--------------------------------------------------------- Электронный еженедельный бюллетень "Русь-DX Плюс" Номер 650 Дата : 12 / июнь / 2016 год. Время : UTC (Всемирное координированное) [ Mосковское время = UTC + 3 часа ] Выходит по воскресеньям. Язык : русский + оригинал публикаций. ----------------------------------------------------------- Адрес для контактов : rusdx@yandex.ru Страницы в Интернете: http://rusdx.narod.ru Подписка и рассылка бюллетеня : http://groups.google.com/group/rusdxplus. QSL. Фото : http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/ --------------------------------------------- Редактор : Анатолий Клепов Москва, Россия ----------------------------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии. Всемирное радиовещание на русском языке. Стол редактора. Информация по странам. Радиовещание на русском языке. WEB радио на русском языке. QSL мир. Календарь радиодат. Филателия. СМИ. Радиопрограмма. Юмор и радио. ------------------------------------------------------------- СТОЛ РЕДАКТОРА ================ * Много информация о радио проходит мимо, и не успеваешь, что-то отследить, так как не всегда бываешь у радиоприемника и в некоторые дни, вообще нет возможности заниматься DX-хобби. Такова жизнь: болезни, работа, семейная жизнь и вообще жизнь в России - это борьба за выживание. Это знает каждый. Все постоянно дорожает, и электронная почта одно спасение в контактах - экономит много средств. Приглашаю всех желающих к составлению списка трансляций радиостанций, которые в эфире несколько раз в месяц и подтверждают прием своих передач. Пишите на адрес бюллетеня. Сегодня начало списка. Дата : первое воскресенье месяца. Германия. Radio Joystick. WEB : http://radiojoystick.de/ The transmitters are located in the small town of Moosbrunn near Vienna, broadcasting our shows on every first Sunday of each month at 12:00 h German time (10:00 UTC) with 100 kW at 7330 kHz on shortwave to Western Europe! Передатчик находится в Мосбрунн в Вене и наши передачи в эфире первое воскресенье каждого месяца в 12 часов утра по немецкому времени (10.00 по Всемирному времени) с 100 кВт при 7330 кГц на коротких волнах в направлении Западной Европы! * Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань в группе "deneb-radio-dx" сообщил : - о специальной QSL карточке Радио Прага. Подробности здесь - http://www.radio.cz/ru/static/80-let-radio-praga/specialnaja-kartocka "Радио Прага" выпустило специальную QSL-карточку, посвященную 80-й годовщине со дня основания радиостанции, которую получит каждый слушатель, кто пришлет нам "Рапорт о приеме" 31 августа 2016 года. - Русский отдел радиостанции Madagasсar World Voice (KNLS - "Новая жизнь") в период с 1 июля по 1 сентября 2016 года будет подтверждать рапорты о приёме специальными QSL-карточками с видами Мадагаскара и будут заверены специальным штампом. Количество карточек ограничено (200 штук). Рапорты приветствуются по электронному адресу: mwvradio@gmail.com сообщение получено от русского отдела радиостанции * Албания. Возможно скоро международное вещание Радио Тирана покинет эфир. ALBANIA. There are voices that: RTSH on AM broadcasting abroad might be closed one pretty day soon (Drita Çiço, RTSH-Head of Monitoring Center, Radio Tirana, May 27, WORLD OF RADIO 1828, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Журнал "Радио", 6 / 2016 (http://www.radio.ru/) в разделе "Радиоприем" рубрика: В. ГУЛЯЕВ. Новости вещания. В свободном доступе. * Glenn Hauser, USA сообщает в группе "HCDX" Updated June 7: DX/SWL/Media Programs: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html Alan Roe`s Hitlist of SW stations: http://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm World of Radio schedule: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html * Италия. Here is the schedule for the next broadcasts of Marconi Radio International (MRI) on 8, 15, 22 and 30 June 2016: 1730- 1830 UTC on 13960 kHz (USB mode), 1915-2015 UTC on 15070 kHz (USB mode) and 2045-2145 UTC on 7700 kHz (USB Mode). Our broadcasts include some kind of programmes now sadly missing from most shortwave radio stations: an old style DX show in English "Italian Short Wave Panorama" with lot of recent logs as well as a mailbag programme in Italian. Our station identification announcements are not only in English and Italian but also in French, German, Spanish and Catalan. MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com - Please don't forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card. Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience. We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions. Best 73's Marconi Radio International (MRI) * Куба. "55th ANNIVERSARY OF RADIO HAVANA CUBA CONTEST" On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of Radio Havana Cuba, our shortwave station invites its listeners to participate in a competition marking that important date. The question you must answer is as follows: How do you evaluate the permanence of Radio Havana Cuba in the shortwave bands and its programming, 55 years after its foundation? The jury will award 5 Prizes and 50 Mentions, consisting in Cuban handicrafts and souvenirs from our station. Contest deadline is December 31st, 2016. Essays can be sent electronically through radiohc@enet.cu or by postal mail to RHC, P. O. Box 6240, Havana, Cuba. * Шри Ланка. Закрыта ретрансляционная станция на Шр Ланке из-за изношенности оборудования. U S A [non]. As of today the SRI LANKA station is no more. The station is too expensive to maintain and something like a quarter million bolts on the antennas need to be replaced because of corrosion. They are closing two a year now, so one of the German stations is next (a reliable source, June 9, for DX LISTENING DIGEST) To state the obvious, this site was ideal for covering much of Asia, and part of Africa. Perhaps some of the scheduled IRA transmissions for the time being will be shifted to other sites? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Victor Goonetilleke in Sri Lanka, who works as a monitor for IBB, replies, ``Yes, Glenn, last broadcast went out on the 8th. Sad but this is the way SW goes``. (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Message: 5 Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 From: Tom Taylor Subject: [HCDX] Relays this weekend Saturday HLR: 06.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz 12.00 to15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz Sunday HLR: 09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday, 12th of June, with our 34th anniversary show, at 0700 and 1900 UTC on 6070 kHz, and at the same time on our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr Special QSL card available, by sending a detailed reception report to : atlantic2000international@gmail.com Hobart Radio International has an additional broadcast Tuesdays 9955kHz 2230-2300 via WRMI Full A16 Schedule: http://www.hriradio.org/p/current-schedule.html EMR scheduled Short Wave Transmissions for June 2016: Relay on 18th of June 2016: NEW Time Slot 17.00 to 18.00 (Eastern Time) on 7490 KHz - Central & North America via WBCQ. Relays on 19th of June 2016:07.00 to 08.00 UTC on 11650 KHz - Southern Europe - Portugal & Spain via KBC. 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 6045 KHz - Western Europe & UK via KBC .08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9485 KHz - Western Europe & UK via MV Baltic Radio. 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 6070 KHz - Western Europe & UK via Channel 292. Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules: http://www.channel292.de/schedule-for-bookings/ Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules: www.radiomiamigo.es/shortwave -- European Music Radio: website: www.europeanmusicradio.com email: emrshortwave@gmail.com * Our June 14 (June 13 in the Americas) program features special guest Luna Manzanares, who has the lead role in Carmen la Cubana, a cubanized version of Bizet (remember Carmen Jones?). We'll also feature some of the album Cosmopolitan by D'Corason, which won the Nueva Trova category in Cubadisco 2016. We'll also have some more music from Popularmente Sinfónico Vol II by Orquesta Sinfónica de Matanzas and some vintage Los Papines. Two listening options on shortwave: WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0000 UTC (8pm EDT Mondays) Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Tuesdays 1900 UTC (2100 CEST) See the NOTES section of our Facebook page for more information. Graphic attached. William "Bill" Tilford, Owner/Producer Tilford Productions, LLC 5713 N. St. Louis Av Chicago IL 60659-4405 email: bill@tilfordproductions.com phone: 773.267.6548 website: www.tilfordproductions.com * Руслан Славуцкий, Московская область сообщил: Мониторинг. Служебное радио. "Вертослет 2016". 11 июнь 2016. 129.100 АМ. 10.10 UTC. Аэродром "Черное" - позывной "Покровская". ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО СТРАНАМ. ========================== РОССИЯ ======== Алтайский край. Барнаул. ------------------------------------ * 7 июня филиал РТРС "Алтайский КРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Звезда FM" в Барнауле. Частота вещания - 107, 9 МГц. "Звезду FM" могут принимать 825 тысяч жителей Барнаула и окрестностей. Радиостанция "Звезда FM" - современная музыкально-разговорная радиостанция, уделяющая особое внимание патриотической и военной тематике. В сетке информационного вещания "Звезда FM" присутствуют общероссийские и международные новости, новости российской армии и прогнозы погоды. (Российская телерадиосеть) * Радио "ЗВЕЗДА" - разговорно-музыкальная радиостанция, входящая в состав OAO "Телерадиокомпания Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации "ЗВЕЗДА". Радио "ЗВЕЗДА" вещает в России с 20 февраля 2005 г., в Барнауле трансляция ведется на частоте 107,9 FM с использованием передатчика мощностью 1 кВт. Передающая антенна расположена на мачте Алтайского краевого радиотелевизионного передающего центра, это позволяет осуществлять уверенный прием программ радио "ЗВЕЗДА" в Барнауле, Новоалтайске и прилегающих населенных пунктах. В эфире - информационно-познавательные программы, передачи на исторические и культурные темы, аудиокниги, музыка 70-х - 90-x годов, регулярные выпуски новостей. Уникальными проектами радио "ЗВЕЗДА" являются литературные программы - "Час короткого рассказа" и "Ночная радиокнига". Слоган радиостанции: "Помню о прошлом, верю в будущее!". Сайт радиостанции "ЗВЕЗДА" - www.radiozvezda.ru В интернете транслируется специальная интернет-версия радиостанции "ЗВЕЗДА", которая отличается от FM- версии отсутствием рекламы и некоторых передач. (OnAir.ru) Вологодская область. Вологда. -------------------------------------------- Филиал РТРС "Вологодский ОРТПЦ" будет транслировать радиостанцию Love Radio в Вологде на частоте 96,4 МГц. 25 мая, по результатам конкурса Роскомнадзора, "Радио-Любовь" (зарегистрированное название радиостанции) получило право эфирного вещания в областном центре. На данный момент вологодский филиал РТРС ведет подготовительные работы для начала трансляции радиостанции с новой телебашни Вологды. Запуск передатчика запланирован на середину 2017 года. (Российская телерадиосеть) Оренбургская область. Орск. ----------------------------------------- 9 июня директор филиала РТРС "Оренбургский ОРТПЦ" Алексей Михеев, заместитель главы города Орск Сергей Дунаев и директор ГТРК "Оренбург", депутат законодательного собрания Оренбургской области Лариса Мурашова дали старт FM-трансляции "Радио России" в Орске. Частота вещания - 107,5 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 1 кВт. "Радио России" могут принимать более 400 тысяч человек. Средний радиус зоны охвата - 30 км. На трассе Орск - Оренбург принять радиостанцию можно в 60 км от Орска. Ранее "Радио России" транслировалось в УКВ-диапазоне на частоте 66,92 МГц. Во время мероприятия сотрудники оренбургского филиала РТРС организовали прямую видеосвязь со студией "Радио России" в Оренбурге. Ведущие приветствовали начало FM-трансляции на востоке области и рассказали о преимуществе вещания в новом формате. На церемонию запуска были приглашены победители конкурса "Радио России" и представители средств массовой информации. Сотрудники оренбургского филиала РТРС провели для гостей экскурсию по телецентру. Алексей Михеев, Лариса Мурашова и Сергей Дунаев вручили призы - радиоприемники - победителям конкурса "Радио России" из Медногорска, Новотроицка и Орска. Оренбургский филиал РТРС также транслирует "Радио России" в FM-диапазоне в Бугуруслане и Матвеевке. Жители Бугуруслана могут принимать "Радио России" на частоте на частоте 107,5 МГц, жители Матвеевки - на 102,1 МГц. (Российская телерадиосеть) Тамбовская область. Тамбов. -------------------------------------------- 1 июня филиал РТРС "Тамбовский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Радио Дача" в Тамбове. Частота вещания - 90,9 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 1 кВт. Радиостанцию могут принимать порядка 500 тысяч жителей Тамбова и окрестностей. (Российская телерадиосеть) Сетевое вещание -------------------------- НАШи новые города - Астархань и Шадринск 2 июня 2016 года началось вещание Нашего Радио в Астрахани и Шадринске. На сегодняшний день НАШЕ Радио вещает в 75 городах России. Каждый день на волну радиостанции настраивается 8 миллионов человек, к которым теперь добавились и слушатели мультикультурного города Астрахани и динамично развивающегося города Зауралья Шадринска (Курганская область). Численность потенциальных радиослушателей в Астрахани в зоне вещания составит порядка более 700 000 человек. Настроиться на любимую волну НАШЕго Радио в этом городе теперь стало возможным на частоте 87,9 FM. Более 85 000 слушателей Шадринска услышат НАШИх ведущих и музыкантов на волне 103,1 FM. Основу музыкального плей-листа радиостанции составляют такие легендарные группы, как "ДДТ", "Алиса", Земфира, "Сплин", "Король и Шут", "БИ-2", "Агата Кристи", "Машина Времени", и многие другие. Благодаря НАШЕму Радио обрели всенародную любовь многие музыканты из России и ряда других стран - Украины, Белоруссии, Молдавии, Латвии. Какой город следующий станет НАШим? Следите в новостях на официальном сайте www.nashe.ru НАШЕ Радио - одна из ведущих российских радиостанций, входит в состав "Мультимедиа Холдинга" (радиостанции ВEST FM, ROCK FM, "Радио Джаз", информационное агентство "Национальная служба новостей", студия звукозаписи "VINTAGE RECORDS STUDIO", агентство "УЛЬТРА Продакшн" и завод по изготовлению виниловых пластинок "VINYL RECORDS"). "ММХ" считается одной из крупнейших по количеству вещающих радиостанций частных компаний России. С 2008 года НАШЕ Радио является организатором Национальной музыкальной премии "Чартова Дюжина". Помимо этого уже 16 лет радиостанция проводит крупнейший на постсоветском пространстве фестиваль НАШЕСТВИЕ, который собирает до 150 тысяч зрителей ежегодно. (OnAir.ru) РОССИЯ / АРМЕНИЯ / ПРИДНЕСТВОВЬЕ =================================== Передача радиостанции Вести ФМ были услышани 7-го июня 2016 годо на частоте 1395 кГц (новая?) из Гавара, Армения и на 1413 кГц из Григориополя с 00.00 до 00.57 UTC (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). БЕЛАРУСЬ ========== В Беларуси зарегистрировали католическое "Радио Мария" В Беларуси зарегистрировали католическую радиостанцию "Радио Мария". Официально юридическое лицо получило название Учреждение "Радио РМ" - это связано с некоторыми положениями белорусского законодательства. Однако белорусское учреждение сможет получить права на использование торговой марки "Радио Мария" и выходить в эфир под этим названием. Радио будет работать в Беларуси на белорусском языке. "Еще нужно пройти ряд юридических процедур, однако главный этап, наконец, пройден. Планируется, что первым шагом будет создание мобильной студии, которая будет транслировать мессы из разных церквей страны. Надеемся, что мы сможем начать вещание в декабре 2016 года", - сообщил руководитель проекта "Радио Мария-Беларусь" Вячеслав Гулевич. Открыть редакцию всемирно известной католической радиостанции "Радио Мария" в Беларуси пытались в течение пяти лет. charter97.org (OnAir.ru) ТАДЖИКИСТАН ============ Слышал внутреннее вещание Таджикского радио на таджикском языке 10 июня в 04.00 на трех гармоник : 9530, 14295 и 19060 кГц (лучше всего на 14295), но ничего не услышал на основной частоте вещания 4765 кГц (уже в дневное время). (Румен Панков, София, Болгария). УКРАИНА ======== Крупнейшие украинские радиостанции обязали играть гимн дважды в сутки Межотраслевое объединение "Радиокомитет" приняло решение, что государственный гимн Украины должен звучать дважды в день в эфирах всех радиостанций, входящих в его состав. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Национального совета по вопросам телевидения и радиовещания. "Радиокомитет поддержал предложение регулятора по звучанию гимна Украины на радиостанциях", - говорится в сообщении. В комитет входят радиостанции: "Хит FM", Radio Roks, "Русское радио Украина", Kiss FM, радио Relax, радио "Мелодия", радио "Люкс", "Радио 24", "Наше радио", "Авто радио", "ретро FM", lounge FM, "Джем FM", радио "Голос столицы", NRJ, радио "Шансон", "Любимое радио", "Бизнес радио" и DJFM. Решение радиокомитет принял по предложению главы Нацсовета Юрия Артеменко. 7 июня Нацсовет по вопросам телевидения и радиовещания выступил с инициативой обязать радиостанции включать в эфир гимн Украины дважды в сутки. strana.ua (OnAir.ru) "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET ================================= SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue no. 1851, 5 June, 2016. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden ----------------------------------------------- Log 4009.94 / Jun2 / *0000- / Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka ID in Kyrgyz and Ru, National hymn, 0003 Kyrgyz ann, orchestral music. // 4819.90 (Xizang fading out). / (AP-DNK) 4765.00 / Jun1 / 2355 / Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik talk about Tajikistan, folksong. / (AP-DNK) AP-DNK Anker Petersen, Skovlunde, Denmark BC-DX 1255, 4 June 2016 edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany ------------------------------------------------------ ARMENIA 17560 Radio Northern Ireland Test TX to Asia. To our listeners in Asia: On Sunday, 5th June 2016 from 1000-1030 UT we will manage a broadcast for Radio Northern Ireland program on 17560 kHz via Transmitter Gavar in Armenia at 100 kW, directed at 100 degr. (Alan Gale-UK, SSF_B via BrDXC-UK ng June 3) seemingly backlobe of 280 degrees antenna A86 / A87, see Gavar image at (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 3) RUSSIA 7295 // 7345 Radio Sakha. June 3 with open carrier at tune in of 0855 UT; audio at 0900 UT, but no IS nor time pips; straight into Russian programming; 7345 kHz, as usual the best reception when compared to 7295 kHz. Have to wonder about item in dxld#16-21, reporting "presumed" R. Sakha reception "0803+ UT," as I have only observed a *0900 UT sign on. All the schedules I have seen also indicate *0900 UT, whether weekday or weekend, with 0500* to *0900 UT being silent. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 3) DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-22, June 1, 2016 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser,USA ---------------------------------------- ** ARMENIA. Test transmission of Radio 700 via Yerevan Gavar: Radio - People & Stories, see also under Germany. Christian {at R700 Kall}, ist das die 8fach gestockte A80 / A81 Vorhangantenne in 305 Grad? Gavar-ARM antenna site image download link 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 22, BC-DX 28 May via DXLD) 1300-1400 17760 ERV 100 kW 305 deg to WeEUR German on Sunday May 29 Just wanted to highlight the news from Ivo Ivanov and also on the WRTH Facebook page: "GERMANY/ARMENIA Test transmission of Radio 700 via Yerevan Gavar: 1300-1400 on 17760 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu German on Sun May 29" This is the German program Radio - Menschen & Geschichten (Radio - People & Stories); see http://www.shortwaveservice.com/empfangen/das-magazin-radio-menschen-und-geschichten/ -- (Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016 um 10 Uhr MESZ (08 Uhr UTC) auf 6045 kHz und 7310 kHz 12 Uhr MESZ (10 Uhr UTC) auf 6005 kHz 15 Uhr MESZ (13 Uhr UTC) auf 17760 kHz Erewan Gavar Armenien <<<<<<<< 19 Uhr MESZ (17 Uhr UTC) auf 3985 kHz wb (Wolfgang Büschel, via roger, dxldyg via DXLD) http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/VoA_Radiogram_2016-05-28.htm#Gavar http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/VoA_Radiogram_2016-05-28.htm#Armenia Nauen, Rohrbach, Kall, Weenermoor, Göhren, Datteln, Moosbrunn: http://www.rhci-online.net/files/D-06193_Petersberg_150km_mapping+foF2.png (roger, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) GERMANY [non], Radio Menschen & Geschichten from R 700 via Armenia on 17760 kHz heard with excellent signal from 1310UT (tune-in). http://www.shortwaveservice.com/empfangen/das-magazin-radio-menschen-und-geschichten/ (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1828, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15 Uhr MESZ (13 Uhr UT) auf 17760 kHz Erewan Gavar Armenien <<<<<<<< Der Sender Erewan kann schon seit 1244 UT gehört werden. Zwar stört RRI Chinesisch aus Ziganeschti auf 17755 kHz noch, - bis 1257 UT. 17760 kHz hier mit Signal S=9+15dB oder -56dBm gehört. Und 10 x 50 Hertz Brummtöne wie ein Gartenzaun auf jedem Seitenband auch, nur der 350 Hertz String ist etwas 'unterbelichtet'. wb df5sx (Büschel, DXLD) Peaking at 20 over S9 at the Twente receiver (Richard Langley, 1338 UT, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) German version: Der Empfang war heute morgen von 0800-0900 UT auf 6045 kHz via Nauen am besten - nahezu störungsfrei (Signalstärke: S9+40). Kein Empfang um 0800 UT auf 7310 kHz möglich (tote Zone oder off-air - auf dem ELAD keine Aktivität). Um 1000 UT auf 6005 kHz mittelmäßiger Empfang (O=3), mäßig starkes Signal, mittelstarkes Fading. Der Empfang zur Zeit (1300-1400 UT) auf 17760 kHz via Gavar, Armenien schlechter als auf 6045 kHz (Signalstärke: max. S9+20, Signalstärke schwankte im Takt des mäßig starken Fadings). Laut ILGRadio Database wird mit 100 kW gesendet. Mehrmals QRM durch etwas, dass wie Radarsignale klang (wie einst OTHR aus Sowjetunion auf vielen Rundfunkbändern) auf 17750 kHz zwischen 1315 und 1330. English version: Best reception from 0800 to 0900 UT on 6045 kHz via Nauen - nearly with no disturbances. No reception at 0800 on 7310 kHz because of "dead zone or transmitter off-air (on ELAD no activity). Reception at 1000 UT was fair, fair signal, moderate fading. Actual reception (1300-1400 UT) on 17760 kHz via Gavar, Armenia is not as good as on 6045 kHz (signal strength: max. S9+20 varyiing defending on fading, fading was moderate). According to ILGRadio Database transmitting with 100 kW. Several times QRM from what sounded like radar signals (sounding like former OTHR from Soviet Union all over the shortwave bands) on 17750 kHz during time slot 1315-1330. 73, (Manfred Reiff, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Here in NW England reception of 17760 at 1340UT tune in is fair to good, peaking to S7+ and dropping to zero on the S meter. The audio sounds harsh, even distorted, in AM mode, and better using one of the sidebands. No interference noted - both sidebands are empty. VOA via Thailand made a crash start as MESZ closed at 1400 with something else co-channel - assumed to be China, as this broadcast is in Tibetan (Noel R. Green, NW England Hi Noel, yeah, you're right. At 1400 UT Voice of America started its transmission in Tibetan on 17760 kHz, heard here with AOR AR-7030plus and with the ELAD FDM-S2, both at S9+20. In the display the ELAD showed another signal on this QRG ranging from 17750 to 17770 kHz. According to the ILGRadio Database it is a Chinese jammer with DRM modulated CNR 1 via Kashi II with 10 kW. According to the database there is a second Chinese jammer active from Dongfang in AM operating with 250 kW. VOA dominated the frequency this time. Often the jammers make it impossible to listen to VOA or RFA broadcasts in languages spoken in China. Even certain VOA English programmes directed to particular regions (Zimbabwe and East Asia) are jammed too from neurotic Chinese jamming fetishists. 73, (Manfred Reiff, ibid.) 29/5, 17760, 1300-1400, RADIO 700 test transmission via TX Gavar. Armenia, German language, strong signal. Audioclip is available here: http://swli05639fr.blogspot.it/2016/05/audioclip-radio-700-test-transmission.html 73's de (Francesco Cecconi, CENTRAL ITALY, ICOM R71, ANT 100 mt LW, noticiasdx yg via DXLD) ** BELARUS [non]. 3985, R. Belarus via Kall. This is a Radio Belarus program transmitted out of Germany on a listed 1 kW. Initially detected music and then the news on the hour at 2200 which was coming through well enough for an ID. Poor to fair signal received on 11/5 (Phil Brennan, of Darwin NT, visiting Bilbao, Spain, June Australian DX News via DXLD) ** CHINA [and non]. ... 15530, May 26 at 1342, open carrier at S9-S5, dead air, but shortly CNR1 cuts on in Chinese // echoey 13690, as if it`s jamming something. Like Voice of Tibet, but the closest match on Aoki today is 15528 1315-1340 TJK * VOICE OF TIBET Chi Dushanbe-Ya 1-7 but no carrier audible now on 15528, as it would have jumped at 1340 to 15522 per Aoki, but not noted or checked. 15558.0, May 26 at 1404, JBA carrier here and also on 15555 (along with USB WJHR), and 15560. 15558 would be Voice of Tibet in Tibetan via Tajikistan; 15555 a CNR1 jammer; 15560 another CNR1 jammer. 15565, May 26 at 1405, JBA carrier, i.e. V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR, until cut off at 1407*, time for it to jump to 15560 where there is already a CNR1 jammer against 15558 VOT Tajikistan as above (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CRIMEA [and non]. The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting shared their plans with respect to the information policy of the Crimea. Details of the member of the National Council Sergey Kostinsky. According to him, the agency will work in two directions. Firstly, on the territories adjacent to the Crimea will be blocked and broadcasting stations on the peninsula. Secondly, it is planned to provide both analog and digital broadcasting on the territory of the Crimea from the southern regions of the Kherson region. Exactly the same is intended to introduce measures in the Odessa region. In addition, he said that the draft communication strategy will be finalized and submitted to the working group at the beginning of June this year. Earlier, the National Council was marked by scandalous restrictions on broadcasting in the territory of Ukraine of different children, scientific and educational, as well as Russian music channels. The justification cited whenever the absurd argument that the content of the data channels allegedly threaten the national security of Ukraine. http://nahnews.org/774748-nacsovet-po-teleradioveshhaniyu-ozvuchil-genialnyj-plan-v-otnoshenii-kryma/ On the territory of the Crimea Ukrainian radio began broadcasting the UR-1 at a frequency of 101.4 FM, according to the website of the Kherson Regional State Administration. It is noted that when applying for a wave radios signed as "Glory to Ukraine!". "I get messages from Dzhankoy and Krasnoperekopsk - Ukraine receivers hear people say that the signal is good," - said the chairman of the Kherson Regional State Administration Andrey Gordeev. It is reported that on the territory of Genichesky area allocated area for the construction of a high TV tower for better signal reception in the Crimea. Source: http://www.gazeta.ru/social/news/2016/05/27/n_8686949.shtml (Sent by Sergei Sosedkin, USA, via Moscow Information DX Bulletin Weekly electronic publication # 996, May 24, 2016, The editor of the current issue: Konstantin Gusev, via May 29 RusDX, May 31 via DXLD) ** GEORGIA [non]. VOA GEORGIAN MARKS 65 YEARS ON THE AIR Former and current VOA Georgian journalists and other staff with agency Director Amanda Bennett (C) [caption] WASHINGTON D.C., May 27, 2016 -- The Georgian Service of the Voice of America celebrated its 65th anniversary on Thursday. At a ceremony at VOA headquarters in Washington, Georgia's ambassador to the United States, Archil Gegeshidze, said his country's independence from the Soviet Union "was largely due to the positive influence of programs from broadcasters like the Voice of America." VOA Georgian first aired on May 26, 1951. "During the Cold War, you played a critical role in helping Georgians understand the world beyond the Iron Curtain," added U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly. In a video message from the Georgian capital Tbilisi, Kelly said that "since Georgia's independence, VOA Georgian has helped build the foundation for a strong U.S.-Georgia relationship that we continue to enjoy today." Other U.S. and Georgian diplomats as well as human rights experts, representatives of the Georgian-American community and past members of the Georgian Service joined VOA Director Amanda Bennett in honoring the service. "VOA Georgian was an alternative voice speaking to and for Georgians during the Cold War, and it remains so today," said Bennett. "VOA is needed today more than ever. VOA is one of the few media outlets in the region that provide accurate and credible news and information as well as objective, free and fresh voices and perspectives." VOA Georgian reaches 7.7 percent of adults in Georgia each week. In addition to radio programming distributed nationwide on FM via Georgia's Public Broadcasting Corporation, the service produces a weekly television magazine program, Washington Today, that is carried on Georgian Public TV. The show focuses on developments in the United States, American perspectives on major developments in the region, the Georgian diaspora, social issues, medicine, science, technology and culture. "VOA Georgian audiences can always expect us to provide exclusive, reliable news and information," said VOA Georgian Chief Anna Kalandadze, adding that she is "honored to work with the service's dedicated journalists who continue to positively influence Georgia's traditional and new media environments." The service also maintains a dynamic website, http://www.amerikiskhma.com/ providing video reports on its YouTube channel and engaging the audiences through Facebook and other social media (VOA PR, and via Hansjoerg Biener, DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. No signal from Denge Kurdistan via Grigoriopol on 11600 kHz after 0530 UT May 29 -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) So did it stay off, or come back? I don`t find any follow-up about this from Ivo (Glenn Hauser, June 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. Lithuania is ready to develop its own broadcasting in Russian for Russian-speaking inhabitants of the Baltic states, as opposed to translations from the Russian Federation. Broadcasting could go on the basis of "Voice of America" and "Radio Liberty", or other pro-Western media. According to Rolandas Krischyunasa, Lithuanian Ambassador to the United States, "We have to build on what we have" and develop broadcasting in Russian in order to reach the widest possible Russian- speaking audience. "We have a Voice of America, we have Radio Liberty / Free Europe, and we need to work hard to make these channels as loud as possible," - insists Krischyunas. - "I remember back to Soviet times, my parents listened to their radio It was accompanied by constant noise, but every word that penetrate to Lithuania for Lithuanians meant a lot It was a breath of freedom..." According to the Ambassador, Lithuania has transmitters that can be upgraded, and other equipment to start and develop broadcasting in Russian. Text and video: http://www.currenttime.tv/a/27742329.html (Sent by Sergei Sosedkin, USA, via Moscow Information DX Bulletin Weekly electronic publication # 996, May 24, 2016, The editor of the current issue: Konstantin Gusev, via May 29 RusDX, May 31 via WORLD OF RADIO 1828, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 7295, Sakha Radio, Yakutsk. 7/5 at 0340 with tiny signal and program in Russian (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF2001D, Folded Marconi ant own made), June Australian DX News via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Hi George, My reception of Radio Sakha on 7345 continues to be fairly readable. Compare my audio with yours - https://goo.gl/gmwRZz At 1:23 you can hear the audio starting for CNR1, causing major QRM at 1101 UT. Am also able to just make out // 7295, but 7345 is many times stronger (Ron Howard, California, May 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [non]. RADIO LIBERTY IN RUSSIAN (RADIO SVOBODA) TO STOP BROADCASTING ON SHORTWAVE FROM 26TH JUNE - http://www.svoboda.mobi/a/27769319.html Posted by: (Stephen Cooper, May 31, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Also notified of this by (George Thurman, WORLD OF RADIO 1828, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO LIBERTY, JUNE 26 CEASE BROADCASTING ON SHORT WAVE May 31, 2016 Radio Svoboda logo From 26 June Russian service of Radio Liberty broadcasting stops short wave. Hour broadcast is stored on the website of Radio Liberty. From 0 to 6 pm and from 21 to 22 pm Moscow time, the Russian service of the program, you can listen on medium wave at a frequency of 1386 kHz, and the clock - via Hot Bird and AsiaSat satellites. For details about the settings - on our website. Russian Service (revised) RL beginning shortwave broadcasts March 1, 1953 under the name "Radio" Liberation. "Her first speaker was former Moscow actor Sergey Dubrovsky. Media companies Radio Liberty / Free Europe aims to spread values ??of democracy and civil society, addressing the audience of those countries in which freedom of the press is either prohibited or restricted by the authorities, or has not yet become the norm of society. The history of the Russian service of Radio Liberty, you can learn more about here. GOOGLE TRANSLATION Wir damit auch der Biblis Standort bisambergisiert? Lampertheim kann wegen der Hilfestellung für andere IBB Standorte noch überleben ... wb df5sx (Wolfgang Buschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Google attempt at translation: ``We thus bisambergisiert also the Biblis location? Lampertheim, because of the assistance of other locations yet IBB survive ... wb df5sx`` Wolfy, please translate your comment. Google does not know bisambergisiert! (Glenn to Wolfy via DXLD) 'bisamberg-isiert' = Bisamberg masts Blown-Up is a new word creation amongst DXers in German language newsgroup, few years ago. Vienna Bisamberg was the location of ORF Vienna MW location of 240 / 600 kW on 585 and 1476 kHz. 24 Febr 2010 at 12:40hrs CET southern mast, and 15:00hrs CET, the 265meters tall northern mast blown-up. And the word 'bisamberg-isiert' was a model word description for all blown-up measures in Vigra, Juelich, Wertachtal, Hoerby / Soelvesborg SWE, etc. Will therefore also the Biblis site be Blown-UP soon? 10 kilometers away IBB Lampertheim installation may will survive, because of the assistance of other IBB locations worldwide ... (all Africa, Djibouti, Cyprus Capo Greco, Kuwait, Orzu TJK etc.) 30 videos examples on YouTube 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) in Russian will stop broadcasting on shortwave from June 26. Summer A16 shortwave schedule of Radio Liberty: 0400-0500 on 7435 BIB 100 kW / 063 deg to EaEu 0400-0500 on 9635 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 0400-0500 on 17770 UDO 250 kW / 021 deg to FERu 0500-0700 on 9635 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 0500-0700 on 12015 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 0500-0700 on 17770 KWT 250 kW / 035 deg to FERu 0700-0800 on 9635 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 0700-0800 on 15195 LAM 100 kW / 077 deg to CeEu 0700-0800 on 17770 LAM 100 kW / 053 deg to CeEu 0900-1100 on 15195 LAM 100 kW / 077 deg to EaEu 0900-1100 on 17770 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to FERu 1300-1500 on 13720 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1300-1500 on 15195 LAM 100 kW / 053 deg to CeAs 1300-1500 on 17850 LAM 100 kW / 053 deg to EaEu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-X65o52doc&feature=youtu.be 1500-1600 on 11945 BIB 100 kW / 063 deg to EaEu 1500-1600 on 13720 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1500-1600 on 17850 LAM 100 kW / 053 deg to EaEu 1600-1700 on 9790 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs 1600-1700 on 13720 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1700-1800 on 7475 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1700-1800 on 9490 BIB 100 kW / 088 deg to CeAs Caucasus Echo 1700-1800 on 9790 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs 1700-1800 on 11780 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1700-1800 on 11800 BIB 100 kW / 088 deg to CeAs Caucasus Echo 1800-1900 on 5930 BIB 100 kW / 063 deg to EaEu 1800-1900 on 5995 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1800-1900 on 9840 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs 1900-2000 on 5995 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 1900-2000 on 7475 IRA 250 kW / 340 deg to CeAs 1900-2000 on 9840 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs 2000-2100 on 5995 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu 2000-2100 on 7475 IRA 250 kW / 340 deg to CeAs 2000-2100 on 9540 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs 2100-2200 on 9540 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire, WORLD OF RADIO 1828, DX LISTENING DIGEST) OPTIMISTIC BBG PLANS TO ELIMINATE RFE/RL RADIO LIBERTY SHORTWAVE RADIO TRANSMISSIONS TO RUSSIA, CRIMEA, OTHER RUSSIAN-SPEAKING REGIONS [see original for formatting, embedded linx:] http://bbgwatch.com/bbgwatch/optimistic-bbg-plans-to-eliminate-rferl-radio-liberty-shortwave-radio-transmissions-to- russia-cr imea-other-russian-speaking-regions/ BBG Watch Commentary Russian Service of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) posted an announcement on its website that as of June 26, Radio Liberty Russian programs will no longer be carried through shortwave radio transmissions but will continue on the Internet. The loss of Radio Liberty's Russian shortwave broadcasts will affect radio listeners in Russia as well as Russian speakers outside of the Russian Federation, including Russian occupied Crimea where many residents speak Russian. Officials of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the federal agency in charge of RFE/RL, bet that audiences will use the Internet without fear of being monitored or other forms of interference by the local authorities, such as blocking of websites. In the April 20, 2016 press release, the BBG condemned targeting of independent journalists in Crimea, including RFE/RL contributors. 71.3 % of Russia's population has Internet access, which means that nearly 30 % does not. While no one denies that shortwave radio listenership has been in serious decline in recent years due to the expanding use of digital media, Broadcasting Board of Governors officials seem to be making highly optimistic assumptions about future behavior of Vladimir Putin. Critics also point out that after years of poor management the BBG has now an extremely small audience and impact in Russia, either on radio or the Internet. "This is yet another indication that the agency under the Broadcasting Board of Governors has no significant audience in Russia," a former BBG staffer told BBG Watch. "They are not closing these facilities solely because people have migrated to new media. Regardless of the media/medium, the result is still the same: no significant audience in Russia," BBG and RFE/RL officials often cite misleading statistics, such as the monthly number of site visitors or the number of Facebook "Likes" for a single post, to hide the fact that its overall weekly audience in Russia for all media may be less than one or two percent. Some of the remaining independent Russian media outlets, such as Meduza and Rain TV, have much greater online reach in Russia than RFE/RL or VOA, which seems to suggest that the BBG program content is unappealing or otherwise inadequate. BBG audiences are higher in countries which allow local rebroadcasting of radio and TV programs. The BBG often has to pay local broadcasters for these rebroadcasts because program quality and their audience appeal are poor. Some VOA programs, however, such as the VOA Ukrainian Service and VOA Albanian Service TV news broadcasts, are popular in the target countries. This does not appear to be the case in Russia, which does not mean that high-quality analytical programs with high-quality intellectual content are not urgently needed. There has been a general decline in journalistic standards under the Broadcasting Board of Governors. RFE/RL has not had permanent leadership for over two years. At present, the impact of BBG programs in Russia seems negligible. In a nationally representative survey of Russia, the Associated Press- NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found "Russians' attitudes toward the United States and President Barack Obama are extremely unfavorable and have grown sharply more negative in the last couple of years." "Eighty-one percent of Russians have an unfavorable opinion of Obama, and only 2 percent have a favorable view of him," AP reported. BBG's annual budget funded by U.S. taxpayers through congressional appropriations is approximately $777 million (FY 2017 Federal Budget Request). While the shortwave Russian radio announcement was made by RFE/RL, radio transmission services are provided by the Broadcasting Board of Governors through its International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). RFE/RL and BBG have so far posted no announcements in English on their plans to cut shortwave radio broadcasts in Russian to Vladimir Putin's Russia and other Russian speaking regions, including Crimea, which Russia has illegally occupied. Media freedom in the entire region has been in decline in recent years. The latest RFE/RL and BBG press releases are dated May 25, 2016 and deal with RFE/RL journalist Khadijah Ismayilova being released from prison in Azerbaijan. The RFE/RL announcement on the planned elimination of shortwave radio broadcasts was in Russian. It was posted on Radio Liberty's Russian website. In recent years, IBB has been significantly reducing shortwave radio broadcasting by RFE/RL and by other of its U.S. taxpayer-funded media entities, including the Voice of America (VOA). BBG officials point out that in the era of Internet and digital media, shortwave radio listenership has been in steep decline worldwide, including Russia. In 2008, IBB cut VOA Russian shortwave radio and live satellite television transmissions shortly before Russia invaded and occupied parts of Georgia. While RFE/RL websites remain vulnerable to being blocked at any time by the Kremlin, the Russian authorities still allow RFE/RL to operate a large news bureau in Moscow which provides news reports and other programming mostly for Radio Liberty's Russian Service. This may account for the optimism among BBG officials. They apparently assume that President Putin will not dare to interfere with the Internet and try to block RFE/RL websites in Russia. However, Kremlin controlled Russian TV channel NTV produced a propaganda hit piece on Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) which was broadcast on March 25, 2016. NTV report linked legitimate physical security measures at RFE/RL to vague accusations of allegedly hidden activities against Russia in carrying out the U.S. government's agenda. The Russian propaganda TV program also alleged misappropriation of U.S. taxpayers' dollars at the RFE/RL Moscow bureau. RFE/RL strongly denied these charges and in the March 18, 2016 press release condemned pressure tactics against RFE/RL bureau in Moscow. BBG and RFE/RL officials must assume that the Russian authorities will not expand these pressure tactics to include blocking of RFE/RL and VOA websites in Russia. BBG officials claim that the money spent on shortwave can be better used to create new programs and expand digital program delivery options, but critics point out that in recent years millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers' funds have been wasted mostly on the BBG and IBB bureaucracy in Washington, which kept expanding and protected its jobs while cutting radio broadcasts, other programs and programming positions. New CEO John Lansing has been on the job at the Broadcasting Board of Governors since September 2015. He has promised management reforms and expansion of digital media outreach. Critics say that instead of depriving the most vulnerable groups abroad of safe radio program delivery and an inexpensive option of getting uncensored news and commentary through radio, BBG officials should achieve savings and expand digital media by drastically cutting their own bloated and inefficient bureaucracy. The RFE/RL announcement says that 24/7 RFE/RL radio transmissions in Russian will continue online and can be heard through the RFE/RL website. Radio Liberty's Russian audio can also be heard 24/7 on two satellites, Hot Bird and AsiaSat, according to the same RFE/RL announcement. So far, the Russian government has not been regularly blocking RFE/RL websites in Russia, but recently Russia's media regulator, Roskomnxdzor, briefly blocked and then unblocked RFE/RL's news website Krym.Realii (Crimea.Realities) in Russia and Moscow-annexed Crimea. Roskomnxdzor's spokesman said that the Russian authorities later unblocked Krym.Realii ("Crimea.Realities") after RFE/RL's Crimean news desk complied with a request by Russia's Prosecutor-General's Office to remove from the site "materials that contain illegal information." RFE/RL's Crimean desk said, however, that it removed no content from the site in response to the May 12 blocking of its website by Russian Internet providers. RFE/RL's Crimean desk chief Volodymyr Prytula said that "we received no demands from Roskomnadzor calling for the removal of any kind of content. So we removed no content." While all shortwave Radio Liberty transmissions in Russian are to end on July 26, according to RFE/RL's announcement, Radio Liberty Russian Service will continue to use 1386 kHz medium wave radio frequency from midnight to 6 AM and from 9 PM to to 10 PM Moscow time. This frequency can only be heard in some parts of European Russia. Radio Liberty (originally named Radio Liberation) began shortwave broadcasting to Russia on March 1, 1953. See RFE/RL announcement (in Russian only) on the planned elimination of Radio Liberty's shortwave radio transmissions in Russian (BBGWatch June 1 via DXLD) MASTERS OF BAD TIMING: BBG TO ELIMINATE RADIO LIBERTY'S SHORTWAVE BROADCASTS IN RUSSIAN OPINION By Ted Lipien [see original for formatting, several embedded linx:] http://bbgwatch.com/bbgwatch/masters-of-bad-timing-bbg-to-eliminate-radio-libertys-shortwave-broadcasts-in-russian/ The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. federal agency in charge of media outreach abroad, is planning to eliminate all shortwave radio broadcasts in Russian by U.S. taxpayer-funded Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) as of June 26, 2016. Radio programming in Russian by Radio Liberty's Russian Service will, however, continue 24/7 online on the RFE/RL website. Radio Liberty's Russian audio will also be available 24/7 on two satellites, Hot Bird and AsiaSat, according to the RFE/RL's Russian-language announcement. Radio Liberty Russian Service will also continue to use 1386 kHz medium wave radio frequency from midnight to 6 AM and from 9 PM to to 10 PM Moscow time. This frequency can only be heard in some parts of European Russia. The BBG's other entity, the Voice of America (VOA), has not been using shortwave radio transmissions since 2008.They were eliminated by the BBG a few weeks before the August 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia. Talk about bad timing. I have always said that we don't need the CIA. Reliable predictions as to where the next international crisis will happen can be made by looking at program cutting decisions by the Broadcasting Board of Governors. If you look at BBG's past decisions to cut programming - not just shortwave radio but also entire services and/or satellite television transmissions - they included broadcasts to Russia, China, Tibet, Georgia, and Ukraine. The BBG bureaucracy usually made these decisions a few weeks or months before a major crisis erupted in these countries. They have missed hints of internal repression or external aggression with remarkable consistency. It happens because the BBG has no executives with strong foreign policy and international affairs backgrounds as the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty did during the Cold War. The BBG has been an absolute disaster, a "practically defunct" agency, to use former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's description of the BBG. When she made her comment to Congress in 2013 she herself was an ex officio member of the BBG board. I don't believe that shortwave radio has a strong future, but in cutting shortwave radio transmissions in Russian, Broadcasting Board of Governors officials seem far too optimistic that the Russian authorities will not block the Radio Liberty website. Russia's media regulator, Roskomnxdzor, recently briefly blocked and then unblocked RFE/RL's news website Krym.Realii (Crimea.Realities) in Russia and Moscow-annexed Crimea. Roskomnxdzor's spokesman said that the Russian authorities later unblocked Krym.Realii after RFE/RL's Crimean news desk complied with a request by Russia's Prosecutor-General's Office to remove from the site "materials that contain illegal information." RFE/RL denied that it had removed any content. Pressure on RFE/RL from the Russian government seems to be growing, although RFE/RL's large news bureau in Moscow has not been shut down by the Russian authorities. Many Western-funded NGOs have already been forced to stop operating in Russia. RFE/RL may be next unless President Putin thinks that he already has it under sufficient control in Russia by using the FSB secret police to put pressure on RFE/RL journalists and their bureau in Moscow. In a hint of what may await Radio Liberty, Kremlin controlled Russian TV channel NTV showed last March a propaganda hit piece on RFE/RL, in which outlandish accusations were made against the American-funded broadcaster. An earlier Russian television program "News Of The Week With Dmitry Kiselyov," the Kremlin's lead propagandist, portrayed RFE/RL journalists as spies conspiring against Russia. Nenad Pejic, RFE/RL editor in chief, called the incident "a disgusting example of intimidation," and said that "authorities in Russia appear to be preparing a case against us because of our journalism." To independent outside observers, these incidents illustrate a certain political vulnerability of the BBG relying heavily on Internet program delivery in Vladimir Putin's backyard. 71.3 % of Russia's population has Internet access. Nearly 30 % does not. Many Russian speakers in regions outside of the Russian Federation, including Moscow-occupied Crimea, still don't use the Internet. With Putin's media making vague accusations of spying against RFE/RL, some Russians may be afraid to access Western news media websites out of concern that their Internet use could be monitored, especially in Russia-occupied territories, such as Crimea. Broadcasting Board of Governors officials, whose ranks have grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, seem convinced, however, that shortwave radio broadcasting has absolutely no future in Russia. In 2014, the BBG established a Special Committee on the Future of Shortwave Broadcasting to conduct a comprehensive review of the efficacy of shortwave radio as a distribution platform for U.S. government-funded international media outreach. According to the BBG's "Fiscal Year 2014 Performance and Accountability Report," "The [BBG] committee found shortwave radio to be essential to listeners in a few target countries, but of marginal impact in most markets. Based on consistent and verifiable data, and audience-based research, it was concluded that shortwave listenership around the world has plummeted, and that shortwave usage does not generally increase during crisis situations. Consequently, BBG has budgeted for the reduction of shortwave transmissions to countries where it is not a viable delivery platform." Much more worrisome, however, are minuscule audience reach numbers on any media for both RFE/RL and VOA programs in Russian. In an apparent effort to to hide this fact, the BBG makes it difficult to find on its website recent weekly audience reach statistics for its programs in Russia. RFE/RL publicizes instead less meaningful annual numbers of visitors or page views online. According to RFE/RL, "RFE/RL's Russian- language sites provided 266 million pages of content to almost 170 million visitors. RFE/RL Russian-language Facebook pages registered almost 23 million engaged users last year." RFE/RL's weekly audience reach in Russia, however, is believed to be only about one or two percent of the country's population. Kremlin's state media have huge audience numbers compared to RFE/RL and VOA. That is understandable because Russian state media have in-country distribution, including national TV networks, while the BBG does not because the Russian authorities banned domestic rebroadcasts of Radio Liberty and VOA programs. But VOA and RFE/RL are also far behind in reach and impact compared to some of the few remaining independent Russian news websites, such as Meduza. It operates from abroad on a much smaller budget but has a much larger online audience in Russia. Longtime BBG executive Jeff Trimble listening to a Gallup presentation that support for Crimea being forcefully annexed by Russia is higher among adults who use both Russian and Western media, suggesting that BBG programs may still have a negative impact for the United States. February 2016. Longtime BBG executive Jeff Trimble listening to a Gallup presentation that support for Crimea being forcefully annexed by Russia is higher among adults who use both Russian and Western media, suggesting that BBG programs may still have a negative impact for the United States. February 2016. Even more worrisome is the lack of significant impact of BBG programs in Russia. In a nationally representative survey of Russia, the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that "Russians' attitudes toward the United States and President Barack Obama are extremely unfavorable and have grown sharply more negative in the last couple of years." "Eighty-one percent of Russians have an unfavorable opinion of Obama, and only 2 percent have a favorable view of him," AP reported. The BBG may very well be right that shortwave radio transmissions cannot do much more for augmenting its audience in Russia. But eliminating shortwave radio will not help this practically defunct agency. BBG officials have missed a very important point. BBG's impact in Russia is not low because it does not have digital outreach, because it does, and it is not low because the Russian authorities block BBG websites, because for the time being they don't. BBG's impact in Russia is also not low because it has or does not have shortwave radio transmissions, but the overall audience reach will be smaller without them. The poorest and most vulnerable audiences won't be served. Judging by past performance, any money saved from cutting shortwave will be wasted on consultants and the bureaucracy. Here is what U.S. taxpayers who pay $777.8 million to the BBG (FY 2017 Budget Request), of which $121.1 million goes to RFE/RL and $224.4 to VOA, need to know. BBG's impact in Russia is low because Putin's domestic propaganda is highly successful. BBG's impact in Russia is also low because BBG's program strategy and the quality and content of BBG programs are obviously inadequate. Several trends have contributed to the current crisis. Increasing control over RFE/RL by BBG's federal bureaucracy has had a particularly negative effect. The forced merging of RFE/RL and VOA brands have rendered their respective programs and the joint program in Russian "Current Time" largely ineffective. U.S. taxpayers' money is being wasted on the government bureaucracy instead of being invested in producing better quality programming that could stimulate intellectual discussion among Russian speaking elites. The Russians don't need more news, which is available everywhere. What they need is more Western analysis and alternative domestic opinions. The BBG may not be able to achieve high audience numbers in Russia, but at least it has a chance to influence political discussion among the Russian elites with the right kind of programming. This can have a multiplier effect, as it did for much of the Cold War. During that period of high impact, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty employed top journalists and experts. Eliminating shortwave radio transmissions to Russia was an expected bureaucratic response from the BBG designed to deflect attention from the real problems the agency refuses to deal with. The move attempts to show that the government bureaucracy is engaged in doing something, when in fact it is only reducing its already small audience in Russia with its shortwave decision while doing nothing to reform the agency and achieve real impact. The political timing of this decision couldn't be worse, even assuming that eventual reductions of shortwave radio transmissions to some countries are inevitable. But the BBG bureaucracy is famous for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time or even the right thing but at the wrong time. An anonymous RFE/RL journalist got it right in commenting on RFE/RL's and VOA's race for achieving "'Snappy, eye-catching' nothingness," which seems to be BBG's current strategy. "While Putin continues his inroads into former Soviet gory glory, this is how the American taxpayers' dollar is getting wasted. Incompetence, hubris and sausage measuring contests. What a shame. 'Snappy, eye-catching' nothingness. While you gentlemen argue about 'exemplary analysis' dissecting sausage-wielding in Georgia, Russian tanks are still in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Here's the prequel to the sequel. 'The Pork Awakens.' Preparing to roll into another former Soviet republic maybe, and we all know that Russian tank barrels hardly ever fire sausages, at vegans or meat-eaters alike. But go on, have some mustard. No ketchup, please. Not yet." Disclosure: Ted Lipien is one of the co-founders and supporters of BBG Watch (BBGWatch June 2 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non?]. Pirate radio: May 28 from 1810 UT on 6290 kHz frequency observed Russian-speaking pirate who himself declared: "Radio KGB in the Kremlin." Cool music and no longer had anything worthwhile. At 1828 announced that: "The musical program comes to an end." Speak with a clear European focus and transmitter power is comparable to evropiratami. Sometime in the '90s, that was something like: Radio KGB, but this is clearly what the new (Pavel Ivanov, Belgorod, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" via May 29 RusDX, May 31 via DXLD) In the air there was also Radio Stalingrad --- pirate with Russian songs. Russian or Western Europe ---- ????? (Vasily Lazarev, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", RusDX May 29, May 31 via DXLD ** TAJIKISTAN. 7245, Tajik Radio, Dushanbi-Orzu. Per WRTVH this channel is DSB. Heard at weak level in Persian to 1800*, 15/5 (Rob Shepherd, Toowoomba QLD (Marconi CR-100 (B28), JRC NRD-535D, 2 x 70 metre (229') longwires), June Australian DX News via DXLD) As in DuShanBe, not meaning Double SideBand! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. GOOD MORNING, UKRAINE! ARMY RADIO SEEKS COLORFUL DJ TO MOCK RUSSIANS http://www.wsj.com/articles/good-morning-ukraine-army-radio-seeks-colorful-dj-to-mock-russians-1464274518 Army FM hopes a `cooler vibe' will drown out pro-Russian broadcasts Alexey Makukhin, center, and Yana Kholodna, right, of Army FM interview Ben Moses, co-producer of the 1987 movie `Good Morning Vietnam,' for an Army FM broadcast. Photo: Ukrainian Ministry of Defense [caption] By Julian E. Barnes The Wall Street Journal May 26, 2016 10:55 a.m. ET 4 COMMENTS KIEV -- Ukraine's army is searching for its own Robin Williams. Specifically, it is looking for a charismatic army disc jockey like the one Mr. Williams played in the film "Good Morning, Vietnam" three decades ago. Alexey Makukhin, an adviser to Ukraine's military who is helping set up the station, wants a Robin Williams to help with his "big problem." Troops facing Russian-backed separatists in the east hear a steady barrage of radio and TV broadcasts that seem crafted to sow doubts about their mission. His solution is Army FM, a radio station for Ukraine's soldiers. To make it a success he needs a DJ--a great DJ. Donetsk radio tower [caption] Dozens of resumés poured in when word about the plan got out. Mr. Makukhin interviewed about 50 DJ applicants. They were an almost complete bust. "A lot of candidates just do not fit to the role of presenter--poor voice, cannot keep up a discussion or stop themselves," he says. "Some candidates have a fixed mind-set and are not ready to work in our format of entertaining and friendly radio." Mr. Makukhin, a 35-year-old former TV sitcom producer, dispatched old colleagues from the military and television worlds to hunt for undiscovered talent. One military colleague, scouring the front lines where the army faces breakaway provinces, found Lidiya Huzhva. Lidiya Huzhva works as a freelance reporter covering the Ukraine crisis. Photo: Arthur Bondar for The Wall Street Journal [caption] With dyed blue hair and a mischievous look, Ms. Huzhva has both personality and a knowledge of the fighting. She spent 18 months as a freelance reporter interviewing Ukrainian soldiers. She also has a good voice and understands what the station's vibe should be, a blend of "Daily Show" style humor and serious purpose like that of an armed-forces newspaper. She says Army FM should respond to pro-Russian broadcasts not with indignant rebuttals but with jokey dispatches. "The people here need to laugh," she says. "They love comedy." There was just one problem. Ms. Huzhva, 38 years old, doesn't really want to be a host sitting in the studio. She would rather report from the front. She also has the wrong taste in music. She likes jazz. Ukraine's soldiers like rap, hard rock and metal. For Mr. Makukhin, it was back to the search. Two years into a conflict with Russian-backed separatists, Ukrainian soldiers have a new weapon against Russian propaganda: Army FM. Photo: Arthur Bondar for The Wall Street Journal The music that Ms. Huzhva doesn't like, but that many soldiers do, is what they get from the Russian and separatist-province radio stations, sometimes with lyrics slamming Ukraine's government. A separatist heartthrob named Gleb Kornilov dominates the charts at Radio Novorossia in Donetsk, in the heart of the breakaway Ukrainian region the separatists dub Novorossia, or New Russia. When the rebellion got going two years ago, he sang about the Ukrainian armed forces' alleged burning of Donetsk. More recently, he has sung of Novorossia planning to go on the offensive against the West. "We believe in the empire with the new vigor/Our song is a military crusade/ Our music is the finger on the trigger," Mr. Kornilov sings in Russian. Reached by phone in eastern Ukraine, Mr. Kornilov said his songs weren't about criticizing Ukraine, just the oligarchs he says took it over. He said he was both pro-Ukraine and pro-Novorossia. "We are fighting not against the people, but against the powers that be," Mr. Kornilov said. "One person fights with a weapon, another with their art." News on the separatist-controlled radio and television stations presents a grim picture of Ukraine, frequently accusing the Kiev government and its supporters of a range of atrocities. One broadcast said pro-Ukrainian militias had kidnapped journalists. The stations, say Ukrainian officials, have grown adept at mirroring the actual news, quickly issuing reports about mortar strikes, artillery barrages or buses hitting land mines. While Ukrainians say rebels are responsible for the attacks, the pro-separatist radio stations assign blame to Kiev. Other reports on channels such as Novorossia TV and Radio Free Novorossia highlight true, but unflattering, news about the Ukrainian government, particularly corruption accusations from the International Monetary Fund or the European Union. Novorossia TV and Radio Free Novorossia didn't respond to a request for comment. Ukrainian officials say they are working on addressing concerns but add that pro-separatist stations exaggerate the problem. One common theme from the separatist broadcasting is that the Ukraine government does nothing while its soldiers sit in the mud on the front lines. "If I watch or listen to it for an hour or two, it hits you in the head," said Lt. Col. Oleksandr Vasylenko. "Whether you want it to or not, it just influences you. Even though you know it is propaganda." The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, called the information war in eastern Ukraine part of a larger struggle. "The point of this Russian propaganda is not to win the argument and it is certainly not to illuminate the truth," he said. "It is to confuse. It is part of their arsenal." Russian officials such as Moscow's ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Alexander Grushko, say Russia has no direct role in the fighting in Ukraine. Separatist and Russian officials say the reports Westerners call propaganda are factual broadcasts, not controlled by Russia, about Ukrainian government incompetence or corruption. It is the U.S. and Ukraine that are misleading the public, Russian officials say. In setting up the Ukraine army radio station, Mr. Makukhin has had help from a U.S. nonprofit called Spirit of America. Unlike many nongovernment organizations in war zones that pledge neutrality, this one tries to align its efforts with U.S. objectives. In Afghanistan, Spirit of America's workers were stationed in the field, helping provide nonlethal equipment to local police forces working with U.S. special operation forces. In Ukraine, it is providing $200,000 to outfit Army FM's studio and put up transmitters, including one just 36 miles from Donetsk. "The entrepreneurial, venture-capital approach is something that's rarely applied in these situations overseas," said Jim Hake, the NGO's founder. "The core of that is to support the initiative of people closest to the problem...see what works, do more of what works, and if it doesn't work stop it." Spirit of America has no direct hand in the programming, but Mr. Hake has offered advice and said Mr. Makukhin understands that Army FM can't fight propaganda with propaganda. "Trust and credibility are more important than transmitters or radio equipment," he said. The station's plans include airing frank interviews with Ukrainian officials to show soldiers the government is willing to address hard problems. It is important for Army FM, which is owned by the Defense Ministry, to avoid a stuffy official military style, said Yana Kholodna, a TV producer hired as an adviser. "The challenge is to make a cool radio station," she said. After the blue-haired Ms. Huzhva didn't work out as host, Mr. Makukhin's colleagues brought him another potential find, Pvt. Oleksandr Bezsonov, a young front-line soldier who had started a pirate radio station to entertain troops at his base. Unfortunately, his tryout didn't go well. He had technical wizardry but not the right on-air personality, Mr. Makukhin said. Army FM hired him as a sound engineer instead, and then made him sound director for several of the shows. On March 1 the station went on the air in beta form, without a morning host. Even so, its opening words were a nod to Mr. Makukhin's quest for a soldier-DJ: "Good Morning, Ukraine." He hasn't given that quest up, but in late March he turned to a veteran civilian radio presenter, Philip Boiko. In its early form, Army FM's morning show is a mix of front-line news (Ukraine's use of MiG 29 jet fighters), pop culture ( Axl Rose's turn as frontman for AC/DC) and long tales of historical Ukrainian war heroes. In one, Mr. Boiko celebrated the ingenuity of a volunteer who made a mobile sauna for soldiers out of an old military truck. Refuting "fake news and announcements" from the occupied east will be part of his show, he said. Bands whose music he has played include a Russian one called DDT that was founded by a Kremlin critic. Mr. Boiko, 38, doesn't pretend to have the manic energy of the DJ star of "Good Morning, Vietnam." But he figures that good rock music and his mix of sarcasm and humor can keep the soldiers listening. Mr. Makukhin, while still keeping his eye out for the military service member he can put on the air, says he can't complain about his civilian DJ. "Eight a.m. in Kiev. `Soldiers, wake up!' " Mr. Boiko boomed on a recent broadcast as he as greeted the troops. "Morning infotainment show starts its second part, and I, Philip Boiko, greet all the listeners of Army FM. Especially our heroes in the military zone who diligently fight with separatist and occupying bastards, protecting their motherland." (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** UKRAINE [non]. Radio France. 15770, May 26 at 2130-2200. At this time and DOW [day of week] on this frequency is supposed to be R. France per the WRMI schedule, but today it was actually Radio Ukraine which is listed nowhere in their schedule on any frequency. The only entry for R. Ukraine in the Primetime Shortwave listings is on 11580 at 2330. 73, (Jim K5JG, Carrollton, TX, ptsw yg via DXLD) I already reported: ``15770, Wed May 4 at 2129, WRMI with 1-minute commercial from the ``Smart Money Guy`` --- a spot ad, quite a rarity on SW, not part of a program block. 2130 into `Blues Radio International`, instead of Radio France International still on the schedule for 2115-2200 Wed; and last Thu at 2130-2200 we also heard Ukraine instead of France, so is RFI on WRMI at all any more? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) In fact, the WRMI sked as of May 28 still does show RUI at 2330-2400 M-F only, on 11580, as other programming has encroached on Sat/Sun. This has also been noticed elsewhere, sic in translation: UKRAINE [non]. For some time now, it is obvious from the May 3, through an RUI WRMI passed to 2330 UT on 11580 kHz already on weekdays only. On Saturday night, at the time I heard muz.programmu Hobart Radio Int, and therefore the next night on the program should be DigiDX. If this continues, then soon very RUI may disappear on this radio station. A couple of years ago was broadcast every day two times per night at two frequencies. Audibility at 11580 is now great (Russian SWL / DX site Forum of Ukraine on SW, via RusDX May 22 via DXLD)`` (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) Glenn, I'm not a regular listener to those particular broadcasts, so didn't remember your report from over three weeks before. I reported the anomaly the first time heard it. It's apparently incredibly hard for some of the broadcasters to keep their published schedules up to date. Thanks 73, (Jim K5JG, Carrollton, TX, ibid.) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++ WRTH A-16 UPDATE UPDATE Most of my correxions in a DXLD yg post of May 14 and integrated into next DXLD issue were entered into Version 2 of the A-16 update, along with some further changes, as of May 18: If you downloaded V 1, be sure to replace it with this: http://www.wrth.com/_shop/wp-content/uploads/WRTH2016IntRadioSuppl2_A16Schedules_2.pdf Look for changes in red, blue, or strikeovers. (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BCLNES Il radioascolto in Italia ----------------------------- * Ivo Ivanov SW News June 5 ARMENIA Test transmission of Radio Northern Ireland via Yerevan 1000-1030 on 17560 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English on June 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h77R6huZ85w&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvkOso11KqM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTUZmesTyRE&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtWDDTGrtrg&feature=youtu.be Ivo Ivanov QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire (DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Ivo Ivanov SW News June 6 AZERBAIJAN Ictimai Radio with broadband FM modulation on June 6 from 1000 on 9676.9 unknown tx / unknown to CeAs Azeri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGKN5rNFEtc&feature=youtu.be NUMBERS STATIONS S06s Russian Lady and E11 Oblique, June 6 S06s Russian Lady 1201-1207 on 10230 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 1211-1217 on 12165 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqysnVV7WCg&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0a7wJD7kzo&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLKQQzsHOhM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ebQWwqEpic&feature=youtu.be E11 Oblique 1225-1228 on 13537 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmSvB2nUvmM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgUkOwcee70&feature=youtu.be U.K.(non) Reception of Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow via BaBcoCk, June 6 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsh-8uV28cc&feature=youtu.be Ivo Ivanov QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire (DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Ivo Ivanov SW News June 7 MOLDOVA Updated schedule of TWR Africa on 9940 & 15105 kHz via Grigoriopol: 1630-1645 on 15105 KCH 300 kW / 160 deg to EaAf Somali Sun, ex 11635 DHA 1630-1700 on 15105 KCH 300 kW / 160 deg to EaAf Somali Mon-Sat, ex 11635 DHA 1800-1815 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon-Thu, ex 5965 DHA 1815-1845 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon-Fri, ex 5965 DHA 1800-1830 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigre Sat, ex 5965 DHA 1800-1830 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Kunama Sun, ex 5965 DHA 1830-1900 on 9940 KCH 300 kW / 157 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Sun, ex 5965 DHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6APtFYw01w&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qKzi-5ShEg&feature=youtu.be NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady in OOB frequencies June 7 0601-0607 on 15945 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 0611-0617 on 16945 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 0701-0707 on 5430 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 0716-0723 on 6780 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUo4sYRLY88&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRKLTtzV6kw&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnmWDYEQAVk&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0pKpiIZ2eQ&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teeJLS8QBOE&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSqsQBVWV7U&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivs9fezErWI&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FczbYATYRs0&feature=youtu.be NUMBER STATION S06s Russian Lady & E11 Oblique in 41,25,19 mb on June 7 S06s Russian Lady 0731-0737 on 7365 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 0741-0747 on 11655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB E11 Oblique 0745-0755 on 15632 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bWxmQzg3cw&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3WHfxNIxSs&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEFOwKhGD9g&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRLKxQKfcU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fhMHU17Wa8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kw0Pv-b0Io&feature=youtu.be QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire (DX LISTENINIG DIGEST) * Ivo Ivanov SW News June 9 NUMBERS STATIONS S06s Russian Lady and S11a Cherta, June 9 S06s Russian Lady 0940-0946 on 10325 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 1200-1206 on 13145 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB 1210-1216 on 14535 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHa9w0-Q1s8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaWO4UP5BG8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQtIFaFvb-s&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_AzfI5EdYU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99dmsKURjkg&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuAKO-te2PU&feature=youtu.be S11a Cherta 1015-1026 on 16530 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKSC9jwFc9c&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGZ-TClKnj4&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Niam9TxZIXQ&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd4fHu0bWVs&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjxy38dbVjE&feature=youtu.be UZBEKISTAN(non) Weak signal of clandestine Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok, June 9 1130-1200 on 17860 TAC 100 kW / 122 deg to SEAs Khmer Thu/Sun via RED Telecom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCr0SGic2Ok&feature=youtu.be UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom, June 8 1330-1530 NF 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7615, re-ex 7610 QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire (DX LISTENINIG DIGEST) DX-Window No. 557 from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen June 08, 2016 ---------------------------------- DX NEWS ARMENIA 1377 MW, ERF Germany, via Gavar, *1700, May 14, Sorani Kurdish, ID, address www..... and Christian religious programme, 44444. (Pankov) 1377 MW, TWR Central Asia, via Gavar, 1803, May 19 and 20, English reading from the Bible and immediately translated in Farsi, 35343. (Pankov) KYRGYZSTAN 4009.94, Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka, *0000-0010, Jun 02, ID in Kyrgyz and Ru, National hymn, 0003 Kyrgyz ann, orchestral music, 35233 // 4819.90 (34232 Xizang fading out). (Petersen) RUSSIA 1593 MW, R Bonch, students' station Of the Bonch-Bruyevich St.Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, has received a provisional permission for using the frequency of 1593 kHz for experimental broadcasting which is valid until June 30, 2016. The station will be on air daily at 13.00-15.00 local time with output power of 60 W. Please try to tune in and announce about this event in FDXA mailing list and in similar lists of neighbouring countries. Correct reception reports will be verified by Radio Bonch QSL card which is about to be printed out. Reception reports are to be sent to Alexander Beryozkin or by mail to Radio Bonch, Media Centre, Bonch-Bruyevich St.Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Prospekt Bolshevikov 22, St.Petersburg 193232, Russia. (Beryozkin in DX- Clusive) 7295 // 7345, R Sakha, Yakutsk, Jun 03 with open carrier at 0855, audio at *0900, but no IS nor time pips, straight into Russian programming; 7345, as usual the best reception when compared to 7295. (Howard). Cf. DX-Window 556. (Ed) TAJIKISTAN 4765.00, Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, 1940, May 20, vocals, fair to good signal, best in LSB. (Ormandy). Also heard at 2310- 2400, May 24 and Jun 01, man reading poetry in Tajik, talk about Tajikistan, folksong, 45333. (Petersen) Loggings on remote SDR receivers Thanks Bell at Simonstown, Republic of South Africa for new SDR remote unit access. 4819.941 KGZ Kirgiz Radio Bishkek, from Krasnaya Rechka bcast site S=7 or -86dBm at 1624 UT on June 5. and at 1713 UT at Piliyandala Sri Lanka remote SDR unit, thanks Victor 4009.821 KGZ Kirgiz Radio Bishkek, from Krasnaya Rechka bcast site, at 1736 UT on June 5. Sounds like an opera singer px of the 1930'ties ... Hard-Core-DX Digest ------------------------------- * Vol 162, Issue 10 Message: 2 Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 7-8-9, 2016 ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11600, June 9 at 1149, trying to hear Denge Kurdistanye, but only get Chinese past 1201 with CNR jingle. Last report on this from Ivo Ivanov was May 29 when he said the 0500-1300 segment via PRIDNESTROVYE was off the air between 0530 and 1230. Is it still normally operative daily at 03-05 via France, 05-13 Pridnestrovye, 13-17 Bulgaria, 17-21 Pridnestrovye, as in current Aoki? As for Chinese on 11600, RTI is on here at 10-13, but not in Mandarin so not jammed; Sound of Hope could also be on 11600.225 thruout between 00 and 16 with RFA relays, drawing jamming onto 11600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. 15522, June 9 at 1342, very poor carrier. Any split frequency in this area has got to be Voice of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN, and indeed so listed by current Aoki at 1340-1400 in Chinese. No jammer carrier audible on 15520 or 15525. Next check at 1412, I find one on 15558, also listed as same, 1407-1430 in Tibetan, and there is also something on 15560, which would be co-channel jamming and/or VOT in Tibetan via Madagascar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * Vol 162, Issue 11 Message: 3 Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 From: Glenn Hauser Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 9-10, 2016 ** TIBET [non]. 15557, June 10 at 1403, JBA carrier, so Voice of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN, but there must have been another slight schedule change since current Aoki info which shows: 15557 1304-1333 TJK * VOICE OF TIBET Tib Dushanbe-Ya 1-7 15558 1407-1430 TJK * VOICE OF TIBET Tib Dushanbe-Ya 1-7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Message: 4 Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 From: Daniel Wyllyans Subject: [HCDX] QSL NEWS QSL Denge Kurdistane 11600 kHz Mi primera QSL, en mi segunda etapa de diexista, despues de 12 a?os de no enviar informes, hoy recibo esta maravilla de Denge Kurdistane. 11600 Khz, recibida en 3 dias, direcion para el informe: prtc@idknet.com Jose Hernandez Madrid / QSL Show https://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br/2016/06/qsl-denge-kurdistane-11600-khz.html QSL Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) 11580 kHz QSL Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) 11580 kHz NEW QSL: Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) was logged on 5 March 2016, on the short-wave frequency of 11.580 kHz, from 23.30 till 00.00 UTC. Reception report was emailed and posted to Radio Ukraine International in subsequent days. QSL card arrived in the mail from Ukraine on 20 May 2016. M Breyel / QSL addresses https://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br/2016/06/qsl-radio-ukraine-international-via.html Московский Информационный DX Бюллетень Еженедельное электронное издание Номер 998 07 июня 2016 года Редактор текущего номера: Вадим Алексеев. ------------------------------------------------------------------ РОССИЯ Алтайский край 7 июня филиал РТРС "Алтайский КРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Звезда FM" в Барнауле. Частота вещания - 107, 9 МГц. "Звезду FM" могут принимать 825 тысяч жителей Барнаула и окрестностей. (http://altai.rtrs.ru/news/read/445/) 1 июня филиал РТРС "РТПЦ Республики Алтай" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Радио России" со вставками ГТРК "Горный Алтай" в FM-диапазоне. Частота вещания - 103,5 МГц. Запуск передатчика состоялся в ходе реализации проекта ВГТРК по переводу сети радиовещания в FM- диапазон. "Радио России" могут принимать жители Кош-Агача и близлежащих населенных пунктов. (http://gorny.rtrs.ru/news/read/87/) Амурская область Филиал РТРС "Амурский ОРТПЦ" начал тестовую трансляцию радиостанции "Маяк" в FM-диапазоне к 160-й годовщине Благовещенска. Частота вещания - 90,2 МГц. (http://amur.rtrs.ru/news/read/189/) Астраханская область 1 июня филиал РТРС "Астраханский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Наше радио" в Астрахани. Частота вещания - 87,9 МГц. (http://astrakhan.rtrs.ru/news/read/173/) Вологодская область Филиал РТРС "Вологодский ОРТПЦ" будет транслировать радиостанцию Love Radio в Вологде на частоте 96,4 МГц. 25 мая, по результатам конкурса Роскомнадзора, "Радио-Любовь" (зарегистрированное название радиостанции) получило право эфирного вещания в областном центре. На данный момент вологодский филиал РТРС ведет подготовительные работы для начала трансляции радиостанции с новой телебашни Вологды. Запуск передатчика запланирован на середину 2017 года. (http://vologda.rtrs.ru/news/read/488/) Самарская область 2 июня филиал РТРС "Самарский ОРТПЦ" начал круглосуточную трансляцию радиостанции "Комсомольская правда" на частоте 98,2 МГц в Самаре. Мощность передатчика "TF-1000" составляет 1 кВт. Радиостанцию "Комсомольская правда" могут принимать жители Самары, Новокуйбышевска и близлежащих населенных пунктов. (http://samara.rtrs.ru/news/read/459/) Тамбовская область 1 июня филиал РТРС "Тамбовский ОРТПЦ" начал трансляцию радиостанции "Радио Дача" в Тамбове. Частота вещания - 90,9 МГц. Мощность передатчика - 1 кВт. Радиостанцию могут принимать порядка 500 тысяч жителей Тамбова и окрестностей. (http://tambov.rtrs.ru/news/read/198/) Татарстан (Республика) 1 июня филиал РТРС "РТПЦ Республики Татарстан" начал FM-трансляцию радиостанции "Радио России + Радио Татарстана" в Новошешминске (98,8 МГц), Сарманово (96,4 МГц) и Кушманах (101,6 МГц). Мощность передатчиков - 100 Вт каждый. Радиостанцию могут принимать 6,2 тысячи жителей Новошешминска, 14 тысяч жителей Сарманово и 11 тысяч жителей Кушман. (http://tatariya.rtrs.ru/news/read/291/) Радио "Кунел", редакция которой находится в Набережных Челнах, начало вещание в Буинске. Как пояснил Chelny-biz.ru Зуфар Давлетшин, директор ТРК "Чаллы-ТВ", в структуру которого входит радио "Кунел", решение было принято около полугода назад руководством "Татмедиа" (учредитель ТРК). Радиостанция работает на волне 102 МГц. "Кунел" сегодня также вещает в Высокогорском, Балтасинском, Сабинском и Рыбно-Слободском районах, а также в Мамадыше. По словам Давлетшина, пока конкретных планов по дальнейшему распространению радио на другие города Татарстана нет. (http://onair.ru/main/enews/view_msg/NMID__61616/) УКРАИНА В июле 2016 года Национальная телекомпания Украины обещает запустить радио "Голос Донбасса". Об этом на пресс-конференции 7 июня заявил генеральный директор НТКУ Зураб Аласания, передает ИА REGNUM. "Где-то через месяц мы запустим радио "Голос Донбасса", - отметил Аласания. По его словам, в настоящее время НТКУ работает над обеспечением радио качественным контентом. Кроме того, Аласания проинформировал, что Министерство информационной политики Украины ведет техническую подготовку для запуска радио. Как сообщало ИА REGNUM, 26 мая глава Министерства информационной политики Украины Юрий Стець заявил, что власти не могут запустить вещание украинских каналов в так называемых ДНР и ЛНР, поскольку крупные вышки с передатчиками остались в Донецке и Луганске. "Министерство создало комиссию по распространению оборудования на местах. Сейчас это главная задача. На линии разграничение уже стоят 25 передатчиков", - рассказал Стець. По его словам, в Кабмин подан проект строительства новых вышек (на 20 млн. грн.), но решение не принято. Ранее Кабмин два раза отклонял просьбу на выделение средств по данной программе. Напомним, еще в 2014 году Стець обещал восстановить вещание украинских каналов на контролируемых сепаратистами территориях так называемых ДНР и ЛНР. В 2015-2016 гг. США, Литва и Польша бесплатно передали Украине технику и передатчики для запуска украинского вещания в этих районах. (REGNUM - 7 июня, переслал Сергей Соседкин) Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria Bulgarian DX blog, Ivo Ivanov -------------------------- SWLDXBulgaria News June 1-5 June 5 ARMENIA Test transmission of Radio Northern Ireland via Yerevan 1000-1030 on 17560 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English on June 5 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/test-transmission-of-radio-northern.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RED Telecom 1330-1530 NF 7620 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7615, re-ex 7610 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/frequency-change-of-voice-of-wilderness.html June 3 U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk on June 3: 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/radio-ranginkamanrainbow-via-babcock-on.html U.K.(non) Sedoye Bahar Voice of Spring via BaBcoCk, June 3: 1730-1734 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Russian Music 1734-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/sedoye-bahar-voice-of-spring-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs via RED Telecom 1530-1700 NF 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7510, re-ex 7520 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/frequency-change-of-voice-of-martyrs.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of North Korea Reform Radio via RED Telecom 2030-2130 NF 7595 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7505, re-ex 7510 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.bg/2016/06/frequency-change-of-north-korea-reform.html Ivo Ivanov QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire РАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ================================== Канада ----------- Радиостанция Bible Voice Broadcasting. * Вот уже два или больше месяцев программы Last Call Ministries на русском и украинском языке не звучат с 18.00 на частоте 6130 кГц. Пастор, ведущий программы был в возрасте около 95 лет, а его программа звучала и через Радио Теос, кажется по пятницам с 15.30 на 11650 кГц. (Румен Панков, София, Болгария / "deneb-radio-dx") * На сайте "Bible Voice" в разделе программ: http://www.bvbroadcasting.org/s/shows/view/1070 , последняя запись датирована 27 мая 2016 г. Может быть они прекратили вещание на этой частоте или вообще на русском? (Константин Асеев, Курск, / "deneb-radio-dx") * Действительно, передачи Bible Voice Broadcasting на русском и украинском языке прекращены на частоте 6130 кГц. (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx") Польша ------------ 03.06.2016. "Радио Польша" переживает очередной бум реорганизации, и, судя по всему, без потерь (частотных и в штатном расписании) здесь не обойдется. Цитата из последнего выпуска "Обратной связи" (Русская служба): "Поменялась организационная структура нашей программы. Мы уже не русская редакция, а русская секция редакции "Восток", в рамках которой действуют также другие секции - белорусская и украинская. Секции имеют новых руководителей. Что касается нашей редакции, то ей с 1 июня заведует Назар Олийник, который, наверное, сам представится в эфире и объяснит цель изменений". ("DX Курьер", Россия) США ------- * "Радио Свобода" открыло доступ к архиву аудиопередач с 1953 года Радио Свобода открывает доступ к своим архивам, в которых содержатся записи 1953-1995 годов. Каждый желающий в любое время суток отныне сможет без помех воспользоваться архивом Радио Свобода, включающим новости и политические программы, чтение в эфире запрещенной в СССР литературы, поэтические чтения. Всего коллекция включает более 10 тысяч часов вещания Радио Свобода. "Сегодня, когда граждане России снова полагаются на RFE/RL и Радио Свобода как на источник достоверной информации, эти архивные программы приобретают новое значение", - заявил главный редактор корпорации Радио Свободная Европа/Радио Свобода Ненад Пеич. Здание архива OSA (Open Society Archives) находится в центре Будапешта на улице Яноша Арани в здании бывшей швейной фабрики. Архив находится в ведении Центрально-Европейского университета. История архива OSA началась во времена холодной войны с подшивок публикаций самиздата и всевозможной запрещенной в те годы литературы. Директор Иштван Рев рассказывает, что и по сей день архив специализируется на систематизации запрещенных документов: - Самая богатая часть нашей коллекции - это та информация, которая использовалась журналистами при работе на радио, в частности, на Радио Свобода. Кроме письменных материалов, у нас огромное собрание пропагандистских фильмов, возможно, самое большое в мире. Ныне архив OSA готовится к публикации так называемых "Мюнхенских файлов Радио Свобода". Этот проект курирует архивист Алексей Зеленский: - Записями и файлами, которые сейчас попали в интернет, сможет пользоваться самая широкая аудитория. Это сокровищница русской культуры, ею может заинтересоваться любой, кто любит русскую историю, советскую историю, интересуется ею и хочет выявить какие-то закономерности ее развития, найти ответы на вопросы, которые ставила эпоха. Через эти записи сквозит весь ХХ век российской истории. svoboda.org (OnAir.ru) * USA Masters of bad timing: BBG to eliminate Radio Liberty's shortwave broadcasts in Russian. OPINION_By Ted_Lipien The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. federal agency in charge of media outreach abroad, is planning to eliminate all shortwave radio broadcasts in Russian by U.S. taxpayer-funded Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) as of June 26, 2016. Radio programming in Russian by Radio Liberty's Russian Service will, however, continue 24/7 online on the RFE/RL website. Radio Liberty's Russian audio will also be available 24/7 on two satellites, Hot Bird and AsiaSat, according to the RFE/RL's Russian-language announcement. Radio Liberty Russian Service will also continue to use 1386 kHz medium wave radio frequency from midnight to 6 AM and from 9 PM to to 10 PM Moscow time. This frequency can only be heard in some parts of European Russia. The BBG's other entity, the Voice of America (VOA), has not been using shortwave radio transmissions since 2008. They were eliminated by the BBG a few weeks before the August 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia. Talk about bad timing. I have always said that we don't need the CIA. Reliable predictions as to where the next international crisis will happen can be made by looking at program cutting decisions by the Broadcasting Board of Governors. If you look at BBG's past decisions to cut programming - not just shortwave radio but also entire services and/or satellite television transmissions - they included broadcasts to Russia, China, Tibet, Georgia, and Ukraine. The BBG bureaucracy usually made these decisions a few weeks or months before a major crisis erupted in these countries. They have missed hints of internal repression or external aggression with remarkable consistency. It happens because the BBG has no executives with strong foreign policy and international affairs backgrounds as the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty did during the Cold War. The BBG has been an absolute disaster, a "practically defunct" agency, to use former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's description of the BBG. When she made her comment to Congress in 2013 she herself was an ex officio member of the BBG board. I don't believe that shortwave radio has a strong future, but in cutting shortwave radio transmissions in Russian, Broadcasting Board of Governors officials seem far too optimistic that the Russian authorities will not block the Radio Liberty website. Russia's media regulator, Roskomnxdzor, recently briefly blocked and then unblocked RFE/RL's news website Krym.Realii (Crimea.Realities) in Russia and Moscow-annexed Crimea. Roskomnxdzor's spokesman said that the Russian authorities later unblocked Krym.Realii after RFE/RL's Crimean news desk complied with a request by Russia's Prosecutor-General's Office to remove from the site "materials that contain illegal information." RFE/RL denied that it had removed any content. Pressure on RFE/RL from the Russian government seems to be growing, although RFE/RL's large news bureau in Moscow has not been shut down by the Russian authorities. Many Western-funded NGOs have already been forced to stop operating in Russia. RFE/RL may be next unless President Putin thinks that he already has it under sufficient control in Russia by using the FSB secret police to put pressure on RFE/RL journalists and their bureau in Moscow. In a hint of what may await Radio Liberty, Kremlin controlled Russian TV channel NTV showed last March a propaganda hit piece on RFE/RL, in which outlandish accusations were made against the American-funded broadcaster. An earlier Russian television program "News Of The Week With Dmitry Kiselyov," the Kremlin's lead propagandist, portrayed RFE/RL journalists as spies conspiring against Russia. Nenad Pejic, RFE/RL editor in chief, called the incident "a disgusting example of intimidation," and said that "authorities in Russia appear to be preparing a case against us because of our journalism." To independent outside observers, these incidents illustrate a certain political vulnerability of the BBG relying heavily on Internet program delivery in Vladimir Putin's backyard. 71.3 % of Russia's population has Internet access. Nearly 30 % does not. Many Russian speakers in regions outside of the Russian Federation, including Moscow-occupied Crimea, still don't use the Internet. With Putin's media making vague accusations of spying against RFE/RL, some Russians may be afraid to access Western news media websites out of concern that their Internet use could be monitored, especially in Russia-occupied territories, such as Crimea. Broadcasting Board of Governors officials, whose ranks have grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, seem convinced, however, that shortwave radio broadcasting has absolutely no future in Russia. In 2014, the BBG established a Special Committee on the Future of Shortwave Broadcasting to conduct a comprehensive review of the efficacy of shortwave radio as a distribution platform for U.S. government-funded international media outreach. According to the BBG's "Fiscal Year 2014 Performance and Accountability Report," "The [BBG] committee found shortwave radio to be essential to listeners in a few target countries, but of marginal impact in most markets. Based on consistent and verifiable data, and audience-based research, it was concluded that shortwave listenership around the world has plummeted, and that shortwave usage does not generally increase during crisis situations. Consequently, BBG has budgeted for the reduction of shortwave transmissions to countries where it is not a viable delivery platform." Much more worrisome, however, are minuscule audience reach numbers on any media for both RFE/RL and VOA programs in Russian. In an apparent effort to to hide this fact, the BBG makes it difficult to find on its website recent weekly audience reach statistics for its programs in Russia. RFE/RL publicizes instead less meaningful annual numbers of visitors or page views online. According to RFE/RL, "RFE/RL's Russian-language sites provided 266 million pages of content to almost 170 million visitors. RFE/RL Russian-language Facebook pages registered almost 23 million engaged users last year." RFE/RL's weekly audience reach in Russia, however, is believed to be only about one or two percent of the country's population. Kremlin's state media have huge audience numbers compared to RFE/RL and VOA. That is understandable because Russian state media have in-country distribution, including national TV networks, while the BBG does not because the Russian authorities banned domestic rebroadcasts of Radio Liberty and VOA programs. But VOA and RFE/RL are also far behind in reach and impact compared to some of the few remaining independent Russian news websites, such as Meduza. It operates from abroad on a much smaller budget but has a much larger online audience in Russia. Longtime BBG executive Jeff Trimble listening to a Gallup presentation that support for Crimea being forcefully annexed by Russia is higher among adults who use both Russian and Western media, suggesting that BBG programs may still have a negative impact for the United States. February 2016. Longtime BBG executive Jeff Trimble listening to a Gallup presentation that support for Crimea being forcefully annexed by Russia is higher among adults who use both Russian and Western media, suggesting that BBG programs may still have a negative impact for the United States. February 2016. Even more worrisome is the lack of significant impact of BBG programs in Russia. In a nationally representative survey of Russia, the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that "Russians' attitudes toward the United States and President Barack Obama are extremely unfavorable and have grown sharply more negative in the last couple of years." "Eighty-one percent of Russians have an unfavorable opinion of Obama, and only 2 percent have a favorable view of him," AP reported. The BBG may very well be right that shortwave radio transmissions cannot do much more for augmenting its audience in Russia. But eliminating shortwave radio will not help this practically defunct agency. BBG officials have missed a very important point. BBG's impact in Russia is not low because it does not have digital outreach, because it does, and it is not low because the Russian authorities block BBG websites, because for the time being they don't. BBG's impact in Russia is also not low because it has or does not have shortwave radio transmissions, but the overall audience reach will be smaller without them. The poorest and most vulnerable audiences won't be served. Judging by past performance, any money saved from cutting shortwave will be wasted on consultants and the bureaucracy. Here is what U.S. taxpayers who pay $777.8 million to the BBG (FY 2017 Budget Request), of which $121.1 million goes to RFE/RL and $224.4 to VOA, need to know. BBG's impact in Russia is low because Putin's domestic propaganda is highly successful. BBG's impact in Russia is also low because BBG's program strategy and the quality and content of BBG programs are obviously inadequate. Several trends have contributed to the current crisis. Increasing control over RFE/RL by BBG's federal bureaucracy has had a particularly negative effect. The forced merging of RFE/RL and VOA brands have rendered their respective programs and the joint program in Russian "Current Time" largely ineffective. U.S. taxpayers' money is being wasted on the government bureaucracy instead of being invested in producing better quality programming that could stimulate intellectual discussion among Russian speaking elites. The Russians don't need more news, which is available everywhere. What they need is more Western analysis and alternative domestic opinions. The BBG may not be able to achieve high audience numbers in Russia, but at least it has a chance to influence political discussion among the Russian elites with the right kind of programming. This can have a multiplier effect, as it did for much of the Cold War. During that period of high impact, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty employed top journalists and experts. Eliminating shortwave radio transmissions to Russia was an expected bureaucratic response from the BBG designed to deflect attention from the real problems the agency refuses to deal with. The move attempts to show that the government bureaucracy is engaged in doing something, when in fact it is only reducing its already small audience in Russia with its shortwave decision while doing nothing to reform the agency and achieve real impact. The political timing of this decision couldn't be worse, even assuming that eventual reductions of shortwave radio transmissions to some countries are inevitable. But the BBG bureaucracy is famous for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time or even the right thing but at the wrong time. An anonymous RFE/RL journalist got it right in commenting on RFE/RL's and VOA's race for achieving "'Snappy, eye-catching' nothingness," which seems to be BBG's current strategy. "While Putin continues his inroads into former Soviet gory glory, this is how the American taxpayers' dollar is getting wasted. Incompetence, hubris and sausage measuring contests. What a shame. 'Snappy, eye-catching' nothingness. While you gentlemen argue about 'exemplary analysis' dissecting sausage-wielding in Georgia, Russian tanks are still in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Here's the prequel to the sequel. 'The Pork Awakens.' Preparing to roll into another former Soviet republic maybe, and we all know that Russian tank barrels hardly ever fire sausages, at vegans or meat-eaters alike. But go on, have some mustard. No ketchup, please. Not yet." Disclosure: Ted Lipien is one of the co-founders and supporters of BBG Watch (BBGWatch June 2 via dxld; via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and dxld June 3) (BC-DX 1255, 4 June 2016) * USA Eliminating Radio Liberty SW Russian. Optimistic BBG plans to eliminate RFE/RL Radio Liberty shortwave radio transmissions to Russia, Crimea, other Russian-speaking regions BBG Watch Commentary Russian Service of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) posted an announcement on its website that as of June 26, Radio Liberty Russian programs will no longer be carried through shortwave radio transmissions but will continue on the Internet. The loss of Radio Liberty's Russian shortwave broadcasts will affect radio listeners in Russia as well as Russian speakers outside of the Russian Federation, including Russian occupied Crimea where many residents speak Russian. Officials of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the federal agency in charge of RFE/RL, bet that audiences will use the Internet without fear of being monitored or other forms of interference by the local authorities, such as blocking of websites. In the April 20, 2016 press release, the BBG condemned targeting of independent journalists in Crimea, including RFE/RL contributors. 71.3 % of Russia's population has Internet access, which means that nearly 30 % does not. While no one denies that shortwave radio listenership has been in serious decline in recent years due to the expanding use of digital media, Broadcasting Board of Governors officials seem to be making highly optimistic assumptions about future behavior of Vladimir Putin. Critics also point out that after years of poor management the BBG has now an extremely small audience and impact in Russia, either on radio or the Internet. "This is yet another indication that the agency under the Broadcasting Board of Governors has no significant audience in Russia," a former BBG staffer told BBG Watch. "They are not closing these facilities solely because people have migrated to new media. Regardless of the media/medium, the result is still the same: no significant audience in Russia," BBG and RFE/RL officials often cite misleading statistics, such as the monthly number of site visitors or the number of Facebook "Likes" for a single post, to hide the fact that its overall weekly audience in Russia for all media may be less than one or two percent. Some of the remaining independent Russian media outlets, such as Meduza and Rain TV, have much greater online reach in Russia than RFE/RL or VOA, which seems to suggest that the BBG program content is unappealing or otherwise inadequate. BBG audiences are higher in countries which allow local rebroadcasting of radio and TV programs. The BBG often has to pay local broadcasters for these rebroadcasts because program quality and their audience appeal are poor. Some VOA programs, however, such as the VOA Ukrainian Service and VOA Albanian Service TV news broadcasts, are popular in the target countries. This does not appear to be the case in Russia, which does not mean that high-quality analytical programs with high-quality intellectual content are not urgently needed. There has been a general decline in journalistic standards under the Broadcasting Board of Governors. RFE/RL has not had permanent leadership for over two years. At present, the impact of BBG programs in Russia seems negligible. In a nationally representative survey of Russia, the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found "Russians' attitudes toward the United States and President Barack Obama are extremely unfavorable and have grown sharply more negative in the last couple of years." "Eighty-one percent of Russians have an unfavorable opinion of Obama, and only 2 percent have a favorable view of him," AP reported. BBG's annual budget funded by U.S. taxpayers through congressional appropriations is approximately $777 million (FY 2017 Federal Budget Request). While the shortwave Russian radio announcement was made by RFE/RL, radio transmission services are provided by the Broadcasting Board of Governors through its International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). RFE/RL and BBG have so far posted no announcements in English on their plans to cut shortwave radio broadcasts in Russian to Vladimir Putin's Russia and other Russian speaking regions, including Crimea, which Russia has illegally occupied. Media freedom in the entire region has been in decline in recent years. The latest RFE/RL and BBG press releases are dated May 25, 2016 and deal with RFE/RL journalist Khadijah Ismayilova being released from prison in Azerbaijan. The RFE/RL announcement on the planned elimination of shortwave radio broadcasts was in Russian. It was posted on Radio Liberty's Russian website. In recent years, IBB has been significantly reducing shortwave radio broadcasting by RFE/RL and by other of its U.S. taxpayer-funded media entities, including the Voice of America (VOA). BBG officials point out that in the era of Internet and digital media, shortwave radio listenership has been in steep decline worldwide, including Russia. In 2008, IBB cut VOA Russian shortwave radio and live satellite television transmissions shortly before Russia invaded and occupied parts of Georgia. While RFE/RL websites remain vulnerable to being blocked at any time by the Kremlin, the Russian authorities still allow RFE/RL to operate a large news bureau in Moscow which provides news reports and other programming mostly for Radio Liberty's Russian Service. This may account for the optimism among BBG officials. They apparently assume that President Putin will not dare to interfere with the Internet and try to block RFE/RL websites in Russia. However, Kremlin controlled Russian TV channel NTV produced a propaganda hit piece on Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) which was broadcast on March 25, 2016. NTV report linked legitimate physical security measures at RFE/RL to vague accusations of allegedly hidden activities against Russia in carrying out the U.S. government's agenda. The Russian propaganda TV program also alleged misappropriation of U.S. taxpayers' dollars at the RFE/RL Moscow bureau. RFE/RL strongly denied these charges and in the March 18, 2016 press release condemned pressure tactics against RFE/RL bureau in Moscow. BBG and RFE/RL officials must assume that the Russian authorities will not expand these pressure tactics to include blocking of RFE/RL and VOA websites in Russia. BBG officials claim that the money spent on shortwave can be better used to create new programs and expand digital program delivery options, but critics point out that in recent years millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers' funds have been wasted mostly on the BBG and IBB bureaucracy in Washington, which kept expanding and protected its jobs while cutting radio broadcasts, other programs and programming positions. New CEO John Lansing has been on the job at the Broadcasting Board of Governors since September 2015. He has promised management reforms and expansion of digital media outreach. Critics say that instead of depriving the most vulnerable groups abroad of safe radio program delivery and an inexpensive option of getting uncensored news and commentary through radio, BBG officials should achieve savings and expand digital media by drastically cutting their own bloated and inefficient bureaucracy. The RFE/RL announcement says that 24h/7d RFE/RL radio transmissions in Russian will continue online and can be heard through the RFE/RL website. Radio Liberty's Russian audio can also be heard 24h/7d on two satellites, Hot Bird and AsiaSat, according to the same RFE/RL announcement. So far, the Russian government has not been regularly blocking RFE/RL websites in Russia, but recently Russia's media regulator, Roskomnxdzor, briefly blocked and then unblocked RFE/RL's news website Krym.Realii (Crimea.Realities) in Russia and Moscow-annexed Crimea. Roskomnxdzor's spokesman said that the Russian authorities later unblocked Krym.Realii ("Crimea.Realities") after RFE/RL's Crimean news desk complied with a request by Russia's Prosecutor-General's Office to remove from the site "materials that contain illegal information." RFE/RL's Crimean desk said, however, that it removed no content from the site in response to the May 12 blocking of its website by Russian Internet providers. RFE/RL's Crimean desk chief Volodymyr Prytula said that "we received no demands from Roskomnadzor calling for the removal of any kind of content. So we removed no content." While all shortwave Radio Liberty transmissions in Russian are to end on July 26, according to RFE/RL's announcement, Radio Liberty Russian Service will continue to use 1386 kHz medium wave radio frequency from midnight to 6 AM and from 9 PM to to 10 PM Moscow time. This frequency can only be heard in some parts of European Russia. Radio Liberty (originally named Radio Liberation) began shortwave broadcasting to Russia on March 1, 1953. See RFE/RL announcement (in Russian only) on the planned elimination of Radio Liberty's shortwave radio transmissions in Russian. (BBGWatch June 1 via dxld; posted by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and dxld June 3) WEB RADIO НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ============================= Россия. Москва ---------------------- Радио Культура. WEB : http://www.cultradio.ru/ 91,6 MHz Зона вещания: Москва и Московская область Дата начала вещания: 1 ноября 2004 г. QSL МИР ======== АК = Анатолий Клепов, Москва АТ = Андрей, Томск / "deneb-radio-dx" ВЛ = Василий Лазарев, Самарская область / "deneb-radio-dx" ДК = Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань / "deneb-radio-dx" КА = Константин Асеев, Курск / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" ПИ = Павел Иванов, Белгород / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx" Албания ------------- Получил QSL от немецкой редакции Радио Тирана за приём - 20.05.2016, 19.31-20.00 UTC на частоте 7465 кГц. На карточке четыре мини фотографии с сотрудниками радиостанции. Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: aibro @ albaniaonline.net (ДК) Бразилия -------------- Получил QSL карточку от Radio National da Amazonia заказным письмом за рапорт 5.05.16 / 01.25-02.00 utc / 6180 кГц e-mail: centraldoouvinte@ebc.com.br (ВЛ) Великобритания ------------------------ * Получил e-mail QSL от DigiDx за приём - май / 20.00-20.30 utc / 6070 кгц / e-mail: reports@digidx.uk (ВЛ) * Получил QSL от Radio Northern Ireland. http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/06/radio-northern-ireland.html (ПИ) Вьетнам / Великобритания ---------------------------------------- Получил 2 QSL-карточку от русской редакции "Голос Вьетнама". 15 апрель 2016 / 1900-1958 UTC / 9890 кГц 2 мая 2016 / 1900-1958 UTC / 9890 кГц (АК) * Получил QSL-карточку от "Голоса Вьетнама" за приём на русском языке - 26.04.2016, 19.00-19.28 UTC на частоте 9890 кГц (через передатчик в Великобритании). На карточке - "Мальчишки пасут буйволов". Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: golosvietnama @ mail.ru . (ДК) * Получил QSL-карточку от китайской службы Голоса Вьетнама от 28/04/2016. Тема : парусная лодка на фоне друх мини скал в море, - пока такая в единственном экземпляре у меня. (АТ) Германия ---------------- * Получил e-QSL от Radio Joystick за приём 5.06.16 / / 7330 кГц // 10.00-10.30 utc. трансляция велась с передатчика мощностью 300 кВт---всенаправленная антенна. e-mail:chapri@radiojoystick.de e-mail: radionorthrnireland@oulook.com (ВЛ) * Оперативно подтвердили приём eQSL Radio Joystick - 7330 kHz. http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/06/radio-joystick.html (ПИ) * Германия --------------- Получил электронную QSL от радиостанции Radio Ohne Namen за приём через Channel 292 - 10.06.2016, 19.00 UTC на частоте 6070 кГц. Рапорт отправлял: radio.on @ gmx.de . (ДК) Италия ----------- * Marconi Radio International прислали две eQSL подтвердив приём 18 и 25 мая, частота 7700 кГц (USB). http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/06/marconi-radio-international.html marconiradiointernational@gmail.com (ПИ) * Получил eQSL Marconi Radio International. 18 May 2016 / 20.25-20.27 UTC / 7700 kHz USB (АК) Польша ------------ Получил QSL-карточку русской редакции Польского радио. 04/05/2016 / 09:00-09:59 / 738 kHz Тема : Вид Варшавы. (АК) Россия / Германия --------------------------- Получил 4 QSL-карточки от "Голоса Анд" из Воронежа за приём на русском языке в январе, феврале, апреле и мае 2016 года на частотах 11900 и 13800 кГц. Рапорты отправлял электронной почтой: mks @ intercon.ru . На карточках - пейзажи природы. (ДК) Турция ---------- * Получил QSL-карточку от "Голоса Турции" за приём на русском языке - 05.04.2016, 13.00-13.55 UTC на частоте 11965 кГц. Рапорт отправлял эл.почтой: russian @ trt.net.tr . Также прислали закладку с эмблемой TRT и расписание радиовещания на всех языках. (ДК) * Получил QSL-карточку от русской редакции "Голос Турции". 01.04.2016 / 13.00-13.55 UTC / 11965 kHz / Transmission Site EMR. Тема : Президент Турции с детьми. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/06/blog-post_8.html (АК) * Получил письмо от "Голоса Турции" (qsl - на карточке Эрдоган с детьми - за прием 10.04.2016 1300-1355 11965, частотное расписание передач, закладка для книг) (КА) Филиппины ----------------- Получил письмо от Radio Veritas Asia (qsl - на карточке какой-то парк, люди на лодках - за прием 30.04.2016 1500-1553 (хотя в рапорте прием до 1530) 15620 через Санта Мария ди Галерия, наклейка, брелок, открытка и какие-то печатные материалы о станции в интернете). (КА) Финляндия ----------------- SWR подтвердили субботний приём eQSL. http://ivanovpb.blogspot.ru/2016/06/scandinavian-weekend-radio.html (ПИ) Чехия / Россия ---------------------- * Получил QSL-карточку о русской редакции Radio Prague. 4.5.2016 / 08:30-08:28 UTC / 738 kHz Тема : Church of St.Barbara - Kutna Hora. Посмотреть карточку можно здесь - http://rusdx.blogspot.ru/2016/06/blog-post_6.html Напомню, что станция подтверждает прием и по Интернету. (АК) * Получил QSL-карточку от Радио Прага за приём - 28.04.2016, 02.00-02.29 UTC на частоте 738 кГц (через Всемирную радиосеть). На карточке - "Большая синагога в городе Плзень". Карточка под номером шесть на сайте: http://www.radio.cz/ru/static/qsl/kartoshki-qsl# . Рапорт отправлял электронной почтой: rusky @ radio.cz . (ДК) Российский SWL/DX сайт. QSL альбом. Москва, Россия 12 июнь 2016 ---------------------- Автор сообщения: irbisspb Место приёма: Санкт-Петербург Приёмник: Р-250М2 | Антенна: 10 m LW outdoor Мадагаскар Madagascar World Voice / 9570 кГц / 31.03.2016 00:00 / QSL-карточка / русский / questions@knls.net Автор сообщения: rusborder Место приёма: Саратов Приёмник: SDRplay | Антенна: LW 35 метров США Global Catholic Network (WEWN / EWTN) / 15610 кГц / 23.04.2016 13:01 / QSL-карточка / английский / viewer@ewtn.com, gtapley@ewtn.com Италия Marconi Radio International / 7700 кГц / 02.06.2016 21:25 / e-QSL / marconiradiointernational@gmail.com Бразилия ZYE365 Rádio Nacional da Amazônia / 6180 кГц / 12.05.2016 01:25 / QSL-карточка / португальский / centraldoouvinte@ebc.com.br Россия Адыгейское радио / 6000 кГц / 21.03.2016 18:20 / QSL-карточка, печатные материалы / Буклет с фотографиями Краснодарского КРТПЦ. Сначала отправлял рапорт для ГТРК Адыгея gtrkadygeya@yandex.ru. Ответа не получил. / русский / Krasnodar@rtrn.ru Турция Voice of Turkey / 11965 кГц / 10.04.2016 13:05 / QSL-карточка, расписание, печатные материалы / русский / russian@trt.net.tr Италия IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation) / 6970 кГц / 21.04.2016 18:55 / QSL-карточка / ibc@europe.com Германия The Mighty KBC / 9925 кГц / 05.06.2016 00:00 / e-QSL / английский / themightykbc@gmail.com Нидерланды Mustang Radio / 6267 кГц / 04.06.2016 21:35 / e-QSL / голландский / mustangradio@live.nl Автор сообщения: Gryinya Место приёма: Смолевичи, Беларусь. Приёмник: Бытовой | Антенна: Телескопическая Мадагаскар Madagascar World Voice / 9570 кГц / 30.03.2016 18:00 / QSL-карточка / русский / mwvradio@gmail.com Гуам Adventist World Radio / 9760 кГц / 07.04.2016 20:00 / QSL-карточка, печатные материалы / русский / golosnadezhdi@gmail.com КАЛЕНДАРЬ РАДИОДАТ ===================== [ Дополнения к теме "История радио. Календарь радиодат" http://rusdx.narod.ru/data.htm] * 7 июня 2016 г. исполнилось пять лет с начала вещания Love Radio в Астрахани. Частота вещания - 102,2 МГц, потенциальный охват населения - 669,5 тыс. человек. Региональный партнер Love Radio - ООО "Нижневолжский технокоммерческий центр", директор - Аванесова О.А. (OnAir.ru) * 7 июня, "Такси FM" отмечает 5 лет с начала вещания в Москве. 5 лет под слоганом "Всегда везёт!" радио "Такси FM" движется на одной волне с вашим настроением! 5 лет все хиты нам по пути! (OnAir.ru) СМИ ==== Единственное в России саамское радио может прекратить вещание Кольское саамское интернет-радио - единственное в России радио на саамском языке - может прекратить вещание. На данный редакции не хватает средств, чтобы оплатить услуги хостинга за год. - Радио начало вещание в интернете 22 июля 2012 года. Первые годы были тарифы ниже, и мы могли из своего семейного бюджета оплачивать. Последние два года нам оказывала поддержку наш постоянный спонсор. В этом году мы решили обратиться к общественности всего мира. Сумма мизерная - 6-7 тысяч в год, но даже её собрать оказывается проблемой, - рассказал СеверПост вице-президент международной неправительственной организации "Союз саамов" Андрей Данилов. Он также добавил, что никакой помощи от государства саамское радио не получает. - Например, есть субсидии в Югре. Но в Мурманской области их нет и Фонд не может подавать на гранты общественным объединениям Мурманской области по условиях конкурса, хотя президентские гранты выдаются всем некоммерческим организациям. Почему в Мурманской области игнорируют пример президента РФ и Общественной палаты? - заявил Андрей Данилов. Чтобы спасти радио, саамы организовали сбор средств. Как подчеркнул Андрей Данилов, "если за неделю не будет собрано хоть сколько-то средств, саамское радио в интернете замолчит". С 1990 года передачи на саамском языке выходили на ГТРК Мурман в Ловозере, однако в 2000 году вещание на саамском языке прекратилось. В связи с этим в 2001 году начал реализовываться международный проект по созданию независимой саамской радиостанции. Стартовые затраты по созданию саамского радио на Кольском полуострове были большей частью профинансированы различными общественными, государственными и межгосударственными организациями. Журналисты радиостанции готовили радиопрограммы на северносаамском языке для обмена с коллегами с норвежских, финских и шведских саамских радиостанций. В 2009 году у радиостанции возникли серьёзные проблемы в связи с длительной невыплатой заработной платы сотрудникам и накоплением долгов. В 2012 году радиостанция возобновила работу в интернете. severpost.ru (OnAir.ru) ЮМОР И РАДИО =============== -Профессия и образование? -Радист, первый класс. Радиолюбитель рвёт на себе волосы около рухнувших "квадратов". Проходящая мимо бабка, участливо: - Что сынок, антенна испортилась? - Да не испортилась она! Не испортилась!! Ей капец!!! Почему так мало женщин среди радиолюбителей? Потому что редкая женщина сможет так много слушать и так мало говорить (http://bscc.ucoz.ru/publ/3-1-0-17) 73!