 UTC auf 11850 kHz einen Test mit Testt?nen und Musik in diversen Pegelungen. Die Pegel werden jeweils vor dem Testton angesagt; ich w?re froh, Euer subjektives Empfingen zu bekommen, ab wann es f?r Euch ok ist. Es f?ngt laut an und geht dann in 1 dB Schritten von -6dBfs bis -15dBfs runter. Danke und Gr?sse Christian ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Gale alan@...plus.com [dxld]" Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 4:51 PM Subject: [dxld] More Armenian Broadcasts from SWS > The Shortwave Service website is now showing another two broadcasts > from Gavar in Armenia. One is a test broadcast on Tuesday 2nd of August > on 11850 kHz at 1900 to 1910 UTC, and the other is a half hour broadcast > of Radio Northern Ireland at 1900 to 1930 UTC on Wednesday 3rd of August: > > 11850 1900-1910 Test > Di, 02.08.2016 via Noratus-Gavar, Armenien > > 11850 1900-1930 Radio Northern Ireland English > Mi, 03.08.2016, via Noratus-Gavar, Armenie > > The RNI broadcast is aimed at Europe this time. > Alan. * Vol 164, Issue 4 ----------------------- Message: 5 Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2016 From: Manuel M?ndez Subject: [HCDX] Radio Nothen Ireland via Armenia Manuel M?ndez Lugo, Spain ARMENIA, 11850, Radio?Northern?Ireland via Gavar/Yerevan, 1903-1915, 03-08, English, comments, identification: "Radio?Northern?Ireland, songs in English. 44444. (M?ndez) Message: 6 Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 From: Daniel Wyllyans Subject: [HCDX] QSL News QSL Radio Rangikamen ,Rainbow in Farsi, 7575 kHz MOLDOVA Radio Rangikamen ,Rainbow in Farsi, was logged on 7575 kHz from 1600 to 1630 UTC. For the reception report with audiofiles was emailed to prtc.prtc@.idknet.comt,arrived this beautiful eQSL within 2 days. Mr.Sergio Omelette is one of the few personalities encouraging SWLers with instant email QSLS! Shaikh Jawahar | QSL SHOW https://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br/2016/08/radio-rangikamen-rainbow-in-farsi-7575.html * Vol 164, Issue 5 Message: 2 Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 3-4, 2016 ** RUSSIA. 7295, Aug 4 at 1200, presumed R. Sakha, Yakutsk, is JBA but enough to perceive the mis-timesignal again ending 5.5 seconds later than WWV would have us believe is the real hourtop. I daresay RWM [PBM] would agree, but who knows about RTZ [PT3?] on 50 kHz? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BC-DX 1262, 02 August 2016 edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ------------------------------------------------------ ARMENIA More Armenian Broadcasts from SWS The Shortwave Service website is now showing another two broadcasts from Gavar in Armenia. One is a test broadcast on Tuesday 2nd of August on 11850 kHz at 1900 to 1910 UT, and the other is a half hour broadcast of Radio Northern Ireland at 1900 to 1930 UTC on Wednesday 3rd of August: 11850 1900-1910 Tone Test Di, 02.08.2016 via Noratus-Gavar, Armenien 11850 1900-1930 Radio Northern Ireland English Mi, 03.08.2016, via Noratus-Gavar, Armenie The RNI broadcast is aimed at Europe this time. (Alan Gale-UK, BrDXC-UK Aug 1) Re: More Armenian Broadcasts from SWS Test 11850 kHz Armenia Gavar TX on August 2nd, 1900-1910 UT TEST tone test. in steps of 1 dB down at 'loud' -6dBfs, to 'low level' -15dBfs Morgen, Dienstag 2. August Audiotest via Noratus/Gavar. Da die Sendung gestern aus Armenien ein "kleines" Modulationsproblem hatte (m gegen gefuehlt unendlich), gibt's morgen zwischen 1900-1910 UT auf 11850 kHz einen Test mit Testtoenen und Musik in diversen Pegelungen. Die Pegel werden jeweils vor dem Testton angesagt; ich waere froh, Euer subjektives Empfingen zu bekommen, ab wann es fuer Euch okay ist. Es faengt laut an, und geht dann in 1 dB Schritten von -6dBfs bis -15dBfs runter. (Christian Milling-D, Aug 1) BELARUS Belarus will be without a wired radio on October 1. As reported by the Ministry of Communication and Information, October 1, 2016 Belarus will cease completely wired radio broadcasting. The process of optimization of radio broadcasting is held in Belarus for the first year. The optimization process of broadcasting, including trip wire radio, is nearing completion. According to the plan, from August 1, wire broadcasting will cease in Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest and Grodno. As for Minsk and Mogilev, there broadcasting will end on 1 October. As explained in the Ministry of Communications, trip wire broadcasting due to the expiration of the service life of equipment and networks. In addition, the wireless radio is far more economical than wired since to pay the monthly fee will not be necessary. In this case, the Ministry of Communication explains that despite the abolition of the wire broadcasting, the program will remain on the air. The only change the transmission format signal. {belnovosti.by} OnAir.ru (via RUSdx July 24) CLANDESTINE Updated A16 schedule of clandestine & other target broadcasts Radio Payem e-Doost 0230-0315 7460 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WeAS Farsi 1800-1845 7480 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WeAS Farsi Denge Kurdistan 0300-0500 11600 ISS 250 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish 0500-1300 11600 KCH 300 kW 116 deg to WeAS Kurdish 1300-1700 11600 SOF 100 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish + 2nd hx 23200 1700-1930 11600 ISS 250 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish 1930-2100 11600 SOF 100 kW 090 deg to WeAS Kurdish + 2nd hx 23200 Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok 1130-1200 17860 TAC 100 kW 122 deg to SoEaAS Khmer Thu/Sun Radio Free North Korea 1200-1300 15630 TAC 100 kW 076 deg to NoEaAS Korean National Unity Radio 1300-1600 11550 DB 100 kW 071 deg to NoEaAS Korean Voice of Wilderness 1330-1530 7620 TAC 100 kW 076 deg to NoEaAS Korean North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 11570 TAC 100 kW 076 deg to NoEaAS Korean 2030-2130 7595 TAC 100 kW 076 deg to NoEaAS Korean Voice of Martyrs 1530-1700 7505 TAC 100 kW 076 deg to NoEaAS Korean Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow 1600-1630 7575 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WeAS Farsi Mon/Fri Sedoye Bahar Voice of Spring 1730-1800 7495 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WeAS Farsi Thu/Fri ... (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 31) LITHUANIA The transmitter "Storm" in Sitkunae technically divided into two independent parts, the second until recently broadcast on 612 kHz, but paused. It could be connected to achieve a full 150 kW. I'll try to find out from Rimantas whether something in the last few days, weeks, months, has not changed. Still, if I remember correctly, in Sitkunae worth another 500 ready- kilovattnik at 666 kHz, but customers in such a powerful broadcast there. Rimantas Pleykis, coordinator of the project "Baltic Waves", took me on a tour of Sitkunay in 2013. There are both 100-kW HF transmitter, but it is somehow very little loaded :( (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS, "open_dx" via RUSdx July 31) MOLDOVA [Pridnestrovie disputed area] 7460 Payam Bahai Persian sce, backlobe signal at 0259 UT on July 26, S=8 strength from Grigoriopol Pridnestrovie. Noted on Detroit Michigan remote SDR unit in northern USA. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 26) MOLDOVA 873 Radio Moldova, 873 kHz, verified an electronic report 6 days after my third F/UP with a short E-mail message saying: "Dear Mr. Antonio Napolitano, On behalf of Public National Broadcasting Company "Teleradio-Moldova" I have the honor to send you my respectful compliments. Hereby, I confirm that you have listened our radio station. At the same time, we would like to thank you to listening the Radio Moldova. It is a great enjoyment that we have listeners across the border. Our radio station always will be available to radio listeners. Only in this way we can promote our traditions, our culture and establish a friendship between peoples and ethnicities. Wishing you success in your activity, please accept, Dear Mr. Michael Lindner (??? This should be a typo error! - is a German DXer name, wb.), our highest respect. Best regards", V/S Andrei Luchianciuc, Communication and International Relations Department, Public National Broadcasting "Teleradio-Moldova" Company. The third F/UP was sent to: The reply came from Mr Luchianciuc private E-mail address: (Antonello Napolitano-ITA, DX Fanzine #35 Aug 2) History of August 2013: MOLDOVA 873 New 50 kW Transradio Berlin TRAM 50 tx at Kishinev-Chisinau Codru station on 873 kHz was commissioned on July 2, 2013. Chisinau, Codru, strada Costiujeni, raionul Ialoveni. MW site on 873, formerly also 1449 kHz see Google and Bing Maps. 46 57 08.87 N 28 49 45.35 E Testarea emitatorului RD pe frecventa 873 kHz (Unde Medii) in standardul DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). I.S. Radiocomunicatiie Va informeaza ca conform actiunilor de promovare a tehnologiilor noi, la statia radio Codru a fost instalat un emitator nou de radiodifuziune pe unde medii (873 kHz). Acest emitator RD de tip aeTRAM 50 Transmiteroe cu puterea de 50 kW a fost pus in functiune incepand cu data de 2 iulie 2013, pentru difuzarea programului aeRadio Moldovaoe in regim analogic si pentru testarea in regim digital Standard DRM (Digital Radio Mondial). Aceste testari vor dura pana in luna Noiembrie a.c.. in Russian. Testing on the frequency of the transmitter PB 873 kHz (medium wave) at standartu DRM (Digital Radio Mondial) GP "Radiocomunicatii" informs that according to the action on the development of new technologies on the Radio Codru, installed a new transmitter that will broadcast to the medium wave range (873 kHz). This transmitter "TRAM 50 Transmiter" with a capacity of 50 kW was commissioned July 2, 2013, for the broadcast of the program "Radio Moldova" in the analog mode and test mode digital standard DRM (Digital Radio Mondial). Work on the digital test mode will last until November flowable year. see also p26 on flyer: 1539 kHz Mainflingen cross dipole antenna for steep angle spotlight signal. (Moldova Radiocom website, Transradio Berlin TRAM flyer, July 2013) RUSSIA Novosibirsk region moves to a different time zone. July 24, 2016 at 2 o'clock 00 minutes of Novosibirsk region has passed the sixth time zone (MSK +4hrs). The clock in the night from Saturday to Sunday moved forward one hour. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 271-FZ "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law" On the Calculation of Time "from July 24, 2016 Novosibirsk region excluded from the fifth time zone (MSK +3hrs) and referred to the sixth (MSK +4hrs). In the night from Saturday to Sunday clocks moved forward one hour - from two to three in the morning. (Government of the Novosibirsk region. via RUSdx July 31) Pres. Vladimir Putin joined Crimea to the Southern Federal District. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the Southern Federal District and the Crimean Federal District converted to the Southern Federal District. This was reported by the Kremlin press service. Details: From now on, in the Southern Federal District are: Republic of Adygea, Kalmykia, Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan Region, Volgograd region, Rostov region, Sevastopol. (via RUSdx July 31) TAJIKISTAN/MADAGASCAR Voice of Tibet 1200-1215 15542 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1215-1230 15548 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1230-1245 15573 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1245-1300 15567 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1300-1315 15518 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1300-1315 15558 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1315-1330 15528 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1315-1330 15558 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1330-1345 15528 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1330-1345 15557 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1345-1400 15522 DB 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese 1345-1400 15557 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1400-1415 15557 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1400-1415 15560 MDC 250 kW 045 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1415-1430 15552 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 1415-1430 15565 MDC 250 kW 045 deg to CeAS Tibetan 2300-2310 7598 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 2310-2320 7593 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan 2320-2330 7587 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan All frequencies are jammed by China x0 x5 Changes between frequencies vary from 5 to 7 minutes (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 31) UKRAINE Ukraine Vesti Radio change. Vital Dokalenko has been appointed general producer of Ukraine's Vesti Radio. Dokalenko joins from 1+1 TV, and has also held senior posts at Novy Kanal, Tonis TV, Citi TV and the National Television Company of Ukraine. see also Gravis Group - LLC offers consulting services for process management, workflow, hardware, software, and a wide array of compliance standards. Vital Dokalenko, 21a Moskovsky avenue, Kiev 04073, Ukraine. (AIB Industry briefing, July 13) UKRAINE UR has reactivated Chernivtsy 25 kW on 657 kHz, now with 1st prgr. between 0300-2000 UT. R. Mykolaiv 1377 kHz has been closed. (RUSdx July 31) UKRAINE President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a law requiring radio stations to broadcast on the air at least 35% of Ukrainian products. It is reported by the press service of the President. The relevant law Verkhovna Rada adopted on June 16, after a long debate, and low performers votes. It provides that radio companies are obliged to provide a share of songs in the official language of not less than 35% of the total playing time for songs in a day, and in time intervals from 7.00 to 14.00, from 15.00 to 22.00. The quota is introduced gradually: in the first year after the law came into force quota should be 25%, the second year - 30%, from the third year - 35%. The right to a reduced quota of 25% of broadcasters have received, in which at least 60% of songs licensed sounds on EU languages. It is also envisaged that at least 60% of the daily volume of conducting programs (news, morning program) must be carried out in the Ukrainian language. This quota is also introduced gradually: 50% in the first year of the law, 55% - in the second year, and from the third - 60%. The law will come into force four months after publication. Recall, according to the current law "On Television and Radio", protect the interests of the national TV and radio, and the norm is guaranteed that in the total broadcast each broadcasting at least 50 percent should be the national audio-visual product or musical works of Ukrainian authors or performers. This norm is now complemented by the introduction of 35% quota for the songs in the Ukrainian language. (culture.lb.ua via OnAir.ru in RUSdx, July 10) DX RE MIX NEWS # 961 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Bulgaria. Date: August 4, 2016 ------------------------------ ARMENIA Radio Northern Ireland will be on air via Yerevan-Gavar on Aug.3 1900-1910 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu test with tone on August 2 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English R.Northern Ireland Thanks so much for this information on Wolfgang Bueschel and Alan Gale! http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html ARMENIA Unscheduled transmission of Radio Northern Ireland on Aug.3 1100-1120 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English, the next broadcast is 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English today Wednesday, Aug.3 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/unscheduled-transmission-of-radio.html NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in 41 and 25 mb on August 2 0730-0736 on 7365*unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB 0740-0746 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB 1110-1116 on 7560 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian in CUSB * co-ch HCJB 7365 WNM 002 kW / 145 deg to SEEu German AM mode: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/s06s-russian-lady-in-41-and-25-mb-on.html RUSSIA(non) Good signal of Adygeyan Radio on July 29 & 31: 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/good-signal-of-adygeyan-radio-on-july.html TAJIKISTAN(non) Reception of National Unity Radio via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1300-1600 on 11550 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, very poor signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-national-unity-radio-via.html U.K.(non) Three clandestine broadcasts via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on July 29: Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, poor today Sedoye Bahar/Voice of Spring 1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri, good signal Radio Payem e-Doost 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair to good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/07/three-clandestine-broadcasts-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok via RED Telecom, July 31 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun, weak to good today: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-khmer-mchas-srok.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Radio Free North Korea via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-radio-free-north-korea-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1330-1530 on 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs via RED Telecom, Aug.2 1530-1700 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak to fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via-red.html WRTH - World Radio Tv Handbook Facebook.com ----------------------------- Paul B Walker Jr., Alaska, USA 9997kHz LSB, RWM Moscow Russia on July 27, 2016 at 1643UTC. Every source I've seen places them on 3 frequencies, including 9996khz. I swear each time I've heard them, it is clearer on LSB and 9997khz then 9996khz! They are a fairly regular visitor here, not every day, but at least weekly but usually, they are buried in the noise between slop from WWV/H and atmospheric crud. Well, this today the beep from RWM was very very much in the clear. Audio here: https://soundcloud.com/onairdjpa.../rwm-9997lsb-july-27-2016-8 (Walker-AK) The Australian Shortwave Radio Journal By Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia -------------------------------- July 14, 2016, 2000 to 2030 ---------------- 11600 MOLDOVA R. Denge Kurdistan, Kishinev Kurdish ... July , 2016 2300 to 2330 ------------------ 9875 TAJIKISTAN RFA-Dushanbe Tibetan ... DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-31, August 3, 2016 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, USA ------------------------------------------ ** ARMENIA. MORE ARMENIAN BROADCASTS FROM SWS Hi All, The Shortwave Service website is now showing another two broadcasts from Gavar in Armenia. One is a test broadcast on Tuesday 2nd of August on 11850 kHz at 1900 to 1910 UT, and the other is a half hour broadcast of Radio Northern Ireland at 1900 to 1930 on Wednesday 3rd of August: 11850 1900-1910 Test Di, 02.08.2016 via Noratus-Gavar, Armenien 11850 1900-1930 Radio Northern Ireland English Mi, 03.08.2016, via Noratus-Gavar, Armenien The RNI broadcast is aimed at Europe this time (Alan Gale, UK, Aug 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Milling, Christian" Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 3:04 PM Subject: Morgen, Dienstag Audiotest via Noratus/Gavar Tach, da die Sendung gestern aus Armenien ein "kleines" Modulationsproblem hatte (m gegen gefühlt unendlich), gibt's morgen zwischen 19h00 und 19h10 UT auf 11850 kHz einen Test mit Testtönen und Musik in diversen Pegelungen. Die Pegel werden jeweils vor dem Testton angesagt; ich wäre froh, Euer subjektives Empfingen zu bekommen, ab wann es für Euch ok ist. Es fängt laut an und geht dann in 1 dB Schritten von -6dBfs bis -15dBfs runter. Danke und Grüsse, Christian Test 11850 kHz Armenia Gavar TX on August 2nd, 1900-1910 UT TEST tone test. in steps of 1 dB down at -6dBfs to -15dBfs 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Good reception of shortwaveservice's test transmission on 11850 kHz via Gavar (-35dBm), no interference, no noise, no modulation problems - excellent signal. The transmission contains of an announcement in English "This is a test transmission of shortwaveservice" followed by "Test tone - [minus]..." or music. 73, (Manfred Reiff, Germany, 1906 UT Aug 2, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Test transmission on 11850 kHz via Armenia http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html (Ivo Ivanov, Aug 3, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unscheduled broadcast of Radio Northern Ireland, Aug 3, probably from 1100 until 1120UT on 11850 and off air. Videos later today! -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ARMENIA, 11850, Radio Northern Ireland via Gavar/Yerevan, 1903-1915, 03-08, English, comments, identification: "Radio Northern Ireland, songs in English. 44444 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Armenia relay of R Northern Ireland on 11850 heard from Perseus sites in Ireland (Fair), E. Finland (Fair) and Madrid (Good) - noted 8/3 at 1900 sign on to carrier off at 1930.5. 1930 announcement by man "This program is brought to you by the Shortwave Service" followed by e-mail address of http://www.shortwaveservice.com There appeared to be some co-channel QRM in the background around 1902-1903 with what sounded like the old Soviet anthem "Internationale" but that disappeared. Apparently there was a transmitter issue at the beginning but that was quickly sorted out. Posted by: ("Bruce Churchill", CA, ibid.) R Northern Ireland will be on air via Yerevan-Gavar Aug 3 1900-1910 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu test with tone Aug 2 1900-1930 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English R Northern Ireland Thanks so much for information from Wolfgang Bueschel and Alan Gale! http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unscheduled transmission of Radio Northern Ireland Aug 3 1100-1120 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English; next broadcast is: 1900-1930 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg WeEu English today Wed Aug 3 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/unscheduled-transmission-of-radio.html Test transmissions from Yerevan on August 2: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/radio-northern-ireland-will-be-on-air.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Very poor to very good signal of Radio Northern Ireland 1900-1930 on 11850 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English on Aug 3: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/unscheduled-transmission-of-radio.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire, dxldyg via DXLD) The half hour programme of Radio Northern Ireland on 11850 kHz via the Gavar transmitter site in Armenia ended at 1930 UT. The signal wasn't as good as the test transmission yesterday, much more fading, less signal strength - that's shortwave. Signal strength at peaks only -45 dBm. The content --- isn't my taste. Programme seemed to me unstructured: a recording of a Spanish speaking number station (why?), some SSTV at 1925 UT. The rest was rock music that wasn't audible well because of moderate fading. My conclusion: a waste of time. I expected much more, a balanced programme of vocal and musical content. For me it isn't worth to send a reception report. 73, (Manfred Reiff, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AZERBAIJAN [and non]. RFE/RL DEMANDS AZERBAIJAN REOPEN BAKU BUREAU August 01, 2016 http://www.rferl.org/content/release-rferl-demands-azerbaijan-reopen-baku-bureau/27893573.html WASHINGTON - An Azerbaijani court will convene on August 3 to hear RFE/RL's appeal against tax-related claims that were used by the government as grounds to shutter the company's Baku bureau in December 2014. "The commercial court should affirm that all claims brought against us are baseless, and the prosecutor should move without delay to unfreeze our Baku bureau's bank accounts, return the company seal, stamp and documents that were confiscated in December 2014, unfreeze the personal bank accounts of our Baku staff members, and let us get on with our journalistic mission of providing independent news and information to the people of Azerbaijan," said RFE/RL President Thomas Kent. Earlier this year Azerbaijan's Supreme Court effectively threw out two claims against RFE/RL's Baku bureau when it overturned two charges against RFE/RL journalist Khadija Ismayilova, leading to her release from prison in May. Of two remaining allegations against RFE/RL, one involves the Azerbaijani government's interpretation of a bilateral tax treaty that exempts U.S. nonprofit organizations from corporate income tax. The other relates to the process of accrediting journalists, which the Azerbaijani government revised effective July 1 this year, and with which RFE/RL is in compliance. RFE/RL was forced to close its Baku bureau in May 2015, after it was raided by Azerbaijani authorities on December 26, 2014. Agents with the prosecutor's office confiscated company property, interrogated over 20 staff members without legal representation, imposed travel bans on employees, and froze company and personal bank accounts pursuant to a tax inspection on unspecified grounds. The raid came just weeks after the top advisor to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev published a statement in the country's official media calling RFE/RL journalists spies and threats to the country's national security. Despite the closure, RFE/RL's Azerbaijani Service has continued to actively engage audiences in Azerbaijan via satellite and the Internet, attracting nearly 1.5 million visits per month to its website, and more than 20 million views on YouTube during the first six months of 2016 (via Dr Hansjoerg Biener 3 August 2016, DXLD) But only after already proposing the closure as savings of 500,000 USD for fiscal year 2017. See pages 29 and 31 at https://www.bbg.gov/wp-content/media/2011/12/FY-2017-Budget-Submission.pdf And still no further word about Turkey. They're determined to fight for press freedom. Btw, even BBG Watch makes time and again a valid point. It is of course an epic fail by the VOA newsroom to not recognize a terrorist attack as such. Although it could be interesting to take a look at the original newswire they relied on: BBG Watch Commentary The headline on the U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA) English News website read: "Syrian Refugee Killed in Blast in Germany, 12 Wounded" | VOA, which many could have misinterpreted as suggesting that some unfortunate refugee was perhaps a victim of a racist attack in Germany. The headline appeared on VOA's main English homepage with no further details without clicking to see the story inside, which was quite short but painted a different picture of what might have happened. . . . http://bbgwatch.com/bbgwatch/misleading-voice-of-america-terror-in-germany-headline/ (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELARUS. In Grodno in the process of dismantling the two radio tower collapsed on the roadway part: http://s13.ru/archives/148210 Grodno HF / SW Center slept in Bose. Amen (Sergey Alekseichik, Grodno, Belarus / "open_dx" via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) On the website "Evening Grodno" newspaper (Republic of Belarus) published a report entitled "The tower, off the beaten track" Voice of America "in the Soviet era, collapsed onto the road." The report many photos. Link to material: http://vgr.by/fotofakt/22461-vyshka-glushivshaya-golos-ameriki-v-sovetskoe-vremya-rukhnula-pryamo-na-dorogu (Vasily Gulyaev, Astrakhan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) ** BELARUS [non]. Radio station Belarus HF --- I thought that the Belarusian radiovschanie HF died completely. But yesterday (28 July 2016 this Thursday) suddenly I took broadcasting Radio Belarus in German. Monitors from 2100 to 2135, the frequency of 3985 kHz. Relay through Germany, of course. Apparently broadcast time 21-22 UT and likely every day. Only frequencies in the UHF band are listed at the station site (Vasily Kuznetsov, Moscow, Russia / "open_dx" via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) Radio Belarus 3985 / 0700-0900 / Deutsch / Montags-Samstags 3985 / 2100-2300 / Deutsch / Montags-Freitags 6005 / 0700-0900 / Deutsch / Montags-Freitags http://www.shortwaveservice.com/empfangen/programmplan/ (RusDX July 31 via DXLD) ** BELARUS. Belarus will be without a wired radio on October 1. As reported by the Ministry of Communication and Information, October 1, 2016 Belarus will cease completely wired radio broadcasting. The process of optimization of radio broadcasting is held in Belarus for the first year. The optimization process of broadcasting, including trip wire radio, is nearing completion. According to the plan, from August 1, wire broadcasting will cease in Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest and Grodno. As for Minsk and Mogilev, there broadcasting will end on 1 October. As explained in the Ministry of Communications, trip wire broadcasting due to the expiration of the service life of equipment and networks. In addition, the wireless radio is far more economical than wired since to pay the monthly fee will not be necessary. In this case, the Ministry of Communication explains that despite the abolition of the wire broadcasting, the program will remain on the air. The only change the transmission format signal. {belnovosti.by} OnAir.ru (via RUSdx July 24 via BC-DX Aug 2 via DXLD) ``trip wire``??? need better translation, I suspect (gh) ** INTERNATIONAL. CLANDESTINE, Updated A16 schedule of clandestine & other target broadcasts. Videos of some of these broadcasts are here ... Radio Payem e-Doost 0230-0315 on 7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Denge Kurdistan 0300-0500 on 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0500-1300 on 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1300-1700 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish + 2nd hx 23200 1700-1930 on 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1930-2100 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish + 2nd hx 23200 Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun Voice of Tibet 1200-1215 on 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1215-1230 on 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1230-1245 on 15573 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1245-1300 on 15567 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1300-1315 on 15518 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1300-1315 on 15558 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1315-1330 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1315-1330 on 15558 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1330-1345 on 15528 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1330-1345 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1345-1400 on 15522 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese 1345-1400 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1400-1415 on 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1400-1415 on 15560 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1415-1430 on 15552 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 1415-1430 on 15565 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan 2300-2310 on 7598 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 2310-2320 on 7593 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan 2320-2330 on 7587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5 Changes between frequencies vary from 5 to 7 minutes Radio Free North Korea 1200-1300 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean National Unity Radio 1300-1600 on 11550 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Wilderness 1330-1530 on 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean 2030-2130 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs 1530-1700 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri Sedoye Bahar Voice of Spring 1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri ... http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/07/dx-re-mix-news-960.html (DX RE MIX NEWS #960 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, July 31, 2016 via DXLD) Above listing is complete as originally published ** IRAN [non]. QSL Radio Rangikamen, Rainbow in Farsi, 7575 kHz: MOLDOVA, Radio Rangikamen was logged on 7575 kHz from 1600 to 1630 UT. For reception report with audiofiles emailed to prtc.prtc@.idknet.com, arrived this beautiful eQSL within 2 days. Mr. Sergio Omelette is one of the few personalities encouraging SWLers with instant email QSLS! Shaikh Jawahar | QSL SHOW https://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br/2016/08/radio-rangikamen-rainbow-in-farsi-7575.html (via Daniel Wyllyans, Brasil, HCDX via DXLD) ** IRELAND NORTHERN [non]. See ARMENIA ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Reception of Radio Free North Korea via RED Telecom, Aug 2 1200-1300 15630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-radio-free-north-korea-via.html Reception of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom, Aug 2 1330-1530 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very weak signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom, Aug 2 1430-1530 11570 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-north-korea-reform-radio.html Reception of Voice of Martyrs via RED Telecom, Aug 2 1530-1700 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, weak to fair http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/reception-of-voice-of-martyrs-via-red.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11600, R. Denge Kurdistane, Grigoriopol. Fair to good but with occasional fading. Program featured a film-like soundtrack with high energy music and machine gun fire. This was followed by a traditional sounding song apparently sung in Kurdish and a news program from 1200 (Phil Brennan, Darwin, visiting Jousta, Finland, Equipment: Sony IC7600G on whip antenna or 7m wire, August Australian DX News via DXLD) no date? ** KYRGYZSTAN. 4009.81, KGR1 noted in passing at 1653 with local music. Low modulation. 24 July (David Sharp, NSW, Australia, FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, R30A, Timewave 599ZX, various Palstar and MFJ accessories, Quantum Phaser, various Sangean and Tecsun portables, EWE aerials, via Bob Wilkner, NASWA yg via DXLD). [and non]. Proslushyvaya New Year's greetings (in the past, and 2015/2016 g), only the president of the republic in Kyrgyzstan zachityvaet New Year's address in two languages ??- in Kyrgyz and Russian languages, which does not happen in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. I ask all to ensure that when there is a transfer in Russian on the Dushanbe to 4765 kHz, and in the afternoon I sometimes accept and harmonics - more on 14295 and sometimes for 9530 and 19060, and who is the receiver can verify and 5 th, 6 th harmonic (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria / "deneb-radio-dx" via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. After the departure of Radio Liberty with HF feeling umoschnili SW frequency 1386 kHz. Receiving almost perfect. Who owns the information? I probably missed something? (Sergey Alekseichik, Grodno, Belarus / "open_dx" via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) The information in the confirmation: Frequency: 1386 kHz Transmitter power: 75 kW Transmitter type: Shtorm-S Antenna type: 152 m mast Transmitter location: Sitkunai, Lithuania Program source: RFE / RL Language: Russian Rimantas Pleikys, Chief Operations Officer RBWI, Address RR: riplei @ takas.lt (Pavel Ivanov, Belgorod, Russia / "open_dx", ibid.) The transmitter "Storm" in Sitkunae technically divided into two independent parts, the second until recently broadcast on 612 kHz, but paused. It could be connected to achieve a full 150 kW. I'll try to find out from Rimantas whether something in the last few days, weeks, months, has not changed. Still, if I remember correctly, in Sitkunae worth another 500 ready- kilovattnik at 666 kHz, but customers in such a powerful broadcast there. Rimantas Pleykis, coordinator of the project "Baltic Waves", took me on a tour of Sitkunay in 2013. There are both 100-kW HF transmitter, but it is somehow very little loaded :( (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia / "open_dx", ibid.) Most likely something improved with the antenna oriented to the east or southeast. I hear their lousy as it was in Riga (Andrew Kuznetsov, Latvia / "open_dx", ibid.) I'm on a lot worse. The reason is not clear (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "open_dx", ibid.) ** MOLDOVA. Radio Moldova, 873 kHz, verified an electronic report 6 days after my third F/UP with a short E-mail message saying: "Dear Mr. Antonio Napolitano, On behalf of Public National Broadcasting Company "Teleradio-Moldova" I have the honor to send you my respectful compliments. Hereby, I confirm that you have listened our radio station. At the same time, we would like to thank you to listening the Radio Moldova. It is a great enjoyment that we have listeners across the border. Our radio station always will be available to radio listeners. Only in this way we can promote our traditions, our culture and establish a friendship between peoples and ethnicities. Wishing you success in your activity, please accept, Dear Mr. Michael Lindner (??? This should be a typo error!), our highest respect. Best regards", V/S Andrei Luchianciuc, Communication and International Relations Department, Public National Broadcasting "Teleradio-Moldova" Company. The third F/UP was sent to: veaceslav.gheorghesenco@trm.md, olga.bordeianu@trm.md, alexandru.gutu@trm.md - The reply came from Mr Luchianciuc, private E-mail address: luchianciuc@yahoo.com (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto, ITALY, July DX Fanzine via DXLD) ** PRIDNESTROVYE. Three clandestine broadcasts via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on July 29: Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow 1600-1630 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, poor today Sedoye Bahar/Voice of Spring 1730-1800 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri, good signal Radio Payem e-Doost 1800-1845 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair to good signal http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/07/three-clandestine-broadcasts-via.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Good signal of Adygeyan Radio on July 29 & 31: 1800-1900 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri 1900-2000 on 6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/08/good-signal-of-adygeyan-radio-on-july.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 7345, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk, 0944, July 31. Mixing with V26 (CHINA) in USB, with Chinese numbers. Audio of the two stations: https://goo.gl/yqKl02 audio of just R. Sakha in LSB, with IS [Jew's harp] and time pips - https://goo.gl/IAaRp7 7345 continues to be much stronger than // 7295. Dave Valko listening at the same time, via Japan remote, noted stronger V26 (USB) than I did (Ron Howard, San Francisco, CA, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1837, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. NOVOSIBIRSK REGION MOVES TO A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE. July 24, 2016 at 2 o'clock 00 minutes of Novosibirsk region has passed the sixth time zone (MSK + 4). The clock in the night from Saturday to Sunday moved forward one hour. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 ?271-FZ "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law" On the Calculation of Time "from July 24, 2016 Novosibirsk region excluded from the fifth time zone (MSK + 3) and referred to the sixth (MSK + 4). In the night from Saturday to Sunday clocks moved forward one hour - from two to three in the morning (Government of the Novosibirsk region, http://www.nso.ru/news/21209 via RusDX July 31 via DXLD) ** TAJIKISTAN. 4765.01, Tajik Radio, 1840, noted in passing with local music. 23 July (David Sharp, NSW, Australia, FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, R30A, Timewave 599ZX, various Palstar and MFJ accessories, Quantum Phaser, various Sangean and Tecsun portables, EWE aerials, via Bob Wilkner, NASWA yg via DXLD) See also KYRGYZSTAN [and non] ** UKRAINE. AMERICAN CHARITY BACKS MILITARY RADIO STATION IN UKRAINE August 1, 2016 4:27 PM ET Heard on All Things Considered David Welna An information war is underway on Ukraine's troubled eastern flank, with pro-Russia radio and TV dominating the airwaves. But with key help from an American charity that makes no claim to neutrality, Ukraine's military now has its own FM radio station for its troops on the front. The reach of Army FM is limited, but Spirit of America's Jim Hake is determined to change that. . . [7:35 audio link] http://www.npr.org/2016/08/01/488273997/american-charity-backs-military-radio-station-in-ukraine (NPR ATC via KOSU, via gh, DXLD) ** UZBEKISTAN. FEBA Radio, 9390 kHz, via Tashkent, acknowledged an electronic report in 4 days with the following E-mail message: "Dear Antonio, Greetings from Feba UK! Thank you for sending us your reception report. I'm contacting you to let you know that Feba UK no longer broadcasts but, instead, partners with other organisations in the countries in which we work, who produce and broadcast the programmes themselves. We therefore no longer need to receive such reports or are able to confirm the details but we thank you wholeheartedly for your interest in Feba's ministry. Kind regards, Esther O'Toole, Supporter Relations, 01903 237281, Feba Radio: Registered Charity 257343". The report was sent to info@feba.org.uk but the reply came from: supporter-relations@feba.org.uk (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto, ITALY, July DX Fanzine via DXLD) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Updated Aug 5: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html THE EVOLUTION OF SHORTWAVE RADIO Radio World By James Careless August 1, 2016 With the advent of radio in the 20th century, the shortwave band (1710-30,000 kHz) soon became a hotbed of long-distance radio broadcasting. Used primarily by state-run international broadcasters, plus ham radio operators and ship-to-shore radio communications, the shortwave band was prized due to its astoundingly broad reach. Excellent article here: http://www.radioworld.com/article/the-evolution-of-shortwave-radio/279335 Posted by: (Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================== КНДР -------- ** KOREA NORTH. Voice of Korea new transmissions --- According to Hiroshi's blog, Voice of Korea has added the following transmissions: 6070 kHz: 1430-1630 Russian 1730-1830 Russian http://www.vok.rep.kp (Mauno Ritola via WRTH fb group via Roberto Scaglione, Sicily, bclnews.it yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1836, DXLD) Румыния ------------- Вещание р.Румынии на средних волнах на русском языке. На частоте 1530kHz вещает R.Romania Actualitati 14kW и R.Constanta 14kW.Каждую среду с 18:05 UTC R.Constanta транслирует передачи для русских Липаван. cloud.mail.ru/public/8Vbz/zTP65Tkjh Приём не всегда хороший, чередуется с R.Actualitati Приёмник SANGEAN ATS 909X антенна AM Lop MW, Ярославская обл., Углич, деревня. (http://dxing.ru/forum.html?func=view&catid=20&id=9560#35300) WEB RADIO НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ============================= Россия. Москва. ---------------------- Радио Звезда. Министерство Обороны Балашиха 10 кВт, 384м. +RDS Москва 95,6 МГц WEB : tvzvezda.ru/radio Разговорно-музыкальная радиостанция, позиционируется как государственно-патриотическое радио. СИГНАЛЫ И ОПОЗНОВАНИЕ ========================= Вьетнам. -------------- Радиостанция "Голос Вьетнама" Эфир: "Говорит Голос Вьетнама!" QSL МИР ======== АГ = Александр Головихин, Тольятти / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва ВВ = Виктор Варзин, Ленинградская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ВП = Владимир Пивоваров, г.Боярка , Украина / "deneb-radio-dx". ДК = Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" ПИ = Павел Иванов, Белгород / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" СЕ = Сергей Ёлкин, Тверь / "deneb-radio-dx" СШ = Сергей Шохин, посёлок Селятино, Московская область / " deneb-radio-dx. PS = Piotr Skorek, Poland Аляска ---------- Получил QSL-карточку от радиостанции KNLS за приём на русском языке - 03.07.2016, 11.00-12.00 UTC на частоте 11870 кГц. На карточке летний вид на радиостанцию. Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: knlsradio @ gmail.com . (ДК) Великобритания ------------------------ Получил eQSL Radio Merlin International. 4 August 2016 / 20.50-21.13 UTC / 6305 kHz E-mail : radiomerlin @ blueyonder.co.uk Посмотреть подтверждение можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/08/blog-post_5.html (АК) Вьетнам ------------ Получил от русской редакции Голоса Вьетнама новые карточки Персиковые цветы на плоскогорье Мокчау Кружевной мост Лонгбиен - работа французского архитектора Густава Эйфеля Река Хоай в старинном городе Хойан. (ВП) Испания / Россия ------------------------ Получил QSL-карточку от русской службы Международного испанского радио за приём - 03.07.2016, 00.30-00.59 UTC на частоте 738 кГц (через Всемирную радиосеть). Карточка красного цвета с символикой RNE и посвящена 70-летию Испанского радио. Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: ruso @ rtve.es и на личный адрес Светланы Демидовой. (ДК) Италия ----------- Two e-QSL cards received from Italian free station - Enterprise Radio. Program was broadcasted 29. 07. 2016 on 6950 khz. (PS) Мадагаскар ------------------ * Madagascar World Voice - QSL(с обезьяной) и открытку, приём 1 июля 2016 г. 9570 кГц. http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/04/madagascar-world-voice.html (ПИ) * Получил QSL от Madagascar World Voice за приём на русском языке - 02.07.2016, 18.00-19.00 UTC на частоте 9570 кГц. Стоит штамп KNLS - MWV. На карточке - местные жители Мадагаскара на берегу океана. Рапорт отправлял: mwvradio @ gmail.com . (ДК) * Наконец-то и до меня дошло время, и я тоже получил специальную QSL-карточку MWV (Мадагаскар) (с лемуром) за приём 2 июля 2016 года на русском языке с 18.00 (UTC) на 9570 кГц. Судя по штампу отправителя, письмо шло до меня из США всего 12 дней, на этот раз. На карточке стоит двойной штамп KNLS/MWV и пропечатан номер 08 типографским способом. (СШ) Россия ---------- Получил QSL от "Голоса Надежды" Всемирного радио Адвентистов за приём на русском языке - 22.07.2016, 20.00-20.30 UTC на частоте 9760 кГц Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: golosnadezhdi @ gmail.com . Также прислали информационный бюллетень "Голос Надежды" номер 2 за 2016 год и рекламные материалы. (СЕ) Румыния ------------- * Получил QSL-карточку русской редакции Интеррадио Румыния. 26.06.16, 13760 кГц, 13:00 UTC. Тема : The Savings Bank Palace, Bucuresti. (СЕ) * Получил QSL-карточку от русской службы Интеррадио Румыния. 03.07.2016 / 04:30 UTC / 9770 kHz Тема : The Cluj-Napoca National Theatre. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/08/blog-post_0.html (АК) * Получил QSL-карточку ИРР только за первое июня, причем карточка поцарапана. (ВВ) Словакия -------------- Получил QSL-карточку от русской редакции Radio Slovakia International. 4.7.2016 / 738 kHz Тема : Radio / Television 90 /60. Микрофон. (АК) США ------- WRMI - 9955 кГц, приём 29 апреля 2015 года. (что ретранслировали уже не помню) http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/08/wrmi-relays.html (ПИ) WWCR - 4840 кГц qsl@wwcr.com http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/08/wwcr.html (ПИ) Тайвань ------------- Получил 3 QSL-карточки от русской службы RTI. 2016/2/16 / 17:00-18:00 / 11955 kHz 2016/7/01 / 17:00-18:00 / 11955 kHz (2 карточки) Карточку за номеров 2016 - 7 можно посмотреть здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/08/blog-post_36.html (АК) Тайвань / США ---------------------- * Получил eQSL PCJ Radio International за специальную передачу The Radio Netherlands Archives. July17,2016 / 0600-0656 / 7780 kHz / Okeechobee, FL, USA / 100kW E -mail: pcjqsl @ pcjmedia.com Ответил на рапорт - Victor Goonitelleke Frequency Manager for PCJ Radio International Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/08/blog-post.html (АК) * Получил eQSL от PCJ Radio International - 7570 кГц . http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/08/pcj-radio-international.html (ПИ) Чехия --------- Из программы Радио Прага "Я к вам пишу" от 05.08.2016 : "Хотим также обратить ваше внимание на программу <Радио Прага>, которая выйдет в эфир 31 августа и частично будет посвящена 80-летию начала вещания. Всем слушателям, которые пришлют нам рапорты о прослушивании передачи в этот день, будет отправлена специальная юбилейная QSL-карточка по случаю этой памятной даты." (ДК) Швеция ------------ SAQ - (ретрансляция в КВ диапазоне) http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/07/saq.html Вот ссылка на информацию: http://alexander.n.se/SAQ-Forum/topic/alexanderson-day-july-3rd-2016-transmission/?lang=en Я слушал частоту 14035 кГц. В режиме CW была информация. (ПИ) Япония ------------ Получил QSL-карточку от русской редакции NHK World Radio Japan. 2 июля 2016 / 6165 кГц Тема : "Follow Ryomal". (АК) Пиратское радио ------------------------ Получил eQSL от Rock' N Roll Radio за приём 17 июля на 6265 kHz. Рапортовал на : rocknrollshortwave@gmail.com (АГ) Российский SWL/DX сайт. QSL альбом. Москва, Россия 7 август 2016 ---------------------- Автор сообщения: rusborder Место приёма: Саратов Приёмник: SDRplay | Антенна: LW 35 метров Германия HCJB / 13800 кГц / 16.07.2016 15:30 / QSL-карточка, письмо / русский / info@hcjb.org, office@hcjb.org.au, mks@intercon.ru HCJB / 13800 кГц / 02.07.2016 15:32 / QSL-карточка, письмо / русский / info@hcjb.org, office@hcjb.org.au, mks@intercon.ru Марокко Radio Mediterranee Internationale (Medi 1) / 9575 кГц / 27.03.2016 21:55 / e-QSL / Карточка получена после повторного напоминания / французский / a.elatmani@medi1.com, medi1@medi1.com Германия SM Radio International / 6070 кГц / 23.07.2016 19:05 / e-QSL / английский / info@shortwavecommunity.com Германия Just Right Media / 6070 кГц / 04.08.2016 19:10 / e-QSL / К сожалению карточка не заполнена данными рапорта, хотя вещатель называет это QSL / английский / feedback@justrightmedia.org Германия From the Isle of Music / 6070 кГц / 02.08.2016 19:00 / e-QSL / английский / tilfordproductions@gmail.com Филиппины FEBC Philippines / 11650 кГц / 30.07.2016 15:05 / e-QSL / русский / norie.estabillo@febc.ph Италия Radio Latino / 7580 кГц / 17.07.2016 19:50 / e-QSL / radiolatino@live.com Enterprise Radio / 6950 кГц / 29.07.2016 20:55 / e-QSL / итальянский / enterpriseradio@hotmail.com Германия Radio Star International / 6070 кГц / 22.07.2016 21:00 / e-QSL / итальянский / radiostar@freewaves.it Автор сообщения: falnaf777 Место приёма: Львов Приёмник: Degen 1121 | Антенна: Degen 31MS Бразилия ZYE365 Rádio Nacional da Amazônia / 6180 кГц / 02.07.2016 02:46 / QSL-карточка / португальский / centraldoouvinte@ebc.com.br Нидерланды Radio Mr. Cash / 6390 кГц / 16.07.2016 19:05 / e-QSL / английский / radiocash@hotmail.com Автор сообщения: driverQSL Место приёма: Якутск Приёмник: SANGEAN ATS-909XR | Антенна: Проволока, длиной 10 метров Вьетнам Voice of Vietnam / 7220 кГц / 25.06.2016 12:30 / QSL-карточка / русский / golosvietnama@mail.ru vov_cqtt_nga@mail.ru Румыния Radio Romania International / 9770 кГц / 29.03.2016 04:30 / QSL-карточка / русский / rusa@rri.ro Radio Romania International / 9770 кГц / 08.05.2016 04:30 / QSL-карточка / русский / rusa@rri.ro Тайвань Radio Taiwan International (RTI) / 9590 кГц / 12.05.2016 14:02 / QSL-карточка / русский / russ@rti.org.tw Автор сообщения: moscow.dx Место приёма: Hira Приёмник: Sangean ATS-909X | Антенна: LW 80 m высота подвеса что-то около ста метров США World Harvest Radio / 9505 кГц / 31.01.2016 22:10 / QSL-карточка / английский / Послано через web-форму сайта станции http://lesea.com/ Монголия Voice of Mongolia / 12035 кГц / 05.02.2016 09:00 / QSL-карточка / английский / vom_en@yahoo.com КАЛЕНДАРЬ РАДИОДАТ ===================== Россия. Ставропольский край. Невинномысск. ----------------------------------------------------- 1 августа исполнилось 10 лет с начала вещания Love Radio в Невинномысске Ставропольского края, сообщает OnAir.ru со ссылкой на пресс-службу Krutoy Media. Частота вещания - 100,2 FM, потенциальный охват населения - 180 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ЗАО "Телетекст-плюс", генеральный директор - Бабакова Л.Ф. (OnAir.ru) Россия. Челябинская область. Миасс. -------------------------------------------------------- 1 августа исполнилось пять лет с начала вещания "Радио Дача" в городе Миасс Челябинской области. Частота вещания - 101,0 FM, потенциальная аудитория "Радио Дача" - 205,8 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер "Радио Дача" - ООО "СМС", директор - Захаров И.Н. (OnAir.ru) Казахстан. Шымкент. ------------------------------ 1 августа пять лет с начала вещания Love Radio в Шымкенте Республики Казахстан. Частота вещания - 101,2 FM, потенциальный охват населения - 800,0 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ТОО "Grand FM", генеральный директор - Ахметова А. С. (OnAir.ru) Россия. Москва. ----------------------- 2 августа 2016 года самое национальное, любимое и народное радио нашей страны отмечает День Рождения! "Русскому Радио" исполняется 21 год! Мы открываем третье десятилетие в эфире! В 1995 году "Русское Радио" стало первой радиостанцией, в эфире которой зазвучали песни исключительно на русском языке. Стартовав в августе, всего за три месяца "Русское Радио" вошло в десятку самых популярных радиостанций Москвы. (OnAir.ru) Республика Бурятия ------------------------------- 3 августа 2015 года, к сети вещания "Радио Дача" присоединился город Улан-Удэ Республики Бурятия. Частота вещания 91,6 МГц, потенциальный охват населения - 465,3 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер "Радио Дача" - ЗАО "Радио Сибирь-Байкал", генеральный директор - Мантатова Т.Е. (OnAir.ru) Республика Татарстан. --------------------------------- 3 августа 2015 г. на частоте 106,5 МГц началось вещание "Радио Дача" в городе Азнакаево Республики Татарстан. Потенциальный охват населения - 49,8 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер - ООО "Радио- Сервис", директор - Зарипов Р.Р. (OnAir.ru) СМИ ==== Россия ---------- Россия почти удвоила расходы на ТВ, радио и интернет-сервисы за рубежом. Общие расходы России на телевещание, радиовещание, а также интернет-сервисы за рубежом планируется увеличить. Если в 2015 году на эти цели было потрачено 151 млн евро, то в этом году планируется выделить 255 млн, пишет ИА "Росбалт" со ссылкой на The Times. Сообщается, что в Кремле утвердили увеличение бюджета Russia Today и его англоязычного канала, а также других сервисов, включая Sputnik, который открыл штаб-квартиру в Эдинбурге. Отмечается, что расходы на вещание Russia Today и Sputnik в Великобритании были увеличены более чем на 100 млн евро. По сведениям газеты, это связано с открытием офиса Russia Today в Лондоне. Напомним, ранее управление по радио- и телевещанию Аргентины приняло решение о приостановке вещания телеканала RT на территории страны. lenizdat.ru (OnAir.ru) РАДИОПРОГРАММА ================== ЮМОР И РАДИО =============== Анекдоты А.С. Городникова Утренняя смена на радиостанции. 6 часов утра. Ди-джей в прямом эфире. Звонит мужик: - Але, это радио? - Да, я вас слушаю. - Парень, сделай, пожалуйста потише, не могу заснуть. - Ди-джей: - ХА! (минуту ржет) А в чем проблема? Сделай приемник потише! - Мужик: - Да у соседей орет на всю квартиру... Из истории радио... Пеpвым полупpоводником был Иван Сусанин. Встречаются два руководителя радиокомпаний... - Правда ли, что скоро мобильный телефон будет стоить как обычный? - Hе совсем. Обычный будет стоить как мобильный. (http://guzei.com/radio/anekdoti-gorodnikova.html) 73!